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愛麗絲的華文之旅: 兒童文學翻譯中的譯者角色研究= Alice's travels in the Chinese language: the role of the translator in translating children's literature李雪伊, 27 February 2018 (has links)
兒童文學故事經典Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (以下簡稱Alice)創作於1865年的英國。在原著作者路易斯·卡羅爾(Lewis Carroll)筆下,故事主角愛麗絲展現了好奇勇敢、能思善辯、富有主見的兒童形象,她的漫遊奇遇詮釋了她由脆弱被動到強勢自主的形象轉變。1922年,愛麗絲藉由趙元任的Alice華文譯本第一次進入華文語境,由此展開她在華文地區(中國大陸地區、港澳台地區、新加坡和馬來西亞華人地區)迄今長達93年的旅行。旅程中,隨著譯本出現時間和地域的不同,被構建出的愛麗絲華文形象互不相同,構建這些華文形象的成人譯者亦扮演著不盡相同的角色。本研究以文學理論家愛德華·賽義德(Edward Said)的「旅行四階段」和「歷史與情境」論為基本理論框架,並融入比較文學形象學(Imagology)中「自我--他者」這一核心概念帶來的啟示,由此推導出符合「歷史與情境」且強調人為因素的關鍵概念,即由成人自我構建出的他者「兒童形象」概念。在上述理論架構引導下,本研究首先對1922--2014年間的338個Alice華文譯本的譯本特點和出現原因進行分析和闡述,勾畫出愛麗絲在四個華文地區兩段旅程五條路線的旅行全景,再以四個華文地區中的6個Alice華文譯本為個案代表,深入探討成人譯者在構建愛麗絲華語形象過程中採取的翻譯策略、方法和來自其他參與者(如出版者、繪圖師、譯序作者等等)的制約因素。論文著重闡釋譯者在目標文本形象建構中的主動和被動特性,對每個案例中的成人譯者角色做了較為全面的解析。本研究得出如下結論:(一)華文地區「兒童形象」因「時」、因「地」不同而表現形式不同,它直接影響和決定Alice華文譯本出版數量和形態等譯本特徵的形成和演變,這是愛麗絲華文旅行呈現出的主體情形;(二)在愛麗絲華文形象的具體建構過程中,因譯本創作時間和地點不同,目標文本形象會在源文本形象的兩個組成部分(即:形象側面和形象轉變)出現不同程度的改變;(三)譯者主動特性和被動特性的作用過程即為愛麗絲華文形象的構建過程;在源文本和目標文化「兒童形象」的雙重影響下,成人譯者做出了靈活度不同的個人選擇,定義了複雜和多重的譯者角色。
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The translation of persuasive advertisements from English into Sepedi: the effect of linguistic and cultural anisomorphism.Mokgomole, Koketso Eugene. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Language Practice / The activity of translation has a long-standing tradition and has been widely practiced throughout history, but in the rapidly changing world, its role has become of paramount importance. Advertising, as the engine of commerce, plays a critical role in the success of a company in this increasingly commercialized society. He further points out that in the age of global economy, effective translations can be crucial when businesses are targeting a foreign market. The purpose of the study was to explore the effect translation has on the "persuasiveness" of an advertisement, or what is left thereof, after it has been translated from the source language into the target language - in this case from English to Sepedi. Specifically, the study sought to identify a workable approach within which a translator can maximally operate in translating persuasive advertisements from English to Sepedi.
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Critical and literary changes in the seventeenth century as manifested in English verse translation from the Greek and Latin classicsMusgrove, Sydney January 1944 (has links)
No description available.
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Translating linguistic and cultural aspects in Swahili healthcare texts: a descriptive translation studies approachOrang'i, Douglas Ondara 05 1900 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 185-194) / Underpinned by the premise that any text can be studied as a translation provided it is identified
as such, this study theoretically uses Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS) to investigate
English-Swahili healthcare texts. The aim of the study was to: identify, describe and analyse
linguistic and cultural aspects in the texts; identify, describe, and analyse translation strategies
used in the texts; and describe and analyse the use of illustrations in the texts. The study made
use of Kruger and Wallmach’s (1997) analytical framework. The Tertium Comparationis of
the study was descriptive terms, cohesive devices, translation strategies, division of texts,
illustrations, text titles, and taboo words. On the linguistic aspects, the study’s main findings
were: that the English texts use more descriptive terms than the Swahili texts; Swahili texts
have a higher frequency use of references because it contains a number of derivational and
inflectional morphemes; substitution is sparingly used whereas ellipsis is almost non-existent
in Swahili texts in spite of its presence in the source texts; additive and causal conjunctions
were the most prevalent in the texts; and inasmuch as there were no significant differences in
the use of lexical cohesion in the ST and TT, Swahili texts were found to be more cohesive due
to the slightly higher number of lexical items. Regarding the cultural aspects, it was found that
translators use euphemism in the translation of words considered taboo and this informed the
conclusion that there reigns the euphemism norm in Swahili texts. It equally emerged that
strategies used to overcome non-lexicalisation include: use of pure loan words, use of pure loan
words preceded by explanation, use of indigenised loan words, use of omission and translation
by a more general word. On the other hand, translators used strategies of substitution, use of
general words, paraphrasing and cultural substitution to translate words considered taboo. In
addition, the study found that illustrations are used in more less the same way both in the ST
and TT save for some slight modifications that are done in order to align them with the target
culture expectations. Furthermore, the study theoretically effectuated four norms: explicitation
norm, explicitness norm, euphemism norm, and illustration norm / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Litt.et Phil. (Linguistics)
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