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Economic analysis and Monte Carlo simulation of community wind generation in rural western KansasHalling, Todd January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering / Anil Pahwa / Energy costs are rising, supplies of fossil fuels are diminishing, and environmental concerns surrounding power generation in the United States are at an all-time high. The United States is continuing to push all states for energy reform and where better for Kansas to look than wind energy? Kansas is second among all states in wind generation potential; however, the best wind generation sites are located predominantly in sparsely populated areas, creating energy transportation problems. Due to these issues interest in community wind projects has been increasing. To determine the economic potential of community wind generation a distribution system in rural western Kansas where interest in community wind exists was examined and a feasibility study based on historical data, economic factors, and current grid constraints was performed. Since the majority of the load in this area is from pivot-point irrigation systems, load distributions were created based on temperature ranges instead of a linear progression of concurrent days. To test the economic viability three rate structures were examined: flat energy rate, demand rate, and critical peak pricing. A Monte Carlo simulation was designed and run to simulate twenty-year periods based on the available historical data; twenty-year net present worth calculations were performed to ensure economic viability. A sensitivity analysis was then performed to examine the effects of change in turbine size and energy rate scale. Finally, an energy storage analysis was performed to examine the economic viability of various sizes of battery storage systems.
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[pt] A degradação do meio ambiente está no topo da agenda de países e empresas. O foco principal é a redução das emissões de gases causadores do efeito estufa, sendo CO2 o maior contribuinte. O consumo elevado de combustíveis fósseis está criando um efeito irreversível no planeta. De forma a contrabalancear seus impactos ambientais, surge o segmento de projetos de captura e sequestro de carbono. O maior entrave seu para crescimento é econômico, daí o uso de CO2 para recuperação avançada de óleo, alavancando sua implementação. Esta dissertação avalia duas estratégias distintas de desenvolvimento de um campo de petróleo offshore, uma através da injeção de água e outra por recuperação avançada com injeção de CO2 (EOR CO2 – enhanced oil recovery) a partir de fonte antropogência. Os maiores desafios técnicos para aplicação de EOR CO2 em ambiente offshore são examinados, mostrando o arcabouço teórico, melhores práticas e soluções ainda não desenvolvidas, em áreas como: gerenciamento de reservatórios, engenharia de poços e plantas de processo, além de captura e transporte de CO2. Em seguida, a viabilidade econômica de ambos os métodos de recuperação são comparados, com pequena vantagem o caso EOR. Entretanto, devido às incertezas de sucesso do método e sua sensibilidade ao preço de importação de CO2, a gama de resultados pode alterar o processo decisório. Um balanço de carbono também é realizado, mostrando a redução esperada de sua concentração na atmosfera ao se selecionar o método de EOR CO2. Ainda, a aplicabilidade de créditos de carbono é discutida, e seu impacto econômico quantificado. Finalmente, há um longo caminho a se percorrer para ampla utilização de projetos EOR com CO2 antropogênico em ambiente offshore. Ao apontar os maiores desafios e entraves a serem superados, incluindo técnicos, comerciais e regulatórios, ao apresentar modelo econômico, e acima de tudo, ao mostrar sua atratividade, esta dissertação tem por objetivo reduzir esta distância. / [en] Environmental issues are on top of governments and companies’ agendas. The main focus is on global warming and means to reduce greenhouse gases, being carbon dioxide the main contributor. The consumption of fossil fuels is creating an irreversible effect on the planet, and it is expected to continue for years to come. In order to offset its usage are the emerging carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects. Their main obstacle is economical, and that’s where enhanced oil recovery through CO2 can help. This dissertation assesses the development options of an offshore Brazilian discovery, by comparing water injection method with carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery (EOR CO2) imported from an anthropogenic onshore source. The main EOR CO2 technical challenges for offshore application are examined, detailing field proven and yet to be developed solutions, from reservoir management, wells engineering to the production unit, passing through CO2 acquisition and transportation. Next, economical feasibility of both methods are compared, with a slight advantage for EOR on the base case. Nevertheless, due to high uncertainties in method success prior to development and commitment, and also to carbon dioxide import prices, the range of results can shift the decision making, and such sensitivity analysis is also presented. A carbon inventory is also made, showing the net positive balance of selecting EOR CO2, which reduces the component’s concentration in the atmosphere. Finally, the applicability of carbon credits is discussed and its economical impact quantified. There is still a long way to go for the widespread utilization of anthropogenic EOR CO2 in offshore projects. By pointing out the main challenges to be addressed, including technical, commercial and regulatory, by presenting an economical model comprising environmental aspects, and most of all, showing its attractiveness, this dissertation aims to reduce this gap.
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Studie prilezitosti podnikatelskeho planu v podminkach ceskeho trhu / Opportunity study in the condition of the Czech marketPavlová, Eliška January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to decide on the basis of pilot questionnaire results whether the business plan of the author is viable and long-term financially sustainable.
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Studie proveditelnosti projektu Střelnice pro výcvik taktické střelby a obchod se zbraněmi a střelivem / Feasibility Study of Shooting Range for Tactical Shooting Training and Gun and Ammunition StoreŠára, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
Main goal of diploma work "Feasibility Study of Shooting Range for Tactical Shooting and Gun and Ammunition Store" was discovered, if the project is realizable and in which conditions. Used methodology is text analysis mostly of laws, but also expert texts and publications. Next used methodology is collecting and evaluation of information, which relate with establishment and operation of a shooting range and gun shop, also with creation of a financial plan from different sources. The work closely engage in necessary factors for successful establishment of a shooting range and gun shop, feasibility study, investment and operational costs, incomes, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, basic financial indicators and cash flow. End of the work contains report of feasibility which is summarized benefits and threats of the project.
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Estudo de viabilidade técnica e econômica para o aproveitamento energético do biogás no município de entre rios do oeste Pr: produção centralizada versus produção descentralizada de biogás. / Technical and Economic Feasibility Study for Energy Use of Biogas in the city of Entre Rios do Oeste (PR) - Decentralized Biogas Production versus Biogas Centralized ProductionLucio, Luís Thiago 05 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T15:14:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-05 / The increase in population in recent decades has resulted in accelerated growth of food production demand. In this scenario, agricultural activity, especially swine, had to adapt to this new market reality through the production empowerment, developing new confinement techniques where the animal density per unit increases significantly. Consequently, this higher animals concentration per production unit confirms the intensification of organic contamination in the environment. However, the sanitary treatment of this residual biomass in anaerobic digestion systems enables the transformation of this environmental liability into an economic asset, once this treatment process enables the generation of two products with economic value - biogas and biofertilizers. Although this solution is environmentally feasible, from the economic point of view it is not always possible due to the costs of biomass treatment with energy purposes. Faced with this problem, an arrangement that demonstrates economically viable is the implementation of agricultural energy cooperatives, once this system allows scaling up the biogas production and enables the diversification of the use of this renewable energy source. In this context, this study aims, through a technical and economic feasibility analysis, identify the best scenario to implement agricultural cooperatives, focused on the residual biomass logistics and on the biogas transportation through pipelines. The methodology proposed in the work involving the municipality Entre Rios do Oeste (PR) has shown that the best scenario to produce biogas for energy purposes is the decentralized generation one, once the analyzed arrangements show a 9 years payback for electricity, 10 years for thermal energy and 7 years for vehicle biomethane, while in the biogas production centralized scenario the payback is 15 years for electricity, 10 years for vehicle biomethane, and there no payback for thermal energy arrangements. In addition, decentralized generation has lower operating costs and there is no legal restrictions on its operation.
Keywords: Feasibility / O aumento acentuado da população nas últimas décadas resultou no crescimento acelerado da demanda de produção de alimentos. Diante deste cenário, a atividade agropecuária, e em especial a suinocultura, teve que se adaptar a essa nova realidade de mercado por meio da potencialização da produção a partir do desenvolvimento de novas técnicas de confinamento, onde a densidade de animais por unidade de produção aumenta significativamente. Em consequência, esta maior concentração de animais por unidade produtiva corrobora para intensificação da contaminação orgânica do meio ambiente. Todavia, o tratamento sanitário desta biomassa residual em sistemas de biodigestão anaeróbia possibilita a transformação desse passivo ambiental em um ativo econômico, uma vez que este processo de tratamento possibilita a geração de dois produtos com valor econômico - biogás e biofertilizante. Embora esta solução seja ambientalmente viável, do ponto de vista econômico nem sempre é possível, devido aos custos do tratamento desta biomassa, com fins de aproveitamento energético. Diante desta problemática, um arranjo que se demonstra viável economicamente é a implantação de condomínios de agroenergia, uma vez que este sistema possibilita o ganho de escala na produção de biogás e possibilita a diversificação do uso desta fonte renovável de energia. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho buscou, por meio de um estudo de viabilidade técnica e econômica, identificar qual o melhor cenário para formação de condomínios de agroenergia, trabalhando a logística da biomassa residual e o transporte de biogás por meio de dutos. A aplicação da metodologia proposta no trabalho para o município de Entre Rios do Oeste (PR) demonstrou que o melhor cenário para produção de biogás com fins energéticos é a produção descentralizada, visto que os arranjos analisados demonstram um Payback descontado de 9 anos para energia elétrica, 10 anos para energia térmica e 7 para biometano veicular, enquanto no cenário de geração de biogás centralizada Payback descontado é de 15 anos para energia elétrica, 10 anos para biometano veicular e não recupera no arranjo de energia térmica. Além disso, a geração descentralizada apresenta menores custos operacionais e não possui restrições legais para sua operacionalização.
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Study into the Potential and Feasibility of a Standalone Solar-Wind Hybrid Electric Energy Supply SystemBekele, Getachew January 2009 (has links)
The tendency to use renewable energy resources has grown continuouslyover the past few decades, be it due to fear over warnings of globalwarming or because of the depletion and short life of fossil fuels or evenas a result of the interest which has developed among researchers doingscientific research into it. This work can be considered as joining any ofthese groups with an objective of giving electric light to the poorpopulation living in one of the poorest nations in the world.The aim of the work is to investigate supplying electric energy fromsolar-wind hybrid resources to remotely located communities detachedfrom the main grid line in Ethiopia. The communities in mind are one oftwo types; the first is the majority of the poor population residing in thecountryside; and the other is people relocated by the Government fromthe over used and dry regions to relatively productive and fertile ones inline with the long-term poverty reduction plan.The work was begun by investigating wind energy and solar energypotentials at four geographically different locations in Ethiopia bycompiling data from different sources and analyzing it using a softwaretool. The locations are Addis Ababa (09:02N, 038:42E), Mekele (13:33N,39:30E), Nazret (08:32N, 039:22E), and Debrezeit (8:44N, 39:02E).The results related to wind energy potential are given in terms of themonthly Average wind speed, the wind speed probability densityfunction (PDF), the wind speed cumulative density function (CDF), thewind speed duration curve (DC), and power density plots for all fourselected sites. According to the results obtained through the analysis, thewind energy potential, even if it is not exceptional, is irrefutably highenough to be exploited for generating electric energy.The solar energy potential, based on sunshine duration data collectedover a period of 7 - 11 years and radiation data obtained from differentsources, has been calculated using regression coefficients specific to thesites in question. Based on the sunshine duration data, the monthlyaverage daily sunshine amount for each of the places has also beencomputed and given in a form of plot. Through additional work on theresults of the calculations, the solar energy potential has been given inthe form of solar radiation plots for each of the selected sites. Asexpected, the results indicated an abundance of solar energy potential.It is based on the promising findings of these two energy resourcepotentials, wind and solar, that the feasibility study for a standalonesolar-wind hybrid energy supply system has proceeded, targeting thecommunity mentioned earlier. The hybrid system consisted of Windturbine, Photovoltaic panel, diesel generator and a bank of batteries, witha power conditioning converter included in the system.The hybrid standalone supply system is intended to provide electricity toa model community of 200 families with five to six family members ineach. The community is equipped with a primary load, a deferrable load,a community school and a health post. An electric load which includeslighting, water pumping, a radio receiver, and some clinical equipmenthas been suggested. Hybrid Optimization Model for ElectricRenewables, HOMER, software has been used for the analysis. Theaverage wind speed and average solar radiation calculated from the datafor all of the selected sites has been used to input into the software.The hybrid system design is approached in three different ways. The firstapproach is to include within the hybrid system those components whichare locally available, without giving special attention to their efficienciesand proceed with the design work. The second approach is tothoroughly search the market for the best and most efficienttechnological products and to select the best components for theanalysis. A third approach considered in an attempt of cost minimizationis to see if a self-contained type of design can be a better solution. Whatthis means is every household will have its own supply system that mayconsist of any combination of PV and wind turbine including converter,battery and charge controller.After running the simulations, lists of power supply systems have beengenerated, sorted according to their net present cost. Sensitivity variables,such as range of wind speeds, range of radiation levels and diesel pricehave been defined as inputs into the software and the optimizationprocess has been carried out repeatedly for the sensitivity variables andthe results have been refined accordingly. / QC 20100623
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Feasibilty Study Of Sequestration Of Carbon Dioxide In Geological FormationsGultekin, Cagdas 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Although there are some carbon capture and storage (CCS-CO2 sequestration) projects in all over the world, feasibility problems exist due to the high economical issues. The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of a potential CCS project where the source of CO2 is Afsin Elbistan Thermal Power Plant. Selection of candidate sites in the vicinity of Diyarbakir, Batman and Adiyaman regions depends on sequestration criteria. According to sequestration criteria, CCS can be applied to Ç / aylarbasi mature oil field, Midyat saline aquifer and Dodan CO2 gas field. Disposing of CO2 from the source of Afsin Elbistan Thermal Power Plant is analyzed
by pipeline and tanker. CO2 capturing technologies are determined from published literature. CO2 transportation can be applied by pipeline or tanker. CO2 transportation cost by pipeline and tanker are compared. It has been calculated that, transportation by pipeline is more economical compared to tanker transportation. It is further found that the number of boosting pump stations, the length of the pipeline and CO2 mass flow rate are the issues that alter the economical aspect in the pipeline transportation. The transportation costs by tankers depend on fuel cost, distance, tanker storage capacity, pin-up cost and CO2 storage facilities. The final part of CCS project is injection and storage of CO2 to the candidate areas. Reservoir parameters which are reservoir temperature, viscosity, permeability, reservoir pressure, reservoir thickness, CO2 density mass flow rate and injection pipe diameter determine the number and cost of the injection wells.
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IBriS study : intervention supporting breastfeeding in substance dependencyMacVicar, Sonya January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: Breastfeeding offers the substance exposed mother and child potential short and long-term health benefits, with breast milk shown to alleviate the severity of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Substance dependent women, however, have limited success establishing breastfeeding with physical, psychological and institutional factors cited as barriers. This study aimed to develop and test the feasibility of an evidence informed and theory based intervention to support continued breastfeeding for this group. Methods: The research was a two-phase feasibility study. Phase 1 informed intervention development using a mixed methodology approach which included (a) a comprehensive systematic literature review of breastfeeding support for women from disadvantaged groups (b) expert advisory group recommendations and (c) ‘think aloud’ verbal protocols with opioid dependent women. Phase 2 underpinned the evidence with the theoretical constructs of behaviour change, prior to testing the acceptability and implementation fidelity of the intervention in a feasibility study with an embedded small-scale randomised controlled trial. Results: Phase 1 identified the barriers to breastfeeding continuation as low maternal self-efficacy; neonatal feeding difficulties associated with withdrawal and unsupportive healthcare practices. Evidence and theory synthesis resulted in an integrated breastfeeding support model founded on practical, informational, psychological, person-centred and environmental components. Phase 2 demonstrated that the intervention was feasible to implement and acceptable to participants. The randomised controlled trial reported higher rates of continued breastfeeding and a greater level of maternal confidence in breastfeeding ability in the intervention group compared to the control group. Breastfed infants were less likely to require pharmacological management and had corresponding shorter durations of hospitalisation than formula fed infants. Conclusion: The research provided an original contribution to the development of a complex healthcare intervention which is meaningful to both existing research and clinical practice. The findings highlighted the potential of the intervention to support breastfeeding for the substance exposed mother and baby, which has wide ranging implications for the improved health and social equalities of this group.
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Viabilidade técnica e econômica do condicionamento geotérmico de edificações no Rio Grande do Sul / Technical and economic feasibility of geothermal conditioning of buildings in Rio Grande do SulBarcelos, Roberto Hubner January 2018 (has links)
O elevado consumo energético de edificações para o seu condicionamento térmico já é um dos maiores impactos ambientais da construção civil nos países desenvolvidos e, progressivamente, vem se tornando uma preocupação também nos países em desenvolvimento. Uma alternativa renovável relativamente recente, tanto para aquecimento como para resfriamento, são as bombas de calor geotérmicas (ground source heat pumps, GSHPs), que se valem da inércia térmica do solo para reduzir significativamente a demanda energética em relação ao ar. Apesar do seu grande potencial em reduzir o consumo de energia e as emissões de carbono, esta tecnologia ainda é quase inexistente na América Latina, não somente devido à falta de conhecimento ao seu respeito, mas também pela incerteza quanto à sua viabilidade frente a um custo inicial mais elevado. Embora existam muitas pesquisas sobre o funcionamento de GSHPs, grande parte do conhecimento prático quanto ao projeto, desempenho e viabilidade é baseada na experiência dos primeiros países onde a tecnologia começou a se tornar popular, e não pode ser assumida automaticamente como válida em outras situações sem uma avaliação prévia Estudos anteriores apontaram que o retorno econômico de GSHPs tende a ser maior em climas mais frios, enquanto a eficiência tende a ser maior em climas mais amenos, mas com sazonalidade. Por apresentar um bom balanço destas características, o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul apresenta potencial para um desempenho elevado de GSHPs. O objetivo deste trabalho é estimar os níveis de eficiência que esta tecnologia pode atingir em uma cidade de referência no Estado, assim como seu retorno econômico frente a ASHPs (air source heat pumps, ou seja, aparelhos de ar condicionado, ou A/C), seus limitantes e as dificuldades de projeto. Uma edificação unifamiliar residencial em Porto Alegre, projetada especialmente para estudos de sustentabilidade, foi utilizada como caso de estudo para o projeto conceitual completo de um GSHP vertical, um GSHP horizontal e um ASHP. Foram estimadas a demanda de energia e os custos de operação e de implantação para determinadas condições, que foram comparadas em um estudo de viabilidade econômica. Após, os resultados foram extrapolados por uma análise de sensitividade para condições mais genéricas de consumo. Através dos cálculos, observou-se que a tecnologia de GSHPs atingiu o dobro da eficiência dos A/C mais eficientes disponíveis para o caso de estudo. Economicamente, a tecnologia também se mostrou viável, e foram estimados limitantes econômicos a esta viabilidade. Por fim, o processo de projeto desenvolvido pode servir de auxílio a novos projetistas na área. / The high energy consumption in buildings for their thermal conditioning is already one of the greatest environmental impacts of civil construction in developed countries and, progressively, is also becoming a concern in the developing countries. A relatively recent renewable alternative, as much for heating as for cooling, are the ground source heat pumps, GSHPs, which take advantage of the thermal inertia of the ground to significantly decrease the energy demand comparing to air as a source. In spite of their huge potential for decreasing energy comsumption and carbon emissions, this technology is still almost inexistent in Latin America, due not only to lack of awareness, but mainly to uncertainties about their feasibility because of their higher investment cost. Although there are many researches about the characteristics and operation of GSHPs, great part of the practical knowledge as to the design, performance and feasibility is based in the experience from the first countries where the technology spreaded, and cannot be automatically assumed as valid without a previous evaluation. Former studies indicated that the economic profit of GSHPs tends to be higher in colder climates, while the efficiency tends to be higher in milder, but still seasonal climates. For presenting a good balance among these factors, the Rio Grande do Sul State shows potential for a high performance of GSHPs The objective of this work is to estimate the efficiency levels that can be reached by this technology in a reference city in the State, as its financial feedback compared to ASHPs (air source heat pumps, the traditional air conditioners, or A/C), its limitations and the design difficulties. A residential single-family building in Porto Alegre, specifically designed for sustainability studies, was used as case study for the complete conceptual design of a vertical GSHP, a horizontal GSHP and an ASHP. The energy demand and operation and installation costs for specific conditions were estimated and compared in a economic feasibility study. After, the results were extrapolated through a sensitivity analysis for more generic situations of consumption. Through the calculations, it was observed that the technology achieved twice the efficiency of the most efficient A/C available for the case study. Economically, the technology showed itself viable, and economic limitations were also estimated. At last, the developed design process can also serve as aid to new designers in the field.
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Viabilidade técnica e econômica do condicionamento geotérmico de edificações no Rio Grande do Sul / Technical and economic feasibility of geothermal conditioning of buildings in Rio Grande do SulBarcelos, Roberto Hubner January 2018 (has links)
O elevado consumo energético de edificações para o seu condicionamento térmico já é um dos maiores impactos ambientais da construção civil nos países desenvolvidos e, progressivamente, vem se tornando uma preocupação também nos países em desenvolvimento. Uma alternativa renovável relativamente recente, tanto para aquecimento como para resfriamento, são as bombas de calor geotérmicas (ground source heat pumps, GSHPs), que se valem da inércia térmica do solo para reduzir significativamente a demanda energética em relação ao ar. Apesar do seu grande potencial em reduzir o consumo de energia e as emissões de carbono, esta tecnologia ainda é quase inexistente na América Latina, não somente devido à falta de conhecimento ao seu respeito, mas também pela incerteza quanto à sua viabilidade frente a um custo inicial mais elevado. Embora existam muitas pesquisas sobre o funcionamento de GSHPs, grande parte do conhecimento prático quanto ao projeto, desempenho e viabilidade é baseada na experiência dos primeiros países onde a tecnologia começou a se tornar popular, e não pode ser assumida automaticamente como válida em outras situações sem uma avaliação prévia Estudos anteriores apontaram que o retorno econômico de GSHPs tende a ser maior em climas mais frios, enquanto a eficiência tende a ser maior em climas mais amenos, mas com sazonalidade. Por apresentar um bom balanço destas características, o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul apresenta potencial para um desempenho elevado de GSHPs. O objetivo deste trabalho é estimar os níveis de eficiência que esta tecnologia pode atingir em uma cidade de referência no Estado, assim como seu retorno econômico frente a ASHPs (air source heat pumps, ou seja, aparelhos de ar condicionado, ou A/C), seus limitantes e as dificuldades de projeto. Uma edificação unifamiliar residencial em Porto Alegre, projetada especialmente para estudos de sustentabilidade, foi utilizada como caso de estudo para o projeto conceitual completo de um GSHP vertical, um GSHP horizontal e um ASHP. Foram estimadas a demanda de energia e os custos de operação e de implantação para determinadas condições, que foram comparadas em um estudo de viabilidade econômica. Após, os resultados foram extrapolados por uma análise de sensitividade para condições mais genéricas de consumo. Através dos cálculos, observou-se que a tecnologia de GSHPs atingiu o dobro da eficiência dos A/C mais eficientes disponíveis para o caso de estudo. Economicamente, a tecnologia também se mostrou viável, e foram estimados limitantes econômicos a esta viabilidade. Por fim, o processo de projeto desenvolvido pode servir de auxílio a novos projetistas na área. / The high energy consumption in buildings for their thermal conditioning is already one of the greatest environmental impacts of civil construction in developed countries and, progressively, is also becoming a concern in the developing countries. A relatively recent renewable alternative, as much for heating as for cooling, are the ground source heat pumps, GSHPs, which take advantage of the thermal inertia of the ground to significantly decrease the energy demand comparing to air as a source. In spite of their huge potential for decreasing energy comsumption and carbon emissions, this technology is still almost inexistent in Latin America, due not only to lack of awareness, but mainly to uncertainties about their feasibility because of their higher investment cost. Although there are many researches about the characteristics and operation of GSHPs, great part of the practical knowledge as to the design, performance and feasibility is based in the experience from the first countries where the technology spreaded, and cannot be automatically assumed as valid without a previous evaluation. Former studies indicated that the economic profit of GSHPs tends to be higher in colder climates, while the efficiency tends to be higher in milder, but still seasonal climates. For presenting a good balance among these factors, the Rio Grande do Sul State shows potential for a high performance of GSHPs The objective of this work is to estimate the efficiency levels that can be reached by this technology in a reference city in the State, as its financial feedback compared to ASHPs (air source heat pumps, the traditional air conditioners, or A/C), its limitations and the design difficulties. A residential single-family building in Porto Alegre, specifically designed for sustainability studies, was used as case study for the complete conceptual design of a vertical GSHP, a horizontal GSHP and an ASHP. The energy demand and operation and installation costs for specific conditions were estimated and compared in a economic feasibility study. After, the results were extrapolated through a sensitivity analysis for more generic situations of consumption. Through the calculations, it was observed that the technology achieved twice the efficiency of the most efficient A/C available for the case study. Economically, the technology showed itself viable, and economic limitations were also estimated. At last, the developed design process can also serve as aid to new designers in the field.
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