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A Study of High School Dual Enrollment Participation at Alabama's Public Colleges and UniversitiesSpencer, Rosa Chiffon 29 March 2018 (has links)
<p> This case study explored dual enrollment program implementation and student participation at a public high school in Alabama. The study gathered current data to describe the salient actions and cultural beliefs that influence dual enrollment program participation. The findings help to better understand the institutional practices that attract students to participate in dual enrollment programs. </p><p> This study describes the process by which a high school generates student participation in dual enrollment programs and identifies its established institutional practices that lead to higher student participation. The findings described the noticeable actions and cultural beliefs that facilitated student participation. The following research questions provided the data needed to answer the overarching questions of this study: 1) What were the strategies the high school used to attract students to participate in dual enrollment programs; 2) How did the high school assist students in successfully completing dual enrollment programs; and 3) What challenges does the high school face in the implementation of dual enrollment programs?</p><p>
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An Examination of the Mediating Effect of Institutional Trust on Interpersonal Trust and Readiness for Change in University FacultyGratz, Erin Faraone 06 April 2018 (has links)
<p> <b>Purpose.</b> The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between faculty trust and readiness for change at mid-sized private non-profit universities. This quantitative study examined the independent variables of faculty trust in colleagues, trust in their Deans, and trust in their institution, and the dependent variable of readiness for change. Moreover, the present study examined the mediating factors of institutional trust on the relationship between interpersonal trust and readiness for change. </p><p> <b>Methodology.</b> The present study was related to individual faculty members’ perceptions of the variables trust and readiness for change. Faculty participants (N =89) recruited for this study were randomly sampled from six universities across the United States. An online questionnaire consisting of 48 items regarding perceptions of trust in colleagues, trust in Deans, trust in the institution, and readiness for change was administered. </p><p> <b>Findings.</b> The bivariate correlations between the interpersonal trust variables (trust in colleagues and trust in Deans) and readiness for change were not significant. Due to the lack of significant relationships, the model did not meet the criteria for institutional trust to mediate interpersonal trust and readiness for change. A significant positive relationship was found between institutional trust and readiness for change. </p><p> <b>Conclusions.</b> This study adds to the empirical research regarding the relationships between the constructs of trust and readiness for change within higher education, in which there is a gap in the literature. Interpersonal trust is an important construct within institutions of higher education and predicts institutional trust. Additionally, institutional trust is a precursor to readiness for change for this population. </p><p> <b>Recommendations.</b> For practice, higher education administration should focus on increasing the levels of interpersonal and institutional trust at their institutions; this can be done through assessing trust levels and creating opportunities for faculty to have one-on-one interactions with senior administration and the Board of Trustees. For research, replicating the study with a larger population; examining a predictive model of the variables; conducting a study with more specificity on the scope and type of change; and exploring collective trust could expand the literature on higher education, trust, and readiness for change.</p><p>
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The Effectiveness of the Student Loan Safety Net| An Evaluation of Income-Driven Loan RepaymentPeek, Audrey 28 April 2018 (has links)
<p> One in five federal student loan borrowers today is enrolled in income-driven loan repayment (IDR), a set of safety net programs in which loan payment amounts are tied to borrowers’ incomes. Policymakers across the political spectrum support expanding IDR as a way of reducing loan default and encouraging borrowers to work in public service careers, though there is little evidence of the effects of IDR on borrowers’ outcomes. Through the lenses of human capital theory and risk aversion theory, this study investigates two key gaps in our knowledge about IDR in comparison to other repayment plans: whether IDR borrowers’ make different career choices and whether IDR borrowers are more successful at paying their loans. Using the National Center for Education Statistics’ Baccalaureate and Beyond dataset (B&B:08/12), I weighted borrowers by their propensity to enroll in IDR, based on family, institutional, communities, and political and economic characteristics. This analysis found that IDR borrowers are statistically significantly more likely to be women, of Hispanic origin, and from low-income households. IDR borrowers are no more likely to pursue public service careers four years after graduation, but they are substantially more likely to be in repayment as opposed to being in default, forbearance, or any other loan status. The total estimated costs of loan repayment are more varied for IDR borrowers than for borrowers in other plans. Borrowers of color in IDR are likely to pay more than White borrowers in IDR. I conclude with a discussion of the implications for policy, research, and practice, including how policy makers and researchers should interpret the tradeoffs in these results.</p><p>
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The Trait Emotional Intelligence of College and University Presidents| A Foundational Descriptive Quantitative StudyHalbgewachs, Ronna L. 02 May 2018 (has links)
<p> Higher education is an immense sector with more than 20.4 million students, 4 million employees including 1.6 million faculty members, and estimated aggregate expenditures exceeding $400 billion not including the for-profit institutions. Colleges and universities are among our nation’s most important social institutions, knowledge generators, and economic drivers, and they have a vital role in the shaping of our global world. There are intense external and internal factors, and many stakeholders with diverse and often competing perspectives, with which college and university presidents must effectively engage in their critical leadership role. </p><p> This research identified and described the trait emotional intelligence of college and university presidents. The study was grounded in the functionalist paradigm. Core components of the theoretical framework were the trait emotional intelligence theory (Petrides & Furnham) and the concept of effective leadership (Kouzes & Posner). Using a census strategy and survey research design, 300 presidents participated and completed the TEIQue-SF. Key findings and conclusions included: (1) the majority of college and university presidents have high well-being, self-control, emotionality, and sociability factor and global trait emotional intelligence, (2) the majority of college and university presidents have higher emotional intelligence than the general population, (3) the majority of college and university presidents demonstrate leadership effectiveness, and (4) there are opportunities to enhance trait emotional intelligence in a subgroup of college and university presidents, thus enhancing the leadership effectiveness of those presidents. </p><p> The new empirical knowledge about the emotional intelligence of college and university presidents provides a foundational springboard for future research to elucidate and expand knowledge in the areas of authentic leadership, charismatic leadership, the full range of leadership (transformational/transactional), leadership effectiveness, and higher education. Also, this new knowledge may be helpful to learning more about how to work with loosely coupled systems, change organizational culture, identify and deal with perceived resistance to change, and leadership development (Burke, 2011). Findings of this study may be beneficial to college and university presidents, boards of trustees/regents, search firms, higher education associations, and consultants. </p><p> The study achieved a large study sample. Strategies contributing to the successful recruitment of the large sample are described and are transferable to other studies—especially dissertation research—and other study populations.</p><p>
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Examining the Factors that Impact Adjunct Faculty Retention in Private Nonprofit UniversitiesKuvakas, Kara 10 May 2018 (has links)
<p> <b>Purpose:</b> The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe and explore what factors, as perceived by adjunct faculty and those who hire and manage them at nonprofit universities, had the greatest impact on their decision to continue to serve in the part-time role. A secondary purpose was to explore differences between the perceptions of adjunct faculty and those who hire and manage them with regard to these factors. </p><p> <b>Methodology:</b> This phenomenological qualitative study collected data through in-depth interviews with ten adjunct faculty members and five supervisors working for private nonprofit California institutions of higher education. After transcription, data was coded to describe the similarities and differences in perception of the reasons adjunct faculty continue teaching part-time. Documents and artifacts were gathered to support data triangulation. </p><p> <b>Findings:</b> Data analysis yielded four major themes that have an impact on an adjunct faculty member’s decision to continue working part-time. Participants referenced the relationships that adjunct faculty have with their administrators, colleagues, and students most often. Participants discussed their compensation and benefits and most shared that they do not teach for the money or benefits. Faculty participants agreed that their flexible work schedule and the day-to-day work of an adjunct faculty member were also influential in their decision. </p><p> <b>Conclusions:</b> There was widespread agreement amongst participants that they value collegial relationships and their flexible part-time work schedule. Adjunct faculty members emphasized that they do not teach for financial gain but rather to be part of a community, share their professional knowledge, and work with students. Most are disinterested in professional growth and participants expressed concern about the connection between academic freedom and the evaluation of their work by students. </p><p> <b>Recommendations:</b> Future research should examine the relationship between adjunct faculty category and retention. This study should be replicated at a wider range of universities and additional studies conducted to explore the differences between the perceptions of new and long-term adjunct faculty. Research should be conducted to learn why adjunct faculty members choose to leave their positions. Finally, a grounded theory study should be conducted to develop a more current model of adjunct faculty experiences.</p><p>
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Reframing Higher Education| A Case Study of the Educational Leadership of Elmer TownsEdgell, David 11 May 2018 (has links)
<p> The purpose of this qualitative, single case study is to examine the leadership traits of Elmer Towns and the strategies employed as co-founder of Liberty University. In order to accomplish this purpose, this study will assess the behavioral traits, work habits, communication patterns, and organizational concepts he employed as the Dean of the School of Religion at Liberty University. The “Portraits of Leadership” pattern is defined by viewing the university as a complex organization through which leadership behaviors and traits are manifested as a part of managing the governance structure, the internal operations, and the academic functions of the institution. The case study method is employed by the examination of the leader’s background, formal education, influence of mentors, and defining events. </p><p> The case study is individual in its focus and seeks to analyze the leadership behaviors of Towns in the context of the “Reframing Patterns” of higher education leadership of Lee Bolman and Joan Gallos. The data from the study is organized into the concepts of reframing and identifies four frames of academic leadership in which administrators of higher education often function. The data from documents, interviews, and observations are placed in four framing categories and serve as chapter headings in the research findings: Structure, Politics, Human Resource, and Symbols. </p><p> The research design for the case study uses three methods of research. The first method is document research. The study examines books and articles written by Towns in order to find leadership principles identified as essential to an organization. They also serve to identify situations and events related to the history and the function of the school. Documents related to the school and to the faculty are examined for communication and organizational factors. Faculty senate minutes, accreditation reports, catalogs, faculty handbooks, Liberty University policy documents and publications are included as data for triangulating research within the case study. </p><p> The second method of research includes interviews conducted with the dean, faculty and administration. Persons selected for the interviews worked at Liberty University for a significant part of Elmer Town’s tenure and served under him in various capacities. Three of the faculty members included in the study have written previous dissertations on Elmer Towns. </p><p> The third research approach included observations of Towns and his work with students and faculty. Observations were made while attending classes taught by Towns. Informal discussions with faculty and students also proved helpful in confirming and rejecting conclusions made during the five years. The researcher made observations from interactions with Towns in meetings, at church, and during appointments held in his office and at a local restaurant. The researcher also became a Liberty University Online adjunct professor during the time period in which the research was conducted. This allowed additional access to documents and to videos related to the leadership of Towns </p><p> Concluding findings of the case study categorize leadership traits and actions employed by Towns as Dean of the School of Religion. These traits and actions are applied within the context of higher education as a model for leaders and for deans serving in other institutions of higher learning. </p><p>
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College President Perceptions of Personal Wellness| Exploring "Well-ish" and the Work-Life Balance of Mid-Career Private College PresidentsCioffi, Daryl 04 April 2018 (has links)
<p> Leadership has entered an age of chronic unrest. Scholars have emphasized the impact of healthy and effective leaders on organizations (Crother-Laurin, 2006), yet recent studies reveal high stress and burnout in the contemporary workplace (Walsh, 2005, 2013). The academy faces their own organizational challenges, (Archibald & Feldman, 2010) calling into question the health and effectiveness of leaders, especially at the presidential level (Duderstadt, 2010). While the study of college president wellness has been explored through multiple lenses (McNair, Duree, & Ebbers, 2011; Tekniepe, 2014; Walker & McPhail, 2009), some researchers highlight the unique needs of mid-career presidents of private institutions. To date, minimal research has been conducted on wellness for this population. Using the presidential office as the pivotal point of inquiry, this qualitative interpretive constructivist study sought to answer the following research questions: RQ1: How do mid-career college presidents perceive personal wellness? • RQ1a: What value does wellness play in the lives of mid-career presidents? • RQ1b: How do mid-career college presidents apply wellness techniques in their lives? • RQ1c: Have these wellness practices changed throughout their time as president? </p><p> Interviews with (<i>N</i> = 10) mid-career private college presidents were conducted, as well as an (<i>N</i> = 1) elite interview with an executive coach. These data were analyzed using Giorgi’s (2009) analytical strategy. Interview observation data and document analyses of various institutional documents (websites and presidential social media) supplemented the data set. Boyatzis’ (1998) data analysis strategy was applied to observation and document data. Hettler’s (1976) six dimensions of wellness were used to guide study design, develop instrumentation, and contextualize the definition of wellness used in this study. Five themes emerged from this study: mid-career college presidents identified the continuous challenges of their position, transitional issues and the need to mitigate stressors, their conscious acknowledgement of wellness, their need for social connections and family, and their efforts to pursue personal wellness in a taxing environment. These findings highlight the complexities of the mid-career college president’s quest for personal wellness. This study may assist academic leaders and board members with the knowledge to develop programs and resources for presidents, supporting wellness for future leaders.</p><p>
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Finding Erich Jantsch's Five Crucial Innovations| A Study of Four Small CollegesMacVie, Leah 13 October 2017 (has links)
<p> Institutions of higher education have faced many challenges over the last few decades. Though many large institutions have the resources needed to respond to these challenges, small institutions have had to be innovative in the ways in which they are adapting. There are similarities between the external challenges that institutions face today and the challenges they faced in the 1960s and 70s, and it is worth examining whether or not the predictions and suggestions made by scholars in this time period offer insight in regards to the innovation found in small institutions today. This dissertation explored Erich Jantsch's 1969 report in the context of innovation in higher education today. This qualitative, multicase study found that Erich Jantsch's five crucial innovations can be found to some extent in the innovations of four small institutions of higher education.</p><p> Keywords: Erich Jantsch, higher education, disruptive forces, innovation, self-renewal, integrative planning</p><p>
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The Financial Implications of No-Loan Policies at Private Elite Liberal Arts CollegesBraxton, Symeon O. 24 October 2017 (has links)
<p> Today 17 elite private colleges in the U.S. have offered no-loan policies, which replace student loans with grants, scholarships and/or work-study in the financial aid packages awarded to all undergraduate students eligible for financial aid. Generally, the goal of these policies is to increase the socioeconomic diversity of campuses and to reduce the amount students borrow to finance their education. However, since the 2007–2008 credit crisis two colleges eliminated their no-loan policies for all students on financial aid and several restricted the policies to their lower-income students on financial aid. Therefore, this qualitative case study explored the financial implications of no-loan financial aid at private elite liberal arts colleges. </p><p> Leaders from various offices involved in planning and implementing no-loan policies at four colleges were interviewed: two campuses that maintained their full no-loan policies after the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and two that did not. The leaders were interviewed to understand how no-loan policies were financed and managed; how they affected operating budgets and other academic priorities; and how they were communicated to college constituents. </p><p> Findings from this study provided a more nuanced understanding of why some schools maintained and others retracted no-loan financial aid. Contrary to reports in the news, endowment losses, while symbolic of financial distress, were not the only reason that schools retracted no-loan policies. Endowment losses in the context of other internal and external budget pressures resulting from the credit crisis and Great Recession led to this decision. Each college in this study made a series of tradeoffs in how to balance mission and market pressures in a new budget reality where all three of their primary revenue sources were constrained. These competing priorities included how to increase faculty lines and compensation, reduce teaching loads, fund capital projects, reduce student loan debt, and distribute scholarship aid to ensure proportional socioeconomic diversity on campus. Higher education policymakers and leaders can use this study’s findings to improve institutional policies and practices in higher education finance.</p><p>
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Why Revenue Diversification MattersLeuhusen, Fredrik Carl Axel Peter 24 October 2017 (has links)
<p> <i>Revenue diversification</i> is a term that becomes more relevant as higher education institutions are confronted with increased regulation, competition, declining enrollments, and strained finances. A challenge that many institutions face is that expenditures are higher than revenues and increase faster than them. The term <i>Revenue diversification </i> seems obvious to higher education administration professionals, although they do not all define it the same way. For that reason, it needs a precise definition so that the industry genuinely can embrace the concept and thereby seek to generate more revenues to drive existing and innovative agendas. Indeed, a common understanding will allow universities to develop strategies to reduce the reliance on traditional tuition and fees. The study examines three not-for-profit institutions with a student population less than 5,000 that already are diversifying their revenue streams. The definition of leadership at each institution is compared with the strategies that have been implemented or proposed in order to understand whether there is alignment. The three cases—Stevenson University, Franklin & Marshall College, and Oglethorpe University—respectively have the following story lines: 1) growth is the only possibility; 2) the current situation is one of stasis, and the way forward is unclear; 3) efforts must be undertaken to improve financial viability. In addition to the qualitative research, the study also encompasses an analysis of IPEDS that reflects how each institution is changing its revenues in comparison to a similarly situated group of institutions. The findings reveal that <i>Revenue diversification</i> is on everybody’s mind, but the definition of the term is inconclusive. Leadership teams are trying to determine what revenue-diversification strategies will work for the institutions and its stakeholders to be able to offset expense increases. Identifying new revenue sources will entail pursuing non-historical revenue sources, which includes academic programs, services, property, institutional advancement, and more. The higher education environment is concerning to many of its member institutions, and by diversifying revenues, long-term viability can be secured.</p><p>
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