Spelling suggestions: "subject:"enclitic"" "subject:"clitics""
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Interplay between morphology and syntax: A lexical analysis of inflection and cliticization in Spanish.Nishida, Chiyo. January 1987 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to propose a lexical analysis of inflection and cliticization in Spanish within the framework of Categorial Grammar, and to show how morphology and syntax interplay with one another in this language. I postulate that inflectional suffixes and clitics are syntactic expressions in their own right; inflectional suffixes are the instantiation of the grammatical relation, subject, whereas certain clitics, i.e. DAT and ACC clitics, are of the object. In this regard, inflection and cliticization can be conceived as functions from one set of syntactic expressions into another. I assume that inflectional suffixes and clitics are stored in the lexicon assigned to categories which specify their syntactic (and semantic) properties. These elements are combined to form complex expressions by two kinds of operations: (1) Function/argument application, and (2) Functional Composition. Three lexical rules are proposed in order to account for the distribution of the morphological properties at issue: (1) Inflection, (2) Cliticization, and (3) Complex Verb Formation. These rules make an explicit statement of what syntactic processes take place as morphologically complex expressions are formed. One consequence of my analysis is the redefinition of nominals commonly referred to as "subject NP" and "object NP" (doubled by a clitic) as elements which mark a referential contrast. This way, the formal variation as to the presence or absence of these nominals in Spanish sentences has a coherent explanation. Two rules of nominal adjunction are proposed in order to account for "clitic doubling" and "subject doubling". These two rules apply under certain conditions. With a lexical treatment of inflection and cliticization proposed, all the word formation processes in the Spanish language are now relegated to one single component, the lexicon. Morphology in Spanish, thus, has a clearly delineated domain of its own as an integral part of the lexicon. Furthermore, inflection and cliticization are morphological processes which, at the same time, construct syntactically complex expressions. This direct interplay between morphology and syntax is what uniquely characterizes the so-called "pro-drop" languages, of which Spanish is one, and distinguishes them from the "non-pro-drop" languages.
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A.Maldonio poezijos kirčiavimo problemos / The problems of accentuation in A.Maldonis poetrySuslavičienė, Aušra 08 June 2005 (has links)
Proclitics and enclitics are not explored very well in lithuanian poetry. Linguists
which studied lithuanian (unpoetical) discource states that it is not possible to
determine precisely which words can be considered as clitics. The main goal of this work is to analyse which words in poetry are usually adjoined. The material of this
research consists of A. Maldonis syllabic-accentual versification verses. On the basis of
this versification regular stressed and unstressed syllables recurrence it is determined
which word are stressed or are not stressed. On these results statistic analysis has been made. This research is not purely unprejudiced by the reason that in loudly declaimed poetry different accentuation laws can be shown. By this reason another research was
made: dictaphone was used to record the same poet loudly declaimed poetry. Aurally
(on the basis of 12 listeners answers) it was determined which words are stressed or are
not stressed. On these results statistical analysis has been made.
Syllabic-accentual versification laws shows that mostly adjoined are monosyllabic
prepositions (98%), conjunctions (98%), particles (91%), adverbials (86%). Less highly
adjoined are pronouns (56%) and verbs (33%). Between disyllabic parts of speech
mostly adjoined are prepositions (100%) and particles (78%). In A. Maldonis loudly declaimed poetry mostly adjoined are prepositions (100%), conjunctions (99%), particles (85%), adverbials (79%). Less highly adjoined are
pronouns (50%)... [to full text]
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Rembong-Wangka : Its position among the Manggaraic languages, some formative elements and adnominal possessionAsplund, Leif January 2020 (has links)
Rembong-Wangka is an Austronesian language, which together with other little described languages, belongs to the Manggaraic subgroup of Austronesian. One aim is to present information about them, as well as other languages in the area, drawn from not readily accessible sources, including archival material, and information collected by the author in Flores. An estimation of the number of speakers of Rembong-Wangka, the dialects and a map of settlements where the language is spoken, are given. The second aim is to describe adnominal possessive constructions, and the third to discuss etymologies of morphological elements in these constructions. The material to answer these questions was collected during two short field trips. Written glossed texts in a Rembong-Wangka corpus constructed by the author were used and analysed in the FLEx program. In pronominal possession, the possessor can be expressed by pronominal enclitics or oblique pronouns. The latter of these two strategies is more emphatic. Non-pronominal possession can be expressed by juxtaposition or with a Possession Construction Marker (PCM). Juxtaposition is used mostly for non-prototypical possession or possession-like relationships and PCMs mainly for prototypical possession. The etymology of the oblique pronouns is discussed, as well as the possible etymological connections of Central Flores PCMs with different words in Rembong-Wangka. / Rembong-Wangka är ett austronesiskt språk, som tillsammans med andra litet beskrivna språk, hör till den manggaraiiska undergruppen av austronesiska. Ett mål är att presentera information om dem, och andra språk i området, från ofta svåråtkomliga källor, bl a arkivmaterial, och information insamlat av författaren på Flores. En uppskattning av antalet talare av Rembong-Wangka, dialekter och en karta över boplatser där språket talas, ges. Det andra målet är att beskriva adnominala ägandekonstruktioner, och det tredje att diskutera etymologier till morfologiska element i dessa konstruktioner. Materialet för att besvara dessa frågor samlades under två korta fältstudier. Skrivna och glosserade texter i en Rembong-Wangka-korpus konstruerad av författaren användes, och analyserades i programmet FLEx. I pronominellt ägande kan ägaren uttryckas med pronominella enklitikor eller med oblika personliga pronomen. Den andra av dessa två strategier är mer emfatisk. Icke-pronominellt ägande kan uttryckas med juxtaposition eller med en ägandekonstruktionsmarkör (PCM). Juxtaposition används mestadels för icke-prototypiskt ägande eller ägandeliknande relationer och PCM för huvudsakligen prototypiska ägarerelationer. De oblika pronominas etymologi diskuteras, och också möjliga etymologiska samband mellan den centralflorinesiska PCMer och olika ord i Rembong-Wangka.
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Word order, focus, and clause linking in Greek tragic poetryFraser, Bruce L. January 1999 (has links)
The thesis comprises an investigation of three aspects of sentence structure in Classical Greek (henceforth CG) dramatic poetry: order of the main sentence elements (subject, verb, and object) within the clause, the emphatic position at the start of the clause, and the structure of inter-clausal linking. It is argued that these three features, usually considered separately, are interdependent, and that intra-clausal word order is directly related to the structure of compound and complex sentences. The discussion undertakes a systematic survey of subject, verb, and object order in a corpus of texts, proposes an explanation for the observed order, and develops a model which explains how prominence within the clause is exploited in clause linking to produce the complement structures observed in Homeric and tragic complementation.
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Specifika češtiny ruských studentů (se zaměřením na vybrané fonetické a morfosyntaktické jevy) / Characteristics of the Czech language of Russian students(with a focus on selected phonetic and morphosyntactic phenomena)Ramasheuskaya, Katsiaryna January 2015 (has links)
Language adaptation of foreigners is always accompanied by a number of problems connected to the acquisition and the use of the language which becomes the primary communicative tool in the new environment. Ignoring and underestimating these problems typical of a particular language community can result in a failure to master the target language and consequently in the unsuccessful integration in the new society. This thesis is aimed at specific problems in the area of morphosyntax and phonetics, characteristic of Russian-speaking students of Czech. At the same time, it warns about the danger of overestimating positive transfer from Russian and emphasizes the necessity of using special didactic approach in teaching this group of foreign-language speakers. The analysis of the chosen language phenomena is based on the data from the Database of the voice recordings of spoken Czech by native speakers of Russian and the Database of language mistakes in Czech made by speakers whose native language is another Slavic language, which were created, among others, for the purpose of this thesis. The attention is specifically focused on the use of the reflexive se/si, forms of the auxiliary verb to be in the past tense, short forms of personal pronouns in spoken and written production of Russian-speaking...
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