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Анализ в управлении финансовым состоянием коммерческой организации : магистерская диссертация / Analysis in the management of the financial state of a commercial organizationПолуяхтов, И. А., Poluyakhtov, I. A. January 2019 (has links)
Анализ финансового состояния коммерческой организации является основой для принятия решений на уровне субъектов хозяйствования, с помощью которого выявляются наиболее значимые характеристики и показатели деятельности предприятия и составляются прогнозы его дальнейшего развития. Поэтому в настоящее время значительно возрастает роль анализа финансового состояния коммерческой организации, что подтверждает актуальность выбранной темы исследования. Цель и задачи исследования. Целью исследования является развитие теоретических и практических аспектов анализа в управлении финансовым состоянием коммерческой. Для достижения заявленной цели были необходимо последовательно решить следующие задачи: рассмотреть финансовое состояние коммерческой организации как объект исследования; представить содержание анализа финансового состояния коммерческой организации; определить место экономического анализа в управлении финансовым состоянием коммерческой организации; раскрыть информационно-бухгалтерское обеспечение анализа финансового состояния коммерческой организации; развить методику анализа для целей управления финансовым состоянием коммерческой организации; предложить способ интеграции данных экономического анализа в систему управления финансовым состоянием коммерческой организации; предложить порядок обоснования направлений администрирования финансовым состоянием коммерческой организации в условиях экономической нестабильности; предложить порядок обоснования направлений администрирования финансовым состоянием коммерческой организации в условиях технологической транзитивности. Объектом исследования является финансовое состояния коммерческой организации как экономическая категория. Предметом исследования являются теоретические и методические основы действующих подходов к анализу финансового состояния коммерческой организации для целей управления им. / Analysis of the financial status of a commercial organization is the basis for decision-making at the level of business entities, with the help of which the most significant characteristics and performance indicators of an enterprise are identified and forecasts of its further development are made. Therefore, at present, the role of analyzing the financial status of a commercial organization is significantly increasing, which confirms the relevance of the chosen research topic. The purpose and objectives of the study. The aim of the study is to develop the theoretical and practical aspects of the analysis in the management of the commercial financial state. To achieve the stated goal, it was necessary to consistently solve the following tasks: to consider the financial condition of a commercial organization as an object of study; present the content of the analysis of the financial condition of a commercial organization; determine the place of economic analysis in managing the financial condition of a commercial organization: to disclose information and accounting support for the analysis of the financial condition of a commercial organization; develop an analysis methodology for managing the financial condition of a commercial organization; to propose a way to integrate economic analysis data into the financial management system of a commercial organization; to propose a procedure for substantiating the directions of administration of the financial condition of a commercial organization in the conditions of economic instability: to propose a procedure for substantiating the directions of administration by the financial condition of a commercial organization in the conditions of technological transitivity. The object of the study is the financial condition of a commercial organization as an economic category. The subject of research is the theoretical and methodological foundations of existing approaches to the analysis of the financial condition of a commercial organization for the purposes of its management.
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Эколого-экономическое обоснование проекта переработки резинотехнических изделий : магистерская диссертация / Ecological and economic justification of the project for the processing of rubber productsУпоров, Д. А., Uporov, D. A. January 2019 (has links)
The paper considers the problems of the formation and processing of municipal solid waste, in particular rubber products. The lack of places for temporary storage of waste, the ill-conceived organization of selective collection, and untimely processing of waste negatively affect both the quality of life of the population and the quality of the environment. The problem of the formation and processing of rubber products (car tires) is considered the most acute in modern conditions. The paper analyzes the modern methods of recycling rubber products, substantiates the choice of the most optimal processing method - classical pyrolysis. The study provides a calculation of the economic feasibility of a project for the processing of car tires by pyrolysis. The environmental effectiveness of the project is also justified. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the selection of the optimal method for processing rubber goods, which has a minimally negative impact on the environment. / В работе рассматриваются проблемы образования и переработки твердых коммунальных отходов, в частности резинотехнических изделий. Отсутствие мест временного складирования отходов, непродуманная организация селективного сбора, несвоевременная переработка отходов отрицательно сказываются как на качестве жизни населения, так и на качестве окружающей среды. Проблема образования и переработки резинотехнических изделий (автомобильных шин) считается наиболее острой в современных условиях. В работе проведен анализ современных методов утилизации резинотехнических изделий, обоснован выбор наиболее оптимального метода переработки – классический пиролиз. В исследовании приведен расчет экономического обоснования проекта по переработке автомобильных шин методом пиролиза. Также обоснована экологическая эффективность проекта. Научная новизна исследования заключается в выборе оптимального метода переработки РТИ, оказывающего минимально негативное воздействие на окружающую среду.
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Эколого-экономическая эффективность переработки бытовых пластиковых отходов : магистерская диссертация / Environmental and economic efficiency of household plastic waste recyclingПаситов, В. И., Pasitov, V. I. January 2019 (has links)
Пластиковые отходы занимают первое место по стоимости и скорости накопления среди твердых коммунальных отходов. Вторичное использование отходов пластика способствует существенному сокращению использования первичных ресурсов, снижению вредного воздействия на окружающую среду. Цель исследования заключается в разработке практических рекомендаций по оптимизации схем переработки бытовых пластиковых отходов на основе оценки их эколого-экономической эффективности исходя из анализа существующей ситуации в системе обращения с отходами в Свердловской области. В работе проведен анализ региональной политики по обращению с отходами и опыта переработки твердых коммунальных отходов. Предложен проект по созданию производства по переработке ПЭТ-пластика с оценкой его эколого-экономической эффективности. Впервые количественно оценен дополнительный экологический эффект от замены первичного сырья на вторичное при реализации проекта. / Plastic waste takes first place in terms of cost and rate of accumulation among municipal solid waste. Recycling of plastic waste contributes to a significant reduction in the use of primary resources, reducing the harmful effects on the environment. The purpose of the study is to develop practical recommendations for optimizing recycling schemes for household plastic waste based on an assessment of their environmental and economic efficiency based on an analysis of the current situation in the waste management system in the Sverdlovsk region. The work analyzes the regional policy on waste management and the experience of processing municipal solid waste. A project is proposed to create a production for processing PET plastic with an assessment of its environmental and economic efficiency. For the first time, the additional environmental effect of replacing primary raw materials with secondary ones during project implementation was presented.
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Évaluation du gisement éolien dans un contexte insulaire complexe : le cas de l'île de La Réunion / Assessment of the wind ressource in a complex island environment : the case of Reunion IslandDéodat, Vincent 28 January 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat propose une méthodologie d’identification et de quantification du gisement éolien dans un contexte insulaire caractérisé par une topographie complexe et une forte pression sur l’usage des sols, puis elle l’applique au cas de l’île de La Réunion. Notre approche est interdisciplinaire, faisant appel tour à tour au droit, à la géographie, à la statistique et à la physique pour quantifier le gisement éolien à l’île de La Réunion, puis à l’économie pour évaluer le coût d’exploitation de ce gisement et définir des politiques publiques de soutien à la production d’électricité éolienne. La première partie de la thèse évalue l’impact du cadre réglementaire foncier sur le potentiel éolien en termes de puissance éolienne crête installable à La Réunion. Ce cadre réglementaire est défini en termes de scenarios décrivant les enjeux sociaux et environnementaux propres à l’installation de capacités éoliennes à l’île de La Réunion. Une approche basée sur les Systèmes d’Information Géographique est développée pour identifier la répartition spatiale des sites éoliens accessibles en fonction de l’évolution du cadre juridique foncier à La Réunion. La deuxième partie de la thèse vise à quantifier le gisement éolien sur les sites accessibles du point de vue règlementaire. La thèse expose la méthodologie d’étude de la distribution jointe de la distribution de la vitesse et de la direction horizontales du vent basée sur une analyse des variations saisonnières et journalières, et identifie les différents régimes de vent en vigueur à La Réunion. Elle justifie le recours au modèle paramétrique de Weibull dans un cadre probabiliste et montre l’intérêt d’utiliser un mélange de distributions de Weibull conditionnelles à la direction du vent, pour quantifier le potentiel éolien d’un site, par rapport au modèle conventionnel de Weibull à deux paramètres. La thèse présente également une méthodologie de construction de l’information géographique concernant les obstacles au sol, nécessaire pour profiler le cisaillement vertical du vent à La Réunion. Elle propose ensuite deux méthodes de prévision spatiale de la ressource éolienne permettant de l’évaluer à partir des observations réalisées aux stations météorologiques disponibles et utilise ces méthodes pour modéliser l’évolution spatiale de la moyenne et du coefficient de variation empiriques de la vitesse du vent. La dernière partie de notre thèse présente une méthode d’évaluation croisée de la politique réglementaire et de la politique de subvention de l’électricité éolienne par le biais de systèmes de tarifs de rachat garantis. Pour chaque scénario de politique réglementaire, on identifie les éoliennes qui sont économiquement profitables dans le cadre de la politique publique de subvention de l’éolien pratiquée à La Réunion. Pour chaque scénario réglementaire, on évalue également le niveau du tarif de rachat garanti de l’électricité éolienne permettant d’atteindre les objectifs publics de développement de l’éolien à La Réunion, ce qui permet de chiffrer le montant du subventionnement public nécessaire pour atteindre ces objectifs. / This doctoral thesis proposes a methodology to identify and quantify the wind power resource in a context characterized by a complex topography and a strong competition for land use, and then it applies it to the case of Reunion island. Our approach is interdisciplinary by using in turn law, geography, statistics and physics to quantify the wind power resource in Reunion Island, then economics to cost the mining of this deposit and to formulate public policies to support wind power generation. The first part of the thesis assesses the impact of land regulatory framework on the wind power resource defined in terms of installable peak power. This regulatory framework is defined in terms of scenarios depicting the social and environmental challenges associated with wind power generation in Reunion Island. A methodology based on Geographic Information Systems is developed to identify the spatial distribution of installable wind farms and to assess the impact of an evolution of land legal framework in Reunion. The second part of the thesis aims at quantifying the wind power on sites accessible from a regulatory point of view. The thesis presents a methodology to study the joint distribution of horizontal wind speed and direction based on the analysis of its seasonal and daily variations, and identifies the different wind regimes in force in Reunion. The thesis supports the use of Weibull distribution model on ground of probability theory, and provides evidence of superiority of using a mixture of Weibull distributions conditional on wind direction to quantify the wind power resource of an accessible site with respect to the use of the conventional marginal two parameters Weibull model. The thesis also provides a methodology to construct the geographical information regarding ground obstacles necessary for profiling the vertical wind shear profile in Reunion. Then, the thesis proposes two spatial prediction methods to assess the spatial distribution of wind resource allowing its estimation from the observations recorded at the available weather stations, and uses these methods to model the spatial evolution of the wind speed mean and variation coefficient. The last part of the thesis provides a method to cross assess the regulatory public policy and the public subsidy policy for wind power generation through feed-in-tariff schemes. For each regulatory scenario, we identify the wind power plants which are profitable under existing feed-in-tariff schemes. For each regulatory scenario, we also evaluate the level at which the feed-in-tariff must be set to reach public objectives of wind power development in Reunion, which allows to assess the amount of public subsidy needed to achieve these objectives.
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Energeticky uvědomělá optimalizace budovy / Energy-conscious building optimizationRyšavá, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to design austerity measures of an apartment building in the form of an energy card. The theoretical part deals with heat pumps. The computational part solves the evaluation of the current state of the building, the proposal of two variants, the assessment in terms of energy and economic and recommendations of the selected variant. There is also an experimental measurement specializing in thermovision imaging. The project contains energy certificates of individual states of the solved object.
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Eknomické posouzení projektu realizovaného obcí / Economic Assessment of the Project Realized by MunicipalityVybíhalová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with an issue of assessment economic effectiveness of public project which is realized municipality. This thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes a cost-benefit analysis and another methodology for economic assessment of the project. In the practical part is processed case study on a particular public project.
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Optimalizace vzduchotechniky zimního stadionu / Optimization of air conditioning of the ice stadiumZach, Daniel Unknown Date (has links)
This diploma thesis is divided into three parts: theoretical, calculation and experimental measurement. The issue of humid air and air-conditioning in winter stadiums is elaborately analysed in the theoretical part. In the calculation part, the dessertation focuses on the optimization of current draft of hockey hall air conditioning system. The hall is now in operation during the season, which means from September to March. In the dissertation are discussed two variants of the draft. The first variant is draft upgrade to year-round operation with condensing dehumidification. The second option is solved as a combination of air handler unit system and absorption dehumidification. This variant is also designed for seasonal and year-round operation of the ice rink. At the end of the dissertation are all of them compared in terms of annual costs. The experimental measurement is carried out on dehumidification of air from areas with high water gains, in this case swimming pool hall model. This problematics is solved by changing the speed of ventilator and using Peltier generator.
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Fresnel Solar Collector System for Indirect Steam Generation for Industrial Processes with Thermal Energy StorageDavid Hernández, Marco Antonio 28 November 2025 (has links)
[ES] El sector industrial es responsable de una cantidad significativa de emisiones anuales de carbono, en gran parte debido a su elevado consumo de energía y a su dependencia de los combustibles fósiles para la producción de calor. Por tanto, es evidente que la utilización de fuentes de calor alternativas y renovables, como los colectores solares de concentración, representa una oportunidad prometedora para la descarbonización de este sector. Sin embargo, los sistemas de colectores solares dependen del recurso solar, que es una fuente de energía intermitente. Por ello, es necesario disponer de un sistema de almacenamiento de energía térmica (AET) que facilite el almacenamiento de la energía sobrante y su posterior utilización cuando sea necesario, garantizando así un suministro de calor más constante.
Con el fin de demostrar la viabilidad de los sistemas solares térmicos para aplicaciones industriales, la empresa Solatom CSP instaló un campo solar experimental dentro del proyecto SOLPINVAP. Está compuesto por una serie de colectores modulares lineales Fresnel (CLF) y un kettle reboiler, que es un tipo de intercambiador de calor de carcasa y tubos. Esta tesis analiza el rendimiento del sistema en modo de generación indirecta de vapor. En este modo, el calor se absorbe en el interior de los tubos absorbedores mediante un fluido caloportador y se transfiere a la carcasa del kettle reboiler, donde se produce vapor. Además, esta tesis examina los circuitos hidráulicos y sus componentes del campo solar experimental, así como el sistema de control y el sistema de monitorización asociados al mismo.
Además, se presenta el desarrollo de un modelo de sistema CLF de calor solar para procesos industriales (CSPI). El modelo se desarrolló en el entorno MATLAB orientado a objetos. Se desarrolló un modelo 3D del campo solar CLF dentro del entorno Tonatiuh (un software de trazado de rayos), lo que permitió estimar la eficiencia óptica máxima y los correspondientes modificadores del ángulo de incidencia de los colectores Fresnel.
Los resultados demuestran que el calor absorbido en los colectores presenta una incertidumbre del 12%, mientras que el calor generado presenta una incertidumbre del 3%. Para reducir la incertidumbre inherente al cálculo del calor absorbido y generado, se realizó un estudio para seleccionar sensores y equipos de monitorización más precisos. Además, se realizó un trabajo de campo para instalar los equipos seleccionados, más precisos, en el campo solar SOLPINVAP. Los resultados de la monitorización demuestran que la incertidumbre en el calor absorbido se redujo en un 79% como consecuencia de la mejora en la instrumentación de medida.
Como parte de este proyecto de tesis, se realizó una estancia de investigación en el Departamento de Ingeniería de Mecánica y Metalúrgica de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, en Santiago. El equipo de investigación anfitrión ha estado investigando la posible aplicación de AET de lecho compacto sólido con escoria de cobre, un subproducto del proceso pirometalúrgico del mineral de cobre, como medio de almacenamiento. Además, el equipo de investigación ha desarrollado un modelo matemático que simula el proceso termodinámico y de transferencia de calor asociado al flujo de aire y a las partículas sólidas. En consecuencia, el modelo del sistema de AET de lecho compacto sólido se ha integrado en el modelo del sistema CSPI para examinar su efecto en el rendimiento del sistema. Además, esta tesis examina la dinámica entre las temperaturas de los distintos componentes del sistema. En consecuencia, esta tesis presenta un diseño para un sistema integrado CSPI con AET de lecho compacto sólido. Los resultados demuestran que el sistema con el AET de lecho compacto sólido es capaz de generar un 18% más de energía que el sistema sin el AET de lecho compacto sólido. / [CA] El sector industrial és responsable d'una quantitat significativa d'emissions anuals de carboni, en gran part a causa del seu alt consum d'energia i la dependència dels combustibles fòssils per a la producció de calor. Per tant, és evident que la utilització de fonts de calor alternatives i renovables, com la concentració de col·lectors solars, representa una oportunitat prometedora per a la descarbonització d'aquest sector. No obstant això, els sistemes de col·lectors solars depenen del recurs solar, que és una font d'energia intermitent. Per tant, és necessari disposar d'un sistema d'emmagatzematge d'energia tèrmica (TES) per facilitar l'emmagatzematge de l'energia sobrant i la seva posterior utilització quan sigui necessari, assegurant així un subministrament de calor més consistent.
Per tal de demostrar la viabilitat dels sistemes solars tèrmics per a aplicacions industrials, l'empresa Solatom CSP va instal·lar un camp solar experimental dins del projecte SOLPINVAP. Comprèn una sèrie de col·lectors lineals modulars de Fresnel i un Kettle Reboiler, que és un tipus d'intercanviador de calor de carcassa i tubs. Aquesta tesi analitza el rendiment del sistema en mode de generació de vapor indirecte. En aquest mode, la calor s'absorbeix a l'interior dels tubs absorbents mitjançant l'ús d'un fluid de transferència de calor, i es transfereix a la capa del Reboiler, on es produeix vapor. A més, aquesta tesi examina els circuits hidràulics i els seus components del camp solar experimental, així com el sistema de control i el sistema de monitoratge associat a aquest.
A més, es presenta el desenvolupament d'un model de sistema LFC per a processos industrials (SHIP). El model es va desenvolupar dins de l'entorn MATLAB orientat a objectes. Es va desenvolupar un model 3D del camp solar LFC dins de l'entorn Tonatiuh (un programari de rastreig de raigs), que permet estimar l'eficiència òptica màxima i els corresponents modificadors d'angle d'incidència dels col·lectors Fresnel. Els resultats demostren que la calor absorbida en els col·lectors mostra una incertesa del 12%, mentre que la calor generada mostra una incertesa del 3%. Per tal de reduir la incertesa inherent al càlcul de la calor absorbida i generada, es va realitzar un estudi per seleccionar sensors i equips de monitoratge més precisos. A més, es va realitzar un treball de camp per a instal·lar els equips seleccionats i més precisos en el camp solar SOLPINVAP. Els resultats de seguiment demostren que la incertesa en la calor absorbida es va reduir en un 79% com a conseqüència de la millora en la instrumentació de mesura. En el marc d'aquest projecte de tesi, es va realitzar una estada de recerca al Departament d'Enginyeria de Mecànica i Metalúrgica de la Pontifícia Universitat Catòlica de Xile, a Santiago. L'equip d'investigació amfitrió ha investigat la potencial aplicació de PBTES sòlids amb escòria de coure, un subproducte del procés pirometal·lúrgic del mineral de coure, com a medi d'emmagatzematge. A més, l'equip d'investigació ha desenvolupat un model matemàtic que simula el procés de transferència de calor i termodinàmica associat al flux d'aire i les partícules sòlides. En conseqüència, el model del sistema PBTES s'ha integrat en el model del sistema SHIP per a l'examen del seu efecte sobre el rendiment del sistema. A més, aquesta tesi examina la dinàmica entre les temperatures dels diferents components del sistema. En conseqüència, aquesta tesi presenta un disseny per a un sistema solar integrat amb sistema PBTES. Els resultats demostren que el sistema amb el PBTES és capaç de generar un 18% més d'energia que el sistema sense el PBTES. A més, es va dur a terme una anàlisi tecnoeconòmica utilitzant el sistema SHIP dissenyat amb PBTES. / [EN] The industry sector is responsible for a significant amount of annual carbon emissions, largely due to its high energy consumption and reliance on fossil fuels for heat production. It is therefore evident that the utilisation of alternative and renewable heat sources, such as concentrating solar collectors, represents a promising opportunity for the decarbonisation of this sector. Nevertheless, solar collector systems are dependent on the solar resource, which is an intermittent source of energy. It is therefore necessary to have a thermal energy storage (TES) system to facilitate the storage of surplus energy and its subsequent utilisation when required, thereby ensuring a more consistent heat supply.
In order to demonstrate the viability of solar thermal systems for industrial applications, the company Solatom CSP installed an experimental solar field within the SOLPINVAP project. It comprises a series of modular linear Fresnel collectors (LFC) and a kettle reboiler, which is a type of shell and tube heat exchanger. This thesis analyses the performance of the system in Indirect Steam Generation mode. In this mode, heat is absorbed inside the absorber tubes by using a heat transfer fluid, and transferred to the shell of the kettle reboiler, where steam is produced. Additionally, this thesis examines the hydraulic circuits and their components of the experimental solar field, as well as the control system and the monitoring system associated with it.
Moreover, it is presented the development of a LFC solar heat for industrial process (SHIP) system model. The model was developed within the object-oriented MATLAB environment. A 3D model of the LFC solar field was developed within the Tonatiuh environment (a ray-tracing software), allowing for an estimation of the peak optical efficiency and the corresponding incidence angle modifiers of the Fresnel collectors. . The results demonstrate that the absorbed heat in the collectors exhibits an uncertainty of 12%, while the generated heat exhibits an uncertainty of 3%. In order to reduce the uncertainty inherent in the calculation of the absorbed and generated heat, a study was conducted to selected more precise sensors and monitoring equipment. Moreover, fieldwork was conducted to install the selected, more precise equipment at the SOLPINVAP solar field. The monitoring results demonstrate that the uncertainty in the absorbed heat was reduced by 79% as a consequence of the improvement in the measurement instrumentation. As part of this thesis project, a research stay was conducted at the Departamento de Ingeniería de Mecánica y Metalúrgica of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, in Santiago. The host research team has been investigating the potential application of solid PBTES with copper slag, a by-product of the pyrometallurgical process of the copper ore, as a storage medium. Moreover, the research team has developed a mathematical model that simulates the thermodynamic and heat transfer process associated with the airflow and solid particles. Accordingly, the PBTES system model has been integrated into the SHIP system model for examination of its effect on the system performance. Furthermore, this thesis examines the dynamics between the temperatures of the different system components. Consequently, this thesis presents a design for an integrated SHIP with PBTES system. Moreover, it was determined that by modifying the air mass flow and the makeup water flow, the system is capable of maintaining a consistent and uninterrupted heat output throughout the operational duration. The results demonstrate that the system with the PBTES is capable of generating 18% more energy than the system without the PBTES. / I would like to thank the Universitat Politècnica de València through the Research
and Development Aid Program (PAID-01-20) for receiving the Research Fellowship FPI-UPV-2020. I would also like to acknowledge the "Programa de Movilidad para estudiantes de
doctorado" of the Universitat Politècnica de València for providing financial support for my
research stay. / David Hernández, MA. (2024). Fresnel Solar Collector System for Indirect Steam Generation for Industrial Processes with Thermal Energy Storage [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/213678
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Feldfrüchte für die Biogaserzeugung – Index der relativen Anbauwürdigkeit (IrA) / Field crops for biogas production – Index of relative agronomical suitability (IrA)Hey, Katharina 02 October 2020 (has links)
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<p dir="ltr">In our daily lives, we rely on a multitude of discrete products to meet our needs. Traditional product design approaches have primarily focused on economic and technical aspects, often overlooking the pressing environmental and social challenges facing society. Recognizing the limitations of our ecological systems to cope with the waste generated by our current industrial processes, there is a growing need to anticipate the potential consequences of product design across technical, economic, environmental, and social dimensions to pave the way for a sustainable future. One promising strategy within this context is the integration of sustainability principles into optimization-based design models that consider a product's entire life cycle. While there have been previous efforts to optimize product life cycles, a comprehensive exploration of optimization-based design methods with a focus on multiple objectives for discrete products is essential. This dissertation explores the integration of sustainability principles with optimization-based design by taking the electric traction motor used in electric vehicles as a case study. This complex and environmentally significant technology is ideal for investigating the tradeoffs and benefits of incorporating sustainability objectives into the design process.</p><p dir="ltr">The key tasks undertaken in this study are as follows:</p><ul><li>Development of a parametric design and optimization framework for a surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor. In this task, a special emphasis is placed on reducing reliance on materials with a high supply risk, such as rare earth elements.</li><li>Creation of a parametric life cycle assessment model that combines life cycle assessment and optimization-based design to minimize a single-score environmental impact. This model offers insights into the environmental performance of product design and underscores the importance of minimizing environmental impact throughout a product's life cycle.</li><li>Integration of a life cycle costing model, incorporating techno-economic assessment and total cost of ownership perspectives, into the parametric life cycle assessment and optimization-based design models. This model is used to minimize levelized production and driving costs, shedding light on the trade-offs within this family of cost metrics and the optimization of manufacturing systems for motor production.</li><li>Proposal of a circular economy model/algorithm to assess the advantages of integrating the circular economy paradigm during the early design phase. All the mentioned objective functions are considered to study the impacts of applying the circular economy paradigm.</li></ul><p dir="ltr">The contributions of this research can be summarized as follows:</p><ul><li>Utilized a diverse array of analytical methodologies to parameterize the design process of a motor, incorporating the integration of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) models, as well as the incorporation of disassembly planning for informed decision-making in the early stages of design.</li><li>Proposed a generalized objective function denoted as the Supply Risk-equivalent (SR-eq.), aimed at mitigating the risks associated with the dependency on critical materials in product manufacturing.</li><li>Introduced a novel approach for visualizing non-dominated solutions within a multi-objective framework, with experimentation conducted on up to six distinct objectives.</li><li>Substantiated the significance of decarbonizing the electric grid while maintaining competitive cost structures, the importance of advancing non-destructive evaluation (NDE) procedures for assessing the condition of end-of-life (EoL) subassemblies, and optimizing the collection rate of EoL motors.</li></ul><p dir="ltr">Demonstrated that the optimization of technical metrics as surrogate indicators for economic and environmental performance does not necessarily yield designs that are concurrently optimal in economic and environmental terms.</p>
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