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A Study on the Related Factors of Life Adjument among Elementary StudentsChang, Chiou-wen 01 July 2007 (has links)
The main goals of the present study were to examine the related factors of life adjument among elementary students. The study investigated the elementary students of the 6th grade during the 2006 school year within the Kaohsiung County, including 1041 students. ¡§Perceptual Parenting Style Scale of Elementary Students¡¨, ¡§Percep-
tual Marital Relationship Scale of Elementary Students¡¨, ¡§Inventory of Parents Attach-
ment¡¨, ¡§Interpersonal Relationship Scale of Elementary Students¡¨, ¡§Self-efficacy Scale of Elementary Students¡¨, ¡§Emotional Intelligence Scale of Elementary Students¡¨, and ¡§Life Adjument Scale of Elementary Students¡¨ were used. The results were ana-
lyzed with descriptive statistics, T-test, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, Cano-
nical Correlation, Stepwise Regression Procedure, and Structural Equation Modeling. The conclusion and findings were listed as follows:
(1) The current situation of perceptual parenting style, perceptual marital relationship, parents attachment, family atmosphere, interpersonal relationship, self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, and life adjument of elementary students were great.
(2) In the interpersonal relationship, self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, and life adjument of elementary students, girls were greater than boys.
(3) In the perceptual parenting style, parents attachment, family atmosphere, and self- efficacy of elementary students, students with high socioeconomic status were better than low socioeconomic status.
(4) There was a significant difference on the perceptual parenting style, perceptual marital relationship, parents attachment, family atmosphere, interpersonal rela tionship, self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, and life adjument among elemen- tary students of different parenting style.
(5) In the perceptual parenting style, perceptual marital relationship, parents attachment, family atmosphere, interpersonal relationship, self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, and life adjument of elementary students, students with high level attachment were superior to low level attachment.
(6) There was a interaction relationship in the self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, and life adjument of elementary students for two factors of sex and perceptual paren- ting style.
(7) Canonical relationships were found among the family atmosphere, interpersonal relationship, self-efficacy, and emotional intelligence of elementary students.
(8) Canonical relationships were found among the family atmosphere, interpersonal relationship, self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, and life adjument of elementary students.
(9) The family atmosphere, interpersonal relationship, and self-efficacy of elementary students had an obvious predictability to the emotional intelligence.
(10) The family atmosphere, interpersonal relationship, self-efficacy, and emotional intelligence of elementary students had an obvious predictability to the life adjument.
(11) Subjects didn¡¦t fit with the model based on the relationships that the perceptual parenting style, perceptual marital relationship, parents attachment, interpersonal relationship, and self-efficacy of elementary students affected emotional intelligence and life adjument, and then emotional intelligence affected life adjustment.
Based on the above findings, constructive suggestions were provided for the parents, teachers, and school authorities. Further research was also suggested.
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The Relationships among Demographic Variables, Intelligences, Critical Thinking, and Emotional Intelligence of Junior High School Students.Yeh, Pi-Ling 20 July 2000 (has links)
The Relationships among Demographic Variables, Intelligences, Critical Thinking, and Emotional Intelligence of Junior High School Students.
The main purpose of the study was to explore the relationships among demographic variables, intelligences, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence (EQ) of Junior High School Students. The participants included 547 students (293 males and 254 females) coming from five junior high schools in Tainan and Kaohsiung City.
The instruments employed in this study were the subscales of intrapersonal intelligence and interpersonal intelligence from the Multiple Intelligences Scale, The Test of Critical Thinking Skills for Primary and Secondary School Students (TCTS-PS), The Questionnaire of Dispositions Toward Critical Thinking, and The Self-Report Scale of Children¡¦s Emotional Thinking. The Self-Report Scale of Children¡¦s Emotional Thinking comprised two subscales¡Xthe intrapersonal and the interpersonal intelligence of emotion. The employed methods included Descriptive Statistics, t-test, ANOVA, MANOVA, Cannon Correlation Analysis, and Discriminate Analysis. The main findings of this study were as follows:
1. The students¡¦ development of intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence, critical-thinking skills, critical-thinking dispositions, and emotional intelligence were above the average.
2. The females outperformed the males in both the intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence of emotion.
3. There were no significant differences on the EQ scores among the three grade levels.
4. The higher educational level the students¡¦ parents had, the better the students¡¦ EQ were.
5. There was a significant canonical correlation between the two kinds of intelligences and the eight factors of EQ.
6. There was a significant canonical correlation between the independent variable set and the eight factors of emotional intelligence. The independent variable set included gender, grades, the parents¡¦ educational level, intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligences, critical-thinking skills, and critical-thinking dispositions
7. The level of students¡¦ EQ could be effectively predicted by their critical-thinking skills and critical-thinking dispositions. Among the three levels of EQ, the middle level was predicted with the highest accuracy. The finding revealed that high critical-thinking skills and high critical-thinking dispositions required at least an average level of EQ. Therefore, critical-thinking is essential to EQ.
Finally, some suggestions for instruction and further research were proposed.
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The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Crisis Management : The Example of Nantou Area School Teachers in 921 Earthquake CatastropheHSUEH, HSU-I 07 June 2001 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and crisis management, and to examine the important effect of emotion implementation on daily life. The study investigates the predictive effect of different background variables of emotional intelligence on crisis management. Further, emotional intelligence can influence the policies or actions taken for any crises.
The subjects were 162 teachers from Nantou Area in 921 Earthquake Catastrophe in Taiwan. The instruments used in the study included ¡uemotional intelligence questionnaire¡vand ¡ucrisis management questionnaire¡v. The data was analyzed by the statistics methods of frequency distribution, person's correlation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, MANOVA, canonical correlation and stepwise multiple regression.
The major findings were as follows:
1.The level of emotional intelligence and crisis management of Earthquake Catastrophe Area School Teachers are medium.
2.For emotional intelligence, emotion management, there were significant differences among variables of faith¡Bteaching experience¡Bthe top academic degrees on emotional intelligence, but gender¡Bage¡Bposition and school scope were not.
3.As to crisis management, there were significant differences among variables of gender¡Bteaching experience¡Bthe top academic degrees on crisis management, but age¡Bfaith¡Bposition and school scope were not .
4.There were significant differences of crisis management due to different emotional intelligence measures.
5.The result of canonical correlation analysis revealed that perceived emotional intelligence was significantly associated with crisis management by a canonical variable. The one
canonical relation coefficient is .294.
6.The variables of emotional intelligence could significantly predict crisis management.
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The Relationship Between Elementary School Students' Emotional Experiences and Their Perception of Teachers' Power Styles In ClassroomHsieh, Ming-Fang 13 June 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between elementary school students¡¦ emotional experiences and their perception of teachers¡¦ power styles in classroom . In this study, 707 sixth-grade students in the great metropolitan Kaohsiung area were surveyed. The instruments employed in this study included Emotional Experiences Inventory for the Primary Students, and Teacher Power Styles Inventory. The statistical methods used for the data analysis were Descriptive Statistics, Analysis of Variance, Canonical Correlation, and Stepwise Multiple Regression.
The main findings of this study were following¡G
1.The power style most frequently employed by teachers was the normative power style. On the other hand, the coercive power style was seldom employed by teachers nor was the remunerative power style. Many students had emotional experience of joy. A few students had emotional experiences of sadness and fear.
2.More girls had joy emotional experience than boys did. There were no significant differences between girls and boys for sadness and fear emotional experiences.
3.For each emotional experience, there were no significant differences among various birth orders, among family structures, or among socioeconomic states.
4.More male teachers employed the coercive power style than female teachers did. While more female teachers employed the remunerative power style and normative power style than male teachers did.
5.There were significant differences in the employment of remunerative power style among different years of teaching experience. However, there were no significant differences among the years of teaching experience for the employment of coercive power style, nor for normative power style.
6.There were no significant differences in the employment of power styles among different levels of teacher education.
7.There was a statistically significant interaction between students¡¦ birth order and sex for emotional experience of joy.
8.There was no significant interaction between students¡¦ sex and family structure for emotional experience. Also there was no significant interaction between students¡¦ sex and socioeconomic states.
9.There was a significant interaction between teachers¡¦ sex and the years of teaching experience for the employment of coercive power style. There was no significant interaction between teachers¡¦ sex and the years of teaching experience for the employment of remunerative power style, or for the normative power style.
10.There was a significant interaction between teachers¡¦ sex and education for the employment of coercive power style, and for the employment of remunerative power style. However, there was no significant interaction between teachers¡¦ sex and education for the employment of normative power style.
11.There was a significant correlation between teachers¡¦ employment of normative power style and students¡¦ emotional experience of joy.
12.Teachers¡¦ employment of normative power style had a great influence on students¡¦ emotional experience of sadness.
13.Teachers¡¦ employment of normative power style had a great influence on students¡¦ emotional experience of joy.
14.Teachers¡¦ employment of coercive power style had a great influence on students¡¦ emotional experience of fear.
Finally, the researcher made several suggestions to the educational organizations, the primary school teachers, and the future studies.
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Research on the quality of work life, job satisfaction and intention to quitof emotional labor¢w based on the examples of the receptionists of Chunghwa TelecomChen, Jin-Chuan 30 August 2001 (has links)
Research on the quality of work life, job satisfaction and intention to quit
of emotional labor
¢w based on the examples of the receptionists of Chunghwa Telecom.
With change of industrial structure and structure of labor force, service sector has become the major trend of the economical society in lieu of agriculture and industry, and play quite an important role in the global economic. The service quality has always been a competitive tool emphasized by the organizations among the service sectors. Therefore, the primary service personnel turn to be the key factor deciding whether the service quality is good or not. Rafaeli & Sutton (1989) thought that customers viewed a whole and overall impression on those organizations out of the emotions expressed by the employees. When emotions are turned from private behaviors to commercialization, the organizations also start to think how to make use of a variety of managerial methods to let the emotional labors performance their best at work. Since relative research on emotional labor is not mature theoretically, and the job behavior, characteristic, outcomes etc. of the performers of such fields are not that clear relatively, this research tends to proceed an empirical research on the job behavior and feeling of the emotional labors (the receptionists) of the service sector (Chunghwa Telecom), in order to flesh out the relative empirical explores on such field, and wish to provide appropriate advices through the explored outcomes of this research; moreover, these can be important references to management proposal of the emotional labor human resources while the companies are being transformed (privately owned by the people).
This research used the questionnaire, and adapted the descriptive statistical analysis, validity analysis, factor analysis, t-test on independent samples, one-way ANOVA, Pearson¡¦s relative and regressive analysis to explore the relationship among the quality of work life, the job satisfaction and intention to quit of the receptionists, and further took the job satisfaction as the moderating factor to explore its moderating effect to the relationship between the job satisfaction and intention to quit. The important findings are as follows:
1.The receptionists identify themselves least with the ideas that the quality of work life is based on the components of the company system and growth of esteem.
2.The receptionists are discontented most with that external satisfaction is based on the components of job satisfaction.
3.The receptionists tend to quit generally.
4.The receptionists tend to be of middle and old aged from the view of distribution of overall age.
5.There are significant positive correlations and positive influences on the quality of work life and job satisfaction of the receptionists; especially, the relation and ability of the components of superiors¡¦ attitude to predict external satisfaction are the highest; moreover, the relation and ability of the components of job nature to predict internal satisfaction and general satisfaction are the highest.
6.There are significant negative relative and negative influences on the job satisfaction and intention to quit of the receptionists; especially, the relation and ability of the components of external satisfaction to predict the intention to quit are the highest.
7.There are significant negative relative and negative influences on the quality of work life and intention to quit of the receptionists; especially, the relation and ability of the components of company system to predict the intention to quit are the highest.
8.Only partial moderating effect exists between the relationships of job satisfaction versus quality of work life and intention to quit.
Key words: emotional labor, quality of work life, job satisfaction, intention to quit
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The Research of Relationship among Emotional Labor,Impulsive Buying,Job-burnout and Self-Monitoring:The Case of First-Line Employees on Service Industry.Yeh, Jing-hui 26 March 2008 (has links)
The current research aims to examine the relationship among emotional labor, job burnout, impulsive buying behavior, and self-monitoring, and designates job burnout as mediator and self-monitoring as moderator. The research chose convenience sampling and sent out 400 questionnaires. 387 effective questionnaires were received and used STATA 8.0 to analyze descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, t-test, one way ANOVA, correlations and multiple regressions, and used LISREL8.8 to analyze confirmatory factor analysis. Verifying the model of this research institute inference with the structural equation model, the result shows the model mixes the degree rightly well.
The findings of the study as followed:
1. First-line employees with different characters will lead to variance emotional labor, impulsive buying behavior.
2. There is a relationship between the emotional labor, job burnout and impulsive buying behavior.
3. There is a prediction between the emotional labor, job burnout and impulsive buying behavior.
4. There¡¦s a partial mediating effect for job burnout on the relationship between emotional labor and impulsive buying behavior.
5. Self-monitoring has moderating effects between the emotional labor of surface acting and impulsive buying behavior of compensatory impulsion.
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The Impact of Emotional Labor on Leisure Attitude: The Role of Self-efficacy and Leisure MotivationLiang, Hsiang-chin 07 May 2008 (has links)
The current research aims to examine the relationship among emotional labor, leisure attitude, leisure motivation, and self-efficacy, and designates leisure motivation as mediator and self-efficacy as moderator.
The research chose convenience sampling and sent out 400 questionnaires. 387 effective questionnaires were received and used STATA 8.0 to analyze descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, one way ANOVA, correlations and multiple regressions.
The findings of the study as followed:
1. The employees of leisure service industry prefer to use the strategy of deep acting in the emotional labor.
2. Among all kinds of activities, ¡§entertaining activities¡¨ were found to be employees¡¦ favorite choices of their leisure activities. There are contradiction between leisure cognitions and leisure attitudes in employees¡¦ leisure attitude. The main motivation Stimulus avoidance is the main motivations of participating leisure activity.
3. There is a relationship between the emotional labor, leisure attitude, and leisure motivation.
4. There is a prediction between the emotional labor, leisure attitude, and leisure motivation.
5. Deep acting was significantly, positively related to beneficial result. Employees with higher organizational commitment and job involvement probably find the balance between work and leisure life.
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The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Commitment¢wwith Subordinate's Self Efficacy and Emotional Intelligence as Moderator VariablesChang, Shih-chu 24 July 2008 (has links)
The main purpose of the study treats of the variable effects on general subordinates' consciousness arising between transformational leadership and organizational commitment, with subordinate's self efficacy and emotional intelligence as moderator variables. The statistic by issuing out questionnaire quantitated via network and getting back available 230 samples obviously unearths a positive interrelation. The higher subordinates' consciousness of transformational leadership results in the higher subordinates' consciousness of organizational commitment; however neither subordinate's self efficacy nor emotional intelligence has no interference in transformational leadership and organizational commitment as well.
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The Research of Chinese Advertisement Copy: the approach of Cognitive PsychologyHsueh, Hui-Wen 05 September 2008 (has links)
In the end of 1978, China started to launch reforms, especially in economy. Thus, the Chinese advertising industry brings the market back; the commercial advertisement rises again. Over twenty years, some advertisement copies have created billions of sales, however, some of the copies was judged without any creativity.
This paper primarily concentrates on studying the Chinese advertisement copy. In reviewing the studies of the Chinese advertisement, this paper takes the approach of cognitive psychology as a theoretical framework. In Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin¡¦s view, when the information inputs in one¡¦s eyes it will become a short-term memory which stored in human brain, by repeating the broadcast information, which will also become a long-term memory. Eventually, if consumers touch the products, no matter the brand or the advertisement, their memories will be aroused from their long-term memory.
This research concluded that audiences are attracted by the advertisement because of various affective reactions /emotional response. It showed that the advertisement may focus on consumers¡¦ emotional code ¢w cultural code. So the copywriter can input the Chinese traditional culture in an advertisement copy such as piety, decorum and familism, it will arouse Chinese emotional response more easily.
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Study on the Influence of Team Conflict of an Organization on Team PerformanceYuan, Jen-Tsuo 17 November 2008 (has links)
Thesis of the first semester 2008 academic year:
Study on the Influence of Team Conflict of an Organization on Team Performance
Total pages: 88
University: Institute of Human Resource Management, NSYSU
Graduate student: Jen-Tsuo Yuan
Advisor: Professor Bih-Shiaw Jaw
Under the progressive development of technology and the main trend of globalization in the 21st century, teamwork cooperation has been the key for achieving successful enterprise organization. How a team can be flexible and efficient at low cost, is the critical focus of its existence. Therefore, it would be a significant issue for enterprise to use and manage the teamwork process.
Empiricism is employed to analyze the correlation between team performance and the team¡¦s conflict, EI, as well as social capital expenditure on the part of the organization. The results of questionnaires revealed the following:
I. The influence of team conflict on team performance when the social capital of an organization is involved.
(a) When the social capital of an organization is involved, the team conflict has negative influence on its team performance. The higher the team conflict is, the social capital of an organization involved, the lower the team performance is.
(b)When the social capital of an organization is involved, the task conflict has no related influence on its team performance. The higher the task conflict is, the social capital of an organization involved, the influence of task conflict on team performance will vanish.
When the social capital of an organization is involved, task conflict has influence on team performance, but team conflict does not.
II. The influence of team conflict on team performance when the team¡¦s EQ is involved.
When the team¡¦s EQ is involved, the team conflict has no related influence on its team performance. The higher the team conflict or the task conflict, establishing a positive environment and team evaluation system will make the team conflict on team performance vanish.
When the team¡¦s EQ is involved, especially under the positive environment and team evaluation, the team conflict on team performance will be influenced.
Key words: team conflict, social capital, team¡¦s emotional intelligence and team performance
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