Spelling suggestions: "subject:"earlyage"" "subject:"earlystage""
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Simulação computacional do comportamento do concreto nas primeiras idades. / Computational modelling of the early age concrete\'s behaviour.Mauren Aurich 15 December 2008 (has links)
O estudo do comportamento do concreto nas primeiras idades está se tornando cada vez mais importante, pois os efeitos térmicos e de retração do concreto, neste período inicial, geram fissuras, aumentando a permeabilidade das estruturas e podendo induzir problemas de durabilidade e funcionalidade das mesmas. Um detalhado estudo da evolução das tensões durante as primeiras idades pode ser decisivo para manter baixos os níveis de fissuração. Neste trabalho foi implementado um modelo computacional, baseado no método dos elementos finitos, para a simulação do comportamento de peças de concreto nas primeiras idades, tendo, em especial, o propósito de avaliar o potencial risco de fissuração. A análise por elementos finitos abrange a modelagem computacional dos fenômenos químicos, térmicos, de difusão de umidade e mecânicos que ocorrem nos primeiros dias após o lançamento do concreto. Na análise química é determinado o calor gerado pelas reações exotérmicas de hidratação do cimento. Na análise térmica o programa considera ainda o fluxo de calor devido à diferença de temperatura entre o corpo e o ambiente. Em função das propriedades térmicas e geométricas do corpo em estudo são determinadas as temperaturas nodais. Na seqüência, realiza-se a análise de difusão de umidade. Aproveitando a semelhança entre as equações que regem os fenômenos de transferência de calor e difusão de umidade, empregam-se os mesmos procedimentos da análise térmica para a determinação do valor nodal da umidade relativa dos poros. Na análise mecânica, por sua vez, são calculados os estados de tensões decorrentes das variações de temperatura e umidade determinadas nas etapas anteriores e dos fenômenos de retração e fluência do concreto. Quando o estado de tensão de determinado ponto de integração atinge a superfície de ruptura, o ponto passa a ser considerado fissurado. O programa considera a fissuração através de um modelo de fissuras distribuídas com fisssura fixa. Os resultados desta modelagem computacional foram comparados com valores experimentais encontrados na literatura, demonstrando excelente aproximação em todas as etapas de solução implementadas. / The study of the early age properties of concrete is becoming more important, because the thermal effects and the shrinkage, even in the first hours, could generate cracks, increasing the permeability of the structure and being able to induce problems of durability and functionality. The detailed study of the stresses development during the construction process can be decisive to keep low the cracking levels. In this work a computational model, based on the finite element method was implemented, to simulate the early age concrete behavior, having as a special feature, the evaluation of the cracking risk. The finite element analysis encloses the computational modeling of the following phenomena: chemical, thermal, diffusion and mechanical which occur at the first days after the concrete cast. In the chemical analysis, the heat generated by the exothermic reactions of cement hydration is evaluated. In the thermal analysis the program still considers the heat flow due to differences in temperatures between the body and the environment. Considering the thermal and geometric properties of the body, the nodal temperatures are determined. The following analysis is the humidity diffusion. Using the similarity between the equations that describe the phenomena of heat transfer and humidity diffusion, the same thermal analysis procedures are used to evaluate the pore relative humiditys nodal values. In the last analysis, mechanical, the stress states due to temperature and humidity variations, evaluated in the previous steps, and also due to shrinkage and creep are calculated. When the stress state in a determined sample point reaches the rupture surface, the point is considered cracked. The program evaluates cracking through a smeared fixed crack model. The developed software results were compared with experimental values found in the literature, demonstrating an excellent agreement for all the implemented analysis. Read more
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New approach for Monitoring and Modeling of the Creep and Shrinkage behaviour of Cement Pastes, Mortars and Concretes since Setting Time / Nouvelle approche pour le Suivi et la Modélisation du comportement au Fluage et du Retrait de Pâtes de Ciment, Mortiers et Bétons depuis la PriseDelsaute, Brice 19 December 2016 (has links)
Lors de la construction de structure réalisée en plusieurs phases de bétonnage, les déformations du béton sont restreintes durant son durcissement. Quand le retrait est restreint, des contraintes de traction sont induites dans le matériau et un risque de fissuration est présent. Il est alors nécessaire de modéliser l’évolution des propriétés au jeune âge afin de prédire le comportement de la structure durant le jeune âge du béton. La difficulté réside dans le fait que la modélisation des propriétés du béton doit être basée sur des données expérimentales au jeune âge et que ces données doivent être obtenues automatiquement car le durcissement du béton se produit rapidement pendant les premières heures et les premiers jours. La thèse porte sur l’étude expérimentale et numérique des propriétés au jeune âge des matériaux à base de ciment et plus particulièrement sur le développement des déformations endogènes, le coefficient de dilatation thermique, le module d’élasticité et le fluage propre en compression et en traction. A cet effet, un travail complet a été réalisé à l'ULB et à l’Ifsttar impliquant le développement d'une nouvelle approche avec de nouvelles procédures d'essai et la conception de nouveaux dispositifs d'essai pour générer des données expérimentales depuis la prise du matériau. La méthodologie est basée sur deux méthodes d'essai répété. Pour la caractérisation du comportement viscoélastique d'un béton depuis sa prise, un essai de chargement permanent couplé à un essai avec des chargements répétés de plusieurs minutes est nécessaire. Les déformations endogènes, le coefficient de dilatation thermique et la prise sont caractérisés avec des variations thermiques répétées sur un échantillon de béton. Cette nouvelle approche a été définie sur un béton ordinaire et ensuite étendue sur l’étude de 4 paramètres pertinents : le rapport eau-ciment, l'effet de restriction de l'agrégat sur la pâte de ciment dans le développement des propriétés du béton au jeune âge, la substitution du ciment par des additions minérales et la différence de comportement en traction et en compression. Sur la base de ces résultats expérimentaux, de nouveaux modèles ont été développés pour la caractérisation des propriétés au jeune âge de matériaux cimentaires depuis le temps de prise. Une version adaptée de la modélisation du fluage propre dans le Code modèle 2010 est également proposée / For usual concrete structure built in several phases, concrete deformations are restrained during the hardening process. When shrinkage is restrained, tensile stresses are induced and a cracking risk occurs. Modelling the evolution of an early age set of parameters on concrete is necessary to predict the early age behaviour of concrete structures. The difficulty lies in the fact that the modelling of concrete properties must be based on experimental data at early age and this data must be obtained automatically because the hardening process of the concrete takes place rapidly during the first hours and also the first days. The thesis deals with experimental and numerical study of the early age properties of cement based materials and more specifically the development of the autogenous deformation, the coefficient of thermal expansion, the E-modulus and the basic creep in compression and tension. For this purpose, a comprehensive work was carried out at ULB and Ifsttar involving the development of a new approach with new test procedures and the design of new testing devices to generate experimental data since the setting of the material. The methodology is based on two repeated testing methods. For the characterization of the viscoelastic behaviour of a concrete since setting, a permanent loading coupled to a test with repeated minute-long loadings is needed. Whereas, the autogenous strain, the coefficient of thermal expansion and the setting are characterized with repeated thermal variations on a concrete sample. The new approach was defined on an ordinary concrete and then extended to the study of the following parameters: the water-cement ratio, the restrained effect of aggregate on the cement paste in the development of concrete properties at early age, the substitution of cement by mineral addition and the difference of behaviour in tension and in compression. Based on these experimental results, new models were developed for the characterization of the early age properties of cement based materials since setting time. An adapted version of the Model Code 2010 for the modelling of basic creep is also proposed Read more
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[pt] O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar o efeito da adição de fibras dispersas de polipropileno e de curauá na fluência básica a compressão e na retração autógena e por secagem de pastas de cimento nas primeiras idades. O comprimento das fibras de polipropileno e de curauá foi de 12 mm e a fração volumétrica variou de 0,03 a 0,30 por cento da massa do cimento. As pastas de cimento tinham relação água/cimento de 0,44. A retração autógena foi estudada pelo método do tubo corrugado, acompanhando a variação do comprimento desde as primeiras horas. A avaliação da retração por secagem livre se deu por meio da medição da variação de comprimento de primas durante os primeiros dias de idade. Utilizou-se o método do teste do anel para observação do comportamento das pastas sob retração restrita no intuito de se obter a idade de fissuração de cada pasta. A abertura dessas fissuras também foi acompanhada com auxílio de um microscópio. Testes de fluência a compressão foram realizados para determinar a deformação por fluência em idade jovem. Foi observada uma redução significativa da retração autógena nas pastas reforçadas com 0,30 por cento fibras de curauá. A adição de ambas as fibras reduziu ligeiramente a retração por secagem livre, não tendo diferença significativa entre os teores de fibras. Também foi observado atraso no desenvolvimento de fissuras e redução na abertura de fissuras para ambas as fibras independente do teor. As pastas com adição de fibras exibiram, no geral, uma ligeira melhora na deformação por fluência. / [en] The present research aims to investigate the effect of the addition of discrete polypropylene and curauá fibers on the early age autogenous and drying shrinkage and basic creep in compression in cement pastes. The length of the polypropylene and curauá fibers was 12 mm and the volume fraction varied from 0.03 to 0.30 percent of the mass content of cement. The cement pastes had water to cement ratio (w/c) of 0.44. Autogenous shrinkage tests were carried out following the Corrugated Tube Method, monitoring the length changes since casting. The evaluation of free drying shrinkage was given by measuring the length changes during the first days of age. The ring test method was used to determine the age when cracking occurred. The crack opening of the samples was also monitored by a microscope. Compressive creep tests were performed with cylindrical specimens to determine the early age creep strain. A significant reduction of the autogenous shrinkage was observed in the specimens with 0.30 perent of curauá fibers. The addition of both fibers slightly reduced the free drying shrinkage of the specimens and the fiber content did not appear to influence significantly the shrinkage behavior of the specimens. A delay in the development of cracks and a reduction in crack opening for specimens with both fibers were also observed. This behavior was similar for all fiber content. Pastes reinforced with fibers exhibited, overall, a slight improvement in creep strain. The addition of 0.30 percent of polypropylene fibers showed greater improvement in creep strain. Read more
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Stress, role strain, and health in young enlisted Air Froce women with and without preschool childrenHopkins-Chadwick, Denise L. 01 August 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Análise das propriedades mecânicas nas primeiras idades do concreto de lajes alveolares utilizando o ensaio de ultrassom / Analysis of mechanical properties of concrete applied to hollow-core slabs in the early ages using ultrasonic testsPaiva, Mariana Acioli do Carmo 25 October 2017 (has links)
Ensaios não destrutivos são testes que não causam danos a estrutura ensaiada, o que os torna um excelente auxílio aos métodos de ensaios tradicionais quando estes apresentam alguma dificuldade de serem executados. Desta forma, este trabalho visa utilizar os ensaios de esclerometria e ultrassom, dando ênfase na transmissão indireta, para determinar a resistência à compressão nas primeiras idades do concreto e possibilitar um melhor controle tecnológico do material. Para se obter a relação entre os dados experimentais não destrutivos e a resistência à compressão, foram realizados ensaios em duas etapas. A primeira etapa foi desenvolvida em corpos de prova cilíndricos e prismáticos com três traços diferentes de concreto, onde foi variado o consumo de cimento. Na segunda etapa os ensaios foram realizados em uma laje alveolar produzida em laboratório. Com os dados coletados nos ensaios foi possível determinar a relação de crescimento da resistência, do índice esclerométrico e da velocidade do pulso ultrassônico ao longo do tempo, além das correlações velocidade x resistência, velocidade x índice esclerométrico; e a correlação múltipla entre os três fatores. Com base nisto, concluiu-se que é viável ter um bom controle tecnológico da resistência do concreto a partir dos ensaios não destrutivos. Este trabalho não obteve uma equação universal que correlacionasse os parâmetros para todos os tipos de traço de concreto, porém foram obtidas correlações satisfatórias para os traços ensaiados. Desta forma, é possível afirmar que o ensaio de ultrassom, especificamente posição indireta de 30 centímetros, e a esclerometria são ferramentas possíveis de serem aplicadas como auxílio à obtenção da resistência à compressão nas primeiras idades. / Non-destructive tests are tools that do not cause damage to the evaluated structure, which is an excellent support for traditional test methods. Therefore, this work used non-destructive tests such as rebound method and ultrasound, emphasizing the indirect transmission, to determine compression strength in the early age sand enable a better technological control of the material. Two-step tests were performed to see if there is a relationship between non-destructive test data and the compressive strength. The first one was performed in specimens with three different concrete compositions, where the cement ratio was varied, where as the second was carried out in a laboratory hollow core slab. With the experimental data was possible to determine the relationship of the compression strength, rebound number and ultrasonic pulse velocity over time; as the correlations strength x velocity, velocity x rebound number; and a multiple correlation between the three tests. Based on this, it was concluded that it is possible to have a good technological control of the concrete strength from non-destructive tests. A universal equation that correlates parameters for all types of concrete compositions was not found, but satisfactory correlations were obtained for the tested concretes. In this way, it is possible to affirm that the ultrasound test, specifically indirect position of 30 centimeters, and rebound method are possible tools to be applied as aid to obtain the compression strength in the early ages. Read more
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Early Age of Onset of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Marijuana Use Among Middle School Youth in Tennessee: Does Place Matter?Osazee, Osarueme J., Southerland, Jodi L., Zheng, Shimin, Quinn, Megan, Cao, Yan, Slawson, Deborah L., Paisley, Lori 08 April 2015 (has links)
Introduction. Among U.S. adolescents (12-17 years), tobacco, alcohol and marijuana are commonly used substances. Recent data suggests that although trends in tobacco use have declined, marijuana and alcohol use rates are steadily increasing, especially among younger adolescents. The main purpose of this study was to characterize differences in tobacco, alcohol and marijuana onset among Appalachian and nonAppalachian middle school students in Tennessee. At present, there is limited research on tobacco and drug use among younger adolescents in Tennessee and Appalachia as a whole. Therefore, these findings have important implications for the assessment and prevention of risk behaviors among adolescents regionally and may help to establish priorities for policy and preventive measures. Methods. This is a secondary data analysis of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), consisting of data collected in 2010 from a representative sample (n=65,182) of middle schoolers in Tennessee. All analyses were performed on weighted data so that results represent all middle school students in Tennessee. Primary outcome variables included early age of onset (age) of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use. The primary exposure variable was region (Appalachia versus non-Appalachia). Multiple logistic regression was used to determine the association between early age of onset of cigarette, alcohol, and marijuana use, and region controlling for personal characteristics, other substance use, suicidal behaviors, body mass index, weight misperception and extreme weight control behaviors. Odds ratios (ORs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were reported. Results. Early initiators of cigarette, alcohol or marijuana had a two to four fold increase risk for experimentation with other substances compared to late age of onset, with cigarette use posing the highest risk [OR: 4.73, C.I. (4.47, 5.01)]. Middle schoolers in Appalachia were at greater risk for early age of onset of cigarette [OR: 1.502, C.I. (1.421, 1.587)] and marijuana use [OR: 1.268, C.I. (1.169, 1,375)] compared to non-Appalachia middle schoolers, and 80.9% less likely to use alcohol prior to age 12 [OR: 0.809, C.I. (0.777, 0.843). Other differences were observed for risk of early onset of use and gender, race/ethnicity, age, other substance use and EWCB. Conclusion. Differences in the pattern of substance use were observed for middle schoolers in Appalachia and non-Appalachia Tennessee. Better understanding of these differences will help inform public health policy and practice targeting cigarette, alcohol and marijuana use in the region. Read more
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Zero-stress temperature and Its implications for long-term performance of continuously reinforced concrete pavementsYeon, Jung Heum, 1983- 30 January 2012 (has links)
Continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) is a portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement structure with a continuous longitudinal steel layout. CRCP is forming a major portion of PCC roadway systems in the state of Texas due to its low life cycle cost, ease of maintenance, and durable nature. While the overall performance of CRCP is proven to be excellent, some performance problems are still found as a form of distresses such as punchout and spalling. The current pavement design guide states that these distresses are closely related with the early-age behavior characteristics of CRCP, and various measures are underway to develop to improve the long-term performance of CRCP in terms of initial material design and use, structural design, and quality control.
Understanding the current issues that pavement engineers and researchers face, the primary objective of this dissertation research focuses on sound understanding of the early-age structural behavior characteristics of CRCP and its effect on the long-term performance to provide reliable design and analysis criteria for CRCP. To achieve this main objective, characterizing the early-age structural response in CRCP was a core task of this study. For this purpose, a zero-stress temperature (ZST), one of the design and construction variables considered to have most significant effects on CRCP behavior and performance, was evaluated. As a beginning point of the entire framework, a series of field experiments were conducted in four new PCC pavement construction projects in the state of Texas to evaluate the actual structural response in early-age CRCP since a laboratory experiment would have a critical limitation in simulating the restraint conditions that exist in actual CRCP. To expand this core task to various parametric categories, a computer-aided parametric simulation was performed using valid numerical models. Based on data sets obtained from the parametric investigation, a statistical model to quantify the early-age structural response of CRCP was proposed to implement in codes of practice and pavement design guides.
A secondary task was to identify a correlation between the early-age structural response and the long-term performance of CRCP structures. Since the experimental and analytical investigations tended to provide quite localized information for the time-dependent behavior of CRCP, the overall performance of CRCP could not be properly identified solely based on those results. To overcome this limitation, extensive field condition surveys were performed in seven different old CRCP sections with known material and early-age temperature history to find the implications of early-age behavior characteristics on the long-term performance of CRCP from a macroscopic point of view.
It is expected that this research effort will provide pavement engineers and researchers with useful information to understand the actual time-dependent behavior of CRCP and a solid foundation to improve the sustainability of CRCP structures. / text Read more
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Microdureza aplicada ao estudo do dano em revestimentos compósitos para superfícies metálicasVieira, Andressa de Araújo Porto 29 March 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-03-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Oil well structures are built by placing a steel casing and by cementing the space
(annulus) between the casing and rock formations throughout the geological
layers of wellbores. The structural integrity of these systems resides on the
cementing operation, which is designed to offer structural support as well as
corrosion protection of the casing. It also promotes zonal isolation among rock
formations throughout the wellbore, which not only helps to avoid losses in
production, but also reduces potential environmental damage due to leakage of
contaminated fluids. In order to achieve these objectives, a hydraulic seal between
the casing and the cement and between the cement and the rock formations must
be ensured, so that fluid channels in the cement sheath can be prevented. Although
oil and gas companies have always been aspiring for perfect zonal isolation, the
scope of existing zonal-isolation problems is enormous. Hence, a great number of
researchers have been motivated to study and predict lost of zonal isolation,
helping to reduce the magnitude of such complex problem. Most research focus
on the improvement of the cement properties whereas least effort is given to
interface related aspects. This is mostly given to the fact that such important zone
is difficult to assess. Such difficulties are mainly associated to inherent
anisotropies of Portland cement based materials. Interface related aspects of the
cement hydration are strongly affected by the local chemistry of the components
of the matrix. The effect of such complex microstructure on the engineering
parameters must be carefully examined, so that evaluation of the structure
integrity can be properly made via Non Destructive Testings. The aim of this
work is to correlate the mechanical properties (destructive and non-destructive)
with the microhardness of cement paste at early ages. The samples were cast using
Early Strength Development Portland cement and three water to binder ratio
(0.33, 0.44 and 0.55 by mass). Also, two sets of cement pastes were mixed with
and without a ground redbrick waste pozzolan replacing cement (20% by mass).
The test ages were 1, 3 and 7 days. The micro features of the early hydrated
cement pastes were assessed by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy
(Backscattered Electron Imaging Mode) and Vickers Microhardness. The data
shows that the presence of the pozzolan affects the distribution of hydrated
cement grains and the homogeneity of the cement matrix, yielding to different
microfeatures, reflecting on the mechanical properties. The local chemistry
prevails over the average properties of the cement paste, especially at the contact
between steel and cement. / As estruturas de poços de petróleo são constituídas por tubulações metálicas
revestidas com material cimentício as quais atravessam diversas formações
geológicas. A integridade estrutural destes sistemas depende principalmente da
integridade do material revestimento, que tem como funções oferecer suporte
estrutural à tubulação metálica, além de protegê-la contra corrosão. Tal
revestimento é ainda responsável por isolar as diferentes formações geológicas
existentes ao longo do poço, objetivando não apenas evitar perdas na produção,
mas também reduzir potenciais danos ambientais devidos a vazamentos de fluidos
contaminantes. De modo a atingir estes objetivos, um perfeito isolamento
hidráulico deve ser garantido tanto entre a tubulação metálica e o revestimento
cimentício quanto entre este revestimento e as formações rochosas, de maneira
que a migração de fluidos possa ser evitada. Embora as companhias de gás e
petróleo venham buscando a obtenção de um perfeito isolamento hidráulico, a
freqüência de ocorrência destes problemas é enorme em todo o mundo. Deste
modo, grande número de pesquisas tem se voltado ao estudo e entendimento das
causas associadas à quebra deste isolamento hidráulico, ajudando a reduzir a
magnitude de tão complexo problema. A maioria destas pesquisas objetiva o
aprimoramento das propriedades do revestimento propriamente dito, enquanto que
um número bastante reduzido está associado a aspectos relacionados às interfaces
destes sistemas. Tal particularidade deve-se em grande parte ao fato de que tão
importante região possui grandes dificuldades de avaliação. Tais dificuldades
estão associadas principalmente às anisotropias inerentes aos materiais à base de
cimento Portland. Aspectos da interface relacionados à hidratação do cimento são
fortemente afetados pela química local dos componentes da matriz cimentícia. O
efeito desta complexa microestrutura nas propriedades de engenharia das
estruturas deve ser cuidadosamente examinado, podendo a avaliação da de sua
integridade ser apropriadamente efetuada mediante Testes Não Destrutivos. O
objetivo deste trabalho é correlacionar propriedades mecânicas (obtidas mediante
técnicas destrutivas e não-destrutivas) com a microdureza de pastas de cimento
em pequenas idades. As amostras ensaiadas foram confeccionadas utilizando
cimento Portland de Alta Resistência Inicial e três relações água/aglomerante
(0.33, 0.44 e 0.55 em massa). Dois conjuntos de amostras foram preparados: com
e sem substituição parcial do cimento (20% em massa) por pozolana constituída
de resíduos de cerâmica vermelha moídos. As idades avaliadas foram 1, 3 e 7 dias.
As características microestruturais e micromecânicas das pastas de cimento
hidratadas foram acessadas mediante técnicas de Microscopia Eletrônica de
Varredura (no modo retroespalhado) e Microdureza Vickers. Os resultados
mostram que a presença da pozolana afeta a distribuição dos grãos de cimento
hidratados e a homogeneidade da matriz cimentícia, modificando suas
características microestruturais, refletindo nas propriedades mecânicas. A química
local prevaleceu sobre as propriedades medias da pasta de cimento, especialmente
no contato entre o cimento e a superfície metálica. Read more
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Análise das propriedades mecânicas nas primeiras idades do concreto de lajes alveolares utilizando o ensaio de ultrassom / Analysis of mechanical properties of concrete applied to hollow-core slabs in the early ages using ultrasonic testsMariana Acioli do Carmo Paiva 25 October 2017 (has links)
Ensaios não destrutivos são testes que não causam danos a estrutura ensaiada, o que os torna um excelente auxílio aos métodos de ensaios tradicionais quando estes apresentam alguma dificuldade de serem executados. Desta forma, este trabalho visa utilizar os ensaios de esclerometria e ultrassom, dando ênfase na transmissão indireta, para determinar a resistência à compressão nas primeiras idades do concreto e possibilitar um melhor controle tecnológico do material. Para se obter a relação entre os dados experimentais não destrutivos e a resistência à compressão, foram realizados ensaios em duas etapas. A primeira etapa foi desenvolvida em corpos de prova cilíndricos e prismáticos com três traços diferentes de concreto, onde foi variado o consumo de cimento. Na segunda etapa os ensaios foram realizados em uma laje alveolar produzida em laboratório. Com os dados coletados nos ensaios foi possível determinar a relação de crescimento da resistência, do índice esclerométrico e da velocidade do pulso ultrassônico ao longo do tempo, além das correlações velocidade x resistência, velocidade x índice esclerométrico; e a correlação múltipla entre os três fatores. Com base nisto, concluiu-se que é viável ter um bom controle tecnológico da resistência do concreto a partir dos ensaios não destrutivos. Este trabalho não obteve uma equação universal que correlacionasse os parâmetros para todos os tipos de traço de concreto, porém foram obtidas correlações satisfatórias para os traços ensaiados. Desta forma, é possível afirmar que o ensaio de ultrassom, especificamente posição indireta de 30 centímetros, e a esclerometria são ferramentas possíveis de serem aplicadas como auxílio à obtenção da resistência à compressão nas primeiras idades. / Non-destructive tests are tools that do not cause damage to the evaluated structure, which is an excellent support for traditional test methods. Therefore, this work used non-destructive tests such as rebound method and ultrasound, emphasizing the indirect transmission, to determine compression strength in the early age sand enable a better technological control of the material. Two-step tests were performed to see if there is a relationship between non-destructive test data and the compressive strength. The first one was performed in specimens with three different concrete compositions, where the cement ratio was varied, where as the second was carried out in a laboratory hollow core slab. With the experimental data was possible to determine the relationship of the compression strength, rebound number and ultrasonic pulse velocity over time; as the correlations strength x velocity, velocity x rebound number; and a multiple correlation between the three tests. Based on this, it was concluded that it is possible to have a good technological control of the concrete strength from non-destructive tests. A universal equation that correlates parameters for all types of concrete compositions was not found, but satisfactory correlations were obtained for the tested concretes. In this way, it is possible to affirm that the ultrasound test, specifically indirect position of 30 centimeters, and rebound method are possible tools to be applied as aid to obtain the compression strength in the early ages. Read more
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Modelling Concrete Behaviour At Early-Age : Multiscale Analysis And Simulation Of A Massive Disposal Structure / Modélisation du comportement du bêton au jeune âge : analyse multiéchelle et simulation d'une structure massive de stockageHonorio de Faria, Tulio 28 September 2015 (has links)
La prédiction précise du comportement à long et court terme des structures en béton dans le domaine nucléaire est essentielle pour assurer des performances optimales (intégrité, capacité de confinement) pendant leur durée de vie. Dans le cas particulier des structures massives en béton, la chaleur produite au jeune âge par les processus d'hydratation ne peut pas s’évacuer rapidement, si bien que des températures élevées peuvent être atteintes et les gradients de température qui en résultent peuvent conduire à la fissuration, en fonction des conditions aux limites et contraintes internes auxquelles ces structures sont soumises. Les objectifs de cette étude sont (1) d'effectuer des simulations numériques afin de décrire et prédire le comportement thermo-chimio-mécanique au jeune âge d'une structure massive en béton dédiée au stockage de déchets en surface, et (2) de développer et appliquer des outils de changement d'échelle pour estimer rigoureusement, à partir de la composition du matériau, les propriétés physiques du béton nécessaires à une analyse au jeune âge. Une étude chimio-thermique visant à déterminer l'influence de la convection, du rayonnement solaire, du re-rayonnement et de la chaleur d'hydratation sur la réponse thermique de la structure est tout d’abord menée. Des recommandations pratiques concernant les températures de bétonnage sont fournies afin de limiter la température maximale atteinte au sein de la structure. Ensuite, au moyen d'une analyse mécanique, des stratégies de modélisation simplifiées et plus complexes (prenant en compte l’endommagement couplé au fluage) sont mises en œuvre pour évaluer des scénarios intégrant différentes conditions aux limites issues de l'analyse chimio-thermique précédente. Dans un second temps, une étude prenant en compte le caractère multi-échelle du béton est réalisée. Un modèle simplifié de cinétique d'hydratation du ciment est proposé. Les évolutions des fractions volumiques des différentes phases au niveau de la pâte de ciment peuvent être alors estimées. Par la suite des outils d’homogénéisation analytiques et numériques développés dans un cadre vieillissant sont présentés et appliqués pour estimer les propriétés mécaniques et thermiques des matériaux cimentaires. Les données d’entrée utilisées dans l'analyse structurelle sont finalement comparées avec les estimations obtenues dans l'analyse multiéchelle. Pour conclure, la stratégie proposée dans cette thèse vise à prédire le comportement des structures massives en béton à partir de la composition du béton au moyen d'une approche séquentielle: le comportement du béton est estimé via les outils de changement d’échelle, fournissant ainsi les données d'entrée pour l'analyse phénoménologique à l’échelle de la structure. / The accurate prediction of the long and short-term behaviour of concrete structures in the nuclear domain is essential to ensure optimal performances (integrity, containment roperties) during their service life. In the particular case of massive concrete structures, at early age the heat produced by hydration reactions cannot be evacuated fast enough so that high temperatures may be reached and the resulting gradients of temperature might lead to cracking according to the external and internal restraints to which the structures are subjected. The goals of this study are (1) to perform numerical simulations in order to describe and predict the thermo-chemo-mechanical behaviour at early-age of a massive concrete structure devoted to nuclear waste disposal on surface, and (2) to develop and apply upscaling tools to estimate rigorously the key properties of concrete needed in an early-age analysis from the composition of the material. Firstly, a chemo-thermal analysis aims at determining the influence of convection, solar radiation, reradiation and hydration heat on the thermal response of the structure. Practical recommendations regarding concreting temperatures are provided in order to limit the maximum temperature reached within the structure. Then, by means of a mechanical analysis, simplified and more complex (i.e. accounting for coupled creep and damage) modelling strategies are used to assess scenarios involving different boundary conditions defined from the previous chemo-thermal analysis. Secondly, a study accounting for the multiscale character of concrete is performed. A simplified model of cement hydration kinetics is proposed. The evolution of the different phases at the cement paste level can be estimated. Then, analytical and numerical tools to upscale the ageing properties are presented and applied to estimate the mechanical and thermal properties of cementbased materials. Finally, the input data used in the structural analysis are compared with the estimations obtained in the multiscale analysis. To conclude, the entire strategy proposed in this thesis aims at predicting the behaviour of massive concrete structures from the composition of the concrete by means of a sequenced approach: concrete behaviour is estimated using the upscaling tools, providing then the input data to the phenomenological analysis at the structure level. Read more
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