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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pěstování vybraných druhů rostlin pro energetické využití

ŠVEC, Miroslav January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis on the topic "Cultivation of selected plant species for energy use" in the first chapters of the theoretical part deals with Czech and world energy. The chapters on renewable energy sources and the possibilities of using biomass for plants for energy purposes follow. The research also deals with grasslands as alternative energy sources with a focus on direct burning. The last chapters of the research are focused on the cultivation of selected energy crops, such as the Elymus elongatus grass (subspecies Ponticus, Szarvasi-1) and Miscanthus × giganteus. The practical part describes the establishment, nursing and harvesting of small-scale experiments of Szarvasi-1 grass and Miscanthus × giganteus grass varieties, which were cultivated on the premises of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and were grown as energy crops for direct incineration. Experiments with the Szarvas-1 cultivation took place in three types of farming. The first variation was the so-called "extensive" form where the plants were not fertilized with any fertilizer. The second form of farming was the "intensive" variant, in which the fertilizer was fertilized with mineral fertilizers. The last variant labeled "digestate" was fertilized with organic fertilizer. Maloparcelian experiments with Miscanthus × giganteus were carried out only in one variation of cultivation than Szarvasi-1, "intensive". For both varieties of energy crops harvested in spring 2013 and for all cultivation variants, the yield potentials from the last five years of vegetation of these cultures were evaluated after a six-year vegetation period. The evaluated parameters were in particular the yields of fresh matter and dry matter in t ha-1, but also the average solids content in %. These results were recorded and compared with specialist literature. The results of the work show that Miscanthus × giganteus yields on average higher yields than Szarvasi-1, which surprisingly best responds to organic fertilizer fertilization.

Informovanost obyvatelstva o ropné nouzi na území Jihočeského kraje / Public awareness about the oil shortage in the South Bohemian region

VACEK, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the assessment of the level of public awareness on the issue of oil shortage in the territory of the South Bohemian Region and the comparsion of the obtained data with the results obtained in the region of Pilsen. The results of this research are linked to the second objective of proposing measures to improve the information system on the given issue. For the needs of the thesis, quantitative research was chosen as a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire itself consists of 17 semi closed questions, with 3 filtering questions in the introduction, ranking respondents by sex, age and municipality, followed by 14 specific questions. The purpose of the research is to determine the level of public awareness of possible regulatory measures related to the declaration of the state of oil shortage, focusing on fuel shortages, powers of state administration and self-government authorities and a general overview of the oil security of the Czech Republic. The data obtained suggest that the average knowledge of the correct answers averages around 65 % on average, but succes rates vary from 30 to 94 %. Questions with a low average success of the right answers are potential topics for improving awareness, for example through short TV spots, training courses, or information brochures. The diploma thesis can be used for educational purposes as a starting material for follow-up research, or it can serve as an inspiration for finding a suitable way of communicating with the public in the field of crisis management.

Blackout a jeho dopad na záchranou zdravotnickou službu / Blackout and Its Impact on the Emergency Medical Service

BÖHM, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
At present, due to the use of different technologies, it is hard to think of any human activity that does not demand electric power. It is necessary to be prepared for of large-scale long-term blackouts. Possible scenarios of the occurrence of such a crisis situation must be analyzed and the crisis management must be prepared; primarily to minimize the impact on the lives and health of the population, their property and also natural environment. The objective of the thesis was to identify the operational readiness of regional centers of Emergency Medical Services in the Czech Republic for the possibility of blackouts and to create a survey of power supply possibilities to the operating center of the Emergency Medical Services. The questionnaire was focused on the analysis of operational readiness of regional centers for total blackout, on the framework of their technical support in alternative energy production and its time sustainability. The documents analysis included a pattern plan of the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Czech Republic and an operational plan for the occurrence of a crisis situation - large-scale electric power supply disturbances, and other internal regional documents concerning the situation during a blackout. The outcomes of the thesis can be used as a background material for the comparison of emergency blackout preparedness in international environment. They can be used to achieve certain standards in the field of sustainable alternative energy supply of Emergency Medical Services centers.

Analýza vlivu rizik na ekonomickou efektivnost větrných elektráren v ČR / The analysis of the influence of risks on economic efficiency of wind-power plants in the Czech republic

Khorel, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The work focuses on wind-power energetics area in the Czech republic. On the basis of a set referential project, which is typical for current Czech conditions, it intends to answer two key questions. The first one deals with risk and inquires into how critical individual factors are. For this purpose financial analysis and especially sensitivity analysis are used. The other issue solved in this work is detection of economic efficiency of the referential project. The output is based on the prediction of the critical factors.

Studie proveditelnosti a analýza projektů bioplynových stanic v ČR / Feasibility study and analysis of projects of biogas stations in Czech Republic

Lodr, Jakub January 2006 (has links)
Diplomová práce zahrnuje poslední vývoj v oblasti obnovitelných zdrojů energie. (OZE).Hlavním úkolem je seznámit čtenáře se současnými otázkami týkajícími se bioplynu,bioplynových stanic a dalším technologickým problémům. První část je věnována právnímu rámci této problematiky. V dalším oddíle je popsáno současné tržní prostředí,doplněné charakteristikou nejdůležitějších podniků v odvětví. Poslední část diplomové práce by měla pomoci najít způsob jak ocenit investice do obnovitelných zdrojů energie.

Inovace informačního systému v energetice / IT Innovations in the energy sector

Korych, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on innovation of ICT in the energetics sector, particularly in the heating sector. This topic is discussed in terms of both theory and practice. The main goal of this thesis is to show by the example of specific ICT innovations how to properly prepare them. The theoretical part deals with the comparison academic approaches and the approach of the leading Czech supplier of software solutions. It compares the principle of multidimensionality of MMDIS method and methods of Unicorn ES Powered Company. It also discusses in terms of frequency of academic thesis neglected electricity sector, where it focuses on explaining the specifics of this sector using the experience of the author with projects in the Czech and European energetics. It contains a classification of innovation in the industry, market research of ICT products for energetics and SWOT analysis of heat generation sector. The practical part of the thesis focuses on ICT innovation at C -Energy Bohemia. It contains tender documents for this innovation, and based on that is elaborated a methodological approach for evaluation of the benefits of this innovation for the company. Subsequently there is elaborated a proposal for this innovation covering all dimensions of ICT by MMDIS. The main contribution of this work is thus primarily a comparison of academic approaches with the approaches used in practice , the analysis of the current situation of ICT in less well-known electricity industry and the practical application of academic gained from the study of the real demand for ICT innovation.

Zhodnocení investičního záměru dostavby JETE / Evaluation of the investment project of the JETE completion

Kouklík, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the project of the construction of the Temelin Nuclear Power Plant, as an optimal new production source of electrical energy to ensure the majority of the coverage of the growing electric consumption in the Czech Republic and to ensure the state energy independence in the future. The main part of the thesis is dedicated to the methods of strategic investments evaluation. Emphasis is placed on the dynamic methods, which are also working with the factors of time and risk, which are relevant in this case, because the project time horizon is 70 years. The investment project is evaluated from the perspective of owners, as well as from the overall perspective of owners and creditors. The Monte-Carlo method was implemented into the model to support the decision-making process and to move closer to reality. The method assigns the relevant distribution division to the model input values. The output is the set of available values, and the probability of their occurrence. The main thesis objective lies in the decision of the decision maker with a neutral attitude to risk, whether accept the investment or not.

Analýza ekonomiky Ruské federace / The economic analysis of the Russian Federation

Počárovská, Alena January 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims to set a complex view on the economy of the Russian Federation, show its strengths and weaknesses and evaluate its competitiveness in the context of oil and gas reserves. For this purpose the thesis is divided into three chapters. The first one analyses Russian macroeconomics and rates its efficiency, especially after 2000 and in relation to the global financial and economic crisis in 2008. Furthermore, the thesis describes country's energetic sector, its issues and perspectives, impact on economic growth and consequences of insufficient diversification and Russian dependency on export of resources. The main contribution of the thesis represents the last chapter which aims to identify Russian potential with regard to competitiveness, classify its possibilities, suggest solutions and changes needed to enhance competitiveness and ensure sustainable growth independent on resource prices. In conclusion, possible perspectives of Russian development until 2030 are brought forward. The analysis of competitiveness is based on the methodology of the World Economic Forum and Global competitiveness index.

Strategické partnerství mezi Německem a Ruskem / Strategic partnership between Germany and Russia

Maráková, Natálie January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on analysis and evaluation of the German-Russian strategic partnership from the German point of view. The aim of this thesis is to answer a question, whether Russia had ever been or still is a strategic partner of Germany, or whether the establishment of the German-Russian strategic partnership remains rather a political goal than the reality. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the theoretical definition of the strategic partnership and indentifies key characteristics of this concept. The analytical part is divided into separate chapters analysing individual dimensions of the German-Russian relations: economic, energetic, security and political. The final chapter sets the goal to summarise and to evaluate the main findings arising from the previous chapters and to answer the research question, whether Russia can be or in the past could be considered a German strategic partner.

Ocenenie spoločnosti ČEZ, a.s. / Valuation of CEZ

Šubák, Miloš January 2015 (has links)
Thesis deals with valuation of the company ČEZ, Inc., who heads one of the largest energy concerns in Europe. CEZ Group is a vertically related, which means that in its activities operates at all levels of power. This work consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes the basic theoretical knowledge of business valuation. The practical part is followed by application of that knowledge and values the company with two method of measurement - the discounted cash flow method and the market comparison method. Valuation itself is accompanied by strategic and financial analysis.

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