Spelling suggestions: "subject:"energetický""
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Etický kodex a edukace / Ethical code and educationDostál, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
Aim: Ethical code and its application in education, provide it or not? Focus: The consequences of using ethical code. Does it change the student-teacher relationship? What does the current state of this relationship look like? Is this relationship viewed as a mutually agreed contract, or is anyone in this relationship advantaged. Is there sufficient law and specification for this relationship? How is the current student-teacher relationship specified? How has it been viewed recently, how is it viewed currently and how will it progress? Could ethical code and specification of ethical conduct be beneficient or is it to be viewed as another blind bureaucratic meassure? The comparison with other helping professions.
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Etické problémy a dilemata pracovníků Denního stacionáře AKORD pro osoby s mentálním postižením a kombinovanými vadami / Ethical Problems And Dilemmas Encountered By Social Workers At AKORD Social Welfare Institution for Persons With Mental and Combined DisabilitiesNÁVAROVÁ, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Thesis examines ethical problems and dilemmas encountered by social workers at AKORD social welfare institution for persons with mental and combined disabilities. First part contains definitions of mental disability, combined disabilities; reports on social services and introduces AKORD social welfare institution. Principal part of the thesis defines five ethical problems and dilemmas and presents research results. Following part focuses on solving ethically difficult situations and application of ethical theories on example of ethical problem. Final chapter summarizes new findings and recommended solutions.
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Etické aspekty v činnosti pracovníků sociálně-právní ochrany dětí / Ethical aspects of operation workers in socially-juridical children protection.ŽÍLA, Petr January 2013 (has links)
First two captures of the dissertation´s theoretical part deals with socially- juridical children protection in Czech Republic. Closer look into the history, legislative moorage and scheduler task safeguard. The separated area is devoted to operational workers in socially-juridical children protection of the Civil Service system. Third chapter offers brief look into ethical subject in social - work. Attention is especially devoted to ethical propositions and ethical dilemmas. Practical part contains presentation of a questionnaire survey from Council of the Pilsner region, where socially-jurisprudent workers took part in. Its target was to discover what role plays ethical aspects in activities of these social workers. Investigation should bring an answer for the question if ethical aspects are consider to be important for socially-juridical operational workers and if operational workers uses them and are methodically dedicated to them and if not, what it could be the cause.
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Etické aspekty v práci sociálního kurátora / Ethical questions in the work of a social curatorČERMÁKOVÁ, Dagmar January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with a social curator, a specialized social worker profession. The first part describes attributes of humanity and ethical cathegories, which were chosen acording to the aim of this thesis and which were emhasized as important pillars in the work of a social curator. The next part of the thesis contains description of a target group with which the social curator works and it also describes the mainly occuring types of clients. In the third part of the thesis there is a list and evaluation of all the pillars that the social curator needs with the emphasis put on their meaning for their job. As a main source the author uses a czech legislation, which names a target group of the social curator as well as she uses an ethical code, which is not legaly binding, but it is a outline for a good quality work of all of social workers. It is important to always také into account the maturity and morally formed personaly of the social curator and also their knowledge of ethics and ethical cathegories and their practical use.
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Etické aspekty péče o seniory / Ethical aspects of senior careSOUČKOVÁ, Iveta January 2018 (has links)
Thesis "Ethical Aspects of Senior Care" deals with the recent issue of an aging population from the point of view of psychological, health-social and value-existential changes of man. It emphasizes the importance of adhering to ethical principles in senior care and complements practical social work by a specific analysis of the most important aspects of aging. Thesis is divided into five elementary parts. The first part of the thesis describes everything related to old age, the second part deals with the care of seniors from the historical point of view to the present. The third part of the thesis deals with the needs and the related value orientation of seniors. The fourth part tries to find and explain some ethical aspects that accompany the man in senium (dignity, autonomy, ageism). The fifth and final section offers some options for solving ethical problems that can be helpful in mastering this difficult part of life.
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K aplikaci etických zásad ve vztahu ke klientům v církevních a necírkevních sociálních zařízeních / The application of ethical principles in relation to clients in social institutions run by church organizations or non-church organizationsCHMELOVÁ, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the application of ethical principles in social work and comparing denominational and non-denominational social facilities. Great emphasis is put on the relationship between social worker and client. It is divided into a total of 6 chapters. The first chapter deals with the explanation of basic ethical concepts related to the work, which makes an easier reference to the following chapters. The second chapter involves the division of church and non-church organizations concerned with social care and describes their organizational structure and comparison. The third chapter is devoted to human rights, along with a related code of ethics and its importance as well as criticism. The fourth chapter refers to the values in social work and the values in the relationships between social workers and clients. The fifth chapter defines the concept of quality of life, human dignity and the related social work. The final chapter about the relationship of man to himself, to the client and the Christian concept of man.
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Ordo amoris jako rámec sociální práce / Ordo Amoris as a Framework for Social WorkORAVCOVÁ, Hana January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis on the basis of ethical theories sv. Augustinus, M. Scheler, V. E. Frankl and R. Spaemann examines the concept of ordo amoris as theoretical basis of ethics in social work. It deals with the historical development of the concept, its changes and influence on social work in term of three fundamental aspects of social work: a person suffering, relationship to this man and life situations change. It examines the usefulness and value of ethical concept ordo amoris and love as the principle in the relation framework of the aid process.
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Postoj současné české společnosti k otázce Desatera / Attitude of the Current Czech Society towards the Issue of the DecalogueCHOCOVÁ, Blanka January 2009 (has links)
The thesis looks into the relationship of the current Czech society towards the issue of the Decalogue. The first two chapters deal with the theological-anthropological reflection on man in relation to human freedom and corresponding norms. The third part enquires into the problems of the Decalogue as a codex of ethical norms with regard to the biblical rootage, and ethical and catechistic features. Further, the work outlines the level of value orientation and religiousness of the current Czech society with reference to the European context. Following the findings and results of a research carried out at a public secondary school in České Budějovice, the fifth part reflects the position of the Decalogue in the society
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Problematika reklamy v podnikání a hospodářská soutěž v rámci EU. / Problems of advertising in business and ecomonic competition within the frame of European UnionKUPSOVÁ, Jitka January 2010 (has links)
Objectives of this thesis is concentrate on problems of advertising in business and economic competition within the frame of EU. Thesis analyse advertising as such. In this thesis, there is a description of notion advertising, history of advertising, functions, objectives{\dots}etc. Consenquently there is a description of medium for advertising. In Czech republic, the advertising is legally regulate by public law and by private law. At the same time, it use also nonlegal instruments for regulation. It is self-regulation by the help of Ethics code. Ethics code is published by RPR (Rada pro reklamu). It watch over ethics and mind of advertising. Unfair competition is behaviour in economic competition, which is in violation of good manners and is qualified to evocate injury of others competitors or consumer. Unfair competition is for example false advertising, embracery, impeachment{\dots}etc. Economic competition is regulate and controlled by ÚOHS (Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže). It create condititons for subvention and protection. Competition law is used in case of violation against conditions of economic competition. It is for example abuse of dominant position, association of competitors or forbidden agreements. Within the frame of law, it exists sanctions for protections againts infringement of economic competition and unfair competititon. Concerning advertising in the European Union, it is analogous to advertising in Czech republic. For regulation, there is many EC directives regulating advertising.
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Dilemata sociálních pracovníků pracujících v zařízení pro seniory / Social workers and their dilemmas in the organizations for seniorsJELÍNKOVÁ, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the dilemmas of social workers who are working with seniors. In the theoretical part there are defined terms such as ?a senior? and ?senior age?, ?the basic physical and psychological changes that accompany this period?. There is also characterized the challenge of working with this group. Due to issues connected with work with elderly, the emergence of dilemmas can be assumed. These are characterized by Mr. L. Musil. In defining the underlying criteria for decisions, there are furthemore described ethical guidelines and their use in determining social workers? decision making. The practical part includes a research probe, which is conceived as a pilot research. Probe research examines whether social workers are faced with dilemmas and what particular dilemmas they are faced with. This part summarizes the results and presents possibilities of changes and adjustments of the research.
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