Spelling suggestions: "subject:"periopaper"" "subject:"3dreshaper""
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Valuation of retention/formation relationships using a laboratory piot-paper machineSvedberg, Anna January 2007 (has links)
The interdependency between filler retention and paper formation is well-known, where a high retention is accompanied by impaired formation. A challenge for today’s papermakers is to increase the competitiveness for uncoated and coated fine paper, by improving the formation at the same level of retention. Over the years, the use and the demands of retention aids have increased as a consequence of a higher system closure, increased machine speeds and increased filler content. The knowledge of whether some retention aid systems are more or less detrimental to paper formation than other systems, is very limited. The insuffiency of knowledge is, however, also true for other chemical, mechanical and interacting factors, which influence the retention/formation relationship in a complex manner. In order to investigate the retention/formation relationship (features, retention aids, dosage points, etc.), a pilot-scale fourdrinier former (R/F-machine) has been developed. The R/F-machine provides a short circulation of the white water and controlled experimental conditions and is appropriate for cost-effective investigations. Moreover, the R/F-machine has been designed to have a short residence time to chemical equilibrium and the machine has also shown high reproducibility in the results. This licentiate thesis presents the R/F-machine and examines, during constant experimental conditions, the retention/formation relationships for some different retention aid systems. Three single-component cationic polyacrylamides with varying molecular weights and two polyacrylamide-based microparticulate systems with varying microparticles were examined. The retention aid systems were investigated on the R/F-machine, for a fine paper stock (90 % bleached hardwood and 10 % bleached softwood) with addition of 25 % filler (based on total solids content). The results showed that the retention/formation relationship was not dependent on the retention aid system used. All systems showed the same relationship between retention and formation. On the other hand, the various retention aid systems provided different effects considering their retention performance. / QC 20101118
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Influence of adsorbed polyelectrolytes and adsorption conditions on creep properties of paper sheets made from unbleached kraft pulpGimåker, Magnus January 2007 (has links)
Papper uppvisar betydande tidsberoende mekaniska egenskaper som krypning och spänningsrelaxation. Det är känt att krypningen hos pappret påverkar till exempel en wellpapplådas förmåga att bära last under lång tid. En möjlighet att tillverka papper som kryper långsammare är därför önskvärd. Polyelektrolyter används ofta för att öka styrkan hos papper, och skulle kanske också kunna användas till att minska papprets krypning. Inverkan av polymera additiv på pappers krypegenskaper är emellertid knapphändigt beskrivet i litteraturen. Existerande studier har visat att polymera additiv inte påverkar krypningen hos starka papper och att fiberväggarna och fiber/fiber fogarna har fundamentalt olika betydelse för krypegenskaperna. Avsikten med denna avhandling var att undersöka hur adsorberade polyelektrolyter påverkar krypegenskaperna hos pappret. Ett av huvudsyftena var att studera om adsorptionen av en katjonisk polyelektrolyt – polyallylamin – endast till fiberytan eller tvärs hela fiberväggen ger olika effekt på krypningen hos papper tillverkade av dessa fibrer. En ny teknik där polyelektrolyten märks med en fluorescerande markör gör det möjligt att visualisera var i fibern de adsorberade molekylerna befinner sig. Resultaten visar att adsorption vid låg jonstyrka under kort tid bara ger adsorption till de yttre delarna av fiberväggen. Hög jonstyrka och lång adsorptions tid resulterar å andra sidan i adsorption tvärs hela fiberväggen. Med hjälp av denna teknik blev det också möjligt att klarlägga vilken inverkan polyelektrolytens läge i fiberväggen har på de slutgiltiga arkens mekaniska egenskaper. Krypprovning av de tillverkade arken visade tydligt att polyallylamin som endast adsorberat till fibrernas yttre delar minskade krypningen vid både 50 % och 90 % relativ luftfuktighet. Den uppnådda effekten visade sig dock bero på vilken typ av fibrer arken tillverkades av. Adsorption av katjoniserad stärkelse till fibrernas yta gav ingen nämnvärd effekt på arkens krypegenskaper, detta trots att stärkelse gav lika hög arkstyrka som polyallylamin. När polyallylamin adsorberades tvärs igenom fibrerväggen ökade krypningen vid 90 % relativ luftfuktighet väsentligt. Detta föreslås bero på att den adsorberade polyelektrolyten avsväller fibrerna vilket ger färre fiber/fiber kontakter och därmed en sämre fördelning av mekanisk last i arken. Det var emellertid inte möjligt att dra några definitiva slutsatser angående mekanismerna bakom de observerade skillnaderna i krypegenskaper. / Paper materials exhibit a significant time-dependent mechanical behaviour, such as creep and stress-relaxation. It is known that the creep of the paper affects the performance of corrugated boxes. The production of a paper having a lower creep rate is therefore desirable. Polyelectrolytes commonly used to increase the strength of paper could be an alternative for improving the creep properties. The influence of polymeric additives on the creep properties of paper is, however, poorly described in the literature. Published studies have shown that polymeric additives do not affect the creep behaviour of fully efficiently loaded paper sheets and that the fibre cell walls and the fibre/fibre joints have fundamentally different effects on the creep behaviour. The aim of the present thesis was to examine the influence of adsorbed polyelectrolytes on the creep behaviour of paper sheets made from the modified fibres. One of the main objectives was to establish whether there is a difference in effect on creep properties between adsorbing a cationic polyelectrolyte – polyallylamine – to the fibre surfaces or throughout the fibre cell walls. A technique which includes the labelling of polyelectrolytes with a fluorescent dye and microscopy of single fibres provided a visual record of the localisation of the adsorbed polyelectrolyte. This method showed that a low ionic strength and a short adsorption time resulted in adsorption of the polyelectrolyte only to the external parts of the fibres. A high ionic strength and a long adsorption time on the other hand, resulted in adsorption throughout the fibre walls. This made it possible to study the relationship between the mechanical properties of the sheets and the localisation of the adsorbed polyelectrolyte. Creep testing of the sheets showed that the adsorption of polyallylamine to the exterior parts of fibres decreased the creep at both 50% and 90% RH. The effect depended, however, on the type of fibre used. Adsorption of cationic starch to the fibres gave no significant reduction in creep rate, despite the fact that starch and polyallylamine had similar effect on the paper strength. When polyallylamine was adsorbed into the fibre cell walls, the creep at 90% RH increased. It is suggested that this was due to a deswelling of the fibres by the adsorbed polyelectrolyte, which resulted in fewer fibre/fibre contact points and hence a less efficient distribution of stresses in the sheet. It was not, however, possible to draw any definitive conclusions about the mechanisms behind the observed differences in creep behaviour. / QC 20101105
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Dimensional Stability of Paper : Influence of Fibre-Fibre Joints and Fibre Wall OxidationLarsson, Per A. January 2008 (has links)
Papper är ett mycket mångsidigt material. Trots detta finns det ett flertal egenskaper som begränsar papperets användbarhet. Ett av de större problemen med cellulosa- och lignocellulosafibrer är att de sänker sin fria energi genom att sorbera vatten, och denna sorption förändrar papperets dimensioner. Detta fenomen kallas vanligtvis för bristfällig dimensionsstabilitet och uppträder i form av registerfel vid flerfärgstryck eller som krullning, buckling och vågiga papperskanter vid utskrift, kopiering och lagring, eller med en vidare definition som förkortad livslängd hos lådor på grund av mekanosorptivt kryp. Avsikten med denna avhandling har varit att studera och kvantifiera vilka egenskaper som styr, och hur de påverkar, den vatteninducerade dimensionsförändringen som sker hos ett fibernätverk, samt hur dess dimensionsstabilitet kan förbättras. Detta har studerats både genom att ändra fiberns fuktsorptionsegenskaper och genom att förändra adhesionen och kontaktgraden mellan fibrerna i fiber-fiberfogarna. Fogegenskaperna har också varierats genom att tillverka laboratorieark torkade under inspänning samt ark torkade fritt för att minimera mängden inbyggda spänningar i arket. Blekt kraftmassa har behandlats med polyelektrolytmultilager (PEM) för att förbättra adhesionen mellan fibrerna och för att öka kontaktgraden mellan fibrerna i fogen. Kontaktgraden har även minskats genom förhorning av fibrerna före arkformning. För de ark som fick torka fritt gav PEM-behandlingen en ökad hygroexpansionskoefficient, det vill säga dimensionsförändringen normaliserad mot förändringen i fuktinnehåll, vid samma förändring i relativ luftfuktighet medan förhorningen minskade hygroexpansionskoefficienten något. Om arken emellertid torkades under inspänning observerades ingen skillnad i hygroexpansionskoefficient mellan de olika fibermodifieringarna. Detta tolkades som ett resultat av en ökad kontaktzon och en större utbredning ut ur fogens plan, när arken torkades utan inspänning. En utbredning som medför att en större del av fiberns transversella expansion överförs som expansion i pappersplanet. Fibrernas fuktsorptionsegenskaper förändrades genom natriumperjodatoxidering av 1,4-glukanernas C2-C3-bindning. Detta skapade sannolikt tvärbindningar i fiberväggen som förbättrade fiberväggens tålighet både genom att låsa fibrillerna närmare varandra och genom att ta bort potentiella adsorptionssäten som annars är tillgängliga för vattenadsorption. Perjodatoxidationen minskar också fibrernas kristallinitet och således frigjorde oxidationen hydroxylgrupper där vattenmolekyler kan adsorbera. Detta innebar att oxidationen både minskade och ökade interaktionen mellan vatten och fibervägg, men dock på olika strukturell nivå. Tvärbindningarna visade sig också märkbart reducera sorptionshastigheten när arken utsattes för en förändrad luftfuktighet så länge de inte tidigare utsatts för relativa luftfuktigheter nära mättnad. Som ett resultat av den lägre förändringen i fuktinnehåll vid en förändring i luftfuktighet från 20 till 85 % RF minskade dimensionsförändringens amplitud för de tvärbundna arken upp till 30 %. Emellertid uppvisade de tvärbundna arken en högre hygroexpansionskoefficeint, vilket innebär att de blev mer känsliga för absoluta förändringar i fuktinnehåll. / Paper is a very versatile material. Nevertheless, there are several factors limiting its usefulness, and one of the major issues is that cellulosic and ligno-cellulosic fibres lower their free energy by sorbing water and this water changes the dimensions of the paper. This phenomenon is usually referred to as a lack of dimensional stability and is often evident as misregister during multicolour printing or curl, cockle and wavy edges during printing, copying and storage or, with a wider definition, also as a shortened life-time of boxes during storage due to mechano-sorptive creep. The work described in this thesis aims to study and quantify the importance of the different mechanisms causing water-induced dimensional changes in a fibre network and to investigate how to improve the dimensional stability of ligno-cellulosic materials. This has been done both by altering the fiber properties such as the moisture sorptivity and by changing the adhesion and degree of contact within the fibre-fibre joints. The properties of the fibre-fibre joints have been varied by drying laboratory sheets both under restraint and freely to minimise the generation of built-in stresses. Bleached kraft fibres were treated using the polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) technique to improve the adhesion between the fibres and to increase the molecular contact within the joints. In contrast, the degree of contact was impaired by hornifying the fibres before sheet preparation. For sheets allowed to dry freely, the PEM-treatment increased the hygroexpansion coefficient, i.e. the dimensional movement normalised with respect to the change in moisture content, when subjected to changes in relative humidity whereas the hornification process resulted in a slightly lowered hygroexpansion coefficient. However, when the sheets were dried under restraint, the different joint and fibre modifications led to no difference in hygroexpansion coefficient. This was interpreted as being a result of an increase in the total contact zone between the fibres when the sheets were dried under restraint, with a greater extension in the outof- plain direction of the joint resulting in a transfer of a larger part of the transverse swelling to the in-plane expansion. The sorptivity of the fibres was changed by oxidising the C2-C3 bond of the 1,4- glucans with periodate. This most likely created covalent cross-links in the fibre wall both improved the integrity of the fibre wall by locking adjacent fibril lamellae to each other and also removed possible sites for water sorption onto the cellulose surfaces. Periodate oxidation also led to a decrease in the crystallinity of the cellulose within the fibres, making more cellulose hydroxyl groups available for the adsorption of water molecules. This means that the oxidation both decreased and increased the interaction between the fibre wall and moisture but, on two different structural levels. The crosslinks significantly reduced the sorption rate when the papers was subjected to changes in relative humidity, as long as the fibres were not subjected to humidities close to saturation. The smaller change in moisture content when the relative humidity was changed between 20 and 85 % RH meant that the dimensional stability of the crosslinked sheets was increased. On the other hand, the hygroexpansion coefficient was increased in the case of papers made from fibres with the highest degree of oxidation, i.e. the sheets became more sensitive to absolute changes in moisture content. / QC 20101117
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Utilization potential for pulp and paper of southern pine harvested from beetle infested forestsFerguson, Paul Charles 21 July 2010 (has links)
From the results of this study, the following conclusions may be drawn: (1) Pulp yield is not affected significantly by allowing the dead trees to remain on the stump for extended periods of time (three years). (2) Canadian Standard Freeness increases significantly at high beating times as wood deteriorates (up to 24 months) until a large amount of fines exist in the pulp because of the refining of extremely decayed fibers (after 24 months). These fines effectively reduce the freeness of the pulp by clogging the apparatus screen. (3) Tensile strength of paper is reduced significantly (after an initial increase) as the wood deteriorates on the stump beyond 24 months. (4) Tear strength of paper is reduced significantly after the initial attack of wood destroying fungi which follows closely the death and drying out of the tree. (5) A thorough summary relating the gross external characteristics of southern pines infested by bark beetles to various periods of time since death would be a valuable supplement to this investigation for the practicing forester. (6) Whenever the tear resistance of paper made from the kraft process is a critical determinate for the utility of that paper, the usefulness of deteriorated southern pine should be carefully evaluated by the pulpmill operator. / Master of Science
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A method for developing production standards for a fourdrinier paper machine producing specialty paper gradesBolling, Winston Blaker January 1968 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore a method for developing production standards for a low-production fourdrinier paper machine producing a wide range of specialty paper types. The approach was based primarily on noted historical deviations of actual production from production indicated from the use of formulas or nomographs describing the theoretical production possible. Using FORTRAN IV on an IBM 360, a program capable of accepting and analyzing historical data in order to develop production standards was developed. The program is also capable of comparing production runs on a particular day with the historical standards. A similar approach could be applied in both specialty mills and in high-production mills using the fourdrinier paper machine. The production standards developed from such a method would provide a basis for standard cost accounting by product and by production run, would permit evaluation of changes in the machine, and would provide a means to evaluate machine and crew performances. Quality control chart methods incorporated in the computer program would also aid in pointing out production runs with extreme deviations from the historical standards of production in order that checks could be made for assignable causes. / M.S.
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A photomultiplier tube ink thickness monitorBruce, John Goodall January 1953 (has links)
Master of Science
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A multiplier phototube thickness indicatorBrazill, Edward Joseph January 1951 (has links)
The multiplier phototube thickness indicator developed in this research detects the varying thickness of the carbon ink coating on a moving web of paper. The absolute effect of the density variations of any of the particular types of tissue tested on those measurements has not been fully determined as yet, but it is believed that if a given type of tissue is used the density of variations of the paper can be neglected or compensated for. Changing the type of tissue when coating would necessitate recalibration of the multiplier phototube thickness indicator every time a different type of tissue was used.
The multiplier phototube detects changes in density in a moving web of paper. This property can be useful in monitoring the thickness of tissue paper as it is being manufactured and in monitoring and compensating for changes to the density of different types of tissue fed into the ink coating machine. / Master of Science
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Recommender Systems for the Conference Paper Assignment ProblemConry, Donald C. 29 June 2009 (has links)
Conference paper assignment---the task of assigning paper submissions to reviewers---is a key step in the management and smooth functioning of conferences. We study this problem as an application of recommender systems research. Besides the traditional goal of predicting `who likes what?', a conference management system must take into account reviewer capacity constraints, adequate numbers of reviews for papers, expertise modeling, conflicts of interest, and an overall distribution of assignments that balances reviewer preferences with conference objectives. Issues of modeling preferences and tastes in reviewing have traditionally been studied separately from the optimization of assignments. In this thesis, we present an integrated study of both aspects. First, due to the sparsity of data (relative to other recommender systems applications), we integrate multiple sources of information to learn reviewer/paper preference models, using methods commonly associated with merging content-based and collaborative filtering in the study of large recommender systems. Second, our models are evaluated not just in terms of prediction accuracy, but also in terms of end-assignment quality, and considering multiple evaluation criteria. Using a linear programming-based assignment optimization formulation, we show how our approach better explores the space of potential assignments to maximize the overall affinities of papers assigned to reviewers. Finally, we demonstrate encouraging results on real reviewer preference data gathered during the IEEE ICDM 2007 conference, a premier international data mining conference. Our research demonstrates that there are significant advantages to applying recommender system concepts to the conference paper assignment problem. / Master of Science
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A study of factors affecting queen survival, nest initiation, and nest development in the baldfaced hornet Dolichovespula maculata (L.) (Hymenoptera:Vespidae)Stein, Kenneth John 13 October 2005 (has links)
Mating success and nutrient reserve effects on queen survival and nest initiation were examined with respect to the reproductive fitness of queens of the baldfaced hornet, Dolichovespula maculata. The sperm content of the Spermatheca was examined in queens of this hornet species and in queens of 10 other yellowjacket species collected in spring and summer of 1987, 1988 and 1989. Queens of the baldfaced hornet, D. maculata, were also analyzed for sperm content prior to nest initiation and during colony development. A regression model was employed to determine sperm utilization. Based on total cell counts and adult census, the sperm use efficiency of this species changed from approximately 90-100 sperm released per egg in the initial stages of colony development, to 2-3 sperm released per egg after 1000 eggs had been laid. Near the end of the season the predicted number of sperm released per egg was 0-1. The number of sperm in D. maculata males ranged from 2-2.5 million; a value considerably greater than the mean sperm number (20,223; ±4,669) found in mated spring queens (n=15). Nineteen (18.4%) of 103 yellowjacket queens analyzed in the spring seasons of 1987 and 1988 were uninseminated. The effects of mating success and sperm utilization on colony development are discussed. A significant regression of sperm content on colony size was also found for 8 species of yellowjacket.
Queens of D. maculata were collected for studies of nutrient reserves before hibernation in the fall, during nest initiation, and after colonies had produced more than 2 worker broods. Fresh and dry weights were determined for all queens and a seasonal comparison of the energy reserves of lipids, sugar, and glycogen was performed on the thoracic and abdominal tagmata. Total nitrogen was also quantified to estimate protein changes by season. The results show that lipids accounted for 35% of the weight lost during hibernation, sugars 12%, and glycogen 6%. Total thoracic nitrogen remained constant throughout the year, whereas abdominal nitrogen was the same in the fall and spring queens but increased in the summer queens. The results from this study suggest that most queens which survive the winter and successfully initiate nests have similar energy reserve quantities. The implications of these findings to solitary foraging behavior are discussed.
The eggs of D. maculata were examined in the spring and summer to quantify the energetic contributions provided by the queen. Mean egg weight was highest in the spring and decreased with progressive nest development. Both egg weight and energy reserves were variable among and within nests. The nutrient reserves for eggs in embryo nests, in order of importance, were lipid (22%), glucose (9.5%), and glycogen (5%). A 10-day egg incubation experiment demonstrated a mean loss of 83 ug dry weight; lipids could not completely account for the weight loss, either quantitatively or qualitatively. A study on egg developmental time failed to provide sufficient data; all eggs eventually died although embryonic larval movement was detected in 2 eggs after 16 days. The energetic contributions which a queen provides to the eggs are discussed with respect to foraging behavior and environmental influences. / Ph. D.
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Alzheimer Europe's position on involving people with dementia in research through PPI (patient and public involvement)Gove, Dianne M., Diaz-Ponce, A., Georges, J., Moniz-Cook, E., Mountain, Gail, Chattat, R., Øksnebjerg, L., The European Working Group of People with Dementia 17 May 2017 (has links)
Yes / This paper reflects Alzheimer Europe’s position on PPI (patient and public involvement) in the context of dementia research and highlights some of the challenges and potential risks and benefits associated with such meaningful involvement. The paper was drafted by Alzheimer Europe in collaboration with members of INTERDEM and the European Working Group of People with Dementia. It has been formally adopted by the Board of Alzheimer Europe and endorsed by the Board of INTERDEM and by the JPND working group ‘Dementia Outcome Measures - Charting New Territory’. Alzheimer Europe is keen to promote the involvement of people with dementia in research, not only as participants but also in the context of PPI, by generating ideas for research, advising researchers, being involved in consultations and being directly involved in research activities. This position paper is in keeping with this objective. Topics covered include, amongst others, planning involvement, establishing roles and responsibilities, training and support, managing information and input from PPI, recognising the contribution of people with dementia involved in research in this way, promoting and protecting the rights and well-being of people with dementia, training and support, and promoting an inclusive approach and the necessary infrastructure for PPI in dementia research. / European Union's Health Programme (2014–2020), grant number 707934. / European Union's Health Programme (2014-2020), grant number 707934. This work received funding under an operating grant from the European Union's Health Programme (2014-2020), grant number 707934.
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