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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of variations in inputs and price relationships on the value of cropland, Geary County, Kansas

Cotner, Melvin Leon. January 1955 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1955 C67 / Master of Science

Tradeoffs, Complementarities and Synergies between Different Agricultural Technologies: Insights from Maize Farmers in Kenya

Wainaina, Priscilla 04 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Application of spatial resource data to assist in farmland valuation

Naude, Stephanus David 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric) -- Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In South Africa more than 80 percent of the total land area is used for agriculture and subsistence livelihoods. A land transaction is generally not a recurring action for most buyers and sellers, their experience and knowledge are limited, for this reason the services of property agents and valuers are sometimes used, just to get more information available. The condition of insufficient information and the inability to observe differences in land productivity gives rise to the undervaluation of good land and overvaluation of poor land. The value of a property plays an important role in the acquisition of a bond, in this context farm valuations are essential and therefore commercial banks make more use of specialist businesses that have professional valuers available. The advent of the Internet made access to comprehensive information sources easier for property agents and valuers whose critical time and resources can now be effectively managed through Geographic Information System (GIS) integrated workflow processes. This study aims to develop the blueprint for a farm valuation support system (FVSS) that assists valuers in their application of the comparable sales method by enabling them to do the following: (1) Rapid identification of the location of the subject property and transaction properties on an electronic map. (2) Comparison of the subject property with the transaction properties in terms of value contributing attributes that can be expressed in a spatial format, mainly a) location and b) land resource quality factors not considered in existing valuation systems that primarily focus on residential property. Interpretation of soil characteristics to determine the suitability of a soil for annual or perennial crops requires specialized knowledge of soil scientists, knowledge not normally found among property valuers or estate agents. For this reason an algorithm, that generates an index value, was developed to allow easy comparison of the land of a subject property and that of transaction properties. Whether this index value reflects the soil suitability of different areas sufficiently accurate was confirmed by soil suitability data of the Breede and Berg River areas, which were obtained by soil scientists by means of a reconnaissance soil survey. This index value distinguishes the proposed FVSS from other existing property valuation systems and can therefore be used by valuers as a first approximation of a property’s soil suitability, before doing further field work. A nationwide survey was done among valuers and estate agents that provided information for the design of the proposed FVSS and proved that the need for such a system does exist and that it will be used by valuers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Meer as 80 persent van die totale grondoppervlakte in Suid-Afrika word gebruik vir landbou en bestaansboerdery. 'n Grondtransaksie is oor die algemeen nie 'n herhalende aksie vir die meeste kopers en verkopers nie, hul ervaring en kennis is beperk, om hierdie rede word die dienste van eiendomsagente en waardeerders soms gebruik om meer inligting beskikbaar te kry. Die toestand van onvoldoende inligting en die onvermoë om verskille in grondproduktiwiteit te identifiseer gee aanleiding tot die onderwaardering van goeie grond en oorwaardering van swak grond. Die waarde van 'n eiendom speel 'n belangrike rol in die verkryging van 'n verband. In hierdie konteks is plaaswaardasies noodsaaklik en daarom maak kommersiële banke meer gebruik van gespesialiseerde maatskappye wat oor professionele waardeerders beskik. Die koms van die Internet het toegang tot omvattende inligtingsbronne makliker gemaak vir eiendomsagente en waardeerders wie se kritiese tyd en hulpbronne nou effektief bestuur kan word deur middel van Geografiese Inligtingstelsel (GIS) geïntegreerde werksprosesse. Hierdie studie poog om die bloudruk vir 'n plaaswaardasie ondersteuningstelsel te ontwikkel wat waardeerders sal help in hul toepassing van die vergelykbare verkope metode deur hul in staat te stel om die volgende te doen: (1) Vinnige identifisering van die ligging van die betrokke onderwerp eiendom en transaksie eiendomme op 'n elektroniese kaart. (2) Vergelyking van die onderwerp eiendom met transaksie eiendomme in terme van waardedraende eienskappe wat in 'n ruimtelike formaat uitgedruk word, hoofsaaklik a) ligging en b) bodem gehaltefaktore wat nie oorweeg word in bestaande residensieel georiënteerde waardasiestelsels nie. Interpretasie van grondeienskappe om die geskiktheid van grond vir eenjarige of meerjarige gewasse te bepaal vereis gespesialiseerde kennis van grondkundiges, kennis wat nie normaalweg gevind word onder eiendomswaardeerders of eiendomsagente nie. Om hierdie rede is 'n algoritme ontwikkel sodat die grond van ‘n onderwerp eiendom d.m.v. ‘n indekswaarde met transaksie eiendomme vergelyk kan word. Die indekswaarde is akkuraat genoeg bevestig toe dit vergelyk is met grond geskiktheidsdata wat deur grondkundiges in die Breede- en Bergrivier gebiede ingesamel is. Hierdie indekswaarde onderskei die voorgestelde plaaswaardasie ondersteuningstelsel van ander bestaande eiendom waardasiestelsels en kan dus deur waardeerders gebruik word as 'n eerste bepaling van 'n eiendom se grond geskiktheid, voordat verdere veldwerk gedoen word. 'n Landwye opname is gedoen onder waardeerders en eiendomsagente wat inligting voorsien het vir die ontwerp van die voorgestelde plaaswaardasie ondersteuningstelsel, asook bewys gelewer het dat daar ‘n behoefte aan so 'n stelsel bestaan en dat dit deur waardeerders gebruik sal word.

Typology of smallholder farming in South Africa’s former homelands : towards an appropriate classification system

Pienaar, Petrus Louw 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The agriculture sector continues to be viewed as a vehicle through which economic growth and development can be achieved; particularly for developing economies. This view is incorporated in South Africa’s rural development framework in the National Development Plan, which indicated that this sector will be the main driver in developing the country’s rural economies. However, the South African agricultural sector is known to be dualistic; consisting of a large-scale commercial and a small-scale subsistence sector. This study is particularly focused on smallholder farming in South Africa, which have developed as a result of the decades of government intervention that have guided reform driven by the general political and economic philosophy of white domination. The most notable interventions, which drew the line between white and black landholding, were the Natives’ Land Acts of 1913 and 1936, followed by various policy interventions to support White, large-scale agriculture. The question remains whether or not an expanded smallholder sector can significantly contribute to rural development, employment creation and poverty reduction in the former homeland areas of South Africa. In order to answer this question, the need arises for reliable data on smallholder farming, conceptual clarification on definitions of “smallholder” or “small-scale” farmers and diversity among farming systems needs to be taken into account. These considerations are crucial in order to design and implement effective rural development policies. One way of addressing this question is the use of farm typologies. Given the diversity that exists within agricultural systems, various schemes of classification have been developed and evolved over time. The objective of this study is to provide an empirical framework that would classify smallholder farmers in the former homeland areas of South Africa according to their livelihood strategies. This study seeks to achieve the objective in three distinct ways. Firstly, by giving a broad overview of the smallholder sector in South Africa. Secondly, by utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques to identify farming households situated in the former homeland areas, using the General Household Survey (GHS) and the Income and Expenditure Survey (IES). Thirdly, apply multivariate statistical techniques, specifically Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis (CA), to develop the ultimate classification system. The results from both typologies suggested eight distinct types or groups of farming households in the former homeland areas. Important findings suggest that higher salary incomes are crucial for the enablement of households to market their produce. Social grants were found to be key in determining livelihood strategies among faming households, most notably old age and child support grants. One of the groups that were identified was typically food insecure, with their agricultural production not sufficiently feeding the household. Lastly, direct agricultural support from the government was clearly focused on livestock services which placed a minority of households at a distinct advantage to sell produce to the market. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die landbousektor word algemeen gesien as een van die moontlike drywers vir ekonomiese groei en landelike ontwikkeling, spesifiek in ontwikkelende lande. Hierdie siening word ook uitgesonder deur die Suid-Afrikaanse ontwikkelingsraamwerk, en by name in die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan wat aandui dat die landbousektor die hoofrol behoort te vervul om landelike gebiede te ontwikkel. Die vermoë om hierdie mandaat uit te voer moet in die konteks van die kenmerkende dualisme raakgesien word. Suid-Afrika het hoofsaaklik twee tipes boere; grootskaalse kommersiële boere en kleinskaalse, meestal bestaansboere, wat meestal in die voormalige tuislande opereer. Hierdie dualisme is die resultaat van verskeie regeringsinmengings, hoofsaaklik gedryf deur die algemene politieke bestel, ideologie en beleid wat op rasseklassifikasie gegrond was gedurende die vorige eeu. Sekerlik een van die mees bekende was die Naturellegrond Wet van 1913 en 1936, wat die skeidingslyn tussen swart en wit grondbesit ingestel het. Verder is verskeie wetgewings implimenteer om die kommersiële landbousektor te bevoordeel gedurende hierdie tydperk.. In hierdie konteks is dit belangrik om te vra of die uitbreiding van die kleinskaalse landbousektor werklik kan bydra tot landelike ontwikkeling, werkskepping en armoedeverligting in die voormalige tuislande van Suid-Afrika. Om hierdie vraag te beantwoord word betroubare inligting benodig, moet die konsep van “kleinskaalse boere” uitgeklaar word en laastens moet diversiteit tussen verskillende boerderystelsels in ag geneem word. Die antwoorde op hierdie vrae is noodsaaklik vir die ontwikkeling en implimentering van effektiewe landelike ontwikkelingsbeleid. Die gebruik van boerderytipologieë is ‘n oplossing om hierdie kwessies aan te spreek. Verskeie klassifikasiesisteme is in die verlede ontwikkel om die diversiteit in boerderystelsels te ondersoek. Die hoof doel van hierdie studie is om ‘n empiriese raamwerk te ontwikkel om kleinskaalse boerderye, wat in die voormalige tuislande voorkom, volgens hul lewensbestaanstrategieë te klassifiseer. Om hierdie doelwit te bereik, sal die studie eerstens ‘n oorsig gee van die kleinskaalse landbousektor in Suid-Afrika. Tweedens sal Geografiese Inligtingstelsels (GIS) tegnieke gebruik word om spesifiek huishoudings in die voormalige tuislande te indentifiseer in die Algemene Huishoudings Opname (AHO) en die Inkomste en Uitgawes Opname (IUO). Derdens sal meerveranderlike statistieke gebruik word, spesifiek Hoofkomponentanalise (HKA) en Bondelontleding (BO), om die klassifikasiesisteem te ontwikkel. Die resultate van die tipologieë wat in hierdie studie ontwikkel is gee agt spesifieke groepe van boerderyhuishoudings. Hierdie groepe was beduidend verskillend van mekaar en elkeen se lewenbestaanstrategieë word uitgewys. Die hoofbevindings dui aan dat addisionele salarisinkomste ‘n belangrike rol speel in die vermoë van kleinskaalse boere om hul produkte te verkoop. Verder is dit opmerklik dat maatskaplike toelaes ‘n aansienlike rol gespeel het in die vorming van die groepe, spesifiek wat betref ouderdomspensioene en kindertoelae. Daar is ook ‘n spesifieke groep huishoudings in beide tipologieë wat probleme ondervind om voedselsekuriteit op huishoudelike vlak te handhaaf. Laastens wys die studie dat direkte landbou-ondersteuning teenoor kleinskaalse boere ‘n kenmerkende fokus op lewendehaweboerderye plaas wat sulke boerderye bevoordeel het om vir die mark te produseer.

Analysis of smallholders’ farm diversity and risk attitudes in the Stellenbosch local municipal area

Tshoni, Simphiwe 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to consider whether smallholders operate within homogenous or differentiated farming systems i.e. a similar “‘one type”’ system or a system that could be described as a smallholder typology consisting of a number of farming types. The enquiry firstly described and analysed farm diversity and then developed risk attitude profiles of smallholder farmers in the Stellenbosch local municipal area in the Western Cape province of South Africa. The problem statements, directing this study is that there is a general misconception that smallholders are all “‘the same’” and that they all operate within one ‘“representative farming model”’; and that the majority of smallholders are risk averse. These views also argue that all smallholder farmers are not primarily directed at profit objectives, but that social considerations are most relevant and that different social orientations are shaping farming systems. These views are investigated in this study and the hypotheses directing this analysis is that smallholders in the study area are not a homogenous group; rather types within a broader farming typology, with different orientations and objectives and with different risk attitude profiles. The study originated as part of an international collaborative investigation – the South African Agrarian Diagnoses project, a joint research project of the Agro Paris Tech/Agence Francaise de Development, the Standard Bank Centre for Agribusiness Development and Leadership, Stellenbosch University and the University of Pretoria in to farmer diversity and farmer typologies in South Africa. This investigation looked at smallholder farming in different agrogeographical areas in South Africa, with this particular study focussing on potential smallholder farmer diversity in the Stellenbosch local municipal area. The Stellenbosch local municipality and Western Cape Department of Agriculture provided logistical support, information to this investigation and participated in focus group sessions. Smallholder activity in this study was defined to include both small scale farming activities and the mobilisation of smallholders/farm workers in so-called ‘“farm worker equity schemes’” – a type not included in the other regions. Data was collected from eight smallholders’ farming communities and the four different farm workers’ equity share schemes through surveys and interviews. The following towns and hamlets: Franschhoek, Kylemore, Lanquedoc (Herbal View and Spier Corridor), Pniel, Jamestown, Raithby, Lynedoch and Koelenhof; and four farm workers’ equity share schemes were: Swartrivier vineyard project, Koopmanskloof vineyard project, Enaleni Trust and Poker Hill vineyard project. Personal interviews and focus group discussions were conducted and cluster analysis was used for the diversity (typology) analysis and the Likert scale was employed to measure risk attitude profiles. A non-probability sampling approach was used to select a sample size of 49 respondents. The reason for using non-probability sampling technique was that when one wants to do the diversity analysis, one must try to include many respondents in the sample and the farmers that are included must be representative of the population from which they are selected. The variables selected as determinants of farm diversity included information about: demographics and households, land ownership and occupation, farming activities, farming objectives, agricultural inputs, labour, equipment, farming constraints, access to markets, financial support services, educational and training services, extension services and reasons for quitting farming activities. From this, different farming types and typologies were identified, described and structured. Preference indications for different risk management strategies were then used to measure and describe the risk attitudes of different types of smallholder farmers using the Likert risk attitudinal scale. The results and findings confirmed the study hypotheses relating to diversity in smallholder farming in the target area, namely that smallholders in this geographical area are not a homogenous group and rejects the stated hypotheses that most smallholder farmers are risk averse. A Stellenbosch smallholder typology, with six different farming types were established viz: type 1 – farmland-occupying but non-farming households (10.2% of the sample), type 2 – pensioner – livestock farmers (16.3% of the sample), type 3 – part-time cattle farmers (14.3% of the sample), type 4 – commercial equity share farmers (16.3% of the sample), type 5 – retirement planning crop producers (20.4% of the sample), and type 6 – commercial crop producers (22.5% of the sample). With regard to risk profiles, risk attitudes varied between these types and also within each type, hence risk attitudes for smallholders are also not found to be similar. The results revealed that those smallholder farmers moving on a development path towards commercial agriculture (types 4, 5 and 6) were risk preferring; less commercially orientated farm types (types 1, 2 and 3), showed risk averse and risk neutral orientations. The risk profile percentages of farmers interviewed were 43.2%, 34.1% and 22.7%, respectively for risk preferring, risk neutral and risk averse; this finding rejects the stated hypotheses. From these results, a number of issues, relevant to development support programmes, were proposed for further agricultural economic research. The most important of these are related to: appropriate development support strategies related to farm types and the potential development paths for each type; and the structuring of appropriate ‘“risk management instruments”’ for each type, in particular to support smallholder farmers; with a development trajectory towards commercial farming, i.e. to support emerging commercial farmers – an important category of farming listed in current government policy and in the National Development Plan. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die tipe kleinboere-stelsel (smallholder farming systems) wat voorkom in die Stellenbosch munisipale gebied in die WesKaap provinsie van Suid Afrika en die eenvormigheid al dan nie daarvan te ontleed. Eerstens is plaasdiversiteit ondersoek en ontleed; en daarna die risikohoudings van sondagie kleinboere. Die ontledings is dan gebruik om uitspraak te gee oor die eenvormigheid of diversiteit van kleinboerestelsels in die geogafiese gebied. Die probleemstelling wat hierdie studie gerig het, was dat daar ’n algehele wanbegrip mag bestaan dat kleinboere almal “dieselfde” is, of binne n ‘“eenvormige verteenwoordigende boerderymodel”’ funksioneer; en dat, gekoppel hieraan, die meerderheid kleinboere risikoafkerig is. Hierdie sienings hou ook voor dat alle kleinboere nie noodwendig op winsdoelwitte fokus nie, maar dat maatskaplike oorwegings ook relevant is en dat verskillende oriëntasies boerderystelsels vorm. Hierdie sienings word in hierdie studie ondersoek en die hipotese wat die analise rig, is dat die kleinboere in die studie nie ’n eenvormige of homogene groep is nie, eerder verskillende soorte/tipes kleinboere met verskillende oriëntasies en doelwitte en dus ook met verskillende risikohoudings. Die studie het sy oorsprong as deel van ’n internasionale samewerkende ondersoek – die South African Agrarian Diagnoses-projek van die Agro Paris Tech/Agence Francaise de Development, die Standard Bank Sentrum vir Agribesigheidsontwikkeling en Leierskap, Universiteit van Stellenbosch endie Universiteit van Pretoria oor die diversiteit en tipologieë van kleinboere in Suid Afrika. Hierdie ondersoek het gekyk na verskillende agro-geologiese gebiede in SuidAfrika, met hierdie studie wat gefokus het op die potensiële diversiteit van boere in die Stellenbosse plaaslike munisipale gebied. Die Stellenbosche Munisipaliteit en Departement van Landbou in die Wes Kaap het ondersteunend gestaan met logistiek en deelname aan fokusgroep gesprekke. Kleinboeraktiwiteit in hierdie studie is gedefinieer om beide kleinskaalse boerderyaktiwiteite op klein grond persele, as ook die mobilisering van kleinboere/plaaswerkers in sogenaamde gedeelde boerdery - eienaarskapskemas in te sluit – n unieke tipe wat nie in die ander streke ondersoek is nie.. Data is vanuit agt kleinboergemeenskappe en die vier verskillende gedeelde eienaarskapskemas vir plaaswerkers deur middel van opnames en onderhoude bekom. Die boerderygemeenskappe was in die volgende dorpe en klein dorpies gevestig: Franschhoek, Kylemore, Lanquedoc (Herbal View en Spier Corridor), Pniel, Jamestown, Raithby, Lynedoch en Koelenhof; en die vier gedeelde eienaarskapskemas vir plaaswerkers was: die Swartrivier wingerdprojek, die Koopmanskloof wingerdprojek, Enaleni Trust en die Poker Hill wingerdprojek. Persoonlike onderhoude en fokusgroepbesprekings is gehou en cluster analise is gebruik vir die diversiteit (tipologie) analise en die Likertskaal is gebruik risiko houding profiele te meet. 'N niewaarskynlikheidsteekproefneming benadering is gebruik om 'n steekproefgrootte van 49 respondente te kies. Die rede vir die gebruik van nie-waarskynlikheidsteekproefneming tegniek was dat wanneer 'n mens die diversiteit ontleding te doen, moet 'n mens probeer om soveel respondente in die monster en die boere wat ingesluit is, moet verteenwoordigend van die bevolking waaruit hulle gekies word om te sluit. Onderhoude is gedoen met sulke kleinboere en trosanalise is gebruik vir die analise van diversiteit (tipologie), en die Likert-skaal is gebruik om risikohoudingsprofiele te meet. Die veranderlikes wat as determinante van plaasdiversiteit gekies is, het inligting oor demografie en huishoudings, grondeienaarskap en -besetting, boerderyaktiwiteite, boerderydoelwitte, landboukundige insette, arbeid, toerusting, boerderybeperkings, marktoegang, finansiële ondersteuningsdienste, opvoedkundige en opleidingsdienste, uitbreidingsdienste en redes hoekom boerdery laat vaar is, ingesluit. Hieruit is verskillende boerderytipes geïdentifiseer en gekonstrueer. Voorkeure opsies vir verskillende risikobestuurstrategieë is gebruik om die risikohoudings van die deur middel van die Likert risikohoudingskaal te meet. Die resultate van hierdie studie het die hipotese oor die aanwesigheid van diversiteit bevestig, naamlik dat kleinboere in hierdie geografiese gebied nie ’n homogene groep is nie n verwerp die gestelde hipoteses dat die meeste kleinboere is risiko-sku. ’n Stellenbosch-tipologie, bestaande uit ses verskillende boerderytipes, is vasgestel: tipe 1 – huishoudings wat nie boer nie maar wat op landbougrond woon (10.2% van die monster), tipe 2 – pensioenaris-veeboere (16.3% van die monster), tipe 3 – deeltydse veeboere (14.3% van die monster), tipe 4 – kommersiële gedeelde eienaarskapskema boere (16.3% van die monster), tipe 5 – gewasprodusente wat aftrede beplan (20.4% van die monster), en tipe 6 – kommersiële gewasprodusente (22.5% van die monster). Met betrekking tot risikoprofiele het risikohoudings tussen die tipes en ook binne elke tipe gewissel, dus is die risikohoudings van kleinboere ook nie gevind om dieselfde te wees nie. Die resultate toon dat kleinboere wat in die rigting van kommersiële landbou beweeg (tipes 4, 5 en 6) risiko-voorkeurend is; daarenteen het minder kommersieel gerigte plaastipes (tipes 1, 2 en 3)risiko-afkerige en risiko-neutrale instellings getoon. In die geheel was die persentasies 43,2%, 34.1% en 22.7% vir risiko-voorkeurend, risiko-neutraal en risiko-afkerig onderskeidelik, wat ook die diversiteitshipotese ondersteun. Vanuit hierdie bevindings word ’n aantal kwessies wat relevant is vir ontwikkelingsondersteuningsprogramme vir kleinboere op verskillende ontwikkelingstrajekte, voorgestel vie verder elandbou ekonomiese navorsing. Die belangrikste hiervan hou verband met die aangewese ontwikkelingstrajekte per kleinboer tipe en daarmeegepaardgaande gepaste “risikobestuurinstrumente” – veral vir die ondersteuning van kleinboere met ’n ontwikkelingstrajek na kommersiële boerdery, m.a.w. opkomende kommersiële boere – ’n belangrike boerderykategorie wat in huidige regeringsbeleid en in die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan geprioritiseer word.

Key factors influencing smallholder market participation in the former homelands of South Africa : case study of the Eastern Cape

Hlomendlini, Pilile Hamlet 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study uses a double-hurdle (DH) model to examine the key factors influencing market participation decisions among maize-producing households in the former homelands of South Africa. In the first stage of the double-hurdle model, using data on South African rural maize growers, the decision whether or not to participate (binary variable) is used to estimate the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), which is assumed to follow a probit model. In the second stage, the conditional quantity sold (continuous variable) is assumed to follow a truncated normal regression model, whereby the MLE is estimated by fitting a truncated normal regression into the quantity sold. The results of the double-hurdle regression point specifically to five key factors that were found to have a positive statistical effect on rural smallholders’ market participation decisions, and on the conditional quantity of maize they traded (viz. household size, land size, access to credit and government transfers for the first stage, which was estimated using the probit model, and age, education and employment status of the household head, use of tractor when cultivating, government transfers, quantity produced, market price, and own transport to the market for the second stage which was estimated using truncated normal regression). Based on the findings highlighted above, it is recommended that the integration of rural smallholders as market participants cannot be achieved without effective policy interventions that create and sustain an enabling environment that encourages greater participation. This includes improving access to land and road infrastructure; providing extension services and making available relevant advice and information related to both production and marketing aspects; and enhancing the accessibility of both credit and production input. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie maak gebruik van die dubbel-hekkie (DH) model om die vernaamste faktore te ondersoek wat besluite oor markdeelname onder mielieproduserende huishoudings in die voormalige tuislande van Suid-Afrika beïnvloed. In die eerste stadium van die double-hurdle model, met gebruik van data oor landelike Suid-Afrikaanse mieliekwekers, is die besluit oor deelname of andersins (binêre veranderlike) gebruik om die maksimum-aanneemlikheidsberaming (maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)) te skat wat aanvaar word om op ’n probit-model te volg. In die tweede stadium is die voorwaardelike hoeveelheid verkoop (kontinue veranderlike) aanvaar om op ’n afgeknotte normale regressiemodel te volg, waardeur die MLE beraam word deur ’n afgeknotte normale regressie in die hoeveelheid verkoop te pas. Die resultate van die dubbel-hekkie regressie dui spesifiek op vyf sleutelfaktore wat gevind is om ’n positiewe statistiese effek op landelike kleinboere se markdeelnamebesluite te hê, en op die voorwaardelike hoeveelheid van mielies wat hulle verhandel (naamlik grootte van die huishouding, grootte van die grond, toegang tot krediet en regeringsoordragte vir die eerste stadium, wat geskat is deur gebruik te maak van die probit-model, en ouderdom, opvoeding en indiensnemingstatus van die hoof van die huishouding, gebruik van trekker tydens bewerking, regeringsoordragte, hoeveelheid geproduseer, markprys en eie vervoer na die mark vir die tweede stadium, wat geskat is met afgeknotte normale regressie). Gebaseer op die bevindings wat hierbo uitgelig is, word daar aangeraai dat die integrasie van landelike kleinboere as markdeelnemers nie moontlik is sonder doeltreffende beleidsingrypings wat ’n instaatstellende omgewing skep en onderhou wat groter deelname sal aanmoedig. Dit sluit in verbeterde toegang tot grond en pad-infrastruktuur; verskaffing van voorligtingdienste en relevante raad en inligting m.b.t. produksie- en bemarkingsaspekte; en die verbetering van toegang tot beide krediet en produksie-insette.

The effect of agricultural service provision on performance of smallholder farmers in Zambia

Mwefyeni, Ephraim Chali 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / Zambia, a country in Sub Saharan Africa, is home to over 13 million people. Of this population, 61 percent are found in rural areas and depend on agriculture for their livelihood, making the sector a key area for the development of the country. Agriculture remains a key sector because of its huge potential and the number of people that are dependent on it. However, smallholder farmers face many challenges, which include inadequate market and price information, inability to access credit, inadequate extension services, low input supply and low usage of hybrid seed amongst others. Given this situation, the study undertook to use quantitative research methods to determine the effect of agricultural services on smallholder performance in Zambia. It also focused on determining whether the sources of agricultural services affect performance. The results of the study reported that sources of fertilizers, maize seed and loans had a significant influence on yield of maize achieved by farmers. Access and utilisation of fertilizer, seed and maize price information had also shown that there was a relationship between these variables and yield produced. With these results, it is imperative to understand and manage the level of government involvement in the provision of agricultural services so that private sector participation is not discouraged.

Smallholder farmers in Ekurhuleni : the challenges and constraints of access to agricultural markets

Raphela, Maropeng Gilmore Matthias 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is substantial evidence supported by literature that many smallholder farmers can benefit from agricultural markets and commercialisation. This research examines the challenges and constraints that smallholder farmers have to deal with in the study area and what needs to be done to overcome the barriers to market access. An argument was made that identification of these barriers could lead to the necessary interventions and assist in institutional innovation to alleviate market constraints and challenges faced by smallholder farmers. The qualitative approach was deemed appropriate and entailed the face to face method in the collection of data through the use of structured questionnaires. Smallholder farmers in Tembisa, involved in the production and marketing of specific agricultural commodities were visited to investigate the challenges and constraints facing them. The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality’s database of smallholder farmers was used to access the smallholder farmers involved in the production of selected vegetables in Tembisa. The study revealed that access to land, access to agricultural inputs, access to credit, market information, infrastructure and farmer support services were barriers to market participation. The lack or limited access to these resources will affect the manner in which smallholder farmers benefit from the opportunities available in the agricultural markets in respect of the quality and quantity of the agricultural produce. Whilst the fresh produce market and supermarkets in the area have extended a hand of cooperation and business relationship with smallholder farmers, there is currently no formal existing relationship since they are unable to exploit those opportunities due to their inability to comply with the required standards set by the market. Most of their produce is sold at the farm gate, local community and to the hawkers. It is expected that addressing such barriers may create enabling conditions that would encourage smallholder farmers to access and participate more effectively in markets. Such efforts could improve the ability of smallholder farmers to become part of the mainstream or commercial agricultural economy. Some barriers and constraints require direct intervention by government and policy makers have to institute agricultural policy reforms to incorporate smallholder farmers within large scale agriculture.

Certification standards for sustainable game ranching in the Northern Province, South Africa

Du Toit, Engela A. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Formal systems of environmental management and certification for activities associated with extensive land use, relate mainly to forestry. The emergence of forest certification largely originates from the issue of tropical deforestation and the associated boycott campaigns against tropical timber. At the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, a new set of international norms were set in the form of Forest Principles. These were non-binding and together with international initiatives, such as the Tropical Forestry Action Programme and the International Tropical Timber Organisation have failed to decrease deforestation. New efforts to encourage sustainable forestry through forest certification were made by Non Governmental Organisations which collaborated with the private sector in developing new policy instruments. They followed the trend of eco-labelling in an attempt to link green consumers to producers whose aim it is to improve management practices. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) was established. The FSC system relies on forest management principles and criteria approved by itself and is based on performance standards. The International Standards Organisation (ISO) also developed a management standard based on the principle of continuous improvement. ISO developed the ISO 14001 standard for the certification of Environmental Management Systems which is applicable to any industry concerned with the environment. From questionnaire surveys carried out among a sample of private game ranch owners/managers in the Northern Province, current standards of management were established. It was found that private owners/managers rely mostly on their own experience and knowledge. Information about management on game ranches is rarely available and only major concerns and most visible problems are attended to. Guidelines with standards for an Environmental Management System (EMS) according to the ISO 14000 series were drawn up from the results of the surveys and a literature review. A checklist of principles and criteria which could be used for the certification process was also developed. The final objective is to attain quality game ranch management which is environmentally sensitive, socially aware/beneficial and economically viable. This is crucial for the conservation and preservation of the natural systems in South Africa in which private land owners playa major role. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Formele omgewingsbestuursisteme en sertifisering vir aktiwiteite wat geassosieer word met ekstensiewe grondbenutting, word hoofsaaklik gekoppel met bosbou. Die konsep van sertifisering het tot stand gekom as gevolg van die omstredenheid rondom ontbossing en die gassosieerde sanksies teen tropiese hout. By die Verenigde Nasies Konferensie oor Omgewing en Ontwikkeling in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 is 'n nuwe stel internasionale norme daargestel in die vorm van Bosbeginsels. Hierdie was nie-bindend en saam met internasionale inisiatiewe soos die Tropiese Bos Aksie Program en die Internasionale Tropiese Hout Organisasie het hulle gefaal om ontbossing te verminder. Nuwe pogings om volhoubare bosboupraktyke aan te moedig is aangewend nadat Nie-Regering Organisasies en die privaatsektor saamgewerk het om nuwe beleidsinstrumente te ontwikkel. Hulle het die neiging vir die "eko-etiket" nagevolg in 'n poging om omgewingsbewuste verbruikers in kontak te bring met produseerders wat gemoeid is met verbeterde bestuurspraktyke. Die Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) het tot stand gekom en hulle sisteem sluit bosbestuursbeginsels en kriteria in wat deur hulleself goedgekeur is en gebaseer is op werkverrigtingstandaarde. Die Internasionale Standaarde Organisasie (ISO) het ook 'n bosbestuurstandaard opgestel gebaseer op die beginsel van kontinue verbetering. ISO het die ISO 14001 standaard opgestel vir Omgewingsbestuursisteme wat van toepassing gemaak kan word op enige industrie wat gemoeid is met die omgewmg. Na afhandeling van vraelys opnames onder privaat wildsplaas eienaars/bestuurders, is daar vasgestel wat die standaard van bestuur tans in die Noordelike Provinsie is. Privaat eienaarsIbestuurders maak meestal staat op hulle eie ondervinding en kennis. Inligting oor die bestuur van die wildsplase is nie geredelik beskikbaar nie en slegs die mees sigbare en grootste probleme word bestuur. 'n Riglyn met standaarde vir 'n Omgewingsbestuursisteem volgens ISO is opgestel vanaf resultate van die opnames en 'n literatuurstudie asook 'n "Checklist" wat beginsels en kriteria insluit wat gebruik kan word in die sertifiseringsproses is ook ontwerp. Die finale doel is om kwaliteit bestuur te bewerkstellig wat omgewingsensitief, sosiaal bewus/voordelig en ekonomies lewensvatbaar is. Laasgenoemde is uiters belangrik aangesien privaat grondeienaars 'n sleutelrol speel in die bewaring en preservering van die natuurlike sisteme in Suid-Afrika.

A reinterpretation of the value attributes of agricultural land for the valuation of farms bought for lifestyle purposes

Reed, Lily Lozelle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Agric) (Agriculture))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Traditionally, agricultural land was regarded mainly as a production factor. Accordingly, in their application of the market sales comparison approach to agricultural land, valuers relied on a set of attributes related to agricultural production as the primary determinants of an agricultural property’s highest and best use (HBU) and market value. These characteristics were measurable and related to the property’s income-generating capacity. The emergence of a multi-functional rural land market with alternative uses of agricultural land, such as for lifestyle purposes, has transformed this concept. Lifestyle inspired buyers often focus on a wider range of attributes not necessarily related to income, but associated more with satisfaction derived from the property. This creates a measurement problem for agricultural land valuers, as the characteristics valued by lifestyle buyers are more intangible and subjective, which leave valuers without a base from which to value such properties. The presence of lifestyle inspired buyers makes agricultural land valuations more demanding as it implies different interpretations of the same farm and complicates the choice of a single HBU. The continued use of familiar conventional farming attributes by valuers when valuing farms where lifestyle motivations are present, and the omission of less measurable characteristics, implies that the market sales comparison method cannot be executed accurately. The objectives of the study were twofold: to reveal the dominance of value attributes applicable to farming as HBU when valuing farms bought primarily for lifestyle purposes and to identify the characteristics of land important to lifestyle inspired farm buyers.

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