Spelling suggestions: "subject:"extremism"" "subject:"extremist""
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České domobrany: Motivace jít na okraj / Czech Militias: Motivations for Walking to the EdgeKerhart, Miroslav January 2021 (has links)
A primary objective of this thesis is to identify, understand and explain motivations that lead individuals to join the National Militia. National Militia (Národní Domobrana) is a Czech paramilitary organisation that emerged in 2015 as a reaction to migration crisis and growing fear of "Islamisation". Shortly after its establishment, in July 2016, the organisation claimed to have over 2,500 members and began to regularly organise border patrols, military-like drills, but also political manifestations, openly criticising Czech foreign and domestic policies. Utilizing ethnographic methods of inquiry, the researcher conducted 11 semi-structured interviews with members of National Militia. In the subsequent analysis, the research identifies a set of push and pull factors as being most influential in individual's decision-making process, eventually being completed by a personal factor. Secondary findings identify also elementary demographical data, shared personality traits and militiamen mindset. From academical point of view, this study provides the reader with foundational data, necessary for further research, as the phenomenon is heavily understudied in Czech context. The specific contribution of the research resides not only in identifying the motivations, but also in offering the explanation for...
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Ománský sultanát: Odolný vůči násilnému extremismu? / Sultanate of Oman: Resistant to Violent Extremism?Caputo, Alexandria January 2018 (has links)
Bibliographic Note CAPUTO, Alexandria. The Sultanate of Oman: Resistant to Extremism?. 104 p. Master Thesis. Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Political Science. Supervisor : Prof. Oldřich Bureš Abstract This thesis analyses the Sultanate resistance to violent extremism as a Middle Eastern nation that has consistently scored a "0" on the Global Terrorism Index (GTI), an ongoing indexing of global terrorism from 2003 onwards. The Sultanate was markedly stable for those years unaccounted by the GTI. This case study examines institutional and legal frameworks established by the Sultanate and their value on countering radicalization and extremism processes that might lead to an act of terrorism. This research is supported by literature on radicalization and countering violent extremism (CVE) models, with great focus on a five- pronged, comprehensive working paper that approaches major problems across the Middle East. Radicalization and extremism notably fester in such problematic approaches, and the objective is to parallel these problems with the strategies, approaches, and norms of the Sultanate of Oman to see if this paper can come to a conclusion about the ability of nations and their populations to resist radical pathways and extremist ideologies. With religion at the crux of...
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Vládní přístupy v boji proti násilnému extremismu a radikalizaci: Komparativní analýza Spojeného království a Dánského království / Governmental Approaches Towards Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalisation: A Comparative Analysis of the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of DenmarkHaringová, Ingrida January 2018 (has links)
This thesis compares counter and deradicalization policies of the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Denmark. Both countries have one of the oldest policies in Europe and are characterized as different, even opposite, and therefore were chosen for the comparative analysis. Thesis assesses concrete policy initiatives preventing radicalization mainly in prisons, schools, on the Internet, governments' deradicalization initiatives; initiatives addressing foreign fighters, the extremist ideology; and other approaches in preventing radicalization. The comparison is based on the theoretical-analytical framework of the most prominent theoretical approaches towards explaining radicalization. Through the comparison, the thesis explores, sometime subtle, differences and similarities of both approaches and links them together with theoretical explanations. The thesis highlights many possible policy responses to one phenomenon, corresponding to many theoretical explanations behind it. The comparison has shown similarities and differences between the two policies and correlation between the definition of radicalization and extremism and certain policy objectives and programs. It is structured into four chapters, the first one is theoretical introduction into the concept of radicalization which creates an...
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Dopad přeměny tištěných novin v internetové mutace na informování o extrémismu / Analysis of the impact of the conversion of printed newspapers to online versions of information on extremist groupsKřížová, Kristýna January 2010 (has links)
KŘÍŽOVÁ, Kristýna, The impact of Internet Versions of Printed Newspapers on Information about Extremism, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, 2010, diploma thesis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Key words: electronic media, printed media, audience ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The theoretical part of the work concerns the possible consequences of transforming printed media into electronic form with respect to the reporting of extremism. A cultural approach was selected which highlights the way in which the final form of a report and its interpretation is subject to cultural factors. The work draws on the Three Party Model of Communication Situations devised by Winfried Schulz, which models the mutual relationship between the three protagonists of an event - the main figures (representatives of extremist movements), journalists (mass media - Internet sites), and the audience (readership, recipients). Investigation of the possible interest of these three parties in information on extremism is considered on the basis of theories of critics of contemporary media. Interpretation reveals the difficulties associated with transforming the daily papers into electronic news sites and...
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Antifašistická akce: Ideologie a vývoj v letech 1996-2012 / Antifascist action: Ideology and evolution in 1996-2012Fiala, Michael January 2015 (has links)
The thesis titled Antifascist Antifascist action: Ideology and evolution in 1996-2012 aims primarily to chart the historical and ideological development of Antifascist Action (AFA), a radically Czech anti-fascist organization. Thesis also aims to capture the most important moments and changes in the development of this organization since its formation to the present, with emphasis on other sub-questions the thesis places: defining methods of AFA struggle, AFA definition of the current status and the past, searching for causes of development cycles, access explanation for violence or just clarification of terminology. Because of the absence of broader and more complete sources the author came to the study of archival journals, analysis of different anarchist materials and the use of several interviews. In the end the thesis describes the overall history of AFA and creates conclusion that AFA is in its current development dynamic organization, which experienced its period of stagnation and at least two booms that have a direct connection with the development on the far-right scene. It also explains the change in the programm and the strategy of AFA.
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Das Weltbild der Autonomen im Spiegel der Zeitschrift <em>Interim</em> / The Autonomist Worldview As Reflected By the Magazine <em>Interim</em> : A content analysis of themes and discoursesDietze, Sascha 06 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Autonomen sind die wichtigste Kraft im militanten Linksextremismus. Seit den 1980er Jahren machen sie mit Anschlägen oder „Massenmilitanz“ auf sich aufmerksam. Dietze beschäftigt sich in seiner Studie mit einem über lange Zeit zentralen Periodikum der Szene. Die Zeitschrift „Interim“ untersucht er hinsichtlich der in ihr geführten Themen und Diskurse. Ziel seiner Untersuchung ist es, Einblicke in das Denken der Autonomen zu geben. Hierfür arbeitet er zentrale, identitätsstiftende Positionen heraus. / The autonomists are the most important force in militant left-wing extremism. Since the 1980s they have been putting themselves in the public eye with attacks and "mass militance". In his study, Dietze focuses on a periodical that has been a lynchpin of the scene for many years. He examines the magazine "Interim" in terms of the themes and discourses it presents. His investigation aims to bring some insight into the mindset of autonomists. To this end, he maps out central identity-forming positions.
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Pravicový extremismus a radikalismus v České republice - ústavněprávní aspekty / Rightist extremism and radicalism in the Czech Republic - constitutional law aspektsKlimešová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
1 Rightlist extremism and radicalism in the Czech Republic constitutional law aspects Keywords Rightlist extremism, radicalism, constitutional law, human dignity, democracy, neonazists Abstract The subject of this thesis is description of activities of selected Czechoslovak and Czech political parties and movements with elements of right-wing extremism since the establishment of Czechoslovakia until 1945 and from 1989 to the present. More over I analyze the possibility of intrusion of democratic stability by activities of these subjects and examine legal instruments held by the society, to defend democracy. Reading my work, the reader should have complete view on this issue and clear comparison of right-wing extremism and its consequences in the past and present. Source of my work is the constitutional order of the Czech Republic, in particular the Czech Constitution and the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, laws and jurisprudence. A valuable source was also historical and legal literature, manuals and guidelines of the public administration. Describing of some right-wing extremist entities, I have used their own publishing activities, primarily Internet resources. The work is divided into two parts, of which the first mainly deals with the history of right-wing extremism in Czechoslovakia and the...
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Konspirační teorie a dezinformace v islámském světě z pohledu západních zemí a jejich zahraniční politiky / Conspiracy Theories and Disinformation in the Islamic World from the Perspective of Western Countries and Their Foreign PolicyScheiner, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with conspiracy theories and disinformation, a topic received with insufficient attention in the field of international relations. The phenomenon constitutes one of the most distinctive features of the Islamic world; therefore, it has significant importance for the Western foreign policy towards the region. The thesis is divided into four chapters and aims to provide Western countries with a set of foreign-policy recommendations in relation to the phenomenon of conspiracy theories and disinformation in the Islamic world. The thesis does so on the basis of a thorough analysis of the general mechanisms of conspiracy theories (1st chapter), and the specific conditions and circumstances of their emergence and dissemination in the Islamic world (2nd chapter). The study of the case of Aafia Siddiqui (3rd chapter) leads to the conclusion that the implication of conspiracy theories and disinformation in the activities of Islamic extremist groups represents a serious security threat for the Western countries, which the current policy leaves with no adequate response (4th chapter). As an outcome, the thesis proposes ten basic principles which should serve to the Western countries as a guideline for their approach to conspiracy theories and disinformation in the Islamic world. The main import of this thesis lies in it being one of the first attempts with regard to the researched topic to perform a comprehensive analysis with practical outcomes.
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Pravicový extremismus v Sasku / The right extremism in SaxonyLisý, Marek January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the right-wing extremism in Federal Republic of Germany, particulary in the Free State of Saxony. The opening part presents the history of the right-wing extremism in the territory of former German Democratic Republic. The following part summarizes briefly the developement of rigth-wing extremism after the german unification. Main attention is focused on the currant course of events. One part is devoted to the strongest and most successfull extreme right-wing political party Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD), especially to its election results. The thesis further monitors the development of the NPDs political strategy and the enforcing of this strategy in to practice. A special attention is paid to the concept of National befreite Zone (nationally liberated zone). Next parts of the text describe the rapidly growing right-wing extremist subculture. The penetration of right- wing extremism into the areas of sport, music and fashion is proved on several concrete examples. There is a separate chapter devoted to the criminal activities commited by right-wing extremists. It also deals with the legislation which is aimed against the expressions of the right-wing extremism.
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Potenciál extremistických organizací v oslovování mladistvých v České republice / The extremist organisation's potential in addressing teenagers in Czech republicPapajiková, Miroslava January 2011 (has links)
THE EXTREMIST ORGANISATION'S POTENTIAL IN ADDRESSING TEENAGERS IN CZECH REPUBLIC Theses MIROSLAVA PAPAJIKOVÁ Abstract This paper is engaged in teenagers and their attitude towards the extremist organisation. The author sums up basic connotations of terms used in connection with the extremism. She acquaints readers with the best known extremist organisation in Czech republic and their methods how to address other people, namely teenagers. However, the text is focused especially on the real situation and that s why it contains an empirical part dedicated to research, where she submits and evaluates the dates obtained from questionnaires. The aim of this text is an analyse of the attitude of teenagers (without the right to vote) to the extremist organisation and vice versa the attitude of this organisation to the teenagers. The hypothesis is based on the notion that teenagers join the extremist organisation because of their dissatisfaction with the political situation and even as the absence of the right to vote.
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