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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kunskapshantering på ett fintechbolag - En kvalitativ studie om uppfattning och främjande av kunskapsspridning

Juhlin, Fanny, Jerndal, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Kunskap är en resurs som många företag baserar sin verksamhet på. Detta ställer dock krav på en fungerande kunskapsspridning för att företaget ska kunna nyttja resursen till fullo. Forskning belyser att kunskapsspridning är avgörande för konkurrenskraftighet samtidigt som det är svårt att realisera på ett systematiskt och framgångsrikt sätt. Studien belyser detta dilemma i relation till det relativt nyuppkomna fältet fintechbolag, även kallat finansteknikbolag, som har växt just på grund av deras innovation och därmed konkurrenskraftighet. Hur främjar företag inom fintechbranschen kunskapsspridning? Samt, hur påverkar företagets möjliggörande faktorer; kultur, ledarskap, teknik och mätning kunskapsspridning? Dessa frågor ämnades att bli besvarade med målet att bidra till insikter för hur ett fintechbolag hanterar sin kunskapsspridning och hur branschkollegor kan ta del av dessa. I denna kvalitativa fallstudie studerades ett svenskt fintechbolag. Data samlades in med hjälp av sex semistrukturerade intervjuer och en deltagande observation på ett veckomöte. Data analyserades med en tematisk analys. Teorierna kritiska framgångsfaktorer och faktorer som påverkar kunskapsspridning influerade intervjufrågorna och applicerades på resultatet. Resultatet visade på att det undersökta företagets individuella och organisatoriska faktorer främjar deras kunskapsspridning, där motivationen hos de anställda är väsentlig. Däremot saknade de anställda vissa tekniska faktorer för att främja kunskapsspridning, nämligen integrerbara och användarvänliga verktyg som kunde främja kunskapsspridning, samt en förståelse för varför de bör sprida kunskap och med vilket tillvägagångssätt både i Sverige och deras kontor utomlands. Detta kan i slutändan bidra till att stödja företagets fortsatta innovativa utveckling med hjälp av främjande av kunskapsspridning / Knowledge is a resource that a lot of companies base their operation on. However, this requires functioning knowledge sharing for the company to be able to make full use of the resource. Research shows that knowledge sharing is crucial for competitiveness at the same time as it is difficult to realize in a systematic and successful way. The study highlights this dilemma in relation to the relatively new field, fintech companies, also called financial technology companies, which have grown because of their innovation and thus competitiveness. How does companies in the fintech industry facilitate knowledge sharing? As well as, how does the company’s enabling factors; culture, leadership, technology and measurement affect knowledge sharing? These questions were intended to be answered with the goal of contributing to insights into how a fintech company manages its knowledge sharing and how industry colleagues can make use of these. In this qualitative case study, a Swedish fintech company is studied. The data was collected with the help of six semi-structured interviews and one participant observation at a weekly meeting. The data was analyzed with a thematic analysis. The theories Critical Success Factors and Factors Influencing Knowledge Sharing influenced the interview questions and were applied on the result. The result showed that the investigated company’s individual and organizational factors facilitate their knowledge sharing, where the motivation of the employees is essential. However, the employees lacked some technical factors for facilitating knowledge sharing, namely, integrable and user-friendly tools that could facilitate knowledge sharing as well as an understanding of why they should share knowledge and with what approach, both in Sweden and their office abroad. This may ultimately contribute to support the company’s continued innovative development by facilitating the knowledge sharing.

Factors influencing primary health care services utilisation by children living in child-headed households in a rural community of Swaziland

Sibanda, Joyce 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Background: Children living in child-headed households have health needs that require treatment and care. Matsanjeni is one of the poorest socio-economic areas of Swaziland with the high number of children orphaned by HIV and AIDS who are often living without adequate family and social supports. These conditions are known for increasing people vulnerability to diseases and hindering access and utilization of health services. However, children living in child-headed households in Matsajeni community do attend the primary health care (PHC) services on regular basis. What influence the utilization of the above services by children living in child-headed households in the Matsanjeni community is not clear and well documented. Aim of the study: To explore and describe the views of children living in child-headed households in a rural community of Swaziland regarding factors influencing their utilization of PHC services. Design: A qualitative descriptive design was used to guide the study. Purposive sampling was used to select the most senior child from child-headed households in a rural community. Semi-structured individual face-to-face interviews were used to generate data. Data saturation was reached after twenty interviews. Thematic content analysis was used to analyse data. The researcher used Andersen behavioural model was to identify and organised the emerged themes. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Ethics Committees of the University of South Africa and the Ministry of Health of Swaziland. Results: Fear to develop a deadly disease, perceived seriousness of the condition, desire for compliance to medical treatment, and community support emerged as enablers of primary health care services utilisation among children living in child-headed households. While lack of money, ignorance, shortage of healthcare personnel, negative behaviour and attitude of health professionals, long waiting hours, unreliable transportation system, and long distance emerged as inhibitors of primary health care services utilisation among children living in child-headed households. Conclusion and recommendation: The results of this study add to our understanding factors that positively and negatively influence the utilisation of primary health care services among children living in child-headed households in rural communities. The findings suggest that the utilisation of primary health care services among children living in child-headed households is influenced by need for care-enabling resources-experience of care triad. Behavioural and social welfare interventions are needed to enhance the utilisation of primary health care services among this vulnerable section of the community in Swaziland. Recommendation for further research is also articulated. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Factors influencing primary health care services utilisation by children living in child-headed households in a rural community of Swaziland

Sibanda, Joyce 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Background: Children living in child-headed households have health needs that require treatment and care. Matsanjeni is one of the poorest socio-economic areas of Swaziland with the high number of children orphaned by HIV and AIDS who are often living without adequate family and social supports. These conditions are known for increasing people vulnerability to diseases and hindering access and utilization of health services. However, children living in child-headed households in Matsajeni community do attend the primary health care (PHC) services on regular basis. What influence the utilization of the above services by children living in child-headed households in the Matsanjeni community is not clear and well documented. Aim of the study: To explore and describe the views of children living in child-headed households in a rural community of Swaziland regarding factors influencing their utilization of PHC services. Design: A qualitative descriptive design was used to guide the study. Purposive sampling was used to select the most senior child from child-headed households in a rural community. Semi-structured individual face-to-face interviews were used to generate data. Data saturation was reached after twenty interviews. Thematic content analysis was used to analyse data. The researcher used Andersen behavioural model was to identify and organised the emerged themes. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Ethics Committees of the University of South Africa and the Ministry of Health of Swaziland. Results: Fear to develop a deadly disease, perceived seriousness of the condition, desire for compliance to medical treatment, and community support emerged as enablers of primary health care services utilisation among children living in child-headed households. While lack of money, ignorance, shortage of healthcare personnel, negative behaviour and attitude of health professionals, long waiting hours, unreliable transportation system, and long distance emerged as inhibitors of primary health care services utilisation among children living in child-headed households. Conclusion and recommendation: The results of this study add to our understanding factors that positively and negatively influence the utilisation of primary health care services among children living in child-headed households in rural communities. The findings suggest that the utilisation of primary health care services among children living in child-headed households is influenced by need for care-enabling resources-experience of care triad. Behavioural and social welfare interventions are needed to enhance the utilisation of primary health care services among this vulnerable section of the community in Swaziland. Recommendation for further research is also articulated. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Key Success Factors for End-User Adoption of 5G Technology Within a Low-Middle Income Country : A case study in Malaysia / Nyckelfaktorer för möjliggörandet av 5G teknologier bland slutanvändare inom ett låg- medelinkomstland

Olofsgård, Markus, Göransson, Philip January 2022 (has links)
Recent breakthroughs within technology and data science have initiated talks of a new emerging industrial revolution, being the fourth of its kind. This revolution, titled as Industry 4.0, implies further digitalization with AI and machine learning helping pave the way for improved robotic interconnection, decentralized decisions and linking the physical world with the virtual world. An important enabler for the transformation is 5G which will allow higher data speed, lower latency of communication, and improved network resilience, compared to its precursor 4G. That being said, a successful 5G rollout and adoption is not an easy task, especially for low-middle income countries. The 5G technology and the innovations it enables, could act as major economical catalysts for these countries and thus it is important to understand the potential barriers they are facing. To help clarify the matter, this study included a conduction of semi-structured interviews with some of the most important actors in the Malaysian 5G ecosystem. The ambition was to uncover the biggest barriers impeding the adoption of 5G technologies, as well as key enabling factors accelerating it. The results showed that low fibre infrastructure development, obscure pricing of 5G spectrum, high trait of complexity among 5G technology and associated innovations, customer unawareness, potential hampering of innovation due to a Single Wholesale Network approach (SWN), and a “Chicken or Egg”-dilemma between infrastructure providers and 5G application providers, represent the main barriers for a successful 5G implementation in Malaysia. At the same time, enabling factors such as a strong governmental backing, increased demand amongst end-users, high competitiveness of the telecommunication industry, and the SWN potentially mitigating the "Chicken or Egg"-dilemma were also identified and presented. An external validity assessment showed that most of the barriers could also be applied to neighbouring countries within the Southeast Asia region, providing practical implications for policy makers and industry actors working with the adoption of 5G technology within low-middle income countries. / De senaste genombrotten inom teknik och datavetenskap har föranlett diskussioner om närmandet av en ny industriell revolution, som blir den fjärde av sitt slag. Denna revolution som har fått tituleringen ”Industry 4.0”, väntas innebära ytterligare framsteg inom digitalisering med hjälp av AI och maskininlärning, vilket banar vägen för förbättrad robotkoppling, decentraliserade beslut och sammanlänkning av den fysiska och virtuella världen. En viktig delkomponent för denna transformation är 5G som väntas möjliggöra högre datahastighet, lägre kommunikationsfördröjning och förbättrad nätverkselasticitet jämfört mot sin föregångare 4G. En framgångsrik utrullning av 5G är dock inte en lätt uppgift, särskilt för låg- och medelinkomstländer. Tekniken bakom 5G och de innovationer den möjliggör, kan agera viktiga ekonomiska katalysatorer för dessa länder och därför blir det viktigt att förstå de potentiella hinder som de står inför. För att bättre förstå problemet genomfördes i den här studien semistrukturerade intervjuer med några av de viktigaste aktörerna i Malaysias 5G-ekosystem. Ambitionen var att avslöja de största hindren som hämmar införandet av 5G-teknik, samt viktiga möjliggörande faktorer som påskyndar denna process. Resultaten visade att låg fiberutveckling, oviss prissättning av 5G-spektrum, hög komplexitet bland 5G-teknik och tillhörande innovationer, kundomedvetenhet, potentiella innovationshämningar till följd av en ”Single Wholesale Network”-strategi (SWN) samt ett "Kyckling eller ägg"-dilemma mellan infrastrukturleverantörer och leverantörer av 5G-applikationer, utgör de främsta barriärerna för en framgångsrik 5G-utrullning i Malaysia. Samtidigt identifierades de viktigaste möjliggörande faktorerna som statligt stöd, ökad efterfrågan bland slutanvändare, den höga konkurrenskraften inom telekommunikationsindustrin samt SWN-strategins potentiellt positiva påverkan på "Kyckling eller ägg"-dilemmat. En extern validitetsbedömning visade att de flesta av barriärerna även kunde tillämpas på närliggande inom Sydostasien, vilket genererade praktiska implikationer för beslutsfattare och branschaktörer som arbetar med införandet av 5G-teknik inom låg-och medelinkomstländer.

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