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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Education et santé au lycée : quelle contribution à la prévention du tabagisme pour les professionnels ?

Pizon, Frank 08 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
L'Ecole est identifiée comme un milieu pertinent de prévention. De nombreuses prescriptions lui sont adressées actuellement en matière de santé, alors même que la mobilisation de ses professionnels semble relative dans ce domaine. La place de la prévention dans leur activité nécessite donc d'être mieux identifiée, afin de comprendre comment elle peut effectivement venir prendre place dans une perspective de réussite scolaire des élèves, en réponse aux missions éducatives de l'Ecole. L'objet de cette recherche est de caractériser la contribution de personnels de lycées français à la prévention du tabagisme. Cette étude a veillé à accorder à ces professionnels une position centrale, en articulant une démarche qualitative par entretiens et quantitative par questionnaires. A partir d'un modèle d'analyse de l'activité, nous avons mis en évidence une structuration des déterminants d'implication selon les axes institutionnel, personnel et lié au public élève. Nous montrons qu'il ne s'agit pas d'implanter de " bonnes pratiques " en prévention. Une appropriation des liens unissant éducation et santé est nécessaire. En effet, la prévention trouve difficilement un ancrage dans l'activité de ces professionnels de l'Ecole. Les personnels de lycée ne parviennent à articuler leurs missions éducatives et les axes possibles de leur intervention en prévention qu'au travers de pratiques sporadiques. Leur implication relève davantage d'un engagement personnel. Nous proposons un certain nombre de pistes en formation permettant d'aller vers une professionnalisation de la prévention. Ainsi, la prise en compte de la complexité de l'objet prévention devient un passage obligé, de même que celle de l'identité professionnelle des différents acteurs. La place de la prévention dans l'activité appelle un processus d'accompagnement spécifique, tout en veillant à prendre en compte les dimensions institutionnelles, personnelles et liées au public élève.

A tailored skills training programme for professionals in primary health care to increase prescriptions of physical activity on prescription, FaR

Månsson, Ann January 2011 (has links)
ABSTRACT Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate and study the effects of a tailored behavioural skills intervention on the amount of FaR® prescribed, and to describe self-efficacy over time for prescribing FaR® in participants from primary health care units. Method: A quasi-experimental single-case design with multiple–baseline across time and settings was used. Each baseline had an ABC design, baseline (A), intervention (B) and post-intervention (C). The intervention was introduced across two different PHCUs at different times. It was seven participants included. Primary outcome measurements were repeatedly collected for participants in settings. The method was based on behavioural medicine principles. Key concepts from SCT theory was used in the intervention. Result: The result seemed to demonstrate an effect on the prescribing behaviour in terms of a slightly increased amount of prescribed FaR® during the intervention phase, even though not for all participants. It was no or short latency for the changed behaviour during intervention. Adopted behaviour was not maintained in the post-intervention phase. Self-efficacy for prescribing FaR® varied. The variation of overall self-efficacy between baseline and post-intervention was from -10% to 81%. Conclusion: This study indicated that a tailored skills training programme might have the potential to change the prescribing behaviour among professionals in primary health care. An intervention lasting for eleven weeks seemed not enough to maintain the achieved performance. No conclusion could be done on self-efficacy. Keywords: Quasi-experimental single-case design, physical activity on prescription FaR®, behavioural medicine, implementation, primary care.

Patienters upplevelse av att få Fysisk aktivitet på recept samt följsamheten till FaR : En intervjustudie

Rubin Bauer, Renée January 2011 (has links)
Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelse av att få Fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) samt följsamheten till FaR. Studien hade en deskriptiv design med kvalitativ ansats. Urvalet bestod av tio patienter från en vårdcentral i Mellansverige. Datainsamlingen gjordes med semistrukturerade intervjuer och data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet presenteras utifrån två frågeområden; patienters upplevelse av att få FaR och patienters följsamhet till FaR. Fyra kategorier framkom inom respektive område. I det första området framkom kategorierna; ”motivationshöjande samtal”, ”delaktighet- patientcentrerad vård”,” egen insikt relaterad till livsstilsförändring” samt ”brist på delaktighet och samspel”. I det andra området framkom kategorierna ”att vara i förberedelsestadiet”, ”att uppleva inre och yttre drivkraft”, ”att uppleva olika slags hinder” samt ”effekt av FaR”. Deltagarna beskrev betydelsen av att få uppmuntran och stöd från distriktssköterskan. Upplevelse av tvång och att inte vara motiverad till livsstilsförändring var något som deltagarna uttryckte. Resultatet visade att några deltagare startade direkt med någon aktivitet efter FaR, målmedvetenhet och noggrann planering framkom. Några planerade sin aktivitet och andra upplevde hinder att starta med FaR. Upplevelse av stöd och uppmuntran var av betydelse för följsamheten till FaR. Studiens slutsats är att stöd, uppmuntran och att möta patienten i förändringsprocessen har betydelse vid en livsstilsförändring. / The aim was to describe patients` experiences of getting Physical activity on Prescription (PaP) and adherence to the PaP. The study had a descriptive design with qualitative approach. The sample consisted of ten patients from a primary care centre in central Sweden. The data were collected with semi-structured interviews and data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results are presented from two question areas, patients` experiences of getting PaP and patients` adherence to the PaP. Four categories emerged in each area. In the first area the categories were, "motivational talks," "participatory patient-centered care," "self-awareness related to lifestyle change" and "lack of participation and interaction." In the second area the categories were "being in the preparatory stage," "to experience internal and external driving force," "to experience different kinds of obstacles" and "effect of PaP". Participants described the importance of getting encouragement and support from the district nurse. Experience of coercion and not being motivated to change lifestyle was something that the participants expressed. The results showed that some participants started immediately with an activity after receiving PaP, purposefulness and careful planning was found. Some planned their activity and others perceived barriers to start with the PaP. Experience of support and encouragement were of importance to adherence to the PaP. The study's conclusion is that support, encouragement, and to meet the patient in the process of change is important for a lifestyle change.

Physical activity gives health benefits, but is this new to the Vietnamese? : An analysis of articles from Vietnamese newspapers

Jansson, Matilda January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study was to analyse how physical activity in the prevention and treatment of diseases, is portrayed in Vietnamese media. This is interesting because the traditional Vietnamese health culture differs a lot from the Western one. The topic is also of immediate importance in Vietnam, because of the increasing numbers of diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, even called non-communicable diseases. This is connected to the decreasing physical activity and increasing obesity in the country. A Swedish-Vietnamese project in Vietnam is going on since two years, with the aim of disseminating Swedish experiences on the topic to the health care staff and the general public. Thirty-one articles have been analysed with regard to cultural references and persuasion means. The methods include rhetorical analysis, quantitative content analysis and semiotics. The theoretical framework constitutes of previous research on characteristics of Vietnamese/Asian journalism in general, and Vietnamese preventive health education in particular. To get a better understanding of the results, various theories such as post-colonialism and cultural hegemony have been used. The findings indicate that the articles portray the health-benefits of physical activity as something new to the Vietnamese people. It was not possible to find any point of similarity to the traditional forms of Vietnamese preventive health propaganda in the articles. The different references in the articles where mostly made to Western sources. The pictures in the articles signal both threat/fear and hope and they portray both people with East Asian-and Western appearance.

Primärvårdssjuksköterskors upplevda möjligheter att förskrivafysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR)

Andersson, Matilda, Ekenberg, Fredrika January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Att utreda om primärvårdssjuksköterskor i Uppsala län upplevde att det fanns faktorer sompåverkade deras möjligheter att skriva ut fysisk aktivitet på recept. Metod: Deskriptiv kvalitativ intervjustudie. Sju primärvårdssjuksköterskor inom Uppsala län harintervjuats med semistrukturerad metod. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Granheim ochLundman (2003) utfördes på manifest nivå. Resultat: Primärvårdssjuksköterskor i Uppsala län upplevde att det fanns faktorer som påverkadederas möjligheter att förskriva FaR. Det uppgavs nödvändigt att ha kunskap om hur man arbetarmed förskrivning av FaR och att uppleva sig kunna motivera patienter som har mindre mottaglighetför FaR. Att ha tillräckligt med tid avsatt upplevdes som en förutsättning för förskrivningen. Arbetetmed FaR ansågs underlättas om det fanns tillgång till direktiv som implementerade FaRförskrivning vid patientkontakt. Samarbetet med andra yrkesgrupper nämndes underlättaförskrivningen av FaR. Slutsats: Primärvårdssjuksköterskors förskrivning av FaR i Uppsala län skulle kunna underlättasav:  Ytterligare information om metoden, där underlaget FYSS introduceras, men ocksåutbildning i motiverande samtalsteknik.  Att det finns utrymme för primärvårdssjuksköterskan att avsätta nödvändig tid.  Att möjligheter till ett tvärprofessionellt samarbete upprätthålls.  Att i det fortsatta arbetet med metoden i Uppsala läns primärvård utforma gemensammadirektiv som implementerar FaR vid patientkontakt. / Aim: To investigate whether nurses in the primary health care within the county of Uppsalaexperiences that there are elements which influences their possibilities to prescribe FaR, a methodfor prescribing physical activity in a recipe. Method: Descriptive qualitative interview study. Seven nurses in the primary health care within thecounty of Uppsala have been interviewed with a semi structured approach. A qualitative contentanalysis according to Granheim and Lundman (2003) where conducted on a manifest level. Result: There were factors which was experienced to have an impact on the prescription of FaRmade by the nurses of the primary health care in Uppsala county. It was seen necessary to have theknowledge about how to work with the prescription of FaR. It was also necessary to experience anability to motivate patients with low susceptibility to FaR. Enough time given was said to bee arequirement to prescribe FaR. Directives, which was implementing FaR, made it easier to prescribe.The collaboration with other occupational groups was experienced to benefit the prescription ofFaR. Conclusion: The prescription of FaR, made by nurses within the primary health care in Uppsalacounty, would benefit from:  Further information about FaR, where FYSS (a script containing facts about FaR) isincluded in the education as well as a motivational conversation technique.  Making sure that the nurses of the primary health care has the ability to make enough timeto prescribe a recipe.  Seeing to the possibilities of the different occupational groups collaborating.  Continuously developing common directives that implements FaR in primary health care.

Adolescents´attitudes towards physical activity on prescription for prevention and treatment for cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. : Is there a relationship between a teen´s attitude and physical activity level?

Sjögren, Moa January 2012 (has links)
No description available.


Lin, Hsu-Hui 21 July 2010 (has links)
According to the change of Taiwan economic structure, Taiwan is gradually moving into an aging society and more and more population in Taiwan will suffer from chronic disease in the near future. Hypertension is not only the first cause of death among the top ten COD in Taiwan, but is also the major source of other four types of disease in the top ten COD list. Market size for hypertension treatment has enormous potential thus all multi-national pharmaceutical companies seize for opportunities in it. Hypertension treatment research and development are always a priority for pharmaceutical companies and medical research centers, however, new compound takes a long time to develop and patent protection period is getting shorter, therefore, how to increase physician acceptance of a new compound becomes the critical success factor of the new launch product for pharmaceutical companies. This research is an attempt to study the relationship between ¡§Current Prescription¡¨, ¡§New Drug Usage¡¨ and ¡§Environmental Factors-Medical Provider¡¨ and ultimately to find the vital factors which would influence the ¡§Willingness¡¨ of the physicians to prescribe product X. One aim of this research is also to understand the potential factors which would affect the physician acceptance of a new mechanism drug. Based on the Multiple Regression Analysis, Analysis of Variance and Factor Analysis, the research results are as follows: 1. The effect of ¡§Current Prescription¡¨ on ¡§Willingness to Prescribe New Product X¡¨ is limited, and factors such as ¡§Satisfaction on Current Prescription¡¨ and ¡§Current Prescription¡¨ do not influence the ¡§Willingness to Prescribe New Product X¡¨. Only the satisfaction of BLOPRESS and PLENDIL and current prescription percentage on ADALOT OROS and CO-DIOVAN show a significant affect. So the research hypothesis H-1 and H1-3 are partially supported. AS far as ¡§Level of Fame¡¨ of the product shows a significant influence on the ¡§Willingness to Prescribe New Product X¡¨, so the research hypothesis H1-2 is fully supported. 2. Relationship between ¡§New Drug Usage¡¨ and ¡§Willingness to Prescribe New Product X¡¨ is not all significant. ¡§External Information¡¨, ¡§Physician Specialty¡¨ and factors a physician will consider when prescribing did not have a large impact on whether the physician will prescribe the new drug or not. Only the familiarity on ¡§Renin system is an import treatment indicator on blood pressure control and organ protection¡¨, ¡§External Information Orientated¡¨, and ¡§Market Follower¡¨ type of physicians and ¡§Will still use broadly to treat, even despite the high cost of new drugs¡¨ and ¡§New product X will always be part of the prescription in combination therapy¡¨ show significant impact. Thus hypothesis H2-1, H2-3 & H2-4 are partial supported. ¡¨Type of Patient¡¨ shows no difference in effect physician¡¦s willingness to prescribe new product X, so the hypothesis H2-2 are not supported. 3. ¡§Level of Fame¡¨ just has partial significance effect to physician¡¦s ¡§Current Prescription¡¨. ¡§Level of fame¡¨ for CCB, ARB and ACEI have significant effect to the physician¡¦s ¡§Current Prescription¡¨, but other drugs like ALPHA BLOCKER, BETA BLOCKER & OTHERS have no effect to the physician¡¦s ¡§Current Prescription¡¨, so the research hypothesis is partially supported. 4. ¡§Environment Factors¡ÐMedical Provider¡¨ has limited effect to physician¡¦s ¡§Current Prescription¡¨. Among all the physician specialties, only Cardiovascular, Nephrology and Meta/Endo physicians show a difference in ¡§Current Prescription¡¨ among all specialties. ¡§Type of Hospital¡¨ shows no effect on ¡§Current Prescription¡¨, thus the research hypothesis is not supported. According to the findings above, pharmaceutical companies should increase call frequency from sales representatives to the physicians; increased call frequency will effectively increase the brand awareness of the new launch products and also to increase the new product prescription rate. Improvement of Sales Training and after sales service can also be a key area for improved for the pharmaceutical companies to improve the effectiveness and efficiency for product promotion. In addition, product efficacy and treatment differentiation messages should also be customized for physicians in different specialties and in different types of hospitals; increased frequency and customized messages will ensure the success of the new product launch.

A Study on Active Status about community pharmacist after the Separation of Prescribing and Dispensing

Chan, Li-Chen 30 July 2002 (has links)
Abstract This research aims to study the current situation of the community pharmacists¡¦ services, such as the collaboration mode with hospitals and medical institutes corresponding to the ¡§Separation of Prescribing and Dispensing¡¨ (Separation of P&D) in Taiwan and prescription dispensing policies, the service orientation, and the operation results in Kaohsiung City, where the Separation of P&D was implemented as early as March 1997. Furthermore, this research also aims to understand the cognition of the community pharmacists upon Pharmaceutical Services and their service orientation. It was discovered from 67 effective samples that the amount of prescriptions dispensed to those registered National Health Insurance (NHI) pharmacies were still few, hence the current situation of Separation of P&D is not that satisfying. In addition, the amount of prescriptions dispensed to community pharmacies joining the NHI were significantly more than those who did not join. Moreover, as far as for those registered NHI pharmacies collaborating with hospitals and medical institutes are concerned, the opportunity for them to receive prescriptions is far from those registered NHI pharmacies that did not collaborate with hospitals and medical institutes. The amount of prescriptions dispensed has a significant and positive correlation to the increasing of pharmacy business. In light of this, it can be said that the collaboration mode between registered NHI pharmacies and hospitals and medical institutes helps with the implementation of the Separation of P&D. The cognition of pharmacist¡¦s practicing can be divided into five categories according to factor analysis, and they are; ¡§Health Maintaining¡¨, ¡§Health Enhancing¡¨, ¡§Pharmaceutical Professional Service¡¨, ¡§Pharmaceuticals Management ¡¨, and ¡§Specialists Consultation¡¨. This research discovered that when the practicing credential is a pharmacist instead of pharmaceutical student, the service cognition on health maintaining, health enhancing, pharmaceutical professional service, and specialist¡¦s consultation were significantly different. The cognition of a pharmacist upon health enhancing and pharmaceuticals control showed significant and positive correlation to his/her business volume. Although the Separation of P&D has been implemented for over six years, and most of the regions in this country have conformed to the P&D separation regulations and the business has been carried out, the outcomes have not met the expectation, and the medicine circle alone cannot solve such problem. It needs a comprehensive consideration and review to effectively implement the existing policies.

Less is more? Loudness aspects of prescriptive methods for nonlinear hearing aids

Smeds, Karolina January 2004 (has links)
<p>In Sweden, about 10% of the adult population experienceshearing problems that cause them difficulties in everydaycommunication, and approximately 60 000 people are providedwith hearing aids each year. Despite the fact that modernhearing aids can facilitate speech communication in a widerange of listening environments, many hearing-aid users aredissatisfied with their hearing aids. It is likely that theclinical methods used for individual fitting of the hearingaids are not optimal.</p><p>The current study investigates prescriptive methods fornonlinear, wide dynamic range compression (WDRC) hearinginstruments. The goal is to draw general conclusions about thepreferences of hearing aid users. Therefore, the prescriptionsare evaluated using well-established models of loudness andspeech intelligibility.</p><p>Current methods differed considerably in prescribed gain.Evaluations in a laboratory test, with 20 hearing-impairedlisteners, showed that these differences led to largedifferences in perceived and calculated loudness, but only tominor differences in measured and predicted speech recognitionscores. The difference in loudness was explored in a studywhere 21 first-time hearing-aid users compared twoprescriptions. One method led to normal and the other toless-than-normal overall calculated loudness (according to theloudness model of Moore and Glasberg (1997)). The prescriptionthat led to less-than-normal overall loudness was clearlypreferred in field and in laboratory tests.</p><p>Preferred overall loudness was then quantified.Hearing-impaired participants with mild to moderate hearingloss preferred considerably less-than-normal overall calculatedloudness in both eld and laboratory tests. There were nosignificant differences between inexperienced and experiencedhearing aid users. Normal-hearing participants, on the otherhand, preferred close-to-normal overall calculated loudness. Inaddition, a potential problem with the loudness model wasencountered: despite the fact that the hearing-impairedlisteners were provided with less than normal overallcalculated loudness, they rated loudness higher than thenormal-hearing listeners.</p><p>The results refute the most commonly adopted rationale forprescriptive methods for WDRC hearing aids - that overallloudness should be restored to normal. Hearing-impairedlisteners with mild to moderate hearing loss preferredconsiderably less than normal overall loudness. This should betaken into account when deriving new prescriptive methods, andwhen providing clients with hearing aids.</p><p><b>Key words:</b>hearing impairment, hearing aid, nonlinear,WDRC, hearing aid experience, prescription, loudness, loudnessmodel, speech intelligibility, preference.</p>

Because we have the power to choose a critical analysis of the rhetorical strategies used in Merck's Gardasil campaign /

Buttweiler, Brittney Lee. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Montana, 2009. / Contents viewed on November 24, 2009. "Major Subject: Communication Studies" Title from author supplied metadata. Includes bibliographical references.

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