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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspects of the relationship between Rome and the Greek cities of southern Italy and Campania under the Republic and early Empire

Lomas, Kathryn January 1989 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyse the relations of Rome with the Greek cities of Southern Italy during the Republic and the Early Empire, in order to create a "case study" of the processes of political expansion and Romanisation. The first part of this project utilises the historical sources, while the second is an analysis of the epigraphic evidence. No detailed consideration of archaeological material has been included since there has been extensive recent excavation of the area in question, and it is not possible to produce a complete synthesis of available material within the scope of a doctoral thesis. The first section of this project is a reassessment of the historical evidence for the contacts between Rome and the Italiote Greeks in the 4th and 3rd centuries B. C., together with a study of the behaviour of the Greek cities during the Punic Wars and the post-war period. The legal and diplomatic aspects of the relationship built up by Rome with the Greek communities are also reassessed. This seems to indicate that Roman control of Southern Italy developed relatively slowly, with little contact before 200 B. C., and seems to follow a pattern similar to that of Roman expansion in the East. The second section is a survey of the epigraphic evidence for the Greek cities of Southern Italy, undertaken to clarify the social, linguistic and administrative changes occurring as a result of the Roman conquest. It is used to build up a profile of each of the cities studied, including a prosopography of named individuals and studies of changes in language, religious cults, municipal administration, and social composition. This allows some evaluation of the differences in their response to Roman influence. The evidence indicates that Roman influence took root in the South by the 1st century A. D., but that awareness of Greek culture remained strong, and was actively cultivated. The diverse epigraphic habits of the area indicate the extent to which the differences between cities may reflect their differing responses to Romanisation.

Studies in the history and epigraphy of Hellenistic Rhodes

Fraser, Peter Marshall January 1951 (has links)
The work is not a full-scale history of Rhodes in the Hellenistic age, the materials for which do not exist. It is rather an analysis of the ancient literary tradition regarding Hellenistic Rhodes on the one hand, and on the other an attempt to analyse, classify and exploit the very large body of epigraphical evidence in so far as it relates to the external aspects of Rhodian life. The results of this scrutiny of the epigraphical basis, here undertaken on a far wider basis than has ever before been possible, are as disappointing as conclusions based solely on epigraphical evidence are apt to be. The first half of the work examines in detail the tradition regarding the political history of Rhodes from 408/7 B.C., the year of the foundation of the city, to 164 B.C., the year in which Rhodes concluded an alliance with Rome, and thereby lost, largely in not wholly, the freedom of action which she had until then retained.

Šlechta na Ústecku ve světle raně novověkých heraldických a epigrafických památek / The Nobility in the Usti Region in the Context of Early Modern Heraldic and Epigraphic Relicts

Šrejber, Adam January 2015 (has links)
The Nobility in the Usti Region in the Context of Early Modern Heraldic and Epigraphic Relicts The Ústí region is one of regions which were affected by a loss of historical memory after the Second World War. It was caused by the elimination of a large part of the cultural heritage to a considerable extent. The Royal Town "Ústí nad Labem" was a common and traditional centre of the region at the beginning of the Early Modern period. It had an influence on the development of the whole region on a number of aspects. The absence of a larger noble dominion with a major administrative centre gave a space to minor noble properties, and to a construction of humbler religious buildings. Churches and their movables are often only relics of the formerly spectacular noble representation in the region. A doctor thesis concentrates on the documentation and interpretation of heraldic and epigraphic relics through which people from five noble families presented themselves in the Ústí region. Bearers of sign and inscription elements have been put into the wide, especially art historical context of a cultural heritage fund of North-West Bohemia. The thesis extends knowledge of the use of arms and inscriptions in seven religious buildings which came into existence on the initiative of the nobility of a foreign origin,...

Epigraphie en réseau : réflexions sur les potentialités d'innovations dans la représentation numérique d'inscriptions complexes

Lamé, Marion 17 December 2012 (has links)
L'épigraphie numérique interroge sur la discipline épigraphique elle-même. Nous défendons dans cette thèse une méthodologie: l'acte de numérisation. Nous pensons que la numérisation est un acte qui dépend d'une problématique bien posée, d'une définition explicite, précise et assumée de l'objet à numériser, ce qui implique, dans le cas de l'épigraphie, à réfléchir de manière approfondie sur le concept d'inscription auquel nous préférons les concepts de dispositif épigraphique et de situation épigraphique qui exposent l'individu au caractère opérant de l'écriture. Nous pensons que, au delà de l'inscription, ce qu'est l'objet d'étude de l'épigraphie est la situation épigraphique mise sur pied au travers d'un dispositif délibérée qui expose l'individu à l'écrit, quelle que soit sa volonté. Fort de cette reformulation de l'étude de l'épigraphique, nous pensons que l'édition numérique scientifique de ce type de source primaire, au lieu de reproduire les systèmes papier qui déstructurent le dispositif, doit s'appuyer sur les technologies propres aux systèmes d'information multimédia. Nous proposons, au travers d'expérimentations et de prototype, de revoir le processus éditorial scientifique, grâce au numérique, du savoir épigraphique. / Digital epigraphy invite to re-think the discipline itself. We advocate a methodology in this thesis: the act of digitization. We believe that digitization is an act that depends on a well posed questioning, an explicit and assumed definition of the object to be digitized, which means. It implies to think about the concept of “inscription” to which we prefer the concept of epigraphic device and epigraphic situation that expose individuals to the operability of writing. We think that epigraphy studies situations possible thanks to a deliberate device that exposes the individual to writings, whatever is her or his will. With this reformulation of epigraphic study, we believe that digital publishing scientific primary source of this type, instead of reproducing paper that disintegrate the epigraphic device should be based on multimedia information system. We propose, through experiments and prototypes, to review the scientific publishing process of epigraphic knowledge, thanks to digital tools.

Économie et financement des concours et des jeux en Asie mineure aux époques hellénistique et romaine

Coronas, Claire 06 October 2012 (has links)
Pas de résumé disponible. / Pas de résumé disponible.

Židovské osídlení Kožlanska. Epigrafický katalog židovského hřbitova v Kožlanech / Jewish settlement in the region of Kožlany. Epigraphic catalogue of the Jewish cemetery in Kožlany

Vladařová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The main subject of the thesis was to create epigraphic catalogue of th e Jewish cemetery in Kožlany, as one of the basis to the further knowledge of the Jewish settlement of studied region. The first part is devoted to methodological approaches and solutions of the documentation process of Jewish epigraphic heritage on which the terrain research and the subsequent evaluation has been carried out. The second part provides a summary of documentation and the third part presents evaluation of the data obtained, which is based on the epigraphic catalogue. The final part of the thes is is devoted to the history of selected Jewish families, whose members were buried at the cemetery in Kožlany.

Le recrutement des auxiliaires de l’armée romaine sous le Haut-Empire dans l’Occident romain / The auxilia recruitment in the Roman army under the Early Roman Empire in the Western provinces of the Empire

Gallet, Sébastien 13 February 2012 (has links)
Les unités auxiliaires sont une société militaire singulière. Notre travail concerne les deux principaux types d’unités auxiliaires - ailes et cohortes - sous le Haut-Empire, c’est-à-dire du début du règne de l’empereur Auguste en 27 avant notre ère jusqu’au début du règne de l’empereur Dioclétien en 284 de notre ère. Sont prises en considération les recrues des unités auxiliaires se trouvant dans les provinces occidentales de l’Empire. Il s’agit avant tout d’une étude statistique du recrutement individuel appuyé sur un corpus épigraphique qui recense l’ensemble des combattants ayant laissé une trace documentaire. Elle cherche à préciser la composition juridique et ethnique des troupes et son évolution en fonction du temps, des unités et du rang. Elle doit aussi permettre de caractériser l’évolution des modalités du recrutement des auxiliaires. Il s’agit surtout de percevoir dans quelle mesure ces troupes se romanisent, voire sont un élément fort de la diffusion de mœurs romaines auprès des populations indigènes et barbares de l’Empire. Ces unités apparaissent comme un lieu d’intense brassage juridique, ethnique et culturel. Elles ne sont pas les responsables, comme cela a été souvent écrit, d’un processus de barbarisation des armées romaines mais ont au contraire diffusé des droits juridiques et une culture commune. / The auxiliary units are a specific military society. Our work deals with the two main types of auxiliary units – alae and cohorts - under the Early Roman Empire, from the beginning of the reign of Emperor Augustus in BC 27 till the beginning of the reign of Emperor Diocletian in AD 284. The recruits of the auxiliary units situated in the western provinces of the Empire are considered. It is above all about a statistical study of the individual recruitment based on an epigraphic catalogue recording all the soldiers and cavalrymen who have left writing evidence. It aims at specifying the legal and ethnic composition of the troops and its evolution depending on time units, and ranks. It has also to make possible the characterization of the evolution of auxiliaries recruitment modes. Our objective is to understand in which extent these troops become Romans and are an important factor of the Roman customs spreading among the native and barbarian populations of the Empire. These units seem to be a place of great legal, ethnic and cultural intermixing. As it was often stated, they are not responsible for a process of barbarization of Roman armies but they have spread legal rights as well as common culture.

Hellénizace antické Thrákie ve světle epigrafických nálezů / Hellenisation of Ancient Thrace based on epigraphical evidence

Janouchová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
Petra Janouchová - Hellenisation of Ancient Thrace based on epigraphical evidence Abstract: More than 4600 inscriptions in the Greek language come from Thrace, the area located in the Southeastern Balkan Peninsula. These inscriptions provide socio-demographic data, allowing the study of changing behavioural patterns in reaction to cross-cultural inter- actions. Traditionally, one of the essential indications of the influence of the Greek culture on the population of ancient Thrace was the practice of commissioning inscriptions in the Greek language. By using quantitative and systematic analysis, the inscriptions can be studied from a new perspective that places them into broader regional context. I use this methodology to assess the concept of Hellenization as one of the possible interpretative frameworks for the study of ancient society. Using a spatiotemporal analysis of inscrip- tions, this research shows that epigraphic production cannot be solely linked with the cultural and political influence of Greek speaking communities. However, the phenome- non of epigraphic production is closely connected to the growth of social complexity and consequent changes in the behavioural patterns of the population. The growth in social complexity is followed by an increase of epigraphic production of public and private...

The development of accounting in Palestine during the first millennium : 1000-332 BC

Cornelius, Lynne 11 1900 (has links)
The chief aims of this study are to determine what, if any, accounting processes were employed during the first millennium BC (1000-332 BC) in Palestine, to determine whether these were the result of the socio-economic requirements of the various centralised polities operative in Palestine during this period, how these processes developed over the course of the first millennium and whether they conform to the definition of accounting provided in Chapter One. I have adopted an archaeological, epigraphic and qualitative approach taking into consideration the historical and socio-economic backgrounds of the different political administrations in control during the period under discussion. The evidence demonstrates that the adopted processes can be regarded as accounting processes since they conform to at least three of the four components of the definition of accounting and that these processes developed over the course of time depending on the particular requirements of the ruling authority. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Biblical Archaeology)

[Ne pas valider : thèse non corrigée] Guérison garantie : l'incubation dans les pratiques thérapeutiques en Grèce ancienne : Recueil des témoignages épigraphiques, littéraires et iconographiques / Guaranteed cure : the incubation in the therapeutic practices in ancient Greece : Collection of the epigraphic, literary and iconographic testimonies

Diouf, Pierre 21 October 2013 (has links)
L’opinion moderne a souvent laissé juger la médecine scientifique comme étant la seule véritable médecine à même de guérir toute sorte de maux, tout en n’accordant pas suffisamment d’intérêt ou en mettant à une échelle nettement inférieure d’autres formes de pratiques médicales telles que la médecine magico-religieuse et/ou divine dans le monde grec ; pratiques qui se voient dénuer de toute efficacité au profit de la médecine dite scientifique. À travers notre thèse, nous nous proposerons de démontrer que ces autres formes de thérapie estimées comme secondaires méritent d’être à nouveau considérées, au moins de manière relative, avec une approche nouvelle. Grâce à l'archéologie, l'on peut attester que la Grèce du siècle de Périclès a connu des cultes de guérison impliquant des démarches religieuses préliminaires ainsi que des rites d'actions de grâce. Souvent pour multiplier ses chances de guérison, le malade pouvait à la fois faire appel aussi bien aux expériences humaines qu'à celles irrationnelles ; et le plus souvent le recours aux pratiques irrationnelles faisait la différence : l'épiphanie ou l'intervention du dieu au cours d'un rêve suffisait à guérir le malade. Ainsi naquit l'incubation au cœur de l'interrogation médicale salutaire du patient. Dans ce processus de guérison, le sommeil des pèlerins ne s'apparente en rien au sommeil ordinaire d'une nuit quelconque, et le rêve y a par conséquent une place assez particulière, un rôle crucial : il ne s'agit pas de rêves ordinaires, mais ce sont des rêves contrôlés, codifiés et manipulés par des spécialistes dans le cadre d'un usage précis, le conseil ou une thérapie. La pratique de l'incubation devient ainsi une nécessité voire une opération ultime et indispensable pour préserver le bien le plus précieux et impérieux de l'homme, la santé. La guérison peut alors être garantie partiellement ou totalement par le rituel incubatoire, entre autres pratiques. Cette pratique revêt ainsi l'apparence d'un véritable rituel d'initiation, elle suppose la reconnaissance de l'omnipotence du dieu sauveur (Asclépios très souvent accompagné de sa fille Hygie, ou Amphiaraos d'Oropos ou Trophonios de Lébadée) et oblige le patient à un renouveau, à une purification dans le processus de guérison. Elle est vécue comme une expérience de contact avec le divin. À l'issue de cette phase incubatoire, les consultants exaucés se voyaient dans l'obligation d'apporter en contrepartie des offrandes qui constituent aujourd'hui des témoins insignes : des inscriptions votives, stèles, des ex-voto anatomiques, des statues sculptées à l'effigie du dieu, des pinakes, et des reliefs votifs, pour en faire profiter à d'autres patients atteints du même mal. Ce sont tous ces vestiges, de la Sicile à l'Asie mineure, qui couvrent une période allant du début de l’époque classique (Ve siècle av. J.-C.) jusqu’à la fin du IIIe siècle de notre ère, que vous verrez regrouper dans notre corpus, dans une perspective d'édition. / Dating between the second half of the fourth century and the third century after Christ, the steles which we study for publishing, are votive inscriptions engraved generally in Dorian dialect under the initiative of the priests and the doctors of the sanctuaries of Asclepius, Amphiaraos or Trophonios. These epigraphic documents testify of miraculous healing realized by these gods towards faithful consultants in the sanctuaries which are dedicated at Epidauros, Athens, Pireus, Lebena, Cos, Pergamon, Corinth, Oropos, Livadia... In the hope of a cure or advice, the faithful consultants are asked to spend at night in a specific room for the ritual of the incubation, after preliminary rites (ritual bath, sacrifice…). During their sleep, the god or even one of his auxiliaries, the snake or the dog, appears to them in a dream: and this epiphany or intervention is enough to cure the patient, or to satisfy the needs of the consultant. The following day, the cured patients are supposed, by way of gratitude, either to offer to the god the effigy of their sick organ (the anatomical ex-voto) or to make engrave generally on wooden tablets the narrative of their cure, which they fix then to the wall of the temple. But for the sake of preserving these stories for posterity, the staff of the temple decided to transcribe on large steles in limestone or marble, proposing us real catalogues of miraculous healings. These documents are nevertheless very important in the field of the ancient Greek medicine: a medicine which offers however a curious mixture of mantic knowledge and rational knowledge in the process of cure. While observing the tensions between the traditional faith in the divine causality and the Hippocratic rationalism, we make a comparative study of the medical words used on our steles with the glossary of the contemporary medical literature spotted in the whole of the literary medical texts. And we can notice many diseases and the means of treatments (dietetic, surgery, chiropractic, pharmacopoeia, herbal medicine…), but also the popular beliefs about dream et disease in Ancient Greece.

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