Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ettsamhälle"" "subject:"detsamhälle""
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Konkurrensrättens övergripande syfte i EU och USA. : Konsumentskydd eller konkurrensskydd?Nordström, Andreas January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Tidsbegränsningar i sjukförsäkringen : - en rättssäker lösning?Liedbeck, Emilia January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Upphörande av tvångsvård med stöd av 21 § LVU : En avvägning mellan barnets rätt till skydd och rätten till familjelivNaqqar, maryam January 2024 (has links)
Compulsory custody of children under the Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act (1990:52, LVU) is one of the most intrusive measures that the state, through social authorities, can take. Section 21 LVU underwent a reform that came into effect on July 1, 2022, to strengthen the child's perspective. The amendment stipulates that the social services committee cannot decide to terminate care until the circumstances that led to the placement have changed in a lasting and comprehensive manner. The proposal applies to children in care according to Section 2 LVU. The purpose of the thesis has been to analyze how the principle of the best interest of the child is applied in balancing the interests between the child's right to protection and the right to family life in matters of terminating compulsory care according to the LVU. The legal dogmatic method has been used to analyze and critically examine existing legislation. The method is applied to interpret, systematize, and describe the content of existing law based on the various elements of legal source doctrine. In assessing whether care under LVU should be terminated, a complex balancing of interests often arises between the child's right to protection and the right to family life. The principle of the child's best interests is not defined but it is evident from Section 1, paragraph 5, LVU that in decisions under LVU, what is best for the child should be decisive. In a balancing of interests between the principle of the child's best interests and the right to family life, precedence should be given to what is best for the child. In cases of terminating compulsory care, the assessment of the child's best interests leads to a decision on whether the child should either continue to be placed in the family home or be reunited with their biological family. The conclusion regarding the amendment to Section 21 LVU cannot be answered due to the novelty of the legislation. It is positive to codify previous practices to emphasize the importance of not terminating care until it is safe for the child. However, the amendment can be criticized for not having changed sufficiently, as it provides significant interpretative leeway that may contribute to difficulties in its application.
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De riktade ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna i ljuset av HFD 2024 ref 6Florestedt, Ake January 2024 (has links)
Denna examensuppsats behandlar de riktade ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna 24 kap 16 – 20 §§ inkomstskattelagen (1999:1229). Syftet med reglerna är att skydda den svenska bolagsskattebasen mot skatteplanering med hjälp av ränteupplägg inom en intressegemenskap. Reglerna tillkom 2009 och har sedan dess förändrats 2013 och 2019. Genom att EU-domstolen i mål C-484/19 Lexel, förklarat att 24 kap 10 d § sista stycket, enligt 2013 års regler oförenlig med etableringsfriheten har osäkerhet uppkommit huruvida regelverket kan användas. Därefter har Högsta Förvaltningsdomstolen i HFD 2021 ref 68 och HFD 2024 ref 6 förklarat att den omvända ventilen enlig 2019 års regler i 24 kap 18 § andra stycket samt att avdragsbegränsningen vid interna förvärv i 24 kap 19 § första stycket är oförenliga med etableringsfriheten. Denna uppsats behandlar reglernas förhållande till intern rätt och till EU-rätten och den osäkerhet som uppkommit i och med dessa domar.
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A socio-legal study of the Swedish anti-discrimination policy and its implementation in the labour market : Discrimination against immigrants in the labour market and its affectAhmedin, Ahmedin Osman January 2019 (has links)
Background: The point of departure for this study is that people with immigrant backgrounds are discriminated in the Swedish labour market and they are discriminated on several grounds. Discrimination is violation against human rights and it affects gender equality and integration policy negatively. Different studies show that immigrants hold the jobs which are lowest paid and not preferred by the swedes. The studies show also that immigrants from Africa and middle east are those who are discriminated most. This discrimination occurs despite the Swedish clear anti-discrimination policy and its regional and international obligations to combat discrimination. The Swedish discriminations act prohibits discrimination on the seven grounds mentioned in the act. This thesis analyses the Swedish discriminations act, its implementation and efficacy. It sheds some light on Sweden’s regional and international obligations in this regard. Finally, the impact of discrimination against immigrants on Swedish gender equality and integrations policy is discussed. Purpose: The purposes of this thesis are, based on the earlier studies, to highlight the ways in which immigrants are discriminated in the Swedish labour market and contributing to the improvement of the anti-discrimination policy in a long run. To accomplish this task, I have Scrutinized and analysed the efficacy of the Swedish discrimination policy, based on earlier studies, I have analysed different ways in which immigrants are discriminated in the Swedish labour market and discussed the impact of immigration on gender equality and integrations policy. Method: For conducting this research, qualitative method has been used. For accomplishing this study, both primary sources such as legal documents and legislations and secondary sources such as books, article, newspapers and internet websites have been used. To achieve this task, I have used intersectional analysis, and this is because immigrants are discriminated on multiple grounds and intersectional perspective is the best perspective in analysing such grounds. Conclusion: Based on earlier studies, the idea that people with immigrant background are discriminated in Swedish labour market is supported. They are discriminated in different ways such as recruitment process, in salaries, working conditions and promotion process. Discrimination can be due to different reasons and based on different grounds. According to the studies, though discrimination affects immigrants in general, immigrants from Middle east and Africa most discriminated. The same studies show that Muslim women who can be identified as Muslims due to headscarves, burqa or niqab are discriminated most and the face harassment in the public areas. Additional findings in this thesis are that discrimination in general is obstacle to gender equality and integrations policy given that it widens the already wide gap between women and men as well as between immigrants and swedes. Besides this, discrimination in the criminal system also leads to discrimination in the labour market. This is because prejudices based on the reports of biased police, judges, prosecutors etc. lead to discrimination against immigrants by relating them to crime. Therefore, though it is not deeply studied, there is a significant correlation between discrimination in the criminal legal system and discrimination in the labour market.
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"Women too are violent" : Masculinity and Responsibility in Discourses on Men’s ViolenceWeiss, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Men’s violence against women is a persistent social problem with great individual and societal consequences. Despite governmental measures taken in Sweden to prevent and reduce the prevalence of men’s violence against women, the violence does not appear to decrease. Research questions the efficacy of initiatives aimed at reducing men’s violence against women and suggest that one explanation to why this reduction does not happen is because normative masculinity is used to excuse men’s violence against women and present men as victims of masculinity. In this study, which focuses on men’s violence against women in Sweden, discourse analysis was carried out on a government equality document, on SKL material and on men’s verbal accounts in court cases of gross violation of a woman’s integrity in order to understand if Swedish discourse presents normative masculinity as an excuse for men’s violence against women. The results of discourse analysis of a government equality document and the SKL material revealed that masculinity is presented not so much as the excuse for men’s violence but as thereason for why men are kept from taking responsibility for their violence. The findings showed persistent argumentation for women’s use of violence as well as claims that not all men are violent and that masculinity is an issue that needs to be handled on a societal level. Negative behaviors, due to adhering to normative masculinity, was found to rarely be presented as the responsibility of individual men. Discourse analysis of men’s verbal accounts in cases of gross violation of a woman’s integrity showed that several categories and patterns emerged from these accounts in regards to how masculinity was verbalized and used as a possible excuse for why violence had occurred. Men’s own verbal accounts did not mention masculinity explicitly but presented excuses for the violence which previous research has found to relate to normative masculinity.
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Child Marriages in the American State Idaho : Social and Legal PerspectivesDziewulski, Maciej January 2019 (has links)
Child and teen marriages represent an important and very complex social and legal issue; even though the majority of literature is focused on developing countries, child marriages are also practiced and legalized in wealthy and developed countries like the United States. The focus of this study is the American state Idaho that bore the record for the highest rate of child marriages in the United States between 2000 and 2010. Scientific data pointed to many detrimental effects of early marriage for children, primarily higher risk of being a victim of abuse, and remaining within cycle of poverty. On the other hand, there are religion-based arguments that favor parental and legal exceptions in deciding child marriages. In following to scientific criticism of child marriages, some American states had decided to raise legal age for marriage. Idaho had defied this trend and recently rejected the proposed bill aimed at restricting legal age for marriage to 16 year olds. The most common factors that were identified as contributive to child marriages included poverty, residing in rural areas, and religion. These factors led to conflicting perceptions regarding legal status of child marriages in Idaho and; therefore, demands further investigating. The aim of this thesis was to identify not only the consequences of child marriages, but also its main contributive factors - poverty, religion, and living in rural vs. urban areas. The main research question; therefore, sought answers to: “What socio-legal factors are most contributive to child marriages (poverty, religion, and living in urban vs. rural areas) and which one ought to be prioritized in any attempts to legally regulate this practice in Idaho? The answer to research question is hoped to bring social and legal changes that will benefit the children in the state of Idaho and else ware. This qualitative and comparative analysis revealed that religious conservatism, primarily among Evangelical Protestants and Mormons, had the most contributing effect on child marriages in Idaho, with poverty and living in rural areas being secondary factors. Individual cases may differ, and/or contradict these findings. More detailed research would be required to complement these findings. The methodology of this project involved qualitative and comparative analysis. The primary research sources included scientific research/data, government data/reports, and NGO’s reports. The answer to research question is hoped to bring social and legal changes that will, above all, benefit the children in the state of Idaho and else ware.
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I gränslandet mellan brottsbalken kapitel 4 och 5. : Om olaga integritetsintrång och förtal i dess tillämpning på spridandet av hämndporr. / In between the fourth and fifth chapter of the Swedish penal code. : The provisions of slander and encroachment of integrity in its application on spreading of revenge porn.af Klercker, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
Sedan internets och sociala mediers framväxt under de senaste dryga tjugo åren har regleringen om skyddet för den personliga integriteten ställts inför viktiga nya utmaningar. Särskilt gäller detta vid spridning av integritetskränkande uppgifter, något som till stor del underlättas av dagens teknologi. Begreppet personlig integritet har i lagstiftningssammanhang definierats som ”den sfär som omger alla människor och inom vilken han eller hon bör kunna vara fredad och där intrång bör kunna avvisas”, och särskilt integritetskränkande har generellt sett ingrepp som rör en persons sexuella förhållanden ansetts. Spridandet av bilder och filmer av sexuell natur där den porträtterades samtycke till spridandet saknas brukar benämnas hämndporr. Den svenska regleringen av spridandet av hämndporr har sedan avgörandet NJA 1992 s. 594 framför allt bedömts falla in under förtalsbestämmelsen i 5 kap. 1 § brottsbalken (BrB). Enligt bestämmelsen ska den uppgift som lämnats ha varit ägnad att utsätta den enskilde för andras missaktning. Att förtal regleras i brottsbalkens femte kapitel innebär att det utgör ett ärekränkningsbrott och att det intresse som bestämmelsen härmed har att skydda är en persons ära och heder. Det vill säga anseendet i förhållande till andra människor. I avgörandet hade en inspelad samlagsfilm spridits till ett antal personer och handlandet ansågs utsätta den porträtterade för dessas missaktning då uppfattningen kunde ges att denne inte haft något emot att filmen visades för andra. Denna praxisutveckling har å ena sidan ansetts behövlig för att undvika otillfredsställande resultat i rättstillämpningen där tydliga hål blottas i integritetsinskyddet men har också starkt kritiserats för att ha tillämpat förtalsbestämmelsen på ett oriktig och konstlat sätt. Trots otillfredsställda röster om ett bristfälligt integritetsskydd kan avgörandet ändå påstås ha bidragit till ett släckande av bränder på hämndporrens tidigare oreglerade område. Den 1 januari 2018 infördes den nya bestämmelsen olaga integritetsintrång i 4 kap. 6c § BrB. Bestämmelsens övergripande syfte är att skapa en tydlig och enhetlig kriminalisering av större spridningar av integritetskänsliga uppgifter och därigenom stärka skyddet för den personliga integriteten i detta avseende. I punktform radar den nya bestämmelsen upp vilka typer av uppgifter som den enskilde bör skyddas från att få spridda. I den inledande av dessa upptas uppgifter om annans sexualliv och i den femte uppgifter som rör någons nakna kropp och lagstiftaren tycks med dessa punkter haft en tydlig avsikt att komma åt de allvarliga integritetsintrång som spridande av hämndporr kan innebära. Brottsbalkens fjärde kapitel, där detta straffbud fått husera, bygger på ett skyddsintresse som riktar sig mer direkt mot olika typer av ingrepp i den personliga integriteten; frihet och frid. Bestämmelsen om förtal och olaga integritetsintrång är därmed båda ute efter handlingar där någon typ av nedsättande eller kränkande uppgifter om en annan person olovligen delats vidare till en eller flera utomstående parter. Bestämmelserna, som i stor utsträckning utformats på likande sätt, har tillämpningsområden som i hög grad överlappar varandra och bör enligt förarbetena som utgångspunkt kunna dömas i konkurrens. Bestämmelserna har dock fått ta plats i olika kapitel i brottsbalken. Kapitel som, trots att de kan sägas vara närbesläktade, har skilda skyddsintressen. I någon mån kan en bestämmelses skyddsintresse anses utgöra dess existensberättigande och dess tolkning och tillämpning bör därför i någon mån alltid kunna härledas till detta. Det är med denna utveckling i ryggen som denna framställning ger sig ut för att granska vår svenska reglering kring spridandet av hämndporr och dess balansgång mellan brottsbalkens fjärde och femte kapitel.
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DOMESTIC VIOLENCE THE SWEDISH MODEL- A CRITICAL ANALYSIS : - In order to change something, one must admit that a change is needed in the first place.Fernelius, Felicia January 2019 (has links)
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Fotbollsrelaterade ordningsstörningar : En analys av SvFF:s nya system med oaktsamhetsansvar för föreningar vid ordningsstörningar / Football related order interferancesCarlstedt, Magdalena January 2018 (has links)
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