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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perspektiva hospodářské spolupráce mezi Českou republikou a Ruskou federací / The prospect of economic cooperation between the Czech Republic and Russian Federation

Kocurková, Ludvika January 2008 (has links)
Diplomová práce pojednává o obchodních vztazích mezi Českou republikou a Ruskou federací. V první části popisuji obecnou, politickou a ekonomickou charakteristiku Ruska, dále se zaměřuji na definování podnikatelského prostředí v RF.Hlavní důraz je kladen na obchodní spolupráci mezi ČR a RF. V poslední části jsou nastíněny exportní příležitosti českých podnikatelů a zmíněny již existující projekty. Součástí je vyhodnocení vlastního dotazníkového řízení.

Komparace podnikatelského prostředí, obchodních zvyklostí a kulturních specifik anglo-saského a východoevropského systému (na příkladu Velké Británie a Ruské Federace) / Comparison of entrepreneurial environment, trade traditions and cultural specifics of Anglo-Saxon and Eastern European system (on example of Great Britain and Russian Federation)

Vrabec, Pavel January 2005 (has links)
In Czech history there always were the significant trade and political partners of Great Britain and Soviet Union or later Russia. Taking into account situation of Czech Republic on the border of two "different" Europes and historical transformation from socialistic past of CSSR in RVHP to entrance and active participation in European Union we can conclude that for Czech export oriented entrepreneurs the knowledge of these two different environments, trade traditions and cultural specifics is important.

"Gazprom" a jeho role na politické scéně Ruské federace / AZPROM and its role in today´s political scene in the Russian Federation

Fayziyev, Kamol January 2007 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je ukázat podstatnou roli plynarenské společnosti "Gazprom" v politice a ekonomice Ruské federace, která je dnes většinou ovládána státem."Gazprom" vystupuje jako přirozený monopol na vnitřním energetickém trhu Ruska, jako jediný vývozce plynu z Ruska, ovládá všechnu síť dopravních potrubí Ruska, patří mu aktiva v zahraničí. Je přítomen i v jiných sférách hospodářství, čímž se stává vlivným instrumentem vnitřní a vnější politiky a ekonomiky Ruska.

Analýza rozpočtu Ruské federace v letech 2000-2007 / Budget of Russian Federation Analysis 2000 - 2007

Šelenbergová, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
This thesis writes about Russian Federal Budget situation from 2000 to 2007. Objektive of the thesis is description of budgetary procedure and responsibility for its budget adhering, analysis of revenues and expenses structure in particular years, trend in balance revenues and expenses from 2000 to 2007 and their influence on GDP and unemployment. There are used positivist and normative methodologies in the thesis - positivist metodology in first chapter about theory of budget procedure and normative metodology in second and third chapters about expenses and revenues and their dependence on macro-economic quantities. There is used deduction method from federal acts and budget codex in first chapter and in both second and third chapters there is used analysis method, especially analysis of causes and classificatory analysis.

Energetické vztahy mezi EU a Ruskou federací na pozadí zájmů středoevropských zemí / Energy EU-Russia relationship in the background of interest of central european countries

Bernat, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Energy resources mean an important aspect of GDP of the Russian Federation. Most of these strategic commodities consumed in the EU have originated in Russia. The aim of the thesis is to assess the mutual relations between the EU and Russia in terms of energy trading with important raw materials with focus on Central Europe. The first chapter deals with various energy sources and their importance for the EU and thenthrough a common EU energy policy. The middle section is devoted to EU-Russia relations in energy and pipelines connecting both sides. The final section assesses the Union from the perspective of energy security and provides other alternatives forenergy production.

Ruská soft power - příklady užití / Russia's Soft Power - Use Cases

Samková, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
Russian foreign policy is particularly associated with the application of hard power resources. The aim of the thesis is to examine, whether is the Russian Federation trying to create soft power, as J. Nye defines it. The text is divided into 3 chapters. The first chapter describes the theoretical concept of soft power and public diplomacy. The second chapter addresses the foreign policy development in the Russian Federation; the main part of this chapter defines Russia's soft power resources, split into the culture, political values and foreign policy. The last chapter is dedicated to application of the use of soft power in the post-soviet region focusing on a specific case of Georgia. In the end there should be clear, whether Russia has soft power resources, what instruments uses and whether its new strategy is successful in Georgia.

Vývoj a současný stav Ruské federace a její postavení ve světové ekonomice / The development and current status of the Russian Federation and its position in the world economy

Sereda, Nataliya January 2012 (has links)
Russian Federation is one of the biggest economies in the world. The main reason why this state has big influence on the world's economy is that it has great sites of energy resources-oil and gas. From the political point of view Russia can be described as a great military power that has nuclear weapons and also has a significant influence on the situation in the post-Soviet region. Russia is also the largest country in the world and is on the ninth position regarding the population. Already due to the above mentioned factors, the Russian Federation is certainly an interesting phenomenon.

Problematika použití a akceptace karnetu TIR na území Ruska / Issues of application and acceptance of TIR Carnet on the territory of Russian Federation.

Pushkareva, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
Master's thesis is dedicated to one of the most effective international treaties, which attends to facilitating and liberalization of international handling with goods, functioning for almost 40 years. This paper mainly describes the situation, which appeared in 2013, when the barriers for its application emerged. It tells about the crisis of TIR Carnet on the Russian territory, caused by some intern factors as well as factors on the international level. Affairs and changes, arisen in the beginning of the 21st century (expanding of the EU, new goods transportation methods, Customs Union, etc.) drove to the loss of TIR treaty's significance, and to the necessity of creating new international cooperation principles. Situation then changed due to the civil war in Ukraine, sanctions against Russia and Russian response. That is why the ground, reasons and consequences of TIR Carnet crisis on the Russian territory were in detail described in the master's thesis. Main conclusion is that this crisis only predicts the beginning of serious changes in international transport of goods, which can be faced in the nearest future.

Komparace používání standardů IPMA ICB4 mezi firmami a institucemi v Jihomoravském kraji a Čeljabinské oblasti - RF

Grushevoy, Nikolay January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis contains comparison of IPMA standards' use among project managers from Chelyabinsk oblast in Russian Federation and South-Moravian region in Czech Republic. The work is divided into two parts by themes. The first part creates theoretical platform for understanding of this problematic. The second part is composed of questionnaires’ evaluation and further comparison, which were made by using statistic calculations and coefficients. Findings acquired through questionary assessment are described as follows and on their basis a recommendation for IPMA development is given.

Balkán jako geopolitické a geoekonomické hřiště mezi EU a Ruskou federací / Balkans as a geopolitical and geoeconomic ground between the European Union and Russian federation

Fojtík, Petr January 2014 (has links)
There were several changes from the global point of view during last decades. The European Union has enlarged itself by more than half of new members and it represents the biggest area of free trade in the world. Political integration of this unique international organization has also taken a place by accepting new treaties. Russia after the breakup of the Soviet Union overcame with the legacy of this empire and not only due to its geographical area is one of the world superpower now. The Balkans was from the historical view area of clashes between European powers and it is valid until now. The European Union has offered to Western Balkans countries full membership on behalf of Stabilisation and association agreement. On the other hand Russia expands its mainly economic interests with regional overlap and that's why the researched region swelled its geopolitical and geoeconomic significance. Thesis called "Balkans as geopolitical and geoconomic area between the European Union and Russian Federation" separated up to three connected parts. Theoretical and methodological part anchors thesis from theoretical perspective, presents operationalization of variables and defines the hypothesis. The most quantitatively extensive analytical part, which is divided into two parts, is focused on application of...

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