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Estudo da interação solo-concreto das estacas escavadas do campo experimental de AraquariLavalle, Laura Vanessa Araque January 2017 (has links)
Procurando diminuir as incertezas a respeito do comportamento de estacas em perfis arenosos, desenvolveu-se um campo experimental localizado em Araquari-SC, conduzido pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, no qual foram executados (a) ensaios de campo para definir as condições geotécnicas do solo, (b) estacas escavadas e hélice continua e (c) provas de carga estática nos elementos estruturais. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar as variáveis que intervêm no mecanismo de transferência de carga ao solo. Mediante ensaios de laboratório, caracterizou-se o solo presente no campo experimental, definiram-se os parâmetros de resistência, mineralogia, forma, distribuição e tamanho das partículas, para serem usadas na retro análise do coeficiente de pressão de solo (ks) das provas de carga. Para esta finalidade foram analisados os resultados medidos em estacas escavadas executadas com bentonita e polímero. A retro análise foi realizada através do método beta (β), abordagem que permite a obtenção da capacidade lateral das estacas construídas em perfis arenosos, baseado nas tensões verticais, no coeficiente de pressão de solo e no ângulo de atrito da interface solo-estaca. Devido à interação entre as partículas do solo e concreto da estaca, estas são mobilizadas a elevados níveis de deformações, o ângulo de atrito da interface é considerado próximo ao ângulo de atrito no estado crítico da areia. O solo presente no campo experimental corresponde a areia fina com lentes de silte. Assim, os parâmetros de resistência definidos foram o ângulo de atrito no estado crítico e de pico com valores de 33,0° e 33,4° respetivamente. O ângulo no estado crítico foi utilizado na retro análise das provas de carga e como resultado foi obtido o ks, para posteriormente ser comparado ao coeficiente de empuxo no repouso (k0). Os resultados mostraram que com a profundidade o valor ks aproxima-se ao valor de k0, apresentado uma relação de ks/k0 próxima a unidade. Conclui-se que, o mecanismo de transferência de carga entre o solo e a estaca pode ser avaliado em função das tensões iniciais do depósito, expressas a partir de k0 estimado com base nos ensaios de laboratório. / In order to reduce the uncertainties regarding the behavior of piles in sandy profiles, an experimental field was developed by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Araquari-SC, where were executed (a) field tests to define soil geotechnical conditions, (b) bored and continuous flight auger piles and (c) static load tests on the structural elements. The aim of this research was to study the variables that intervene in the soil load transfer mechanism. The soil at the experimental field was characterized by laboratory tests, and parameters of resistance, mineralogy, particle shape, distribution and size were obtained for use in the back analysis of the soil pressure coefficient (ks) of the load tests. For this purpose, were analyzed the results measured on bored piles executed with bentonite and polymer. The back analysis was made using the beta method (β), which allows to estimate the lateral capacity of the piles constructed in sandy profiles, based on vertical stresses, soil pressure coefficient and friction angle of the soil-pile interface. Due to the interaction between the soil particles and the pile concrete, the first are mobilized at high deformation levels, the friction angle of the interface is considered close to the friction angle in the sand critical state. The soil present in the experimental field corresponds to fine sand with silt lenses. Thus, the resistance parameters defined were the critical state and peak friction angle with values of 33.0 ° and 33.4 ° respectively. The critical state angle was used in the back analysis of the load tests, and as a result the ks was obtained, to be subsequently compared to the at rest lateral earth pressure coefficient (k0). The results showed that, with depth, the value ks approaches the value of k0, with a relation of ks / k0 close to unity. It is concluded that the load transfer mechanism between the soil and the pile can be evaluated as a function of the initial stresses of the deposit, expressed from an estimated k0 based on the laboratory tests.
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Estudo do atrito lateral no arrancamento de estacas modelo instaladas por fluidização em areiaMazutti, Júlia Hein January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação consiste em aprofundar o entendimento dos mecanismos que controlam o atrito lateral sob arrancamento de estacas instaladas por fluidização em areia. A técnica de instalação é estudada como uma alternativa para a utilização de estacas torpedo na fixação de plataformas offshore. Trabalhou-se em laboratório com o arrancamento de estacas metálicas circulares em modelo reduzido. Foram utilizados três diâmetros de estacas modelo, simulando três diferentes escalas: 14 mm (1:76), 16,2 mm (1:67) e 21,3 mm (1:50). Foram realizados 8 ensaios de arrancamento (24 horas após a fluidização) em estacas modelo instaladas por fluidização em solo arenoso com densidade relativa de 50% e submetido à sobrecarga de 2,236 kPa. Foram também realizados 17 ensaios de arrancamento em estacas modelo pré-instaladas (sem fluidização) em areia com densidade relativa de 30%, simulando uma instalação sem perturbação do solo, uma vez que esta é a densidade relativa aproximada que a areia atinge após o processo de fluidização. Os resultados foram comparados com pesquisas anteriores de arrancamento de estacas instaladas por fluidização em areia. Para um aumento médio de 2 vezes a tensão vertical efetiva nas estacas modelo instaladas por fluidização com sobrecarga, observa-se um ganho médio de 1,8 na resistência. O coeficiente de empuxo lateral de serviço para estes ensaios não apresentou diferenças significativas em relação ao mesmo tipo de ensaio sem sobrecarga. As estacas instaladas por fluidização com sobrecarga e estacas pré-instaladas (sem perturbação) apresentam valores de constantes e independentes das profundidades instaladas, com respectivas médias de 0,15 e 0,31. O valor de parece aumentar com o tempo para as estacas fluidizadas (efeito setup) devido à reconstituição das tensões radiais. Os valores de estacas cravadas em areia densa diminuem seu valor com o aumento da profundidade instalada (e da tensão efetiva média atuante), por restrição de dilatação, tendendo ao valor de encontrado para ensaios pré-instalados realizados neste trabalho. / The main goal of this study is to deepen the understanding of the shaft friction behavior under tension loads of piles installed by fluidization in Osório sand. The installation technique is studied as an alternative for the use of torpedo piles in offshore platforms anchoring. This work was done in laboratory with metallic circular piles in reduced model. Three diameters of model piles were used, simulating three different scales: 14 mm (1:76), 16,2 mm (1:67) and 21,3 mm (1:50). Eight pullout tests (24 hours after fluidization) were carried out on model piles installed by fluidization in sandy soil with a relative density of 50% and subjected to a surcharge of 2,236 kPa. Eighteen pullout tests were performed on pre-installed (non-fluidized) model piles in sand with a relative density of 30%, simulating an installation without soil disturbance, since this is the approximate relative density reached after the process of fluidization. The results were compared with previous studies of pullout resistance of fluidized piles in sand. For an average increase of 2 times the vertical effective stress in the model piles installed by fluidization with surcharge, an average increase of 1,8 times is observed in the pullout resistance. The lateral earth pressure coefficient on the pile shaft for these tests did not show significant differences in relation to the same type of test without surcharge. For tests installed by fluidization and pre-installed tests (without soil disturbance), remains constant and independent of the installed depths, with respective averages of 0,15 and 0,31. The value seems to increase with time for fluidized tests (setup effect) due to the reconstitution of the radial tensions. The values for pullout tests in driven model piles in dense sand decrease their value with the increase of the installed depth (and the increase of the vertical effective stress), by restriction of the expansive behavior, tending to the value found for pre-installed tests carried out in this work.
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Estudo da interação solo-concreto das estacas escavadas do campo experimental de AraquariLavalle, Laura Vanessa Araque January 2017 (has links)
Procurando diminuir as incertezas a respeito do comportamento de estacas em perfis arenosos, desenvolveu-se um campo experimental localizado em Araquari-SC, conduzido pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, no qual foram executados (a) ensaios de campo para definir as condições geotécnicas do solo, (b) estacas escavadas e hélice continua e (c) provas de carga estática nos elementos estruturais. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar as variáveis que intervêm no mecanismo de transferência de carga ao solo. Mediante ensaios de laboratório, caracterizou-se o solo presente no campo experimental, definiram-se os parâmetros de resistência, mineralogia, forma, distribuição e tamanho das partículas, para serem usadas na retro análise do coeficiente de pressão de solo (ks) das provas de carga. Para esta finalidade foram analisados os resultados medidos em estacas escavadas executadas com bentonita e polímero. A retro análise foi realizada através do método beta (β), abordagem que permite a obtenção da capacidade lateral das estacas construídas em perfis arenosos, baseado nas tensões verticais, no coeficiente de pressão de solo e no ângulo de atrito da interface solo-estaca. Devido à interação entre as partículas do solo e concreto da estaca, estas são mobilizadas a elevados níveis de deformações, o ângulo de atrito da interface é considerado próximo ao ângulo de atrito no estado crítico da areia. O solo presente no campo experimental corresponde a areia fina com lentes de silte. Assim, os parâmetros de resistência definidos foram o ângulo de atrito no estado crítico e de pico com valores de 33,0° e 33,4° respetivamente. O ângulo no estado crítico foi utilizado na retro análise das provas de carga e como resultado foi obtido o ks, para posteriormente ser comparado ao coeficiente de empuxo no repouso (k0). Os resultados mostraram que com a profundidade o valor ks aproxima-se ao valor de k0, apresentado uma relação de ks/k0 próxima a unidade. Conclui-se que, o mecanismo de transferência de carga entre o solo e a estaca pode ser avaliado em função das tensões iniciais do depósito, expressas a partir de k0 estimado com base nos ensaios de laboratório. / In order to reduce the uncertainties regarding the behavior of piles in sandy profiles, an experimental field was developed by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Araquari-SC, where were executed (a) field tests to define soil geotechnical conditions, (b) bored and continuous flight auger piles and (c) static load tests on the structural elements. The aim of this research was to study the variables that intervene in the soil load transfer mechanism. The soil at the experimental field was characterized by laboratory tests, and parameters of resistance, mineralogy, particle shape, distribution and size were obtained for use in the back analysis of the soil pressure coefficient (ks) of the load tests. For this purpose, were analyzed the results measured on bored piles executed with bentonite and polymer. The back analysis was made using the beta method (β), which allows to estimate the lateral capacity of the piles constructed in sandy profiles, based on vertical stresses, soil pressure coefficient and friction angle of the soil-pile interface. Due to the interaction between the soil particles and the pile concrete, the first are mobilized at high deformation levels, the friction angle of the interface is considered close to the friction angle in the sand critical state. The soil present in the experimental field corresponds to fine sand with silt lenses. Thus, the resistance parameters defined were the critical state and peak friction angle with values of 33.0 ° and 33.4 ° respectively. The critical state angle was used in the back analysis of the load tests, and as a result the ks was obtained, to be subsequently compared to the at rest lateral earth pressure coefficient (k0). The results showed that, with depth, the value ks approaches the value of k0, with a relation of ks / k0 close to unity. It is concluded that the load transfer mechanism between the soil and the pile can be evaluated as a function of the initial stresses of the deposit, expressed from an estimated k0 based on the laboratory tests.
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[pt] A necessidade da determinação do comportamento tensão-deformação de solos sob carregamento para fins de projeto de Engenharia exige o conhecimento prévio do estado natural de tensões ao que o solo está imposto. Quando se trata de solos residuais tropicais, este desafio amplia-se ainda mais devido à ação do intemperismo e variação de umidade. O estado natural do solo é usualmente expresso pelo coeficiente de empuxo no repouso (K0). Para a determinação de K0 três classes de métodos são utilizadas: métodos de correlação, de determinação in situ e em laboratório. Neste estudo, é utilizada uma célula rígida com sistema de controle de sucção para a obtenção de K0 em laboratório. Foram analisadas três amostras de solo residual de Gnaisse com diferentes graus de intemperismo, provenientes de São Conrado, Rio de Janeiro, denominadas: solo residual jovem (SRJ); solo residual de transição (SRT); e solo residual maduro (SRM). Para a análise da influência da sucção no valor do coeficiente de empuxo, cada amostra de solo foi ensaiada sob três diferentes condições de umidade, que tentaram representar as seguintes condições: mais úmida, com sucção de 10 kPa; intermediária, com 40 kPa de sucção; e mais seca, com 100 kPa. Os valores de K0 obtidos nos ensaios variaram de 0,50 a 0,65. Os resultados seguiram, em parte, a tendência esperada. Entretanto, devido à heterogeneidade do material estudado, é necessário realizar repetições dos ensaios a fim de obter dados representativos. / [en] The necessity to determine the stress-strain behavior of soils under loading for the purpose of engineering projects requires early knowledge of the natural state of stress that acting on the mass of soil. When it comes to tropical residual soils, this challenge is even greater due to weathering and moisture variation. The natural state of the soil is usually expressed by the coefficient of earth pressure at rest (K0). For the determination of K0 three classes of methods can be used: correlation meth-ods, in situ determination and laboratory tests. On this research, one rigid cell with system of suction control is used to obtain values of K0 in laboratory tests. Were analyzed three samples of Gneiss residual soil with different degrees of weathering. The samples were provenient to São Conrado, Rio de Janeiro and namely: young residual soil (SRJ), transition residual soil (SRT) and mature residual soil (SRM). To evaluate the influence of suction on the value of coefficient of earth pressure at rest, each sample of soil were tested into three different levels of moisture which correspond of following conditions: more humid, with suction of 10 kPa; interme-diate, with 40 kPa of suction; and more dry, with 100 kPa. The K0 values obtained in the tests ranged from 0,50 to 0,65. In general, the results attended the expected trend. However, due to the great heterogeneity of the studied material, it is neces-sary to perform repetitions of tests in order to obtain representative data.
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Behavior of a Full-Scale Pile Cap with Loosely and Densely Compacted Clean Sand Backfill under Cyclic and Dynamic LoadingsCummins, Colin Reuben 16 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A series of lateral load tests were performed on a full-scale pile cap with three different backfill conditions, namely: with no backfill present, with densely compacted clean sand in place, and with loosely compacted clean sand in place. In addition to being displaced under a static loading, the pile cap was subjected to low frequency, small displacement loading cycles from load actuators and higher frequency, small displacement, dynamic loading cycles from an eccentric mass shaker. The passive earth pressure from the backfill was found to significantly increase the load capacity of the pile cap. At a displacement of about 46 mm, the loosely and densely compacted backfills increased the total resistance of the pile cap otherwise without backfill by 50% and 245%, respectively. The maximum passive earth pressure for the densely compacted backfill occurred at a displacement of approximately 50 mm, which corresponds to a displacement to pile cap height ratio of 0.03. Contrastingly passive earth pressure for the loosely compacted backfill occurred at a displacement of approximately 40 mm. Under low and high frequency cyclic loadings, the stiffness of the pile cap system increased with the presence of the backfill material. The loosely compacted backfill generally provided double the stiffness of the no backfill case. The densely compacted backfill generally provided double the stiffness of the loosely compacted sand, thus quadrupling the stiffness of the pile cap relative to the case with no backfill present. Under low frequency cyclic loadings, the damping ratio of the pile cap system decreased with cap displacement and with increasing stiffness of backfill material. After about 20 mm of pile cap displacement, the average damping ratio was about 18% with the looser backfill and about 24% for the denser backfill. Under higher frequency cyclic loadings, the damping ratio of the pile cap system was quite variable and appeared to vary with frequency. Damping ratios appear to peak in the vicinity of the natural frequency of the pile cap system for each backfill condition. On the whole, damping ratios tend to range between 10 and 30%, with an average of about 20% for the range of frequencies and displacement amplitudes occurring during the tests. The similar amount of damping for different ranges of frequency suggests that dynamic loadings do not appreciably increase the apparent resistance of the pile cap relative to slowly applied cyclic loadings.
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[pt] Para o conhecimento do estado de tensão natural do solo, expresso pelo coeficiente de empuxo no repouso (k0), emprega-se a realização de ensaios de laboratório em amostras indeformadas. A importância da determinação desse parâmetro para solos coluvionares diz respeito à aplicação em obras de engenharia que envolvam empuxo de terra e fundações. Existem correlações na literatura para a determinação de k0 que provém de pesquisas desenvolvidas considerando solos sedimentares, tipicamente de regiões temperadas ou frias. Ao lidar com solos coluvionares e residuais, típicos de regiões tropicais, não é condizente utilizar dessas correlações, visto que o k0 é afetado por vários fatores, tais como a sucção, grau de intemperismo, processo de laterização, entre outros que também afetam solos sedimentares saturados. Esse estudo analisa as amostras de solo coluvionar provenientes do talude da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Para determinar o coeficiente de empuxo no repouso do solo coluvionar na condição não saturada, é utilizado um equipamento de parede flexível, com sistema de controle de sucção. Para avaliar a influência da sucção no valor do coeficiente de empuxo no repouso, cada amostra foi ensaiada sob diferentes teores de umidade: mais úmida, com sucção de 10 kPa; intermediária com sucção de 40 kPa; e mais seca, com 100 kPa. Os valores de k0 obtidos nos ensaios variaram de 0,19 a 0,24. O coeficiente de empuxo no repouso do solo coluvionar na condição saturada (sucção nula) também foi determinado usando um equipamento triaxial servo-controlado tipo Bishop-Wesley. O valor de k0 obtido para o solo coluvionar na condição saturada foi de 0,36. Os resultados obtidos seguiram, em parte, a tendência esperada. / [en] For the knowledge of the natural stress state of the soil, expressed by the coefficient of earth pressure at rest (k0), a laboratory test is used in undisturbed samples. The importance of the determination of this parameter for colluvium soils relates to the application in engineering works that involve buoyancy of earth and foundations. There are correlations in the literature for determination k0 that comes from researches developed considering sedimentary soils, typically from temperate or cold regions. In dealing with residual and colluvium soils, typical of tropical regions, it is not appropriate to use these correlations, since k0 is affected by several factors, such as degree of weathering, laterization processes and suction, among others that also affect saturated sedimentary soils. This research analyzes samples of a colluvium soil from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). For the determination of the coefficient of earth pressure at rest of the unsaturated colluvium soil, a flexible wall equipment, with a system of suction control was used. In order to evaluate the influence of suction on the value of the coeficiente of erath pressure at rest, each sample was tested under different moisture contents: wetter, with suction of 10 kPa; intermediate with suction of 40 kPa; and drier with 100 kPa. The k0 values obtained in the tests ranged from 0,19 to 0,24. The coefficient of earth pressure at saturated colluvium (null suction) was also determined using Bishop and Wesley type, servo-controlled triaxial equipment. The value of k0 obtained for the colluvium soil in the saturated condition was equal to 0.36. The results in both trials followed, in part, the expected trend.
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Posouzení železobetonové konstrukce bytového domu / The Design of RC Structure of Residential HouseHrvolová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is static solution of selected parts of the residental house with formwork drawings and reinforcement drawings of designed structures included. Project describes the design and assessment of the monolitic slab structure, precast stair flights, basement loadbearing wall and retaining wall. For calculation of the internal forces was used software Scia Engineer.
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Setzungsarme Bauweisen im Hinterfüllbereich von BrückenwiderlagernSzczyrba, Sebastian 28 June 2013 (has links)
Am Übergang von Brückenbauwerken zu den angrenzenden Hinterfüllungen treten teilweise größere Unebenheiten der Fahrbahnoberfläche im Längsprofil auf. Eine Ursache dafür können Setzungen innerhalb der Hinterfüllung sein. Um diesen Anteil unter realen Bedingungen zu untersuchen, wurden an zwei Autobahnbrücken acht unterschiedlichen Hinterfüllungen ausgeführt und die Verformungen unter Verkehrsbelastung mit einem aufwändigen Messprogramm über einen Beobachtungszeitraum von bis zu vier Jahren erfasst. Im Ergebnis konnte für diese beiden Brücken gezeigt werden, dass die Setzungen unter Verkehrsbelastung nur wenige Millimeter betrugen und deutlich kleiner waren als die Höhenungenauigkeiten beim Einbau der Asphaltdeckschicht. Die Fahrbahnebenheit im Längsprofil wurde allein durch den Zustand vor Verkehrsfreigabe geprägt. Einfache Sofortmaßnahmen zur Erhöhung der Einbaugenauigkeit werden in der Arbeit vorgeschlagen. In einem weiteren Teil werden Erddruck- und Verformungsmessungen an zwei Hinterfüllungen einer integralen Rahmenbrücke vorgestellt.
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Projekt bytového domu / Design of residential houseMoravcová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
This is a residential house in Brno. The supporting structure is reinforced concrete. The building has one basement and six floors. Vertical load-bearing structures are made up of reinforced concrete columns and walls. Horizontal load-bearing structures are formed by slabs (bearing in both directions). The staircase is concrete slab. Foundation is on piles. Infill vertical structures are brick. In the fifth floor pool is located.
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Passive Earth Pressures on a Pile Cap with a Dense Sand BackfillMarsh, Robert Ashall 15 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Pile groups are often used to provide support for structures. Capping a pile group further adds to the system's resistance due to the passive earth pressure from surrounding backfill. While ultimate passive earth pressure under static loading conditions can be readily calculated using several different theories, the effects of cyclic and dynamic loading on the passive earth pressure response are less understood. Data derived from the full-scale testing of a pile cap system with a densely compacted sand backfill under static, cyclic, and dynamic loadings was analyzed with particular focus on soil pressures measured directly using pressure plates. Based on the testing and analyses, it was observed that under slow, cyclic loading, the backfill stiffness was relatively constant. Under faster, dynamic loading, the observed backfill stiffness decreased in a relatively linear fashion. During cyclic and dynamic loading, the pile cap gradually developed a residual offset from its initial position, accompanied by a reduction in backfill force. While the pile cap and backfill appeared to move integrally during static and cyclic loadings, during dynamic loading the backfill exhibited out-of-phase movement relative to the pile cap. Observed losses in backfill contact force were associated with both cyclic softening and dynamic out-of-phase effects. Force losses due to dynamic loading increased with increasing frequency (which corresponded to larger displacements). Losses due to dynamic loading were offset somewhat by increases in peak force due to damping. The increase in contact force due to damping was observed to be relatively proportional to increasing frequency. When quantifying passive earth forces with cyclic/dynamic losses without damping, the Mononobe-Okabe (M-O) equation with a 0.75 or 0.8 multiplier applied to the peak ground acceleration can be used to obtain a reasonable estimate of the force. When including increases in resistance due to damping, a 0.6 multiplier can similarly be used.
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