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Variações inter-individuais em biomarcadores de exposição ao mercúrio em uma população ribeirinha do rio Tapajós, Pará / Inter-individual variations of mercury exposure biomarkers in a population of the Tapajós river, Pará.Schulz, Aretha Rodrigues 22 April 2009 (has links)
O mercúrio (Hg) é um metal tóxico extensamente estudado em todo mundo, distribuído no ambiente a partir de fontes naturais ou antropogênicas e que oferece risco a população por ser altamente biocumulativo e possuir efeitos nocivos à saúde. Até algum tempo atrás, acreditava-se que a principal fonte de exposição ao Hg na Região Amazônica, decorria do uso deste metal para amalgamação de ouro nos garimpos da região. No entanto, o Hg é encontrado naturalmente nos solos da Região Amazônica e ao atingir os sistemas aquáticos, favorecidos principalmente pela erosão e pelas chuvas, passa por um processo de metilação catalisada por microorganismos, dando origem à forma orgânica do metal, o metilmercúrio (MeHg). Esta forma do metal se acumula no sedimento dos rios e em peixes representando atualmente a principal fonte de exposição ao mercúrio em população ribeirinha. Os biomarcadores de exposição ao Hg são freqüentemente utilizados para identificar e estimar o risco em que um indivíduo ou uma população está exposta. No entanto, pouco se conhece a respeito das variações inter-individuais de cada um deles. Neste sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as variações inter-individuais em biomarcadores de exposição ao Hg em uma população ribeirinha do rio Tapajós, Pará. Para tal, 410 ribeirinhos, residentes em 12 comunidades ao longo do rio Tapajós, no estado do Pará participaram do estudo. Foram determinadas as concentrações de mercúrio total (THg) em sangue total, plasma, eritrócito, urina e de IHg e MeHg em cabelo dos voluntários. As concentrações de THg no sangue total variaram de 1,7 a 288,9 µg/L e no plasma de 0,2 a 40,0 µg/L. A concentração de THg no plasma apresentou uma alta correlação com as concentrações de THg em sangue total (r=0,7529, p<0,0001). A fração plasmática de THg variou 0,5% a 61% e não apresentou qualquer correlação com as concentrações de THg em sangue total (r= 0,06284, p=0,2041), indicando que a mobilização de THg para o plasma não ocorre devido à saturação dos eritrócitos. A distribuição de THg entre eritrócitos e plasma observada nesta população, é diferente do que foi observado em outros estudos sobre exposição à MeHg. As concentrações de THg no cabelo variaram de 0,97 a 62,4 µg/g e apresentaram uma correlação muito forte com as concentraçoes no sangue (r=0,8718, p<0,0001) indicando que as concentrações de THg no cabelo refletem as concentrações de THg no sangue. Também foi observada uma forte correlação entre as concentrações de MeHg e de IHg no cabelo (r=0,8979, p<0,0001), confirmando as informações da literatura, que sugerem que a fração de IHg no cabelo se deve a demetilação no sangue, no folículo capilar ou no preparo da amostra e análise. Em relação a razão entre concentração de mercúrio entre cabelo e sangue, observamos uma elevada variação entre os indivíduos, de 1:13 a 1:13274. Entre as mulheres observamos que esta variação ocorre de acordo com a idade. Resultados preliminares apontam para uma considerável variação inter-individual nos biomarcadores de exposição na população em estudo, indicando a necessidade de se identificar os fatores que influenciam este achado. Considerando a cinética do mercúrio, podemos concluir que estas variações inter-individuais na fração plasmática, podem alterar a taxa de eliminação do Hg e também os efeitos tóxicos decorrentes da exposição. Palavras- Chave: biomarcadores de exposição, mercúrio, variações inter-individuais / Mercury (Hg) is a toxic metal widely studied worldwide. In the atmosphere Hg may occur due to natural or anthropogenic sources. It offers risk to the population due to be highly bioaccumulated and to cause harmful effects to humans. Gold Mining activities were considered in the past the main sources of Hg contamination in the Amazon region. However, new findings indicated that Hg is naturally found in the soils of the Amazon area. When reaching the aquatic systems, facilitated mainly by the erosion and for the rains, the inorganic mercury is methylated, by microorganisms, forming the more toxic form methylmercury (MeHg). This form of the metal accumulates in the sediment of the rivers and in fish, meaning the main exposure source of mercury to riverine population. Biomarkers of exposure to Hg (levels of Hg in blood, plasma, urine, hair) are frequently used to identify and to esteem the risk of an individual or a population to harmful effects. However, little it is known regarding the inter-individual variations of these biomarkers. In this sense, this study evaluated inter-individual variations in the biomarkers of exposure to mercury (Hg in plasma, blood, urine and hair) in a riverside population (Tapajós river, Pará). Volunteers (n=410), residents in 12 communities along the Tapajós river, in the state of Pará participated in the study. Total mercury (THg) levels were determinated in whole blood, plasma, red blood cells and urine and of IHg and MeHg in hair. The concentration of mercury ranged from 1.7 to 288.9 µg/L and of plasma from 0.2 to 40.0 µg/L. The concentration of THg in the plasma presented a high correlation with concentrations of Hg in total blood (r=0.7529, p<0.0001). The plasmatic fraction of THg ranged from 0.5% to 61% and did not present any correlation with the concentrations of THg in the whole blood (r= 0.06284 p=0.2041), indicating that the mobilization of Hg to the plasma does not occur to the saturation of the red blood cells. The distribution of THg between red blood cells and plasma observed in this population is in disagreement when compared to other populations. The mercury concentrations in hair ranged from 0.97 to 62.4 µg/g and presented a very strong correlation with the whole blood (r=0.8718, p<0.0001), indicating that the concentrations of Hg in hair reflect the concentrations of THg in blood. Also a strong correlation was observed among the concentrations of MeHg and of IHg in hair (r=0.8979, p<0.0001), confirming the information in the literature, that suggest the fraction of IHg in hair is due to demethylation process or by sample preparation and analysis. Regarding the ratio between concentration of mercury between hair and blood, we observed a high variation between individuals, ranged from 1:13 to 1:13274. Among the women we observed this variation occurring according to age. In conclusion our results together demonstrated a considerable inter-individual variation in the biomarkers of exposure to mercury in the study population, demonstrating probably a different rate of biotransformation and elimination of Hg in this population. Then, future studies are necessary to elucidate factors are influencing this variation.
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Variações inter-individuais em biomarcadores de exposição ao mercúrio em uma população ribeirinha do rio Tapajós, Pará / Inter-individual variations of mercury exposure biomarkers in a population of the Tapajós river, Pará.Aretha Rodrigues Schulz 22 April 2009 (has links)
O mercúrio (Hg) é um metal tóxico extensamente estudado em todo mundo, distribuído no ambiente a partir de fontes naturais ou antropogênicas e que oferece risco a população por ser altamente biocumulativo e possuir efeitos nocivos à saúde. Até algum tempo atrás, acreditava-se que a principal fonte de exposição ao Hg na Região Amazônica, decorria do uso deste metal para amalgamação de ouro nos garimpos da região. No entanto, o Hg é encontrado naturalmente nos solos da Região Amazônica e ao atingir os sistemas aquáticos, favorecidos principalmente pela erosão e pelas chuvas, passa por um processo de metilação catalisada por microorganismos, dando origem à forma orgânica do metal, o metilmercúrio (MeHg). Esta forma do metal se acumula no sedimento dos rios e em peixes representando atualmente a principal fonte de exposição ao mercúrio em população ribeirinha. Os biomarcadores de exposição ao Hg são freqüentemente utilizados para identificar e estimar o risco em que um indivíduo ou uma população está exposta. No entanto, pouco se conhece a respeito das variações inter-individuais de cada um deles. Neste sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as variações inter-individuais em biomarcadores de exposição ao Hg em uma população ribeirinha do rio Tapajós, Pará. Para tal, 410 ribeirinhos, residentes em 12 comunidades ao longo do rio Tapajós, no estado do Pará participaram do estudo. Foram determinadas as concentrações de mercúrio total (THg) em sangue total, plasma, eritrócito, urina e de IHg e MeHg em cabelo dos voluntários. As concentrações de THg no sangue total variaram de 1,7 a 288,9 µg/L e no plasma de 0,2 a 40,0 µg/L. A concentração de THg no plasma apresentou uma alta correlação com as concentrações de THg em sangue total (r=0,7529, p<0,0001). A fração plasmática de THg variou 0,5% a 61% e não apresentou qualquer correlação com as concentrações de THg em sangue total (r= 0,06284, p=0,2041), indicando que a mobilização de THg para o plasma não ocorre devido à saturação dos eritrócitos. A distribuição de THg entre eritrócitos e plasma observada nesta população, é diferente do que foi observado em outros estudos sobre exposição à MeHg. As concentrações de THg no cabelo variaram de 0,97 a 62,4 µg/g e apresentaram uma correlação muito forte com as concentraçoes no sangue (r=0,8718, p<0,0001) indicando que as concentrações de THg no cabelo refletem as concentrações de THg no sangue. Também foi observada uma forte correlação entre as concentrações de MeHg e de IHg no cabelo (r=0,8979, p<0,0001), confirmando as informações da literatura, que sugerem que a fração de IHg no cabelo se deve a demetilação no sangue, no folículo capilar ou no preparo da amostra e análise. Em relação a razão entre concentração de mercúrio entre cabelo e sangue, observamos uma elevada variação entre os indivíduos, de 1:13 a 1:13274. Entre as mulheres observamos que esta variação ocorre de acordo com a idade. Resultados preliminares apontam para uma considerável variação inter-individual nos biomarcadores de exposição na população em estudo, indicando a necessidade de se identificar os fatores que influenciam este achado. Considerando a cinética do mercúrio, podemos concluir que estas variações inter-individuais na fração plasmática, podem alterar a taxa de eliminação do Hg e também os efeitos tóxicos decorrentes da exposição. Palavras- Chave: biomarcadores de exposição, mercúrio, variações inter-individuais / Mercury (Hg) is a toxic metal widely studied worldwide. In the atmosphere Hg may occur due to natural or anthropogenic sources. It offers risk to the population due to be highly bioaccumulated and to cause harmful effects to humans. Gold Mining activities were considered in the past the main sources of Hg contamination in the Amazon region. However, new findings indicated that Hg is naturally found in the soils of the Amazon area. When reaching the aquatic systems, facilitated mainly by the erosion and for the rains, the inorganic mercury is methylated, by microorganisms, forming the more toxic form methylmercury (MeHg). This form of the metal accumulates in the sediment of the rivers and in fish, meaning the main exposure source of mercury to riverine population. Biomarkers of exposure to Hg (levels of Hg in blood, plasma, urine, hair) are frequently used to identify and to esteem the risk of an individual or a population to harmful effects. However, little it is known regarding the inter-individual variations of these biomarkers. In this sense, this study evaluated inter-individual variations in the biomarkers of exposure to mercury (Hg in plasma, blood, urine and hair) in a riverside population (Tapajós river, Pará). Volunteers (n=410), residents in 12 communities along the Tapajós river, in the state of Pará participated in the study. Total mercury (THg) levels were determinated in whole blood, plasma, red blood cells and urine and of IHg and MeHg in hair. The concentration of mercury ranged from 1.7 to 288.9 µg/L and of plasma from 0.2 to 40.0 µg/L. The concentration of THg in the plasma presented a high correlation with concentrations of Hg in total blood (r=0.7529, p<0.0001). The plasmatic fraction of THg ranged from 0.5% to 61% and did not present any correlation with the concentrations of THg in the whole blood (r= 0.06284 p=0.2041), indicating that the mobilization of Hg to the plasma does not occur to the saturation of the red blood cells. The distribution of THg between red blood cells and plasma observed in this population is in disagreement when compared to other populations. The mercury concentrations in hair ranged from 0.97 to 62.4 µg/g and presented a very strong correlation with the whole blood (r=0.8718, p<0.0001), indicating that the concentrations of Hg in hair reflect the concentrations of THg in blood. Also a strong correlation was observed among the concentrations of MeHg and of IHg in hair (r=0.8979, p<0.0001), confirming the information in the literature, that suggest the fraction of IHg in hair is due to demethylation process or by sample preparation and analysis. Regarding the ratio between concentration of mercury between hair and blood, we observed a high variation between individuals, ranged from 1:13 to 1:13274. Among the women we observed this variation occurring according to age. In conclusion our results together demonstrated a considerable inter-individual variation in the biomarkers of exposure to mercury in the study population, demonstrating probably a different rate of biotransformation and elimination of Hg in this population. Then, future studies are necessary to elucidate factors are influencing this variation.
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Etude de profils en adduits à l'ADN comme biomarqueurs potentiels d'exposition aux polluants aériens en milieu urbain dans une approche de type adductomique / Study of DNA adducts profiles as potential biomarkers of exposure to urban air pollutants in an adductomic approachAlamil, Helena 23 October 2019 (has links)
De nombreuses études dans la seconde moitié du 20ème siècle, ont mis en évidence que des génotoxiques cancérogènes réagissent avec l'ADN pour former par liaison covalente des adduits qui sont impliqués dans le processus cancérigène. Bien qu’il existe des preuves convaincantes de la présence de multiples adduits à l'ADN dans les poumons de sujets exposés au tabagisme ou en milieu professionnel à un aldéhyde donné, il est évident que c'est un domaine dans lequel des recherches supplémentaires ont été nécessaires. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’établir des profils d’adduits exocycliques à l'ADN induits par le mélange d’aldéhydes, qui pourraient à terme être considérés comme un marqueur génotoxique de l’exposition aux aldéhydes, tant endogène qu’environnemental. Pour cette raison, nous avons validé une méthode en UHPLC-MS/MS rapide, sensible et précise en utilisant la dilution isotopique, pour la quantification à l’état de trace de 9 adduits exocycliques à l’ADN dérivés de 8 principaux aldéhydes exogènes et endogènes, notamment le formaldéhyde, l’acétaldéhyde, l’acroléine, le crotonaldéhyde, le malondialdéhyde, le 4-hydroxy-2-nonénal, le glyoxal et le méthylglyoxal. Ces adduits ont été synthétisés et purifiés ainsi que leurs homologues marqués au 13C10, 15N5, identifiés et quantifiés par le biais des courbes d'étalonnage allant de 0,25 à 250 ng/mL d'adduits dans l'eau et l'ADN afin de décrire les effets matrice. Des échantillons de contrôle qualité ont été préparés et analysés afin de vérifier l'exactitude et la précision de la méthode dans des situations de répétabilité et de fidélité intermédiaire. L'absence de contamination croisée a également été démontrée. La méthode est capable de différencier les 9 analytes d'intérêt et leurs étalons internes en utilisant pour chaque analyte une transition de quantification et une seconde de confirmation. Cette méthode a été validée selon les recommandations de l'Agence Européenne des Médicaments concernant les méthodes bioanalytiques. Elle répond à tous les critères essentiels pour garantir l'acceptabilité des performances et la fiabilité des résultats d'analyse. Cette méthode est la toute première validée et peut être utilisée en adductomique dans le cadre d'études sur l'exposome. En plus, nous avons simultanément mesuré par une approche in vitro les 9 adduits exocycliques dans de l’ADN de thymus de veau exposé à de différentes concentrations de chaque aldéhyde seul ou en mélanges équimolaires. Cette approche nous a permis d’établir des relations dose-dépendantes pour tous les aldéhydes à l’exception du malondialdéhyde et du méthylglyoxal. Une relation dose-réponse a également été observée avec les mélanges équimolaires d’aldéhydes. Elle a permis de définir des réactivités différentes des aldéhydes en mélange vis-à-vis de l’ADN. Les profils de ces adduits exocycliques ont été également déterminés dans l'ADN de sang de fumeurs et de non-fumeurs. La fumée de cigarette contient plusieurs aldéhydes connus de se lier par covalence aux bases de l’ADN, ainsi l’adduit à l’ADN peut être considéré comme biomarqueur d’exposition au tabac. Des différences significatives dans les niveaux d’adduits ont été obtenues entre l’ADN des fumeurs et celui des non-fumeurs à l’exception de l’adduit induit par le malondialdéhyde. Des corrélations ont été établies entre chaque adduit et les marqueurs de la consommation tabagique sans aucune corrélation significative de la totalité des adduits avec un marqueur spécifique. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré que l’exposition au formaldéhyde, au butanal et au benzaldéhyde a eu un effet sur les concentrations du MDA urinaire mesurées chez les policiers libanais stationnés au carrefour pendant 7 h par jour et après exposition de 5 jours aux émissions du trafic routier. Une augmentation du MDA plasmatique a été décrite ; les années de travail avaient une incidence sur les concentrations de ce biomarqueur. / Many studies in the second half of the 20th century have shown that genotoxic carcinogens, either directly or after metabolic activation, react with DNA to form covalently bonded adducts that are absolutely central in the carcinogenic process. Although there is compelling evidence of the presence of multiple DNA adducts in the lungs of subjects exposed to smoking or occupational exposure to a given aldehyde, it is clear that this is an area in which further research has been necessary. The aim of this thesis is to establish exocyclic DNA adducts profiles induced by the mixture of aldehydes, which could eventually be considered as a genotoxic marker of aldehyde exposure, both endogenous environmental. For this reason, we have validated a fast, sensitive and precise method on liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry in tandem mode (UHPLC-MS/MS) using isotopic dilution, for trace quantification of 9 exocyclic DNA adducts derived from 8 major exogenous and endogenous aldehydes, including formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, crotonaldehyde, malondialdehyde, 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, glyoxal and methylglyoxal. These adducts were synthesized and purified as well as their labeled homologues, identified and quantified through standard curves ranging from 0.25 (LLOQ) to 250 ng/mL (ULOQ) adducts in water and in DNA to describe the matrix effects. Quality control (QC) samples were prepared and analyzed to verify the accuracy and precision of the method in repeatability and intermediate fidelity situations. The absence of cross-contamination has also been demonstrated. The method is able to differentiate the 9 analytes of interest and their internal standards using for each analyte a quantification transition and a confirmation transition. This method has been validated according to the recommendations of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) concerning bioanalytical methods. It meets all the essential criteria to guarantee the acceptability of the performances and the reliability of the analysis results. This method is the very first validated and can be used in adductomics in the context of studies on the exposome. In addition, the exocyclic adducts were simultaneously measured by an in vitro approach in calf thymus DNA exposed to different concentrations of each aldehyde apart or in equimolar mixtures. This approach allowed us to establish dose-dependent relationships for all aldehydes with the exception of malondialdehyde and methylglyoxal. A dose-response relationship was also observed with equimolar mixtures of aldehydes. It made it possible to define different reactivities of aldehydes in mixture versus DNA. The profiles of these exocyclic adducts were also determined in the blood DNA of smokers and non-smokers. Cigarette smoke contains several aldehydes known to covalently bind to DNA bases, so the DNA adduct may be considered as biomarker of tobacco exposure. Significant differences in adducts levels were obtained between smokers and non-smokers DNA with the exception of malondialdehyde-induced DNA adduct. Correlations were established between each adduct and smoking-related markers without any significant correlation of all adducts with a specific marker. Furthermore, we have shown that exposure to formaldehyde, butanal and benzaldehyde had an effect on the concentrations of urinary MDA measured in Lebanese police stationed at the intersection for 7 hours a day and after 5-day exposure to road traffic. An increase in plasma MDA has been described; years of work had an impact on the concentrations of this biomarker. These results are promising and it would be interesting to validate in population the profile of 9 exocyclic adducts as biomarkers of exposure to both exogenous and endogenous aldehydes as part of an adductomic approach to understand the carcinogenic risk in relation to aldehydes exposures in urban areas.
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Développement d’outils pour l’évaluation d’une contamination chimique chronique : un enjeu pour la veille environnementale en milieu littoral / Development of tools and guidelines for the evaluation of chronic chemical contamination of the coastal environmentBreitwieser, Marine 05 October 2018 (has links)
Le littoral est l’objet d’une contamination chimique chronique par de nombreux polluants (résidus de pesticides, résidus médicamenteux, métaux lourds…), qui sont toxiques et qui sont impliqués dans des problématiques de santé publique et de dégradations environnementales. Certains contaminants agissent à faibles doses, tandis que d’autres induisent des effets cocktails redoutables sur les organismes. Les principaux contaminants sont régulièrement dosés dans différents points stratégiques liés à la ressource en eau, surtout celle de distribution et dans certains aliments. Mais face au foisonnement des contaminants qui sont déversés dans l’environnement, il n’existe aucun système de veille efficace qui tienne compte de l’étendue réelle du problème. Par ailleurs, contrairement à ce qui existe pour l’homme, il n’y a pas de démarches finalisées et normalisables pour évaluer l’état de santé des invertébrés aquatiques, alors qu’ils représentent plus de 95% de la biodiversité. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse interdisciplinaire a consisté à évaluer l’impact des polluants chimiques sur des espèces littorales (frange littorale et zones portuaires). Un premier champ d’études a visé à mettre au point des méthodes efficaces pour évaluer la contamination des bivalves par des polluants organiques et inorganiques (volet écotoxicologie) ; un second volet a eu pour but d’analyser les effets biologiques des polluants en développant une utilisation conjointe de plusieurs biomarqueurs (volet écophysiologie). Ainsi, à l’image de ce qui est fait en santé publique, ce projet de thèse a défini pour la première fois plusieurs démarches analytiques et statistiques pour le suivi de la qualité de l’eau en milieu littoral. / The coastline faces chronic chemical contamination due to numerous toxic pollutants (residues of pesticides and medicines, heavy metals, etc.) causing public health issues and environmental degradation. Whereas some contaminants are efficacious at low doses, others lead to dangerous cocktail effects on organisms. The main contaminants are assayed regularly among strategic stages linked to water resource. There is a particular focus on supply and food. Nonetheless, due to the proliferation of contaminants released in the environment, there is no effective monitoring system taking the real extent of the problem into consideration. Moreover, unlike existing methods for humans, there is no finalised or standardised approach to assessing the health of state of aquatic invertebrates, while they represent more than 95% of the biodiversity. The purpose of this thesis work involving interdisciplinary research was to evaluate the pollution impacts on the coastline species (coastal fringe and port areas). A first part of the study aimed at designing effective methods of contamination assessment on bivalves by organic and inorganic pollutants (ecotoxicology). Another part focused on analysing biological effects of pollutants by developing a joint use of several biomarkers (ecophysiology). Thus, like work carried out by public health, this thesis project defined for the first time several analytical and statistical steps on monitoring the state of health of marine organisms and the water quality in coastal areas.
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Biodisponibilité et effets transcriptomiques du cérium chez Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiMorel, Elise 01 1900 (has links)
Du fait de leurs propriétés spécifiques, les éléments de terres rares (ETRs) sont des métaux devenus indispensables au développement de notre société moderne. Avec leurs utilisations croissantes, des modifications importantes du cycle biogéochimique des ETRs sont attendues alors que peu est encore connu sur leur devenir et leurs effets une fois rejetés dans l’environnement.
Le cérium (Ce) a la particularité d’être utilisé sous forme de sels ou de nanoparticules dans différents produits d’utilisation courante (e.g. additifs de diesel, peintures). En raison de sa réactivité redox particulière, le Ce est naturellement peu soluble dans les eaux de surface et va donc principalement se retrouver dans les sédiments de ces écosystèmes aquatiques. Cependant les propriétés physicochimiques du Ce anthropique peuvent modifier le transport et le comportement de ce dernier. Par exemple, les nanoparticules manufacturées d’oxydes de cérium (Ce NMs) pourvues d’un enrobage peuvent présenter une stabilité colloïdale différente de celles naturellement formées. Les organismes pélagiques des milieux aquatiques, dont les micro-organismes photosynthétiques, d’intérêt dans ce projet, pourraient ainsi être exposés à de nouvelles formes de Ce et à différentes concentrations.
Comme il est difficile d'observer des réponses biologiques significatives pour des concentrations d'exposition représentatives de celles susceptibles d’être retrouvées dans l'environnement (< 1 µM), les impacts potentiels du Ce sur le phytoplancton dans des scénarios d'exposition réalistes sont encore mal élucidés. Des résultats contradictoires ont notamment été observés dans la littérature en ce qui concerne la biodisponibilité des Ce NMs pour les microalgues unicellulaires et la relation entre leurs propriétés de surface (i.e. rapport Ce (III)/Ce (IV), enrobage) et les réponses cellulaires. Des données quantitatives sont ainsi toujours nécessaires pour l'évaluation des risques potentiels du Ce pour l’Environnement.
Dans ce projet, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii a été sélectionnée comme organisme modèle pour représenter les microalgues présentent dans les eaux douces. Des sels solubles de Ce, Tm, Y et trois types de petites Ce NMs (<10 nm) avec différents enrobages (i.e. non enrobées, fonctionnalisées par du citrate ou enrobées de poly(acide acrylique) (PAA)) ont été injectés dans des milieux aqueux simplifiés (i.e. sans phosphates) à des concentrations représentatives de celles attendues dans des environnements anthropisés. La spectrométrie de masse à plasma à couplage inductif en mode simple particule (SP-ICP-MS) a constitué l’une des techniques analytiques de pointe déployées dans ce projet. Elle a permis de quantifier les formes dissoutes et nanoparticulaires du Ce présentent dans les milieux d’exposition des microalgues et de caractériser les petites Ce NMs à des concentrations similaires à celles utilisées pour exposer les microalgues. L’analyse de profilage du transcriptome entier (ARN-Seq) a constitué une autre technique émergente en nano(éco)toxicologie. Elle a permis d’identifier des gènes et voies métaboliques mobilisés chez les populations algales de C. reinhardtii pour s’adapter à leurs expositions soit à des Ce NMs soit à des sels d’ETRs pour des concentrations d’exposition de 0,5 µM Ce, Tm ou Y en milieux contrôlés à pH 7.0.
Les microalgues C. reinhardtii ont d’abord été exposées au sel de Ce soluble et aux Ce NMs afin d’en comparer la biodisponibilité et les réponses biologiques sous-létales associées. Les résultats ont révélé que les Ce NMs sont biodisponibles pour C. reinhardtii mais et produisent un stress modéré auquel ces dernières semblent s’acclimater à court terme à des concentrations pertinentes pour l'environnement. Des effets transcriptomiques distincts entre Ce ionique et Ce NMs ont également été observés. L’hypothèse selon laquelle seuls les produits de dissolution des Ce NMs sont biodisponibles pour C. reinhardtii a donc pu être infirmée. En effet, les microalgues exposées aux Ce NMs testées ont spécifiquement modulé l’expression des gènes impliqués dans le système ubiquitine-protéasome et la structure des flagelles. Malgré ces effets communs entres les Ce NMs, leur biodisponibilité est principalement influencée par leurs enrobages, et non par le rapport de Ce(III)/Ce(IV) des atomes de surface des NMs. L’enrobage de citrate a d’ailleurs particulièrement atténué les effets transcriptomiques des Ce NMs sur les microalgues, probablement en raison des effets bénéfiques de la désorption du citrate à leur surface.
Les profils de temps-réponses (0 à 360 min.) et concentrations-réponses (0 à 3 µM) de gènes spécifiques des Ce NMs ou du Ce ionique ont par la suite été analysés pour vérifier leur potentielle utilisation en tant que biomarqueurs d’exposition des micoalgues au Ce ionique. En raison de leur spécificité élevée et de la linéarité relative de l'expression des biomarqueurs en fonction du temps sur une plage de concentrations pertinentes pour l'environnement (0,03 à 3 µM), quatre biomarqueurs (Cre17.g737300, GTR12, MMP6 et HSP22E) ont été identifiés comme étant spécifiques au Ce ionique pour C. reinhardtii. Une variabilité beaucoup plus grande des niveaux d'ARNm a été observée lorsque le pH du milieu variait (5,0 à 8,0). Ce résultat reflète probablement la complexité de la spéciation du Ce résultant de la formation d'espèces métastables même dans des milieux aqueux simples.
Les effets transcriptomiques de sels de Ce, Tm, Y solubles appliqués individuellement ou sous forme de mixture équimolaire ont été caractérisés par ARN-Seq chez C. reinhardtii afin de comparer la biodisponibilité du Ce à celle des autres ETRs pour les microalgues, sachant le comportement atypique du Ce en solution. Les microalgues exposées au Ce ont spécifiquement modulé l’expression de gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme du glutamate et au repliement des protéines. Cependant des interactions compétitives ont été identifiées entre les ETRs lorsqu’appliqués en tant que mixture. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'approche des agences gouvernementales pour dériver des données de toxicité à partir d’un seul métal simple serait largement conservatrice pour les métaux de terres rares.
Par ce projet, l’analyse des réponses transcriptomiques par ARN-Seq chez C. reinhardtii a permis de caractériser la biodisponibilité du Ce et d’identifier des biomarqueurs transcriptomiques d’exposition chez les microalgues dans différents contextes ; en présence de Ce NMs ou d’autres ETRs. L’intégration de tels biomarqueurs pour le développement d’un bio-essai in situ nécessite cependant de plus amples investigations. / Due to their specific properties, rare earth elements (REEs) are metals that have become essential to the development of our modern society. With their increasing uses, significant modifications to the biogeochemical cycle of REEs are expected while little is known about their fate and their effects once released into the environment.
Cerium (Ce) has the particularity of being used in the form of salts or nanoparticles in various commonly used products (e.g. diesel additives, paints). Due to its particular redox reactivity, Ce is naturally poorly soluble in surface water and will therefore mainly be found in the sediments of these aquatic ecosystems. However, the physicochemical properties of the anthropogenic Ce can modify its transport and behavior. For example, engineered cerium oxide nanoparticles (Ce ENPs) are generally coated and thus may exhibit different colloidal stability from those naturally formed. Pelagic organisms in aquatic environments, including photosynthetic microorganisms, of interest in this project, could thus be exposed to new forms of Ce and at different concentrations.
As it is difficult to observe significant biological responses for environmentally relevant exposure concentrations (<1 µM Ce), the potential impacts of Ce on phytoplankton in realistic exposure scenarios are still poorly understood. Contradictory results have notably been reported with regard to the bioavailability of Ce ENPs for unicellular microalgae and the relationship between their surface properties (i.e. Ce(III)/Ce(IV) ratio, coating) and cellular responses. Quantitative data are thus always necessary for the evaluation of the potential risks of Ce for the Environment.
In this project, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was selected as a model organism to represent microalgae in freshwater. Soluble salts of Ce, Tm, Y and three types of small Ce ENPs (<10 nm) with different coatings (i.e. uncoated, functionalized with citrate or coated with poly (acrylic acid) (PAA)) were injected into simplified aqueous media (i.e. without phosphates) at concentrations representative of those expected in contaminated environments. One of the advanced analytical techniques deployed in this project was inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in single particle mode (SP-ICP-MS). It has made it possible to quantify the dissolved and nanoparticulate forms of Ce present in microalgae exposure media and to haracterize small Ce NMs at concentrations similar to those used to expose microalgae. Another emerging nano(eco)toxicology analysis used in this project is the whole transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq). RNA-Seq has permitted to identify genes and metabolic pathways that were regulated by C. reinhardtii cells when exposed to either Ce ENPs or to salts of REEs for exposure concentrations of 0.5 μM Ce, Tm or Y in controlled environments at pH 7.0.
C. reinhardtii cells were first exposed to soluble Ce salt and Ce ENPs in order to compare relative bioavailabilities of these anthropogenic Ce forms and their associated sub-lethal biological responses. The results revealed that Ce ENPs are bioavailable to C. reinhardtii but produce a manageable toward microalgae cells who seem to acclimatize for short-term exposures at environmentally relevant concentrations. Separate transcriptomic effects of Ce ionic and Ce ENPs have also been observed. The hypothesis that only the dissolution products of Ce ENPs are bioavailable for C. reinhardtii could therefore be rejected. Indeed, the microalgae exposed to the tested ENPs specifically modulated the expression of the genes involved in the ubiquitin-proteasome system and the structure of flagella. Despite these common effects between Ce ENPs, their bioavailability was mainly influenced by their coatings, and not by the Ce(III)/Ce(IV) ratio of surface atoms of ENPs. The coating of citrate has attenuated the transcriptomic effects of Ce ENPs on microalgae, probably due to the beneficial effects of the desorption of citrate on their surface.
The time-response (0 to 360 min.) and concentration-response (0 to 3 µM) profiles of specific Ce ENPs or ionic Ce genes were then analyzed to verify their potential use as biomarkers of exposure to ionic Ce. Due to their high specificity and the relative linearity of the expression of biomarkers as a function of both time and concentration, over a range of concentrations relevant to the environment (0,03 à 3 µM), four biomarkers (Cre17.g737300, GTR12, MMP6 and HSP22E) have been identified as being specific to the ionic Ce for C. reinhardtii. Much greater variability in mRNA levels was observed when the pH of the medium varied (5.0 to 8.0). This result probably reflects the complexity of the speciation of Ce resulting from the formation of metastable species even in simple aqueous media.
The transcriptomic effects of soluble Ce, Tm, Y salts applied individually or in the form of an equimolar mixture were characterized by RNA-Seq in order to determine the relative bioavailability of Ce compare to the one of other REEs for microalgae, due to Ce atypical behavior in solution. The microalgae exposed to Ce specifically modulated the expression of genes involved in glutamate metabolism and protein folding. However, competitive interactions have been identified between the REEs when applied as a mixture. These results suggest that the approach of government agencies to derive toxicity data from a single metal would be largely conservative for rare earth metals.
Throughout this project, the analysis of transcriptomic responses by RNA-Seq in C. reinhardtii made it possible to characterize the bioavailability of Ce and to identify transcriptomic biomarkers of exposure in microalgae in different contexts; in the presence of ENPs or other REEs. However, the integration of such biomarkers in the development of in situ bioassays seems limited.
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