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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Insights into the embryo/endosperm interface in Zea Mays and Arabidopsis thaliana / Etude de l’interface embryo/albumen chez Zea Mays et Arabidopsis thaliana

Doll, Nicolas 05 July 2019 (has links)
La graine est une structure de dissémination et de résistance jouant un rôle clé dans la vie de laplante. L’arabette des dames (Arabidopsis thaliana) et le maïs (Zea Mays) sont deux espècesmodèles étudiées pour le développement de la graine. Leurs graines possèdent deuxcompartiments filiaux : l’embryon (la future plante) et l’albumen (un compartiment deréserves). Le développement normal de la graine passe par une coordination entre ces deuxcompartiments qui implique des communications étroites (nutritionnelles, signalisations) à leurinterface. L’interface embryon/albumen est constituée des couches cellulaires externes del’embryon et de l’albumen ainsi que de structures apoplastiques les séparant telles que lacuticule et la gaine embryonnaire chez l’arabette. Dans une première partie, une analysetranscriptomique des tissus à l’interface embryon/albumen chez le maïs a permis d’identifierune nouvelle région se composant des couches d’albumen amylacé au contact de l’embryon.En parallèle, nous avons utilisé la technologie CRISPR/Cas9 pour cibler des gènes candidatspotentiellement impliqués dans la communication albumen/embryon. Dans une seconde partie,la fonction et les caractéristiques de la gaine embryonnaire, produite par l’albumen et déposéeà la surface de l’embryon ont été étudiées chez l’arabette. Nous avons montré que cette structurese maintient sur la plantule après germination ce qui va à l’encontre de la vision classiqueconsidérant la cuticule comme la couche la plus externe de la jeune plantule. Une approche demicroscopie à force atomique couplée à des caractérisations de mutants, a permis de montrerque cette gaine a de fortes propriétés antiadhésives aidant à la germination. Dans une dernièrepartie, la voie de signalisation permettant le contrôle de l’intégrité de la cuticule chez l’arabettea été complétée par la découverte d’un peptide, produit par l’embryon, clivé dans l’albumen etliant des récepteurs dans l’embryon déclenchant la fermeture des trous de la cuticule et laformation d’une structure continue et fonctionnelle. / Angiosperm seeds comprise two zygotic compartments generated by double fertilization: theembryo, which will give the future plant, and the endosperm which surrounds and nourishesthe embryo. Harmonious seed development requires the coordination and cooperation of thesetwo compartments, implicating an intricate and sustained communication at their interface. Theaim of this thesis was to characterize some of the important characteristics of this interface inthe two model species Arabidopsis thaliana and maize (Zea Mays). The embryo/endosperminterface is formed by the external cell layers of the embryo and by the endosperm cellsimmediately adjacent to the embryo. These cell populations contribute to specific apoplasticstructures such as the embryonic cuticle and the embryo sheath in Arabidopsis. However, littleis known about this interface in maize. In a first part of this thesis, transcriptomic analysis ofembryo/endosperm interface in maize coupled with in situ hybridization has led to theidentification of a new endosperm domain composed of endosperm cell layers in immediatecontact with the expanding embryo, and potentially involved in nutrient movement between thetwo tissues. A reverse genetics approach has been developed based on CRISPR/Cas9technology to target candidate genes potentially involved in embryo/endospermcommunication. In the second part of the thesis, the function and characteristics of the embryosheath, produced by the endosperm and deposited on embryo surface, have been investigatedin Arabidopsis. The maintenance of the sheath on seedlings post germination has beendemonstrated, contradicting the classical view that the cuticle forms the most external structureon the seedling at germination. Atomic force microscopy and phenotypic characterization ofmutants demonstrate the strong anti-adhesive properties of the sheath, which facilitatecotyledon escape during germination. In a last part of the thesis, the apoplastic signallingpathway controlling cuticle integrity in Arabidopsis has been completed by the identificationof a peptide, produced by the embryo, and cleaved by an endosperm-specific protease, whichbinds to receptors at the embryo surface, leading to the closure of gaps in the cuticle and thegeneration of a continuous and functional structure.

Estádio de maturação dos frutos, tratamentos pré-germinativos e variabilidade da emergência de plântulas de morototó (Schefflera morototoni)

Anastácio, Maristela Rosália 25 February 2010 (has links)
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the fruit maturation stage in the physical attributes and germination of Schefflera morototoni pyrenes subjected to pre-germination treatments. Fruits with green and purplish green coloration were collected from 14 individuals, pulped in running water, the hollow pyrenes were discarded after counting, together with those presenting retracted and oxidized endosperm, using the uniforms (with the greenish endosperm occupying the whole cavity of the pyrene). The experiment was conducted in completely randomized design in a 2 x 5 factorial (stages of fruit maturation and pre-germination treatments), with four repetitions in plots containing 25 pyrenes. For greater capacity and germination speed of the pyrenes, fruits should be harvested when they present a purplish green coloration, discarding those with hollow pyrenes, with retracted or oxidized endosperm. The germination capacity of the pyrenes with uniform endosperm varied between 50 and 60%, with the beginning of the process at about 40 days after sowing and extending for up to 60 days in vermiculite. Pulped pyrenes, dried and soaked in water at 60ºC for 5 minutes, followed by soaking in water at room temperature for 12 hours begin the germination process in less time, in relation to those pulped, dried, scarified and soaked for 6 hours. The fruit endocarp is permeable and rigid; however, it presents a natural opening when soaked. The objective was to evaluate the variability in seedling emergence measures of Schefflera morototoni from pyrenes of different individuals. Fruits of 14 individuals were pulped and pyrenes with uniform endosperm were selected. The experiment was conducted in completely randomized design with 14 treatments (individuals) and 11 repetitions in parcels containing 50 pyrenes with uniform endosperm treated by immersion in water at 60 ºC for 5 minutes and then soaked at room temperature for 12 hours. The substrate used was a mixture in proportion 2:1:1:1/2 (v/v) soil, commercial substrate Bioplant®, coarse sand and vermicompost, with pyrenes sown at 1 cm depth in expanded polystyrene trays, maintained in a nursery with 50% reduction in luminosity at average temperatures of 19.3ºC minimum and 30.2 ºC maximum and daily irrigation. Daily counting of seedlings evaluated capacity, time, rate, uniformity and synchrony of emergence, besides the distribution of frequency of emergence in relation to time. The emergence of seedlings is slow, irregular and asynchronous, taking more than 80 days for stabilization of the emergence. The percentage of seedlings can reach up to 57%, but even when the endosperm occupies the whole cavity of the pyrene and is greenish, the emergence of seedlings may not occur. There is variability in seedling emergence measurements from pyrenes of different Schefflera morototoni individuals. / CAPÍTULO II: O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a influência do estádio de maturação dos frutos nos atributos físicos e de germinação de pirênios de Schefflera morototoni submetidos a tratamentos pré-germinativos. Frutos com coloração verde e verde-arroxeada foram coletados de 14 indivíduos, despolpados em água corrente, descartando-se, após contabilização, os pirênios chochos, com endosperma retraído e oxidado, utilizando-se os uniformes (com endosperma esverdeado ocupando toda a cavidade do pirênio). O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 x 5 (estádios de maturação dos frutos e tratamentos pré-germinativos), com quatro repetições em parcelas contendo 25 pirênios. Verificou-se que para maior capacidade e velocidade de germinação dos pirênios, os frutos devem ser colhidos quando apresentarem coloração verde-arroxeada, descartando-se àqueles com pirênios chochos, endosperma retraído ou oxidado. A capacidade de germinação dos pirênios com endosperma uniforme varia entre 50 e 60%, com início do processo em cerca de 40 dias após semeadura, se estendendo por até 60 dias em vermiculita. Pirênios despolpados, secos e embebidos em água a 60oC por 5 minutos, seguida da embebição em água à temperatura ambiente por 12 horas iniciam o processo de germinação em menor tempo, em relação aos despolpados, secos, escarificados e embebidos por 6 horas. O endocarpo dos frutos é permeável e rígido, no entanto, apresenta abertura natural quando embebido. CAPÍTULO III: O objetivo foi avaliar a variabilidade nas medidas de emergência de plântulas de Schefflera morototoni provenientes de pirênios de diferentes indivíduos. Frutos de 14 indivíduos foram despolpados, selecionando-se pirênios com endosperma uniforme. O experimento de emergência foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 14 tratamentos (indivíduos) e 11 repetições em parcelas contendo 50 pirênios com endosperma uniforme imersos em água a 60 ºC por 5 minutos e posteriormente embebidos em água destilada à temperatura ambiente por 12 horas. O substrato utilizado foi uma mistura na proporção 2:1:1:1/2 (v/v) de solo, substrato comercial Bioplant®, areia de textura grossa e vermicomposto, com pirênios semeados a 1 cm de profundidade em bandejas de poliestireno expandido, mantidas em viveiro com sombrite de 50% de redução luminosa e médias de temperaturas de 19,3 ºC a mínima e 30,2 ºC a máxima e irrigadas diariamente. Das contagens diárias das plântulas emergidas foram avaliadas medidas de capacidade, tempo, velocidade, uniformidade e sincronia de emergência, além da distribuição de frequência percentual de emergência em relação ao tempo. A emergência das plântulas é tardia, irregular e assíncrona, gastando mais de 80 dias para estabilização do estande. A porcentagem de plântulas emergidas pode atingir até 57%, porém mesmo quando o endosperma ocupa toda a cavidade do pirênio e está esverdeado, a emergência das plântulas pode não ocorrer. Há variabilidade nas medidas de emergência de plântulas quando obtidas de pirênios de indivíduos distintos de Schefflera morototoni. / Mestre em Agronomia

Embriologia de Nymphaea L. (Nymphaeales - Nymphaeaceae) implicações para a evolução inicial das angiospermas /

Pereira Junior, Eduardo João January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Nelson Sabino Bittencourt Júnior / Resumo: Compreender a diversidade das Nymphaeales, considerado como o segundo ramo da filogenia das angiospermas, é de considerável interesse como modelo da evolução inicial das angiospermas. Este trabalho objetivou investigar a ontogenia da antera, dos óvulos e sementes em espécies de Nymphaea. Ovários e sementes de N. amazonum Mart. & Zucc. subsp. amazonum, N. caerulea Savigny e N. lotus L. e, anteras de N. amazonum Mart. & Zucc. subsp. amazonum e N. caerulea Savigny, em diversos estádios de desenvolvimento, foram fixados, infiltrados em historesina e as secções obtidas com 1-4 µm foram coradas com azul-de-toluidina O ou submetidas a testes histoquímicos. O desenvolvimento da parede do androsporângio é do tipo básico. Após a meiose, a citocinese simultânea dá origem a tétrades tetraédricas de andrósporos nas quais já são detectáveis a intina e a primexina, há um atraso na liberação dos andrósporos das tétrades em N. caerulea. A partir do estádio de andrósporos livres observa-se uma abertura anelar equatorial e, no estádio de andrósporos vacuolados observa-se o ‘pollenkitt’ na superfície da esporoderme. A mitose do andrósporo ocorre perpendicularmente à esporoderme e, a intina se espessa, principalmente abaixo da abertura, onde há a contribuição da endexina para a formação do oncus. O tapete de N. amazonum e N. caerulea é secretor e não apresenta ciclos invasivo como relatado para N. colorata. O tipo básico de desenvolvimento do androsporângio também foi relatado para Amborella tric... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Understanding the diversification of Nymphaeales, the second branch in the angiosperm phylogenetic tree, has a considerable interest to propose models of early evolution of the angiosperms. This work aims to analyze the anther and ovule ontogeny in species of Nymphaea. Ovaries and seeds of N. amazonum Mart. & Zucc. subsp. amazonum, N. caerulea Savigny and N. lotus L. and, anthers of N. amazonum Mart. & Zucc. subsp. amazonum and N. caerulea Savigny, in several development stages, were fixed infiltrated in historesin and the sections with 1-4 µm were stained with toluidine blue O or submitted to histochemical tests. The androsporangium wall follows the basic type of development. After meiosis, a simultaneous cytokinesis give rise a tetrahedral tetrad of androspores, the intine and primexine is detectable in this stage and, in N. caerulea occurs a delay in the release of androspores from the tetrads. We observe an equatorial ring-like aperture in the free androspores stage and, in vacuolated androspores the ‘pollenkitt’ is visualized in the sporoderm surface. The mitosis of the androspore occurs perpendicularly to sporoderm and, the intine begins to thicken beneath the aperture and, together with the endexine originate the oncus. The tapetum of Nymphaea amazonum and N. caerulea are secretor and do not show invasive cycles as reported to N. colorata. The basic type of androsporangium wall development also are reported to Amborella trichopoda, Nuphar pumila and for the species of ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

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