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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dirbančiųjų kompiuteriu ergonominio švietimo ir darbo vietos ergonominės korekcijos efektyvumas kaklo ir pečių lanko skausmų mažinimui / The effect of ergonomic education and ergonomic correction of workplace for the reduction of pain in the area of the neck or shoulder girdle for employees who work with computer

Vaščenkovas, Jurijus 12 May 2006 (has links)
Summary Title. The effect of ergonomic education and ergonomic correction of workplace for the reduction of pain in the area of the neck or shoulder girdle for employees who work with computer. Aims. To identify the efficiency of the ergonomic correction of workplace and of employees ergonomic education, in order to relieve chronic neck and shoulder pains. The research is designed for people, who spend the largest part of their working time with computer. Methods. During the survey there were questioned 80 people, who spend the largest part of their working time with computer. It was evaluated the ergonomics of their workplaces. Among 80 respondents there were selected 30, who felt pain, numbness or big discomfort in the zone of their neck, shoulder girdle or upper arms for 14 or more days during last 3 months. For the 30 selected people it was accomplished the correction of their workplace ergonomic errors and explained the importance of correct work ergonomics and its major rules. After 3 months it was performed a second control survey. 26 people have successfully accomplished the research. The survey and evaluation of workplace ergonomics were performed using the questionnaire and recommendations of “Department for Work and Health National Institute for Working Life“, Stockholm, Sweden; „Section of Occupation Medicine in Sahlgrenska University Hospital“, Gothenburg, Sweden; „Department of Occupational Medicine in Karolinska Hospital“, Stockholm, Sweden.” Results. The... [to full text]

“X” banko darbuotojų darbo kompiuteriu ergonomika / Ergonomics of bank employees working with computers

Grilauskaitė, Gintarė 27 August 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti “X” banko darbuotojų sveikatos ir ergonominių darbo aplinkos sąlygų sąsajas. Uždaviniai. 1. Nustatyti dirbančiųjų kompiuteriais sveikatos nusiskundimus. 2. Atlikti subjektyvų darbo sąlygų įvertinimą. 3. Nustatyti sveikatos pakenkimų ir darbo aplinkos sąlygų sąsajas. Metodai. Tyrime dalyvavo Kauno mieste, „X“ banke, dirbantys klientų aptarnavimo specialistai. „X“ banke tuo metu dirbo 128 klientų aptarnavimo specialistai. Išdalintos 128 anoniminės anketos. Jas teisingai užpildė ir atidavė 120 respondentų (atsako dažnis 94%), iš jų 110 moterų (92%) ir 10 vyrų (8%). Tyrime dalyvavusių respondentų amžius svyruoja nuo 20 iki 52 metų. Darbe taikyti metodai: mokslinės literatūros apžvalga, dokumentų analizė, anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Statistinei duomenų analizei buvo naudotas SPSS paketas ir Excel programa. Rezultatai. 73% respondentų po darbo kompiuteriu jaučia regėjimo sutrikimus, 57% - kaklo ir pečių skausmus. 8% apklaustųjų nesiskundė galvos skausmu. Streso darbo metu nejaučia tik 13% respondentų. Vertinant kaklo ir pečių, riešo, juosmens skausmų sąsajas su kompiuteriu, statistikai reikšmingų skirtumų nėra. Prieš pradedant dirbti apie kompiuterio riziką sveikatai buvo supažindinti 26% respondentų. Kaip turi būti teisingai išplanuota darbo vieta žinojo tik 19% apklaustųjų. Išvados. Klientų aptarnavimo specialistai dažniausiai jautė oftalmologinius simptomus, kaklo ir pečių skausmus. Darbo vieta - pakankamai gerai įrengta, tačiau reikėtų pagerinti kai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim. To estimate the correlation between health and ergonomic working environment conditions of the “X” bank employees. Objectives. 4. To estimate health complaints of those working with computers. 5. To make subjective estimation of working conditions. 6. To estimate correlation between health complaints and working conditions. Methods. The research was made with the client service specialists working in the “X” bank in Kaunas town. There were 128 client service specialists working at the “X” bank during the research time. 128 anonymous questionnaires have been distributed. They were correctly filled and given back by 120 respondents (response rate 94%), 110 of which were women (92%) and 10 men (8%). The variation of age of the respondents participating in the research is from 20 to 25 years. Methods practiced during the work process: review of the science literature, analysis of the documents, anonymous questionnaire. SPSS packet and Excel program were used for the statistical analysis of the material. Results. 73% of the respondents feel vision disorders after working with computer, 57% feel pain in neck and shoulders’ area, 8% did not complain of a headache. Only 13% of respondents do not experience stress during work. There are no significant differences for the statistics when estimating neck and shoulders, wrist and waist pains with the computer. 26% respondents were put au fait with the health risks of working with computer before placement and only 19% knew how to... [to full text]

LSMU MA studentų darbo su kompiuteriu ergonomika ir nusiskundimai sveikata / LUHS MA Student’s Work with Computers Ergonomics and Health Issues

Bataitis, ANDRIUS 28 June 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti studentų darbo su kompiuteriu ergonomines sąlygas bei nusiskundimus sveikata. Darbo uždaviniai: nustatyti studentų naudojimosi kompiuteriu stažą, vidutinę darbo su kompiuteriu trukmę ir įvertinti kompiuterinę įrangą; nustatyti, kaip studentai vertina savo darbo su kompiuteriu vietą, išsiaiškinti dažniausias darbo vietos ergonomines problemas; įvertinti studentų sveikatos nusiskundimus dirbant kompiuteriu ir nustatyti ryšį tarp darbo vietos bei laiko praleisto prie kompiuterio ir juntamų sveikatos nusiskundimų; įvertinti studentų subjektyvią sveikatą. Tyrimo medžiaga ir metodai. Tyrimas buvo atliktas 2011 metais Kauno mieste. Tiriamųjų grupę sudarė Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto, medicinos, odontologijos bei visuomenės sveikatos fakultetų studentai. Buvo išdalinta 300 anketų, o grąžinta 258 anketos. Tyrimo atsako dažnumas buvo 86 proc. Duomenys buvo kaupiami programoje Excel. Matematinė statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant programą SPSS 18.0, rezultatai laikyti statistiškai reikšmingais kai p<0,05. Tyrimo Rezultatai: Studentai vidutiniškai naudojasi kompiuteriu 10 metų: apie 11 metų vyrai ir apie 9 metus moterys. Per dieną tiek vyrai, tiek moterys vidutiniškai praleidžia po 3,32 valandas. Apie 82 proc. studentų dirbdami kompiuteriu daro pertraukas, tačiau dirbantys ne ilgiau nei 1 valandą per dieną, pertraukas daro retai. Studentai dažniausiai naudojasi ne senesniais nei 8 metai, 15 colių įstrižainės nešiojamaisiais kompiuteriais. Dažniausios... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study: to evaluate student‘s work with computer ergonomic conditions and health issues. Objectives of the research: to rate student’s computer experience, the average duration of working with the computers and evaluate computer software, determine how students assess their computer work place, to identify the most common workplace ergonomic issues and assess the health problems of students working with the computers and to establish a ratio between the workplace and time spent working with the computer and perceived health complaints. Material and methods. The study was performed in 2011 in Kaunas. The group consisted of the students of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. 300 questionnaires were distributed and 258 returned. The study response rate was 86 %. Data were collected in Microsoft Excel. Mathematical analysis was performed using the statistical program SPSS 18.0 for windows, the results were statistically significant at p <0.05. Results of the study. Average experience of computer use among students was 10 years: 11 years among men and 9 years among women. Both genders approximately work with computer 3.32 hours per day. About 82 % of the students make intervals during work with computer. Most students use not older than 8 years, 15 inch laptops. The most common computer work station ergonomic problems related with the work chair, reflections on the screen and desktop space and height. 91 % of the students thought that work with computer effects... [to full text]

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