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Plantation and peasant farm : a vertical theme in the historical geography of Barbados, 1627-1960Innes, Frank Cecil January 1967 (has links)
No description available.
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The Role of Epibenthic and Planktonic Fauna in Subtropical Prawn Grow Out PondsComan, Francis Edmund, n/a January 2003 (has links)
The assemblage composition, biomass and dynamics of zooplankton and epibenthos were examined in a commercial prawn pond in southeast Queensland over two seasons. Physico-chemical characteristics of the pond water were measured concurrently. Numbers and biomass of zooplankton in the surface tows (140 micrometre mesh) varied from 8 ind. L-1 (44 micrograms L-1) to 112 ind. L-1 (324 micrograms L-1) in the first season, with peaks in biomass corresponding to peaks in numbers. In the second season the zooplankton numbers varied from 12 to 590 ind. L-1, but peaks in numbers did not correspond with peaks in biomass, which varied from 28 to 465 micrograms L-1. This was due to differences in the size of the dominant taxa across the season. Although this occurred in both seasons, the effect on biomass was more pronounced in the second season. In both seasons, immediately after the ponds were stocked with prawn postlarvae there was a rapid decline in zooplankton numbers, particularly of the dominant larger copepods. This was probably due to predation by the postlarvae. Subsequent peaks in zooplankton numbers were principally due to barnacle nauplii. The largest peaks in zooplankton numbers occurred before stocking in the first season, but the largest peaks were in the middle of the second season. While changes in abundance and biomass of the zooplankton assemblage were not correlated with physico-chemical characteristics in the first season, there were correlations between zooplankton numbers and temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and secchi disk readings in the second season. No correlations were found with zooplankton biomass and physico-chemical characteristics in the second season. The correlations in the second season were mainly due to the high prevalence of barnacle nauplii through the middle part of the season, and may reflect suitable conditions for barnacle reproduction. Epibenthic faunal abundance in the beam trawls (1 mm mesh) peaked at 14 ind. m-2 and 7 ind. m-2 in the first and second seasons respectively and the biomasses at 0.8 g m-2 and 0.7 g m-2. Peaks in abundance of epibenthos did not correspond to peaks in biomass. This was due to large differences in the size of the taxa across the seasons. Sergestids (Acetes sibogae) and amphipods were the most abundant taxa in beam trawl samples. Amphipods were only abundant in the first season, with their numbers increasing towards the end of the grow out period. Acetes were abundant in both seasons, but were dominant in the second season. Correlations between physico-chemical parameters and epibenthos numbers were found to be strongly influenced by the dominant taxa in each season. In the first season, negative correlations were found between epibenthos abundance and pH and temperature. These relationships may reflect an effect on the growth of macroalgae in the pond, with which the amphipods were strongly associated, rather than a direct effect on the epibenthos. In the second season, a positive correlation existed between temperature and epibenthos abundance, however this was strongly influenced by the very high abundance of Acetes in the last sampling period. No correlations were found between epibenthic fauna biomass and physico-chemical parameters. Abundances of epibenthic fauna were not related to zooplankton densities indicating this source of food was not likely to be a limiting factor. Neither the pond water exchange regime nor moon phase could explain changes observed in abundances of zooplankton or epibenthos assemblages in the first season, however the sampling regime was not designed to specifically investigate these effects. In the second season water exchanges were sampled more rigorously. The density of zooplankton in the outlet water was from 2 to 59% of the density of zooplankton in the pond, and the zooplankton density of the inlet water was from 9 to 50% of the outlet water. The number of zooplankton recruited into the pond from the inlet water, after the prawns were stocked, was negligible and contributed little to changes observed in zooplankton assemblages. Reproduction of barnacles within the pond appeared to play the most important role in changes in the assemblage. Water exchange did, however, appear to play a greater role in the changes observed in epibenthic fauna assemblages. In the last season of sampling the feeding of the dominant epibenthic species, Acetes sibogae, was examined using a combination of gut content and stable isotope analysis. Acetes gained little nutrition directly from the pelleted feed, probably relying primarily on zooplankton as their direct food source. Other dietary items such as macroalgae also played a role in the nutrition of the Acetes. If Acetes numbers were high at the beginning of a season they may compete with the newly stocked prawns for the zooplankton resource. However, they will not compete with the prawns later in the season when the prawns are gaining most of their nutrition from the pelleted feed. Overall it appears that zooplankton are important to the nutrition of the prawns at the beginning of the season when the assemblage is usually dominated by copepods. Later in the season the assemblage is dominated by barnacle nauplii which are recruited from within the pond. The establishment of an abundant assemblage of suitable zooplankton species before stocking prawn postlarvae would appear to be beneficial, if not essential. The assemblage of epibenthic fauna changes throughout the season as new recruits are brought in from outside the pond. Epibenthic faunal assemblages in ponds from southeast Queensland are dominated by Acetes which are not likely to adversely affect the production of prawns unless they are particularly abundant early in the grow out season when the prawns would be utilising the same food resources as Acetes.
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Women as Farm Partners: Agricultural Decision Support Systems in the Australian Cotton IndustryMackrell, Dale Carolyn, n/a January 2006 (has links)
Australian farmers are supplementing traditional practices with innovative strategies in an effort to survive recent economic, environmental, and social crises in the rural sector. These innovative strategies include moving towards a technology-based farm management style. A review of past literature determines that, despite a growing awareness of the usefulness of computers for farm management, there is concern over the limited demand for computer-based agricultural decision support systems (DSS). Recent literature indicates that women are the dominant users of computers on family farms yet are hesitant to use computers for decision support, and it is also unclear what decision-making roles women assume on family farms. While past research has investigated the roles of women in the Australian rural sector, there is a dearth of research into the interaction of women cotton growers with computers. Therefore, this dissertation is an ontological study and aims to contribute to scholarly knowledge in the research domain of Australian women cotton growers, agricultural DSS, and cotton farm management. This dissertation belongs in the Information Systems (IS) stream and describes an interpretive single case study which explores the lives of Australian women cotton growers on family farms and the association of an agricultural DSS with their farm management roles. Data collection was predominantly through semi-structured interviews with women cotton growers and cotton industry professionals such as DSS developers, rural extension officers, researchers and educators, rural experimental scientists, and agronomists and consultants, all of whom advise cotton growers. The study was informed by multiple sociological theories with opposing paradigmatic assumptions: Giddens' (1984) structuration theory as a metatheory to explore the recursiveness of farm life and technology usage; Rogers' (1995) diffusion of innovations theory with a functionalist approach to objectively examine the features of the software and user, as well as the processes of technology adoption; and Connell's (2002) theory of gender relations with its radical humanist perspective to subjectively investigate the relationships between farm partners through critical enquiry. The study was enriched further by drawing on other writings of these authors (Connell 1987; Giddens 2001; Rogers 2003) as well as complementary theories by authors (Orlikowski 1992; Orlikowski 2000; Trauth 2002; Vanclay & Lawrence 1995). These theories in combination have not been used before, which is a theoretical contribution of the study. The agricultural DSS for the study was CottonLOGIC, an advanced farm management tool to aid the management of cotton production. It was developed in the late 1990s by the CSIRO and the Australian Cotton Cooperative Research Centre (CRC), with support from the Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC). CottonLOGIC is a software package of decision support and record-keeping modules to assist cotton growers and their advisors in the management of cotton pests, soil nutrition, and farm operations. It enables the recording and reporting of crop inputs and yields, insect populations (heliothis, tipworm, mirids and so on), weather data, and field operations such as fertiliser and pesticide applications, as well as the running of insect density prediction (heliothis and mites) and soil nutrition models. The study found that innovative practices and sustainable solutions are an imperative in cotton farm management for generating an improved triple bottom line of economic, environmental and social outcomes. CottonLOGIC is an industry benchmark for supporting these values through the incorporation of Best Management Practices (BMP) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles, although there were indications that the software is in need of restructuring as could be expected of software over five years old. The evidence from the study was that women growers are participants in strategic farm decisions but less so in operational decisions, partly due to their lack of relevant agronomic knowledge. This hindered their use of CottonLOGIC, despite creative attempts to modify it. The study endorsed the existence of gender differences and inequalities in rural Australia. Nevertheless, the study also found that the women are valued for their roles as business partners in the multidisciplinary nature of farm management. All the same, there was evidence that greater collaboration and cooperation by farm partners and advisors would improve business outcomes. On the whole, however, women cotton growers are not passive agents but take responsibility for their own futures. In particular, DSS tools such as CottonLOGIC are instrumental in enabling women cotton growers to adapt to, challenge, and influence farm management practices in the family farm enterprise, just as CottonLOGIC is itself shaped and reshaped. Hence, a practical contribution of this study is to provide non-prescriptive guidelines for the improved adoption of agricultural DSS, particularly by rural women, as well as increasing awareness of the worth of their roles as family farm business partners.
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Experimental evaluation of fox control and the impact of foxes on lambsGreentree, Carolyn, n/a January 2000 (has links)
Baiting with sodium monofluoroacetate (1080) to protect lambs (Ovis aries)
from red foxes (Vulpes vulpes L.) has become more frequent in NSW and other parts
of Australia during the last 10 years despite the lack of reported evidence evaluating
the effects of fox baiting on lamb survival. NSW Agriculture has developed fox
control recommendations aimed at minimising impact, but these guidelines have not
been tested experimentally. Defining the extent of a pest problem and the
effectiveness of pest control are key components of a strategic approach to vertebrate
pest management as it is the damage of pests that justifies their control.
This thesis describes an experimental evaluation of the recommended practice
of fox control in NSW. The effects of three levels of fox control were tested in the
experiment; no treatment, baiting once a year before lambing (the recommended
practice) and baiting three times a year (thought to be the maximum farmers would
instigate). Each treatment had two replicates. No previous manipulative experiment
using synchronous controls and matched replicates has been undertaken to test the
effects. The study quantifies the level of fox predation on healthy lambs and the level
of predation on lambs that had other causes including illness and mismothering
contributing to this fox predation. It also examines the response of the fox
population, lamb predation and lambing outcomes to different levels of fox control.
The cost effectiveness of fox control is examined in relation to lamb predation and an
investigation of the optimum level of fox control is begun. The experiment also
provides the first chance to consider the examination of multiple response variables
and the scale of field ecology experiments required to recognise a significant response
and avoid a Type II error due to between replicate variability even with tightly
controlled site selection criteria to standardise experimental sites, and with the
synchrony of experimental control and treatment surveys.
The study occurred on five sheep properties near Boorowa (34°28'S,
148°32'E) and Murringo (34°18'S, 148°3 1'E) in south-eastern Australia. The terrain
was undulating to hilly with a maximum elevation of 660 m above sea level. The main
agricultural enterprises in the district are Merino wool, fat lamb and beef cattle
production and winter cereal cropping. The native vegetation of Eucalyptus
woodland has been mostly cleared, though remnant patches occur. Most of the area
is now sown with pasture of Phalaris tuberosa, Lolium spp. and clover Trifolium
spp.. The experimental properties grazed self-replacing Merino flocks, primarily for
wool production, so lamb survival was vital to the economic operation of the farm.
Over 50 selection criteria including lamb survival rates, ewe fertility and bloodline,
sheep management practices, climate and habitat features that affect lamb survival,
past fox control practices and prey species were used to select sites Sites were
representative of most sheep farming properties in the region, but were also extremely
similar in factors that affected fox abundance and ewe and lamb survival, thus
minimising variation between replicate sites.
The manufactured meat baits used to poison foxes contained 3 mg of sodium monofluoroacetate (compound 1080). A replacement baiting program was carried
out in 1995 and 1996. Fox control programs were carried out over the experimental
units and adjacent buffer zones covering approximately two fox territories,
approximately 6km2, around the lambing paddock under study. The recommended fox
control practices described by NSW Agriculture also included neighbouring farmers
taking part in an extended group baiting program. In all the area baited at varying
intensities totalled 3400 km2. Synchronised lambing with neighbours was a further
recommended practice to reduce fox predation and was carried out on these sites.
Lambing occurred during a six to eight week period in late winter on all sites, a
practice known as 'spring lambing', and on many surrounding properties so a surplus
of lambs was available to foxes over a relatively short time.
The benefits of fox control were measured directly as enhanced lamb survival
derived from differences in lamb marking rates between ultrasounded flocks of
approximately 1000 ewes and the predation of lambs was measured from over 2000
lamb carcases post-mortemed in 1994, 1995 and 1996. A mean of 138 lambs were
expected at ultrasounding from 100 ewes and 113 lambs per 100 ewes were alive at
lamb marking.
There was no significant (P>0.05) effect of fox control on lambing
performance (the number of lambs per 100 ewes that lambed) Fox predation was
inferred as the cause of lamb death in a minimum of 0.8% and a maximum of 5.3% of
lamb carcases during 1995 and 1996. There was a significant (P<0 05) effect of fox
control on the minimum possible percentage of lamb carcases classified as healthy
lambs killed by foxes, with the percentage declining from 1.50% (no fox control), to
0.90% (fox control once per year) to 0.25% (fox control three times per year). There
was also a significant (P<0.005) effect of fox control on the maximum possible
percentage of lamb carcases classified as healthy lambs killed by foxes with the
percentage declining from 10.25% (no fox control), to 6.50% (fox control once per
year) to 3.75% (fox control three times per year). The observed results were used to
estimate the number of treatment replicates needed to be confident of detecting an
effect of predator control on lamb marking performance. The estimated numbers
were very high if small effects were to be detected. No significant correlation
between the fox density and the minimum and maximum possible number of lambs
carcases classified as killed by foxes was found. Bait uptake was monitored as were
the costs of fox control.
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Evaluation of the USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) to estimate soil loss from hobby farms and commercial pastoral properties around Murrumbateman, NSW, AustraliaSon, Vo Thanh, n/a January 1993 (has links)
This thesis is an evaluation of the use the USLE to estimate soil loss from
two pastoral land uses - commercial properties and "hobby farms" in
Murrumbateman. Sensitivity analysis was used to evaluate the USLE
components. Sediment measurement in farm dams was taken to estimate
sediment yield from several sites, as an alternative approach to study soil
loss. The annual soil loss from entire study area was 0.25 t/ha/year whilst
these figures from commercial properties and hobby farms were 0.29
t/ha/year and 0.21 t/ha/year, respectively. The annual average sediment
yield from three catchments in hobby farms was 0.3 t/ha/year. The USLE
was found to be highly sensitive to slope steepness, ground cover and
stocking rates. The critical values were 16% for slopes, 35% for the ground
cover and 19 Dry Sheep Equivalent/ha for stocking rate. I tentatively
conclude that the USLE is sufficiently sensitive to detect differences in soil
loss between the two land uses. There is, however, a need to improve the
operation of the model in some respects. The use of farm dams for
estimating sediment yield also shows promise.
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Talking back: voices from an empty house: the interior space of the Frantz-Dunn House as artifactBryant, Kathleen J. 24 September 2004 (has links)
The 134-year old Frantz-Dunn House in Hoskins. Oregon is an intact, well-preserved
example of rural Gothic architecture in the Willamette Valley. The old farmstead sits on a
former Civil War Fort site and represents a link in the history of the region to the larger
patterns of expansion in America during the nineteenth century. This study focuses on the
family history of three generations of occupants of the historic dwelling. The information
was gathered from extant materials and official documents, historic publications, local
museum collections, visual observation of the house and from interviews with the
relatives of the pioneer families and selected Hoskins residents. Special interest was paid
to the interior furnishings and finishes in the interest of the material culture of the house.
Interior furnishings were discussed from interview and extant elements.
Recommendations for further study of this and other historic houses with focus on the
interior material culture of are given. / Graduation date: 2006 / Best scan available for photos.
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Interconnection of Direct-drive Wind Turbines Using A Series Connected DC GridVeilleux, Etienne 16 February 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents the concept of a "distributed HVDC converter" for offshore wind farms. The proposed converter topology allows series interconnection of wind turbines obviating the necessity of transformers and an offshore platform. Each wind turbine is equipped with a 5MW permanent-magnet synchronous generator and an ac-dc-dc converter. The converter topology is a diode rectifier (ac-dc) cascaded with a single-switch step-down converter (dc-dc). The dc-dc stage allows the current to flow at all times in the dc link while regulating generator torque. The receiving end is equipped with a conventional thyristor-based HVDC converter. The inverter station is located onshore and it regulates the dc link current to be constant. Stability of the configuration and independent operation of the wind turbines are validated through simulations using the PSCAD/EMTDC software package. Protection for some key dc fault scenarios are discussed and a possible protection strategy is proposed.
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Interconnection of Direct-drive Wind Turbines Using A Series Connected DC GridVeilleux, Etienne 16 February 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents the concept of a "distributed HVDC converter" for offshore wind farms. The proposed converter topology allows series interconnection of wind turbines obviating the necessity of transformers and an offshore platform. Each wind turbine is equipped with a 5MW permanent-magnet synchronous generator and an ac-dc-dc converter. The converter topology is a diode rectifier (ac-dc) cascaded with a single-switch step-down converter (dc-dc). The dc-dc stage allows the current to flow at all times in the dc link while regulating generator torque. The receiving end is equipped with a conventional thyristor-based HVDC converter. The inverter station is located onshore and it regulates the dc link current to be constant. Stability of the configuration and independent operation of the wind turbines are validated through simulations using the PSCAD/EMTDC software package. Protection for some key dc fault scenarios are discussed and a possible protection strategy is proposed.
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Models under uncertainty to support sow Herd management in the context of the pork supply chainRodríguez Sánchez, Sara Verónica 26 February 2010 (has links)
En els últims anys s'ha observat un canvi radical en l'estructura del sector porcí.Les explotacions porcines estan sent cada vegada més especialitzades i la grandàriade les seves operacions ha anat en augment. A més, les explotacions porcinesmodernes estan tendint a integrar i coordinar les seves operacions en Cadenes desubministrament del sector porcí (PSC en anglès). L'objectiu general de la tesi vaser formular un conjunt de models per a donar suport a la gestió del ramat de trugesreproductores i la producció de garrins dintre d'un context de cadena desubministrament, donant respostes pràctiques a preguntes rellevants sovintpreguntades per qui prenen les decisions. Així les principals decisions estratègiquesi tàctiques relacionades amb la gestió del ramat de truges reproductores i laproducció de garrins en un context de cadena de subministrament (PSC) van serconsiderades.Bàsicament quatre models sota incertesa van ser desenvolupats. El primer va ser laformulació d'un programa lineal d'un model semi-Markovià per al disseny de lesinstal·lacions de granges. Es va mostrar que la distribució del ramat basada enestats fisiològics i moviments entre instal·lacions fou útil pel càlcul dels espaisnecessaris per a cada instal·lació. La formulació va considerar les recentsregulacions de la Unió Europea relacionades amb el benestar animal i el cost de lesinstal·lacions. Continuant amb aspectes relacionats amb el benestar animal, es vadesenvolupar un marc per a la integració dels senyals clínics dintre d'un model dereemplaçament. Aquest model correspon a un procèss Markovià jeràrquic multinivell,que a més realitza una actualització de dades a través de xarxes Bayesianas.Els resultats van mostrar com la incorporació dels senyals clínics en els models dereemplaçament ha dut a millors polítiques de selecció a través d'una eficientdetecció de truges reproductores febles en el ramat. Els dos models següentsformulats sota un horitzó temporal finit han mostrat la distribució o estructura delramat evolutionant cap a l'estat estable. Variacions temporals en paràmetres opertorbacions transitòries van ser representades a través de models d'horitzó finiton diferents escenaris van capturar la incertesa del sistema. L'ús de Programació lineal va permetre explícitament incorporar restriccions de ramat més fàcilment queen una formulació amb Processos de decisió de Markov. Finalment el model deprogramació estocàstica de dues etapes amb recurs va mostrar ser una eina factibleper a tractar amb la incertesa del sistema a través d'escenaris. Beneficis addicionalsvan ser la compra de verres, la planificació de la producció i decisions dereemplaçament, tot sota un esquema d'horitzó de temps rodant.Avui dia, amb l'actual estructura del sector, és raonable pensar en models capaçosde resoldre amb major precisió els problemes que afecten a dos o més etapes de lacadena, i integrar-los a tots en algun sistema d'informació, amb la finalitat demillorar la gestió global de la cadena. Els models presentats en aquesta tesi sóneines adequades per a plantar cara a les principals decisions estratègiques itàctiques de la gestió del ramat de truges reproductores i la producció de garrins enun context de PSC / En los últimos años se ha observado un gran cambio en la estructura del sectorporcino. Las explotaciones porcinas están siendo cada vez más especializadasmientras que el tamaño de sus operaciones ha ido en aumento. Además, estántendiendo a integrar y coordinar sus operaciones en cadenas de suministro (PSC eninglés). Así, el objetivo general de la tesis fue formular un conjunto de modelospara apoyar la gestión del rebaño de cerdas reproductoras y la producción delechones dentro de un contexto de cadena de suministro, dando respuestas prácticasa preguntas relevantes a menudo questionadas por quienes toman las decisiones.De ahí que, las principales decisiones estratégicas y tácticas relacionadas con lagestión del rebaño en un contexto de cadena (PSC) fueron consideradas.Básicamente, cuatro modelos bajo incertidumbre fueron desarrollados. El primeroformula un programa lineal de un modelo semi-markoviano para el diseño de lasinstalaciones de granjas. Se mostró que la distribución de la manada basada enestados fisiológicos y movimientos entre instalaciones es útil para el cálculo de losespacios necesarios para cada instalación. La formulación consideró las recientesregulaciones de la Unión Europea relacionadas con el bienestar animal, además delcoste de las instalaciones. El segundo modelo desarrolló un marco para laintegración de las señales clínicas dentro de un modelo de reemplazamiento. Laformulación corresponde a un proceso Markoviano jerárquico multi-nivel, conactualización de datos a través de redes Bayesianas. Los resultados mostraroncómo la incorporación de las señales clínicas ha llevado a mejores políticas deselección a través de una eficiente detección de cerdas débiles en el rebaño. Lossiguientes dos modelos son formulados bajo un horizonte de tiempo finito ymuestran la distribución o estructura del rebaño moviéndose hacia el estadoestable. Las variaciones temporales en parámetros o perturbaciones transitoriasfueron incorporadas a través de modelos de horizonte finito donde diferentesescenarios representaron la incertidumbre del sistema. El uso de Programaciónlineal permitió explícitamente incorporar restricciones de rebaño más fácilmenterespecto a la formulación con Procesos de decisión de Markov. Finalmente el modelo de programación estocástica de dos etapas con recurso mostró ser unaherramienta factible para tratar con la incertidumbre del sistema a través deescenarios. Beneficios adicionales fueron la programación de cerdas jóvenes, laplaneación de la producción y decisiones de reemplazo, todo bajo un esquema dehorizonte de tiempo rodante.Hoy en día, con la actual estructura del sector, es razonable pensar en modeloscapaces de resolver con mayor precisión los problemas que afectan a dos o másetapas de la cadena, e integrarlos a todos en algún sistema de información, con elfin de mejorar la gestión global de la cadena. Por lo que los modelos presentadosen esta tesis son herramientas adecuadas para hacer frente a las principalesdecisiones estratégicas y tácticas de la gestión del rebaño de cerdas reproductoras yla producción de lechones en un contexto de cadena de suministro. / A noticeable change in the structure of the Spanish pork sector has been observedin recent years. Pig farms have become more and more specialized and the size oftheir operations has been increasing. Moreover, modern pig farms have tended tointegrate and coordinate their operations into Pork Supply Chain (PSC). Thus, theoverall aim of this thesis was to formulate a set of models to support sow herdmanagement and piglet production in a pork supply chain context, giving practicalanswers to relevant questions often asked by decision makers. Hence, the mainstrategic and tactical decisions regarding sow herds and piglet productionmanagement in a pork supply chain context were considered.Basically, four models under uncertainty were developed. The first one was a linearprogramming formulation of a semi-Markov model to design pig facilities. Itshowed that herd distribution based on physiological states and movementsbetween facilities were useful to calculate the room needs for each sow facility.The formulation considers recent EU regulations regarding animal welfare and theimpact on economic cost of housing facilities. Ongoing with animal welfare issues,a framework for the integration of clinical signs into a sow replacement model wasdeveloped. The sow replacement model used in the framework was a multi-levelhierarchical Markov process using Bayesian updating. The results showed how theincorporation of clinical signs in sow replacement models led to better cullingpolicies through more efficient detection of the weakest sows in the herd. The nexttwo models formulated under finite time horizon showed the herd distribution orstructure moving to the steady state. Temporary shocks in parameters or transitoryperturbations were better represented by finite time horizon models wherescenarios collected part of the uncertainty of the system. The use of LinearProgramming led to incorporate herd constraints more easily than in a MarkovDecision Process. Finally the two-stage stochastic programming model withrecourse showed to be a suitable tool to deal with the uncertainty of the systemthrough scenarios. Additional benefits for practical purpose were the scheduling of purchasing of gilts, planning piglet production and replacement policy, all under arolling time horizon scheme.Nowadays, with the current structure of the sector, it is reasonable to think aboutmodels capable of solving more accurately problems involving two or more stagesof the chain, and integrating them all together in some information system, in orderto improve the management of the PSC. Hence the models presented in this thesisare suitable tools to deal with main strategic and tactical decisions in sow herdsproducing piglets in a general PSC context.
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A critical analysis of the impact of the fast track land reform programme on childrenâs right to education in ZimbabweMuyengwa, Loveness January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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