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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vnitro-záběrová montáž / Montage of mise-en-scene

Březina, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The present thesis discusses the specific features in the use of montage within the shot as a stylistic device in film directing. Analysing the work of selected directors and their films, the thesis proposes a system of classification, introducing several key categories based on function.

Peter Watkins - Monoform / Peter Watkins - Monoform

Hogenauer, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The theses deals with the life and work of british film direct Peter Watkins. It starts from his amateur work and goes to his last film. The individual films reflect the filmmaker's continuous effort to create films against the establishment and monotonous methods of directing and producing. The second part of this theses describes the monotonous formal concept named by Peter Watkins as Monoform and his personal and conscious distancing from it.

Moderna a nová media v próze a esejistické tvorbě Waltera Benjamina a Siegfrieda Kracauera / Modernism and new media in literary works and essays of Walter Benjamin and Siegrifried Kracauer

Nechanický, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The present thesis is dealing with the theoretical concept of modernity. It is attempting to define the concept with a reference to the experience of a shifted time-perception. The first part of the text analyses some of the theoretical approaches to the concept. The following parts are dedicated to the work of Walter Benjamin and Siegfried Kracauer and are trying to examine the way in which those two described their own experience of modernity.

Dokudrama / Docudrama

Musil, David January 2013 (has links)
Postgraduate thesis focuses on docudrama format, definition and development of docudrama in Great Britain and USA.

Analýza vzájemného ovlivnění kameramana a režiséra / Analyzation of a relationship between DOP and a director

Vančura, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
My diploma work is an analyzation of a cooperation between the DOP and a director.

Million dollar baby a Americký sniper / Million Dollar Baby and American sniper

Jelínek, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyses two films by Clint Eastwood Million Dollar Baby and American Sniper. Its focus is aimed at the formal storytelling aspects, structure of the storyline and plot devices in the screenplays. The first film is an example of misusing these plot devices; the theme being euthanasia remains irrelevant from the viewers perspective although it was meant to resonate strongly at first. Analysis of the second film shows us the discrepancy of what the film "wanted" to be and the actual message it implicitly presents to the audience. Instead of being an objective reflection of the real events (in this case the war in Iraq) it is on purpose misleading in presenting of commonly known facts and hence it becomes propaganda. The analysis of the storytelling devices in this thesis can be also applied on different films and cinema in general.

Vnitřní krajina? / Inner landscape - space and time according to The Sandglass by Wojciech Jerzy Has

Mielnik, Tomasz January 2014 (has links)
The thesis titled "Inner landscape - space and time in The Sandglass by W.J.Has " explores the concepts of space and time in the movie The Sandglass in the context of novel by Bruno Schulz. It compares the concept of time and space in the novel and film. By using specific examples, it explores the archetypal and mythological nature of space and time in this movie, which together form an autonomous world.

Same story told differently how the socio-cultural factors influenced the creation of Abre los Ojos and Vanilla Sky / Stejný příběh vyprávěný odlišně

Viitman, Milena January 2015 (has links)
K tomu, abych ilustrovala jak se stejný příběh výrazně mění v závislosti na zemi původu, použiji příkladu Abre Los Ojos (Otevři oči, Španělsko, 1997) a jeho remake-u Vanilla Sky (Vanilkové nebe, USA, 2001). Cílem mé práce není dokazování které zpracování je lepší, ale spíše poukazování na skutečnost, že rozdíly jsou důsledkem rozdílné ideologické a kinematografické tradice. Nejprve budu psát o typech nových filmových zpracování, a o tom proč Hollywood předělává evropské filmy. Pak začnu porovnávat hlavní postavy obou filmů a ukáži jak odrážejí sociálně-behaviorální normy dle země původu. Poté budu pokračovat s dalšími kulturními rozdíly, které jsou patrné v jazyce, kinematografii, střihu, hudbě, herectví a režii. Hlavní sociologický, tím pádem i kinematografický rozdíl, který je přítomný ve všech aspektech a sekcích těchto filmů je ten, že zatímco Abre los Ojos se zabývá vnitřním zápasem protagonistů, Vanilla Sky je milostný film. Tento rozdíl v tématu odhaluje mnoho o preferencích v Evropě a v Americe.

Zrod mýtu o Draculovi a jeho proměna nejen v dějinách filmu / The birth of the myth of Dracula and his transformation, not only in the history of film

Klímová, Blanka January 2015 (has links)
The starting point of my work will be a selection of films about Dracula.In this thesis, I would like to address the evolution in the representations of Dracula, from physical appearance to changes in the character, as well as the character development within the story.I want to look into this subject from a broad scope: Not only from the cinematographic context, but also from the cultural, historical and dramaturgical context. I'm interested in the evolution of the archetype of immortality in different cultural manifestations, from body embalming through sculpture, painting, photography to film. Furthermore, the thesis will study the reassessment of its symbolism, the phenomena of film remaking and the meaning behind the necessity for repetition and reinterpretation of the myth.This work should also ascertain when the reality becomes myth and why.My sources of information will not be only the selected films, but specialized literature by authors such as M. Eliade, B. Fořt and E.Fromm.

Ruští kameramani 70. a 80. let 20.století / Russian cinematographers of the 70`s and 80`s of the 20th century

Souček, Prokop January 2014 (has links)
In this diploma thesis I summarize and analyze information about cinematographers of the 70`s and 80`s of the 20th century. I deal with the basics of theory in the context of the period, as well as artistic relationships, and detailed analysis of specific films, with the target to explain the innovative visual procedures established in this period in Russia. I aim to show the influence of the unique production of the period on todays work by analyzing given means of expression.

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