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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da formação e das propriedades ópticas dos oligomeros do álcool furfurilico em sistemas capilares / Study of the formation and optical properties of oligomers of furfuryl alcohol in capillary systems

Batista, Paulo dos Santos 23 February 1999 (has links)
Estudou-se a polimerização do álcool furfurílico líquido na interface nonômero-catalisador delimitada pelo interior de um tubo de vidro capilar. A superfície do álcool furfurílico líquido contido em um tubo de vidro de diâmetro interno inferior a 5.4mm foi exposta aos vapores de ácido clorídrico concentrado, o catalisador. Observou-se a formação de uma película auto-organizada e colorida na interface que, sob a ação da gravidade, cai para o interior do tubo com velocidade constante. O espectro de absorção óptica identificou a formação de oligômeros com picos de absorção em 570nm, 650nm, 770nm e 930nm, sendo a de 650nm a mais de peso molecular dos oligômeros difere fortemente daqueles formados por catálise homogênea. A condutância dessas películas foi observada medindo-se a resistência elétrica de películas formadas sobre uma placa invertida de vidro plano / The polymerization of furfuryl alcohol in the interface alcohol-concentrated hydrochloric acid vapor was studied inside glass tubes whose internal diameter were smaller than 5.4mm. Shortly after exposition of furfuryl alcohol to the acid vapor an auto organized bluish pellicle is generated that under gravity falls inside the tube with constant velocity. The observed optical absorption spectrum peaks at 570nm, 650nm, 770nm and 930nm were attributed to oligomers with 3, 5, 7 and 9 mers, respectively. The optical absorption band at 650nm being the stronger. The oligomers molecular weight distribution so formed was found to strongly differ of the ones formed by homogeneous catalysis. The electrical conductivity of these pellicles, made of conjugated oligomers, were observed measuring the electrical resistance of pellicles specially made on the flat inverted glass plate

Novo triodo corona e sua aplicação no estudo das propriedades elétricas do polímero pvdf. / New corona triode and application at the study of electrical properties of pvdf polymer.

Campos, João Sinézio de Carvalho 30 May 1990 (has links)
Descreve-se a construção de um triodo corona que permite carregar eletricamente filmes dielétricos com corrente constante e simultaneamente medir a evolução temporal do potencial de superficie. A corrente de carga é mantida constante por controlar o potencial de grade, do qual o potencial de superfície da amostra é determinado. Com o sistema pode-se obter correntes de carga desde 1 nA até 1 &#956A e carregar amostras até potenciais da ordem de &#177 6 kV. Descrevem-se também as características elétricas do sistema, seu princípio de funcionamento e seu desempenho para o estudo das propriedades elétricas de polímeros. O sistema foi utilizado no estudo da ferroeletricidade e na condução elétrica do polimero PVDF (polifluoreto de vinilideno). Os resultados mostram que o processo de condução, é dominado pelo transporte de um excesso de cargas (corrente limitada por carga espacial). A formação de uma polarização permanente, durante o carregamento, pode ser deduzida da curva de subida do potencial de superfície e confirmada pelas medidas do coeficiente piezoelétrico d31. Discutem-se as transições estruturais provocadas pelo campo elétrico, mostrando que podem ocorrer transições reversíveis e irreversíveis no material e além da polarização ferroelétrica, infere-se dos resultados que também ocorre uma polarização reversível. No final do trabalho, elabora-se um modelo físico que descreve a subida do potencial de superfície, incluindo o chaveamento da polarização ferroelétrica. / This work describes a corona triode setup which allows charging thin dielectric films with a constant current and the simultaneous measurement of the sample surface potential. The charge current is kept constant by controlling the gride voltage, from which the sample potential is also derived. With the experimental setup we were able to obtain charging currents from 1 nA to 1 &#956A and getting potential UP to &#177 6 kV. The electric characteristics of the system and its performance is also shown and discussed. The corona triode was used to study the electric conduction and the ferro-electricity of the PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) polymer. The results show that the conduction is dominated by the transport of an excess of charge. Formation of a permanent polarization during charging may be deduced from the potential build up curve and confirmed by piezoelectric measurements. We also discuss the structural transitions due to the electric field showing that both reversible and irreversible transitions may occur. Together with ferro-electric components we infer that a reversible polarization is also occurring in the material. Finally we present a theoretical model describing the sample potential build up including in it the ferroelectric switching.

Polianilina: síntese, filmes, dopagem e condução DC / Polyaniline: synthesis, films, doping and DC conduction

Zoppei, Reinaldo Takara 25 March 1999 (has links)
Neste trabalho, realizamos um estudo da dependência da condutividade elétrica dc ( ), com a dopagem (tempo de exposição ao ácido clorídrico de (0 a 6 horas), temperatura (80 T 300K) e campo elétrico (E) em filmes auto-sustentáveis de polianilina. As amostras foram metalizadas com ouro em ambas as faces e as medidas realizadas utilizando-se o método de duas pontas. O pó utilizado nos filmes foi sintetizado quimicamente através da mistura da anilina com ácido clorídrico, a qual foi adicionada uma segunda solução de peroxidissulfato de amônio e que após desdopagem com hidróxido de amônio, obteve-se a base esmeraldina, esse produto foi dissolvido em N-Metil Pirrolidona possibilitando a obtenção dos filmes pelo método casting e posteriormente dopados por imersão em solução de ácido clorídrico em níveis desejados. Para um curto tempo de exposição ao ácido clorídico (menos de 30 minutos) observamos um rápido crescimento da condutividade com o aumento da dopagem. Para tempos mais longos a condutividade tende a saturação. Da análise da condutividade em função da temperatura obtivemos que ~ exp(T(-1/4)) consistente com o modelo de \"Saltos de Alcance Variável\" proposto por Mott. Nesse modelo a condução ocorre através do tunelamento assistido por fônons entre estados eletrônicos localizados. Se os estados são muito localizados um elétron só poderá saltar para o estado mais próximo, e assim a condutividade será proporcional ao fator de Boltzmann. Se a localização é menos intensa , um elétron pode saltar para sítios onde a energia de ativação é menor mas que estão situados mais distantes do que os primeiros vizinhos, ou seja, a condução ocorrerá por saltos com alcance variável. / In this work, we accomplished a study of the dependence of the dc electrical conductivity ( ), with the doping level (time of immersion of the film into the hydrochloric acid - 0 t 6 hours), temperature (80 T 300K) and electric field (E) in polyaniline thin films. The electric contacts to the samples were obtained using gold deposited in both faces and the measurements have been done using the method of two points. The powder used in the films was synthesized chemically through the mixture of the aniline with hydrochloric acid. A second solution of ammonium peroxidissulfate has been added to the mixture and after that the same has been treated with ammonium hydroxide. The emeraldine base so obtained has been dissolved in N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone to be used to produce the films by the method of casting. Later on the films have been doped by imersion with hydrochloric acid in wanted levels. For a short time of immersion into hydrochloric acid (less than 30 minutes) we observed a fast growth of the conductivity with the increase of the doping level. For longer times the conductivity tends to the saturation. Analyzing the conductivity as a function of temperature we obtained that ~ exp (T(-1/4)) consistent with the model of Variable Range Hopping proposed by Mott. In that model the conduction happens through the tunneling of carriers assisted by phonons between localized electronic states. If the localization is very strong, the carrier can only jump to the nearest state, and the conductivity will be proportional to the Boltzmann factor. If the location is less strong, a carrier can jump to sites for which the activation energy is smaller but which can reside further way. As a result we have conductivity with variable range hopping.

Electrical conductivity and permittivity of ceramics and other composites

Sauti, Godfrey 16 November 2006 (has links)
Student Number : 0009815Y - PhD thesis - School of Physics - Faculty of Science / Determining the properties of composites and how these relate to those of the components and the microstructure is extremely useful as it enables the understanding of existing materials and the design of new materials with a variety of applications. However, the link between the ac conductivity data and the microstructure and composition of the composite is not a simple one. Simulations of binary composites are presented which show that from relatively simple component properties arise complex composite properties. Accurate identi¯cation of the components of composites, using characteristic frequencies, is demonstrated for simulated and actual experimental data. The Maxwell-Wagner and Brick Layer Models, which are often applied beyond the range of their original derivation, are found to consistently ¯t the data of yttria-stabilized zirconia ceramics measured at various tempera- tures. The results from ¯tting single crystal and polycrystalline sample data indicate that accurate modeling of the properties of the polycrystalline sam- ples requires more theoretical work on the conduction mechanisms in single crystals and the grains of the ceramics. Data from a polyester-resin/silicon system is found to be best ¯tted us- ing the Single Exponent Phenomenological Percolation Equation (SEPPE) with experimentally measured component properties as input. The percola- tion threshold obtained suggests a system where the insulator tends coat the conductor. The results show that, with the actual component properties as input, the SEPPE can be used to qualitatively and semi-quantitatively model and ¯t composite ac conductivity data. Analysis of the ac conductivity of liquid-phase-sintered silicon carbide ce- ramics showed that for this system, the features often observed in the imped- ance spectra are all due to a multi-component grain bondary/binder phase and not the SiC grains. This multi-component grain boundary phase can be ¯tted accurately to the Brick Layer Model, indicating a microstructure where an insulating component coats a more conducting component.

Characterization of surfactant dispersed single wall nanotube - polystyrene matrix nanocomposite

Ayewah, Daniel Osagie, Oyinkuro 15 May 2009 (has links)
Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are a new form of carbon with exceptional electrical and mechanical properties. This makes them attractive as inclusions in nanocomposite materials with the potential to provide improvements in electrical and mechanical properties and allows for the creation of a new range of multifunctional materials. In this study single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) were dispersed in polystyrene using a solution mixing method, with the aid of a surfactant. A good dispersion was achieved and the resulting nanocomposites were characterized for electrical conductivity and mechanical properties by 3 point flexural and fracture toughness tests. Results show a significant improvement in electrical properties with electrical percolation occurring between 0.1 and 0.2 wt%. A minor improvement was observed in the flexural modulus but the strength and fracture toughness values in the nanocomposites decreased relative to the neat material. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed to characterize the morphology and fracture surface of the specimens. The results of testing and microscopy show that the presence of the nanotubes has an adverse effect on the crazing mechanism in Polystyrene (PS) resulting in a deterioration of the mechanical properties that depend on this mechanism.

Characterization of surfactant dispersed single wall nanotube - polystyrene matrix nanocomposite

Ayewah, Daniel Osagie, Oyinkuro 15 May 2009 (has links)
Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are a new form of carbon with exceptional electrical and mechanical properties. This makes them attractive as inclusions in nanocomposite materials with the potential to provide improvements in electrical and mechanical properties and allows for the creation of a new range of multifunctional materials. In this study single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) were dispersed in polystyrene using a solution mixing method, with the aid of a surfactant. A good dispersion was achieved and the resulting nanocomposites were characterized for electrical conductivity and mechanical properties by 3 point flexural and fracture toughness tests. Results show a significant improvement in electrical properties with electrical percolation occurring between 0.1 and 0.2 wt%. A minor improvement was observed in the flexural modulus but the strength and fracture toughness values in the nanocomposites decreased relative to the neat material. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed to characterize the morphology and fracture surface of the specimens. The results of testing and microscopy show that the presence of the nanotubes has an adverse effect on the crazing mechanism in Polystyrene (PS) resulting in a deterioration of the mechanical properties that depend on this mechanism.

Πρότυπα αμφίφιλα συμπολυμερή τριών συστάδων: φαινόμενα διασύνδεσης

Σφήκα, Βασιλική 05 August 2010 (has links)
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Novo triodo corona e sua aplicação no estudo das propriedades elétricas do polímero pvdf. / New corona triode and application at the study of electrical properties of pvdf polymer.

João Sinézio de Carvalho Campos 30 May 1990 (has links)
Descreve-se a construção de um triodo corona que permite carregar eletricamente filmes dielétricos com corrente constante e simultaneamente medir a evolução temporal do potencial de superficie. A corrente de carga é mantida constante por controlar o potencial de grade, do qual o potencial de superfície da amostra é determinado. Com o sistema pode-se obter correntes de carga desde 1 nA até 1 &#956A e carregar amostras até potenciais da ordem de &#177 6 kV. Descrevem-se também as características elétricas do sistema, seu princípio de funcionamento e seu desempenho para o estudo das propriedades elétricas de polímeros. O sistema foi utilizado no estudo da ferroeletricidade e na condução elétrica do polimero PVDF (polifluoreto de vinilideno). Os resultados mostram que o processo de condução, é dominado pelo transporte de um excesso de cargas (corrente limitada por carga espacial). A formação de uma polarização permanente, durante o carregamento, pode ser deduzida da curva de subida do potencial de superfície e confirmada pelas medidas do coeficiente piezoelétrico d31. Discutem-se as transições estruturais provocadas pelo campo elétrico, mostrando que podem ocorrer transições reversíveis e irreversíveis no material e além da polarização ferroelétrica, infere-se dos resultados que também ocorre uma polarização reversível. No final do trabalho, elabora-se um modelo físico que descreve a subida do potencial de superfície, incluindo o chaveamento da polarização ferroelétrica. / This work describes a corona triode setup which allows charging thin dielectric films with a constant current and the simultaneous measurement of the sample surface potential. The charge current is kept constant by controlling the gride voltage, from which the sample potential is also derived. With the experimental setup we were able to obtain charging currents from 1 nA to 1 &#956A and getting potential UP to &#177 6 kV. The electric characteristics of the system and its performance is also shown and discussed. The corona triode was used to study the electric conduction and the ferro-electricity of the PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) polymer. The results show that the conduction is dominated by the transport of an excess of charge. Formation of a permanent polarization during charging may be deduced from the potential build up curve and confirmed by piezoelectric measurements. We also discuss the structural transitions due to the electric field showing that both reversible and irreversible transitions may occur. Together with ferro-electric components we infer that a reversible polarization is also occurring in the material. Finally we present a theoretical model describing the sample potential build up including in it the ferroelectric switching.

Síntese e propriedades de filmes finos multiferróicos de BiFeO3 / Synthesis and properties of multiferroic thin films of BiFeO3

Masteghin, João Francisco Vieira 23 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by João Francisco Vieira Masteghin null (joaomasteghin@gmail.com) on 2018-04-16T21:18:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Final.pdf: 2348816 bytes, checksum: 9fdfdbe5ee57f69406f5ad67e41a18fc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Cristina Alexandra de Godoy null (cristina@adm.feis.unesp.br) on 2018-04-17T13:19:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 masteghin_jfv_me_ilha.pdf: 2348816 bytes, checksum: 9fdfdbe5ee57f69406f5ad67e41a18fc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-17T13:19:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 masteghin_jfv_me_ilha.pdf: 2348816 bytes, checksum: 9fdfdbe5ee57f69406f5ad67e41a18fc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Foram preparados filmes finos, de Ferrita de Bismuto (BiFeO3), considerado um dos principais multiferróico que são classes de materiais que apresentam ferroeletricidade e ferromagnetismo simultaneamente. Os filmes foram preparados por um rota química chamada de Sol-gel modificado, variando-se a quantidade de % de mol do Bismuto, depositados em substratos de platina Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si(100), variando-se a temperatura de cristalização entre 400°C a 600°C, com o objetivo de eliminar algumas fases indesejadas encontradas na literatura. Alguns filmes finos passaram pelo tratamento térmico em atmosférica de O2, com o intuito de diminuir a condutividade, causada pelas vacâncias de oxigênio no material. Pelos resultados obtidos foi possível conseguir filmes finos sem as fases indesejadas e com condutividade não tão alta, sendo possível realizar análises elétricas. Assim, tornou-se possível analisar o comportamento da permissividade, impedância e condutividade em função do campo aplicado e da temperatura. Com tais resultados mostra-se a indicação de polarização iônica nestes filmes. Eles apresentam uma energia de ativação parecida com filme finos encontrados na literatura. Além disso, também mostra que o comportamento das propriedades físicas são os mesmos quando varia a temperatura e o campo. / Bismuth Ferrite (BiFeO3) thin films were prepared, considered one of the main multiferroic that are classes of materials that present ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism simultaneously. The films were prepared by a chemical path called modified sol-gel, varying the amount of Bismuth mol percentage, deposited on Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si(100) platinum substrates, varying the crystallization temperature between 400 °C to 600 °C, with the aim of eliminating some unwanted phases found in literature. Some thin films underwent the thermal treatment in atmospheric O2, in order to reduce the conductivity, caused by the oxygen vacancies in the material. By the results obtained, it was possible to obtain thin films without the undesired phases and with not so high conductivity, being possible to perform electrical analysis. This way it was possible to analyze the behavior of the permissiveness, impedance and conductivity in function of the applied field and temperature. With these results, it is shown an indication of ionic polarization in these films. They have an activation energy similar to thin films found in literature. It is also shown that the behavior of the physical properties are the same when temperature and the field change.

Investigação das propriedades ópticas, elétricas e estruturais em ametista

Russo, Fabricio Trombini [UNESP] 05 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-08-05Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T21:00:52Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 russo_ft_me_bauru.pdf: 1082659 bytes, checksum: b3e2c08d8b786ebf5fa0d5282b5100c2 (MD5) / Propriedades elétricas, ópticas e estruturais de SiO2 na variedade Ametista foram investigadas, utilizando as técnicas de Difração de Raios X, Absorção Óptica e Corrente de Despolarização Termicamente Estimulada (CDTE), tanto com procedimento convencional como Fotoinduzido (CDTEFI). objetivo principal, as técnicas de CDTE buscam a relação entre a relaxação observada, através das bandas de corrente obtidas na despolarização do material, e as impurezas no Quartzo, visto que os cristais de Quartzo mais perfeitos têm traços de ferro, lítio, sódio, potássio, alumínio, manganês e titânio. Adicionalmente às medidas de CDTE, as técnicas de Difração de Raios X e Absorção Óptica foram utilizadas para verificação da estrutura e bandas de aborção do material, respectivamente. Os difratogramas de Raios X mostraram que as amostras utilizadas exibem boa pureza, pois os picos correspondem aos dados catalogados de Quartzo puro. Os dados de absorção óptica permitiram tanta a identificação de bandas de absorção características na Ametista como uma relação com as medidas de CDTE e CDTEFI, ou seja, uma correlação entre as bandas de absorção para determinados comprimentos de onda, e a incidência de luz com comprimentos próximos a essas bandas. Foram realizadas medidas de CDTEFI com variação da potência de incidência do laser de Ar+ da ordem de 250 mW nas linhas de 488 nm. Os resultados das medidas de CDTE, CDTEFI e de Absorção Óptica analisados em conjunto, permitiram comprovar a presença de defeitos formados por íons de Fe3+ e Fe4+ na estrutura da Ametista, bem como sugerir que estes defeitos, além de participarem da estrutura como formadores dos centros de cor, são elementos contribuintes na formação fas bandas de CDTE, fazendo, portanto, com que estas bandas sejam afetadas pela incidência de luz monocromática do laser de Ar+ nas amostras... / Electrical, optical and structural properties of SiO2 in the amethyst form have been investigated, using techniques such as X-ray diffraction, optical absorption and thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) in the conventional procedure as well as in the photo-induced case (PITSDC). Main objective in this work, TSDC techniques aim to analyze the relationship of observed relaxation phenomena, through the obtained current bands in the material depolarization, with quartz impurities, because even the most perfect quartz crystals present traces of iron lithium, sodium, potassium, aluminum, manganese and titanium. In addition to TSDC measurements, X-ray diffraction and optical absortion techniques have been used to verify the structure and the material absorption bands, respectively. X-ray diffractograma show that samples exhibits good purity, since the peaks correspond to published data for pure quartz. optical absorption data allow identifying the characteristics bands of amethyst as well as to relate them with TSDC and PITSDC measurements, which measurements, which means that there is a relationship between an absorption band at some fixed wavelength and light irradiation with wavelengths close to these bands. PITSDC was carried out using an Ar+ laser with varying power of about 250 mW, 500 mW and 610mW tuned at lines 488 nm and 541 nm. TSDC and PITSDC results, along with optical absorption data, when analyzed in conjunction, allow the verification of defects formed by Fe3+ and Fe4+ ions in the amethyst structure, as well as the suggestion that these defects, besides the participation in the amethyst structure as color centers, also play a role in the formation of TSDC bands, contributing for the effect of monochromatic light irradiation of an Ar+ laser on these bands (PITSDC). In this measurement, a redution of up to 71.1% comparede to conventional... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

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