Spelling suggestions: "subject:"boron""
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Evaluation of decentralized email architecture and social network analysis based on email attachment sharingTsipenyuk, Gregory January 2018 (has links)
Present day email is provided by centralized services running in the cloud. The services transparently connect users behind middleboxes and provide backup, redundancy, and high availability at the expense of user privacy. In present day mobile environments, users can access and modify email from multiple devices with updates reconciled on the central server. Prioritizing updates is difficult and may be undesirable. Moreover, legacy email protocols do not provide optimal email synchronization and access. Recent phenomena of the Internet of Things (IoT) will see the number of interconnected devices grow to 27 billion by 2021. In the first part of my dissertation I am proposing a decentralized email architecture which takes advantage of user's a IoT devices to maintain a complete email history. This addresses the email reconciliation issue and places data under user control. I replace legacy email protocols with a synchronization protocol to achieve eventual consistency of email and optimize bandwidth and energy usage. The architecture is evaluated on a Raspberry Pi computer. There is an extensive body of research on Social Network Analysis (SNA) based on email archives. Typically, the analyzed network reflects either communication between users or a relationship between the email and the information found in the email's header and the body. This approach discards either all or some email attachments that cannot be converted to text; for instance, images. Yet attachments may use up to 90% of an email archive size. In the second part of my dissertation I suggest extracting the network from email attachments shared between users. I hypothesize that the network extracted from shared email attachments might provide more insight into the social structure of the email archive. I evaluate communication and shared email attachments networks by analyzing common centrality measures and classication and clustering algorithms. I further demonstrate how the analysis of the shared attachments network can be used to optimize the proposed decentralized email architecture.
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Etika v auditorské profesi / Ethics in the auditing professionMorsteinová, Adéla January 2011 (has links)
The work deals with ethics in the auditing profession and its abuses. It focuses in particular on the legal regulation of ethics in the external and internal audit, in detail deals with the ethical code in both auditing professions. Part of the thesis deals with fraud in the audit and are given specific cases of violation of ethics in practice and in the end work is given Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which was created in response to the first major scandals associated with the auditing firms.
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Etika v oblasti auditu / Ethics in sphere of auditVesecká, Kristýna January 2010 (has links)
The work concerns with ethical demands of auditing profession. The first part is pointed to general evolution in ethics. The second part deals with auditor's work, with its progress, aim and meaning. The third part describes laws and the ethical code of auditing profession. And finally, in the fourth part are mentioned accounting scandals, which happened in the past. It describes the role of audit firms and what impact it has for them.
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How Corporate Governance Affects Strategy of Corporations : - Lessons from Enron Corporation -Ahmed, Hameed, Najam, Ali January 2006 (has links)
<p>Corporate governance is a subject of academic and professional debate. It has and it will continue to be a topic under scrutiny for subsequent deliberations since there are many different research dimensions and contexts associated with it. However, it has been observed that the linkage between corporate governance and strategy of a corporation remains as an untapped area with considerable avenues of research. This paper tends to explore this linkage, using Enron scandal as backdrop.</p><p>In the aftermath of the debacle of US energy giant Enron in 2001, the significance of corporate governance has come under heavy scrutiny of different researchers. Whereas different explanations have been attributed to its downfall, it has been widely accepted that this was a case of failed corporate governance.</p><p>This paper tends to explore Enron downfall from the perspective of failed corporate governance. By defining and exploring corporate governance and its underlying issues, the authors have used Agency theory as a theoretical framework in unison with internationally renowned auditing company - Ernst & Young Model - to understand the role of different actors and forces responsible for Enron collapse.</p><p>By using qualitative research method, the authors have used secondary literature as well as combination of questionnaires and telephonic interviews to obtain viewpoint of renowned international academic / professional researchers. They have been identified through convenience sampling methodology. A few internationally renowned auditing companies have also been used as part of this survey to explore diversity of perspectives in this context. Efforts have been made; to explore the main causes rather then to write just another case on Enron.</p><p>After drawing lessons from Enron, the paper concludes with the understanding that there is direct link between corporate governance and strategy of corporations. However there is diversity of perspectives in this context and hence it requires further exploration and debate.</p>
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How Corporate Governance Affects Strategy of Corporations : - Lessons from Enron Corporation -Ahmed, Hameed, Najam, Ali January 2006 (has links)
Corporate governance is a subject of academic and professional debate. It has and it will continue to be a topic under scrutiny for subsequent deliberations since there are many different research dimensions and contexts associated with it. However, it has been observed that the linkage between corporate governance and strategy of a corporation remains as an untapped area with considerable avenues of research. This paper tends to explore this linkage, using Enron scandal as backdrop. In the aftermath of the debacle of US energy giant Enron in 2001, the significance of corporate governance has come under heavy scrutiny of different researchers. Whereas different explanations have been attributed to its downfall, it has been widely accepted that this was a case of failed corporate governance. This paper tends to explore Enron downfall from the perspective of failed corporate governance. By defining and exploring corporate governance and its underlying issues, the authors have used Agency theory as a theoretical framework in unison with internationally renowned auditing company - Ernst & Young Model - to understand the role of different actors and forces responsible for Enron collapse. By using qualitative research method, the authors have used secondary literature as well as combination of questionnaires and telephonic interviews to obtain viewpoint of renowned international academic / professional researchers. They have been identified through convenience sampling methodology. A few internationally renowned auditing companies have also been used as part of this survey to explore diversity of perspectives in this context. Efforts have been made; to explore the main causes rather then to write just another case on Enron. After drawing lessons from Enron, the paper concludes with the understanding that there is direct link between corporate governance and strategy of corporations. However there is diversity of perspectives in this context and hence it requires further exploration and debate.
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Enron : Vad hände egentligen?Antfolk, Angelica, Möller, Madeleine January 2008 (has links)
Skandalen som omvärvde Enron skakade affärsvärlden då det var den största skandal som dittills inträffat. De brott Enrons ledning stod anklagade för var många och av varierande art. De undersökningar som redan har genomförts har till stor del fokuserat på organisationen och ledarskapet. För att ge en annorlunda vinkel fokuserar denna uppsats istället på redovisningen och några av de misstag som begicks av Enrons ledning. Det är även därför som händelserna granskas ur ett revisorsperspektiv. Målgruppen är revisionsintresserade samt de som är intresserade av ekonomisk historia. De data som har använts i arbetet är sekundärdata som blev åtkomlig genom databaser och relevanta sökord. Enron använde sig av enheter som de skapat för speciella ändamål (SPE-enheter) för att kringgå gällande regler samt för att dölja förluster. Detta skedde bland annat i fallet med Talon, då de kringgick reglerna gällande redovisning av förluster genom att ta upp nya inkomster och på så sätt upprätthålla det egna aktievärdet. Tillgångarna i de SPE-enheter Enron skapade bestod till största del av aktier i Enron vilket gjorde enheterna beroende av att Enrons aktievärde upprätthölls. Enligt de regler som var aktuella innan konkursen skulle SPE-enheter konsolideras med grundarens balans- och resultaträkning då vissa kriterier inte uppfylldes. Detta var en regel som Enron konsekvent bröt mot genom att fortlöpande bilda nya enheter för att bibehålla det egna aktievärdet samt för att dölja att kraven kring konsolidering inte uppnåddes. Mark-to-market var en process som Enron utnyttjade frekvent när det gällde värdering av långtidskontrakt inom energihandeln. Processen går ut på att uppskatta kommande marknadsvärden för att kunna beräkna kommande inkomster. Enron var emellertid alltför optimistiska i sina uppskattningar vilket ledde till att vinsterna som redovisats var betydligt högre än de verkliga. För att dölja detta använde sig företaget av vinstförvaltning, vilket innebär att de flyttade inkomster för att upprätthålla en jämn vinstnivå genom åren. Något som blev till ett stort problem då avtalet med videojätten Blockbuster avbröts utan att några vinster verkligen inkommit. Enrons redovisningsbrott är till största delen fria tolkningar av reglerna eller det faktum att de lyckats kringgå dem helt. Enbart i fallen med SPE-enheterna kan brott påvisas. / The Enron scandal was the biggest scandal that had existed (at the time it occurred) and it chocked the entire business world. The crimes that Enron’s management were charged with were many and of different species. Previous investigations concentrate on leadership and organization. To give a different visual angle, this essay focuses on the accounting issues and some of the mistakes that the management in Enron made. Furthermore, the events in the case of Enron are seen from an auditor’s perspective. Our goal is to reach audit and other economic history interested parties. The data that were used is secondary data that became available through carefully selected search words. Enron used entities created for special purposes (SPE-entities) to avoid rules and to hide losses. This happened in the case with Talon, when Enron circumvent the rules regarding the ways in which losses presents in the financial statement, by showing incomes to maintain the value of the stocks. The assets in the SPE-entities were mainly stocks in Enron, which meant that the entities depended on Enron’s stock value to maintain an acceptable level. According to the rules before the bankruptcy, the entities balance- and result sheets did not need to be consolidated with the founders if certain criteria were met. This was a rule that Enron consistently broke by continuously create new entities and Enron could in that way retain their stock value and hide from the consolidating requirements. Mark-to-market is a process that was frequently used by Enron when they were to appreciate the values from long-term contracts within the energy business. According to the process the company estimate market values to present future incomes. However, Enron were to optimistic when they calculated, which meant that the profit estimated were higher than in reality. To cover the truth Enron used profit administration, which means that they shifted the profits to present a better profit level over the years. This became a big problem in the case with Blockbuster Video, a case that was interrupted before any profits were made. The crimes that were made by Enron’s management are to a large part their own interpretation of the accounting rules or the fact that they entirely manage to avoid the rules. Crimes can be pointed out only in the case with the SPE-entities.
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Morální hazard ve správě společností / Moral Hazard in Corporate GovernanceMencnarowská, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
The thesis analyzes moral hazard in corporate governance and brings in actual theoretical knowledge on the topic. It examines four examples of the companies which went bankrupt due to moral hazard of their top management: Enron, WorldCom, Parmalat and IPB. All case studies are assessed in accordance with OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. At the end of the thesis, there are mentioned impacts on legislature and suggestions of possible solutions.
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Etické otázky auditorské profese / Ethic problems of the audit professionSvobodová, Eliška January 2008 (has links)
The work deals with ethic porblems of audit profession and their violations. It focus on the definition of the ethical rules in the normative sources. It analyzes accounting scandals in the U.S. at the turn of the 20th and 21 century and their impact. Finally, it discusses the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as an main effect of these scandals.
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Sorry, I apologize! : The difference between men’s and women’s usage of apologies in emailsLindroth, Gustav, Ucar, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
This essay aims to discover differences and similarities in the linguistic behavior ofpoliteness in apologetic expressions between men and women in emails. Material wastaken from the Enron Corpus. This Corpus includes information about the senders andrecipients of the chosen email, the context, and an email thread. We searched for twodifferent apologetic expressions, "sorry" and "I apologize", and chose 25 of eachexpression to analyze superficially. We also compared them to each other and by thegender of the user. Out of those 25, we chose ten to analyze more in-depth, five ofwhich used "sorry" and the other five used "I apologize" as apologetic expression. Weanalyzed the emails through the lens of politeness theory, which apologetic expressionwas used, if humour occurred, and to what email genre it belonged. Our results basedon this study showed that women used the apologetic expression "I apologize" morethan men, and that men used "sorry" more frequently than women. One possibleconclusion of this is that women appeared to be more formal in their emails. They alsoindicated tendencies to be nurturing, cohesive, and cooperative in their language. On theother hand, men showed less tendencies of formal behavior and more informallanguage.
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Podvody v účetnictví / Frauds in accountingŠmídová, Jekaterina January 2009 (has links)
All firms and companies are in jeopardy of frauds but unfortunately not everybody is familiar with the ways of finding them out or preventing them. According to the recent surveys the number of frauds goes steadily up and a new trend in the way of carrying them out has come into existence. There used to be a simple property misappropriation in the past but recently more sophisticated techniques have been used.For that reason it is necessary to familiarize with the most common tricks and fields of fraudulent means.
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