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Generalized homogenization theory and inverse design of periodic electromagnetic metamaterialsLiu, Xing-Xiang 14 July 2014 (has links)
Artificial metamaterials composed of specifically designed subwavelength unit cells can support an exotic material response and present a promising future for various microwave, terahertz and optical applications. Metamaterials essentially provide the concept to microscopically manipulate light through their subwavelength inclusions, and the overall structure can be macroscopically treated as homogeneous bulk material characterized by a simple set of constitutive parameters, such as permittivity and permeability. In this dissertation, we present a complete homogenization theory applicable to one-, two- and three-dimensional metamaterials composed of nonconnected subwavelength elements. The homogenization theory provides not only deep insights to electromagnetic wave propagation among metamaterials, but also allows developing a useful and efficient analysis method for engineering metamaterials. We begin the work by proposing a general retrieval procedure to characterize arbitrary subwavelength elements in terms of a polarizability tensor. Based on this system, we may start the macroscopic analysis of metamaterials by analyzing the scattering properties of their microscopic building blocks. For one-dimensional linear arrays, we present the dispersion relations for single and parallel linear chains and study their potential use as sub-diffractive waveguides and leaky-wave antennas. For two-dimensional arrays, we interpret the metasurfaces as homogeneous surfaces and characterize their properties by a complete six-by-six tensorial effective surface susceptibility. This model also offers the possibility to derive analytical transmission and reflection coefficients for metasurfaces composed of arbitrary nonconnected inclusions with TE and TM mutual coupling. For three-dimensional metamaterials, we present a generalized theory to homogenize arrays by effective tensorial permittivity, permeability and magneto-electric coupling coefficients. This model captures comprehensive anisotropic and bianisotropic properties of metamaterials. Based on this theory, we also modify the conventional retrieval method to extract physically meaningful effective parameters of given metamaterials and fundamentally explain the common non-causality issues associated with parameter retrieval. Finally, we conceptually propose an inverse design procedure for three-dimensional metamaterials that can efficiently determine the geometry of the inclusions required to achieve the anomalous properties, such as double-negative response, in the desired frequency regime. / text
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Effets des ondes électromagnétiques de très basses fréquences sur des systèmes biologiques complexes : les procédés aérobies de traitement biologique des eaux usées et la formation de biofilm / Effect of very low frequency electromagnetic wave on complex biosystems : waste water biotreatment by activated sludge and biofilm formationOmri, Noamen 27 May 2013 (has links)
L’origine de ce travail est principalement les effets biologiques potentiels des ondes électromagnétiques de la gamme non ionisante rencontrés dans la littérature et quelques faits observés par des clients de la technologie commercialisée par la société Planet Horizon SA. Les essais de couplage du traitement aux ondes électromagnétiques et les procédés de traitements des eaux usées par boues actives sont réalisés à niveau industriel au sein de la STEP de Penthaz (Suisse) compose de 2 lignes parallèles et sur des pilotes de laboratoire en mode SBR. Le traitement électromagnétique de très basse fréquence (Antennes émettant deux fréquences harmoniques F1 et F2 < 10 kHz) est appliqué via 5 antennes dans le bassin d’aération ou une antenne sans le SBR directement. Dans une autre expérience , des tubes, émettant les mêmes fréquences, sont utilisés pour le recyclage de la liqueur mixte avec toujours une ligne de référence. Au niveau de la STEP, dans le bassin d’aération le traitement électromagnétique a permis une réduction de la quantité de biomasse produite au niveau de l’essai de l’ordre de 42,5% par rapport à ligne témoin. De plus, ce traitement électromagnétique n’affecte pas la qualité de l’eau épurée puisque la quantité de DCO résiduelle est la même à la sortie des deux ligne (REF et EM) et le rendement d’abattement de la matière organique est de l’ordre de 94% pour les deux lignes. Par contre à l’échelle du laboratoire, les résultats obtenus après le couplage du traitement électromagnétique n’ont aucun effet sur la quantité de biomasse produite dans les différents essais avec antenne ou bobine comme étant des émetteurs d’ondes EM. De même, on ne remarque aucun effet significatif sur les rendements de dépollution. La deuxième partie concerne l’application de ces mêmes ondes sur la formation de biofilm microbien. Les champs électromagnétiques visés sont des faibles champs de quelques dizaines de milli-teslas au niveau du générateur (tension de l’ordre de la dizaine de volts et intensité de l’ordre d’un ampère) avec des fréquences comprises entre 0 et 10 kHz; deux ondes de fréquences harmoniques sont imposées simultanément. Le biofilm est quantifié au cours du temps grâce à la mesure de différents paramètres (densité optique, DCO, protéines, ATP, exopolysaccharides). Les résultats expérimentaux démontrent que l’onde électromagnétique limite la formation du biofilm si la continuité hydraulique est assurée entre la bobine électromagnétique et les supports de biofilm ; la quantité de biofilm mesurée est alors deux fois plus faible environ. Cependant, l’effet semble bactériostatique et non bactéricide : l’application de l’onde ne détruit pas le biofilm mais réduit sa formation car dès l’arrêt de l’onde, la vitesse augmente. Des signaux électriques de quelques millivolts et dans le domaine des très basses fréquences ont été détectés seulement dans la cuve en continuité hydraulique avec le générateur d’ondes et située à une distance de 1m environ. Des mesures de champs électromagnétiques dans l’air donnent des intensités de champs très faibles ne pouvant expliquer un effet thermique ou ionisant sur le biofilm. / The first part of this work concerns the coupling of VLF electromagnetic waves treatment and the processes of wastewater treatment by activated sludge in order to reduce excess sludge. Experiments are made at real -scale ( Penthaz , Switzerland),containing two parallel lines and at lab-scale with SBR pilots. The electromagnetic treatment of very low frequency ( antennaemitting harmonic frequencies F1 and F2 <10 kHz) is applied via 5 (2,3x1m) antennas in the aeration basin of the real plant. Other type of antenna (30x 5 cm) was configurated for one of the labscale assays. In the other lab-scale experiment, tubes emitting the same frequency are used for recycling the mixed liquor. With the WWTP, the amount of excess sludge produced in the treated line is reduced by about 42.5%, compared to the control line. In addition, the electromagnetic treatment does not affect the quality of treated water. In this case, outlet COD concentration was similar for the the two lines (REF and EM) and the reduction of or ganic matter yield was about 94% for the two lines. Electromagnetic treatment had no effect on the amount of excess biomass produced in all tests conducted at lab-scale. No significant effect has been noticed regarding depollution yields. The second part aims to better understand the interaction between an electromagnetic wave of very low frequency and biological material and, in particular, the effects on the development of microbial biofilms. Electromagnetic fields are covered weak fields a few milli-Tesla (voltage of the order of tens of volts and intensity of the order of one ampere) with frequencies between 0 and 10 kHz, two waves of harmonic frequencies are transmitted simultaneously. The biofilm was quantified over time by measuring different parameters (optical density, COD, protein, ATP, exopolysaccharides). The experimental results how that the electromagnetic wave limit biofilm formation ( close to 50% of untreated biofilm) if the hydraulic continuity is ensured between the electromagnetic coil. However, the effect appears bacteriostatic and no antibacterial : the application of the wave does not destroy the biofilm but reduced its establishment and upon discontinuation of the wave, the growth increases. Measurements and modeling of electromagnetic fields in the air give intensities of very weak fields that can explain a thermal or ionizing effect on the biofilm.
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Influência do eletromagnetismo na biodigestão anaeróbia / Eletromagnetism influence on anaerobic digestionMatos, Júlio César de Souza [UNESP] 06 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JULIO CESAR DE SOUZA MATOS null (matosj.c.s@gmail.com) on 2017-11-03T17:27:54Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-09-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O processo de biodigestão anaeróbia pode ser utilizado no tratamento de resíduos orgânicos, com destaque para recuperação energética do biogás. Estudos recentes apontam aumento na eficiência da atividade microbiológica em processos de biodegradação anaeróbia de compostos orgânicos sob campo magnético. Desse modo, tecnologias que resultem em melhorias desse processo podem contribuir para o avanço do tratamento de resíduos orgânicos e da produção de biogás, via digestão anaeróbia. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho verificou a influência da aplicação de campo eletromagnético constante sobre o processo de decomposição anaeróbia da glicose. A pesquisa consistiu na operação de reatores (1 L) anaeróbios em batelada, mantidos a 37 ± 2 ºC, sem agitação, sob a influência de diferentes intensidades de campo eletromagnético de 5, 7,5 e 10 mT. Foi usado, como inóculo lodo granular proveniente de estação de tratamento anaeróbio, nos reatores, em meio nutricional sintético não seletivo. A avaliação do desempenho do processo de degradação foi obtida pela estimativa de produção de biogás e metano, bem como da análise da redução da demanda química de oxigênio e da remoção de sólidos. Os resultados demonstraram diferença positiva na produção de gás metano, aumento de 21,5 % com 7,5 mT e aumento de 15 % da remoção de DQO, nas intensidades de 7,5 mT. Esses resultados sinalizam para possível viabilidade de uso de campo magnético constante na bioestimulação de consórcios microbianos anaeróbios. / Anaerobic digestion processes with biogas production are largely used for organic waste treatment, with emphasis for energy recovery. Some recent studies have demonstrated magnetism influence on microbiological activity, these indicates possible influence on the efficiency of anaerobic digestion. By these means, technologies that act in anaerobic digestion enhancement can contribute for the improvement of organic compounds treatment. The present study aims to verify the influence of constant electromagnetic field on the glucose anaerobic digestion. The research comprises comparison of biogas production in 1 L batch reactors, kept static under 37 ± 2 ºC. In each experiment, reactors were operated with and without the influence of constant electromagnetic field of 5, 7,5 and 10 mT. The inoculum was granular sludge from anaerobic treatment plant in non-selective media culture. Biogas production, COD and solid removal were measured during the experiments. Results show positive difference on methane production of 21,5 % and on COD removal of 15 % in the tests with electromagnetic field of 7,5 mT. These results sign for the viability of the application of constant magnetic field as a bioetimulation agent.
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Flutuações do campo eletromagnético no regime de transparência eletromagneticamente induzida / Electromagnetic field fluctuations an electromagnetically induced transparencyFelippe Alexandre Silva Barbosa 06 April 2009 (has links)
A Transparência Eletromagneticamente Induzida tem sido muito usada atualmente para implementação de memórias quânticas. Neste trabalho, estudamos este fenômeno, experimental e teoricamente, utilizando um sistema de dois níveis com degenerescências como modelo para o átomo. Tratamos o campo eletromagnético como quantizado e propomos um modelo linearizado para as flutuações que leva em consideração as forças quânticas de Langevin. Devido ao excesso de ruído de fase presente em nosso laser, a implementeção numérica do modelo levou em consideração apenas a autocorrelação de fase como fonte para o sinal de ruído observado. Este modelo mostrou um bom acordo qualitativo com os dados experimentais observados. Fizemos medidas de ruído de soma e subtração com o esquema de deteção balanceada, calculamos os coeficientes de correlação normalizado e mostramos que há regiões de correlação e anticorrelação que variam com a intensidade do feixe. Observamos também uma inversão de picos no sinal de soma não prevista pelo modelo à medida que diminuimos a intensidade. Esta inversão pode ser causada por contribuições das flutuações de amplitude do laser a baixas intensidades. / Electromagnetically Induced Transparency has attracted much attention recently as a source to implement quantum memories. In this work, we studied this phenomenon, both theoretically and experimentally, using a degenerate two-level system modeling the atoms. We quantize the electromagnetic field and propose a linearized model for fluctuations that takes into account the quantum Langevin forces. Because of the excess noise in the phase of our laser, the numerical implementation of the theoretical model takes into account only the phase autocorrelation term as a source for the observed noise. This model showed a good qualitative agreement with the experimental data. We made sum and subtraction noise measurements using the balanced detection scheme, we calculated the normalized correlation coefficient and we showed that there are regions of correlation and anticorrelation that change with laser intensity. We also observed a peak inversion of the sum signal as laser intensity becames smaller that was not predicted by the model with only phase noise. The cause for this inversion can be the contribution of laser amplitude noise at small intensities.
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Interação de campos eletromagnéticos de baixa freqüência com plasmas de Tokamaks / Low frequency electromagnetic fields interaction with tokamak plasmasCarlos José Amado Pires 05 August 2008 (has links)
São analisados os campos eletromagnéticos de baixa frequência devidos a limitadores magnéticos ergódicos e desviadores ergódicos e a densidade de potência absorvida em plasmas cilíndricos de tokamaks, considerando os efeitos da deriva diamagnetica e da rotação de plasma com velocidade paralela às linhas de campo magnético de equilíbrio. É considerado o tensor dielétrico de plasma frio colisional para esse modelo. Para a banda de frequências f < 30 kHz e modos com números poloidal/toroidal 31-1, para plasma com fator de segurança com crescimento monótono, e 21-1, para plasma com fator de segurança com um mínimo entre o centro e a borda do mesmo, a densidade de potência absorvida é negativa para frequências menores que a específica de deriva de elétrons e pode ser entendida como uma instabilidade. Esse modo pode ser estabilizado a medida que a frequência se aproxima do valor do mínimo do contínuo de Alfvén na região da superfície magnética racional considerada. Para os modos -311 e -2/1 a densidade de potência absorvida é positiva. A rotação de plasma com velocidade de f106 cm/s no centro do plasma não tem efeitos significativos sobre os resultados em comparação com a deriva diamagnética. Para a banda de frequências 30 7 f < 150 kHz podem ser excitadas ondas de Alfvén de deriva rápidas. A excitação dessas ondas depende da derivada do fator de segurança e das derivadas das frequências angulares diamagnêticas, nos casos de cisalhamento quase nulo e de cisalhamento negativo no centro do plasma, sendo a resistência de antena positiva e oscilatória com os valores dos máximos crescendo com a frequência. Ondas de Alfvén globais são excitadas no centro do plasma para modos poloidal/toroidal com sinais opostos (M/N<O) para plasmas com fator de segurança com crescimento monótono e fre- qüências menores que a mínima do contínuo de Alfvén. Os campos magnéticos do limitador magnético ergódico e do desviador ergódico comlsem a reação do plasma apresentam grandes diferenças. / Low frequency fields and power density absorption excited by ergodic magnetic lirniters and ergodic divertors are analyzed under the influence of the diamagrietic drift effect and the plasma rotation, whicli is parallel to the magnetic field, in the cylindrical plasma model of tokamaks. The dielectric tensor for that model is taken in the collisiorial cold plasma limit. For the frequency band f < 30 kHz the power density absorption for modes witli poloidal/toroidal numbers 31-1 in the plasma with monotonically growing safety factor and 21-1 for the plasma with safety factor with a minimum between the plasma core and the edge, is found to be negative for frequencies below a specific electron drift angular frequency and it can be understood as an instability. The unstable mode can be stabilized as the frequency approaclies tlie Alfvén continuum minimum at the position of the rational magnetic surface. For the modes -311 and -211 the power density absorption is positive. The plasma rotation with core velocity f106 cm/s has no effect in comparison with diamagnetic drift. For the frequency band 30 7 f < 150 kHz it is shown that fast drift Alfvén waves can be excited as eigenmodes. The excitation of these waves depends on the derivatives of the safety factor and the diamagnetic drift angular frequencies in the cases of flat or negative shear in the plasma core and the antenna resistance is positive and oscillatory with the maxima growing with the frequency. Global Alfvén wave resonances are excited at the plasma core for poloidal/toroidal mode numbers with opposite signs (M/N<O) for a monotonically growing safety factor and the frequencies below the minimum of the Alfvén continuum. The ergodic magnetic limiter and ergodic divertor magnetic fields with/witliout the plasma back reaction shows strong differences.
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Vliv magnetického a elektromagnetického pole na signály přenášené optickými vlákny / Influence of magnetic and electromagnetic fields on signals transmitted by optical fibresSchneider, Tibor January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the influence of magnetic and electromagnetic fields on signals transmitted by optical fibers. Subsequently, the results of individual measured values are evaluated and analyzed, which were measured using an interferometer and a polarimeter. The first part deals with the theoretical analysis of the principles of interference and polarization of light. It further explains the basic operation of the above-mentioned devices as well as the immunity of the optical fiber to EMI. The second part of the work presents selected devices and technologies that were used as a source of electromagnetic or magnetic radiation. Subsequently, individual phenomena are plotted both in the course of time and with the help of a spectrogram or Poincaré sphere. From the measured results we can conclude that the commonly available technologies, which were selected for the diploma thesis, will not cause greater negative problems to the signal on measured frequencies in optical fibre, that could degrade the transmitted signal.
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Modélisation numérique multiphysique et multi-échelles de la solidification des alliages sous la convection forcée. / multiphysics multiscale numerical modelling of the solidification of alloys under forced convectionNagy, Csaba 07 September 2018 (has links)
L’aluminium et ses alliages sont très largement exploités en industrie car ils sont légers, peu sensibles à la corrosion et parfois ont une dureté comparable à celle de l’acier. Souvent, le matériau est utilisé brut de fonderie, dans ce cas, la composition, la macro et microstructure de matériau issues de la solidification, définissent son comportement suivant les conditions d’utilisation. Cependant, au cours des procédés d’élaboration sur terre, l’écoulement convectif apparaît à cause de la gravité et modifie les conditions locales de la solidification, la distribution du soluté et influe sur les propriétés de matériau. Afin d’analyser et contrôler ces phénomènes, des études expérimentales et numériques ont été réalisés.Deux fours de type Brdigman ont été construits à l’Université de Miskolc par MTA-ME Materials Science Research Group dans le cadre du ESA-MAP MICAST pour étudier l’effet de l’écoulement convectif lors de la solidification des alliages. Ces fours ont été équipés de systèmes électromagnétiques permettant de générer des champs magnétiques rotatif et glissant .Des modèles multiphases développés à SIMAP/EPM, Grenoble, France, ont été utilisés pour la simulation numérique de la solidification d’alliages binaire et ternaire en présence d’un écoulement convectif créé par des forces électromagnétiques. La modélisation de la solidification d’un alliage Al-Si avec un brassage rotatif a été réalisée pour des configurations 2D et 3D avec un couplage entre un modèle macroscopique de transport et des modèles à l’échelle mésoscopique, l’un basé sur la règle de levier et l’autre sur une moyenne d’ensemble Euler-Euler. De plus, les effets de deux modes de brassage par champs glissants sur la solidification d’un alliage ternaire ont été étudiés dans une géométrie 3D à l’aide d’un modèle macroscopique basé sur la règle de levier. Les résultats des modélisations numériques permettent d’expliquer la ségrégation observée sur les échantillons expérimentaux. / Aluminium and aluminium-based alloys are widely in industry due to the corrosion passivity, lighter weight, yet – in several cases – comparable strength with steel. Often, the material is used “as-cast“, that means that composition, macro- and microstructure of the material emerged during the casting defines its behaviour under different loads. Yet, convective flows generally arise in casting processes performed on-ground because of gravity and modify local solidification conditions, and, consequently, solute distribution and affect properties of material. To understand and to be able to control such phenomena, detailed experimental and numerical work has been needed.Two Bridgman-type furnaces were constructed in the University of Miskolc, Hungary, by MTA-ME Materials Science Research Group in the framework of the ESA funded MICAST project for experimental study of the effect of convective flow in solidification of alloys. These facilities were equipped with electromagnetic systems capable to generate rotating and travelling magnetic fields of various intensities.Multiphase models developed at SIMaP/EPM, Grenoble, France, were applied for numerical study of the solidification of binary and ternary aluminium alloys under electromagnetically generated convective flow. Solidification of a binary Al-Si alloy under RMF stirring was done with Euler-Euler ensemble averaging and lever rule mesoscale models coupled with the macroscale transport both in 2D and 3D geometries. Further, effect of various modes of TMF stirring during solidification of a ternary alloys was studied in 3D geometry with lever rule based macroscopic model. Results of numerical simulations well explain the segregation observed in the experimental samples.
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Sledování vlivu expozice elektromagnetickým polem na kolonii kvasinek / Monitoring the impact of exposure to electromagnetic fields in yeast coloniesHájková, Renata January 2011 (has links)
Identifikační záznam: HÁJKOVÁ, Renata. Sledování vlivu expozice elektromagnetickým polem na kolonii kvasinek [Monitoring the impact of exposure to electromagnetic fields in yeast colonies]. Praha, 2011, rok vydání. 74s., 2. příl. Diplomová práce (Mgr.). Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 1. Lékařská fakulta, Fakulta elektrotechnická, Katedra elektromagnetického pole, ČVUT v Praze. Vedoucí závěrečné práce Vorlíček, Jaroslav, Ing. Abstract: Current development of mobile telecommunication device increases interest of public to the question of influence of electromagnetic field to the living organisms. Results of this work contribute to better knowledge of interaction between electromagnetic field and cell structures. Beginning of the thesis is review of morphology and physiology of the yeast cell that was used in this work as a tested organism. Second chapter describe the basic facts about electromagnetic fiend and wireless energy transfer. Goal of the practical part of this master thesis is describe influence of electromagnetic field on population of yeast during their proliferation. We constructed special box connected with wireless energy generator that was source of exactly defined electromagnetic field. Cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were diluted in fluid medium YPD and the proliferation of the culture was...
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Time-domain distortion analysis of wideband electromagnetic field sensors using orthogonal polynomial subspacesSaboktakinrizi, Shekoofeh 07 April 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, a method of distortion analysis of electromagnetic field sensors using orthogonal polynomial subspaces is presented. The effective height of the sensor is viewed as the impulse response of a linear system. The impulse response corresponds to a linear transformation which maps every electromagnetic incident field waveform to a received voltage waveform. Hermite and Laguerre orthogonal polynomials are used as the basis
sets for the subspace of incident electromagnetic field waveforms. Using the selected basis set, a transformation matrix is calculated for the sensors. The transformation matrices are compared to a reference transformation matrix as a measure of distortion. The transformation matrices can describe the sensor behavior up to a certain frequency
range. The limits on this frequency range are investigated for both Hermite-Gauss and Laguerre functions. The unique property of Laguerre functions is used to prove that the transformation matrix has a particular pattern. This method is applied on case studied sensors both in computer simulation and measurements.
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Time-domain distortion analysis of wideband electromagnetic field sensors using orthogonal polynomial subspacesSaboktakinrizi, Shekoofeh 07 April 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, a method of distortion analysis of electromagnetic field sensors using orthogonal polynomial subspaces is presented. The effective height of the sensor is viewed as the impulse response of a linear system. The impulse response corresponds to a linear transformation which maps every electromagnetic incident field waveform to a received voltage waveform. Hermite and Laguerre orthogonal polynomials are used as the basis
sets for the subspace of incident electromagnetic field waveforms. Using the selected basis set, a transformation matrix is calculated for the sensors. The transformation matrices are compared to a reference transformation matrix as a measure of distortion. The transformation matrices can describe the sensor behavior up to a certain frequency
range. The limits on this frequency range are investigated for both Hermite-Gauss and Laguerre functions. The unique property of Laguerre functions is used to prove that the transformation matrix has a particular pattern. This method is applied on case studied sensors both in computer simulation and measurements.
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