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Použití elektrod na bázi uhlíku k vývoji nových elektrochemických metod stanovení aminonitrofenolů / The use of carbon-based electrodes for the development of new electrochemical methods for the determination of aminonitrophenolsDejmková, Hana January 2013 (has links)
4 ABSTRACT Methods for the determination of five isomers of aminonitrophenol were developed, based on the technique of differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) and HPLC with amperometric detection. As the working electrodes, boron-doped diamond film electrode (BDDFE) and glassy carvon paste electrode (GCPE) were employed. Preliminary electrode testing was performed by cyclic voltammetry. The methods were aimed to the determination of all five aminonitrophenol isomers in hair dyes and to the determination of 2-amino-4- nitrophenol and 4-amino-2-nitrophenol in body fluids after solid phase extraction. From the voltammetric methods, the one using BDDFE for the cathodic determination in hair dyes exhibits sufficient selectivity. The performance of chromatographic methods was found suitable for the determination of aminonitrophenols in both observed matrices. The applicability of the developed methods was successfully confirmed by the determination of tested analyted in real samples of hair dyes and spiked samples of urine. Preceding measurements are described, dealing with the determination of other oxidizable compounds, containing phenolic or aniline moieties on BDDFE. The obtained results confirm that in some cases, BDDFE shows more resistance to fouling than other carbon-based electrodes, but in most cases, the...
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Stanovení butylhydroxyanisolu na elektrodách modifikovaných uhlíkovými nanotrubičkami / Determination of butylhydroxyanisole using electrodes modified by carbon nanotubesKrejčová, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
This work was focused on study of a behaviour of the food additivum butylated hydroxyanisole on modified carbon electrodes by the voltammetric techniques - cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry. Glassy carbon and carbon paste electrode were used. Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) in combination with three different binders (acetonitrile, nafione or chitosane) were employed for the electrode modification. Carbon paste electrode was unable to modificate with film containing carbon nanotubes and acetonitrile, its active surface was treated only with nafione and chitosane film. All three mentioned modifications were applied in case of glassy carbon electrode. Butylated hydroxyanisole provided a significantly higher signal using electrodes modified with carbon nanotubes with all three binders in contrast to electrodes without any surface modification. The glassy carbon electrode with carbon nanotube / acetonitrile film on its surface appeared to be the most effective for analytical purposes. Voltammetric determination of butylated hydroxyanisole using this electrode provided a better defined and higher analytical signal and lower relative standard deviations in comparison with other ways of modification. The limit of detection of butylated hydroxyanisole obtained by cyclic voltammetry on glassy...
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Voltametrické stanovení pentritu pomocí rtuťových a stříbrných amalgamových elektrod / Voltammetric Determination of Penthrite Using Mercury and Silver Amalgam ElectrodesVyvadil, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis is focused on investigation of the voltammetric behavior of the explosive penthrite (pentaerythritol tetranitrate) (PETN) and on searching for optimum conditions for its determination using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) at a hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) (this part of the Diploma Thesis follows the topic investigated in the author's Bachelor Thesis; in this Diploma Thesis, the results of the Bachelor thesis are applied to the determination of PETN in environmental matrices) and at a mercury meniscus modified silver solid amalgam electrode (m-AgSAE) and on investigation of voltammetric behavior in real samples (deionized, drinking, and river water). For investigating the behavior of PETN in aqueous-methanolic media on the m-AgSAE, mixtures of Britton-Robinson buffers (BR-buffers) and methanol in various volume ratios were used. In non-aqueous media, methanolic solutions of tetramethylammonium bromide (TMAB), tetrabutylammonium iodide (TBAI), and tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC) were used as supporting electrolytes. Firstly, the influence of pH (in the range of 2 - 13) and methanol content (10 - 90 vol. %) on voltammetric responses of PETN was studied. The best response was obtained at each of those pH values at the volume ratio of BR-buffer - methanol of 1:9 or...
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Stanovení vybraných terpenoidů pomocí HPLC s elektrochemickou detekcí / Determination of selected terpenoids by HPLC with electrochemical detectionMužíková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the determination of carvacrol, thymol, and eugenol by HPLC with electrochemical detection. Carbon paste electrode and boron doped diamond film electrode were used as the working electrodes. For the comparison, UV spectrophotometric detection at 275 nm was used besides the electrochemical detection. The separation was performed on LiChroCART 125-4, RP-18e (5 µm) column. Optimum separation conditions were found: mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile and acetate buffer in ratio 50:50, the optimum buffer pH was pH 5. The optimum potential of working electrode during electrochemical detection was +0,8 V and +1,2 V for carbon paste electrode and boron doped diamond film electrode, respectively. For both electrodes, repeatability of the measurement was examined; the surface of both electrodes had to be renewed between the measurements. Under the obtained optimum conditions, calibration dependences were measured. The studied substances were determined in real samples, in Thymus vulgaris L. and Achillea millefolium L. and in thyme-containing tea and syrup.
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Voltametrické stanovení 5-nitroimidazolu - strukturní jednotky nitroimidazolových léčiv / Voltammetric Determination of 5-Nitroimidazole - The Structural Unit of Nitroimidazole DrugsŠmídková, Monika January 2013 (has links)
Presented Diploma Thesis deals with the study of electrochemical behavior of 5-nitroimidazole (5-NI), with the search for optimal conditions for its determination using techniques of DC voltammetry (DCV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) at a mercury meniscus modified silver solid amalgam electrode (m-AgSAE) and at a boron-doped diamond film electrode (BDDFE), and with the comparison of reached limits of quantification (LQs). The optimal conditions found for measuring calibration dependences of 5-NI at the m-AgSAE in deionized water were as follows: Britton-Robinson buffer of pH 7.0 and 10.0 for DCV and DPV, respectively. At both thechniques, it is advisable to use an electrochemical regeneration of the electrode surface by the application of a couple of regeneration potentials Ereg,1 = 0 mV and Ereg,2 = −800 mV. The calibration dependences were measured in the concentration range from 1·10−6 to 1·10−4 mol·l−1 , with the LQs of 1.0·10−6 mol·l−1 for DCV at the m-AgSAE and 1.5·10−6 mol·l−1 for DPV at the m-AgSAE. The concentration dependences of 5-NI at the BDDFE were measured using the DCV technique in the BR buffer of pH 3.0. For the DPV technique, the optimal medium seemed to be the BR buffer of pH 2.0, however, because of the presence of an interfering peak in the supporting electrolyte,...
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Studium elektrochemického chování kyseliny tauroursodeoxycholové na elektrodách na bázi rtuti / Study of electrochemical behaviour of tauroursodeoxycholic acid at mercury-based electrodesPišnová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with electrochemical behaviour of tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) at silver solid amalgam electrode modified by mercury meniscus (m-AgSAE), polished silver solid amalgam electrode (p-AgSAE) and hanging mercury dropping electrode (HMDE). This thesis is a part of a bigger scientific research that deals with synthesis and characterization of supramolecular systems based on natural steroid compounds and its conjugates. TUDCA offers one reduction peak at m-AgSAE in the environment of Britton - Robinson buffer in range of pH 6.0 - 13.0. The potential of this peak is around −1200 mV. Using cyclic voltammetry was determined that the process on the electrode surface is quasireversible, the reduction is controlled by diffusion and the anodic process is controlled by adsorption. Concentration dependence measured at HMDE by direct current voltammetry in 0.04 mol∙l-1 borat buffer (pH 9.1) is linear in two concentration intervals - 1∙10-3 - 2∙10-4 mol∙l-1 and 1∙10-4 - 8∙10-6 mol∙l-1 of TUDCA. There was no linear dependence between the increase of concentration of TUDCA and the height of the peak obtained on amalgam electrodes by methods DC, DP, cyclic and "square-wave" voltammetry. On HMDE was in several short concentration intervals measured by a CV method a linear dependence of cathodic and...
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Voltametrické stanovení vybraných psychofarmak pomocí uhlíkových elektrod / Voltammetric Determination of Selected Psychopharmaceuticals Using Carbon ElectrodesMatouš, Petr January 2019 (has links)
Differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) was used for developing a method for the determination of phenothiazine derivatives, namely chlorpromazine (CHP) and levomepromazine (LMP), using a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) and a graphite electrode, both with a 2 mm disc diameter. Comparison of quantification limits (LQ) for both substances on both electrodes was performed. After optimizing and processing the results, the optimal conditions for measuring calibrations were as follows: Britton- Robinson (BR) buffer at pH 4.0. Calibration dependences were measured inthe concentration range from 1·10-7 to 1·10-4 mol·dm-3 . There was no need for electrochemical electrode regeneration or matrix pretreatment. The results showed higher measurement sensitivity for CHP, and the graphite electrode also showed higher sensitivity. Although there were measured lower concentrations with the graphite electrode in comparison to the GCE, because of the low repeatability of the measurements in the lower concentration range 1-10·10-7 mol·dm-3 , the LQ is comparable to the results reached on the GCE. Besides to the BR buffer, measurements in other matrices (drinking water and river water) were also made. The following LQ values were achieved: 1.0·10-6 mol·dm-3 (in BR buffer), 1.1·10-6 -1.4·10-6 mol·dm-3 (in drinking water) and...
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Voltametrické stanovení genotoxických nitrobifenylů / Voltammetric Determination of Genotoxic NitrobiphenylsHoráková, Eva January 2012 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis is devoted to study of determination of 4-nitrobiphenyl (4-NBP) in model river water by DC voltammetry (DCV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) at m-AgSAE (diploma thesis relates to bachelor thesis, in it DCV and DPV methods for determination of 4-NBP in deionized water were developed). Limit of determination (LOD) is 2·10-7 mol·l-1 by DCV and 4·10-7 mol·l-1 by DPV. The adsorptive stripping DPV (AdSDPV) technique was tested to archive lower LOD the AdSDPV, optimal conditions were not found. Electrochemical behavior of 2-nitrobiphenyl (2-NBP) at m-AgSAE was studied. Optimal conditions for its determination by both techniques DCV and DPV were found in methanol-0,01 mol·l-1 LiOH (1:9) and in this medium peak current dependence in 1·10-7 mol·l-1 to 1·10-4 mol·l-1 2-NBP (LOD ≈ 2·10-7 mol·l-1 by DCV and 1·10-7 mol·l-1 by DPV) concentration range was measured. Developed methods were successfully tested for determination of 2-NBP in drinking and river water samples. For both mediums obtained LODs were 2·10-7 mol·l-1 by DCV and 1·10-7 mol·l-1 by DPV. AdSDPV technique was unsuccessfully tested to achieve lower LOD. Optimal conditions for simultaneous determination of 4-NBP and 2-NBP by DPV technique at m-AgSAE were found: methanol-0,25 mol·l-1 acetate buffer (pH = 6,0) 3:7....
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Razvoj metoda za hronopotenciometrijsko određivanje odabranih pesticida u vodi / Development of methods for chronopotentiometric determination of selected pesticides in waterĐurović Ana 04 July 2018 (has links)
<p>U okviru ove doktorske disertacije, razvijene su elektroanalitičke metode za određivanje odabranih pesticida primenom hronopotenciometrije. Ispitana je mogućnost primene elektrode od staklastog ugljenika i tankoslojne živine elektrode kao radnih elektroda za određivanje insekticida imidakloprida i herbicida metamitrona i metribuzina. U cilju optimizacije uslova hronopotenciometrijske tehnike, za svaki ispitivani sistem (pesticid/radna elektroda) ispitan je uticaj najznačajnijih eksperimentalnih parametara na analitički signal pesticida, uključujući mehanizam generisanja analitičkog signala na radnoj elektrodi (oksidacija/redukcija), optimalnu metodu za uklanjanje rastvorenog kiseonika iz analiziranog rastvora, kao i vrstu, pH i koncentraciju pomoćnog elektrolita. Nakon toga definisan je optimalni opseg potencijala i struje redukcije. Pored toga, u okviru validacije metode za svaki ispitivani sistem, ispitan je i definisan opseg linearnosti, određena granica detekcije i granica kvantifikacije, ispitana preciznost, tačnost, robusnost i selektivnost metode. Dobijeni analitički signal za ispitivane pesticide bio je posledica ireverzibilne redukcije analita na radnoj elektrodi, a za svaki analit dobijen je jedan redukcioni pik. U slučaju određivanja metribuzina eksperimenti su pokazali da se analitički signal ne može detektovati na elektrodi od staklastog ugljenika uz korišćenje dostupne instrumentacije. Ispitivanja u model-rastvorima za svaki ispitivani sistem pokazala su dobre karakteristike u pogledu preciznosti, tačnosti, selektivnosti i robusnosti metode. Najveća osetljivost za sva tri pesticida postignuta je uz primenu tankoslojne živine elektrode, a vrednosti granice detekcije iznosile su 0,17 mg/l za imidakloprid, 0,07 mg/l za metamitron i 0,04 mg/l za metribuzin. Nakon optimizacije i validacije, razvijene hronopotenciometrijske metode primenjene su na komercijalne formulacije pesticida i uzorke vode. U cilju dodatne potvrde hronopotenciometrijskih rezultata na uzorcima vode izvedena su komparativna merenja uz primenu hromatografske LC-MS/MS analize.</p> / <p>Within this doctoral dissertation, electroanalytical methods for the determination of selected pesticides using chronopotentiometry are developed. The possibility of using glassy carbon electrode and thin film mercury electrode as a working electrode for determination of insecticide imidacloprid and herbicides metamitron and metribuzin is investigated. In order to optimize the conditions of the chronopotentiometric technique for each tested system (pesticide/working electrode), the influence of the most important experimental parameters on the analytical signal of the pesticides is investigated, including the generating mechanism of the analytical signal on the working electrode (oxidation/reduction), the optimal method for removal of dissolved oxygen from the analyzed solution, as well as type, pH, and concentration of the supporting electrolyte. Afterwards, the optimal range of potential and reduction current is defined. Additionally, within the validation of the method for each tested system, the linearity range is determined and defined, limit of detection and quantification are determined, and precision, accuracy, robustness and selectivity of the method are tested. The obtained analytical signal for the investigated pesticides is the result of irreversible reduction of the analyte on the working electrode, and for each analyte one reduction peak is obtained. In the case of metribuzin determination, the experiments have shown that by using the available instrumentation the analytical signal can not be detected on the glassy carbon electrode. Investigation in model solutions for each tested system shows good characteristics in terms of precision, accuracy, selectivity and robustness of the method. The highest sensitivity for all three pesticides was achieved by using thin film mercury electrode, and values of detection limit were 0.17 mg/l for imidacloprid, 0.07 mg/l for metamitron and 0.04 mg/l for metribuzin. After optimization and validation, the developed chronopotentiometric methods are applied to commercial pesticide formulations and water samples. In order to further confirm the chronopotentiometric results on the water samples, comparative measurements are performed using chromatographic LC-MS/MS analysis.</p>
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Příčiny předčasné ztráty kapacity olověných akumulátorů pracujících v PSoC režimu hybridních elektrických vozidel / Causes of Premature Capacity Loss of Lead-Acid Accumulators Operating in PSoC Mode in Hybrid Electric VehiclesBilko, Radek January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is completion of whole stage of researches and it is a result of existing need of increase efficiency, utilization rate and service life of lead acid batteries VRLA planned for utilization in hybrid electric vehicles in mode of partial state-of-charge PSoC. During the application of mode PSoC at lead acid battery occurs irreversible sulfation of negative electrodes and thus to loss their charging capability. This phenomenon, according to the latest trend called PCL3, isn´t connected with subsequently referred effects PCL1, PCL2, show up on positive electrodes. Result of this thesis is finding a new types of additives, determine their optimum amount and size in such a way that innovated composition of negative active materials be able to resist sulfation of negative electrode during operation in mode PSoC. Part of the effort to clarify actions ongoing on negative active material and causes non-returnable sulfation electrodes is also monitoring of structural changes electrode active material by using environmental scanning electron microscope, which helped to clarify processes related with loss of capacity in mode PSoC. Special attention during reserches was focused on study of the properties contact layers between collector and electrodes active material and itself active materials lead-acid battery druring exploitation. There were gain new information about influence repeated cycling of (charging, discharging) the critical area of the electrodes. Measurements was carried out on specially prepared experimental electrodes DC Difference Method, this enabled obtain data in situ.
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