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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wirkungen und Probleme der Refinanzierung Amerikanischer Banken am Eurodollarmarkt in Phasen restriktiver Geldpolitik

Mall Georg, January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Albert-Ludwig-Universität, Freiburg im Breisgau. / Description based on print version record.

The role of the British state in the re-emergence of global capital

Burn, Gary January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Efficiency and Accuracy of Alternative Implementations of No-Arbitrage Term Structure Models of the Heath-Jarrow-Morton Class

Park, Tae Young 12 November 2001 (has links)
Models of the term structure of interest rates play a central role in the modern theory of pricing bonds and other interest rate claims. Term structure models based on the principle of no-arbitrage, especially those of the Heath-Jarrow-Morton (1992) class, have become very popular recently, both with academics and practitioners. Surprisingly however, although the implied volatility function plays a crucial role in these no-arbitrage term structure models, there is little systematic evidence to guide optimal model specification within this broad class. We study the implied volatility in the Heath-Jarrow-Morton framework using Eurodollar futures options data. We estimate a daily time series of forward rates within the HJM framework such that, by construction, the predicted futures prices from our model exactly match the observed futures prices. Next, we estimate a daily time series of volatility parameters such that the sum of squared errors between futures options prices predicted by the model and observed futures options prices is minimized. We use the six different volatility specifications suggested by Amin and Morton (1994) within the HJM class of models to price interest rate claims. Since the volatilities are the only unobservables, we use these models to infer the volatilities from the market prices of Eurodollar futures options over the 1987-1998 periods. The minimized sum of squared errors in the option prices is used as the measure of accuracy of each specific model. Each model differs from the others in its ability to match the market option prices and the time required for the computation. We compare the performances of the six volatility specifications in the accuracy-versus-computation time tradeoff. We document the systematic biases between the model and market prices as a function of option type, maturity, and moneyness. We also examine alternative numerical implementations of HJM models using the six volatility specifications. In particular, we analyze the impact on accuracy and computation time of using different numbers of time-steps. We also examine the effect of using time-steps of varying lengths within the same estimation procedure, and of ordering the time-steps in different ways. / Ph. D.

Význam referenčních úrokových sazeb a manipulace s úrokovou sazbou LIBOR / Importance of reference interest rates and LIBOR manipulation

Kolář, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on a role of reference interest rates in developed market economies. There are described interest rate transmission mechanism and discussed factors, which led to manipulation of the LIBOR. How the manipulation was done and what reactions of supervisory authorities it induced. There are also listed proposed recommendations to ensure transparent reference indicators. This work also includes analysis of reference interest rates used in the Czech Republic. At the end of the thesis can be found application of a reference rate fixing process in a game theory model as well as application of Benford´s law as an indicator of the manipulation.

The Euromarket and the making of the transnational network of finance, 1959-1979

Kim, Seung Woo January 2018 (has links)
This thesis analyses the role of the Euromarket, an offshore market for Eurodollars or expatriate US dollars, in the re-emergence of global finance during the 1960s and 1970s. It charts not only its Cold War origins and the development of various markets for Eurodollars, but also institutions and policies that shaped them from the return to convertibility in 1958 to the ill-fated efforts to regulate the nascent market by international financial institutions. By examining the nature of Eurodollars as both a US and global currency, the thesis sheds light on the changing features of the governance of global finance and its relationship with the economic sovereignty of nation-states. It argues that the Euromarket underwent repeated contestations as politicians, bankers, and economists vested their political ambitions and cultural assumptions in it. The popular, academic, and policy debates challenged the speculative nature of Eurodollars which would destabilise the domestic as well as the international monetary system of the Bretton Woods system. Without a single monetary authority, the tendency of the Euromarket to transcend the order of capitalist nation-states constrained national governments’ capacity to control capital flows and the autonomy of domestic monetary policy. However, nation-states were not impotent but deliberately sought to exploit the liquid pool of capital in Eurodollars. It was not merely the US government that benefited from the seigniorage of Eurodollars and the City of London which was reborn as the international financial centre in the Euromarket. Continental European countries that were hesitant about European economic integration, the UK Labour government, developing countries in the Global South, and even the Communist bloc, resorted to the Euromarket for their national interests. The ambivalent attitudes of national governments and their conflict of interests resulted in the failure of coordinated efforts to introduce the rules of the game but facilitated the transnational network of finance in Eurodollars.


王建華 Unknown Date (has links)
「凸性偏誤」(Convexity Bias),非債券的「凸性因子」(Convexity),來自利率非平行變動對債券價格的影響。對利率交換契約而言,有其特殊意義。是指利用一連串到期日連續的期貨契約,作為評價利率交換契約的模型,卻因為在期貨契約到期前,其隱含利率並不等於遠期利率的情況下,採用未經修正過的模型,將錯誤估算交換契約的價格。而此偏誤值因隨著到期日的增加,或利率的波動增高而逐漸擴大,呈曲線特性,故稱之為「凸性偏誤」(Convexity Bias)。 由於完整資料收集不易,本論文的重心就限於探討美國歷史上,從1994年至1996年間,美國聯邦準備理事會(Federal Reserve Board;FED),第一階段利息大幅變動期間,利率的變動對凸性偏誤的影響,並預測之後利率變動時,對利率交換契約價格的影響。旨在以實證資料作完整分析,希望藉此探討凸性偏誤是否也會因利率變動程度的不同,進而對利率交換契約價格產生不同程度的影響。並進一步利用簡單的模型,推算出準確的遠期利率,作為評價利率交換契約的指標。將來若利率發生變動,交換契約的交易雙方,也能因此得到正確的交換契約價格,進行交易或避險,以減低利率風險可能帶來的損失。

人民幣離岸市場的發展前景: 以香港與台灣為個案分析 / The development prospects of RMB offshore markets: Hong Kong and Taiwan as a case study

林宜賢 Unknown Date (has links)
離岸金融市場,早期主要是以非居民為對象提供非本幣交易金融服務的國際金融市場。近幾十年來,國際金融市場規模快速成長,同時國際金融功能也不斷擴大,而離岸市場也隨著它的功能不斷調整、擴充,發展出了許多不同的面貌。許多國際貨幣如美元、日圓、歐元也在倫敦、東京、紐約、香港、新加坡這些國際金融城市頻繁且大量的交易。   人民幣目前還不是主要國際貨幣,國際化程度不若這些國際貨幣高,在境外使用也較主要國際貨幣來的少,較具規模的人民幣離岸市場從2010年後在香港漸具雛型。由於中國近年來一系列推動人民幣向境外流動的政策,讓人民幣在全球貨幣的地位逐漸提升,而隨著人民幣在境外流動數量的增加,使得近年來人民幣離岸市場引起國際金融城市的關注,有些地區也加入爭取發展人民幣離岸市場的行列。   由於香港不但是第一個發展人民幣離岸市場的案例,在現今的發展規模上也是最大的境外人民幣中心,因此本研究透過香港發展的條件及路徑,從既有文獻的檢閱、數據的蒐集,並結合對相關人士的訪談,整理歸納國際貨幣離岸市場的發展經驗與香港發展人民幣離岸市場的優劣條件,希望台灣在開放人民幣業務之後,能借鏡當初其他國際貨幣離岸市場與香港發展的一些經驗來做為台灣發展的參考,並結合自身擁有的條件,發揮自身優勢,改善原有劣勢,把握面臨的機會,積極地克服外在的威脅。 / In the early period, offshore financial markets provided non-local currency transaction services to non- residents. In recent decades, as the international financial market grows and expands rapidly, the offshore market and its function also constantly adjust, expand, and develop many different aspects.Many international currencies such as the dollar, the yen, and the euro are also hugely demanded and used in those international financial centers such as London, Tokyo, New York, Hong Kong, and Singapore. RMB is still not a major international currency nowadays. Its degree of internationalization and frequency of usage outside China are not high as other international currencies, but Hong Kong already develops as an offshore financial market after 2010. Due to China government’s series policies to promote the internationalization of RMB, the international position of RMB is rising. As RMB’s offshore flow increases rapidly, it gets the attention of many international financial cities, and some regions even join to develop as RMB offshore financial markets.   Since Hong Kong is the first offshore financial market and the biggest offshore center of RMB, this study examines its development through reviewing the existing literature, analyzing data, and combining the interviews of stakeholders to sum up the merits of Hong Kong and other international monetary markets. We hope that after opening RMB’s business, Taiwan can actively learn from Hong Kong and these markets, promotes our strengths, improve the weaknesses, seize the opportunities, and overcome external threats.


邵智羚 Unknown Date (has links)
經由愈來愈多的實證研究發現,的確在利率的變動過程中,除了包含連續性行為,即遵循”擴散”模式(diffusion process),亦包含了不連續性行為,也就是有著跳躍(jump)的情形發生。因此顯示出假設利率隨機過程僅為連續性的擴散模型已是不足夠的,跳躍-擴散模型(Jump-diffusion model)顯然會比純粹擴散模型有著更好的解釋能力。而市場模型(LIBOR market model)的提出,則說明了遠期LIBOR利率模型較能描述市場實際的利率型態,並且可方便使用市場資訊,進行模型參數校準。 所以本研究旨在以LIBOR market model 加上跳躍過程,即遠期LIBOR利率的跳躍-擴散模型,分別針對歐洲美元期貨與利率結構型債券中的滾雪球式累息債券建立評價方法。由於所選用動態模型的複雜度,使得封閉解的求出不易,因此在文中,最後是採用蒙地卡羅模擬法,求兩商品的數值解。在後續研究上,本文還挑出了幾個最直接影響商品價值的因素,如殖利率、波動度、跳躍幅度等,進行各種情境下商品價值的敏感度分析,以提供投資人與發行商在考量風險因子所在時的一個參考。

Three essays in international economics

Malek Mansour, Jeoffrey H.G. 25 January 2006 (has links)
This thesis consists in a collection of research works dealing with various aspects of International Economics. More precisely, we focus on three main themes: (i) the existence of a world business cycle and the implications thereof, (ii) the likelihood of asymmetric shocks in the Euro Zone resulting from fluctuations in the euro exchange rate because of differences in sector specialization patterns and some consequences of such shocks, and (iii) the relationship between trade openness and growth influence of the sector specialization structure on that relationship.<p><p>Regarding the approach pursued to tackle these problems, we have chosen to strictly remain within the boundaries of empirical (macro)economics - that is, applied econometrics. Though we systematically provide theoretical models to back up our empirical approach, our only real concern is to look at the stories the data can (or cannot) tell us. As to the econometric methodology, we will restrict ourselves to the use of panel data analysis. The large spectrum of techniques available within the panel framework allows us to utilize, for each of the problems at hand, the most suitable approach (or what we think it is). / Doctorat en sciences économiques, Orientation économie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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