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Consumer Behaviour Towards Online Shopping of Fashion from Foreign Countries for a Population Between 18 and 25 Years Old / Consumer Behaviour Towards Online Shopping of Fashion from Foreign Countries for the French Population Between 18 and 25 Years OldBerthuy, Alice January 2016 (has links)
The booming of Internet has changed consumers habits in many aspects. Nowadays it is possible to buy almost anything on the Internet but also to access to some information, consumers reviews and other data that can help the consumer to make the best choice. Existing researches have been trying to find explanations to consumer behaviour online, even though it is complicated to analyse. This thesis is focused exclusively on shopping online for clothes and fashion accessories, investigating on a population between 18 and 25 years old. The hypotheses are based on four main aspects of buying: product, price, enjoyment and convenience. The research will provide elements and key factors on their consumer behaviour towards online shopping of fashion and how online companies could make them becoming more loyal to online shopping and become more prosperous.
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Steget från stort småföretag till litet storföretag : Ett inköpsperspektiv / Taking the Step from a Large Business to a Small CorporationWENNERBERG, JOHN, SAETRE, CHRISTOPHER January 2011 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen behandlar ett problem som identifierats bland små till medelstora svenska modeföretag: det stora beroendet av outsourcade produktionsagenter och fullprisproducenter. Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera de förutsättningar och hinder dessa modeföretag kan stöta på när de försöker integrera dessa utlagda kompetenser till en intern lösning. Genom detta hoppas författarna kunna tillföra nya perspektiv för befattningshavare som är intresserade av att omstrukturera sin nuvarande inköpsmodell.De metoder som använts för att samla in det teoretiska och empiriska underlaget var skrivbordsstudier, såväl som strukturerade och ostrukturerade djupintervjuer med grundaren av ett svenskt jeansföretag, samt en anställd på en stor svensk modekedjas inköpsavdelning.Resultaten understryker den strategiska betydelsen för växande modeföretag att äga sin inköpsfunktion. Genom att äga kompetenserna för mönsterkonstruktion och inköp kan företag minska sitt beroende av externa organisationer och öka flexibiliteten i sin produktutvecklingsprocess. De hinder som identifierats utgörs bland annat av en ökad affärsrisk under övergången till en intern inköpsavdelning till följd av avsiktliga störningar i värdekedjan av producenterna, samt de extra kostnaderna för det ökade administrativa arbetet.This essay focuses on a problem identified among small to mid sized Swedish fashion companies: the large dependence on out sourced production agencies and full price producers. The purpose of the essay is to identify the prerequisites and obstacles these fashion companies might encounter whilst trying to incorporate the out sourced competencies into an in-house solution. By this, the authors hope to add new perspectives to executives interested in restructuring their current buying function.The methods used to gather theoretical and empirical material were desk studies as well as structured and unstructured in-depth interviews with the founder of a Swedish denim fashion company, and an employee at a large Swedish fashion retailer’s buying department.The findings stress the strategic importance of owning the competence of the buying function for growing fashion companies. By owning the competencies of pattern-making and a formalised buying function the companies can weaken their dependence on external organisations and add to their product development process flexibility. Among the obstacles identified are a increased business risk during the transition to an internal buying function caused by deliberate disruption of the supply chain by the producers and the extra costs of the increased administrative work. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen
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