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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Customer experience as the strategic differentiator in retail banking

Drotskie, Adri 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Business Management))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / In 2008, retail banking in South Africa is a highly competitive industry with extensive customer bases that expect increasingly more from their banking experience. The retail bank with an appropriate strategic differentiator will gain a sustainable competitive advantage in the changing retail banking environment and add value to all its stakeholders. This study was conducted within the evolving retail banking industry and investigated customer experience as a possible strategic differentiator in this industry. The investigation included a literature study on the evolution of retail banking globally and in South Africa, the concepts strategy, differentiation and sustainable competitive advantage and customer experience. Quantitative and qualitative measurement frameworks were applied to measure the total customer experience and thereby illustrate through the research results the value of understanding the customer experience as differentiator in an organisation. The researcher determined through the investigation that customer experience can be a valuable strategic differentiator in retail banking today as it gives an organisation a competitive advantage through the focus on the total customer experience which includes the previous differentiators in the industry, namely product, price and service. The researcher also indicated that customer experience evolved over time and includes service quality and customer service from which it evolved. The implications of the study focus on management‟s role in developing a differentiated strategy which describes customer experience as the differentiator and implementing such a strategy implies a thorough understanding of customers and their experiences when interacting with the organisation and entrenching a customer experience culture and orientation in the organisation on all levels.

The role of attitude and intentions in the adoption of banking services by Tanzanians

Smith, Matthew Stephen 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In recent years the African banking industry has received much attention from international investors. The international attention received by Africa is due to trends such as globalisation and the profit potential that exists at the bottom of the economic pyramid. Within Africa, Tanzania has become a hub of investment for both international and South African banks. Banks such as South African based First National Bank have publically stated that one of their main priorities at the moment is securing the bank as a participator in the Tanzanian financial service industry. The Tanzanian banking market is currently served by fourty-eight banks and the minister of finance encourages further investment and entry into the country. Despite the large number of banks in Tanzania, the penetration rate of banked individuals remains low with approximately nine per cent of the population being members of the formal banking system. The low penetration indicates the Tanzanian population’s reluctance or inability to partake in the banking sector. Research suggests that poor attitudes held by Tanzanians towards the banking industry are a key factor causing the low penetration rate of banking in the country. While consumer behaviour literature has found that attitudes exert a critical influence on consumers’ behavioural intention, attitudes cannot be viewed as the sole predictor of behaviour. The Theory of Planned Behaviour, that evolved from the Theory of Reasoned Action, extends the relationship between attitudes and intentions to include the influence of subjective norms and perceived behavioural control. Thus the Theory of Planned Behaviour states that behavioural intentions are determined by: (1) attitudes, (2) subjective norms and (3) perceived behavioural control. This study was conducted in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and utilised the Theory of Planned Behaviour as a guideline to measure the influence of attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control on unbanked consumers’ intentions to open a formal bank account. Unbanked individuals were studied to provide banks doing business in Tanzania with insight into the factors that influence these consumers’ to become banked. The knowledge gained about unbanked individuals can be used to develop marketing strategies to increase the banked population of Tanzania. Research has shown that the average Tanzanian banking client is between the ages of twenty-seven and thirty-four and has a tertiary education. Thus the sample selected for the study was individuals who where studying towards a tertiary education in Tanzania between the ages of eighteen and twenty-seven. These individuals were selected as they are the most likely potential clients of Tanzanian banks. They are also potentially the most profitable clients for banks as they will likely earn more than other individuals once commencing formal employment. The Theory of Planned Behaviour was adapted to account for the unique characteristics of the Tanzanian financial services industry. Exploratory research identified the following dimensions as being possible influencers of intention to open a formal bank account in Tanzania: (1) trust, (2) attitude towards saving, (3) perceived relative advantage, (4) access convenience, (5) perceived value and (6) attitude towards banks. After data collection in Tanzania the model was further revised by conducting an exploratory factor analysis. The exploratory factor analysis identified the following dimensions as influencing intention to open a formal bank account: (1) attitude towards saving, (2) attitude towards banks, (3) self-efficacy, (4) access convenience, (5) reference groups, (6) perceived relative advantage, (7) perceived value, (8) attitudes towards banking, (9) trust, (10) future financial independence and (11) future benefits. Regression analyses were used to test the relationships suggested in the model. Significant relationships were found between the independent variables (1) future financial benefits and (2) reference groups and the dependent variable intentions. Relationships were also found between the independent variable future benefits and the dependent variable attitude towards banking. The empirical findings were used to develop strategies suggesting ways to increase the banked population of Tanzania. By increasing the banked population of Tanzania the Tanzanian economy, Tanzanian citizens and banks doing business in Tanzania will benefit. As banking facilitates economic growth an increase in the banked population of Tanzania would likely lead to increased economic growth in the country. Tanzanian citizens will benefit from the study as by opening formal bank accounts they will experience the many benefits of banking. Lastly banks doing business in Tanzania are likely to experience increased profitability as a result of the increased customer base. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oor die afgelope paar jaar het die bankbedryf in Afrika baie aandag ontvang van internasionale beleggers. Hierdie aandag is die gevolg van tendense soos globalisering en die winspotensiaal wat bestaan aan die onderkant van die ekonomiese piramide. Binne Afrika het Tanzanië heelwat beleggings van sowel internasionale as Suid-Afrikaanse banke gelok. Banke soos die Suid-Afrikaans gebaseerde First National Bank het amptelik verklaar dat een van hulle vernaamste prioriteite op die oomblik is om te verseker dat die bank ’n rolspeler is in die Tanzaniese finansiëledienstesektor. Die Tanzaniese bankmark word tans deur agt en veertig banke bedien en die minister van finansies moedig verdere beleggings en toegang tot die land aan. Ten spyte van die groot aantal banke in Tanzanië is die persentasie individue wat gebruik maak van formele bankdienste, slegs ongeveer nege persent van die bevolking. Die lae syfer dui op die onwilligheid of onvermoë van die Tanzaniese bevolking om aan die banksektor deel te neem. Navorsing dui daarop dat die negatiewe houdings van die Tanzaniese bevolking teenoor die banksektor ’n deurslaggewende faktor is wat die lae deurdringingskoers van die bankwese in die land veroorsaak. Alhoewel literatuur oor verbruikersgedrag aantoon dat houdings ’n kritiese invloed uitoefen op verbruikers se voorgenome gedrag, kan houdings nie beskou word as die enigste voorspeller van gedrag nie. Die Teorie van Beplande Gedrag, wat ontwikkel het uit die Teorie van Beredeneerde Optrede, brei die verhouding tussen houdings en voornemens uit om die invloed van subjektiewe norme en waargenome gedragsbeheer in te sluit. Die Teorie van Beplande Gedrag stel dit dus dat gedragsintensies bepaal word deur: (1) houdings; (2) subjektiewe norme; en (3) waargenome gedragsbeheer. Hierdie studie is uitgevoer in Dar es Salaam, Tanzanië, en het die Teorie van Beplande Gedrag gebruik as ’n riglyn om die invloed te bepaal van houdings, subjektiewe norme en waargenome gedragsbeheer op die niebankgebruikers se voornemens om ’n formele bankrekening te open. Niebankgebruikers (individue sonder bankrekeninge) is bestudeer om aan banke wat in Tanzanië sake doen, insigte te voorsien oor die faktore wat hierdie individue beïnvloed om bankdienste te begin gebruik. Die kennis wat opgedoen is oor niebankgebruikers kan gebruik word om bemarkingstrategieë te ontwikkel om die getal bankgebruikers in Tanzanië te verhoog. Navorsing het getoon dat die gemiddelde Tanzaniese bankkliënt tussen seween- twintig en vier-en-dertig jaar oud is en tersiêre onderrig ondergaan het. Die steekproef wat gekies is vir die studie, het dus bestaan uit individue wat besig was met tersiêre opleiding in Tanzanië. Hulle is bes moontlik die mees winsgewende kliënte vir banke, want hulle sal waarskynlik meer verdien as ander individue wanneer hulle formeel begin werk. Die Teorie van Beplande Gedrag is aangepas om die unieke eienskappe van die Tanzaniese finansiëledienstesektor in ag te neem. Verkennende navorsing het die volgende dimensies geïdentifiseer as moontlike oorsake van intensies om ’n formele bankrekening in Tanzanië te open: (1) vertroue; (2) houding teenoor spaar; (3) vermeende relatiewe voordeel; (4) toegangsgerief; en (5) vermeende waarde. Na data-insameling in Tanzanië is die model verder hersien deur ’n verkennende faktorontleding uit te voer. Hierdie faktorontleding het die volgende dimensies geïdentifiseer wat die intensies om ’n formele bankrekening te open beïnvloed: (1) houding teenoor spaar; (2) houdings teenoor banke; (3) selfdoeltreffendheid; (4) toegangsgerief; (5) verwysingsgroepe; (6) vermeende relatiewe voordeel; (7) vermeende waarde; (8) houdings teenoor bankdienste; (9) vertroue; (10) toekomstige finansiële onafhanklikheid; en (11) toekomstige voordele. Regressie-ontledings is gebruik om die verhouding, wat voorgestel is in die model, te toets. Betekenisvolle verhoudings is aangetoon tussen toekomstige finansiële voordele en verwysingsgroepe as onafhanklike veranderlikes en intensies oftewel voornemens as afhanklike veranderlike. Daar is ook verhoudings gevind tussen toekomstige voordele as onafhanklike veranderlike en houding teenoor bankdienste as afhanklike veranderlike. Die empiriese bevindinge is gebruik om strategieë te ontwikkel wat maniere voorstel om die getal bankgebruikers in Tanzanië te verhoog. Dit sal tot voordeel strek van die Tanzaniese ekonomie, die Tanzaniese bevolking, asook banke wat besigheid doen in Tanzanië. Bankdienste fasiliteer ekonomiese groei, wat die land se ekonomie bevoordeel. Tanzaniese burgers sal voordeel trek uit die studie, want hulle sal die voordele van bankgebruik beleef wanneer hulle bankrekenings open. Daarbenewens sal banke wat in Tanzanië funksioneer, groter inkomste genereer. Die Tanzaniese bevolking en ekonomie sal egter eers die volle voordele beleef indien die getal bankgebruikers beduidend toeneem.

Money laundering in Botswana : a model for prevention in the banking sector

Ndzinge, Lerato 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))-- University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Money laundering is becoming a significant risk to the banking industry. It brings with it negative results such as damage to the banking industry reputation, escalation of prices as money launderers end up having a lot of cash in their hands resulting in high inflation and innocent consumers suffering when they end up having to pay the high prices. This research report will provide the background on money laundering and how the banking industry in Botswana can improve on the controls they have in place to deal with it. As money laundering is a worldwide problem, the study will explore the controls put in place by countries internationally and regionally to discourage money launderers from benefiting from their laundered assets. The study will also do a detailed assessment and analysis of the money laundering controls used by the banks in Botswana and come up with conclusions and recommendations that can help the banks in the fight against money laundering. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geldwassery word ‘n aansienlike risiko vir die bankwese. Dit het negatiewe gevolge soos skade aan die reputasie van die bankwese en prysstygings omdat geldwassers uiteindelik baie kontant in die hand het, wat lei tot hoë inflasie. Onskuldige verbruikers ly daaronder omdat hulle dan die hoë pryse moet betaal. Hierdie navorsingsverslag gee die agtergrond van geldwassery en hoe die bankwese in Botswana verbeteringe kan aanbring aan die beheermaatreëls wat hulle in plek het om geldwassery te hanteer. Aangesien geldwassery ‘n wêreldwye probleem is, ondersoek die studie die beheermaatreëls wat lande internasionaal en in streke gebruik om die geldwassers te ontmoedig om voordeel te trek uit die bates wat hulle op daardie wyse verkry het. Die studie doen ook ‘n gedetailleerde beoordeling en ontleding van die maatreëls vir die beheer van geldwassery wat deur die banke in Botswana gebruik word en kom tot gevolgtrekkings en gee aanbevelings wat die banke kan help in die stryd teen geldwassery

An investigation into the viability of applying regression analysis and mathematical science to enhance marketing strategies for the Woolworths financial services personal loans product

De Kock, Stephan Glynn 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: is a common misconception that marketing is all about advertising and other promotional activities. These activities are only part of the marketing process which is in fact about identifying the wants and needs of certain customers and satisfying them better than the competition. However, it must also be borne in mind that these needs and wants change over time as customers change positions in the customer lifecycle. The customer lifecycle of a Woolworths Financial Services personal loan customer is not unlike the generic customer lifecycle of acquisition, development and retention and as such aligns with the principles associated with this theory – acquire, develop and retain as many customers as possible at the lowest cost. The current marketing practices of Woolworths Financial Services are not targeted, focusing on the entire base of prospective customers without any differentiation between those who would most likely respond and those who would not. These practices, however, have provided the opportunity to gain valuable information about the characteristics of those who do respond and those who do not. The use of data mining and regression analysis models (developed on this data) can provide the ability to effectively predict the response curve – ranking and assigning probabilities based on customer behaviour. That being said, these probabilities are of little use if they are not used to optimise the structure of marketing campaigns by determining where to differentiate an offer or not. It is here that mathematical science provides a solution through the optimisation process – the process of computing the mix of variables that provides the best result – in this case the highest number of customers acquired, developed and retained within the constraints of a defined marketing budget. Finally, the result of this process culminates in an increase in shareholder value which would not have been achieved through existing marketing products. The risk associated with implementing this process is negligible, based on empirical evidence regarding the impact of differentiated offers on response rates and as such must be implemented wherever possible. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is ‘n algemene wanopvatting dat bemarking net oor advertensie en ander reklame aktiwitiete gaan. Hierdie aktiwiteite is slegs ‘n deel van die bemarkingsproses wat eintlik gaan oor die identifisering van die behoeftes van sekere kliënte en om hulle beter as die opposisie te kan bedien. Dit moet egter in gedagte gehou word dat die behoeftes van kliente oor tyd verander as hulle posisies skuif in die kliëntelewenssiklus. Die kliëntelewenssiklus van ‘n Woolworths Finansiële Dienste persoonlikeleningskliënt is nie anders as die gemiddelde kliëntelewensiklus van verkryging, ontwikkeling en retensie nie, en vergelyk dus met die beginsels wat met hierdie teorie geassosieer word – verkry, ontwikkel en behou so veel as moontlik kliënte teen die laagste koste. Die huidige bemarkingsprosesse van Woolworths Finansiële Dienste is nie beperk nie en fokus op die algehele moontlike kliëntebasis sonder om te onderskei tussen dié wat heel moontlik sal reageer en dié wat nie sal nie. Hierdie praktyk het egter die geleentheid geskep om waardevolle inligting te bekom oor dié wat reageer en dié wat nie reageer nie. Die gebruik van dataontleding en regressie analise modelle (ontwikkel op hierdie data) kan die vermoë skep om effektief die reaksiekurwe te voorspel – rangskikking en aanwysing van waarskynlikhede gebaseer op kliëntegedrag. Gegewe dié afleiding, is hierdie waarskynlikhede van geringe belang as dit nie aangewend word om die struktuur van die bemarkingsveldtog te optimeer deur te bepaal of ‘n aanbieding gewysig moet word of nie. Dit is hier waar wiskundige metodes ‘n oplossing bied deur die optimeringsproses – in hierdie geval die meeste kliënte wat verkry, ontwikkel en behou kan word binne die beperkinge van ‘n geïdentifiseerde bemarkingsbegroting. Ten slotte, die resultaat van hierdie proses lei tot ‘n toename in aandeelhouerwaarde wat nie moontlik sou wees deur bestaande bemarkingsprodukte nie. Die risiko met die implementering van hierdie proses is weglaatbaar klein, gebaseer op die empiriese bewyse aangaande die impak van gedifferensieerde aanbiedings op reaksiekoerse en moet dus geïmplementeer word waar moontlik.

Artificial neural networks in the financial services industry

Van Wamelen, Riaan Joop 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 1999. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Neural networks are computer systems that attempt to mimic the operation of the human brain. In contrast to traditional systems these systems can learn and will change their behaviour over time. In the highly competitive business environment of today, neural networks is one of many technologies that can assist organisations in gaining a competitive advantage. Neural networks also find application in the financial services industry. Applications range from corporate distress or failure models to forecasting of stock prices and many others. Generally speaking, neural networks often offer an exciting alternative to traditional methods of forecasting and classification in this industry. Neural networks must be implemented with care and judgement, as their performance is sensitive with respect to their construction and architecture. Neural networks, as with other technologies, rarely operate in isolation. Neural networks can be integrated with expert systems, genetic algorithms, data mining and even traditional statistical and operational research techniques. Integration produces systems in which the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Neural networks are also researched and applied in the South African financial services industry, both at an academic and commercial level. Indications are that South Africa is not far behind the international community in exploring the benefits of neural networks. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Neurale netwerke is rekenaarstelsels wat poog om die werking van die menslike brein na te boots. In kontras met tradisionele stelsels, leer neurale netwerke en verander dus hul gedrag met verloop van tyd. In vandag se hoogs kompeterende besigheids omgewing, is neural netwerke een van vele tegnologieë wat organisasies kan gebruik om ‘n mededingende voordeel te bekom. Neurale netwerke het ook toepassing in die finansiële dienste industrie. Toepassings wissel van korporatiewe mislukkings modelle tot die vooruitskatting van aandele pryse en vele ander. Neurale netwerke bied ‘n opwindende alternatief tot tradisionele modelle vir vooruitskatting en klassifikasie. Toepassings van neurale netwerke moet egter met oorleg plaasvind, aangesien hul prestasie sterk afhanklik is van hul konstruksie en argitektuur. Soos met ander tegnologie, word neurale netwerke selde in isolasie geïmplementeer. Neurale netwerke kan met sukses geïntegreer word met ekspert stelsels, genetiese algoritmes, data ontginnings metodes sowel as tradisionele statistiese of operasionele navorsings metodes. Integrasie bied stelsels wat meer bied as die som van die onafhanklike komponente. Neurale netwerke word ook in die Suid-Afrikaanse finansiële industrie nagevors en toegepas. Alle indikasies dui daarop dat, met betrekking tot die navorsing van voordele van neurale netwerke, Suid Afrika nie ver agter die internasionale gemeenskap is nie.

Cellphone banking adoption and continuance of use in an internet banking context : a study of consumers'cross-channel cognitive evaluations

Nel, Jacques 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The convergence of the Internet, wireless technologies, and mobile devices has led to the development of a new paradigm of transacting, namely, mobile commerce. Because banking activities are easily digitised and automated, banks have seized the mobile transacting opportunity and have developed cellphone banking applications that allow more flexibility for bank clients than internet banking in terms of anywhere, anytime banking. For banks, considering the benefits associated with multi-channel customers, the ideal situation would be that bank clients using internet banking also adopt and continue to use cellphone banking in the future. Therefore, to assist marketing managers with the development of marketing strategies to enhance the concurrent use of internet and cellphone banking, this study investigates the influence of internet banking cognitive evaluations on the perceived usefulness and the perceived ease of use of cellphone banking in the formation of the intention to use and the continuance of use intention of cellphone banking. A literature review revealed that two consumer behaviour theories can guide crosschannel cognitive evaluations between the internet banking and cellphone banking channel namely, expectation-transfer theory and status quo bias theory. In the context of this study, expectation-transfer theory can explain cross-channel evaluative synergies from the internet banking channel to the cellphone banking channel, as well as dissynergies; whilst status quo bias underpins only evaluative dissynergies. These theories point to internet banking beliefs that could influence the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of cellphone banking. Based on the literature review, a conceptual model was developed of the formation of intention to use and the continuance of use intention of cellphone banking in an internet banking context. To assess the validity of the model empirically, data were collected from 678 users of only internet banking and 491 users of both internet and cellphone banking. The data collected in the empirical phase of the study were analysed using the structural equations modelling (SEM) software program AMOS 20.0. The results revealed that the perceived convenience and time saving of internet banking positively influence the perceived usefulness of cellphone banking for the users of both internet and cellphone banking. On the other hand, only the perceived convenience of internet banking influenced the cellphone banking usefulness perceptions of the users of only internet banking. Furthermore, internet banking trust and risk perceptions only influenced the cellphone banking usefulness perceptions of the users of only internet banking. Expectation-transfer in both cohorts was also confirmed between the ease of use perceptions of internet banking and the perceived ease of use of cellphone banking. The results also confirmed that internet banking facilitating conditions negatively influence the perceived usefulness of cellphone banking (evidence of status quo bias). The theoretical contribution of the study is apparent at three different levels. Firstly, the conceptual model of cross-channel cognitive evaluations extends the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with beliefs of a related technology as the determinants of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Secondly, the study provides more insights into how cross-channel cognitive evaluations influence the formation of intention to use and the continuance of use intention of cellphone banking. And lastly, the study identifies additional sources of expectation-transfer and status-quo bias in the multichannel marketing context. The study provides valuable insights into internet – cellphone banking multi-channel consumer behaviour that should be considered by managers in the development of cellphone banking marketing strategies. To facilitate the conversion from internet banking to the concurrent usage of internet and cellphone banking, managers of cellphone banking services must ensure that the internet banking service is reliable and risk free. Equally important, cellphone banking must be marketed as a complementary channel to internet banking. In other words, the usefulness of cellphone banking must be emphasised in situations when the bank client is not near a computer to do internet banking or when he/she does not have the time or money to use a computer for internet banking. And lastly, to enhance the adoption of cellphone banking marketing communications must emphasise the similarities between internet and cellphone banking so that expectation-transfer between the two channels can influence behavioural intentions to adopt cellphone banking. Based on the results of the study, several recommendations can be made to enhance the continuance of use of cellphone banking. Firstly, marketing communications must remind the concurrent users of internet and cellphone banking of why they are using cellphone banking. The most important reason to remind them of is the usefulness of cellphone banking in situations where there is a lack of internet banking facilitating conditions. Marketing managers should also take note that cellphone banking users do not draw on internet banking trust and risk perceptions to form perceptions of the usefulness of cellphone banking. It may be that they only consider trust and risk perceptions directly related to cellphone banking. This conclusion emphasises the importance of cellphone banking trust and risk perceptions in cellphone banking continuance of use behaviour. Finally, the study quantified the influence of internet banking cognitive evaluations on the formation of intention to use and the continuance of use intention of cellphone banking. Considering this result, the study provides valuable information for marketing managers of cellphone services. The methodology employed can also guide future studies exploring cross-channel evaluations in a multi-channel marketing context. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sameloop van maklike toegang tot die Internet, die ontwikkeling van draadlose tegnologieë en die beskikbaarheid van mobiele toestelle het gelei tot ʼn nuwe transaksieparadigma, naamlik mobiele handel. Aangesien bankaktiwiteite maklik digitiseer en outomatiseer, het banke die mobiele verrigtingsgeleentheid aangegryp en selfoonbankaanwendings ontwikkel wat vir bankkliënte meer buigsaamheid as internetbankdienste inhou wat ‘enige plek, enige tyd’ bankwese betref. Gegewe die voordele van multikanaal gebruik, is die ideaal vir banke dat kliënte wat internetbankdienste gebruik, ook selfoonbankdienste aanvaar en in die toekoms bly gebruik. Met die oog daarop om bemarkingsbestuurders by te staan in die ontwikkeling van bemarkingstrategieë om die gelyktydige gebruik van internet- en selfoonbankdienste te bevorder, ondersoek hierdie studie die invloed van kognitiewe evaluerings oor internetbankwese op die waargenome nuttigheid en waargenome maklike gebruik van selfoonbankdienste in die vorming van die gebruiksvoorneme en voortgesette gebruiksvoorneme ten opsigte van selfoonbankdienste. ʼn Literatuuroorsig het getoon dat twee verbruikersgedragsteorieë kruiskanaal kognitiewe evaluerings tussen die internetbankkanaal en selfoonbankkanaal kan voorlig, naamlik, Verwagtingsoordragteorie (“Expectation-transfer Theory”) en Status Quo Vooroordeel Teorie (“Status Quo Bias Theory”). In die konteks van hierdie studie kan Verwagtingsoordragteorie kruiskanaalevalueringsinergieë en dissinergieë van die internetbankkanaal na die selfoonbankkanaal toe verduidelik, terwyl Status Quo Vooroordeel Teorie slegs evaluerende dissinergieë stut. Hierdie teorieë belig internetbankoortuigings wat die waargenome nuttigheid en waargenome maklike gebruik van selfoonbankdienste kan beïnvloed. ʼn Konseptuele model van die vorming van die gebruiksvoorneme en voortgesette gebruiksvoorneme van selfoonbankdienste in ʼn internetbankkonteks is op grond van die literatuuroorsig ontwikkel. Met die oog daarop om die geldigheid van die model empiries te bepaal, is data van 678 gebruikers van slegs internet bankdienste en 491 gebruikers van internet sowel as selfoonbankdienste ingesamel. Die data wat tydens die empiriese fase van die studie ingesamel is, is met behulp van die strukturele vergelykingsmodelleringsagtewareprogram (“structural equations modelling” (SEM)) AMOS 20.0 analiseer. Volgens die resultate het die waargenome gerieflikheid en tydbesparing van internetbankwese die waargenome nuttigheid van selfoonbankdienste positief beïnvloed by gebruikers van beide internet en selfoonbankdienste. Hierteenoor het slegs die waargenome gerieflikheid van internetbankdienste die selfoonbankdiensnuttigheidswaarnemings van gebruikers van slegs internetbankdienste beïnvloed. Verder het internetbankdiensvertroue en risikowaarnemings slegs die selfoonbankdiensnuttigheid van die gebruikers van slegs internetbankdienste beïnvloed. Verwagtingsoordrag in beide kohorte is ook bevestig tussen die maklike gebruik persepsies van internetbankdienste en die waargenome maklike gebruik van selfoonbankdienste. Die resultate bevestig ook dat internetbankfasiliteringsomstandighede die waargenome nuttigheid van selfoonbankdienste negatief beïnvloed (manifestering van status quo vooroordeel). Die teoretiese bydrae van die studie blyk op drie vlakke. Eerstens brei die konseptuele model van kruiskanaal kognitiewe evaluerings die Tegnologie Aanvaardingsmodel (“Technology Acceptance Model” (TAM)) uit ten opsigte van oortuigings oor ʼn verwante tegnologie as die bepalers van waargenome nuttigheid en waargenome maklike gebruik. Die studie bied tweedens ook insigte in hoe kruiskanaal kognitiewe evaluerings die vorming van gebruiksvoorneme en voortgesette gebruiksvoorneme van selfoonbankdienste beïnvloed. Die studie identifiseer laastens ook addisionele verwagtingsoordrag- en status quo vooroordeel bronne in die multikanaalbemarkingskonteks. Die studie bied waardevolle insig oor internet – selfoonbankmultikanaal-verbruikersgedrag wat bestuurders in die ontwikkeling van selfoonbank-diensbemarkingstrategieë moet oorweeg. Om die oorskakeling van internetbankdienste na die gelyktydige gebruik van internet en selfoonbankdienste te fasiliteer, moet bestuurders van selfoonbankdienste verseker dat internetbankdienste betroubaar en risikovry is. Wat net so belangrik is, is dat selfoonbankwese as ʼn komplementêre kanaal tot internet bankwese bemark moet word. Die nuttigheid van selfoonbankwese moet, met ander woorde, beklemtoon word in situasies waar die kliënt nie naby ʼn rekenaar is vir internetbankgebruik nie of wanneer hy/sy nie die geld of tyd het om ʼn rekenaar vir internetbankdienste te gebruik nie. Laastens, om die aanvaarding van selfoonbankwese te versterk, moet bemarkingskommunikasiemateriaal die ooreenkomste tussen internet en selfoonbankwese op so ʼn wyse beklemtoon dat verwagtingsoordrag tussen die twee kanale gedragsvoornemens om selfoonbankdienste te aanvaar, beïnvloed. Verskeie aanbevelings spruit voort uit die resultate oor hoe die voortgesette gebruik van selfoonbankdienste verhoog kan word. Eerstens moet bemarkingskommunikasieboodskappe die gelyktydige gebruikers van internet en selfoonbankwese herinner waarom hulle selfoonbankdienste gebruik. Die belangrikste rede in hierdie verband is die nuttigheid van selfoonbankwese in situasies waar internetbankfasiliteringsomstandighede afwesig is. Bemarkingsbestuurders moet ook in ag neem dat selfoonbankgebruikers nie op internetbankvertroue en risikowaarnemings steun om persepsies oor die nuttigheid van selfoonbankwese te vorm nie. Hulle oorweeg waarskynlik net vertroue en risikopersepsies wat direk met selfoonbankdienste verband hou. Hierdie gevolgtrekking beklemtoon die belangrikheid van vertroue in selfoonbankdienste en riskowaarnemings in voortgesette selfoonbankgebruikgedrag. Laastens, die studie kwantifiseer die invloed van kognitiewe evaluering oor internetbankwese in die vorming van selfoonbankwese gebruiksvoorneme en voortgesette gebruiksvoorneme. Veral in die lig van hierdie resultaat bied die studie waardevolle inligting vir selfoonbankdiensbemarkingsbestuurders. Die metodes wat gebruik is, kan ook verdere studies waarin kruiskanaalevaluerings in ʼn multikanaal-bemarkingskonteks ondersoek word, rig.

The management of long-term marketing relationships in business-to-business financial services

Theron, Edwin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Since relationship marketing re-emerged as an approach to marketing, the concept was met with a great deal of interest. This interest resulted in relationship marketing being researched extensively, whilst businesses started to look for ways to build relationships with their clients. Relationships with clients can, however, only be managed if the dimensions contributing to the relationship are adequately identified. From an academic viewpoint, once all the relevant dimensions have been identified, these dimensions can be used to construct a model that can guide the management of long-term marketing relationships. The aim of this study was to identify the dimensions that are important when longterm marketing relationships in business-to-business (B2B) financial services are managed. The study started with a comprehensive review of the marketing literature. The literature review was followed by two empirical studies. The first empirical study was conducted among relationship managers, while the second empirical study focused on both the relationship managers and clients of a leading South African financial services provider. Both the relationship managers as well as the clients were part of the afore-mentioned financial services provider’s B2B domain. Phase 1 of the empirical research (the exploratory study) focused on an assessment of the perceptions of 75 relationship managers in respect of the importance of a number of pre-determined dimensions. A web-based approach was used and a questionnaire was developed according to the requirements of the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) method. Based on the literature review and the results of the exploratory study, a set of 11 dimensions emerged as important for the management of long-term relationships in B2B financial services. The second phase of the empirical research focused on the perceptions of both relationship managers (the relationship manager sample) and B2B clients (the client sample). In the case of the relationship manager sample, a web-based questionnaire was sent to 300 relationship managers, while 400 clients participated in the client study. Relationship manager data were analysed by means of regression analysis whereas the client data were analysed with the aid of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The LISREL 8.80 software program was used to fit both the measurement model and the SEM model. The results of the study confirmed the important roles of especially trust and commitment on a person’s intention to stay in a relationship. Furthermore, the study found that relationship managers and clients appear to view the process of relationship management as an intricate process. Although relationship managers and clients differ on the importance of some of the further dimensions, agreement existed for the importance of especially satisfaction and communication. It was also found that relationship managers appear to over-estimate their performance levels on some of the identified dimensions. The uniqueness of the study lies in the simultaneous consideration of the perceptions of both relationship managers and clients. The most important contribution of the study is the construction of a model through which long-term marketing relationships in the B2B financial services industry can be managed.

VAT treatment of financial services: a comparative analysis between methodologies applied in South Africa and other tax jurisdictions

Moodley, Perushka January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Commerce (Specialising in Taxation) / The taxation of financial services is challenging from a Value-Added Tax (VAT) perspective. Conceptually, VAT should apply to any fee for services but where financial services are concerned, there is difficulty in quantifying the value-added by these institutions. According to the First Interim Report on Value-Added Tax for the Minister of Finance (the Davis Tax Committee report) most jurisdictions have therefore opted to exempt financial services from VAT. In South Africa, financial services are exempt from VAT, however, where an explicit fee is charged as consideration for a supply, it will be taxed. The South African VAT legislation provides for the denial of input tax on costs incurred to generate exempt supplies. The burden of an irrecoverable VAT cost exposes the financial industry to hindrances such as vertical integration and tax cascading. Certain VAT jurisdictions have however implemented policies to reduce the overall cost of financial institutions. This study will therefore analyse the alternate VAT methods to determine whether a more viable mechanism of taxing financial services in South Africa, exists. Key words: Apportionment, cascading, implicit fees, input tax, efficiency, exemption, explicit fees, equity, full taxation approach, neutrality, simplicity, standard rate, reduced input tax credit, value-added, VAT grouping, vertical integration, zero-rating / MT2017

Corporate Tax Aggressiveness, Auditor Provided Tax Services, And Audit Quality: Evidence From Recent PCOAB Rules Concerning Independence And Tax Services

Unknown Date (has links)
Using tax accrual quality as a proxy for audit quality, I investigate whether companies that significantly decreased APTS surrounding the effective date of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board’s 2006 Rules on Ethics, Independence, and Tax Services experienced an improvement in audit quality after the change. Given the specific target of the PCAOB 2006 restrictions is companies aggressively avoiding taxes with the assistance of APTS, I also investigate whether companies associated with tax aggressive services are also more likely to experience an improvement in audit quality following the reductions in APTS. Results suggest an increase in audit quality due to a reduction in economic bonding following APTS restrictions. Consistent with the economic bonding theory, companies that significantly reduced APTS experienced a larger improvement in audit quality after the change compared to companies that did not significantly reduce APTS. For tax aggressive companies, those that reduced APTS did experience a significant increase in audit quality after the change compared to tax aggressive companies that did not significantly reduce APTS. Moreover, companies considered important tax clients by their audit firms that significantly reduced APTS did experience a marginally greater increase in audit quality after the change compared to other important tax clients that did not significantly reduce APTS. Overall, my results indicate that the PCOAB 2006 restrictions were effective in decreasing APTS and economic bonding, thereby leading to improved audit quality, especially among companies associated with tax aggressive services. Accordingly, concerns for loss of knowledge spillover seem to be minimal. There are few studies that investigate the effectiveness of the PCAOB 2006 restrictions on audit quality. Therefore, my study fills this void by using a tax specific measure of audit quality, tax accrual quality, to specifically examine the target of the restrictions— audit clients that are associated with aggressive tax services. My study confirms and expands APTS, economic bonding, audit quality, tax accrual quality, and tax aggressive research, and also provides insight into and support for current policy debates concerning APTS and tax aggressive services. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

The internationalisation of financial services firms

Young, Owen, Australian Graduate School of Management, Australian School of Business, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Most financial institutions have not been successful at internationalisation, with some being remarkably unsuccessful. There are fewer occurrences of cross-border mergers and acquisitions than in most other industries. Foreign financial institutions tend to underperform relative to domestic financial institutions. Rugman and others have argued that their internationalisation primarily occurs at the regional rather than global level. Existing theories identify some barriers to firms? internationalisation, but these theories, were developed for manufacturing firms, and were rarely applied to financial services firms. This research seeks to identify barriers to financial institutions' internationalisation and contribute to the under-researched area of services internationalisation. To better understand the barriers to internationalisation, qualitative research techniques were used for an in-depth case-study analysis of one firm and its attempts at internationalisation, followed by detailed interviews of internationally experienced financial institutions executives from other firms. Finally, the apparent preference for regional over global expansion was investigated, through a quantitative analysis of over 12,000 cross-border, financial-services merger and acquisition transactions from 1990 to mid-2005. The research identified thirty-eight barriers to internationalisation, consistent with Rugman's findings on regional expansion, but also with the effects of similarity variables such as language, culture and legal system. The quantitative analysis tested these effects and found that the region effect was high, and was stronger than language and cultural effects individually, but about the same as their combined effect. The legal system similarity is not statistically significant when all effects are combined. This research contributes to this under-researched field. Given that internationalisation supports economic growth in the host and home countries, an improved understanding of these barriers may assist policy makers and enable managers to make better international investment decisions. The findings on the effect of geography versus other factors, such as language and culture, may inform managers' choice of target countries.

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