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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da avaliação e gerenciamento do risco operacional de instituições financeiras no Brasil: análise de caso de uma instituição financeira de grande porte / Operation risk evaluation and management in Brazilian financial institutions: case study of a large financial institution

Adriana Cristina Garcia Trapp 29 June 2004 (has links)
Devido à grande volatilidade e ao dinamismo do mercado financeiro, a gestão do risco operacional é fator preponderante para a sobrevivência de qualquer negócio. A lógica existente na disciplina de mercado pressupõe que este possui mecanismos coercitivos de maneira a induzir os gestores a administrar prudentemente os negócios. Ou seja, a sua eficiência depende da atuação ativa dos participantes do mercado no sentido de beneficiar ou recompensar as instituições mais bem geridas e penalizar as empresas mal administradas. Tradicionalmente, os bancos divulgam dados acerca das exposições ao risco de crédito e de mercado, a fim de auxiliar a compreensão do seu perfil de risco. Entretanto, também estão expostos a outros tipos de riscos, tais como o risco operacional, o qual pode prejudicar significativamente o desempenho futuro, podendo levá-los até a falência. Logo, verifica-se a importância da divulgação dessas informações para a disciplina de mercado. Buscando proteger o sistema financeiro dos resultados negativos advindos dos riscos inerentes às suas atividades, o Comitê da Basiléia publicou o Novo Acordo de Capital, previsto para entrar em vigor no final de 2006, sendo que nesta data as instituições financeiras deverão obedecer a certos padrões mínimos no gerenciamento de seus riscos, entre eles o operacional. Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a avaliação e gerenciamento do risco operacional em uma instituição financeira nacional de grande porte, detectando instrumento de medida e análise e o estágio de desenvolvimento quanto ao gerenciamento do risco operacional. Para tanto, utilizou-se a metodologia de Estudo de Caso e as evidências foram obtidas por documentação, registros em arquivos, entrevistas e observação direta. Os resultados sugerem que o banco pesquisado encontra-se em estágio intermediário na administração dos riscos operacionais, contudo, está desenvolvendo técnicas e processos tanto para se adequar às exigências dos órgãos supervisores, quanto para a melhoria de seus resultados. / Due to the great volatility and to the dynamism of the finance market, the management of the operational risk is a preponderant factor for the survival of any business. The logic that is in the market discipline, implies that it has coercive mechanisms that induces the managers to manage carefully theirs business. In other words, the efficiency depends on the active performance of the participants of the market, on the sense of benefiting or to reward the institutions that are good managed and to penalize the bad managed one. Traditionally, the banks give data concerning the exposure to the credit market risks, in order to assist the comprehension of their risk profile. However, they are also exposed to other kinds of risks, such as the operational risk, which can injure significantly the future performance and could even conduct them to the bankruptcy. Soon, they can verify the importance of the divulgation of these information for the market discipline. Seeking to protect the financial system from negative results of the inherent risks to its activities, Basel Committee published the New Capital Accord, foreseen to go into effect at the end of 2006, and in this date the financial institutions should obey some minimum standards in the management of their risks, among them the operational. The goal of this dissertation is to analyze the evaluation and management of the operational risk in large financial institution, detecting measure and analysis instrument and the stage of development regarding the management of the operational risk. For that, the methodology of Study of Case was used and the evidences were obtained by documentation, records in files, interviews and direct observation. The results suggest that the searched bank is on an intermediary stage in the administration of the operational risks, however, it is developing techniques and processes to adapt to the supervisors\' demanding and to the improvement of its results.

O papel de tributos diferidos no capital regulatório de instituições financeiras brasileiras / The role of deferred taxes in the regulatory capital of financial institutions in Brazil

Junqueira, Michele Aparecida Dela Ricci 11 September 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho fornece evidências sobre o papel de ativos e passivos de tributos diferidos como instrumento de tolerância regulatória e arbitragem de capital regulatório por instituições financeiras brasileiras no período de 2004 a 2009. Visando atingir o objetivo da pesquisa, foram desenvolvidas duas hipóteses: a) a tolerância regulatória, visando verificar se os gestores utilizaram tributo diferido para apoiar ou atingir níveis de capital regulatório e quão realistas eram as estimativas sobre a capacidade de realização do tributo diferido, e b) a estratégia de arbitragem de capital regulatório, visando verificar se as escolhas sobre tributos diferidos dos gestores estavam relacionadas com o capital regulatório. Para tanto, este estudo obtêm evidências analisando informações contábeis anuais. As hipóteses são testadas utilizando as técnicas de análise de dados de regressão linear múltipla e regressão com dados em painel. Como resultado, o estudo mostrou que as instituições financeiras brasileiras utilizaram tributo diferido como instrumento de tolerância regulatória. As instituições financeiras não teriam atingido o capital regulatório mínimo sem esses valores. Apesar disso, foram apresentadas evidências de que os gestores foram realistas no reconhecimento de tributo diferido. Também foi mostrado que as decisões dos gestores das instituições financeiras brasileiras estavam orientadas pelo tributo diferido. Conforme apurado, as instituições financeiras com mais fortes posições de capital (maior Nível I) tendem a reportar maior tributo diferido ativo, contrariando a literatura internacional. De maneira geral, revelouse apenas um caso de como a contabilidade pode servir de ferramenta para interferir em questões políticas, econômicas e em setores regulados, buscando atingir fins regulatórios ou cumprir acordos dos quais o país faça parte. / This paper provides evidence on the role of assets and liabilities of deferred taxes as a tool of regulatory forbearance and regulatory capital arbitrage by Brazilian financial institutions in the period 2004 to 2009. In order to achieve the goal of research, two hypotheses were developed: a) the regulatory forbearance in order to verify whether the deferred tax managers used to support or achieve levels of regulatory capital and how the estimates were realistic about the ability to perform the deferred tax, b) the arbitrage strategy of regulatory capital in order to verify that the choices on deferred taxes of managers were related to regulatory capital. Therefore, this study obtained evidence by analyzing annual financial information. The hypotheses are tested using the techniques of data analysis of multiple linear regression and regression with panel data. As a result, the study showed that the Brazilian financial institutions have used deferred tax as a tool of regulatory forbearance. Financial institutions have not reached the minimum regulatory capital without these values. Nevertheless, evidence was presented that the managers were realistic recognition of deferred tax. It was shown that the decisions of the managers of Brazilian financial institutions were guided by deferred tax. As established, the financial institutions with stronger capital positions (higher Tier I) tend to report higher deferred tax asset, contrary to international literature. Overall, it was revealed just a case of how accounting can serve as a tool to interfere in political, economic and regulated industries, seeking to achieve regulatory purposes or to comply with agreements to which the country is part.

Mensuração de risco de portfólio para carteiras de crédito a empresas / Risk measuring of corporate credit portfolios

Brito, Giovani Antonio Silva 20 June 2005 (has links)
O processo de evolução das técnicas de gestão de risco de crédito que vem ocorrendo no mercado financeiro nos últimos anos levou ao desenvolvimento de diversas metodologias de mensuração de risco de carteiras de crédito. Os principais modelos de risco de portfólio que se difundiram no setor bancário internacional têm aplicação restrita no Brasil, devido às características do nosso mercado de crédito. O objetivo desta pesquisa é propor um conjunto de procedimentos para mensurar o risco de portfólios de créditos concedidos por instituições financeiras a empresas, considerando a disponibilidade de dados do mercado de crédito brasileiro. O estudo foi realizado em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa foi desenvolvido um modelo de risco de crédito do tipo credit scoring, utilizando a técnica estatística da Regressão Logística. O modelo foi construído com base em uma amostra de empresas categorizadas como solventes ou insolventes. As variáveis explicativas que caracterizam a situação econômico-financeira das empresas são índices calculados a partir dos seus demonstrativos contábeis. Na segunda parte do trabalho foram apresentados os procedimentos para mensuração de risco de portfólios de crédito. Na abordagem proposta, as perdas das empresas são modeladas individualmente e os resultados são agregados para se obter as perdas totais do portfólio. Utilizando a técnica da simulação de Monte Carlo, são gerados milhares de cenários para a situação econômico-financeira futura das empresas da carteira. Os cenários gerados dão origem a possíveis valores de perda para as empresas e para o portfólio como um todo. O processo é ilustrado aplicando-se o modelo a um portfólio hipotético, construído com base nos dados das carteiras de crédito das instituições financeiras no Brasil. O modelo gera a distribuição das perdas da carteira de crédito, a partir da qual podem ser obtidas as medidas que quantificam o risco do portfólio e o capital econômico que deve ser alocado pela instituição. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o modelo proposto configura-se como uma alternativa que permite que o risco de carteiras de crédito de empresas seja mensurado no mercado brasileiro e ressaltam a importância da utilização de modelos de risco de crédito de portfólio na gestão de riscos das instituições financeiras. / The evolution of credit risk management techniques, which has occurred in the financial market in recent years, has led to the development of several methods to measure the credit risk of portfolios. The credit risk models that became popular in the international banking industry have limited application in Brazil due to the characteristics of our credit market. The objective of this research is to propose a set of procedures in order to measure the risk of banks\' corporate credit portfolios, considering the actual data available in the Brazilian credit market. The study was performed in two steps. In the first one, a credit scoring model was developed, using the statistical method of logistic regression. The model was based on a sample of companies classified either as solvent or insolvent. The variables that represent the financial situation of the companies are indices calculated from the financial statements. In the second step, the procedures defined to measure the credit portfolio risk were presented. In the proposed approach, the company losses are considered individually and then the results are consolidated to obtain the total loss of the portfolio. Using the Monte Carlo simulation, thousands of scenarios are generated in which the future financial situation of the companies belonging to the portfolio are considered. The scenarios generated give rise to possible loss values regarding the companies individually and the portfolio as a whole. The process is illustrated by applying the model to a hypothetical portfolio built based on the data of banks\' credit portfolios in Brazil. The model generates the loss distribution of the credit portfolio, from which measurements to quantify the risk of the portfolio, and the economic capital to be allocated by the financial institution can be obtained. The results indicate that the proposed model is an alternative to measure the credit risk of companies in the Brazilian market and highlight the importance of the application of credit risk portfolio modeling when performing risk managing in financial institutions.

A Corporate Social Responsibility Study in Kaohsiung City's Financial Institutions

Lin, Kun-Hong 25 August 2004 (has links)
A Corporate Social Responsibility Study in Kaohsiung City's Financial Institutions Abstract The heightened competition and reducing profit-margin in the banking industry have forced banks to change for facing the struggle environment. In addition, many deceptive crime and practices happened recently are all related to the banking system, such as cheating ATM events and disclosure customers¡¦ personal information inappropriately. Under the kind of situation, how to restore customers¡¦ trust to banks has become the priority issue in the banking industry now. Therefore, the theme of social responsibility has come back to the table and attract intensive interests from both the academics and industry. This research conducted an empirical study through a qualitative approach. The purpose of this study is trying to explore the framework on the corporate social responsibility for the financial institution. By in-depth interviewing 17 executives in the financial institutions and based on previous researches, this study concluded four categories of corporate social responsibility for financial companies. 1. Economic Responsibility: Good quality products, appeal channel for customers, business sales performance. 2. Legal Responsibility: Support the related laws and legislations for protecting environment. 3. Ethical Responsibility: Well system of employee training, support technology development, community citizenship, and the concept of respecting employees. 4. Discretionary Responsibility: Charity, helping the minority group, improving social problems, and corporate vision. Overall, companies have accepted and taken some actions on both responsibilities, Economic and Legal. In addition, there are two constructs in the category of Ethical responsibility, employee training and respect employee, improved from the level of ¡§acceptance¡¨ to ¡§action¡¨. In addition, the other two constructs in the category of Ethical responsibility, support technology development and community citizenship, have been accepted by the executives but can¡¦t achieve the level of ¡§action¡¨ as some related limited regulations. Finally, the construct of Discretionary responsibility has not been taken any action by these interviewed companies.

Research on the influence of ethical climate and organizational commitment on organizational citizenship with the trust-granting staff of financial institutions in Kaohsiung-Pingtung area as examples.

HO, Ming-Tien 07 July 2002 (has links)
In recent years, there is a significant change in consumers¡¦ cognition and values owing to the transition of financial conditions, and a sort of more diversified financial service is demanded to cater for their needs. Since the openness of financial market in 1990, our human resources of professional intellect never reach the anticipated level of advance because no appropriate regulation on the running tactics of financial institutions is made, besides the want of foresighted projects on financial market, ethical climate in financial institutions, definite and concrete reconstruction of organizational commitment. As a result, financial proprietors surged into the market upon the openness, forming a superficial feature of flourishing development; on the other hand, the deteriorating competition behind the prosperity causes trust-granting quality to go down and consequently the rate and amount of overdue loan to go higher and higher. In the meanwhile, the opportunities of nationally economic development get corrupted. Many researches prove the ethical climate and organizational commitment do have effect on organizational citizenship. This research is aimed to find out the degree the trust-granting staff¡¦s ethical climate and organizational commitment influence the organizational citizenship by studying the personal characteristics and position properties. It also expects follow-up researches will further probe into the difference and correlation between the ethical climate and organizational commitment of the trust-granting staff with the final say in order to build more positive and active ones, so as to enhance a more positive trust¡Vgranting attitude and behavior. Taking trust-granting staff of financial institutions in Kaohsiung-Pingtung area as subjects, this research gave out 125 copies of questionnaire and recovered 120 effective. With fidelity analysis, descriptive analysis, factor analysis, single factor variance analysis, Pierson correlation analysis, and typical correlation analysis, we can conclude as follows. 1. Subjects¡¦ research variances are: (1) Ethical climate: legislative orientation, care orientation, and independent judgment. (2) Organizational commitment: affectional commitment, continuous commitment, and moral commitment. (3) Organizational citizenship: the manifestation of both cognition or attitude in terms of sticking to own duty and organizational public welfare lies above the medium or high levels. 2. Based on personal characteristics or position properties, the subjects who have highest manifestation in their cognition and attitude in each dimension are: (1) Legislative orientation: female, 40~49 years old, single, under junior college, incumbent clerk. (2) Care orientation: male, over 50 yeas old, married, above university, director. (3) Independent judgment: male, over 50 years old, married, under junior college, incumbent clerk. (4) Affectional commitment: male, over 50 years old, married, above university, director. (5) Continuous commitment: male, 30~39 years old, married, over university, former director. (6) Moral commitment: female, over 50 years old, married, under junior college, director. (7) Sticking to own duty: female, over 50 years old, married, under junior college, director. (8) Organizational public welfare: female, over 50 years old, married, under junior college, director. 3. The research variances that have apparent correlation: (1) legislative orientation: care orientation, affectioal commitment (2) Care orientation: independent judgment, affectional commitment, moral commitment. (3) Independent judgment: moral commitment (4) Affectional commitment: moral commitment (5) Continuous commitment: moral commitment (6) Sticking to own duty: organizational public welfare, legislative orientation, care orientation, affectional commitment, moral commitment (7) Organizational public welfare: affectional commitment, moral commitment. 4. Both ethical climate and organizational commitment have an obvious correlation with organizational citizenship. According to the conclusions, we recommend the following suggestions: 1. To financial institutions: (1) Carrying out internal legislative curriculum and drills; (2) Carrying out external legislative and related case curriculum and drills; (3) Appointing with discretion the managerial personnel of operating units; (4) Cultivating staff¡¦s team spirit; (5) Reconstructing the financial ethics of discipline and order. 2. To succeeding researchers: (1) Broadening the researching samples; (2) Studying the attitude of incumbent and former managers¡¦ ethic climate and organizational commitment toward the trust-granting acts.

The States System under Globalizations

Lee, Puw 18 February 2003 (has links)
What does the global situation look like after the end of Cold War? To the scholars on the international politics, what they put focus on is the establishment of global order and the configuration of the international society. Compared with the situation during the Cold War era, the changes of political conflicts, development of technology and the nature of human culture have been getting intense and frequent in the past ten years. The main trend of international relationship is the move toward global integration, and that gradually replaces the notion of putting the nation on the center of issues. The importance of transnational units and un-military forces is getting more impressive and powerful. As a result, besides nations, many non-nation units gradually occupy the global stage. The words like non-governmental organizations, transnational corporations and transnational financial institution all become popular in the post- Cold War era as well. That the occurrence of these non-nations stands for the collapse of the boundary of nations has caused impact on the international system consisting of sovereign nations, and the result the impact might cause is the main issue of global change and globalization. What foreseeable is that nations aren¡¦t the sole unit of global politics anymore. The activities of international non-governmental organizations have gradually affected the foreign policy-making of these nations; the expansion of transnational corporations has also directly influenced the change of global economy. Meanwhile, with the move of capitals these transnational corporations need, the role played by the global financial institution deserves more attention. In this dissertation, the words, globalization and globalism, will be properly defined and reviewed. Then, on the basis of understanding the birth of sovereignty and nations, I will discuss the operational rules and the essential parts of nations. Finally, what impact the nations will face in the process of globalization will be analyzed

Kredito unijos teisinis statusas / Legal status of a credit union

Klimaitė, Vaida 10 January 2007 (has links)
Šiuo metu Lietuvoje kredito sektoriuje šalia komerciniu banku veikia smulkios kooperatinės finansinės institucijos – kredito unijos. Kredito unijos – kooperatiniais pagrindais suskurta kredito įstaiga, teikianti įvairias finansines paslaugas tik savo nariams: priima indėlius, suteikia paskolas, teikia kitas paslaugas, savo lėšomis remia verslo pradžia ir plėtra, vykdo įvairius projektus. Kredito unijos yra sukurtos fizinių asmenų, mažų įmonių atstovų, žemdirbių, ūkininkų iniciatyva, todėl kredito unijų išduodamos savitarpio paskolos yra skirtos mažesnes nei vidutines pajamas gaunantiems klientams bei smulkiam verslui remti. Šiuo metu Lietuvoje kredito sektoriuje šalia komercinių bankų veikia smulkios kooperatinės finansinės institucijos – kredito unijos. Kredito unijos pagal valdymo struktūra, kapitalo formavimą nėra analogiškos komerciniams bankams institucijos. Šio baigiamojo darbo pagrindinis tikslas – ištirti kredito unijų teisinį statusą Lietuvos Respublikos finansų sistemoje bei išanalizuoti kredito unijų vystymosi perspektyvas Europos Sąjungos ir Lietuvos finansų sistemoje. Pagrindinė darbo problema, ar pakankamai sureguliuota teisiškai kredito unijų veikla. Išanalizavus įstatymus ir kitus norminius aktus, padaryta išvada, kad Lietuvoje gan gerai reglamentuojama kredito unijų veikla, nes kredito unijos narių skaičius didėja ir kredito unijų teikiamų paslaugų populiarumas didėja. Kai įstatymai sukuria gerą legalią darbo atmosferą, tai skatina kredito unijų atsiradimą ir... [to full text] / At present time in the credit sector of Lithuania in line with commercial banks one can find small cooperative financial institutions or credit unions. A credit union is a credit institution, established on a cooperative basis, which supplies various financial services to its members. A credit union accepts deposits, provides credits and other services, gives support to the establishment and development of business and implements different projects. Credit unions are usually established by the initiative of natural persons, representatives of small enterprises and farmers, therefore mutual credits provided by credit unions are targeted at clients with lower than average income as well as to support small business.

An investigation into the factors that contribute to the retention of information technology specialists in financial institutions

Plaatjies, Francois Chessley January 2011 (has links)
<p>Many financial organisations are working hard to design a skills management strategy that reflects the overarching national skills need for an institution, in the process of attracting highly skilled Information Technology (IT) specialists. But there are many organisations that are less concerned about mobility across nations and more concerned about the need to retain highly skilled IT staff. The pace and ubiquity of the information technologies&rsquo / (IT) progress means that organisations need to improve on their technologies, and so the skills needed to operate and utilise these technologies. The need for a highly IT skilled workforce is rising and, therefore, organisations will have to move beyond their traditional policies and practices to retain highly skilled IT staff. Organisations are employing and utilising various models, frameworks and strategies to nurture and address the retention of skilled IT staff. Even though these methods are well implemented and coordinated within organisations, skilled IT staff still leave organisations and minimises the level of retaining skilled IT staff. This is a functional shortfall at a management level, since a coherent lack to monitor the impact of external factors on retention strategies are overlooked. The same holds for the financial sector in South Africa. Therefore the aim of this research was to propose effective retention strategies for employers within the financial environment, to retain their skilled IT workforce. In order to fulfil the objectives of this study, the literature review had been performed followed by the empirical field research. The field data were gathered by using twofold data collection technique: disseminating a questionnaire and interviewing participants in this study. The fieldwork followed the University of the Western Cape guidelines on research ethics. The outcomes of the study showed that there is a strong correlation between having good HR retention policies and procedures, and the management of these policies and procedures. The findings suggested the importance of involving employees at all employment levels to provide input on the development of these policies and procedures so that the retention process is well understood across the firm Apart from contributing to the existing academic knowledge area, the study outcomes can beneficially contribute to organisations&rsquo / advantage and ability to retain skilled IT staff on a long-term basis. From a financial services sector perspective, this study will possibly contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field of Staff Retention especially the area of Information Technology.</p>

An investigation into the factors that contribute to the retention of information technology specialists in financial institutions

Plaatjies, Francois Chessley January 2011 (has links)
<p>Many financial organisations are working hard to design a skills management strategy that reflects the overarching national skills need for an institution, in the process of attracting highly skilled Information Technology (IT) specialists. But there are many organisations that are less concerned about mobility across nations and more concerned about the need to retain highly skilled IT staff. The pace and ubiquity of the information technologies&rsquo / (IT) progress means that organisations need to improve on their technologies, and so the skills needed to operate and utilise these technologies. The need for a highly IT skilled workforce is rising and, therefore, organisations will have to move beyond their traditional policies and practices to retain highly skilled IT staff. Organisations are employing and utilising various models, frameworks and strategies to nurture and address the retention of skilled IT staff. Even though these methods are well implemented and coordinated within organisations, skilled IT staff still leave organisations and minimises the level of retaining skilled IT staff. This is a functional shortfall at a management level, since a coherent lack to monitor the impact of external factors on retention strategies are overlooked. The same holds for the financial sector in South Africa. Therefore the aim of this research was to propose effective retention strategies for employers within the financial environment, to retain their skilled IT workforce. In order to fulfil the objectives of this study, the literature review had been performed followed by the empirical field research. The field data were gathered by using twofold data collection technique: disseminating a questionnaire and interviewing participants in this study. The fieldwork followed the University of the Western Cape guidelines on research ethics. The outcomes of the study showed that there is a strong correlation between having good HR retention policies and procedures, and the management of these policies and procedures. The findings suggested the importance of involving employees at all employment levels to provide input on the development of these policies and procedures so that the retention process is well understood across the firm Apart from contributing to the existing academic knowledge area, the study outcomes can beneficially contribute to organisations&rsquo / advantage and ability to retain skilled IT staff on a long-term basis. From a financial services sector perspective, this study will possibly contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field of Staff Retention especially the area of Information Technology.</p>

Relief agency, hegemon, or failure? an evaluation of the IMF as crisis manager /

Baechel, Nicholas John. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Akron, Dept. of History, 2006. / "December, 2006." Title from electronic thesis title page (viewed 12/31/2008) Advisor, Walter L. Hixson; Co-Advisor, Jane Kate Leonard; Department Chair, Walter L. Hixson; Dean of the College, Ronald F. Levant; Dean of the Graduate School, George R. Newkome. Includes bibliographical references.

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