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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An in-depth market analysis of the South Market District: A mixed-use development in the heart of downtown New Orleans, Louisiana

January 2014 (has links)
0 / SPK / specialcollections@tulane.edu

Aria Spånga-Tensta

Lexin, Josephina January 2020 (has links)
"Aria" betyder luft, eller öppen plats, på latin, och syftar till att beskriva den nya atmosfär som ges platsen, i Tensta, genom den nya stadsdelhuset för Spånga-Tensta stadsdelsområde. På platsen idag står ett tre våningar högt parkeringsgarage inramat av betongväggar och -block, vilket skapar ett tomrum, trots att platsen är bekvämt nära flera kommunikationssystem och på så sätt skapar en ideal plats för ett stadsdelshus. Syftet med detta projekt har varit att återöppna platsen och att göra den mer tillgänglig. Byggnaden är indelad i tre delar: en bottenvåning med fyra ingångar från respektive väderstreck, med en foajé och reception, publika mötesrum och öppna kontorsrum, ett kafé och en restaurang, ett tidskriftsbibliotek, och områdets socialkontor. Ovanpå taket till foajén och de öppna mötesrummen finns en anlagd park, med takfönster som blickar ner mot de publika aktiviteterna, som också breddar den centrala gågatan i området, Tenstagången. Den rivna betongen från parkeringsgaraget återanvänds i det nya förslaget, vilket skapar ett mindre behov av nyproducerat material, och ger därför ett mindre koldioxidavtryck. / “Aria” means air, or open space, in Latin, and aims to describe the new ambience given to the space, in Tensta, by the new Spånga-Tensta District Building. On the site today stands a three-story high parking garage framed by large concrete walls and blocks, creating a void, although the site is conveniently close to several communication systems, creating an ideal location for a district building. My aim with this project has been to re-open the space and to make it more accessible. The building is divided into three parts: a ground level segment with four entrances from each respective cardinal direction, with a foyer with a reception desk, public spaces and open offices, a café, and a restaurant, a magazine library, and the districts Social Services Department Building. On the roof of the foyer and the open offices is a landscaped park, with skylights facing the public activities, which also works to broaden the central pedestrian street, Tenstagången. The demolished concrete from the parking garage is reused in the new suggested building, creating a lesser need for newly produced material, and therefor makes a smaller carbon footprint.

Adaption to drought conditions by smallholder livestock farmers : lessons from2014-2016 drought conditions in the Limpopo region

Rakgwale, Thabang Jantjie 12 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English, Afrikaans and Sepedi / The Limpopo Province is a disaster-prone province, with drought being the most common natural disaster. From the year 2012 onwards, the province experienced extremely dry conditions that culminated in a severe drought in 2016. This negatively impacted the livelihoods of smallholder livestock farmers and the welfare of their livestock. The study investigated the coping strategies that were adopted by smallholder livestock farmers during drought conditions and the factors that were associated with animal loss during the drought that affected the region between 2014 and 2016. A randomly selected sample of 281 smallholder livestock farmers aged 18 years and older from the Greater Letaba Local Municipality participated in the study. Structured interviews, aided by questionnaires were used to collect the primary data. Proportions of categorical variables and the mean and standard deviation for continuous variables were computed and presented as tables and figures. A Poisson regression model was fitted to the data to identify factors that were significantly associated with loss of animals during the drought. More than half (55.50%; n=116) of the participants were made aware of the 2014–2016 drought through the agricultural extension officers, followed by 19.14% (n=40) who got to know about it through radio channels. More than half of the participants (58.29%; n=123) were aware of the impending drought. The most common support received from government agencies to help cope with the drought was in the form of animal feed (80%; n=124). Although most of the farmers (73.55%; n=114) benefitted from the support they received, slightly more than half (53.74%; n=151) did not cope well with the drought conditions. While Bellevue (B=-0.199; 95% CI: -0.380 -0.019) was negatively associated with loss of animals, Mokwakwaila (B=0.568; 95% CI: 0.405 0.731) had a strong positive association with loss of animals. Being married (B=-0.060; 95% CI: -0.305 0.183) or divorced (B= -0.035; 95% CI: -0.316 0.246) was negatively associated with loss of animals. Years of experience in farming (B=0.022; 95% CI: 0.010 0.033) and not receiving support during were strongly positively associated with loss of animals (B=0.324; 95% CI: 0.189 0.459). The low number of farmers who were aware of the impending drought and the large number of farmers who did not cope well suggests that many farmers in the area were not prepared for the drought. Groups such as widows, widowers and farmers who have many years of farming experience are high-risk groups and should be targeted for interventions in the event of a drought. More measures are needed to ensure that all agricultural centres are prepared and supported in event of a drought so as to minimise the impact of drought on local communities. / Die provinsie Limpopo is 'n rampgevoelige provinsie, met droogte as die mees algemene natuurramp. Vanaf 2012 het die provinsie uiters droë toestande beleef wat in 2016 op 'n ernstige droogte uitgeloop het. Dit het 'n negatiewe uitwerking gehad op die lewensonderhoud van kleinboere en die welstand van hul vee. Die studie het ondersoek ingestel na die hanteringstrategieë wat deur veeboere in kleinvee tydens droogtetoestande aangeneem is, en die faktore wat verband hou met diereverlies tydens die droogte wat die streek tussen 2014 en 2016 geraak het. 'N Lukraak geselekteerde steekproef van 281 kleinboere van 18 jaar en ouer van die Greater Letaba Local Munisipaliteit het aan die studie deelgeneem. Gestruktureerde onderhoude, gehelp deur vraelyste, is gebruik om die primêre data in te samel. Verhoudings van kategoriese veranderlikes en die gemiddelde en standaardafwyking vir deurlopende veranderlikes is bereken en as tabelle en figure aangebied. 'N Poisson-regressiemodel is op die data toegepas om faktore te identifiseer wat beduidend verband hou met die verlies aan diere tydens die droogte. Meer as die helfte (55,50%; n=116) van die deelnemers is bewus gemaak van die droogte 2014–2016 deur die landbouvoorligtingsbeamptes, gevolg deur 19,14% (n =40) wat dit via radiokanale leer ken het. Meer as die helfte van die deelnemers (58,29%; n=123) was bewus van die dreigende droogte. Die mees algemene steun van regeringsinstansies om die droogte die hoof te bied, was in die vorm van veevoer (80%; n=124). Alhoewel die meerderheid van die boere (73,55%; n=114) voordeel getrek het uit die steun wat hulle gekry het, het die droogtetoestande nie goed hanteer nie (53,74%; n=151). Terwyl Bellevue (B= -0.199; 95% CI -0.380 -0.019) negatief geassosieer is met verlies aan diere, is Mokwakwaila (B= 0,568; 95% CI 0,405 0,731) sterk positief geassosieer met verlies aan diere. Om getroud te wees (B= -0.060; 95% CI -0.305 0.183) of geskei (B= -0.035; 95% CI 0.316 0.246) was negatief geassosieer met verlies aan diere. Jare se ondervinding in die boerdery (B=0,022; 95% CI 0,010 0,033) en om nie ondersteuning gedurende te ontvang nie, was sterk positief geassosieer met die verlies van diere (B=0.324; 95% CI 0.189 0.459). Die lae aantal boere (ongeveer die helfte) wat bewus was van die dreigende droogte, dui daarop dat baie boere in die omgewing nie voorbereid was op die droogte nie. Groepe soos weduwees, wewenaars en boere met baie jare se boerdery-ervaring, is hoërisikogroepe en moet geteiken word vir ingrypings in die geval van 'n droogte. Meer maatreëls is nodig om te verseker dat alle landbousentrums voorberei en ondersteun word in geval van 'n droogte om die impak van droogte op plaaslike gemeenskappe te verminder. / Komelelo ke bothata bjo bogolo kudu go tsa temo/bolemi, segolothata re lebeletse balemirui ba bannyane. Limpopo province e na le kgatelelego ye kgolo kudu ka komelelo gagolo ge re lebeletse tsa bolemi. Nako le nako komelelo e tsea karolo ye kgolo moo e feleletsago e gatelela tsa temo. Tabakgolo ya rena kego lebelela ditsela le mehuta ye e fapanego yeo e shomishitshwego ke balemi go lwantshana le bothata bja komelelo gareng ga ngwaga wa 2014- 2016. Thuto ye e kgobokantshitshwe gotwsa go masepala wa motse selegae wa Greater Letaba Local Municipality, karolo ya Mopani, profenseng ya Leboa mo Afrika Borwa. Tshedimosho ye e hweditshwe ka mokgwa wa poledisano le balemi bao ba fapanego ba go lekana nomoro ya 281 ya balemi go dinaga tsa go fapanafapana. Poledisano ebile ka mokgwa wa peakanyanyo ya dopotsisho. Tshedimosho ye e kopantshitshwe le go hlathollwa ka mokgwa wa go ikgetha wa Strata Version 14. Hlathollo ya go ikgetha e berekishitshwe ka mokgwa wa ditiragalo yoya ka nako le dipalopalo tsa go kopantswa fao tahlegelo e sa tsebjego go ka lekanywa.le bokae la diperesente. Mabakakgolo ao a hlolago tahlegelo ya diruiwa a nyakishitswe ka mokgwa wa Poisson Regression Model. Bogolo bja (64.77%) go bao ba arabilego ebile banna le bogolo bja (74.38%) bja balemi ba be ba tseba ka komelelo ye e batamelago. Go feta halofo (55.50%) ya bao ba arabilegoba tsebishitshwe ka komelelo yeo e batamelang go tswa go bagakolodi, gomme gwa latela thelebisheni (8.13%) le dikuranta (1.44%). Go feta bogolo bja (58.29%) bja bao ba ikarabetsego ba laeditswe gore ba be ba tseba ka komelelo yeo e batamelago ke fao ba bego ba ikemiseditse. Bontshi bja thekgo (80%) yeo balemi ba e hweditsego ebile ka mokgwa wa dijo tsa diphoofolo, gwa latela latela thekgo yeo e filwego ka mokgwa wa meets le dithibela malwetsi go diphoofolo. Bogolo bjago makatsa (73.55%) bo laeditse gore thekgo yeo ba e hweditsego e ba tshwetsi molemo le diphoofolo tsa bona, go feta bonnyane (26.45%) bjoo bo rilego thekgo yeo ba e hweditsegobka nako ya komelelo ga se ya ba tshwela mohola goba gaya ba hola ka selo. Go ba modudi wa Bellevue (B= -0.199; 95% CI: -0.380 -0.019, p= 0.031) le Mokwakwaila (B=0.568; 95% CI: 0.405 0.731, p= 0.0001) ebile nthla ye bohlokwa go tahlegelo ya dirui. Go oketsa seo, go nyadiwa (B=0.942; 95% CI: 0.737 1.201), go hladiwa (B= 0.966 (95% CI: 0.729 1.279), le palo ya mengwaga ya botsebingo tsa temo (B=1.022; 95% CI: 1.010 1.034, p= 0.0001), le ge eba molemi ga se a hwetse thusho ka nako ya komelelo (B=0.324; 95% CI: 0.189 0.459, p= 0.0001) ebile dinhla tsa bohlokwa go tahlegelo ya dirui ka nako ya komelelo. Palo ya fase ba balemi bao ba bego bas a tsebe ka komelelo yeo e bego e batamela, e kgathile tema ye kgolo mo tabeng ya go paledisha balemi go ipeakanyela kgahlanong le komelelo yeo e bego e batamela. Ka fao seo se ba amile gampe. Mo nakong ye e tlang, matsapa a mantsi a swanetswi go tseiwa go kgonthishisha gore tsa temo ka moka di itokishetsa ka go lekana. Mmusho o swanetse go beeletsa kudu go lefapha la bagakolodi ka go oketsa palo ya mafapha a bagakolodi. / Agriculture and Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Agriculture)

Tourism education policy applications in the Zululand District, KwaZulu-Natal

Nkumane, Bekelwangubani Maggie January 2008 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Arts in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master's degree in Recreation and Tourism in the Department of Recreation and Tourism at the University of Zululand, 2008. / The study on Tourism Education Policy Applications in the Zululand District, KwaZulu-Natal was conducted against the background that, in spite of the fact that, although South Africa in general, and Zululand District in particular, is blessed with both natural and cultural attractions which enhance the tourism opportunities that can help to improve the economy, but the greatest deficiency in the tourism industry of South Africa is the absence of adequate tourism education and training. The lack of tourism education and training has been seen to result in a dearth of professional knowledge and skills in tourism, which are necessary for the development of the tourism industry. The study therefore, had specific objectives, which are the following: (a) To reveal how tourism as a field of study is perceived and understood by respondents within the study area. (b) To establish the extent to which respondents in the Zululand District are aware of tourism education. (c) To investigate what tourism education policies are in place for stakeholders in the study area. (d) To determine the types of tourism education and training programmes which are available for stakeholders in the Zululand District. (e) To find out whether existing tourism education policies are implemented in a satisfactory manner in local schools in the study area. (f) To assess whether the local community participates in tourism education in the study area. A number of hypotheses directly related to the objectives of the study were postulated. The hypotheses were duly considered in an attempt to uncover the underlying causes of the identified discrepancies in the study area. The testing of the hypotheses was done through the analysis and interpretation of the data collected from the population sectors that are directly or indirectly affected in the study area. The findings from analysis and interpretation showed that there is a lack of participation by the local community in tourism in general and in tourism education in particular. This is because the respondents lack knowledge and information about tourism education. It was indicated that there are no educational tourism activities or projects that are conducted to encourage them to participate. Lack of participation limits meaningful involvement and participation in tourism. If the community is not fully involved in tourism because of an inadequate tourism education they miss the various job opportunities that are offered by this industry. The findings also revealed that the tourism educators do not implement the tourism education policy in a satisfactory manner in schools. The reason is that most of them lack the qualifications that are required to teach this learning area successfully. They lack the expert knowledge and experience needed to develop learners. Recommendations put forward aim to promote adequate tourism education in the study area.

Assessment of teacher’s skills at inclusive schools in uMhlathuze District.

Langa, Doris Nkosingiphile January 2014 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Arts in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Masters of Education in the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Needs Education at the University of Zululand, 2014 / The main aim of the present study was to investigate whether or not teachers possess the skills which are needed to deal with learners in inclusive classrooms. The study also aimed to evaluate data regarding teachers’ qualification, inservice training programmes as well as their experience in the inclusive schools. The objectives of the study were: • To investigate whether or not teachers had the necessary skills to assist learners with special needs in education. • To find out if there were any teacher in-service training programmes on inclusive education. • To determine whether or not there was a relationship between teachers’ skills for handling children in inclusive classroom and the following teachers’ characteristics: - Gender - Qualification and - Experience One hundred and seven (107) questionnaires were completed by teachers in special schools and full service schools in KZN. To collect data a questionnaire which consisted of closed-ended questions was administered to teachers. A ChiSquare one-sample tests and K-independent samples as well as computer statistical programme called Statistical Packages of Social Science was used to analyze data. vii The findings of the study indicated that teachers had basic knowledge of how to handle learners with different learning needs and they felt comfortable with the skills they possessed. With regard to the availability of in-service training programmes, the results revealed that teachers benefit a lot from both Psychological Guidance and Special Education Services (PGSES) and Outcomes Based Education (OBE) workshops provided by the Department of Education. The findings also suggested that there was a relationship between teachers’ skills for handling learners with special needs in education and their qualifications, gender and experience.

Perceptions of learners and education officials on the provisioning of career education in schools in the King Cetshwayo District in Kwazulu-Natal

Mnguni, Bonginkosi Maniko, Hlongwane, M.M. January 2019 (has links)
A dissertation submitted in the fulfilment of the requirements for the Master’s Degree in the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education, Faculty of Education at the University Of Zululand, 2019. / Career education is a statutory practice in South African public schools through the subject Life Orientation. Literature reveals that not much attention is given to the provisioning of career education in schools. Therefore, this study aimed at determining the perceptions of education officials, school principals, LO educators and learners on the provisioning of career education in schools. The sample comprised 2 education officials, 4 school principals, 4 LO educators and 200 grade 12 learners. The main objective of the study was to determine if education officials, school principals, LO educators and learners thought that career education in schools met the career development needs of learners. A convergent parallel mixed methods research design was used, in which one-on-one interviews and the questionnaire were used to collect qualitative and quantitative data respectively. A qualitative thematic content analysis was used to analyse qualitative data, whilst for quantitative data, an excel spreadsheet was used to capture and analyse data. The findings revealed that the main career education provisioning strategy included a five-pronged career development support programme funded through the HIV and AIDS conditional grant and delivery in the classroom as part of the subject Life Orientation (LO). Education officials and school principals perceived career education in schools as meeting the career development needs of learners. Learners as well, perceived career education in schools as meeting their career development needs. LO educators thought that career education did not meet the career development needs of learners. Some of the gaps and challenges identified by participants were lack of educators dedicated solely for career guidance, lack of a national career guidance structure and policy, lack of a career counselling service, lack of appreciation of the role of the school in career decision-making. Parental and community influence, and the elusive role of LO and its educators in career education delivery in schools. The study recommends the making of Career Guidance a stand-alone offering in schools by, among other things, appointing Career Development Educators.

An evaluation of social grants in schools in Kwadukuza District of Kwazulu -Natal

Shabalala, Sthembile Princess January 2015 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Arts in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Education in the Department of Foundations of Education at the University of Zululand, South Africa, 2015 / The study set out to investigate the importance of co-operation in an evaluation of grants handling in schools. The following objectives were formulated: (a) To evaluate effectiveness of the current systems in handling grants in schools in Ilembe district, Lower Tugela circuit in uMhlali and kwaDukuza ward in KZN. (b) To propose effective strategies to improve partnership between Department of Social Development and Department of Basic Education in handling social grants in schools. In order to investigate the aims of the study of evaluation of handling grants, questionnaires were distributed to educators, social workers and parents. The instrument was administered to a sample of 90 respondents consisting of educators, social workers and parents in Groutville area, KwaDukuza ,in KwaZulu Natal. Data was analyzed and interpreted. The study came to the following conclusions: 1. The majority of educators feel that school grants handling is ineffective as learners on grants are not attending school satisfactorily 2. The study also concluded that caregivers are only interested in social grants and not in assisting learners with their school work. 3. The majority of learners on grants do not perform well in schoolwork because of conflict between the relatives, caregivers and learners, and as a consequence, their performances and progress in their schoolwork are affected. 4. Most parents that are caregivers lack support and assistance from the Department of Social Development with regard to the challenges that they face owing to lost or misplaced documents. 5. The study indicates that there are households that are unattended and where orphans suffer because it is not clear who is responsible for them. 6. The study also concludes that schools do not clearly provide support with regard to the learners and caregivers as far as grants are concerned. vi 7. Social development officials do not visit schools as required; they collect information about the learners by means of forms submitted by parents. 8. Learners who are mothers that are still attending school are left behind with schoolwork as they have to collect their grant payments during school time. 9. There is a need for improvement in the present handling mechanisms or systems of grants at schools. 10. It is necessary to develop close teamwork in handling these grants for the benefit of the learners 11. The current ways of handling grants in schools are not effective and efficient. 12. The Department of Home Affairs needs to work closely with Department of Social Development to find ways to improve accessibility to birth certificates in order to reduce delays in processing new registrations and renewal of grants.. Finally the study concluded that the service delivery rendered by the Department of Social Development in handling school grants needs improvement.

The Impact of Oil Shale Development on the Uintah School District

Alozie, Dominica Onyesonam 01 May 1976 (has links)
The aim of this study is to estimate the future school enrollment in the Uintah School District that results from oil shale development . Future need for classrooms and teachers is also projected, and costs to the school district for providing this need are estimated. Yearly revenue from the oil shale plant and from new residential buildings due to the pl ant is also estimated. The annual costs and revenues are compared and it is observed that the costs exceed the revenue· during the first five years . The deficit can be reduced, however , if stagger sessions are used to provide needed classrooms and teachers . Also , temporary rather than permanent structures could go a long way towards reducing the cost to the school district. It is observed that a premature withdrawal of the oil shale company from the county would produce insolvency for the school district . The financial ability of the district in terms of assessed valuation is very closely related to the success of the shale industry . The time needed for industry maturity and eventual withdrawal is a very crucial factor in determining the needed finances of the school district. Caution must be exercised before any "big" capital expense is undertaken. Stagger sessions in combination with temporary structures may be the most prudent and economical way to provide the needed facilities . Stagger sessions eliminate capital expense, and the temporary structures could be sold or turned to other uses when not needed for classroom use. If stagger sessions are used, there may be no financial adjustments required of the school district in the event of industry withdrawal. This study should help education planners in the district involved to plan and execute a prudent school program despite the pressures from fast population increases . It should also help the planners to look ahead in securing funds to run the district. Armed with such statistics as are found in this study , the school district , the state government, and the oil shale companies could hopefully work out a method of filling in the gap during the revenue-short period until the industry fully matures .

Assessment of consistency between self reported health status and performance based health status (functionality) as measures of health status of adults in the Kassena-Nankana District, Ghana at the beginning of 21st century

Lele, Pallavi Sachin 17 September 2009 (has links)
M.Sc.(Med.), Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, 2009 / Introduction: Despite the steady growth of the elderly population in developing countries, this group, remains neglected in health related policies in developing countries, largely due to lack of empirical data on the health problems of elderly. There is need for research and development of convenient and cost effective ways of generating information on the health status of the elderly. Self reports of health are becoming common in health surveys of elderly throughout the world. Despite the considerable use of self reports in developed countries, in developing countries such research is only beginning. Therefore there is need for systematic documentation of factors affecting self reported health status in developing country settings for effective usage of self reports in surveys. Material and methods: The Adult Health and Aging Survey undertaken by Navrongo Health Research Centre, Ghana, as part of WHO SAGE (Study on Global Aging) aimed at generating longitudinal data on health and wellbeing of the elderly in Kassena-Nankana district of Ghana. This survey provides an opportunity to assess consistency between various dimensions of self reported health by comparing measures in an effort to establish the validity of information obtained by self reports. Analysis: Statistical analysis of self reported overall health (SRH), experiences of difficulty encountered in work and day to day activities (Overall Difficulty) and component experiences of health over various domains was carried out using ordered logistic regression and kappa analysis in order to understand what type of relationship exists between different types of measures of health. Overall self reported status of health (SRH) was the main outcome variable and three sets of variables were used as explanatory variables. The first set of variables captured functionality, the second captured psychosocial aspects of health, while the third involved demographic characteristics as possible confounders. Results: An analysis involving 4483 elderly individuals showed that functionality was associated with overall self reported health status in both summary and component forms. Addition of psychosocial domains to the model improved the model when summary functionality was used. However, addition of possible confounders did not improve the model. Conclusion and recommendations: The findings indicate that sex, marital status and ethnic background are important factors to be taken into account while interpreting the responses of self reported health in the Kassena-Nankana district of Ghana. For the current analysis both outcome and explanatory variables were self reported. The findings of the study would get validated with further research into associations between self reported measures and performance based measures and qualitative inquiries on meanings of overall and component health experiences in the same population.

The geology and origin of the New Insco copper deposit, Noranda District, Quebec /

Meyers, Richard Everett. January 1979 (has links)
No description available.

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