Spelling suggestions: "subject:"elektrode"" "subject:"elektroden""
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Renovace součástí s trhlinami a lomyHromada, Josef January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Studium ochranných a signálních sloučenin u rostlin pomocí elektrochemického senzoruHradecký, Jan January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Stanovení aminoglutethimidu pomocí HPLC-ED na uhlíkových pastách / Determination of aminoglutethimide using HPLC-ED on carbon pastesVlachová, Karolína January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis, the determination of AGT, sooner used as anticancer drug, especially for the treatment of breast cancer in postmenopausal women or for the treatment of prostate cancer, by high performance liquid chromatogramy with UV spectrophotometric detection (HPLC-UV) and electrochemical detection (HPLC-ED) on carbon paste electrodes (CPEs) was studied. CPEs were prepared from glassy carbon microspheres and different pasting liquids - routinely used mineral oil (CPE-MO) and less commonly used tricresylphosphate (CPE-TCP) and silicone oil (CPE-SO). The concentration dependences of AGT were measured by HPLC-UV with detection wavelength 242 nm, by HPLC-ED with a working potencial of +1,3 V for CPE-MO and + 1,1 V for CPE-TCP in mobile phase containing phosphate buffer (pH 4) and methanol 50:50 (v/v). The following limits of detection were achieved - 3,6. 10-7 mol.l-1 for UV spectrophotometric detection, 2,5. 10-7 mol.l-1 for electrochemical detection with CPE-MO and 9,7. 10-7 mol.l-1 for electrochemical detection with CPE-TCP. AGT was also determined in model samples of urine. With HPLC-UV it was not possible to detect AGT, because of the interferences of other compounds. With HPLC-ED on CPE-MO the limit of detection 5,2. 10-7 mol.l-1 AGT was achieved. KEY WORDS Aminoglutethimide HPLC with UV...
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Voltametrická stanovení 2-metoxy-5-nitrofenolu na netradičních elektrodách / Voltammetric Determination of 2-Methoxy-5-nitrophenol at Nontraditional ElectrodesCharvátová, Michala January 2010 (has links)
Voltammetric determination of 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol was studied using DC voltammetry (DCV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) at a carbon film electrode (CFE) and a meniscus modified silver solid amalgam electrode (m-AgSAE). Conditions were found for its determination by DCV and DPV at CFE in Britton - Robinson buffer within concentration range 1.10-4 - 1.10-6 mol.l-1 . Using adsorptive stripping voltammetry (AdSV) m-AgSAE in Britton - Robinson buffer pH 2,0 compound this determined in the concentration range (2 - 10) .10-7 mol.l-1 with a limit of detection 3,6.10-7 mol.l-1 . Using a combination of DPV with solid phase extraction (SPE) for determination of 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol in river water, limit of detection 6,6.10-8 mol.l-1 was abtained. Using cyclic voltammetry (CV) at m-AgSAE and at CFE mechanism of electrochemical reduction 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol was proposed.
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Měření odporu korozních vrstev konduktometrickou metodou / Resistance measurement of corrosion layers with help of conductometric methodJuras, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The work deals with topic of bipolar electrodes of lead-acid accumulator. Theoretical part of the thesis presents of comtenporary knowledge of the topic as it is described in scientific literature. Experimental part deals with conductometric method that is used in corrosion rate measurement of experimental electrodes.
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Elektrody pro lithno-iontové baterie na bázi kobaltitanu lithného / Electrodes for lithium-ions batteries based on LiCoO2Nejedlý, Libor January 2011 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with electrodes for lithium-ions batteries based on LiCoO2. The first part of the project is devoted to the characteristics of Li-ion batteries, electrochemical reactions and characteristics of electrode materials. The next part describes an experiment that deals with the effects of NA doping on performance of layered materials for lithium secondary batteries. The materials were measured by cyclic voltammetry, impedance spectroscopy and galvanostatic cycling.
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Elektrohemijsko određivanje histamina / Electrochemical determination of histamineStojanović Zorica 23 September 2011 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu su razvijene elektrohemijske metode za određivanje histamina. U svim<br />elektrohemijskim ispitivanjima korišćena je hronopotenciometrija. Istraživanja su obuhvatila optimizaciju uslova elektroanalitičkih tehnika i upoređivanje mehanizama generisanja analitičkog signala primenom različitih radnih elektroda, razvoj odgovarajućeg postupka pripreme uzoraka za analizu i samo određivanje histamina u hrani i piću. Ispitana je mogućnost primene čvrste zlatne elektrode, tankoslojne živine i tankoslojne niklove elektrode za elektrohemijsko određivanje histamina. U slučaju elektrooksidacije histamina, razjašnjeni su mehanizmi generisanja signala na primenjenim elektrodama. Optimizacija uslova elektroanalitičkih tehnika obuhvatila je odabir odgovarajućeg pomoćnog elektrolita i njegove koncentracije, ispitivanje uticaja početnog potencijala i struje oksidacije na analitički signal analita. Pored toga, za svaki elektrohemijski sistem definisana su osetljivost i reproduktivnost, selektivnost, kao i opseg linearnosti. Primenom tankoslojne niklove elektrode uočena je pojava adsorpcionog koncentrovanja analita, te su u slučaju ovog elektrohemijskog sistema ispitani i uticaji vremena adsorpcije i temperature ispitivanog medijuma na analitički signal histamina. Na tankoslojnoj živinoj elektrodi analitički signal se generisao usled direktne oksidacije histamina primenom konstantne struje. Na ostale dve elektrode, pored elektrodnih reakcija odvijale su se i hemijske reakcije, tako da se oksidacija histamina u oba slučaja odigravala po ECE mehanizmu (elektrodna reakcija – hemijska reakcija – elektrodna reakcija). Na čvrstoj zlatnoj elektrodi, generisanje signala je bilo posledica oksidacije histamina elektrogenerisanim hlorom, dok se u slučaju tankoslojne niklove elektrode radilo o kombinovanoj katalitičko‐adsorpcionoj hronopotenciometriji. Tankoslojna živina elektroda je pokazala dobru selektivnost pri koncentracijama aminokiselina i histamina nižim od 5 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>, dok je pri višim koncentracijama dolazilo do preklapanja analitičkih signala. Ostali elektrohemijski sistemi nisu pokazali odgovarajuću selektivnost. Najveća osteljivost je ostvarena primenom tankoslojne niklove elektrode (LOD = 0,11 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>), zatim sledi čvrsta zlatna elektroda (LOD = 0,27 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>) i na kraju tankoslojna živina elektroda (LOD = 1,31 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>). U okviru definisanja postupka pripreme uzoraka, ispitana je efikasnost različitih ekstrakcionih tehnika i različitih ekstragenasa u pogledu izdvajanja histamina iz uzoraka. Pored toga razvijeni su odgovarajući postupci prečišćavanja ekstrakata primenom preparativnih hromatografskih tehnika, i to na tankom sloju i na stubu adsorbensa. Po definisanju optimalnih uslova elektrohemijskog određivanje histamina, kao i razvijanja postupka pripreme uzoraka, histamin je određen u različitoj hrani i piću.</p> / <p>In this work, the electrochemical methods for the determination of histamine were<br />developed. All electrochemical investigations were carried out by chronopotentiometry. The research included optimization of the experimental parameters of electroanalytical techniques and comparison of the mechanism of the analytical signal generation by using the different working electrodes. Upon the development of sample preparation procedure, histamine was determined in different food and beverages. The possibility of applying solid gold electrodes, thin film mercury electrode and thin film nickel electrode for electrochemical determination of histamine was examined. The mechanisms of histamine electrooxidation on different working electrodes were explained and elaborated. Optimization of the experimental parameters of electroanalytical techniques included the selection of appropriate supporting electrolyte and its concentration, and investigation of the influence of initial potential and oxidation current on histamine analytical signal. Beside this, for each electrochemical system sensitivity and reproducibility, selectivity as well as linearity range were defined. The use of thin nickel film electrode resulted in adsorptive accumulation, and in that case the effects of accumulation time and medium temperature on histamine analytical signal were defined. On thin film mercury electrode, histamine analytical signal was generated<br />due to direct oxidation of histamine by a constant current. On other two electrodes, electrode reactions were coupled with chemical reaction, and histamine oxidation was by ECE mechanism (electrode reaction – chemical reaction – electrode reaction). On solid gold electrode histamine was oxidized indirectly by electrogenerated chlorine, while in the case of thin film nickel electrode combination of catalytic and adsorptive chronopotentiomety was responsible for signal generation. Thin film mercury electrode showed good selectivity for histamine and amino acids concentrations below 5 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>, but higher concentrations caused the overlapping of analytical signals. Other electrochemical systems did not show adequate selectivity. The best sensitivity was achived by thin film nickel electrode (LOD = 0.11 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>),<br />followed by a solid gold electrode (LOD = 0.27 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>), and by thin film mercury electrode (LOD = 1.31 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>). In order to define adequate sample preparation procedure, the efficiency of different extraction techniques and different solvents were tested for histamine extraction from the samples. Appropriate procedures for purification of extracts were defined as well, by applying preparative thin layer and column chromatography. After optimization of the electrochemical methods for histamine determination, as well as the procedure of sample preparation, developed methods were applied for histamine determination in various food and beverages.</p>
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Využití antimonových filmových elektrod pro stanovení pesticidu trifluralin / Application of Antimony Film Electrodes for Determination of Pesticide TrifluralinGajdár, Július January 2015 (has links)
Antimony film electrode was studied for the use in a voltammetric analysis of organic compounds. The substance chosen as an analyte was trifluralin, which is used as a pesticide. The comparison of different substrate electrodes was carried out between five electrodes, which were gold, silver, copper, polished amalgam and glassy carbon electrode (GCE). Best performance was observed on antimony film glassy carbon electrode (SbFGCE). It provided higher sensitivity and lower limit of quantification in comparison with bare GCE. The antimony film was stable and it provided good reproducibility (RSD = 5.2 %). Parameters of an electrochemical preparation of SbFGCE were optimized. Conditions for determination of concentration of trifluralin were optimized on newly prepared SbFGCE. The best conditions were in a solution of methanol and 0.1 M hydrochloric acid in 1:1 ratio measured by differential pulse voltammetry. The limit of quantification was determined as 1.2·10-6 mol·l-1 . A direct voltammetric measurement on SbFGCE was carried out in a model river sample. Lower limits of quantification were achieved with solid phase extraction (SPE). Recovery values were 86 ± 8 % in deionized water with a preconcentration factor of 125. The limit of quantification was lowered to value 1.1·10-8 mol·l-1 . The extraction...
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Využití elektrodových materiálů na bázi rtuti ke studiu elektrochemické redukce vybraných žlučových kyselin / The use of mercury-based electrode materials for the study of electrochemical reduction of selected bile acidsHulová, Dagmar January 2015 (has links)
The electrochemic's behaviour of the bile acids (cholic, glycocholic, deoxycholic, ursodeoxycholic and lithocholic acid) was studied on the meniscus-modified silver solid amalgam electrode (m-AgSAE) by differential pulse voltammery. Bile acids provide in the solution of the Britton - Robinson buffer and methanol (9:1) in the pH range 3.0 to 12.0 a cathodal signal in the high negative potentials: cholic acid, deoxycholic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid and lithocholic acid about −1400 mV and glycocholic acid, which alone is the conjugate with glycine, about −1500 mV. Cholic acid, glycocholic acid, deoxycholic acid and ursodeoxycholic acid provide the highest peaks to pH 5.0, approximately in their pKa values. Lithocholic acid provides peaks from pH 7.0. It was demonstrated by the cyclic voltammetry that the electrochemical behavior is influenced by the adsorption of the bile acids to the electrode; presumed reaction at the working electrode - a reduction of a proton of a carboxylic group, is controlled by the diffusion and the process is quasireversible. Utilization of the electrochemical reduction of bile acids for the voltammetric determination does not seem very suitable. It has been proven that the presence of the methanol deteriorates the measuring results for glycocholic acid. In the presence of...
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Elektrochemická redukce dehydrocholové a chenodeoxycholové kyseliny na stacionárních rtuťových a amalgámových elektrodách / Electrochemical reduction of dehydrocholic and chenodeoxycholic acid at stationary mercury and amalgam electrodesPatáková, Adéla January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of electrochemical behaviour of dehydrocholic and chenodeoxycholic acid at stationary mercury-based electrodes - hanging mercury dropping electrode and silver solid amalgam electrode modified by a mercury meniscus. This is the first study of electrochemical behaviour of dehydrocholic acid which offers tree peaks with potentials around -1270 mV, -1450 mV and -1800 mV. The last one with the potential -1800 mV is probably the main peak given by reduction of carboxylic group of side chain of steroid skeleton. By cyclic voltammetry was determined that the process is quasireversible and is strongly influenced by adsorption of DHCA on the electrode surface and also by the pH which determines dissociation degree of carboxylic group. In the environment of BR buffer (pH 7.0) - methanol (9:1) was measured concentration dependence by DC, DP and "square-wave" voltammetry. By neither one of these methods have been reached satisfying limits of detection and wide linear dynamic ranges. However, the repeatable signals in wide range of pH can be used for electrochemical characterization of DHCA. CDCA offers in environment 0,04 mol·l-1 borat buffer (pH 9.1) - methanol (9:1) one signal with potential around -1350 mV. Position of this peak on the potential axe and also its height are...
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