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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uso de estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabularios y estilos de aprendizaje en la adquisición del inglés como lengua extranjera

Bahamondes Rivera, Rosa 12 September 2012 (has links)
Existen dos aproximaciones al estudio de la adquisición de segundas lenguas : una de ellas considera que todos los aprendientes analizan el input y almacenan la información sobre la segunda lengua de una manera parecida, mientras que la otra sostiene que los aprendientes son distintos y que, en consecuencia, var¡an tanto la forma en que enfrentan el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua como lo que realmente logran aprender. Esta segunda aproximación, aquella que considera las diferencias individuales, es la que se ha adoptado en el presente trabajo.

Is your English good or bad? : Social representations towards Alexis Sánchez's use of English in his first interview in that language: theoretical and methodological implications on teaching English as a foreign language

Contreras Labra, Walesca, Grez Peñaloza, Fabián January 2016 (has links)
Informe de Seminario para optar al grado de Licenciado en Lengua y Literatura Inglesa / Conceiving language and languages as cultural systems, being the main focus of the linguistic anthropological perspective, this study intends to apply this approach in order to understand language teaching as a determined cultural system. Chileans Social Representations towards Alexis Sanchez’s use of English in his first interview in that language will be characterized and its possible theoretical and methodological implications in English teaching. Through empirical and qualitative research, focus groups and personal interviews were applied to English university professors, English university students, and university students of science. Based on the thick description metaphor by the anthropologist C. Geertz, the preliminary results show the existence of a serie of cultural models related to a) native speaker ideal, b) speaking English well and poorly, c) the existence of different levels of English d) good or bad communication depending on fluency, grammar, syntax, e) the concept of error, and how all these categories reflect the reality of English teaching. These results suggest that the social actors involved in English teaching and learning, express those social representations based on an ideal of communication and an ideal of English language, which at the same time, influences the way of teaching English as a foreign language in Chile.

First and second language word associations: exploring similarities, differences and the individual profiles between Chilean learners of English and native speakers of English

Núñez Valenzuela, Elena, Riquelme Miranda, Vanessa, Toledo Godoy, Tamara January 2017 (has links)
Informe de Seminario para optar al grado de Licenciado en Lengua y Literatura Inglesa / The main goal of the present study is to do research on group and individual word associations with the purpose of identifying similarities and differences between native and nonnative speakers at different levels of proficiency both in English and in Spanish. For this purpose, data were elicited through two word association tests, one in English and one in Spanish. Both tests included 30 stimulus words, and they were given to a total of 42 participants. The data obtained were described, analysed, and quantitatively compared in order to answer the research questions. Finally, some conclusions were drawn from the research analysis. In relation to the formal arrangement of the present study, it consists of six major sections. First, the Introduction, followed by the study, which is subdivided into Objectives, Research Questions, Theoretical and descriptive framework, and Methodology. The third section is the Discussion of results, followed by the conclusions. The two last sections are Bibliography and Appendixes

Cantidad y profundidad de conocimiento léxico: sus interrelaciones con la habilidad de comprensión lectora en estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera

Aspée Palacios, Carlos January 2010 (has links)
En síntesis, la comprensión lectora fluida y eficiente involucra una serie de procesos simultáneos, varios de los cuales ya han sido identificados por estudios teóricos y prácticos, pero todavía no se ha logrado un modelo que integre la información con que se cuenta. Nuestro trabajo, además de explorar este tema en un contexto nacional, intenta aportar a un mejor entendimiento de cómo la comprensión lectora se ve influenciada por dos dimensiones de la competencia léxica: tamaño y profundidad. Sin duda, en el contexto pedagógico, este tipo de contribuciones son sumamente importantes al momento de considerar innovaciones en los modelos teóricos y didácticos de la enseñanza/aprendizaje de inglés como L2, y así enriquecer la calidad del aprendizaje en los estudiantes de pregrado.

The Use of Lexical Communication Strategies in the Performance of Oral Tasks by Learners of English as a Second Language

Balharry Zambelli, Geraldine January 2006 (has links)
As learning English has become a necessity all over the world for some time now, due to the phenomenon of globalisation, analysing the aspects involved in second language-acquisition studies has acquired great relevance in the field of applied linguistics. During the past three decades, much attention has been given to the cognitively oriented models of L2 learning and acquisition with greater emphasis being put on learners and learning rather than on teachers and teaching, as was the tendency in the past. The way learners process new information and the different strategies they employ to understand, learn and communicate this information have been primary concerns of researchers of foreign language learning. In that context, the study of the different strategies used by learners of an L2 to resolve communication problems so as to effectively convey their messages has become a relevant issue.

Situación laboral del extranjero en Chile. Estudio del caso de la inmigración Peruana

Bone Eugenin, Alejandra, Cabrera Pichuante, Paula January 2002 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / No autorizada por los autores para ser publicada a texto completo / La finalidad del presente estudio es analizar la política migratoria de nuestro país y ver si esta se ha adaptado a los nuevos tiempos y en especial a la normativa internacional que entrega mandatos bastante claros en relación al tratamiento digno e igualitario que merece todo trabajador migrante.

Análisis de pertinencia del proyecto de Ley de Extranjería

Escalona Sepúlveda, Paola 01 1900 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Políticas Públicas / El presente trabajo analiza el Proyecto de Ley de Extranjería, enviado por el Presidente de la República, Don Sebastián Piñera Echeñique en Junio del año 2013. Específicamente busca determinar si este Proyecto de Ley, responde a cabalidad las necesidades de la actual sociedad dado el incremento de extranjeros en el país y la antigüedad de la actual legislación en esta materia, la que data del año 1975. Para el desarrollo de esta tesis se analizan las estadísticas públicas de los últimos 20 años, que corresponden a la Encuesta de Caracterización Socioeconómica CASEN de los años 2006, 2009 y 2011 y de los Censos correspondientes a los años 1992,2002 y 2012. De este análisis se desprende que efectivamente la cantidad de inmigrantes ha tenido un incremento sostenido en este último tiempo, quienes provienen particularmente de los países colindantes y que junto con ello, en los últimos 5 años, ha crecido la cantidad de mujeres que ingresan al país, cómo es el caso de las peruanas, que ya superaron a sus compañeros. Esto evidencia que es necesario un cambio en la legislación conjuntamente con un cambio institucional que responda a la contingencia migratoria, sin embargo el Proyecto de Ley debe mejorarse en materias de salud, seguridad social, educación, entre otros temas. / This paper analyzes the Draft Law on Foreigners, sent by the President of the Republic, Don Sebastián Piñera Echenique in June 2013. Specifically seeks to determine whether this Measure responds fully to the needs of today's society given the increase of foreigners in the country and the age of the current legislation in this area, which dates from 1975. For the development of this thesis it was analyzed public statistics for the last 20 years, corresponding to the Socio-Economic Survey CASEN of 2006, 2009 and 2011 and Censuses of 1992, 2002 and 2012. This analysis shows that the number of immigrants has indeed had a steady increase in recent times, particularly from those neighboring countries and along with this, in the last five years, has increased the number of women entering the country, which is the case of Peru, where women have overcome men. This shows that a change in legislation is needed along with an institutional change that responds to immigration contingency, but the Measure must be improved in matters of health, social security, education, among others.

An Analytical Assessment of the Performance of EFL University Students in Essay Writing

Aracena, Alan, Fernández, Marcelo, Fuentes, Cristóbal, González Temer, Verónica, Vera, Francisca, Zúñiga, María Paz January 2006 (has links)
Informe de Seminario para optar al grado de Licenciado en Lengua y Literatura Inglesa. / Writing is a complex linguistic ability that needs years of practice in order to be mastered. As a matter of fact, it is an ability that can never be fully acquired. Its acquisition involves a series of cognitive processes and socio-linguistic factors. Actually, writing may be considered an extension and reflection of one’s interests, knowledge and perspectives, which are transcribed into words to keep them in the permanent mind across time. Since 1970, the writing process has been of major concern for the academic field, considering the growing status of writing not only as a way of practicing other abilities, but as an independent skill of communication. Within the same field, universities have given an increasingly important role to written activities, using exams and papers in order to measure the students’ writing competence for a variety of purposes, such as assessment, evaluation and as a tool to choose possible candidates to enter these institutions. The latter has led to the development of different types of tests which reflect the student’s capability in English as a second language. This research aims at the presentation of important aspects about the writing process, placing emphasis on English as a second language, and a study of 4th year students of Linguistics of the University of Chile in essay writing, in order to, first, cover the aspects evaluators might consider when assessing writing, and second, the results this kind of study may offer.

Derecho internacional ante tribunales internos, territorialidad, extraterritorialidad e inmunidad de estado : un análisis de la jurisprudencia y doctrina nacional e internacional

Díaz Campos, Karenn. January 2011 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / El objetivo de esta tesis es el analizar las diversas situaciones que se pueden presentar al momento de llevar un asunto que involucre un elemento internacional ante un tribunal interno. El interés en este tema se explica en el fenómeno cada vez más frecuente de situaciones que no sólo afectan los intereses de un Estado o de sus ciudadanos, sino que involucran a diversos Estados o incluso a la comunidad internacional como un entero. El hecho que un tribunal interno conozca de un asunto que involucra un elemento internacional es altamente cuestionado y debatido en la actualidad, ello se debe a que no existe un ordenamiento jurídico de carácter internacional que regule de forma clara e indubitada el tema. En la actualidad el tratamiento de este fenómeno se diferencia de un Estado a otro, así como también depende del poder político y económico del Estado del tribunal que intenta ejercer jurisdicción, debido a que en muchas ocasiones el ejercicio de jurisdicción dependerá de la conveniencia del Estado en cuestión. Existen numerosos fallos en los tribunales nacionales donde han ejercido jurisdicción en causas que involucran un elemento internacional, así también existen diversas convenciones y tratados que regulan ciertas situaciones que podrían conducir a un ejercicio de jurisdicción que trascienda a los intereses o ciudadanos de un Estado en particular. De ellos puede deducirse el que la relación entre el derecho nacional e internacional es un tema complejo y difícil de dilucidar, para algunos la solución se encuentra en la jurisdicción de los tribunales internos, para otros en el establecimiento de tribunales internacionales y finalmente para parte de la doctrina la respuesta está dada para el ámbito de las graves violaciones a los derechos humanos por el establecimiento de la Corte Penal Internacional.

Teaching listening micro-skills to enhance EFL listening comprehension

Sepúlveda Galdames, Francisco January 2018 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Lingüística mención Lengua Inglesa / This thesis reports on a study focused on teaching listening micro-skills to EFL Chilean students. The present study aims to examine the effects of teaching listening micro-skills on EFL students´ listening comprehension performance. This study looks to give insights in the area of second language acquisition, as well as proposing a strategy for teaching listening comprehension through the use of listening micro-skills. The participants of this study were 26 high school students from a private school located in Peñalolén, Santiago de Chile. Participants were divided into two groups of 13 students. One of the groups was given awareness about listening micro-skills while the other did not receive any treatment. The treatment consisted of 10 sessions of teaching and practicing 10 listening micro-skills in order to enhance listening comprehension. Both groups were tested at the beginning and end of the research intervention. The data obtained from the participants’ tests was analyzed in order to determine the effects of teaching listening micro-skills on EFL learners’ listening comprehension.

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