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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Odontologų, burnos higienistų ir odontologų asistentų darbas ir sveikata / Dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants work and health

Kraulėda, Andrius 11 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti odontologų, burnos higienistų ir odontologų asistentų nusiskundimus savo sveikata, siejamus su darbo aplinka. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti odontologų, burnos higienistų ir odontologų asistentų sveikatos nusiskundimus. 2. Nustatyti odontologų, burnos higienistų ir odontologų asistentų nuomonę apie darbo aplinkos rizikos veiksnius. 3. Įvertinti odontologų, burnos higienistų ir odontologų asistentų nusiskundimus savo sveikata ir darbo aplinkos rizikos veiksnių sąsajas. Metodika: tyrimo metodas – vienmomentinė anoniminė apklausa. Apklausti 156 respondentai (odontologų 49,4 proc., asistentų 32,1 proc., burnos higienistų 18,6 proc.). Statistinei duomenų analizė buvo atlikta naudojant statistinį programinį paketą SPSS 16.0 for Windows. Surinktų duomenų skirtumų patikimumas buvo vertinamas chi kvadrato kriterijais. Statistinė išvada laikyta patikima kai p < 0,05. Rezultatai: dažnausiai odontologų, burnos higienistų ir asistentų patiriami sveikatos sutrikimai yra nugaros skausmai, raumenų skausmai pečių ir kaklo srityje, įtampa ir stresas, bendras nuovargis, rankų ir kojų skausmai. Dirbant darbą respondentai dažniausiai susiduria su pasikartojančių rankų judesių buvimu, nepatogia kūno padėtimi, kvėpavimu garais, dūmais, dulkėmis ir kitomis pavojingomis medţiagomis. Išvados: vadovaujantis gautais tyrimų rezultatais, galima teigti, kad burnos priežiūros specialistų darbas yra fiziškai sunkus reikalaujantis didelės fizinės ir psichinės sveikatos pajėgumo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study: To analyze dentists, dental hygienist and dental assistants health complaints associated with the work environment. Tasks of the study: 1. To analyze dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants health complaints. 2. To analyze dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants opinions of the work and environmental risk factors. 3. To analyze dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants representation of their own health and the working environment risk factors links. Method: Anonymous survey. Interviewed 156 respondents (Dentists: 49.4 percent, Assistants: 32.1 percent, Dental hygienists: 18.6 percent). Statistical analysis was performed using the statistical software package SPSS 16.0 for Windows. Differences in the reliability of the data collected was evaluated chi square. The statistical finding was considered reliable at p <0.05. Results: Commonly dentists, dental hygienists, and assistants suffered health problems there back pain, muscle pain in the neck and shoulders, tension and stress, general fatigue, hands and legs pain. In the field work, respondents most often confronted with a recurring hand movement the existence of inconvenient body position, forced breathing with steam, smoke, dust and other harmful substances. Conclusions: On the basis of the results of the tests, it can be argued that the oral care specialist work is physically demanding serious, high physical and mental health capacity. As the standing of their work the... [to full text]

Odontologų ergonominės darbo sąlygos bei jų sąsajos su sveikata / Ergonomic work conditions of odontologists and their correlation with the health

Brazdeikytė, Milda 11 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti odontologų ergonomines darbo sąlygas ir jų ryšį su sveikata. Uždaviniai: įvertinti odontologų ergonomines darbo sąlygas; nustatyti odontologų sveikatos problemas; įvertinti ergonominių darbo sąlygų sąsajas su sveikatos nusiskundimais. Metodika. Atsitiktiniu atrankos būdu apklausti 95 odontologai, dirbantys Kauno valstybinėse ir privačiose gydymo įstaigose. Grįžo 80 anketų (grįžtamumas 84,21 proc.). Vienmomentiniame tyrime dalyvavo 13 vyrų (16,2 proc.) ir 67 moterys (83,8 proc.) nuo 23 iki 59 metų amžiaus. Visa tyrimui reikalinga medžiaga buvo surinkta atliekant anketinę apklausą. Anoniminėje anketoje buvo pateikti uždaro ir mišraus tipo klausimai. Klausimynas sudarytas siekiant sužinoti odontologų ergonomines darbo sąlygas, įvertinti odontologų sveikatą bei jų sąsajas. Rezultatai. Dauguma apklausoje dalyvavusių odontologų buvo patenkinti savo darbo vieta: erdve (92,5 proc.), mikroklimatu (80 proc.), oro drėgnumu (85 proc.), ventiliacija (73,7 proc.), triukšmo lygiu (82,5 proc.) bei apšvietimu (87,5 proc.). Prasta sveikata skundėsi 10 proc. gydytojų odontologų. Moterų sveikata buvo prastesnė nei vyrų. Dažniausiai odontologai skundėsi nugaros skausmais (42,5 proc.), akių nuovargiu (32,5 proc.), sprando bei pečių skausmais (36,3 proc. ir 21,3 proc.), fiziniu pervargimu (26,3 proc.). Išvados. Apklausti odontologai savo sveikatą per pastaruosius 12 mėn. vertina gerai, nors trečdalis sirgo skeleto raumenų, virškinamojo trakto, odos bei alerginiais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The objective of this study is to evaluate ergonomic work conditions of odontologists and their correlation with the health. The goals: to identify health problems of the odontologists; to evaluate ergonomic work conditions of odontologists; to evaluate correlation between the ergonomic work conditions and the health complaints. Method. 95 odontologists, who work in public and private medical clinics, were random selected to be interviewed. 80 questionnaires were received back (return rate is 84.21 %). 13 men (16.2 %) and 67 women (83.8 %) of various age (from 23 to 59 years old) participated in this cross-sectional study. All data for this work was collected performing this interview using questionnaire. Anonymous questionnaire consist of closed and mixed type of the questions. Questionnaire was created in order to identify ergonomic working conditions of odontologists, evaluate their health condition and identify correlation between them. Results. Most of interviewed odontologists were satisfied with their work conditions: room (92.5%), micro-climate (80%), air humidity (85%), ventilation (73.7%), level of the noise (82.5%) and lighting (87.5%). 10 % of odontologists had complaints with their health condition. Women had worse health condition then men. The most common complaints of the odontologists were backache (42.5%), eye tiredness (32.5%), pain of neck and shoulders (36.3 % and 21.3%), and physical burn-out (26.3%) Conclusions. The interviewed odontologists evaluate... [to full text]

Studentų darbo su kompiuteriu ergonomika / Student's work with computer ergonomic

Zaveckytė, Lina 16 November 2005 (has links)
Aim of the study: To evaluate the ergonomical conditions of the students computer working. Material and metods: The research was made in Kaunas university of Technology at the faculty of informatics. 435 students parcipated in the survey. Research data were analyzed using program SPSS 11.0 for windows. Results: 63,2 % of guys and 36,8 % of girls participated in the survey. Students approximately spend 5,1 hours a day and approximately sleep 7,15 hours. 48,3 % of students live in the hostels. On the average 2-3 students live in one room and usually there 2 computers in the each room. 84,8 % of students are satisfied with the computer work place at the university. 87,6 % of students think that a computer has an influence of the health, but they don’t relate them with the present complains about their health. The main complains about the health are: eye tingling (40,7%), eye suffusion (37,7%), eyestrain (26,9%), eye tiredness (89,7%), reduced seeing after the computer work (63,2%). Among the lesion of musculoskeletal system the most usual are neck ache and shoulder ache (24,4%), backbone ache (12,6%), wrist ache (9,2%). They often repeat themselves several times a month and usually sitting in the uncomfortable position. The students mentioned very few skin problems, mostly they complained about the skin neurosis (8,0%). 68,0% of students have a headache while working with a computer and 11,3 % have sleep disorder. 64,6 % of students have stress while working with a... [to full text]

Statybose dirbančio inžinieriaus darbo ergonomiškumo ir darbinio gyvenimo kokybės tyrimas / The analysis of the quality of working life and work place ergonomics of engineer's in construction industry

Šaulys, Svaigedas 13 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was concentrated around the examination of the ergonomic aspect of working conditions provided to the engineers at the construction site, assessment of their quality of living, psychosocial factors influencing them and establishment of the impact of working conditions on the quality of life.The thesis is composed of the analytical and empiric parts. The analytical part examines the working conditions and the factors that influence the quality of life. The empiric part is based on the survey and contains the assessment of the ergonomic aspect of working conditions provided to the engineers at the construction site, their quality of life, health disorders and psychosocial factors.Conclusions and recommendations are made on the basis of the analysis of the research conducted in the spheres of ergonomics, safety and health.

Ofiso darbuotojų fizinis aktyvumas, darbo vietos ergonomika ir sąsajos su sveikatos sutrikimais / Physical activity of office worers, work place ergonomics and its association with health disorders

Lasinskas, Arūnas 06 June 2006 (has links)
The results of this study showed, that office's workers act ergonomic risk factors like unsuitable equipment of workplace, uncomfortable position in the context of space and area and uncomfortable arrangement of equipment. After the analyze of data on the physical activity was determinate that the majority (73,4 %) of office’s workers do not make absolutely or make rarely physical activity which influence their health. A big party of office’s workers say that they have to make more often the physical activity. 85 % of respondents note that they do not have of possibilities to develop their physicals features. Between the respondents the most common disorders of health are in cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. In this study was determinate the statistical confidential relation entire the workplace’s equipment and health discomfort in back, waist, neck, knees, shoulders, buttock , wrist. The workers who work in the office place with unsuitable equipment plain of health discomfort more often that other. Statistical confidential relation (p = 0,001) was determined entire the age of respondents and their physical activity – oldest respondents are more passives.

Žmonių dirbančių pardavėjais - konsultantais ergonominės aplinkos ir nugaros skausmų sąsajos / Link between ergonomic environment and backache in people acting as shop-assistants/consultants

Mikaitytė, Giedrė 29 June 2012 (has links)
Šio tyrimo tikslas yra atskleisti pardavėjų – konsultantų ergonominės aplinkos ir nugaros skausmo sąsajas. Darbo objektas - darbuotojų nugaros skausmo priežastys. Buvo kelti šia uždaviniai: atskleisti ergonomikos sampratą ir jos įtaką nugaros skausmo atsiradimui teorinius aspektus; įvertinti pardavėjų – konsultantų nugaros skausmo paplitimą; atskleisti darbuotojų nugaros skausmų priežastis, kurios iškyla dėl ergonominių sąlygų; išsiaiškinti, kokiomis priemonėmis malšinamas patiriamas nugaros skausmas. / Aim of this research is to reveal links between ergonomic environment and backache suffered by shop-assistants/ consultats. Object of the Paper: cause of backaches suffered by employees.The foolowing tasks have been set: to reveal theoretical aspects of the conception of ergonomics and the influence thereof on occurrence of backaches; to evaluate prevalence of backaches suffered by shop-assistants/ consultants; to reveal the cause of backaches in employes occurring as a result of ergonomic conditions; to find out what were the means to relieve the suffered backache.

Moksleivių darbo su kompiuteriu įtaka sveikatai, darbo vietos ergonomika / Pupil’s work with computer and ergonomical conditions at their workplaces

Bružaitė, Ramunė 10 June 2005 (has links)
Aim of the study: To evaluate influence of work with computer on pupils health and ergonomical conditions at their workplaces. Material and methods: Data has been collected by questionnaire testing of 402 pupils at Kaunas and Kretinga secondary schools. Research data were analyzed using program SPSS 11.0 for Windows. Results: Working with computer, 30.3% of pupils feel pain in eyes, 30.1% suffer from reduced vision. Pupils feel uncomfortable because of glare and flicker of display. Children who feel display flicker and discomfort for indirect glare more often complain for visual problems. Children often working with computer in the dark environment more often are feeling redness in eyes. Workplaces at home are equipped better than at school (p<0.05). At home workplaces surfaces of the computer table are large and convenient, height of table and chair is regulated, the chair has back and elbow-rests, the angle of the chair back is regulated. Using of additional ergonomic equipment isn’t typical. Working with computer pupils feels pain in the neck and shoulders (42.5%), in wrists (25.4%) and back (27.4%). Pain in wrists, back and neck-shoulders is rare for pupils with properly equipped workplaces (p>0.05). Children that have elbow-rests more often feel pain in back (p<0.05). Boys feel pains in wrists, girls – pains in back and neck-shoulders more often. Children playing violent games more often had conflicts with their friends (p>0.05). Conclusions: 1. Working with the... [to full text]

Žmonių, dirbančių aptarnavimo srityje, ergonominės aplinkos ir sveikatos problemų sąsajos bei profilaktinių priemonių taikymas / Link between Ergonomic Environment and Health Problems in People Who Works in the Service Sector and Preventive Measures for the Application

Mikaitytė, Giedrė 17 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė visuomenės sveikatos, ergonomikos, sveikatos problemų ir profilaktinių priemonių taikymo teorinė analizė. Iškeltas tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti žmonių dirbančių aptarnavimo srityje ergonominės aplinkos ir sveikatos problemų sąsajas, nustatant individualiai naudojamas sveiktos stiprinimo profilaktines priemones. Tikslui pasiekti keliami tokie uždaviniai: 1. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros analizės pagrindu atskleisti ergonomikos sampratą ir jos įtaką sveikatos problemų atsiradimui. 2. Įvertinti su kokiomis sveikatos problemomis dažniausiai susiduria žmonės dirbantys aptarnavimo srityje, taikant anketinę apklausą. 3. Atskleisti darbuotojų sveikatos problemų priežastis ir jų šalinimo galimybes. 4. Pateikti rekomendacijas. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - ištirti ar asmenys dirbantys aptarnavimo srityje, dėl ergonominės aplinkos susiduria su sveikatos problemomis, bei kokias profilaktines priemones naudoja sveikatai stiprinti. Atlikta statistinė duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 257 aptarnavimo srityje dirbantys asmenys. Atlikus tyrimą hipotezė pasitvirtino – darbo vietos ergonomika siejasi PC ,,Akropolis” darbuotojų sveikata. Tyrimo duomenys parodė, kad žmonės dirbantys aptarnavimo srityje nėra patenkinti savo sveikata. Daugiau negu pusė respondentų, net 65 proc. po darbo dienos jaučiasi pavargę. Daugiausiai respondentų susiduria su CNS problemomis (galvos, miego sutrikimais) ir judamojo aparato problemomis (nugaros ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Subject of the Paper: ,, Link between Ergonomic Environment and Health Problems in People Who Works in the Service Sector and Preventive Measures for the Application ,,. Work done in theoretical public health, ergonomics, health problems and the application of theoretical analysis of preventive measures. Raised in the investigation will reveal the people working in the service area-the ergonomic problems of the environment and health linkages, identifying an individual used to strengthen health preventive measures. To achieve that objective for the following challenges: 1. on the basis of the scientific literature on the basis of the analysis to reveal the concept of ergonomics and its influence on health problems from occurring. 2. Assess what health problems commonly faced by people working in the service area, in accordance with the questionnaire survey. 3. Uncover the causes of health problems and opportunities. 4. Submit recommendations. Questionnaire method of the survey was to study, with the objective to investigate whether persons working in the field of the environment for the service of the ergonomic facing health problems, as well as preventive measures to strengthen the health uses. Performed a statistical analysis of the data. The study involved 257 persons working in the service area. The study hypothesis was confirmed near the workplace ergonomics at Šiauliai Shoping Centre ,,Akropolis“ occupational health. Survey data showed that people working in the... [to full text]

Profilaktinių ergonomikos principų taikymo darbo vietoje mokymo poreikis ir galimybės „X” įmonėje / Training need and possibilities in application of preventive ergonomic principles at the workplace of the „X” company

Vizbaraitė, Eglė 13 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti profilaktinių ergonomikos principų taikymo darbo vietoje mokymo poreikį ir galimybes „X“ įmonėje. Uždaviniai. Įvertinti darbuotojų informatyvumą apie ergonomines darbo padėtis, darbo ir poilsio režimą, specialius akių ir fizinius pratimus ir jų atlikimą per pertraukas „X“ įmonėje. Nustatyti profilaktinių ergonomikos principų taikymo darbo vietoje mokymo darbuotojams poreikį ir galimybes „X“ įmonėje. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimas buvo atliktas 2012 m. gruodžio – 2013 m. sausio mėn. „X“ įmonėje, kurioje darbuotojai dirba kompiuteriu visą darbo dieną. Anoniminės anketos būdu buvo apklausti 123 darbuotojai. Duomenų analizei buvo apskaičiuotas Chi kvadrato kriterijus, taip pat, z kriterijus. Reikšmingumo lygmuo, kai p<0,05. Rezultatai. 12,2 proc. darbuotojų, kurie sieja savo sveikatos nusiskundimus su ergonomine darbo padėtimi, ir 38,8 proc. respondentų, kurie nesieja, sėdi tiesiai naudojantis kompiuteriu (p<0,05). Apie 5 – 10 min. pertraukas yra neinformuota 96,3 proc. nedalyvavusių panašiuose ergonomikos mokymuose, 94,6 proc. respondentų, kurie sieja sveikatos nusiskundimus su ergonomine darbo padėtimi bei 100 proc., kurių darbo stažas 10 – 20 m. Informuoti apie fizinius ir specialius akių pratimus buvo 1,9 proc. darbuotojų, kurie nedalyvavo panašiuose ergonomikos mokymuose, 5,4 proc. siejantys sveikatos nusiskundimus su ergonomine darbo padėtimi, labiausiai informuoti buvo dirbantys iki 10 m. tokio pobūdžio darbą (4,8 proc.). 73,1 proc. nedalyvavusių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To evaluate training need and possibilities in application of the preventive ergonomic principles at the workplace of the „X” company. Objectives. To evaluate employees‘ knowledge about an ergonomic work posture, work and rest regimens, the special physical and eye exercises and their performance during breaks at the „X“ company. To determinate training need and possibilities in application of the preventive ergonomic principles at the workplace of the „X“ company. Methods. The research was carried out during December 2012 - January 2013 period in the „X“ company, where employees work with computers all working day. An anonymous questionnaire was filled out by 123 employees. The Chi-square and z criteria were calculated for data analysis, and the level of significance was when p<0.05. Results. The rate of the employees, sitting straight in front of a computer, was 12.2% of those, who relate their health complaints with the ergonomic work posture, and 38.8% of the respondents, who do not relate (p<0.05). 96.3% of the employees, who have not participated in similar ergonomic trainings before, 94.6% of the respondents, who relate their health complaints with the ergonomic work posture, and 100%, whose length of employment is from 10 to 20 years, do not know about 5 – 10 min. breaks. About the special physical and eye exercises were informed 1.9% of the employees, who have not participated in similar ergonomic trainings before, 5.4% of the respondents, who... [to full text]

Saugos ir sveikatos mažose ir vidutinėse statybos įmonėse ergonominis tyrimas / Ergonomics research on safety and health in small and medium building companies

Šakėnaitė, Jurgita 04 July 2007 (has links)
Dabartinė Lietuvos saugos ir sveikatos būklė kelia nerimą, nes nelaimingų atsitikimų darbe ir profesinių ligų skaičius mažėja ne visose ūkinės veiklos srityse. Statyba išlieka viena iš pavojingiausių ekonominės veiklos sektorių, ypač mažose ir vidutinėse statybos įmonėse. Todėl šiame darbe yra atliktas saugos ir sveikatos mažose ir vidutinėse statybos įmonėse ergonominis tyrimas. Anketinės apklausos tyrime dalyvavo šių statybos įmonių vadovai. Buvo tirta darbuotojų darbo aplinka, jos įtaka sveikatos būklei, įmonės socialinė ir ūkinė veikla. Šiame darbe yra pateikta tyrimo metodika bei pagrindiniai tyrimų rezultatai, su jais susijusios išvados ir pasi��lymai. Pasiūlytos rekomendacijos apie techninių ir organizacinių priemonių taikymą, kurios didintų darbuotojų saugą ir galėtų pratęsti darbingumą, sukurtų produktyvesnę darbo aplinką ir darbuotojų darbinio gyvenimo kokybę. / Current state of safety and health in Lithuania is a matter of great concern, because the amount of accidents and professional illnesses decreases not in all spheres of economic activity. Construction still remains the most dangerous sector of economic activity, especially in small and medium building companies. This is why an ergonomic research in small and medium building companies is made in this work. The directors of these building companies took part in a questionnaire survey. Employees’ working environment, its influence on the state of health, and social and economic activity were analyzed. Research method and the main results of the research are represented in this work; conclusions and suggestions are related with them. There are recommendations about the application of technical and organizational measures suggested, that would improve employees’ safety and efficiency and create a more productive working atmosphere and quality of employees’ working life.

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