Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ecologistics"" "subject:"keylogistics""
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Identification and evaluation of improvement proposals for Rusta AB's delivery schedule / Identifiering och utvärdering av förbättringsförslag för Rusta ABs leveransschemaNilsson, Signe, Svensson, Casandra January 2024 (has links)
Rusta AB is a company with a mission to offer everyday products at competitive prices. Operating in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Germany, the company has a total of 205 stores. In 2015, Rusta established a central warehouse outside the city of Norrköping, which includes both automated and traditional stacking warehouses, covering a total area of 128,000 square meters. One of the primary challenges encountered by Rusta's central warehouse is the uneven workload associated with outbound deliveries per hour. By determining new outbound delivery times, this report aims to even out the load at the distribution center. To achieve this, interviews and observations have been conducted to identify and analyze potential improvement measures. Additionally, Excel has been utilized to propose new outbound delivery schedules. These have been developed by studying graphs of the original delivery schedule and then shifting the warehouse loading times based on several criteria linked to the clustering in an attempt to even out the load over the week. The outcome of this report highlights the feasibility of achieving a more balanced workload at the central warehouse by introducing new outbound delivery times for the stores. Two improvement proposals for new delivery schedules have been developed, with improvement proposal 2 proving to be the most effective as it enabled a more even load. Even though both proposals show an improvement linked to the load, it is important to think about the demarcations that have been made. One such that has an impact on the result is the 44 Norwegian department stores that are not treated in this study. These still need to be considered, with the result that the proposals produced can be considered misleading. Furthermore, cluster segmentation should continue to be explored as there are additional opportunities for improvement. For future research in this area, a mathematical optimization model is recommended to determine optimal outbound delivery times, as such a model can consider more parameters than those considered in this study. / Rusta AB är ett företag vars affärsidé är att tillhandahålla vardagsprodukter till konkurrenskraftiga priser. Företaget är verksamma i Sverige, Norge, Finland och Tyskland, och har sammanlagt 205 butiker. År 2015 etablerade Rusta ett centrallager utanför Norrköping, vilket omfattar både en automatiserad och en traditionell fristaplingslager, med en sammanlagd yta på 128 000 kvadratmeter. En av de utmaningar som Rustas centrallager står inför är den ojämna belastningen som är associerad med antalet utlastningar per timme. Syftet med detta arbete är att jämna ut belastningen på distributionscentralen genom att fastställa nya utlastningstider. För att identifiera, undersöka och analysera förbättringsåtgärder för planeringen av utlastningstider har intervjuer och observationer genomförts. Dessutom har Excel använts för att generera förslag på nya utlastningstider. Dessa har tagits fram genom att studera grafer för det ursprungliga leveransschemat för att sedan flytta på varuhusens utlastningstider baserat på ett antal kriterier som är kopplade till klusterindelningen i ett försök att jämna ut belastningen över veckan. Resultatet av studien visar att det är möjligt att jämna ut belastningen på centrallagret genom att införa nya utlastningstider för varuhusen. Två förbättringsförslag för nya leveransscheman har utarbetats, varav förbättringsförslag 2 visade sig vara mest fördelaktigt eftersom det möjliggjorde en mer jämn belastning. Trots att bägge förslagen visar på en förbättring kopplat till belastningen är det viktigt att tänka på de avgränsningar som gjort. En sådan som har påverkan på resultatet är de 44 norska varuhusen som inte behandlas i denna studie. Dessa behöver fortfarande tas i beaktning, vilket resulterar i att förslagen som tagits fram kan anses missvisande. Dessutom bör klusterindelningen fortsätta att undersökas då det finns ytterligare möjligheter till förbättringar. För framtida forskning inom detta område rekommenderas en matematisk optimeringsmodell för att fastställa optimala utlastningstider, eftersom en sådan modell kan ta hänsyn till fler parametrar än de som var tillgängliga för detta arbete.
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Mapping and improvement of Spendrup's full goods return process / Processkartläggning och förbättring av Spendrups returprocess av fullgodsKarlsson, Simon, Pousette, Mårten January 2024 (has links)
Spendrups is one of Sweden's leading breweries with an annual production of 360 millions liters of beverages. In addition to their sales and production, they also offer to repurchase the beverages if the customer has changed their mind, received the wrong products or if the beverages were damaged during transport. Spendrups is experiencing disruptions in the return process, which has been identified in the study through a process mapping. The purpose of the study is to help Spendrups gain a better understanding about the activities in the return process. The process mapping was conducted after interviews and observations with personnel from relevant departments where the data also was collected. Data was used to design the process map, which was later verified by relevant personnel. Disruptions were identified through interviews and observations, as well as through the designing of the process map. After interviews, observations, and the design of the process map, several areas of disruption could be identified. Some noted disruptions include lack of information sharing, manual work processes, and tracking of recurring issues. The observed disturbances lead to a slower work process in several departments, mishandling in one department often affects the next department which has consequences for the whole process. An improvement suggestion is to complement digital work routines such as handheld scanners at the terminal in Loviseberg to minimize errors caused by human factors. Another improvement is to introduce deviation reports to follow up recurring problems which could lead to identifying the underlying problem and work to resolve it. Finally, several improvement suggestions are presented in addition to the two previously mentioned, as well as some additional improvement areas which could be further studied. / Spendrups är ett av Sveriges ledande bryggerier som årligen producerar cirka 360 miljoner liter dryck. Utöver deras produktion och försäljning erbjuder de även att köpa tillbaka dryck ifall kunden har ångrat sig, fått fel leverans eller något skadats i transporten. Spendrups upplever störningar i returprocessen av fullgods, som innefattar intakta produkter, vilka har identifierats i studien med hjälp av en processkartläggning. Studiens syfte är att hjälpa Spendrups med att få en större förståelse kring aktiviteterna i returprocessen. Processkartläggningen genomfördes efter intervjuer och observationer med personer på berörda avdelningar, där data samlades in. Datan användes till att utforma en processkartläggning, som sedan verifierades av personal på avdelningar kopplade till processkartan. Störningar identifierades genom intervjuer och observationer samt via utformning av processkartan. Efter intervjuer, observationer och utformningen av processkartan kunde flera störningsområden identifieras. Några noterade störningar är bristande informationsdelning, manuella arbetsrutiner och uppföljning av återkommande problem. De noterade störningarna bidrar till en långsammare arbetsprocess i flera avdelningar, en störning eller felhantering i en avdelning påverkar nästa avdelning, vilket får konsekvenser för hela returflödet. Ett förbättringsförslag som föreslås är att införa digitala arbetsrutiner i form av handscanners på terminalen i Loviseberg för att minimera fel som uppstår på grund av den mänskliga faktorn. Ett annat förbättringsförslag som föreslås är att införa avvikelserapporter i arbetet med uppföljningen av återkommande problem, vilket skulle medföra att ett område som det konstant uppstår problem i kan studeras närmare och rotorsaken till problemet kan identifieras och därefter arbeta efter att lösa det. Slutligen presenteras flera förbättringsförslag utöver de två tidigare nämnda, och några ytterligare förbättringsförslag som kan studeras vidare föreslås i rapporten.
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High Driver Turnover among Large Long-Haul Motor Carriers: Causes and ConsequencesFerrell, Christopher Lee 12 1900 (has links)
My thesis provides evidence supporting a theory asserting that the high level of competition that exists between motor carriers operating within long-haul trucking is the most significant factor contributing to the continuously high driver turnover rates affecting the entire logistics industry. I explore how long-haul truck drivers internalize the conflict between their identity and the aggressively competitive environment within which they work. Social science authors, industry reports, and truck driver feedback from my own ethnographic study are analyzed for contexts in order to explore the current operating definition of success for motor carriers in both monetary and human terms.
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Supply chain configurations for the oil and gas industry : a service provider perspectiveTheart, Alfred Llewellyn Mark 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Oil dependency has increased in the past few decades and the search for new reserves is a constant quest within the oil and gas industry. The oil and gas industry is characterised by the separation of fuel production facilities and the intended markets for its derivatives. This separation creates challenges for proper supply chain management and network configuration. A well-balanced network design becomes of utmost importance. The use of third party logistics service providers has further complicated this separation challenges with this increase in distance between the resources and the intended markets. By using various best practices within the field of network configuration, the consolidation of multiple segments of various supply chains can improve efficiency and lead to more streamlined supply chains.
The primary objective of the study is to develop an alternative to the normative methods used in placing of facilities. The secondary objective is to establish whether consolidation of multiple segments of various supply chains within the oil and gas industry is feasible. By using advanced descriptive decision support techniques and technologies, the study showed how the application of these techniques can assist management with improved decision making at a strategic level.
The study is based on a prominent service provider within the oil and gas industry. Both quantitative and qualitative data were used by the researcher to illustrate the complexities involved in serving the direct and indirect supply chains of the oil and gas industry. The analysis shows that by using advanced descriptive decision support techniques and technologies, management can use the process proposed in the study to great effect in visualizing the current supply chains. Consolidation opportunities were also found across multiple supply chains within the service provider. By looking at the historical data, IT-based descriptive decision support techniques and technologies demonstrated the value of visually representing the supply chain and the decisions that could be made based on the results. A strategic hub, as a network configuration option, can be a feasible option if it serves a defined geographical area and is focused on a specific industry (in this case oil and gas).
Crucial to a successful study of this nature, is the quality of data. During the study, the issue of effective data cleaning, aggregation, categorization and preparation became evident. Strategic studies will only be effective if proper data cleaning and preparations are done on a regular basis and updated regularly. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die afhanklikheid van olie het die afgelope paar dekades toegeneem. Daar is ook ʼn konstante soektog na nuwe reserwes in die olie- en gasindustrie. Die olie- en gasindustrie word gekenmerk deur die skeiding van brandstofproduksiefasiliteite en die beoogde markte vir sy afgeleides. Hierdie skeiding skep uitdagings vir behoorlike voorsieningskettingbestuur en netwerkkonfigurasie. ʼn Goeie, gebalanseerde netwerkontwerp is van uiterste belang. Die gebruik van derde-party logistieke diensverskaffers het hierdie skeidings-uitdagings verder gestrem as gevolg van langer afstande tussen hulpbronne en die beoogde markte. Verskeie beste praktyke in die studieveld van netwerkkonfigurasie en ontwerp aangewend word. Dit kan die konsolidasie van verskeie segmente van verskillende voorsieningskettings se doeltreffendheid aansienlik verbeter en lei tot meer vaartbelynde voorsieningskettings.
Die primêre doel van die studie is om ʼn alternatief tot die normatiewe metodes, wat tans gebruik word vir die plasing van fasiliteite te bepaal. Die sekondêre doel is om vas te stel of konsolidering van verskeie segmente van verskillende voorsieningskettings in die olie- en gasindustrie haalbaar is. ʼn Alternatiewe tot die normatiewe metodes is gevorderde, beskrywende besluitnemingsondersteuningtegnieke en tegnologie. In die studie is getoon hoe die gebruik van hierdie alternatiewe metodes kan help met verbeterde besluitneming op strategiese vlak. Die studie is gebaseer op 'n prominente diensverskaffer in die olie- en gasindustrie. Beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data is deur die navorser gebruik om die kompleksiteit in die bediening van die direkte en indirekte voorsieningskettings in die olie- en gasindustrie te illustreer.
Hierdie studie het uitgewys hoe die voorgestelde proses ontwikkel en die visualisering van voorsieningskettings tot ʼn groot mate kan verbeter met die gebruik van gevorderde, beskrywende besluitnemingsondersteuningtegnieke en tegnologie. Daar is ook konsolidasie geleenthede gevind vir elemente oor verskeie voorsieningskettings van die diensverskaffer. Deur toepaslike historiese data te ondersoek, met behulp van IT-gebaseerde beskrywende besluitnemingsondersteuningtegnieke en tegnologie, kan die waarde van die visuele voorstelling van voorsieningskettings insiggewend gedemonstreer word. Meer ingeligte en effektiewe besluite kan gevolglik geneem word. Daar is gevind dat ʼn strategiese konsolidasiepunt (“hub”), as ʼn netwerk konfigurasie opsie, moontlik lewensvatbaar kan wees binne ʼn bepaalde geografiese area vir ʼn spesifieke bedryf (in die geval olie en gas). Die kwaliteit van die data is egter van uiterste belang om ʼn suksesvolle studie te verseker. Tydens hierdie studie is die belangrikheid van datasuiwering, samevoeging, kategorisering en voorbereiding duidelik uitgewys. Strategiese studies sal slegs effektief wees indien behoorlike datasuiwering en voorbereiding op 'n gereelde basis gedoen en opgedateer word.
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Resource management analysis at the prehospital emergency care unit in north-western SkåneFossum, Benjamin, Hedborg, Johan January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the preparedness at the prehospital emergency care unit in north-western Skåne. Measuring preparedness is important to ensure that the ability to respond on emergency calls is satisfactory. To do this for north-western Skåne historical data from 2015 was extracted from SOS Alarms database. It was used to calculate preparedness using workload and coverage as measurements. The workload was calculated by taking the busy periods and comparing them to the ambulances working times. The coverage was calculated by defining neighbouring stations to cover for each station and then finding the amount of hours when there was no ambulance at either station. These calculations show that two of the six stations in north-western Skåne are in need of improvement. To increase the preparedness to a good level resources will have to be added at the liable stations. These resources would be new ambulances. There is a possibility to relocate ambulances from stations within the district but that would lead to a worsened preparedness for the stations which these ambulances belonged to in the first place.
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Logistické technologie jako faktor překonání hospodářské recese / Logistics technologies as a factor of overcoming the economic recessionRiedlbauchová, Marie January 2011 (has links)
In years 2008-2010 the main wave of global economic crisis took place. This crises have hit both industry and trade with negative impact on the demand for logistics services and technologies. The aim of this Master's Thesis is to find the answer on question if and which logistics technologies can moderate the impacts of crisis. Thesis is focused on the Czech Republic and on the logistics service providers. Beside that it summarizes knowledge gained from crisis period from all related fields and branches of economy. In the first part the thesis summarizes knowledge concerning logistics and related operations, logistics technologies, logistics providers and outsourcing. The second part deals with the development of industry, trade, transport and logistics in the Czech Republic. It inquires what contributed to the success or failure of the logistics providers, in which assets they invested and what was the demand for their services. The proper strategy in logistics for the period of recession is proposed on the basis of uncovered facts both for logistics providers and their customers.
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Logistika v ČR / Logistics in the Czech RepublicŠtemberová, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The Master's Thesis analyzes a logistic background of the Czech Republic in the context of the recent economic crisis and its influence on the development of selected indicators of the logistic market. The objective of the Thesis is to evaluate the impact of these aspects on lo-gistic competitiveness of the Czech Republic in Central and Eastern Europe. The Thesis de-scribes the current situation of the European logistic market together with the main future development trends. The recent development on logistics and industrial property market is worked out in detail, including the changes in attractiveness of logistics locations and criteria influencing developers' activities. Subsequently the Thesis analyzes the situation in logistics and transport infrastructure, characterizes the freight transport and presents current options for their further development. The final part of the Thesis introduces options for education in logistics available in the Czech environment.
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Razvoj modela logističkog kontrolinga u industrijskim sistemima / Development of logistics controlling model in industrial systemsJeličić Dalibor 30 September 2019 (has links)
<p>U radu se istražuje mogućnost primene metoda i instrumenata kontrolinga u logističkim preduzećima. Utvrđuju se performase kvaliteta logističke usluge, merila i metodologija praćenja. Poseban značajan rezultat je razvijen model za primenu logističkog kontrolinga u industrijskim sistemima. Prikazano je testiranje predloženom modela i na osnovu toga biće izvršena podešavanja modela.</p> / <p>This paper examines the possibility of applying mehtods and instruments of controlling in logistics companies. Logistics services quality of performance are being determined, measurements and monitoring mehtodology. Result that is particularly significant is the developed model for implementation of logistics controlling in industrial systems. Testing of the proposed model is displayed and, based on this, the model settings will be performed.</p>
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Logistics-based Competition : A Business Model ApproachKihlén, Tobias January 2007 (has links)
Logistics is increasingly becoming recognised as a source of competitive advantage, both in practice and in academia. The possible strategic impact of logistics makes it important to gain deeper insight into the role of logistics in the strategy of the firm. There is however a considerable research gap between the quite abstract strategy theory and logistics research. A possible tool to use in bridging this gap is identified in business model research. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to describe and analyse logisticsbased competition using a business model approach, a topic not handled in earlier research. This purpose entails investigating the role of logistics in the strategy of the firm by identifying a number of business model components which together constitute a logistics-based business model. Theoretically, the dissertation departs from strategic management and more specifically from the two opposing strategy theoretical perspectives the resource-based view of the firm (RBV) and the industrial organisation school of thought (I/O). From this foundation, the theoretical framework is further built upon with logistics- and business model research leading to a model of analysis that eventually evolves into one of the main outcomes of the dissertation: a logistics-based business model. The methodology used is that of multiple case studies of largely qualitative character. The cases represent trading firms which all display long-term profitable growth, a consistency in their growth, and they all have a, by the management, outspoken focus on logistics. The cases have been analysed using a patternmatching approach. A key deliverable from this research is the logistics-based business model, a model consisting of five components: strategy, position, offering, activities and organisation, and resources. The logistics-based business model makes possible a description and analysis of the role of logistics in the strategy of the firm leading to the identification of specific characteristics of the business models of firms competing on logistics. A few of the results from this research are: ● A logistics-based business model requires a synthesis of RBV and I/O. ● Control over the logistics resources is a distinctive capability in a logistics-based business model. ● Logistics strategy cannot be understood in terms of degree of integration only as much of the current logistics strategy research suggests. ● Hybrid logistics-strategies can involve lean processes and agile assortment with standardisation as an enabler. ● The domain of control of a logistics-based business model stretches beyond the domain of a traditional logistics strategy. ● A single logistics-platform may support multiple offerings. For managers, the logistics-based business model is possible to use as a tool in business development.
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Cold Chain management in food logistics : a multiple case study on food industryLi, Nanxi, Yang, Jin January 2013 (has links)
In current business global society, every food industry company is making efforts to provide high quality of products and satisfaction to customers. Balancing the low cost but with high efficiency when undertaking cold chain logistics becomes competitiveness in business market. This thesis is mainly to study cold chain management in food logistics by a multiple case study on food industry. The purpose of the paper is to advance the understanding of the cold chain management in food industry, aim to find how an efficient way to combine the logistics cost and the effectiveness of cold chain logistics and the challenges of the cold chain logistics in food industry. In this multiple case study, qualitative method was used to describe findings. The data collected can be divided into two types, the primary data and the secondary data. Primary data indicates the face-to-face interview with the managers and employees working for customer service in the selected companies. The secondary data are resources from archives, websites and other printed materials. To improve the validity, related literature were reviewed by authors to find the research questions. The reliability can be guaranteed because the theory part of the thesis abstracted from the publications, which have been approved for many years. The authors give the overview and practice in cold chain logistics of the three case companies, also mention the challenges both in developing and developed countries. The study finds the way to improve the utilization in cold chain logistics, fill the gap of logistics in food industry and give some advices for food industry.
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