Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ecologistics"" "subject:"keylogistics""
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Governance for sustainable development of major European transport corridors : The Scandinavian-Mediterranean TEN-T core network corridorMaria, Öberg January 2017 (has links)
Intermodal road, rail, air and sea transport networks across the European Union (EU) calledTrans-European Networks for Transport (TEN-T) are currently being implemented. Keyelements, which should be implemented by 2030, are the most strategic TEN-T Core networkcorridors. These nine corridors are expected to enhance smoothness and sustainability oftransport across the EU, thereby enhancing cohesion between EU nations, and relate to non-EU nations. In the EU Regulation 1315/2013 a governance framework for implementation ofthe Core network corridors is outlined, which mainly involves appointment of a Europeancoordinator for each corridor, establishment of Corridor forums for consultations, andformulation of work plans and follow-up measures.This framework is now being implemented in practice. A recognised challenge in the processis engaging the numerous, diverse stakeholders. A possible solution is to introduceappropriate elements of complementary governance. Thus, in this doctoral research, suitablecomplementary governance to support the sustainable development of a Core networkcorridor was investigated. Complementary governance, a concept that was developed andrefined during the project, refers here to additional governance in relation to the governanceframework described for the EU Core network corridors in the EU Regulation 1315/2013.To address an identified gap in knowledge on the nature and utility of complementarygovernance a series of studies was carried out. The studies included a study of relevantacademic literature, studies of EU transport policy and implementation documents regardinggovernance and sustainability, a survey of views of Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridorforum participants, and interviews with stakeholders in the Baltic Sea region. These studiescollectively constitute a case study, focusing on the Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corenetwork corridor, of the need for, and if a need is present the optimal design of,complementary governance in the process of sustainable development of a Core networkcorridor.The main findings of the studies are that the implementation process of the Core networkcorridors could benefit from complementary governance measures, mainly to increaseinclusiveness, which is crucial for a sustainable development. Complementary governancecould both deepen and broaden stakeholder awareness and involvement. This may haveseveral advantages, such as increasing possibilities for stakeholders to influence the processand benefit from the corridor, align activities, and promote cooperation and learning betweenstakeholders. Moreover, including stakeholders who are based outside the corridors mayimprove distributive aspects of the investments and reduce risks of focusing attention tooclosely on the corridors per se. However, broadening stakeholder inclusion also hasdisadvantages, as it increases the complexity of the process, which may impair itseffectiveness, and may lead to unrepresentative involvement due to differences instakeholders’ interests, administrative capacities and power. It also increases requirements forcoordination.The nature of complementary governance is multifaceted and related to diverse dimensions ofgovernance, such as processes, stakeholder participation and implementation documents. For complementary governance measures a flexible and task-specific multi-level design isemphasised, which may involve various types of engagement mechanisms. Further, thefindings showed a need to extend previously recognised types of public engagementmechanisms based on communication, consultation and participation in the decision-makingstage, by recognising another category, named stakeholder exchange. This category ischaracterised by stakeholder cooperation and collaboration in an implementation stage wheremain goals and policies already are in place.Areas for complementary governance in the implementation process of the Core networkcorridors were indicated in the interview study. They consisted of extended involvement ofprivate stakeholders, extended involvement of regional and local stakeholders, extendedinvolvement of stakeholders geographically external to the immediate corridor, and extendedinformation both generally and specifically (i.e. directed information to specific stakeholders).Several complementary governance measures that could potentially improve implementationof the Core network corridors were raised in the interviews, ranging from minor adjustment inthe existing process to entirely new solutions. These ideas correspond well to the indicatedareas and provide robust foundations for further discussion.Thus, findings from the research suggest several governance measures to systematicallyinvolve and engage diverse stakeholders in the Core network corridor implementationprocess. However, before introducing such measures, they should be assessed together withexisting governance measures, to avoid overlapping or contradictory initiatives, possiblyusing policy packaging approaches, where policies are combined and analysed together toachieve a desired overall outcome. Proposals for future research and practices are presented.
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Internationell handel och möjligheter med Cross Trade sändningar : Minska barriärerna med utnyttjandet av Cross TradeGidske, Daniel, Sjögren, Linnéa January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Five papers on large scale dynamic discrete choice models of transportationBlom Västberg, Oskar January 2018 (has links)
Travel demand models have long been used as tools by decision makers and researchers to analyse the effects of policies and infrastructure investments. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a travel demand model which is: sensitive to policies affecting timing of trips and time-space constraints; is consistent with microeconomics; and consistently treats the joint choice of the number of trips to perform during day as well as departure time, destination and mode for all trips. This is achieved using a dynamic discrete choice model (DDCM) of travel demand. The model further allows for a joint treatment of within-day travelling and between-day activity scheduling assuming that individuals are influenced by the past and considers the future when deciding what to do on a certain day. Paper I develops and provides estimation techniques for the daily component of the proposed travel demand model and present simulation results provides within sample validation of the model. Paper II extends the model to allow for correlation in preferences over the course of a day using a mixed-logit specification. Paper III introduces a day-to-day connection by using an infinite horizon DDCM. To allow for estimation of the combined model, Paper III develops conditions under which sequential estimation can be used to estimate very large scale DDCM models in situations where: the discrete state variable is partly latent but transitions are observed; the model repeatedly returns to a small set of states; and between these states there is no discounting, random error terms are i.i.d Gumble and transitions in the discrete state variable is deterministic given a decision. Paper IV develops a dynamic discrete continuous choice model for a household deciding on the number of cars to own, their fuel type and the yearly mileage for each car. It thus contributes to bridging the gap between discrete continuous choice models and DDCMs of car ownership. Infinite horizon DDCMs are commonly found in the literature and are used in, e.g., Paper III and IV in this thesis. It has been well established that the discount factor must be strictly less than one for such models to be well defined.Paper V show that it is possible to extend the framework to discount factors greater than one, allowing DDCM's to describe agents that: maximize the average utility per stage (when there is no discounting); value the future greater than the present and thus prefers improving sequences of outcomes implying that they take high costs early and reach a potential terminal state sooner than optimal. / Modeller för reseefterfrågan har länge använts av besultsfattare såväl somforskare för att analysera effekterna av transportpolitiska åtgärder. Avhandlingenshuvudsakliga syfte har varit att bidra till utvecklandet av modellerför reseefterfrågan som är: känsliga för åtgärder som påverkar tidsvalför resor eller tids-rums begränsningar; och konsistent behandlar valet avantalet resor, avresetid, destination och färdmedel för en individ. Dettauppnås genom användandet av en dynamisk diskret valmodell (DDCM) förreseefterfrågan. Modellen klarar vidare av att gemensamt modellera bådedagligt resande med hänsyn till hur det påverkar behovet av andra resoröver en längre tidshorisont, där individer antas ta hänsyn till både när desenaste utfört olika aktiviteter samt framtida effekter av sina besult. Papper I utvecklar den dagliga komponenten i den föreslagna modellenför reseefterfrågan, presenterar en estimeringsteknik samt resultat från simuleringarmed valideringsresultat. Papper II förbättrar modellen genom attinkludera korrelation i preferenser under dagen med hjälp av en mixed-logitspecifikation. Papper III introducerar en koppling mellan dagar genom enDDCM med oändlig tidshorisont. För att den kombinerade modellen skullevara möjlig att estimera härleddes vilkor under vilka sekvensiell estimeringvar möjlig. Dessa vilkor möjligör därmed estimering av en specific typ avstorskaliga DDCM modeller i situationer när: den diskreta tillståndsvariabelnär delvis latent men där val observeras; där modellen återkommer tillett mindre tillståndrum; och där det mellan återkomsten till detta mindretillståndrum inte sker någon diskontering, nyttofunktionernas feltermer gesav i.i.d Gumble termer och övergångarna mellan disrekta tillståndsvariablerär deterministisk givet valet. Papper IV utvecklar en dynamiskt diskret-kontinuerlig valmodell för etthushålls beslut gällande antalet bilar att äga, deras bränsletyp samt årligamiltal för varje bil. Det därmed till att komibinera dynamiska och diskretkontinulerligavalmodeller för bilägande. DDCM med oändliga tidshorisonter är vanligt förekommande och användsi bland annat Papper III och IV i den här avhandlingen. Det harvarit väl etablerat att diskonteringsfaktorn måste vara strikt mindre än ettför att sådana modeller ska vara väldefinerade. Papper V visar hur det ärmöjligt tillåta diskonteringsfaktorer större än eller lika med ett, och därmedbeskriva agenter som: maximerar den genomsnittliga nyttan per steg (närdet inte sker någon diskontering); värderar framtiden högre än nutiden ochdärmed föredrar förbättrande sekvenser vilket också implicerar att de tarhöga kostnader så tidigt som möjligt och når ett potentiellt sluttillståndtidigare än optimalt.
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Rost- och färgborttagning med laser på fartygLundahl, Kevin, Leek, Johan January 2017 (has links)
Rost är ett av de största problemen på fartyg idag. För att ta bort rost används rosthammare och bläster. Rostborttagning utgör den största delen av underhållsarbetet ombord på fartyg. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka om rengöringslaser kan ta bort både rost och färg tillräckligt effektivt för att ersätta traditionella rostbortagningsmetoder. Frågeställningarna tar upp effektivitet, kostnader samt hur lång tid rengöring med hjälp av laser tar jämfört med traditionella metoder. Frågeställningarna besvaras med hjälp av ett experiment, tre intervjuer samt en litteraturstudie I experimentet används en 50 watts rengöringslaser för att ta bort rost och färg från stålytor. Stålet som rengjordes var konstruktionsstål. Innan experimentet utfördes så har vi rengjort liknande ytor med slipmaskin för att kunna jämföra tiden samt hur rena ytorna blir. Två av intervjuerna utfördes via mail och den tredje utfördes ansikte mot ansikte. Intervjupersonerna jobbar för företag som säljer rengöringslasrar. Rengöringslasern som användes i experimentet var ej tillräckligt effektiv för att ersätta traditionella metoder för rostborttagning. Litteraturstudien och intervjuerna visar att en rengöringslaser med högre effekt ska kunna ersätta de traditionella rost- och färgborttagningsmetoderna.
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Optimering av interna materialflöden i små och medelstora företag (SME)Fors, Robert January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Forskningsstudiens syfte är att göra en nulägesstudie av ett små eller medelstort företags (SME) produktionslayout med avseende på de interna materialflödena. För att kunna besvara studiens syfte har följande frågeställningar formulerats. Hur ser företagets nuvarande produktionsprocess och layout ut? Vilka förändringar kan göras i layouten för att uppnå ett mer effektivt materialflöde? Hur påverkas materialflödet av den nya layouten? Metod och genomförande: En litteraturstudie har genomförts parallellt med en fallstudie för att besvara frågeställningarna. Litteraturstudien bygger på teorier och modeller inom området materialflöden och hur dem bör hanteras och utformas. Även hur en ny layout bör planeras. Fallstudien bygger på en processkartläggning, flödeskartor för produkt- och materialflöden och en relationsmatris där kopplingar mellan alla processaktiviteter undersökts. Datainsamlingen från fallföretaget har sedan analyserats med stöd från litteraturstudien. Studiens resultat: Flera problem och risker som påverkar produkt- och materialflöden negativt har kunnat identifieras och ligger till grund för det nya layoutförslaget. För många monteringsplatser på flera avdelningar gör att utrymmesbrist är ett problem i den nuvarande layouten. Lång väg från monteringsstationerna till lagret utgör också ett problem i det dagliga arbetet då det bidrar till ineffektivitet och lågt resursutnyttjande av maskiner och verktyg. En viss problematik finns även i att hantera lagrat material då fyllnadsgraden i lagret är hög. Även en del flaskhalsar förekommer på olika ställen i produktionen. Med bakgrund av litteraturstudien och resultatet från fallstudien har ett förslag på en ny layout föreslagits. Förslaget bygger på rätt utformning av produktionsupplägget, produkternas produktionsvolymer, reducering av slöseri i form av materialhantering och tid, och slutligen hur relationen mellan de olika processtegen förhåller sig. Implikationer: Forskningsstudiens syfte har uppnåtts genom att studiens frågeställningar besvarats. Genom att problem och risker i den nuvarande layouten identifierats har en ny layout kunnat föreslås med stöd av litteraturstudien. Rekommendationer: Fler verksamheter inom samma tillverkningsområde med liknande problem bör studeras vidare för att öka studiens bredd och vetenskapliga värde. Nyckelord: Layout, Planning, Production, Manufacturing systems, Facility, Warehouse, Efficiency och Lean.
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Demand Forecast of China Courier IndustryYang, Jiawei January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Decision Models for the Procurement of Subsidised Air ServicesKinene, Alan January 2021 (has links)
Small communities or remote regions are usually ignored by airlines because they have insufficient passenger demand and the air services to and from these regions are unprofitable. Free market conditions would lead to the lack of air connectivity to and from remote regions, hence transportation authorities intervene by procuring air services to guarantee improved accessibility for these regions. The procurement of air services is done through subsidy schemes where the transportation authorities pay subsidies to airlines that provide these air services along the routes to and from remote regions. These routes are commonly referred to as subsidised routes. The procurement of subsidised air services (subsidised routes) involves two major tasks—the selection of routes to subsidise and the selection of airlines to serve these routes. These are the focus of this thesis. The overall aim of this thesis is to design decision support models that can be used by transportation authorities to select the routes to subsidise and to select airlines to serve these routes. First, we develop an optimisation model that selects the routes to be subsidised, by maximising the number of people that can reach a given destination under different accessibility criteria subject to a budget. The model is capable of handling multiple accessibility criteria. As input to this model, we develop a novel method for estimating the subsidies required for non-existing subsidised routes. Second, we develop an auction framework to provide decision support to transportation authorities when designing auctions for the procurement of subsidised air services. The auction framework has three steps: auction definition by the transportation authority, bid preparation by the bidding airlines, and winner determination by the transportation authority. We develop two optimisation models as part of the auction framework, a winner-determination model for selecting the bids with the minimum subsidies, and a bid preparation model that replicates the airline’s behaviour when preparing bids for subsidised routes. The bid preparation model has an objective of minimising subsidies subject to a minimum profit threshold. We additionally propose models to estimate the appropriate demand and the route-operation cost for subsidised routes, which are needed as input to the bid preparation model. We demonstrate the usefulness of the two decision support models using the Public Service Obligation (PSO) network of subsidised routes in Sweden. The results suggest that the optimisation model can be used to select a new network of subsidised routes with improved accessibility to given destinations (e.g., the capital and an international airport) at a lower subsidy cost than the current network of subsidised routes. Having a requirement on the maximum airfare but not the minimum number of flights provides a good trade-off between the current restrictive setup with requirements on both the minimum number of flights and the maximum airfare, and a setup of the tendering process with no restrictions.
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Logistics Service Providers’ Environmental ManagementMaack, Christina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aims to give a holistic description of logistics service providers’ environmental management, which has been lacking in literature. The aim is also to analyse how the logistics service providers’ environmental management provides value to their business, and to discuss its role in their business. This research contributes to the literature on green logistics, which regard the environmental sustainability related to logistics systems but largely lacks the logistics service providers’ perspective. The results support logistics service providers, who meet increasing demands on environmental sustainability, by providing a basis for discussion of how to work towards increased environmental sustainability in their business. It can contribute to discussions, evaluations and understanding of the role of environmental management as value-creating and strategic for the company. In order to explore what logistics service providers’ environmental management actually is, case studies of three different types of logistics service providers are carried out, and the environmental management of these companies are described in separate appended reports. This research is of an explorative nature and the research design has been developed in parallel with conducting the research. The researcher’s personal background thinking behind the research questions and purpose is also presented in addition to describing the research process, as it has impacted the research process. The analysis is inspired by the resource-based view. A literature framework on corporate environmental management and the resource-based view has been formed to provide a background for performing the case studies and to help structure the descriptions and analyses. The logistics service providers’ environmental management is related to compliance, internal efficiency and competitiveness. The analysis results show that environmental management to a great extent seems to be only of implicit interest for competitiveness at present and more to concern future competitiveness. A large part of meeting customers’ environmental demands today involves logistics service providers proving to their customers that they have an environmental effort, more or less regardless of what it actually includes. In order to further explore the value of environmental management, to show it more explicitly, the logistics service providers’ ability to cope with change regarding increased environmental demands is analysed. In this analysis, elements of dynamic capabilities in the companies’ environmental management are identified and presented. This research has generated several ideas for future research, first and foremost relating to organizational development of environmental management among logistics service providers and the development of more environmentally sustainable logistics services.
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Artisan : Professional urban mobility / Artisan : Professionell stadsmobilitetGranlund Nilsson, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
The idea for this project initially came from an article i read about a small company in Stockholm, called “The cycling plumber” In the article, the founder of the company who explained that he was tired of looking for parking and sitting in traffic in his work-van around the tight and congest- ed streets of Stockholm. This sparked an interest from me, what options does the urban-operating handyman have in terms of transportation? Using the design process and thorough user studies, this project explores a new type of commercial vehicle segement, intended for carpenters operating in the dense city traffic of the future. The final product proposed, is called VW Artisan. It’s a versatile commercial vehicle utilizing a detachable toolbox system to improve the efficiency and comfort of the user during their daily work. / Idén till detta projekt kom ursprungligen från en artikel som handlade om ett nytt företag i Stockholm, kallat “Cyklande rörmokaren”. I artikeln förklarade grundaren till företaget att han hade tröttnat på att sitta i köer och leta efter parkering runt Stockholms tätt trafikerade gator. Detta väckte ett intresse för mig. Vilka transportalternativ har en hantverkare som huvudsakligen arbetar i större städer? Med hjälp av designprocessen och utförliga användarstudier utforskar detta projektet en ny typ av kommersiellt fordonssegment, avsett för hantverkare i framtidens tätt befolkade städer. Slutresultatet som föreslås i detta projekt kallas för VW Artisan. Ett mångsidigt arbetsfordon med en avtagbar verktygsvagn för att effektivisera och öka komforten i användarens dagliga arbete.
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A systematic design of e-commerce logistic from collaborative management theory perspectiveLiu, Huaqiong January 2020 (has links)
In the 21st century, e-commerce (electronic commerce) has witnessed explosive development, while the problems such as the imperfect logistics system and backward information platform exposed are also increasing. This research thesis focuses on the design of electronic commerce project logistics under collaborative theory. Firstly, this research analyses the current situation of e-commerce, and explains relevant theories of system engineering and collaborative theory. Secondly, a management framework of e-commerce under collaborative theory is discussed. Then it is about the construction of a new and novel logistics system, that is, a four-stage radial-spoke logistics network containing e-commerce hubs, e-commerce regional distribution centres, e-commerce physical stores, and e-commerce cooperatives. The existing logistics mode is innovated and developed with the “collaborative distribution” mode proposed, and the entire supply chain is connected through the four-stage radial-spoke logistics network, enabling all parties involved in the supply chain to achieve collaboration. Then based on the network, containers are differentiated and standardized into four classes. What’s more, with the design and development of a collaborative logistics system, this thesis presents countermeasures to integrate e-commerce with its internal management platform. So the growing information is effectively managed, timely and correct decision-making information and decision support are provided. Furthermore, previous e-commerce platform is strengthened and the collaborative theory is fundamentally applied in a novel context. Finally, combining together logistics alliance, e-commerce platforms as well as its management system, this research is aimed to improve e-commerce collaborative management and promote e-commerce collaborative theory. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2020. / Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM) / PhD / Unrestricted
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