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Self-Disclosure Relies on Social Context: Examining the Similarity and Differences of Chinese Students in the U.S. and China when Disclosing Information on WeChatCui, Xiyan 01 December 2015 (has links)
This research aims to fill a research gap by examining WeChat to explore whether changes of social context would exert any influence on the information disclosure of social networking site (SNS) users. Selective Exposure Theory and Uses and Gratification Theory were used as the theoretical foundation for this study. Four-hundred Chinese college students in China and the U.S. who have a WeChat App and have logged in to use it within the last 30 days from the day administered were asked to participate in a survey about their motivations and consequences when using WeChat. Results from MANOVA showed that the motivations and consequences of female participants’ self-disclosure were significantly higher than were male participants on WeChat. Moreover, the social context of Chinese students studying in the U.S. is perceived to be more individualized than the traditionally collective context that is perceived by Chinese students studying in China.
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Exploring the Implementation of Cloud Security to Minimize Electronic Health Records CyberattacksTyler, Lamonte Bryant 01 January 2018 (has links)
Health care leaders lack the strategies to implement cloud security for electronic medical records to prevent a breach of patient data. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore strategies senior information technology leaders in the healthcare industry use to implement cloud security to minimize electronic health record cyberattacks. The theory supporting this study was routine activities theory. Routine activities theory is a theory of criminal events that can be applied to technology. The study's population consisted of senior information technology leaders from a medical facility in a large northeastern city. Data collection included semistructured interviews, phone interviews, and analysis of organizational documents. The use of member checking and methodological triangulation increased the validity of this study's findings among all participants. There were 5 major themes that emerged from the study (a) requirement of coordination with the electronic health record vendor and the private cloud vendor, (b) protection of the organization, (c) requirements based on government and organizational regulations, (d) access management, (e) a focus on continuous improvement. The results of this study may create awareness of the necessity to secure electronic health records in the cloud to minimize cyberattacks. Cloud security is essential because of its social impact on the ability to protect confidential data and information. The results of this study will further serve as a foundation for positive social change by increasing awareness in support of the implementation of electronic health record cloud security.
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Kan jag lita på det här? : En undersökning om spridning av falsk information i sociala medier.Sewon, Isak January 2023 (has links)
Today's media landscape is larger and more diverse than ever before. Individuals are fedwith news and information from many different types of media. When competition ishigh, media actors need to stand out to be noticed, sometimes to the extent that the truthis omitted or embellished. The purpose of this essay is to examine the consequences ofthe spread of false information on social media. The material of the essay consists of 25Swedish videoclips from YouTube and is intended to investigate how well the videoportals (headlines & thumbnails) correspond to the actual content of the videos. Themethod used in the essay is a quantitative coding of these videoclips and a multimodalanalysis from a selection of these coded video clips. To fulfill the purpose of the essay,theories and concepts such as misinformation and disinformation, filter bubbles, andselective exposure theory are used. The results of the study showed that many videoportals do not correspond at all to the content that the clip possesses. They oftenexaggerate or add details that make the video clip stand out more or appear moreinteresting for the audience to engage with. The consequences of false information spreadon social media can be many. For example, it can contribute to somewhat distortedworldviews. If individuals in a society are fed with incorrect information, it becomes moredifficult to get a fair picture of the world. It can also become normalized that thingswritten on social media are often not true, which leads to it becoming commonplace tobuy into small lies and not trust the information and news consumed online.
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