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The Feasibility of Pulp and Paper Production in UtahMeyer, Thomas 01 May 1968 (has links)
The objectives of this study are:
l. To determine the adequacy of markets for paper products.
2. To identify and quantify the costs of the factors affecting pulp and paper production.
The available information indicates that adequate markets exist for paper produced in Utah.
Chemicals, water, labor, and power are available at costs low enough not to prohibit pulp and paper production. An adequate, low priced supply of wood could be purchased from the United States Forest Service. Intermountain and national paper markets would enable a paper producer in Utah to take advantage of lower comparative transportation costs.
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Utilization potential for pulp and paper of southern pine harvested from beetle infested forestsFerguson, Paul Charles 21 July 2010 (has links)
From the results of this study, the following conclusions may be drawn: (1) Pulp yield is not affected significantly by allowing the dead trees to remain on the stump for extended periods of time (three years). (2) Canadian Standard Freeness increases significantly at high beating times as wood deteriorates (up to 24 months) until a large amount of fines exist in the pulp because of the refining of extremely decayed fibers (after 24 months). These fines effectively reduce the freeness of the pulp by clogging the apparatus screen. (3) Tensile strength of paper is reduced significantly (after an initial increase) as the wood deteriorates on the stump beyond 24 months. (4) Tear strength of paper is reduced significantly after the initial attack of wood destroying fungi which follows closely the death and drying out of the tree. (5) A thorough summary relating the gross external characteristics of southern pines infested by bark beetles to various periods of time since death would be a valuable supplement to this investigation for the practicing forester. (6) Whenever the tear resistance of paper made from the kraft process is a critical determinate for the utility of that paper, the usefulness of deteriorated southern pine should be carefully evaluated by the pulpmill operator. / Master of Science
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A Multivariate Process Analysis on a Paper Production ProcessLöfroth, Jaime, Wiklund, Samuel January 2018 (has links)
A big challenge in managing large scale industry processes, like the ones in the paper and pulp industry, is to reduce the amount of downtime and reduce sources of product quality variability to a minimum, while staying cost effective. To accomplish this the key is to understand the complex nature of the processes variables, and to quantify the causal relationships between them and the product quality together with the amount of output. Paper and pulp industry processes consist mainly of chemical processes and the relatively low cost of sensors today enables collection of huge amounts of data, both variables and observations on frequent time intervals. These masses of data usually come with the intrinsic problem of multicollinearity which requires efficient multivari- ate statistical tools for the extraction of useful insights among the noise. One goal in this multivariate situation is to breakthrough the noise and find a relatively small subset of variables that are important, that is, variable selection. The purpose with this master thesis is to help SCA Obbola, a large paper manu- facturer that have had a variable production output, to come up with conclusions that can help them ensure a long term high production quantity and quality. We apply different variable selection approaches that have proven successful in the literature. The results that we get are of mixed success, but we manage to find both variables that SCA Obbola knows affect specific response variables, but also variables that they find interesting for further investigation. / En stor utmaning när det gäller att hantera storskaliga industriprocesser, som i pappers- och massaindustrin, är att minska tiden för driftstopp och reducera källor till varia- tioner i produktkvalitén till ett minimum, och samtidigt vara kostnadseffektiv. För att uppnå detta är det viktigt att förstå processvariablernas komplexa natur och att kvantifiera orsakssambanden mellan dem och produktkvaliteten tillsammans med pro- duktionsmängden. Pappers- och massasindustrin består huvudsakligen av kemiska pro- cesser och den relativt låga kostnaden för sensorer idag möjliggör insamling av stora mängder data, både variabler och observationer inom frekventa tidsintervall. Med des- sa datamängder får man ofta problem med multikollinearitet, vilket kräver effektiva multivariata statistiska verktyg för att extrahera användbara insikter bland bruset. Ett mål i denna multivariata situation är att bryta igenom bruset och hitta en relativt liten delmängd variabler som är viktiga, det vill säga variabel selektion. Syftet med denna masteruppsats är att hjälpa SCA Obbola, en stor pappersprodu- cent som har haft ett varierat produktionsutfall, att komma fram till slutsatser som kan hjälpa dem att säkerställa en långsiktig hög produktionskvantitet och kvalitet. Vi tillämpar olika metoder för variabel selektion, som har visat sig framgångsrika i lit- teraturen. Resultaten av arbetet är av blandad framgång, men vi lyckas hitta både variabler som SCA Obbola vet påverkar specifika responser, men även variabler som de tycker är intressanta för vidare utredning.
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Chemical modification of polysaccharides with hydrophilic polymers for CaCO3 crystal growth modification and filler retention, for paper applicationsMatahwa, Howard 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Polysaccharides were modified with selected polymers via the grafting technique. Both
anionic and cationic polysaccharides were prepared. Random and crosslinked graft
copolymers were also prepared. The percentage grafting was determined by gravimetric
analysis and results were confirmed by cross-polarization magic angle spinning carbon-13
nuclear magnetic resonance microscopy (CP/MAS 13C NMR). These modified biodegradable
polymers were then used to flocculate precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC). The effects of
pH, percentage grafting, crosslinker concentration and polysaccharide concentration on PCC
flocculation were evaluated. Furthermore, the effects of anionic and cationic starch, either
added to PCC sequentially or simultaneously, on PCC flocculation were also investigated.
Generally, anionically modified starch showed excellent flocculation properties, which are
desirable for the end application of PCC retention.
The effect of polyacrylic acid (PAA) and polyacrylamide (PAM) modified cellulose fibers on
calcium carbonate crystal nucleation and growth modification was investigated. When the
heterogeneous crystallization of CaCO3 was carried out in the presence of modified cellulose
fibers the CaCO3 crystals were found to be residing on the surface of the fibers. The
morphologies of the crystallized CaCO3, polymorph and fiber surface coverage were different
for cellulose materials grafted with polymers of different functionalities, meaning that there is
interaction between the crystal growth modifier and the growing nuclei.
The effect of the modified starch on the crystallization of calcium carbonate gave useful
insight into designing CaCO3 filler morphologies. It was found that the filler size,
morphology and surface properties of fillers can be tailor-made by choosing suitable CaCO3
crystallization conditions as well as a suitable crystal growth modifier. The crystallized
CaCO3 had a negatively charged surface. Results of fluorescence studies showed that the
PAA modified starch (polymeric additive used) resided on the surface of the crystals. Thus
the presence of the polysaccharide on the surface of a filler could be advantageous for
strengthening fiber–filler bonding in paper applications.
Anionic starch materials were also used to prepare anionic-starch-coated starch particles. Both
the anionic starch and anionic-starch-coated starch particles were evaluated for PCC retention
and other properties of hand sheets. When anionic-starch-coated starch particles were used
there was generally an improvement in the PCC retention, while the other paper properties
remained desirable. The success achieved with the use of anionic-starch-coated starch
particles now opens the way for the further preparation and testing of various modified starch
particles, for optimization of filler retention.
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Le papier en Syrie ottomane à partir du fonds des archives de Damas : une étude historique, analyse, restauration et conservation / The paper in Ottoman Syria from Damascus funds archives : a historical study, analysis, restoration and conservationAl Zoabi, Mouhammad Kheir 10 January 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une étude historique : l’apparition du papier au Moyen Orient. L’identification des centres de fabrication papetières de cette région, les différentes méthodologies constatées, puisées dans des sources arabes anciennes. Une étude analytique : analyses des sujets présents dans les firmans d’Alep qui contiennent plusieurs sujets traitant de la vie politique, économique, religieuse, militaire et sociale de cette ville. Ces sujets nous donnent une idée plus claire et réelle de ce qui s’est passé dans cette région et d’une manière plus large dans l’empire ottoman. Une étude technique des papiers filigranés des collections ottomanes conservées au centre des archives de Damas : de manière à peu près constante, les papetiers d’Occident se sont appliqués à signer leur production en utilisant une marque inscrite en filigrane dans la feuille à sa fabrication. Cette marque qui s’exprime par le dessin d’une figure ou des lettres, constitue en quelque sorte l’enseigne du papetier. Des solutions de conservation préventive par la surveillance climatique et la sensibilisation des différents acteurs : chercheurs, responsables et lecteurs sur les bonnes pratiques de consultation. Des solutions de conservation curatives sont proposées par l’utilisation de méthodes de restaurations reconnues au niveau international et par la création d’un type de reliure de conservation économiquement et techniquement transposable en Syrie pays où cet artisanat est absent. / This thesis presents a historical study: the appearance of the paper in the Middle East. Identification of paper mills manufacturing centers of this region, the different methodologies identified, drawn from ancient Arabic sources. An analytical study: analysis of subjects in the firmans Aleppo containing several topics dealing with political, economic, religious, military and social life of the city. These subjects give us a clearer and real idea of what happened in this region and more broadly in the Ottoman Empire. A technical study paper watermarks Ottoman collections housed at the center of Damascus archives: in order almost constant, papermakers west have applied to sign their production using a registered trademark implicit in the sheet manufacture. This brand is expressed through drawing of a figure or letters, is something of the sign in the paper. Preventive conservation solutions for climate monitoring and awareness of various stakeholders: researchers, managers and players on good consultation practices. Curative conservation solutions are offered by the use of methods restorations internationally recognized and the creation of a type of conservation economically and technically binding transposable Syria country where the craft is away.
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Supporting machine operators in paper production using machine learning based state estimation and user assistance systemSchroth, Moritz, Hake, Felix, Becher, Alexander, Oehm, Lukas, Burggräf, Peter 04 November 2024 (has links)
The paper production industry has witnessed significant advancements in automation, yet human expertise remains crucial for process control due to its complexity. This study proposes a knowledge and data-based assistance system to support machine operators in optimizing the production process. The system employs state/situation recognition through data analysis, utilizing machine learning algorithms and Nelson rules on sensor data to estimate or to detect the process state. By integrating error numbers from process control systems, the system generates suggestions for potential solutions. Remarkably, over 50 % of the cases reveal that the top-ranked suggestion proves to be the correct solution. Additionally, the proposed system facilitates the detection of long-term tendencies that often go unnoticed, enhancing the operator's ability to identify and address such trends. This research contributes to the ongoing efforts in automating paper production while leveraging the expertise of human operators in ensuring efficient and error-free processes.
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Optimization of Paper Production at Ahlstrom-Munksjo : Analysis based on energy audit / Optimering av pappersproduktionen hos Ahlstrom-Munkj : En analys med energikartlaggning som grundSahlén, Wilhelm January 2019 (has links)
Ahlstrom-Munksjo is a global company within the paper industry. Their mill in Billingsfors was in need of an energy audit, localizing energy ows within the mill. An energy audit is a good tool for any company to get a good overview picture of their energy usage of the examined system, it is also seen as the rst stage for an energy-saving strategy. On the Billingsfors mill, the energy audit is included in the continuous work of increasing their energy eciency in order to keep up with the new regulations and advancements in this industry sector. The energy audit was done on the whole mill with focus on the paper production and the district heating system. More detailed information about the paper production, a comparative study of two paper machines, PM2 and PM6, is also presented. The reason for the comparative study on PM2 and PM6 was due to an unexpectedly high recorded gas consumption from PM2. The two paper machines were believed to be similar enough to compare them without any deeper knowledge of the machines. They were also compared to a reference machine, representing an average machine with similar setup. The comparisons showed that PM2 does in fact have a higher gas consumption than PM6. To identify the reason for the higher consumption the dry solid contents of PM2 needs to be examined. The two machines do not have the exact same process when producing paper and a more detailed comparative study should be done for a better understanding of the high gas consumption. However, the two machines have a lower gas consumption than the reference machine, this meaning they both have a relatively low gas consumption.
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Úprava bělící technologie při výrobě buničiny z jednoletých rostlin / Modification of bleaching technology in production of annual plants pulpKouřil, Čeněk January 2021 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá bělícím procesem při výrobě papíru. Hlavním cílem práce je zhodnotit současný stav bělící technologie ve firmě OP Papírna, s.r.o. a navrhnout úpravu, která povede k větší efektivitě této technologie. K vyřešení zadání byla provedena rešerše technologických principů bělení a dále provedeny laboratorní experimenty s cílem najít vhodné řešení. Přínos experimentů byl podpořen technologickými výpočty. Výsledky experimentů ukázaly, že současný stav bělící technologie lze několika způsoby zefektivnit. Bylo ukázáno, že podané návrhy mají potenciál velkých ekonomických i chemických úspor. Čtenáři práce se dostane základního přehledu technologie výroby buničiny a papíru se zaměřením na bělící proces a získá znalost jeho bilančních výpočtů.
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Rekonstrukce nosné ocelové konstrukce dvoupodlažního objektu / The Reconstruction of a Stell Structure two-storey Building.Rapant, Jaromír January 2013 (has links)
his thesis deals with exploration of paper mill building, structural load, and assessment of current load bearing structure and proposing reconstruction. Bearing structure is entirely made out of steel and it’s done as XYZ frame. The building is located in Olsany u Sumperka, this defines the climate. The paper mill is of a platform of 54,0 x 48,25 m. It’s a two floor building with average height of 13,22m. Thesis contains foto documentation of the building and tests of strength of the steel in the bearing structure. Small statistical calculation was done, of all current elements of the steel structure. And necessary reconstruction was based on these calculations.
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Integration of Production Scheduling and Energy Management : Software DevelopmentAit-Ali, Abderrahman January 2015 (has links)
Demand-Side Management concepts have the potential to positively impact the financial as well as the environmental aspects of energy-intensive industries. More specifically, they allow reducing the energy cost for the industrial plants by dealing with energy-availability fluctuations. In this context, efficient frameworks for scheduling with energy awareness have been studied and showed potential to reduce the overall energy bill for energy-intensive industries, for instance stainless steel and paper plants. Those frameworks usually combine scheduling and energy optimization into one monolithic system. This work investigates the possibility of integrating the two systems by specific exchange of signals, while keeping the scheduling model separated from the energy-cost optimization model. Such integration means that the pre-existent schedulers and energy optimizers could be easily modified and reused without re-implementing the whole new system. Two industrial problems with different scheduling approaches are studied. The first problem is about pulp and paper production which uses the Resource Task Network (RTN) scheduling approach. The second one is about stainless steel production which is based on a bi-level heuristic implementation of an improved energy-aware scheduler. This work presents the decomposition methods that are available in literature and their application to the two industrial problems. Besides an improvement in the RTN approach for handling storages, this thesis describes a prototype implementation of the energy-aware RTN scheduler for paper and pulp production. Furthermore, this work investigates the performance of the application of different decomposition methods on different problem instances. The numerical case studies show that even though the decomposition decreases the solution quality compared to the monolithic system, it still gives good solutions within an acceptable duration with the advantage of having two separate pre-existent systems which are simply exchanging signals.
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