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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation économique de la prise en charge de l'ostéoporose

Hiligsmann, Mickaël 08 February 2010 (has links)
Lévaluation économique en santé a pour objectif dévaluer la rentabilité relative dactions de santé en comparant leurs implications en termes de coûts et leurs résultats. Cette discipline occupe une place croissante dans la prise de décisions de santé publique et est essentielle pour maintenir un système de soins de santé de qualité et accessible à tous. Son rôle devrait se renforcer dans le futur en raison des progrès constants de la médecine, de la limitation des budgets de santé publique et de la régulation accrue du secteur de la santé. Ces dernières années, lostéoporose est devenue un véritable problème de santé publique. Cette maladie chronique se caractérise par une diminution de la masse osseuse et une détérioration de la micro-architecture du tissu osseux, conduisant à une fragilité osseuse accrue et à une augmentation du risque de fracture. Les fractures liées à lostéoporose sont responsables dune morbidité élevée, dun excès de mortalité et elles imposent un poids financier considérable à la société. Les dépenses de santé dévolues à cette maladie sont consacrées principalement à la prévention, au diagnostic et au traitement de lostéoporose et de ses conséquences. Dans un souci de rationaliser les décisions de santé publique, il est indispensable dallouer efficacement les ressources disponibles. Dans cette perspective, lévaluation économique de stratégies de prise en charge de lostéoporose savère un outil de première importance pour aider les preneurs de décisions à optimiser leurs choix. Tel est lobjet de la présente thèse qui se décompose en quatre parties. La première partie se consacre au développement et à la validation dun modèle innovant de microsimulation de Markov. Cette technique de modélisation permet de représenter la complexité de lostéoporose avec un niveau élevé de précision, de manière à garantir la fiabilité des résultats. La deuxième partie a pour objectif dévaluer la rentabilité économique de stratégies de dépistage de lostéoporose et de fournir un ensemble de recommandations pour accroître leur efficience. La troisième partie sintéresse à lévaluation économique de nouveaux traitements de lostéoporose (le ranélate de strontium et le dénosumab). Il est important dévaluer si les améliorations de santé, générées par ces traitements, sont obtenues à un coût raisonnable. La quatrième partie étudie spécifiquement les implications cliniques et économiques de la faible adhérence des patients aux traitements actuels contre lostéoporose. Les informations contenues dans cette thèse ont pour objectif daider les preneurs de décisions à allouer efficacement les ressources financières consacrées à lostéoporose. Elles peuvent également savérer utiles pour sensibiliser la population générale, le corps médical et les autorités de santé publique à limportance du dépistage de lostéoporose et dun suivi adéquat ainsi quaux rôles et aux enjeux de lévaluation économique dans le processus décisionnel dans le secteur de la santé. Health economic evaluation is a method for evaluating the value for money of medical technologies by comparing alternative options in terms of their costs and consequences. This method is frequently used to inform decision makers about how to allocate scarce resources. Economic evaluation has become increasingly important nowadays, with the increasing health care expenditures, the rapid introduction of new medical technologies, and the extending role of economic evaluations in health care decision making. Osteoporosis becomes an increasingly major health problem around the world. It is a disease characterized by low bone mass with microarchitectural disruption and increased skeletal fragility, leading to increased fracture risk. Osteoporotic fractures result in significant morbidity and mortality, and impose a huge financial burden on health care systems. Financial resources are used to prevent, diagnose and treat osteoporosis. These resources must be allocated in an efficient manner. The general purpose of this thesis is therefore to contribute to the economic evaluation of osteoporosis management. More specifically, this thesis is divided into four parts. The first part is devoted to the development and the validation of a new Markov microsimulation model. This modelling approach accurately encompasses the complexity of osteoporosis, increasing the reliability of the results. The second part estimates the cost-effectiveness of osteoporosis screening strategies and provides recommendations for their implementation. The third part estimates the cost-effectiveness of new anti-osteoporotic therapies (strontium ranelate and denosumab). It is important to assess whether new drugs represent a good value for money compared to the relevant alternatives. Finally, the last part of the thesis investigates the clinical and economic implications of non-adherence to osteoporosis medications. This thesis provides new information on the cost-effectiveness of osteoporosis management, which may be useful to inform decisions makers about resources allocation for patients with osteoporosis. The results may also be used to raise awareness among public health authorities, the medical profession and the general population regarding the burden of osteoporosis, the importance of screening and adequate follow-up, as well as to the role of economic evaluation in health care decision making.

Stres a hodnocení / Stress and school assessment

ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, Dana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis "Stress and school evaluation" has theoretical and empirical character. The aim of the thesis is to compare the occurrence of stress for students in upper primary schools when different forms of evaluation are used. In the theoretical section, the concept of "stress", different types of stress, and definitions of the terms are given. The manifestations and causes of stress, as well as coping mechanisms, are also described and elaborated. One part of this section deals with the developmental stages of adolescents, and a second part is dedicated to the explanation of different school evaluation forms (assessment and verbal evaluation). The particular functions of evaluations are not neglected. Survey results from questionnaires completed by students from two different schools were used in the empirical section of the thesis. The primary hypotheses and assumptions were defined and elaboration of the results was presented, including well-arranged tables and graphs. In the summary of this research, the stress levels and their relations to different types of evaluation methods are reported.

Autoevaluace na ZŠ a její využití v praxi / Self- Evaluation in the Elementary Schools and its Use in Practice

Čigášová, Blanka January 2017 (has links)
(in English): The topic of my dissertation was to create and verify the self-evaluation tool according to the real request of the concrete elementary school. The tool had to assess the satisfaction of the parents of the pupils, which attend the first school. The analysis showed that the existing self-evaluation tools are very complicated, time-consuming and use inadequate software solutions. Moreover they do not reflect the recent change of the criteria that are now used for school evaluation by the Czech School Inspectorate (the Quality School Model). As a result I tried to create the new self-evaluation tool that would fulfil the above mentioned requirements. First of all I designed the online questionnaire with the questions linked to the criteria of the Czech School Inspectorate. The close attention was paid on the data processing to validate whether the questionnaire serves as an self-evaluation tool. In addition the possibilities for improvement of questionnaire design were searched during the data processing. Furthermore I proposed the framework measures for each criterion of Quality School Model and developed simple method of using them for school improvements. Finally I presented the tool to the school management which considered it suitable and useful. In my opinion the results of...

Hodnocení dodavatelů pomocí různých metod / Using Different Methods for Suppliers Rating

Hala, Filip January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá využitím moderních metod analýz a modelování pro hodnocení dodavatelů a výběr optimální nabídky. V této práci je využito teorie fuzzy logiky. Dále je vytvořený model porovnán se současným modelem hodnocení zákazníků.

Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro nemovitost typu rekreační a zahrádkářská chata v lokalitě obce Osová Bitýška / Comparison of Selected Methods of Valuation of Holiday Cottages and Garden Cottages in the Village of Osová Bitýška

Vojáčková, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals at the beginning with the basic terms related with real estate appraisement, description of appreciated locality and description of individual appreciatment methods. In the practical part is described six holiday cottages in cottage area called Tři Dvory. The next their appraisement by using methods – according to regulations, cost method of valuation, the valuation by comparing the price and the valuation of substantive value, to compare choosen ways of valuation of property type holiday cottage in locality Osová Bítýška. The result will be valorization of appropriateness methods used for diferent types of valuation and their evaluation with the best method for choosen property type in the locality.

Srovnání ceny vybraných bytů dle oceňovacího předpisu, obvyklé ceny a skutečně zrealizované kupní ceny ve městě Zlín / Comparison of prices of dwellings according to pricing regulation, market value and the purchase price actually realized in Zlín

Mlčoch, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to highlight the difference between negotiated purchase price, standard price determined by direct comparison and lastly administrative price determined according to the applicable valuation regulations; specifically for the selected housing units located in the regional city of Zlin. The introduction of the thesis explains the basic and legal terms related to the topic, also adduces the difference between price and value, presents valuation methods and characterize real estate market. The second part of the thesis contains a description of the valuation of selected housing units, that were actually traded; and compares the negotiated purchase prices and the values, determined by direct comparison and administrative price.

Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro nemovitost typu rekreační chata v lokalitě Hanušovice / Comparison of selected methods of valuation of a holiday cottage in the location of Hanušovice

Cejpková, Monika January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis, in its theoretical part, focuses on the basic concepts of the real estate valuations and the description of valuation methods followed by description of the selected locations. The practical part contains description of five specific objects of type Holliday Cottage in Hanušovice and then applies the valuation methods. In this work are used these valuation methods: - Awarding the comparative way according to valid Regulations - The expenditure method of valuation - Direct comparison method As a result will be an assessment of properties of the used methods and an evaluation of the most appropriate method for the type of property Holiday Cottage in this area.

Evaluace svépomocné skupiny Al-Anon z pohledu jejích členů / Evaluation of mutual-help group Al-Anon from the perspective of their members

Pavlíková, Zuzana January 2021 (has links)
Background: Addiction affects the whole family and not only the individual dealing with it. The reason being that family is usually closest to the individual. The family is mainly affected by the unpredictable behaviour of the addicted member and this behaviour then affects the whole running of the family and sooner or later other members become co- dependent. There is not much support provided for these people. A suitable alternative can be the self-help group Al-Anon. Aims: The aim of the research is to analyse the needs of individuals struggling with the problem of alcohol use of their close ones. The second goal is to describe the form and course of the meeting of the self-help group and the characteristics of the participants who attend this meeting. The third goal is to investigate the level of satisfaction of participants with meetings and description of recommendations for expert care. Methods: To obtain the data, a qualitative method was used by intentional selection through institutions. A total of 12 respondents (10 women and 2 men) participated in the research. The method of searching and marking relations, the method of simple enumeration and the method of contrasts and comparisons were used for the analysis of data. Results: Although expert care is the first choice of respondents,...

Evaluace ředitele mateřské školy jako nástroj jeho rozvoje / The Kindergarten Director evaluation as an instrument of his/her development

Kovářová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to define basic terms - evaluation, evaluation theory, responsibilities and the role of the director of the kindergarten, kindergarten director's evaluation as a tool for his/her development. The practical part is focused on describing the tension between ideas and practice in the evaluation of the directors of kindergartens in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part focuses on explanation of the term "evaluation" and includes description of various theories of evaluation and their classification using not only Czech but also foreign literature sources. At the same time the terms such as the director of the kindergarten, his/her responsibilities and roles including the specifics of the work of the director of the kindergarten are explained. The end of the theoretical part is devoted to the evaluation of the director of the kindergarten. The practical part describes the findings which relate to the evaluation of the director of the kindergarten from the Czech School Inspectorate perspective. The basic tools of the support of the directors are described including not only the ability for their usage, their strengths, but also barriers that prevent the use of these tools. Based on the research, there are described not only changes aimed at encouraging the directors of...

Hodnocení v kooperativním učení / Evaluation in cooperative learning

Koblasová, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
Theoretical-empirical work is focused on innovation education with using cooperative learning. The theme of labour is evaluation in cooperative learning and his specifics. The theoretical part is devoted to the description of cooperative learning, school rating and especially the evaluation of cooperative activities. The empirical part is a report from the action research of own lessons at the second level of elementary school, describes the transformation of teaching by introducing work in cooperative groups and monitors pupils' involvement in teaching in relation to the evaluation criteria. Part of the research is an analysis of pupils' self-image and a reflection of cooperative activities.

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