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Essays on Innovation and Technological Progress in EducationGupta, Saloni January 2024 (has links)
Chapter 1 examines the effectiveness of an education program in teaching and measuring innovation skills among 8th-grade students in rural India. Using a randomized evaluation, the program’s impact on students’ innovative ability is assessed through a novel scale and experimental economics game. Results indicate significant improvements in innovative ability, unrelated to academic achievement or IQ, but potentially affecting math performance and interest.
Chapter 2 evaluates a STEM training initiative for women engineers in India, designedto overcome barriers to women’s success in STEM fields. By fostering a women-only environment and emphasizing self-directed learning, the program aims to enhance participants’ technical and higher-order skills, ultimately influencing their labor market outcomes.
Chapter 3 focuses on technology-driven assessment methods in education, particularlyin developing countries like India. Through phone-based assessments, governments can efficiently monitor learning outcomes, identify areas needing support, and bypass administrative layers prone to conflicts of interest. These assessments offer a cost-effective means to monitor educational programs and ensure grade-appropriate learning levels, contributing to ambitious educational goals and the teaching of foundational and higher-order skills at scale.
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Tirisano' : die verkenning van uitdagings en meganismes tot vennootskap met drie landelike skole in die Wes-KaapJansen, Zenda B 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Special education))--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The value of partnerships within the South African education system has for many
years been emphasised by various researchers. It is only since the first democratic
election in South Africa in 1994 that the government was committed to the extension
of partnerships between schools, parents, learners and the community on both local
and national level. In Article 29 of the Constitution (RSA, 1996a) parents are given
the assurance that the state will execute their role as educational partner. The state
also gives other partners enough scope to implement their educational partnerships
according to their worldview and philosophy of life.
The aim of this study was the exploration of challenges and mechanisms for
partnership between three rural primary schools and the Department of Educational
Psychology and Specialized Education, now referred to as the University of
Stellenbosch (US), as tertiary institution. The needs expressed by the particular
schools, the social consciousness role of the US within the community and thirdly the
empowerment role of partnerships served as motivation for the study. A
constructivist, interpretative paradigm was used and the research design can be
classified as empirical research with primary data generating textual data. The
literature review explored the challenges within systems, mechanisms for
partnerships and different systems within partnerships in view of a meta-theoretical
frame of reference.
The research results regarding challenges within specific systems are summarized
under three headings, namely positive findings, negative findings and differences of
opinion. Results regarding the exploration of the partnership shows that the
researcher throughout the study consistently recognised the uniqueness of each
school; trusting relationships were established; the schools were continuously
involved in all the processes; a partnership of collaboration was emphasised; the
processes were continuously evaluated and the schools were predominantly positive
about the collaborative partnership with the US.
The findings of this study have important implications for the further exploration of
partnerships between schools and persons and/or institutions on both local and national level. The positive results accomplished through this partnership with the
three schools acts as motivation for further extension of partnerships.
Recommendations serve as foundation for a partnership of consultation,
collaboration and teamwork between schools and other systems. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die waarde van vennootskappe binne die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwys is reeds vir jare
deur verskeie navorsers beklemtoon. Dit is egter eers sedert Suid-Afrika se eerste
demokratiese verkiesing in 1994 dat die regering hom verbind het tot die uitbou van
vennootskappe tussen skole, ouers, leerders en die gemeenskap op beide plaaslike
en nasionale vlak. In Artikel 29 van die Grondwet (RSA, 1996a) word aan ouers die
versekering gegee dat die staat sy rol as opvoedingvennoot sal deurvoer. Die staat
gee ook aan ander vennote genoeg ruimte om hulopvoedende vennootskappe
volgens hul bepaalde wêreld- en lewensbeskouing in skole uit te leef.
Die doel van hierdie studie was die verkenning van uitdagings en meganismes tot
vennootskap tussen drie landelike primêre skole en die Departement
Opvoedkundige Sielkunde en Spesialiseringsonderwys, voortaan na verwys as die
Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US), as tersiêre instelling. Die behoeftes uitgespreek
deur die betrokke drie skole, die US se sosiale bewustheidsrol binne die
gemeenskap en derdens die bemagtigingsrol wat vennootskappe inhou het as
motivering gedien. Daar is vanuit 'n konstruktivistiese, interpretatiewe paradigma
gewerk en die navorsingsontwerp kan geklassifiseer word as empiriese navorsing
met primêre databronne wat tekstuele data genereer. Die literatuuroorsig het gepoog
om aan die hand van 'n meta-teoretiese verwysingsraamwerk ondersoek in te stel na
uitdagings binne sisteme, meganismes tot vennootskappe en verskillende sisteme
binne vennootskappe.
Die navorsingsbevindinge rakende uitdagings binne bepaalde sisteme word bondig
saamgevat onder drie hoofde, naamlik positiewe bevindinge, negatiewe bevindinge
en meningsverskille. Bevindinge ten opsigte van die verkenning van die vennootskap
het aangetoon dat die navorser deurentyd die uniekheid van elke skool erken het;
dat In vertrouensverhouding gebou is; dat die skole sover moontlik op In
deurlopende basis in al die prosesse betrek is; dat die navorser deurlopend klem
gelê het op In vennootskap van samewerking; dat prosesse deurlopend geëvalueer
is en dat die skole oorwegend positief was oor die vennootskap van samewerking
met die US. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie hou belangrike implikasies in vir die verdere
verkenning van vennootskappe tussen skole en persone en/of instansies op beide
plaaslike en nasionale vlak. Die positiewe resultate behaal deur hierdie vennootskap
met die drie skole moet dien as aansporing vir verdere uitbouing van
vennootskappe. Aanbevelings wat dien as grondslag vir 'n vennootskap van
samewerking, konsultasie en spanwerk tussen skole en ander sisteme word gedoen.
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The role of school governing bodies in rural areas in the Northern ProvinceTshifura, Vhonani Willbert 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In April 1994, after South Africa's first democratic elections, a new era in education commenced.
The education system was transformed to a unitary system and a programme of legislation was
launched aimed at promoting democratic ideals and practices. Of particular importance to schools
was the South African Schools Act (Act No. 84 of 1996) by which significant powers were granted
to School Governing Bodies (SGBs) at local level In addition to the school principal, a SGB was
to be composed of elected representatives of four main stakeholder groups: educators, non-educator
staff, learners (in Grade 8 or above) and parents. The powers and responsibilities allocated by the
Act indicated that the introduction of SGBs had far-reaching potential to improve school
effectiveness and, more importantly, to contribute to the growth of democracy in South Africa.
The writer of this study was an educator, resident in the Northern Province and with significant
first-hand teaching experience in schools in rural and semi-rural areas of the province, as well as
experience as a member of a SGB. This experience had made him keenly aware of the role that
SGBs could play in improving schools with which he was familiar. The purpose of the research
was therefore to investigate the role of SGBs in rural areas of the Northern Province.
To evaluate the role of SGBs, the researcher aimed to investigate aspects such as whether SGBs
were in fact properly established, e.g. through the conduct of proper elections, how stakeholders
perceived their roles, what functions were typically performed by SGBs, the perceptions of
roleplayers about significant progress and or problems, and what needs for help or training were
experienced. In particular the research aimed to discover whether there were particular needs
associated with SGBs in the rural areas in order to determine what sort of capacity-building was
The approach used in the investigation followed four main steps. Firstly, a literature study provided
the basis for analysis and clarification of important concepts. Secondly, the legal and policy context
was described, paying particular attention to the specific legislation and documents that frame
school governance in South Africa. Thirdly, the writer examined the context of Northern Province,
describing four stages in the history of educational administration and focusing on rural
communities in particular. The fourth perspective was gained by an empirical study of a sample of
ten secondary schools in the rural and semi-rural areas around the town of Thohoyandou. The method of investigation was to use questionnaires and interviews to obtain data from
representatives of all five stakeholder groups in SGBs at each of these schools.
The findings led to the conclusion that SGBs were largely well-established in the rural areas of
Northern Province. They were widely accepted as legitimate and worthwhile structures but there
were specific important needs for training and capacity-building. Perhaps the most important
finding was that parents in rural areas appear to find it very difficult to become involved in the
educational life of schools and are especially reluctant to serve on SGBs. Reasons for this apparent
apathy were found to lie in problems of illiteracy and feelings of ignorance or inferiority.
These conclusions enabled the researcher to make specific recommendations for improving the role
and functioning of SGBs. Recommendations were made for improving the role of SGBs as a whole
as well as for capacity-building relating to the needs of each stakeholder group. A particular
emphasis of these recommendations was on ways in which the unique needs of rural communities
can be met. This was seen as a priority in order to improve education in secondary schools in these
historically underdeveloped areas and through that, promote the growth of democracy in the rural
areas of Northern Province. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika se eerste demokratiese verkiesing op 26 April 1994 het 'n nuwe era vir die onderwys
ingelei. Een unitêre en eenvormige geïntergreerde onderwysstelsel is gevestig en 'n program
geloods van nuwe wetgewing gerig op die bevordering van demokratiese ideale en praktyke. Van
besondere belangrikheid vir skole was die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet (Wet Nr 84 van 1996) wat
bepaalde magte aan skole op plaaslike vlak afgewentel het deur die instelling van Skool
Beheerliggame (SBLs). Saam met die skoolhoof, was SBLs saamgestel deur verkose
verteenwoordigers van vier hoof belanghebbende groepe: opvoeders, nie-opvoederpersoneel,
leerders (in Graad 8 of bo) en ouers. Die magte en verantwoordelikhede deur die Wet aan SBLs
geallokeer was 'n aanduiding dat die instelling van SBLs verreikende potensiaal gehad het om
skooleffektiewiteit te bevorder sowel as 'n belangrike bydrae te maak tot die ontwikkeling van
demokrasie in Suid-Afrika.
Die skrywer van die studie was 'n opvoeder, woonagtig In die Noordelike Provinsie en met
eerstehandse ervaring van onderwys in skole in die landelike gebiede van die provinsie. Hy het ook
ervaring gehad as lid van 'n SBL. Sy ondervinding het hom skerp bewus gemaak van die moontlike
rol van SBLs in die verbetering en opheffing van skole waarmee hy vertroud was. Die doel van die
navorsing was dus om die rol van SBLs in die landelike gebiede van die Noordelike Provinsie te
Om die rol van SBLs te evalueer het die navorser besluit om aspekte te ondersoek soos die
vestiging van SBLs, bv. of hulle welordentlik gevestig was, o.a. deur die bepaalde
verkiesingsprosedures, die persepsies van belanghebbendes oor hulle eie rolle, die tipiese funksies
deur SBLs gerig, die rolspelers se eie persepsies van beduidende vordering en/of probleme in die
funksionering van hulle SBLs, en enige opvallende behoeftes. Die navorsing het veral gepoog om
agter te kom of daar spesifieke eiesoortige behoeftes t.O.V. SBLs in gemeenskappe in landelike
gebiede was. Om sulke behoeftes te kon bepaal sou bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van geskikte
programme vir kapasiteitsbou by SBLs in landelike gebied.
Die ondersoek het uit vier hoofstappe bestaan. Eerstens het In literatuurstudie bygedra tot die
ontleding en verduideliking van belangrike konsepte. Tweedens is die wetlike en beleidskonteks
beskryf, met besondere verwysing na die raamwerk van spesifieke wetgewing en dokumente wat
skoolbeheer in Suid-Afrika bepaal Derdens het die skrywer die konteks van Noordelike Provinsie omskryf, insluitend 'n beskrywing van vier fases in die geskiedenis van onderwysbeheer Daar is
ook veralop die eienskappe van landelike gemeenskappe gefokus. Die vierde perpsektief was deur
'n empiriese ondersoek verkry, gebasseer op 'n seleksie van tien sekondêre skole in die landelike en
semi-landelike gebied rondom Thohoyandou. Die ondersoek het gebruik gemaak van vraelyste en
onderhoude met verteenwoordigers van elkeen van die belanghebbende groepe. Daardeur is
gegewens bekom van al vyf belanghebbende groepe by elkeen van die tien skole.
Die bevindinge het tot die gevolgtrekking gelei dat SBLs reeds grootendeels gevestig was in die
landelike gebiede van Noordelike Provinsie. Dit het geblyk dat SBLs wyd aanvaar was as legitieme
instellings, maar dat daar spesifieke behoeftes was vir opleiding en kapasiteitsbou. Moontlik die
belangrikste bevinding was dat ouers in die landelike gemeenskappe dit blykbaar baie moeilik vind
om betrokke te raak in die opvoedingstaak en lewe van skole en veral skaam is om op SBLs te dien.
Redes wat vir hierdie skynbaar apatetiese gedrag aangevoer is, was dat die meerderheid ouers
ongeletterd is en dat gevoelens van onkundigheid, onbekwaamheid en minderwaardigheid ouers
weerhou om deel te neem ..
Bogenoemde gevolgtrekkings van die studie het die navorser in staat gestelom spesifieke
aanbevelings te maak t.o.v. die ontwikkeling en verbetering van die funksionering van SBLs.
Aanbevelings is gemaak om die rol van die SBL in die algemeen te verbeter, sowel as t.o.v.
kapasiteitsbou gerig op die spesifieke behoeftes van bepaalde belanghebbende groepe. Die
aanbevelings het in besonder klem laat val op die soeke na wyses waardeur die unieke behoeftes
van landelike gemeenskappe aangespreek kan word. Hierdie behoefte word as 'n prioriteit beskou
om onderwysverbetering in sekondêre skole in hierdie histories onderontwikkelde gebiede te
versnel. Daardeur sou die ontwikkeling van demokrasie in die landelike gebiede van Noordelike
Provinsie ook versterk en bevorder word.
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Exploring the link between literacy practices, the rural-urban dimension and academic performance of primary school learners in Uganda district, Uganda.Kirunda, Rebecca Florence January 2005 (has links)
This study aimed at establishing and analysing the literacy practices in the rural and urban communities and their effect on the academic achievements of learners. It also aimed to establish the impact of other factors, such as the exposure to the language of examination, the level of parents formal education and the quality of parental mediation in the their children's academic work, which could be responsible for the imbalance between the rural and urban learners academic achievements. This study endeavours to established that the literacy practices in urban areas prepare learners for schooled and global literacies while the literacies in rural areas are to localised and thus impoverish the learners initial literacy development. This study also seek to determine the extent to which the current language policy in education in Uganda favours the urban learners at the expense of the rural learners as far as the acculturation into and acquisition of the schooled and global literacies are concerned.
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Seeing the social : understanding why children are out of school in rural EthiopiaGrieve, Tigist January 2016 (has links)
The promotion of education has long been a priority of the successive regimes of Ethiopia. Combined with the momentum of Education for All (EFA) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in recent years Ethiopia’s education sector has experienced a major expansion of primary school enrolment which has earned Ethiopia international acclaim and so much optimism in meeting the MDGs set for 2015. Despite this, however, large numbers of primary school aged children remain out of school, most of these are found in rural areas and many of them are girls. Many of the children that enrol do not stay on to complete the full cycle of their primary schooling. While there are numerous studies looking at rural children’s schooling, village-based ethnographic studies are rare, particularly in Ethiopia. The thesis offers a sociological insight as to why low enrolment and incompletion persist in rural areas. Drawing on an ethnographic approach study over extended period this thesis presents analysis of data from two local communities. Methodologically the analysis are anchored on the voices of the children, their parents and teachers and make a valuable contribution in emphasising not only the importance of bringing local people’s own voices into the debate, but also drawing attention to the ways voice may be utilised and calling for greater sensitivity to the way it is interpreted in scholarly and policy circles. Theoretically, the study shows the value of applying Bourdieu’s approach to social reproduction in analysing the challenges faced by rural children in completing primary school. Time spent with children, their families and their teachers suggests reproduction of educational inequality at all levels (home, school, community). While these are certainly important, this thesis argues that more attention needs to be paid to the social context in which children and their schooling are embedded. It suggests the challenges in schooling rural children are not simply explained either by the quantity of primary schools available, or a lack of value being accorded to education, or deliberate acts of discrimination (e.g. against girls). Rather, it has argued that discriminatory outcomes, or the reproduction of social inequality, have to be understood as the outcome of social practice, where ‘choices’ are made in circumstances of considerable constraint. Furthermore, it has shown that these patterns of social reproduction are as characteristic of teachers and the field of the school as they are of parents and children and the field of home and community. Rather than the school operating as an external change agent, as imagined in much of the education literature, the school is very much part of the local social context. The application of policies and the social practice of staff are significantly marked by their positionality within the communities which they serve.
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教师工资差异及影响因素: 基于甘肃农村的实证研究. / 基于甘肃农村的实证研究 / Teachers' wage variations and determinants: empirical evidence from rural Gansu, China / Jiao shi gong zi cha yi ji ying xiang yin su: ji yu Gansu nong cun de shi zheng yan jiu. / Ji yu Gansu nong cun de shi zheng yan jiuJanuary 2012 (has links)
利用“甘肃基础教育调查(The Gansu Survey of Children and Families, 2007)提供的数据,以特征工资理论(Hedonic Wage Theory)为基础,本研究建构了一个从个人特征和岗位特征两方面解读甘肃农村公办教师工资差异形成机制和潜在后果的解释框架。 / 本研究利用科学抽样的微观数据,以特征工资理论的投资假说和消费假说为基础,探讨甘肃农村教师收入差异的前因后果。运用多层线性技术对“特征的逐层分解凸显了环境结构变量对教师工资的层次性影响。研究的主要内容如下:(1)教师个人特征和教职岗位特征在工资及差异结构中的影响性质和强度;(2)工资和包括工作条件及生活环境在内的教职岗位特征在教师职业效用中的替代性及其办学成本意义;(3)地区政策与教师工资差异格局及其教育财政涵义。 / 通过对甘肃这个边远贫穷地区农村教师工资进行微观计量分析,本研究得出如下主要结论: / 教师个人特征和教职岗位特征均是工资差异来源的主成因素。个人特征和岗位特征在收入差异形成过程中分别对应特征工资理论之投资性收益和消费性补偿。一方面,个人素质越高,收入越高;另一方面,与优越的岗位环境相联系的是更低的工资收入。换言之,艰苦的条件对应补偿性工资差异。 / 工资与教职岗位环境特征在教师职业效用偏好结构中具有替代性。岗位环境与工资的替代率介于-0.03和0.05间。负值代表教师愿意接受较低的工资以换取更优越的工作环境和社区设施,即为在某优越的县(区)工作而承受的工资损失。因此,教学条件和生活环境更艰苦的边穷地区需提供等效用的经济补偿才能保证师资质量。 / 出于经济补偿的考虑,扶贫政策比边远艰苦地区津补贴方案更有效地鉴别了岗位环境的恶劣程度。贫困地区的教学条件和生活环境更艰苦,由此带来的心理负效用反映在消费性补偿中。与“贫困相联系的不良岗位属性产生的负效用折合成工资约15%。 / 结合教师偏好和地区政策,更边远艰苦或贫困地区可以通过教师工资成本指数的形式,将额外聘用成本加权到教育财政预算中,以实现均衡发展和社会公平。国贫县聘用一名同等质量的普通合格教师,边际成本高于平均水平10%。但办学成本与边远艰苦等级的关系没有固定规律:更边远的三类地区招聘一名教师的成本只相当于平均水平的74%;而二类地区则需多花3.6-11.8%的附加成本。 / 本研究的政策启示包括: / 第一,边远艰苦地区政策和扶贫政策的针对性不同。虽然边远艰苦地区津补贴政策所鉴定的县(区)地理属性可能具有重要的公共财政意义,但扶贫政策有更明显的区分度,可提供更清晰的教育财政政策启示。 / 第二,将原始资源禀赋等外部不可控因素造成的额外人员开支纳入财政方案中,并以教师工资成本指数的形式提升其预算等级,是保障各地师资配置从而实现教育均衡和机会均等的公平而有效方法。 / Based on the Gansu Survey of Children and Families(GSCF, 2007), this thesis investigates the hierarchical effects of teacher personal characteristics and teaching job attributes as determinants of wages and sources of variations from the perspective of Hedonic Wage Theory. / Based on the Hedonic Wage Theory, this study has made use of a scientific sampled micro data set to analyze teacher wage disparities in rural Gansu, which is a typical less-developed northwestern remote province in Mainland China. Hierarchical Linear Modeling(HLM) is employed to study the regional effects. Major foci of this thesis consist of: (1)The nature and strength of economic values of teacher personal characteristics and teaching job attributes. (2)The substitution between pecuniary rewards from wages and non-pecuniary benefit derived from working conditions and living amenities, and its implications for teacher personnel costs. (3)How regional policies are related to teacher wage variations and what can government do to narrow the consequential gap in education service. / The conclusions of the study include: / Both teacher personal characteristics and teaching job attributes are major determining factors of wages. Human capital components proxying higher teacher quality are positively compensated, while better daily working and living conditions are paid in the form of lower wages. In other words, hardships are associated with compensating wage differentials. / Working conditions in schools and living conditions in community where the teaching position is located are substitutable with wages. The substitution between wages and job conditions varies from -0.03 to 0.05. Negative values mean that teachers are willing to accept lower wages to work in a better-off county. It costs more for hard-to-staff regions to recruit a comparable teacher. / In consideration of wage compensations, the “Helping the Poor policy can give a better indication than the “Subsidy to Remote and Difficult Districts Scheme. Dis-utilities from uncomfortable working and living environment in poor counties cost 15% extra wage expenditures. / Accounting for teacher utility preference, disadvantageous counties classified by economic-geographic features should be financially aided based on teacher cost index(TCI) to recruit and retain quality teachers. Simulation implies that counties labeled as “poor should be provided 10% more marginal personnel budget in order to hire an average teacher who meets the basic education requirements. However, fiscal assistances based on degree of remoteness do not show consistent patterns. The most remote counties can hire a comparable teacher at a cost of only 74% of the average, while those second most remote ones pay 3.6-11.8% more. / There are two major policy implications from the results of the study: / (1)The “Subsidy to Remote and Difficult Districts Scheme and the “Helping the Poor policy have different focuses. Though the former scheme may have public-goods considerations, the latter can give a clear and differentiative policy implication for education finance. / (2)It would be an equitable and efficient way to incorporate uncontrollable external factors into a teacher wage index(TCI), and to use it to adjust education financial strategies to these difficult areas. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 馬紅梅. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 160-173) / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Ma Hongmei. / Chapter 第一章 --- 研究问题与背景 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一节 --- 问题陈述 --- p.1 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究问题 --- p.1 / Chapter 二、 --- 研究目的 --- p.3 / Chapter 三、 --- 研究意义 --- p.5 / Chapter 第二节 --- 研究背景 --- p.7 / Chapter 一、 --- 现实背景 --- p.7 / Chapter 二、 --- 政策背景 --- p.12 / Chapter 第三节 --- 论文结构 --- p.25 / Chapter 第二章 --- 文献综述 --- p.27 / Chapter 第一节 --- 特征工资理论的内容概要 --- p.27 / Chapter 一、 --- 特征二因素主张 --- p.28 / Chapter 二、 --- 特征的双重补偿 --- p.29 / Chapter 三、 --- 职业效用最大化 --- p.32 / Chapter 第二节 --- 特征工资理论之消费假说 --- p.33 / Chapter 一、 --- 消费性补偿的工资理论 --- p.33 / Chapter 二、 --- 消费性补偿经济学分析 --- p.34 / Chapter 三、 --- 消费性补偿的现实意义 --- p.39 / Chapter 第三节 --- 教师工资特征性补偿综述 --- p.44 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究概况 --- p.44 / Chapter 二、 --- 教师特征 --- p.47 / Chapter 三、 --- 教职特征 --- p.48 / Chapter 第四节 --- 教师工资分解的研究启示 --- p.50 / Chapter 一、 --- 国外文献 --- p.51 / Chapter 二、 --- 国内文献 --- p.52 / Chapter 第三章 --- 研究设计 --- p.56 / Chapter 第一节 --- 研究方法 --- p.56 / Chapter 第二节 --- 数据描述 --- p.60 / Chapter 一、 --- 数据来源 --- p.60 / Chapter 二、 --- 样本信息 --- p.61 / Chapter 第三节 --- 变量界定与分布 --- p.64 / Chapter 一、 --- 因变量:教师月工资 --- p.65 / Chapter 二、 --- 自变量:个人特征和岗位特征 --- p.68 / Chapter 第四节 --- 研究架构 --- p.85 / Chapter 一、 --- 分析结构 --- p.85 / Chapter 二、 --- 模型界定 --- p.86 / Chapter 第四章 --- 教师工资差异的形成机制 --- p.89 / Chapter 第一节 --- 教师工资的影响因素 --- p.89 / Chapter 一、 --- 教师个人特征:主导因素 --- p.89 / Chapter 二、 --- 教职岗位特征:关键因素 --- p.90 / Chapter 三、 --- 小结:决定教师工资的双重特征 --- p.91 / Chapter 第二节 --- 基于教师个人特征的投资性收益 --- p.92 / Chapter 一、 --- 解释变量:人力资本特征 --- p.92 / Chapter 二、 --- 控制变量:个人背景特征 --- p.97 / Chapter 三、 --- 小结:教师个人特征对工资的影响 --- p.103 / Chapter 第三节 --- 基于教职岗位特征的消费性补偿 --- p.104 / Chapter 一、 --- 学校实时工作环境 --- p.104 / Chapter 二、 --- 县(区)社区人居环境 --- p.111 / Chapter 三、 --- 小结:教职岗位特征对工资的影响 --- p.117 / Chapter 第四节 --- 本章小结 --- p.119 / Chapter 第五章 --- 国家政策对教师工资的影响 --- p.125 / Chapter 第一节 --- 地区政策与教师工资 --- p.125 / Chapter 一、 --- 边远艰苦地区政策与教师工资 --- p.125 / Chapter 二、 --- 国家扶贫政策与教师工资 --- p.131 / Chapter 三、 --- 小结:边穷地区政策与教师工资 --- p.134 / Chapter 第二节 --- 地区政策的教育成本意义 --- p.136 / Chapter 一、 --- 教师人员成本指数的建构 --- p.136 / Chapter 二、 --- 边穷属性的成本指数 --- p.138 / Chapter 三、 --- 小结:边穷地区政策的教育成本意义 --- p.143 / Chapter 第三节 --- 本章小结 --- p.145 / Chapter 第六章 --- 结语 --- p.148 / Chapter 第一节 --- 主要实证结果 --- p.148 / Chapter 一、 --- 教师工资差异的影响因素:个人特征与岗位特征 --- p.148 / Chapter 二、 --- 教师工资差异的形成机制:特征性双重补偿 --- p.149 / Chapter 三、 --- 边穷地区政策与教师工资的关系:消费性补偿 --- p.151 / Chapter 四、 --- 地区政策的教育财政意义:教师工资成本指数化 --- p.152 / Chapter 第二节 --- 政策启示 --- p.153 / Chapter 一、 --- 教育财政意义 --- p.153 / Chapter 二、 --- 完善地区政策 --- p.154 / Chapter 第三节 --- 研究总结 --- p.155 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究贡献 --- p.155 / Chapter 二、 --- 研究不足 --- p.157 / Chapter 三、 --- 研究展望 --- p.158 / 参考文献 --- p.160 / 附录 --- p.160
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教育有助發展?: 中國貴州省的一個個案研究. / Education for development?, a case study of Guizhou, China / Education for development? a case study of Guizhou, China (Chinese text) / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / Jiao yu you zhu fa zhan?: Zhongguo Guizhou Sheng de yi ge ge an yan jiu.January 2003 (has links)
羅慧燕. / 第310頁頁碼重覆, 內容相異. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2003. / 參考文獻 (p. 287-317). / 中英文摘要. / Di 310 ye ye ma chong fu, nei rong xiang yi. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Luo Huiyan. / Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Lun wen (zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2003. / Can kao wen xian (p. 287-317).
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Desenvolvimento e aplicação de procedimento metodológico em suporte ao planejamento participativo para redução de perda de solos em pequenas bacias hidrográficas com emprego da EUPSPoloni, Diogo Medici 31 August 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-08-31 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A atividade agrosilvipastoril no Brasil e em diversas localidades do mundo, tem provocado impactos como a erosão do solo e o assoreamento dos corpos hídricos. A Equação Universal de Perda de Solos EUPS estima a perda de solos por erosão hídrica laminar (A) em ton/ha/ano, através da multiplicação de seis parâmetros: erosividade da chuva (R), erodibilidade do solo (K), comprimento da rampa (L), inclinação da rampa (S), uso e manejo do solo (C) e práticas conservacionistas (P). Dessa forma, ela permite a proposição de cenários alternativos de uso e manejo do solo através dos fatores C e P. Os Sistemas de Informações Geográficas SIG contribuíram muito para ampliação de sua aplicação. Resultados de pesquisa-extensão rural com enfoque sistêmico indicam, fundamentalmente, que as tecnologias de controle de erosão deveriam ser adaptadas às condições de cada tipo de agricultor e conduzidas diretamente nas suas propriedades, com a participação do mesmo. Com isso, esta pesquisa vem contribuir para gestão de bacias hidrográficas, visando redução de perda de solos e dos impactos conseqüentes, através do desenvolvimento de um procedimento metodológico participativo com base na utilização da EUPS e de SIG. Entre os temas e aspectos que serviram de maior embasamento para o desenvolvimento do procedimento metodológico têm-se: a estimativa da perda de solos sob duas abordagens em termos de modelagem convencional, sem o envolvimento de participação social, e contando com esta na determinação dos parâmetros C e P da EUPS; a mobilização de atores relevantes para participação do processo de modelagem subsídio quanto à definição dos fatores C e P; a capacitação dos participantes do processo de modelagem; a integração de saberes especializados e não especializados (locais); e a iteratividade como forma de aperfeiçoamento de processos. A aplicação do procedimento metodológico proposto a uma bacia hidrográfica piloto, situada no município de Itarana/ES, possibilitou mostrar que o mesmo pode auxiliar: no desenvolvimento de planejamento participativo para redução de perdas de solos de pequenas bacias hidrográficas com base na realidade de cada produtor rural, considerando, entre outros fatores, as especificidades sócio-culturais e a interação de saberes (especializados e não especializados locais); considerando a capacidade de investimento de cada produtor rural no dimensionamento dos investimentos institucionais adicionais, espaciais, necessários para o cumprimento de metas de redução de perdas de solo por bacia; que o maior esforço para aplicação da EUPS de forma participativa é compensado tanto pela produção de cenários de redução de perdas de solos mais realistas que os convencionalmente praticados como pela sensibilização e promoção do envolvimento dos produtores/ proprietários rurais em ações de conservação dos solos / The agrosilvipastoral activity has impacted negatively the environment worldwide, promoting soil erosion and sediment settling in water bodies. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) estimates the rates of laminar erosion (A; in ton/acre/year) by the multiplication of six parameters: A = RKLSCP (R: rainfall erosivity factor; K = soil erodibility factor; S: slope length factor; L: slope gradient factor; C: use and occupation of land factor; and P: conservationist practice factor). Thus, it can be used for the planning of occupation, use and management of land through the proposition of alternative values of C and P, with the assistance of Geographic Information Systems GIS. The literature indicates that the development of systemic rural research/extension in the area of erosion control should be adapted to the farmer s reality, and undertaken in their farms and with the participation. Thus, the present work aims to contribute to the management of watersheds with the purpose of promote the reduction of soil losses and related impacts, by the development of a participatory methodological procedure based on the employment of the USLE and SIG. Among the main themes and aspects which fundamented the development of the aforementioned procedure: utilisation of USLE for the estimation of soil loses rates under two approaches, in terms of modelling without (conventional) and with the involvement of social participation in support to the determination of the C and P factors; mobilisation of stakeholders to the modelling process; capacity-building of the participants of the modelling process; integration of specialised and non-specialised knowledge (local); and iterativity as a way of process improvement. The application of the proposed methodological procedure to a pilot watershed, situated in the municipality of Itarana, Espírito Santo State Brazil, showed that it can used to assist: the development of participatory planning for the reduction of soil losses in small watersheds taking into consideration the reality of each farmer, socio-cultural specificity, and the iteration of knowledge (specialised and non-specialised); considering the capacity of investment of each farmer, the dimensioning of the required additional financial investment to be made by governmental institutions in order to achieve the predefined aims of reduction of soil losses for the watershed. The case study showed also that the greater effort required for the application of EUPS in a participatory manner is be compensated by the production of more realistic scenarios of soil losses, in comparison to those produced via conventional approaches and due to the resulting sensibilisation and involvement of farmers in soil conservation practices/actions
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Accentuating the right to ample access to quality education in rural South Africa : legal analysisSefoka, Isaiah Mmatipe January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (M. Dev.) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / This mini dissertation seeks to articulate the issues and challenges being faced by the rural South Africa pertaining to the aspect of providing ample access to quality education. The structures, policies and programs of the flows of apartheid are therefore compered and contrasted to the post-apartheid (1994) structures, policies and programmes. It further argues that any impediment to the right is in contrast to the spirit and purport of the provisions of the Bill of Rights enshrined in the South African Constitution of 1996 which provides for this constitutional right. Although there was a radical transition in educational policies and programmes from apartheid to postapartheid, till to date there are still numerous challenges within the basic and higher educational sectors within and between institutions. This mini dissertation recommends that government should make education completely free from levels such as primary, tertiary and the postgraduate levels, and to use education as an investment tool. In this regard, government will be investing in youth to contribute in developing solutions to aid the rural masses. It recommends that education be made compulsory from grade 1 to grade 12.
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Quality of worklife for rural and remote teachers : perspectives of novice, interstate and overseas-qualified teachersSharplin, Elaine Denise January 2008 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] It is essential to attract, recruit and retain quality teachers in rural and remote schools for provision of quality education to rural and remote students. A robust body of research confirms that teacher quality contributes to quality of education (Darling-Hammond, 2000; Hay McBer, 2000; Kaplan & Owings, 2002; OECD, 2002; Ramsay, 2000). Staffing histories of rural and remote schools identify persistent difficulties in recruiting and retaining teachers, but previous research has failed to address the experiences and perspectives of rural and remote teachers from the earliest phases of appointment, tracking their experiences over time. In times and places of persistent teacher shortages, teacher quality of worklife issues are paramount. Factors impacting on teacher quality of worklife may impact on teacher retention, staffing levels and ultimately the quality of education for children. For these reasons, this study aimed to develop substantive theory about the experiences of teachers commencing appointments in rural and remote schools by investigating the perspectives of novice, interstate and overseas-qualified teachers. The study sought to develop understandings of rural and remote teachers quality of worklife. In order to achieve this aime, the experiences of 29 teachers were examined, in four categories of teachers likely to be appointed to rural and remote locations: young novices; mature-aged novices; interstate; and overseas-qualified teachers in a qualitative collective case study. ... Awareness of the variety of factors in multiple environments, and the complex interplay between them, helps to account for the diversity of perspectives and quality of worklife outcomes for rural and remote teachers. Two theories were generated from ten propositions. The first theory, Quality of Worklife for Rural and Remote Teachers: Person-Environment Fit to Multiple Environments, identified protective and risk factors associated with workrole, workplace, organisation, geographic and socio-cultural community environments. The theory recognises spillover between work and non-work life experiences, impacting on quality of teacher worklife; however, factors directly associated with worklife impacted most significantly on quality of worklife. The second theory, Processes of Adaptation to Multiple Rural and Remote Environments, identified processes (teacher expectations, evaluations of environments, responses to environments) and coping strategies (direct-action, palliative and avoidant) as leading to one of four outcomes: integration; resilient integration; disequilibrium; and withdrawal. The case study findings offer original understandings of experiences of teachers newly appointed to rural and remote schools, through the development of theory about multiple environments teachers encounter and processes of adaptation associated with their relocation to rural and remote areas. The findings have implications for theory, policy and practice, and contribute new dimensions to the general quality of worklife literature.
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