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La ricerca è dedicata all’analisi della poesia e della poetica di Mnasalce di Sicione, epigrammatista greco della metà del III sec. a.C. La prima parte del lavoro consiste in un’introduzione generale relativa a tutti gli aspetti più importanti concernenti il poeta e la sua opera: dati biografici e cronologia; fonti degli epigrammi, con particolare attenzione a P. Köln V 204; sottogeneri epigrammatici coltivati; lingua e stile; usi metrici e prosodici. La seconda parte, che costituisce il corpo principale della tesi, è invece dedicata all’analisi dei singoli epigrammi, disposti secondo un criterio tematico. Il corpus esaminato consta di ventiquattro componimenti, di cui due dubbi; rispetto alle precedenti edizioni commentate di W. Seelbach (1964) e di A.S.F. Gow e D.L. Page (1965), esso risulta ampliato da cinque nuovi epigrammi conservati da P. Köln V 204 e dal dubbio SGO I 06/02/05. Di ciascun componimento si presenta il testo, corredato di traduzione e apparato critico, e, dopo una breve introduzione, il commento lemmatico, volto a evidenziare le relazioni di transtestualità intessute da Mnasalce e gli elementi di continuità e innovazione rispetto alla tradizione epigrammatica, sia letteraria che epigrafica. Il lavoro comprende inoltre un index verborum. / The research is focused on the poetry and poetics of Mnasalces of Sicyon, a Greek epigrammatist of the middle of the III century B.C. The first part of the dissertation is a general introduction that deals with all the most important aspects concerning the poet and his work: biographical information and chronology; sources of the epigrams, with particular attention to P. Köln V 204; epigrammatic subgenres; language and style; metrics and prosody. The second part, which represents the main body of the dissertation, is devoted to the analysis of the epigrams, arranged thematically. The examined corpus consists of twenty-four poems, including two dubia; the corpus of the previous editions by W. Seelbach (1964) and A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page (1965) is thus enriched by five new epigrams from P. Köln V 204 and the dubium SGO I 06/02/05. The critical text of each poem is followed by a translation, a brief introduction and a word-by-word commentary, aimed at investigating the elements of transtextuality and those of continuity and innovation in relation to the epigrammatic tradition, both literary and epigraphic. The dissertation also includes an index verborum.
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The development of accounting in Palestine during the first millennium : 1000-332 BCCornelius, Lynne 11 1900 (has links)
The chief aims of this study are to determine what, if any, accounting processes were employed during the first millennium BC (1000-332 BC) in Palestine, to determine whether these were the result of the socio-economic requirements of the various centralised polities operative in Palestine during this period, how these processes developed over the course of the first millennium and whether they conform to the definition of accounting provided in Chapter One. I have adopted an archaeological, epigraphic and qualitative approach taking into consideration the historical and socio-economic backgrounds of the different political administrations in control during the period under discussion. The evidence demonstrates that the adopted processes can be regarded as accounting processes since they conform to at least three of the four components of the definition of accounting and that these processes developed over the course of time depending on the particular requirements of the ruling authority. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Biblical Archaeology)
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Regards sur les inscriptions funéraires : pratiques, mémoires, identités entre Loire et Pyrénées, IVe- VIIIe siècles : contribution à l’étude du phénomène épigraphique en Aquitaine Seconde et Novempopulanie / Views on the funerary inscriptions : practices, memories, identities between Loire and Pyrénées (IVth-VIIth c.) : contribution to the study of the epigraphic phenomenon in Aquitaine Seconde and NovempopulanieUberti, Morgane 08 November 2014 (has links)
L’épitaphe est porteuse de valeurs, au premier chef identitaires et mémorielles. L’espace étudié, l’Aquitaine Seconde et la Novempopulanie aux IVe-VIIIe s. se montre, en raison d’une romanité marquée, d’un christianisme naissant et des migrations wisigothiques et franques, un terrain de jeu idéal pour discuter les identités en termes de transformations, crises en encore constructions. Reste à savoir comment les inscriptions funéraires prennent part au débat, ce qu’elles révèlent, ou non, de ces bouleversements. Or nos documents n’amènent pas si simplement dans le champ de l’histoire évènementielle ni même dans celui d’une histoire de la christianisation. Les limites des sources (datation, dispersion, laconisme) conduisent au glissement des questionnements : ne pas s’arrêter à ce que l’épitaphe dit mais réfléchir à ses manipulations. Il s’agit, en évaluant les identités transmises, en estimant la portée mémorielle de l’épitaphe, de s’interroger sur les facteurs qui poussent une part de la société du Sud-Ouest gaulois à recourir à l’écrit lapidaire. Avant d’assumer une fonction, l’épitaphe relève d’une intention, déterminée en partie par un environnement, social et culturel, peut-Être par des habitudes. Ainsi pris, le tournant invite à une autre approche des documents, celle des pratiques, des gestes, des publics et in fine celle de la culture (des cultures) qui les produit. Ce travail, fondé sur un recueil des inscriptions des régions étudiées, défend une vision globale de l’objet épigraphique, vision qui repose sur des regards tant archéologique qu’historique qui convergent vers une question : le choix de l’épitaphe et ses usages entre Loire et Pyrénées, aux IVe-VIIIe s. / The epitaph carries values of identity and memories. The regions under study, the Aquitaine Seconde and the Novempopulanie between the IVth and VIIIth c., are a perfect playground to discuss the transformation, crisis and construction of identities. Romanitas, the emergence to christianism as well Frankish and Wisigothic migrations also play important parts in this context. The underlying question is to determine to what extent funerary inscriptions can be relevant to this debate, if they reveal, or not, these changes. Our epigraphic documents do not necessarily refer to evental history nor do they evoke clearly the christianisation of territory. However the approximate dating of these sources, their scattering and their terseness, encourage us to go beyond the script itself and rather to consider its usage. In other words, the aim is to evaluate identities which are passed and their remembrance value to understand what are the factors that have fostered the choice of the epitaph by a part of the society of the south west Gallia. Prior to assuming informative and commemorative roles, the epitaph is firstly a cultural and social practice, probably motivated by habits. This perspective calls for a different approach of the epitaph, which focuses on the environment, culture and practices that produce it. This work, based on a corpus of the inscriptions of Aquitaine Seconde and Novempopulanie, defend a global vision of the epigraphic object, since its creation to its reception by different audiences. This perception being on both historical and archeological point of views, animated by a common theme: the choice and the uses of the epitaph between Loire and Pyrenees from the IVth and VIIIth c.
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