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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecotoxicologia da água residuária da suinocultura tendo minhocas como bioindicadoras / ECOTOXICOLOGY OF SWINE WASTEWATER USING EARTHWORMS AS BIOINDICATORS

Paniago, Gustavo Gomes 20 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T14:38:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GUSTAVO GOMES PANIAGO.pdf: 356190 bytes, checksum: 11df860296821491a627171893021279 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The waste generated by the swine have high pollution potential, however, due to high organic 28 load, is presented as a good option in the fertilization of crops, nevertheless few is known about the 29 effects on soil fauna. The aim of this work was to study the environmental effects arising from the 30 use of swine wastewater using as bioindicators earthworms of the species Eisenia andrei through 31 the parameters of lethality, reproduction and escape. We studied the application of biodigester wastewater and manure storage tanks wastewater in four doses (0, 100, 200 and 300 m3 ha-132 ) in 33 three soils (Oxisol, Kandiudox and Artificial Tropical Soil). The experiments were conducted in the 34 period from 01/17/2014 to 06/07/2014. Data were analyzed using ANOVA one-way, Tukey test and 35 Pearson correlation matrices. No deaths occurred in the mortality test and there was no escape in 36 escape test. The reproduction test showed positive relationship between the amount of wastewater 37 applied and the number of hatched juveniles to most treatments. It is concluded that the application of biodigester wastewater and manure storage tanks wastewater to the dose of 300 m3 ha-1 38 does not 39 bring harm to earthworm populations in the three soils analyzed. / Os resíduos gerados pela suinocultura possuem alto potencial poluidor, porém, devido 7 à grande carga orgânica, apresenta-se como boa opção na fertilização de culturas, contudo 8 pouco se conhece a respeito dos efeitos sobre a fauna edáfica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi 9 estudar os efeitos ambientais decorrentes do uso de águas residuárias da suinocultura usando10 se como bioindicadores minhocas da espécie Eisenia andrei, por meio dos parâmetros de 11 letalidade, fuga e reprodução. Estudou-se a aplicação de água residuária de esterqueira e 12 biodigestor em quatro doses (0, 100, 200 e 300 m3 ha-1) em três solos (Latossolo Vermelho 13 Distroférrico típico, Nitossolo Vermelho Eutroférrico, Solo Artificial Tropical). Os 14 experimentos foram desenvolvidos no período de 17/01/2014 a 07/06/2014. Os dados foram 15 analisados utilizando-se Análise de Variância Unifatorial, Teste de Tukey e matrizes de 16 correlação de Pearson. Não ocorreram mortes no teste de letalidade e não ocorreu fuga no 17 teste de fuga. O teste de reprodução apresentou relação positiva entre a quantidade de água 18 residuária aplicada e a quantidade de juvenis eclodidos para a maioria dos experimentos. 19 Conclui-se que a aplicação de água residuária de esterqueira e biodigestor até a dose de 300 20 m3 ha-1 não traz malefícios para as populações de minhocas nos três solos analisados

Avaliação do impacto da contaminação do solo de áreas agrícolas de Bom Repouso (MG) por meio de ensaios ecotoxicológicos / Assessment of the contamination impact of the soil in agricultural areas from Bom Repouso (MG) by ecotoxicological tests

Natália Costa de Lima 01 October 2010 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas tem-se verificado um significativo aumento na quantidade de contaminantes que são liberados no ambiente, destacando-se os agrotóxicos como um dos mais utilizados e nocivos. Os agrotóxicos são utilizados para o controle de doenças, pragas e plantas invasoras e, apesar de sua eficiência, seus efeitos em nível de ecossistema e saúde humana são preocupantes. No município de Bom Repouso/MG, devido à prática agrícola há intenso uso de agrotóxicos, os quais são aplicados nas lavouras de morango e batata sem controle mais efetivo, não sendo verificada nenhuma avaliação ambiental física, química e biológica, ou que incluísse os testes de toxicidade terrestres. Dentro desse contexto, o presente estudo procurou avaliar a aplicabilidade dos testes ecotoxicológicos padronizados internacionalmente para organismos terrestres, além de avaliar os impactos ambientais decorrentes das atividades agrícolas no município de Bom Repouso. Para tanto, ensaios de toxicidade (testes de evitamento, toxicidade aguda e crônica) com a espécie Eisenia andrei (ANNELIDA, OLIGOCHAETA), além de análises físicas e químicas, foram realizados com amostras de solo coletadas nas monoculturas de morango e batata, e em área de mata preservada. Nas análises físicas e químicas dos solos foram detectadas concentrações de metais e agrotóxicos em concentrações abaixo de valores orientadores definidos em legislação vigente, ressaltando-se que ambos também ocorreram em áreas de mata preservada. Elevadas concentrações de alumínio foram detectadas nos solos, porém não existem valores orientadores estabelecidos e provavelmente são características do tipo de solo da área de estudo. Não foi verificada toxicidade aguda aos organismos-teste, enquanto que nos testes de evitamento verificou-se que os organismos evitaram os solos de área de cultivo de morango e batata, preferindo os da mata; porém não é possível afirmar se esse resultado se deve à presença de contaminantes ou às propriedades físicas e químicas dos solos. Em relação aos efeitos subletais, a perda de peso não foi caracterizada como efeito de toxicidade, e os efeitos sobre a reprodução, para a maioria dos solos testados, não foram significativos, com exceção de duas amostras coletadas em área de mata e uma amostra de área de batata. Este resultado pode ter sido influenciado pelas concentrações de agrotóxicos não detectados (mas identificados em estudos anteriores), embora as características ácidas do solo também possam ter maior representatividade. Especificamente para as áreas de mata, as concentrações de alumínio detectadas nos solos e a dificuldade de ajuste de umidade provavelmente também influenciaram os resultados. Em função dos resultados obtidos, verifica-se que ainda são necessárias alterações nos procedimentos dos testes ecotoxicológicos com organismos terrestres, com adaptações para testes com amostras de solos naturais. Em relação ao município de Bom Repouso, são evidentes os problemas ambientais decorrentes do uso de agrotóxicos, sendo necessária uma avaliação de risco que permita uma visão sistêmica da situação ambiental e de saúde dos moradores da região. / In the last decades there has been a significant increase in the amount of contaminants that are released into the environment, especially pesticides as one of the most used and harmful. The pesticides are used to control diseases, plagues and invaded plants and, despite its efficiency, its effects on the ecosystem level and human health are disturbing. In the Bom Repouso/MG municipality, due to the agricultural practice, there is an intensive use of pesticides, which are applied in strawberry and potato crops without more effective control, and it is not checked any biological, chemical and physical environmental assessment, which would include tests for terrestrial toxicity. In this context, this current study sought to evaluate the applicability of ecotoxicological tests internacionally standardized for terrestrial organisms and to evaluate the environmental impacts of agricultural activities in the Bom Repouso/MG municipality. Therefore, toxicity tests (tests of avoidance, chronic and acute toxicity) with the species Eisenia andrei (ANNELIDA, OLIGOCHAETA), in addition physical and chemical analysis, were performed with soil samples collected from monocultures of strawberry and potato, in addition preserved forest. In the chemical and physical analysis of the soils were detected concentrations of metals and pesticides in concentrations below the guiding values defined in current legislation, emphasizing that both also occurred in areas of preserved forest. High concentrations of aluminum were detected in soils, but there are no established guinding values and probably these are characteristics of the soil type of the study area. It was not observed acute toxicity to the test-organisms, whereas in tests of avoidance, it was observed that the organisms avoided the soils of the cultivation of strawberry and potato, preferring the forest, but it is not possible to state whether this result is due to the presence of contaminants or the chemical and physical properties of the soils. With respect to the sub lethal effects, the weight loss was not characterized as an effect of toxicity, and the effects on reproduction, for the most soils tested, were not significant, except for the two samples collected in the forest area and one sample in the potato area. This result may have been influenced by the concentrations of pesticides not detected (but identified in previous studies), although the acid soil characteristics may also have greater representation. Specifically for the forest areas, the concentration of aluminum detected in soils and the difficulty of the moisture adjusting, probably also influenced the results. Depending on the results, it observes that are still necessary changes in the procedures ecotoxicological tests with terrestrial organisms, with adjustments for tests with samples of natural soils. With reference to the Bom Repouso municipality, are obvious the environmental problems and because of the use of pesticides, it is necessary an assessment risk that allows a systemic view of the environmental situation and of the health of region residents.

Determinación biológica de la calidad proteica de la harina de lombriz

Curi Quinto, Katherine January 2006 (has links)
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar la calidad de la proteína de la harina de lombriz (Eisenia foetida), mediante ensayos biológicos en ratas. Para lo cual se elaboró harina de lombriz y se realizó el análisis proximal de la misma mediante métodos de la AOAC 1990. Se utilizaron 12 ratas albinas raza Holtzman en crecimiento para los ensayos de índice de eficiencia proteinica (PER), razón proteínica neta (NPR), digestibilidad verdadera (DV) y valor biológico verdadero (VBV), y 24 para la utilización proteica neta (NPU). Los resultados de PER, NPR, DV, VBV y NPU fueron comparados con datos de caseína. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la prueba T para muestras emparejadas con un nivel de significancia del 95% - Excel 2000. En la elaboración de la harina de lombriz se obtuvo un rendimiento de 11.5% cuya composición química en base seca fue de: 68.20% de proteína, 7.50% de grasa, 15.82% de carbohidratos y 8.48% de ceniza. En los ensayos biológicos de NPR, DV y VBV se encontró diferencia significativa a favor de la caseína, mientras que en los ensayos biológicos de PER y NPU la diferencia no fue significativa, por lo cual se concluyó que la calidad biológica de la proteína de la harina de lombriz no se iguala a la caseína; pero, supera en calidad a otras proteínas de origen animal como la carne de bovino, sus vísceras, carne de vacuno, sus vísceras y el corazón de pollo, y productos de origen vegetal como el maíz, las lentejas y frijoles.

Étude de la bioaccumulation et autres effets sublétaux de contaminants organiques sur le vers de terre Eisenia andrei exposé à des concentrations environnementales

Fanny Chevillot January 2017 (has links)
Avec la population en constante croissance, les besoins alimentaires sont de plus en plus importants. Afin de répondre à la demande des populations, ainsi que pour s’assurer d’un bon rendement agricole, les agriculteurs suivant un mode d’agriculture qualifié de conventionnel doivent palier aux limitations naturelles des cultures. C’est par exemple en utilisant des pesticides ou herbicides pour la gestion des espèces nuisibles. Ce peut être aussi en utilisant des matières résiduelles fertilisantes pour apporter dans les sols les éléments essentiels à la bonne croissance des végétaux. Ces matières peuvent être des boues récupérées en sortie de station d’épuration, ou des fumiers. Les traitements mis en œuvre pour traiter ces matières étant insuffisants, divers contaminants sont introduits en même temps que les nutriments essentiels lors de leurs épandages. Pour les boues, ce sont les produits issus des activités humaines quotidiennes (produits pharmaceutiques et de soin corporel). Il est donc possible de retrouver dans les sols de cultures conventionnelles, un mélange de pesticides, herbicides, produits pharmaceutiques et de soin corporel et autres contaminants organiques. Ces substances, présentes dans les sols sous leurs formes initiales (ingrédient actif) ou dégradées (produits de dégradation), peuvent potentiellement interagir avec les organismes biologiques des sols et causer d’éventuels effets toxiques. Les vers de terre représentent une grande partie de la biomasse animale des sols et contribuent à la régulation des processus majeurs des sols. Vivant dans les sols et s’en nourrissant, ils sont par conséquent directement exposés à tous les contaminants qui s’y trouvent. Il apparaît dans ces conditions importantes de déterminer les potentiels effets toxiques des mélanges de contaminants organiques (pesticides et produits pharmaceutiques) sur les vers de terre. Les concentrations en contaminants organiques dans les sols sont faibles, de l’ordre du ng.g-1 (poids sec), et des effets létaux sur des organismes robustes comme les vers de terre sont peu probables. D’autres effets peuvent cependant apparaître, en altérant par exemple le comportement reproducteur des vers, leur croissance, ou encore en causant des dommages à leur ADN. Ces molécules organiques peuvent aussi s’accumuler dans les tissus des vers de terre, ce qui présente des risques supplémentaires pour les maillons supérieurs du réseau trophique. Des méthodes standardisées pour évaluer ces risques existent. Cela dit, elles ont été mises en place pour estimer les limites en termes de concentrations dans les sols auxquelles les effets toxiques vont apparaître. Les molécules sont par conséquent étudiées seules et à de hautes concentrations. L’objectif principal de ces présents travaux est de mettre en place un protocole nous permettant de détecter un ensemble d’effets sublétaux des contaminants organiques sur les vers de terre de l’espèce Eisenia andrei en exposant les vers à des mélanges de pesticides et de produits pharmaceutiques à faibles concentrations (environnementales), ou bien à des produits marqueurs d’une contamination spécifique. Le protocole expérimental retenu est basé sur un test de reproduction, auquel des analyses chimiques des tissus des vers de terre et des échantillons de sol pour évaluer la bioaccumulation des contaminants sont ajoutés. Dans ce cas d’étude, la bioaccumulation fait référence à l’accumulation des contaminants organiques provenant de toutes les sources d’exposition (alimentation, contact) dans les tissus des vers de terre. L’essai comètes appliqué aux vers de terre adultes pour déterminer l’endommagement de l’ADN vient compléter les données. Ce protocole a été appliqué à plusieurs reprises, en exposant les vers de terre à des mélanges divers de contaminants organiques (pesticides et produits pharmaceutiques) ajoutés directement au sol artificiel, en concentrations environnementales (< 100 ng.g-1 , masse sèche). L’effet le plus marquant est la bioaccumulation sélective des insecticides de la famille des néonicotinoides dans les tissus des vers de terre, quelle que soit la composition de mélange de contaminants organiques ajoutés au sol. Lorsqu’exposés au triclosan à 50 ng.g-1 (dw), les vers de terre modifient leur comportement de reproduction, et accumule cette molécule. Lorsque le triclosan est ajouté par l’intermédiaire d’une boue contaminée dans ces mêmes sol artificiel et à une concentration finale équivalente, la bioaccumulation est du même ordre de grandeur que précédemment. C’est la forme dérivée du triclosan, le méthyl-triclosan, qui apparaît progressivement dans les sols et est accumulé plus fortement que le triclosan lui-même. Ce phénomène n’était pas observé lors de l’ajout du triclosan dissous dans un solvant. Bien que réalisés dans un système artificiel, les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire montrent l’importance de rechercher les effets écotoxicologiques des contaminants en conditions les plus réalistes possibles (mélanges, concentrations faibles). Le suivi de la composition chimique des sols d’exposition au cours des expériences permet de mieux comprendre l’origine des effets observés, particulièrement lorsque les produits de transformation peuvent également être analysés. Pour aller plus loin dans les études des effets sublétaux de contaminants organiques sur les vers de terre, des expériences incluant un suivi de plusieurs générations successives apporteraient de nombreuses informations sur la sensibilisation des jeunes vers et le risque pour les populations à long terme.

Determinación biológica de la calidad proteica de la harina de lombriz

Curi Quinto, Katherine January 2006 (has links)
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar la calidad de la proteína de la harina de lombriz (Eisenia foetida), mediante ensayos biológicos en ratas. Para lo cual se elaboró harina de lombriz y se realizó el análisis proximal de la misma mediante métodos de la AOAC 1990. Se utilizaron 12 ratas albinas raza Holtzman en crecimiento para los ensayos de índice de eficiencia proteinica (PER), razón proteínica neta (NPR), digestibilidad verdadera (DV) y valor biológico verdadero (VBV), y 24 para la utilización proteica neta (NPU). Los resultados de PER, NPR, DV, VBV y NPU fueron comparados con datos de caseína. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la prueba T para muestras emparejadas con un nivel de significancia del 95% - Excel 2000. En la elaboración de la harina de lombriz se obtuvo un rendimiento de 11.5% cuya composición química en base seca fue de: 68.20% de proteína, 7.50% de grasa, 15.82% de carbohidratos y 8.48% de ceniza. En los ensayos biológicos de NPR, DV y VBV se encontró diferencia significativa a favor de la caseína, mientras que en los ensayos biológicos de PER y NPU la diferencia no fue significativa, por lo cual se concluyó que la calidad biológica de la proteína de la harina de lombriz no se iguala a la caseína; pero, supera en calidad a otras proteínas de origen animal como la carne de bovino, sus vísceras, carne de vacuno, sus vísceras y el corazón de pollo, y productos de origen vegetal como el maíz, las lentejas y frijoles.

Relations "biodisponibilité-génotoxicité-écotoxicité" des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) dans les sols de friches industrielles / Relationship "Bioavailability-Genotoxicity-Ecotoxicity" of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils from industrial wastelands

Bonnard, Marc 20 April 2010 (has links)
L’objectif du travail de recherche était de mettre en relation dans des sols de cokeries anciennement contaminés, la biodisponibilité de polluants (HAP et/ou métaux lourds), leur génotoxicité et leurs effets populationnels chez le ver de terre Eisenia fetida. Cette étude a montré que les sols étudiés, malgré une contamination similaire, présentaient une toxicité vis-à-vis des vers de terre et d’autres organismes terrestres (plantes, collemboles) totalement différente. Ces différences d’écotoxicité seraient imputables à la biodisponibilité des polluants, différente entre les sols. Cette étude a également montré que le traitement de thermodésorption, appliqué à l’un des sols contaminés, augmentait la biodisponibilité des métaux lourds. Le traitement de thermodésorption modifierait à la fois 1) la nature et la composition de la matière organique du sol, 2) la spéciation des métaux lourds, 3) les liens entre la matière organique et les métaux, les rendant plus biodisponibles et génotoxiques vis-à-vis des vers de terre. L’approche biologique-écotoxicologique, qui prend en considération la biodisponibilité des polluants, se révèle donc essentielle en complément de l’approche physico-chimique dans l’évaluation 1) des risques et 2) de l’efficacité de remédiation des sols contaminés. Cette étude a également montré que la mesure des dommages à l’ADN des coelomocytes de vers de terre est un biomarqueur pertinent dans l’évaluation de la génotoxicité des polluants des sols. Ce biomarqueur de génotoxicité peut être utilisé en tant qu’indicateur de biodisponibilité des polluants. Il s’est révélé plus sensible que la survie et au moins aussi sensible que la reproduction, qui sont deux paramètres étudiés classiquement chez les vers de terre. Ce biomarqueur de génotoxicité pourrait être utilisé en tant qu’indicateur précoce de perturbations physiologiques, même si le lien mécanistique entre les dommages à l’ADN et les répercussions sur la reproduction des vers de terre nécessite des recherches ultérieures / The aim of this work research was to show in formerly-contaminated coking plant soils a relationship between the bioavailability of soil pollutants (PAH and/or heavy metals), their genotoxicity and their populational effects in the Eisenia fetida earthworm. This study showed that despite a similar contamination studied soils exhibited a great difference in ecotoxicity to earthworms and other terrestrial organisms (plants, springtails). Differences in ecotoxicity of soils would be attributable to bioavailability of soil pollutants which is different between soils. This study also showed that thermal desorption applied on one of the contaminated soils increased bioavailability of heavy metals. Thermal desorption would modify 1) the nature and composition of soil organic matter, 2) the speciation of heavy metals, 3) links between soil organic matter and heavy metals, rendering them more bioavailable and genotoxic to earthworms. The biological-ecotoxicological approach, which takes into consideration the bioavailability of soil pollutants, reveals to be necessary in addition of the physico-chemical approach in the evaluation of 1) risks and 2) remediation efficiency of contaminated soils. This study also showed that the measure of DNA damage in coelomocytes of earthworms is a relevant biomarker in the evaluation of genotoxicity of soil pollutants. This biomarker of genotoxicity can be used as indicator of bioavailability of soil pollutants. It revealed more sensitive than survival and as sensitive as reproduction, which are classical endpoints measured in earthworms. This biomarker of genotoxicity could be used as early indicator of physiological disturbances, even if the mechanistic link between DNA damage and effects on reproduction require further studies

Effects of raw materials on vermicompost qualities

A'ali, Rahman, Jafarpour, Mehrdad, Kazemi, Elahe, Pessarakli, Mohammad 11 January 2017 (has links)
Overuse of the chemical compounds and toxic elements leads to problems and transmission of contaminants and pollutants to humans and other living organisms. One of the industries’ byproducts of the agriculture sector is production of various composts from the organic raw materials that the best type of which is so – called Vermicompost. In this study, effects of raw materials on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of Vermicompost are discussed. To do so, sheep manure, pomegranate peels, spent mushroom compost either singly or double, triple or fourfold chopped corn, sugar beet pulp and sawdust were used. This research project was conducted in a completely randomized design experiment with 23 treatments with 3 replications. Results revealed that various bed combinations exert different effects on Vermicompost quality such that, the Vermicomposting process led to a significant decrease in electrical conductivity (EC) and a significant increase in pH in most of the culture (seed) beds. Also, the levels of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium in most treatments increased following completion of the vermicomposting process. As a result, this process can be introduced as an organic fertilizer with complete nutrients for improving chemical characteristics of agricultural wastes to usable fertilizers.

Využití organismu Eisenia foetida v testech ekotoxicity / Using of organism Eisenia foetida in ecotoxicity tests

Modlitbová, Pavlína January 2012 (has links)
Pesticide products used for plant protection are one of the chemicals that are intentionally brought into the environment. In Czech Republic there are legally used only those pesticide products, which are registered by SRS (State Phytosanitary Administration). For registration of these products there is required in addition to assessing the likely negative effects on human and animal health, also information whether the pesticide products negatively not affect the environment, in particular avoiding the contamination of aqua system or not effect the non target organisms. This master's thesis discuss the use of organism Eisenia foetida (redworm) in the contact ecotoxicity tests by testing pesticide products. There were selected such pesticide products where there are not solid information about their impact on non-target soil organism (Eisenia foetida) and based on literature research was chosen ecotoxicity test by OECD 207 method, the acute toxicity test which is in place for 14 days. Two pesticide products Topsin M 500 SC (active ingredient thiophanate-methyl) and Perfekthion (active ingredient dimethoate) were tested. Ecotoxicological values were calculated and ecotoxicity of such peticide products for soil organism were avaulated.

Wood compost process engineering, properties and its impact on extreme soil characteristics

Nada, Wael Mohamed Abdel-Rahman January 2011 (has links)
The landfilling of biodegradable waste is proven to contribute to environmental degradation. Much wood and lumber is discharged as waste from the cleared fields. These woody wastes are subsequently disposed of by burning. However, it would be preferable to dispose of them without combustion to avoid the release of carbon dioxide, one of the critical greenhouse gases. Instead of burning these woody wastes, we should recycle them as future resources. One solution to this problem is to make compost from the waste. Compost use in agriculture is increasing as both an alternative to landfilling for the management of biodegradable waste, as well as means of increasing or preserving soil organic matter. This research aimed to contribute to the identification of a system for managing the production and utilization of wood waste (Quercus rubra and Pinus sylvestris) compost for sustainable agriculture, with particular regards to carbon dioxide produced from both compost and combustion of wood. Compost of wood was implemented in two consecutive trials. The first was carried out in greenhouse experiment in 4 liter pot of Quercus rubra and Pinus sylvestris (QR and PS) moisted by compost and tap water and infected by tiger worm (Eisenia fetida, EF) and European night crawlers (Dendrobaena veneta, DV) at different mixed ratios with lake mud (LM). The second was conducted in greenhouse experiment in 40 liter pot of the successful wood and worm from the first compost trial (QR and EF respectively). The tested wood (QR) was mixed separately by lake mud and horse manure and irrigated by compost and tap water. The final product, successful wood compost (QR) produced from the first trial (4 liter pot) was utilized in different mixed ratios with coal mine tailings (tertiary sand) in greenhouse pot trial to study his effects on improving soil physical and chemical properties and some plant growth parameters of RSM 7.2.1 grass. The wood compost produced from the second compost experiment (40 liter pot) and other artificial component named Arkadolith® were used as soil amelioration in field experiments of different selected sites with extremely unsuitable characteristics (tertiary and quaternary sand in Lusatia lignite region, Germany). The soil in each site was sowed by RSM 7.2.1 and autochthonous grasses. Also, some vermicompost samples were selected to study its thermal stability which compared with a soil sample (Niedermoorgleys) by using thermogravimetric analysis technique. Further investigation was achieved to evaluate the effect of charcoal as a source of carbon on vermicompost stability. Moreover some selected vermicompost samples were used to examine its microstructure under scanning electron microscope which compared also with the same soil used in thermal analysis. The obtained results under all studied experiments can be arranged as follow: First compost trial, Cumulative amount of carbon dioxide produced during composting period was lower than that evolved by combustion of wood. The results showed composting of wood can reduce the emitted CO2 up to 50 % when compared with the amount of CO2 produced from combustion of wood. The effect of different studied factors on different studied parameters show that, QR wood compost have more responsive to decomposition processes and humification rate in comparison with PS wood compost. Under different infection worms, Eisenia fetida (EF) was better than Dendrobaena veneta (DV) in biodegradation rate. Compost water has had a better impact of tap water in all studied decomposition parameters. For example, The compost content of OM and total OC was decreased with the increase of the decomposition period in the treatments of compost water and EF worm, where this decrease was higher at mixed ratio of 1:3 (wood: mud, w/w). The total content of N in the final products takes reversible trend regarding to OM and C content. The high content of N was found in QR wood compost moisted by compost water and infected by EF worm. The content of both macro-and micro-nutrients was clearly positive affected by the studied factors. The content of these nutrients in QR wood compost was higher than that found in the compost of PS wood. Second compost trial, The observed data show that, the amount of CO2 produced by composting was lower than that evolved by combustion of wood. Composting of wood reduced CO2 emission up to 40 % of the combustion wood CO2. Cumulative amount of CO2 produced from wood compost treated by horse manure was higher than that fount in the other treated by LM. The compost of wood treated by horse manure has had a high decomposition rate in comparison with that treated by lake mud. The treatments left without worms during all composting period and moisted by compost water have a responsive effects but it was lower than that infected by worms. Total and available contents of N, P, K, Mg, Zn, and Cu in the compost treated by HM were higher than that found in compost treated by LM. The other nutrients (Ca, Fe, Cu, and Mn) take reversible trend, which it was higher in LM than HM treatments. Thermal and microstructure analysis, The selected vermicompost samples from both first and second compost experiments showed, up to 200° C temperature the mass loss was due to free water and bound water (It was in vermicompost samples higher than soil sample). Mass loss from 200 to 550° C is due to easily oxidizable organic forms and it was higher in vermicompost than soil. In this stage the soil OM seems to be more stable than vermicompost which can be explained by a more intensive bond between the organic and inorganic components. At higher temperatures (T> 550° C) no significant detectable was appeared of soil organic matter. In contrast, the vermicompost treatments showed a high proportion of stable groups, especially aromatic compounds. These statements seem to be importance particularly for the practical application of the wood compost in terms of their long-term effect in the soil. The application of charcoal, showed no additional stabilizing effect of vermicompost. Also, the data show that, vermicompost structure characterized with high homogeneity and ratio of surface area to volume compared to those in soil structure. First plant trials (greenhouse), Different compost mixed ratios had positive impact on different extreme soil physiochemical properties. At the end of experiment (42 days) compost increased soil water holding capacity, decreased soil bulk and particle density and increased total porosity. The used wood compost modified soil buffering capacity and soil acidity. The availability of soil macro and micro nutrients were increased after adding wood compost. The wood compost had a positive effect in some growth parameters like fresh and dry matter yield of the selected grass. High dry matter yield and nutrients uptake was achieved with higher rates of compost application (25.0% > 12.5% > 3.0% > 0.0 %, w/w). Second plant trials (field experiment), Regarding to the effect of wood compost (QR) and Arkadolith® component on tertiary and quaternary sand, at the end of grown season (6 month) most soil and plant characteristics of tertiary sand were improved and it was better than that in quaternary sand. This trend reveals to, physical and chemical properties of tertiary sand was better than that in quaternary sand, like organic matter content, CEC, WHC, TOC, available nutrients. In the both sites, the effects of different type of soil conditioners arranged as follow: the treatments treated with wood compost is the better followed by the other treated with both wood compost and Arkadolith. Wood compost increased soil pH, CEC, soil buffering capacity, OM content, and soil WHC in comparison with Arkadolith which make a small improvement of these properties in both sites. Finally, Different growth parameters (height, covering, fresh and dry matter yield) of the used grasses were clearly positive affected by wood compost, with the highest production inherent to the treatments treated by the high amount of wood compost. / Entsprechend der Zielstellung wurden zunächst verschiedene Varianten der Kompostierung von Holzsubstanz getestet, um eine optimale Technologie, die auch für Entwicklungsländer realisierbar ist, herauszufinden. Hierzu sind in Pflanztöpfe Holzspäne (Woodchips) von zwei verschieden Holzarten (Laub- und Nadelholz) gefüllt und mit verschiedenen natürlichen Stickstoffquellen gemischt worden. Diese Ansätze wurden regelmäßig mit Kompostwasser appliziert. Nach vier Wochen sind zwei verschiedene Wurmarten (Dendrobaena veneta und Eisenia fetida) hinzugegeben worden. Die Feuchthaltung erfolgte ab diesem Zeitpunkt durch Frischwasser. Die qualitativ beste Versuchsvariante ist im nächsten Schritt mit weiteren natürlichen Stickstoffquellen, die in Entwicklungsländern zur Verfügung gestellt werden könnten, getestet worden. Von allen Kompostvarianten sind im Labor eine Vielzahl von bodenphysikalischen (z.B. Dichte, Wasserhaltekapazität) und bodenchemischen Zustandsgrößen (z.B. Elektrische Leitfähigkeit, Totalgehalte biophiler Elemente, Bodenreaktion, organische Substanzgehalte, Kationenaustauschkapazität) bestimmt worden. Die Wiederum qualitativ beste Mischung ist in einer weiteren Versuchsreihe in verschiedenen Mengenverhältnissen mit tertiärerem Abraumsand des Braunkohlebergbaus gemischt worden. In diese Versuchsmischungen wurde die Grasmischung RSM 7.2.1 eingesät und regelmäßig bewässert sowie die Wuchshöhe gemessen. Nach 42 Tagen wurden das Gras geerntet und die biometrischen Parameter, die Nährstoffgehalte (pflanzenverfügbare Fraktionen), die Bodenreaktion, die effektive bzw. potentielle Kationenaustauschkapazität sowie die Pufferkapazitäten der Mischsubstrate bestimmt. Die nächsten Versuchsvarianten sind als Feldversuche in der Niederlausitz durchgeführt worden. Für ihre Realisierung wurde als weiterer Zuschlagsstoff Arkadolith® zugemischt. Die Plotflächen sind sowohl auf Abraumsanden des Tertiärs als auch Quartärs angelegt worden. In jeweils eine Subvariante ist RSM 7.2.1, in die andere eine autochthone Grasmischung eingesät worden. Diese Experimente wurden nach 6 Monaten beendet, die Bestimmung aller Parameter erfolgte in gleicher Weise wie bei den Gewächshausversuchen. Auf Basis aller Versuchsreihen konnten die besten Kompostqualitäten und ihre optimalen Herstellungsvarianten ermittelt werden. Eine weitere Aufgabe war es zu untersuchen, wie im Vergleich zur Verbrennung von Holzmasse die CO2-Emission in die Atmosphäre durch Holzkompostierung verringert werden kann. Hierzu wurde während der verschiedenen Kompostierungsvarianten die CO2-Freisetzung gemessen. Im Vergleich dazu ist jeweils die gleiche Masse an Holzsubstanz verbrannt worden. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass im Vergleich zu der thermischen Verwertung von Holsubstanz die CO2-Emission bis zu 50 % verringert werden kann. Dem Boden kann darüber hinaus energiereiche organische Substanz zugeführt werden, die eine Entwicklung der Bodenorganismen ermöglicht. Ein weiteres Experiment zielte darauf ab, die Stabilität der Holzkomposte zu bestimmen. Darüber hinaus sollte untersucht werden, ob durch die Zufuhr von pyrogenem Kohlenstoff eine Vergrößerung der Stabilität zu erreichen ist. Diese Untersuchungen wurden mit Hilfe der Thermogravimetrie vorgenommen. Alle wichtigen Kompostierungsvarianten sind sowohl mit verschiedenen Zusatzmengen als auch ohne Zusatz von pyrogenem Kohlenstoff vermessen worden. Als Vergleichssubstanz diente der Oberboden eines Niedermoorgleys, der naturgemäß einen relativ hohen Anteil an organischer Substanz aufweist. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass im Bereich niedriger Temperaturen die Wasserbindung im Naturboden fester ist. In der Fraktion der oxidierbaren organischen Substanz, im mittleren Temperaturbereich gemessen, ist die natürliche Bodensubstanz ebenfalls stabiler, was auf eine intensivere Bindung zwischen den organischen und anorganischen Bestandteilen, also auf stabilere organisch-mineralische Komplexe, schlussfolgern lässt. Im Bereich höherer Temperaturen (T> 550° C) waren im Naturboden keine nennenswerten organischen Bestandteile mehr nachweisbar. Hingegen wiesen die Kompostvarianten einen hohen Anteil stabiler Fraktionen, vor allem aromatische Verbindungen, auf. Diese Aussagen erscheinen vor allem für die praktische Anwendung der Holzkomposte in Hinblick auf ihre Langzeitwirkung bedeutsam. Der Zusatz von pyrogenem Kohlenstoff zeigte keine zusätzliche Stabilisierungswirkung.

Regulation potential of earthworms as related to diversity and functioning of soil microbial community

KOUBOVÁ, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Earthworm-microbial interactions with emphasis on the passage effects of Eisenia spp. on microbial community were investigated. The study was focused on earthworm potential to regulate functional microbiota in cattle-impacted soils. Microbial communities were studied through a combination of polar lipid analyses, molecular, and culturing methods.

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