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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fault Isolation and Identification in Autonomous Hauler Steering System

Nyberg, Tobias, Lundell, Eric January 2022 (has links)
During the past years an increased focus on the development of autonomous solutions has resulted in driverless vehicles being used in numerous industries. Volvo Construction Equipment is currently developing the TA15, an autonomous hauler part of a larger transport solution. The transition to autonomous haulers have further increased the need for improved system condition monitoring in the strive for increased operational time. A method aiming to identify and isolate faults in the hydraulic steering system on the TA15 was therefore investigated in this thesis. Using fault tree analysis, five faults considered to be of importance regarding steering performance were selected. Two different methods for detecting the faults were compared to each other, data-driven and model based. Out of the two, data-driven was selected as the method of choice due to high modularity and relative simplicity regarding implementation. The data-driven approach consisted of Feed-Forward and Long Short Term Memory networks where the suitable inputs were decided to be a combination of pressure and position signals. Utilizing a simulation model of the steering system validated against the TA15, the selected faults were induced in the simulated system with various severity. Training the networks to classify and estimate fault severity in the simulated model resulted in satisfactory results using both networks. It was however concluded that in contrary to the Feed-Forward network, the LSTM network could achieve good performance using less amount of sensors. Although the diagnostic method showed promising result on a simulation model, test on the real TA15 needs to be performed in order to properly evaluate the method. The advantage of using a data-driven approach was specially noticeable when comparisons were made to the model based approach. The data-driven approach relies on labeling data rather than complete system knowledge. Meaning that the method developed therefore could be applied on practically any hydraulic system in construction equipment by changing the training data.

Modeling and fault detection in DC side of Photovoltaic Arrays

Akram, Mohd 01 January 2014 (has links)
Fault detection in PV systems is a key factor in maintaining the integrity of any PV system. Faults in photovoltaic systems can cause irrevocable damages to the stability of the PV system and substantially decrease the power output generated from the array of PV modules. Among'st the various AC and DC faults in a PV system, the clearance of the AC side faults is achieved by conventional AC protection schemes,the DC side, however , there still exists certain faults which are difficult to detect and clear. This paper deals with the modeling, detection and classification of these types of DC faults. It is essential to be able to simulate the PV characteristics and faults through software. In this thesis a comprehensive literature survey of fault detection methods for DC side of a PV system is presented. The disparities in the techniques employed for fault detection are studied . A new method for modeling the PV systems information only from manufacturers datasheet using both the Normal Operating Cell temperature conditions (NOCT) and Standard Operating Test Conditions (STC) conditions is then proposed.The input parameters for modeling the system are Isc,Voc,Impp,Vmpp and the temperature coefficients of Isc and Voc for both STC and NOCT conditions. The model is able to analyze the variations of PV parameters such as ideality factor, Series resistance, thermal voltage and Band gap energy of the PV module with temperature. Finally a novel intelligent method based on Probabilistic Neural Network for fault detection and classification for PV farm with string inverter technology is proposed.

Integration of Hidden Markov Modelling and Bayesian Network for Fault Detection and Prediction of Complex Engineered Systems

Soleimani, Morteza, Campean, Felician, Neagu, Daniel 07 June 2021 (has links)
yes / This paper presents a methodology for fault detection, fault prediction and fault isolation based on the integration of hidden Markov modelling (HMM) and Bayesian networks (BN). This addresses the nonlinear and non-Gaussian data characteristics to support fault detection and prediction, within an explainable hybrid framework that captures causality in the complex engineered system. The proposed methodology is based on the analysis of the pattern of similarity in the log-likelihood (LL) sequences against the training data for the mixture of Gaussians HMM (MoG-HMM). The BN model identifies the root cause of detected/predicted faults, using the information propagated from the HMM model as empirical evidence. The feasibility and effectiveness of the presented approach are discussed in conjunction with the application to a real-world case study of an automotive exhaust gas Aftertreatment system. The paper details the implementation of the methodology to this case study, with data available from real-world usage of the system. The results show that the proposed methodology identifies the fault faster and attributes the fault to the correct root cause. While the proposed methodology is illustrated with an automotive case study, its applicability is much wider to the fault detection and prediction problem of any similar complex engineered system.

Detection and Diagnosis of Stator and Rotor Electrical Faults for Three-Phase Induction Motor via Wavelet Energy Approach

Hussein, A.M., Obed, A.A., Zubo, R.H.A., Al-Yasir, Yasir I.A., Saleh, A.L., Fadhel, H., Sheikh-Akbari, A., Mokryani, Geev, Abd-Alhameed, Raed 08 April 2022 (has links)
Yes / This paper presents a fault detection method in three-phase induction motors using Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT). The proposed algorithm takes a frame of samples from the three-phase supply current of an induction motor. The three phase current samples are then combined to generate a single current signal by computing the Root Mean Square (RMS) value of the three phase current samples at each time stamp. The resulting current samples are then divided into windows of 64 samples. Each resulting window of samples is then processed separately. The proposed algorithm uses two methods to create window samples, which are called non-overlapping window samples and moving/overlapping window samples. Non-overlapping window samples are created by simply dividing the current samples into windows of 64 sam-ples, while the moving window samples are generated by taking the first 64 current samples, and then the consequent moving window samples are generated by moving the window across the current samples by one sample each time. The new window of samples consists of the last 63 samples of the previous window and one new sample. The overlapping method reduces the fault detection time to a single sample accuracy. However, it is computationally more expensive than the non-overlapping method and requires more computer memory. The resulting window sam-ples are separately processed as follows: The proposed algorithm performs two level WPT on each resulting window samples, dividing its coefficients into its four wavelet subbands. Infor-mation in wavelet high frequency subbands is then used for fault detection and activating the trip signal to disconnect the motor from the power supply. The proposed algorithm was first implemented in the MATLAB platform, and the Entropy power Energy (EE) of the high frequen-cy WPT subbands’ coefficients was used to determine the condition of the motor. If the induction motor is faulty, the algorithm proceeds to identify the type of the fault. An empirical setup of the proposed system was then implemented, and the proposed algorithm condition was tested under real, where different faults were practically induced to the induction motor. Experimental results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed technique. To generalize the proposed meth-od, the experiment was repeated on different types of induction motors with different working ages and with different power ratings. Experimental results show that the capability of the pro-posed method is independent of the types of motors used and their ages.


Shubham Ashok Konda (17551746) 05 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Resilient engine operation hugely depends on proper functioning of the engine’s sensors, enabling efficient feedback control of the engine systems operation. When the sensors on the engine measure a physical quantity incorrectly, it leads the engine control system to determine that the sensor measuring the physical quantity has failed. This failure may be attributed to a sensor stick failure, bias failure, drift failure, or failure occurring due to physical wear and tear of the sensor. Failure of crucial engine sensors may have adverse effects on engine operation, and in most cases leading into a limp home mode or a torque limitation mode. This affects the engine performance and efficiency. The engine under study in this work is a medium duty marine engine with diesel fuel. Sensor failures in the middle of a marine operation can hugely impact its mission. Therefore, fault tolerant control systems are essential to counter these challenges occurring due to sensor failures. In this thesis, an advanced nonlinear fault detection and state estimation algorithm is developed and implemented on a GT-Power engine model, employing a sophisticated co-simulation approach. The focus is on a 6.7L Cummins diesel engine, for which a detailed nonlinear state space model is constructed. This model accurately replicates critical engine parameters, such as pressures, temperatures, and engine speed, by integrating various submodels. These sub-models estimate key parameters like cylinder inlet charge flow, valve flow, cylinder outlet temperature, turbocharger turbine flow, and charge air cooler flow. To assess the model’s accuracy and reliability, it is rigorously validated against a truth reference GT-Power engine model. The results demonstrate exceptional performance, with the nonlinear model exhibiting a minimal percentage performance error of less than 5% under steady-state conditions and less than 15% during transient conditions. The core of the Fault Detection and State Estimation (FDSE) modules consists of a bank of Extended Kalman Filters (EKF). These filters are meticulously designed to estimate vital engine states, generate residuals, and assess these residuals even in the presence of process and measurement noise. This approach enables the detection of sensor faults and facilitates controller reconfiguration, ensuring the engine’s robustness in the face of unexpected sensor failures. Crucially, the nonlinear physics-based model serves as the foundation for the state transition functions utilized in the design of the observer bank. Residuals generated by the EKFs are evaluated using both fixed and adaptive thresholding techniques masking the sensor faults at the time step at which it is detected, ensuring robust performance not only in steady-state conditions but also during varying transient load conditions. To comprehensively evaluate the system’s resilience in practical scenarios, multiple sensor stuck failures are introduced into the GT-Power model. A software-in-the-loop co-simulation strategy is meticulously established, employing both the GT-Power truth reference engine model and the nonlinear Fault Detection and State Estimation (FDSE) model within the Simulink environment. This unique co-simulation approach provides a platform to assess the FDSE performance and its effect on engine performance in simulated sensor fault scenarios. The FDSE module is able to detect sensor failures which deviate at least 5% from their actual values. The percentage estimation error is less than 10% under steady state conditions and less than 20% under transient load conditions. Ultimately, this process creates analytical redundancy, not only forming the basis of state estimation but also empowering the engine to maintain its performance in the presence of sensor faults.</p>

Incorporating Fault-Tolerant Features into Message-Passing Middleware

Batchu, Rajanikanth Reddy 10 May 2003 (has links)
The popularity of MPI-based middleware and applications has led to their wide deployment. Such systems, however, are not inherently reliable and cannot tolerate external faults. This thesis presents a novel model-based approach for exploiting application features and other characteristics to categorize and create AEMs (Application Execution Model). This work realizes MPI/FT(tm), a middleware derived by selective incorporation of fault-tolerant features into MPI/Pro(tm) for two relevant AEMs. This thesis proves the following hypothesis: it is possible to successfully complete select MPI applications even in the presence of external faults, and such fault-tolerance can be achieved with acceptable performance overhead. This work defines parameters to measure the impact of this middleware on performance through faultree and fault-injected overheads. The hypothesis is validated through experimentation and measurement of sample MPI applications for two AEMs.


Avram, Remus C. 20 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

A Comparative Study of Performance Assessment and Fault Diagnosis Approaches for Reciprocating Electromechanical Mechanism

Shi, Zhe 12 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Passive estimation of supply impedances at the meterpoint

Liu, Zhanzhan January 2021 (has links)
Modern digital energy meters are installed between the distribution network and customers. Network operators and customers can use those meters to monitor electrical parameters, i.e., voltages and currents and to calculate statistics such as RMS value, fundamental Fourier component, etc. Observation of distribution network impedance can reveal problems in the system, such as broken neutral conductors. This project proposes a loop-theory method using variables from smart meters to estimate the network impedance, therefore giving the possibility of conductor fault detection. Specifically, loop theory uses the distribution network terminal’s voltage and current measured by smart meters and selects cases where the load appears to have varied significantly, so that there is a change of current together with a resulting change of voltage. For selected cases, the methods calculate different loop impedance and finally address single conductor impedance by the least-squares method. The project validates the proposed method by simulation, and with recorded data from a real house with varied known neutral-conductor impedance. Based on that, this method’s limitation and possible improvement are discussed for further study. / Moderna digitala energimätare används mellan distributionsnätet och kunderna. Sådana mätare kan användas för att övervaka elektriska parametrar, dvs. spänningar och strömmar och beräkna statistik som RMS-värde, grundläggande Fourier-komponent etc. Observation av distributionsnätets impedans kan avslöja problem i systemet, såsom neutrala ledare med brott eller hög impedans (’nollfel’). Detta projekt föreslår en loopteorimetod med hjälp av variabler från smarta mätare för att uppskatta nätverksimpedansen, vilket ger möjlighet till detektering av ledningsfel. Specifikt använder loopteorin spänning och ström mätt med genom smarta mätare, och väljer fall där belastningen verkar ha varierat avsevärt så att det sker en förändring av strömmen tillsammans med en resulterande spänningsförändring. För valda fall beräknar metoderna impedanser i olika slingor av nätets ledare, och slutligen gör en estimering av impedansen hos enskilda ledare genom minstakvadratmetoden. Projektet validerar den föreslagna metoden genom simulering, och med inspelade data från ett riktigt hus med varierad känd neutral ledare impedans. Baserat på detta diskuteras denna metods begränsning och möjliga förbättring för vidare studier.

A Model Based Fault Detection and Diagnosis Strategy for Automotive Alternators

D'Aquila, Nicholas January 2018 (has links)
Faulty manufactured alternators lead to commercial and safety concerns when installed in vehicles. Alternators have a major role in the Electrical Power Generation System (EPGS) of vehicles, and a defective alternator will lead to damaging of the battery and other important electric accessories. Therefore, fault detection and diagnosis of alternators can be implemented to quickly and accurately determine the health of an alternator during end of line testing, and not let faulty components leave the manufacturer. The focus of this research is to develop a Model Based Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) strategy for detecting alternator faults during end of line testing. The proposed solution uses Extended Kalman Smooth Variable Structure Filter (EK-SVSF) to detect common alternator faults. A solution using the Dual Extended Kalman Filter (DEKF) is also discussed. The alternator faults were programmatically simulated on alternator measurements. The experimental results prove that both the EK-SVSF and DEKF strategies were very effective in alternator modeling and detecting open diode faults, shorted diode faults, and stator imbalance faults. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

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