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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A value added statement versus cash value added statement : a South African experience

Seema, Maitseo Josephine, Modisane, Kabo H. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Value Added Statement does not provide any information that does not already exist in the income statement. It only arranges the information and adds a new item, salaries and wages, to highlight the value created by the company and how that value is distributed amongst stakeholders. This information would assist users in their evaluation of the economic performance of the organisation. The study set out to show the composition, calculation and the reconciliation of both Cash Value Added Statement (CVAS) and the Value Added Statement (VAS). A database has been created for the years 1990-1998 for all the companies that published the CVASNAS during that period. The differences between CVAS and VAS can be determined by: a) Non-cash items (excluding depreciation). b) Movements in non-cash components of working capital. c) Differences between an income statement and cash flow statement relative to : • Extra-ordinary items • Exceptional items • Abnormal items • Associated income • A few sundry items Individual reconciliation was performed per company per year for the period 1990 to 1998 to enable the balancing of the CVAS total (Total A) with the VAS total (Total B)- see the example on Figure 3.1 to Figure 3.3. Items in both eVAS and VAS were then expressed about the two totals (see the line, Total A) to arrive at the common size for both CVAS and VAS (Tables 1(a) and 1(bj). Descriptive statistics were performed in order to find out how much each item constitutes to the value added. Due to the large amount of data, the initial raw data was excluded from the study project and is only available in the databank. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Toegevoegdewaardestaat verskaf geensins enige inligting wat nie reeds in die inkomstestaat verskyn nie. Die doel daarvan is slegs om inligting te rangskik en voeg nog 'n item by, nl. salarisse en lone. Die doel hiervan is om die waarde wat die maatskappy geskep het, uit te lig en ook hoe daardie bepaalde waarde onder belanghebbers verdeel word. Hierdie inligting kan gebruikers help by die evaluering van die ekonomiese prestasie van die betrokke organisasie. Die ondersoek dui die samestelling, berekening en die rekonsiliasie aan van beide die Kontant- Toegevoegdewaardestaat (KTWS) en die Toegevoegdewaardestaat (TWS). 'n Databasis is saamgestel vir die tydperk 1990 - 1998 vir alle maatskappye wat gedurende hierdie tyd KTWS/TWS gepubliseer het. Die verskille tussen KTWS en TWS word bepaal deur: a) Nie-kontant items (uitsluitend waardevermindering). b) Die bewegings in die nie-kontant komponente van bedryfskapitaal. Die verskille tussen 'n inkomstestaat en kontantvloeistaat met betrekking tot: • Buitengewone items • Besondere items • Abnormale items • Geassosieerde inkomste • Enkele diverse items Individuele rekonsiliasies is uitgevoer per maatskappy per jaar vir die tydperk 1990 - 1998 vir die balansering van die KTWS se totaal (Totaal A) met die TWS se totaal (Totaal B) - kyk na die voorbeeld in Figuur 3.1 tot Figuur 3.3. Items in beide KTWS en TWS is dan uitgedruk ten opsigte van die twee totale (kyk na die lyn, Totaal A) om by die gemeenskaplike grootte vir beide KTWS en TWS (Tabelle l(a) en l(b)) uit te kom. Beskrywende statistiek is gebruik om vas te stel hoeveel elke item bydra tot die toegevoegde waarde. Weens die geweldige hoeveelheid data/inligting, is die aanvanklike rou-data van die ondersoek uitgesluit. Dit is slegs beskikbaar in die databank.

A survey of the accuracy of reporting and the extent of compliance to the disclosure provisions of AC101 by industrial companies listed in the Johannesburg Securities Exchange

Jarana, Vuyani 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines the extent to which the industrial companies listed in the Johannesburg Securities Exchange complied with the disclosure provisions of the Accounting Standards AC101 when publishing their financial statements for the years 2000 to 2002. This study further evaluates the accuracy of the reporting of the salaries and wages as presented in their Value Added Statements. Published financial statements for the years 2000 to 2002 of more than 160 companies were analysed and evaluated. The study also identifies companies that did not disclose staff costs and directors' emoluments in their financial statements as well as those companies that reported the labour portion of their wealth distribution accurately in their Value Added Statements. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie dek die mate waarin genoteerde industriële maatskappye op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs voldoen het aan die openbaarmakingsvereistes van die Rekeningkundige Standaarde RE101 ten opsigte van hul finansiële state soos van 2000 tot 2002 gepubliseer. Die studie let verder ook op die akkuraatheid van die verslaggewing van salarisse en lone in die Toegevoegdewaardestate. Gepubliseerde finansiële state vir die jare 2000 tot 2002 van meer as 160 maatskappye is ontleed en geëvalueer. Die studie identifiseer ook daardie maatskappye wat nie salariskoste en direkteursvergoeding in hul finansiële state geopenbaar het nie, sowel as diegene wat hul salarisse korrek in die Toegevoegdewaardestate openbaar het.

Assessing company strength in South Africa using value added : 1990 - 2000

King, Cecilia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The publication of the Value Added Statement should be seen as an attempt to introduce financial results to all the stakeholders of an organisation that aided in its wealth creation process. However, the current practice to present Value Added Statements in a variety of ways is not conducive to financial analysis and users of the information find it difficult to compare company results. The information on the Value Added Statement provides useful knowledge of the contribution of employees and fixed assets, the relative relationship of dependency and control between the organisation and its suppliers and the long-term requirements of the organisation to meet market demands. This study project aims to determine if value added-based ratio analysis could be used to measure company strength and be useful as a tool in corporate strategy formulation. The areas of investigation included productivity of production factors, reinvestment in capital and overall business control. The measures used to determine productivity also provided insight into the capital and labour intensity of companies and sectors. The model that was developed in this section indicates how companies differ in terms of their intensity and how productive their production factors are. It was found that although some companies were able to exert high value added to sales ratios, they did not perform as well when their productivity levels were measured. This is an indication that an imbalance exists between the current production factor proportions and management should try to find the optimal solution for increased productivity. The search for the optimal point between labour and fixed assets could convince management to reduce employee numbers or fixed assets to increase their productivity ratios. This is not a favoured approach as companies are dependent on their production factors for continuous growth and prosperity. The aim is to determine if companies have the means to invest in their production factors to increase their levels of productivity. Reinvestment in capital refers to fixed assets, as well as investment in training and development of current employee skills. The investigation revealed that many companies have the ability to reinvest, while others appear to be in a less favourable position. The last section was an attempt to measure the overall business control of companies when their margins on sales and value added were compared. These ratios provided insight into the ability of companies to add value through their own production skills or by command of lucrative contracts with suppliers. Those companies that are able to show high values on both ratios are said to display a high degree of overall business control. In conclusion it was found that value added-based ratio analysis could be used to identify problem areas in corporate strategy. Management's reaction to those areas and their continuous drive to improve value creation in the organisation would eventually lead to increased national wealth creation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die publikasie van die Staat van Toegevoegde Waarde moet gesien word as 'n poging om finansiële resultate aan alle belanghebbendes van 'n organisasie, wat bygedra het tot die proses van welvaartskepping, aan te bied. Die huidige praktyk om die Staat van Toegevoegde Waarde op verskeie maniere aan te bied is egter nie bevorderlik vir finansiële analise nie en gebruikers van die inligting vind dit moeilik om maatskappy resultate te vergelyk. Die inligting op die Staat van Toegevoegde Waarde verskaf waardevolle kennis oor die bydrae van werknemers en vaste bates, die relatiewe verhouding van afhanklikheid en beheer tussen die organisasie en sy verskaffers en die langtermyn behoeftes van die organisasie om aan markverwagtinge te voldoen. Hierdie studieprojek poog om vas te stel of toegevoegde waarde gebaseerde verhoudingsanalise gebruik kan word om maatskappyvermoë te bepaal en of dit 'n nuttige instrument in korporatiewe strategieformulering kan wees. Die areas van ondersoek het die produktiwiteit van produksiefaktore, herinvestering in kapitaal en algehele besigheidsbeheer ingesluit. Die maatstawwe wat gebruik is om produktiwiteit te bepaal het ook insig gegee oor die kapitaal- en arbeidsintensiteit van maatskappye en sektore. Die model wat ontwikkel is in hierdie afdeling wys hoe maatskappye verskil in terme van hul intensiteit en hoe produktief hul produksiefaktore is. Dit is gevind dat, alhoewel sommige maatskappye in staat was om hoë waardes vir die toegevoegde waarde tot verkope verhouding te openbaar, hulle nie so goed gevaar het toe hul produksie vlakke gemeet is nie. Dit is 'n aanduiding dat 'n wanbalans bestaan tussen die huidige produksiefaktor verhouding en bestuur moet probeer om 'n optimale oplossing te vind vir verhoogde produktiwiteit. Die soeke na die optimale punt tussen arbeid en vaste bates kan bestuur oortuig om werknemer getalle of vaste bates te verminder ten einde hul produktiwiteitsverhouding te verbeter. Dit is nie die aangewese benadering nie aangesien maatskappye afhanklik is van hul produksiefaktore vir volgehoue groei en welvaart. Die doel is om te bepaal of maatskappye die middele het om te investeer in hul produksiefaktore ten einde hul vlakke van produksie te verhoog. Herinvestering in kapitaal verwys na vaste bates, sowel as investering in opleiding en ontwikkeling van bestaande werknemer vaardighede. Die ondersoek het openbaar dat baie maatskappye wel oor die vermoë beskik om te herinvesteer, terwyl ander blyk om in 'n minder gunstige posisie te wees. Die laaste afdeling was 'n poging om die algehele besigheidsbeheer van maatskappye te bepaal wanneer die marge op verkope en toegevoegde waarde vergelyk word. Hierdie verhoudings bied insig oor die vermoë van maatskappye om waarde toe te voeg deur hul eie produksievaardighede of deur middel van winsgewende kontrakte met hul verskaffers. Maatskappye wat in staat is om hoë waardes vir beide verhoudingsgetalle te openbaar word beskou as maatskappye met 'n hoë algehele besigheidsbeheer.

The financial management of Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises in the rural communities

Motimele, M. E. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (MBA.) -- University of Limpopo, 2010 / Financial Management is one of the critical principles in the business enviromnent. This study was conducted to assess the impact of the use of financial statement by SMMEs on to the success of their businesses. ln Chapter one of the study, the researcher gives the background to the research problem. The objectives of the study are also discussed. The research questions are highlighted and the key concepts that are used in the study and defined. The researcher gave the fonnat of the study and concluded the chapter with summary chapter. Chapter two focused on the review of related literature where different sources who explained about the financial management in SMMEs were consulted. The research objectives were restated and intensely discussed. The researcher outlined the challenges he encountered during the research process. The chapter was concluded with a summary chapter. Chapter three discussed the research design and methodology. The rationale for the study was explained in this chapter. The research design, types of research, target population, sampling and the research instruments were all explained in this chapter. The questionnaire construction and questionnaire items were also outlined. The research process was explained in full and the chapter was concluded with a summary. Chapter four discussed the data analysis, where the differences between qualitative and quantitative data analysis were discussed. Findings from other documents were also discussed. The chapter was concluded with a summary. Chapter five summarized all the chapters by the giving conclusion and recommendations.

An empirical examination of the usefulness of value-added and cash flow from operations in a South African context

Young, Roland David 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Returns and the ability to statistically formulate the association between returns and other accounting variables have increased in significance to investors. Over the past three decades substantial effort in the subject-field of accounting research has been devoted to the definition of this association between earnings and firm values. The fundamental issue is the information content of earnings and the value thereof to investors. Usefulness, in the returns/prices context, can be defined as the R2 of the regression of returns/prices on earnings (Lev, 1989: 156). Empirical evidence consistently shows that earnings are a statistically significant explanatory variable. A natural extension aiming at improving the empirical results is to incorporate GAAP-related alternative information. One approach followed by numerous researchers is to decompose earnings into components, and show that the components provide more information than earnings alone. Another approach is to include additional variables such as working capital from operations and cash flow from operations (eFO) in the regression models. The empirical results generally showed that earnings components and other GAAP-related variables have explanatory powers. The improvements in the predictive capability (measured by R2) of these models were restricted. Lev (1989: 181 - 182) suggested an intrepid research direction that departs from GAAP by investigating the alternative definitions of earnings. Limited empirical studies on value-added to date have shown that it is a useful measure of performance. For example, Bao and Bao (1989) empirically demonstrated that value-added is positively associated with firm value in certain industries. The analysis employed, however, was the firm valuation analysis. Recently developed levels and changes analyses were not used. In 1998 Bao and Bao completed another study using earnings as a benchmark. Firm valuation analysis, levels analysis and changes analysis were all performed to evaluate the explanatory power of value-added. The results show that value-added is a significant explanatory variable and its explanatory power is higher than that of earnings. The results obtained in this research project indicate that in the South African context earnings is statistically the most explanatory variable. This is divergent from the findings obtained in other research performed in this area, where value-added was indicated as the statistically most significant variable. It does appear that the explanatory power of valueadded tends to increase over the review period. This can possibly be attributed to the relative novelty of value-added in South Africa as opposed to Europe and the USA. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Opbrengste en die vermoë om die verhouding tussen aandeelpryse en rekeningkundige veranderlikes statisties te formuleer, wek toenemende belangstelling by beleggers. Oor die afgelope drie dekades het daar 'n noemenswaardige skuif in die fokus op die vakgebied van rekeningkundige navorsing plaasgevind. Aansienlik meer tyd word gespandeer om die verhouding tussen aandeelpryse en die waarde van firmas te kwantifiseer in statistiese modelle. Die onderliggende begrip vir die navorsing is die informasie-inhoud en die inherente waarde wat opbrengste vir beleggers lewer. Waarde, in die opbrengste/pryse konteks, kan as die R2 van die regressie van aandeelpryse teenoor opbrengste gedefinieer word (Lev, 1989: 156). Empiriese navorsing toon konstant aan dat verdienste 'n statistiese beduinde veranderlike is. Die logiese ontwikkeling gerig op die verbetering van die empiriese resultate is om alternatiewe GAAP veranderlikes te inkorporeer. Een benadering wat deur menige navorsers gevolg is, is om opbrengste in komponente te onderverdeel en sodoende te bewys dat die komponente meer informasie-inhoud verskaf as opbrengste in geheel. 'n Alternatiewe benadering is om addisionele veranderlikes soos bedryfskapitaal en kontantvloei in die regressie modelle in te sluit. In die algemeen toon die empiriese resultate dat die komponente van opbrengste en ander GAAP-verwante veranderlikes wel beskrywende moontlikhede het. Die verbetering in die statistiese vooruitskattings vermoë (gemeet deur R2) van hierdie modelle was wel beperk. Lev (1989: 181 - 182) het 'n radikale nuwe navorsings-benadering voorgestel wat afwyk van GAAP deur alternatiewe definisies van opbrengste te ondersoek. Tot op datum toon die beperkte hoeveelheid empiriese navorsing op toegevoegde waarde dat dit wel 'n noemenswaardige mate van opbrengste is. Byvoorbeeld, Bao en Bao (1989) het empiries bewys dat toegevoegde waarde positief geassosieer is met firma waarde in sekere industrieë. Slegs die firma valuasiemodel is gebruik om die analise uit te voer en nie die onlangs ontwikkelde vlakke en veranderingsanalises nie. In 1998 het Bao en Bao nog 'n studie onderneem met opbrengste as die maatstaf. Firma valuasie, vlakke analise en veranderingsanalise is alles toegepas om die beskrywende moontlikhede van toegevoegde waarde te ondersoek. Die resultate toon dat toegevoegde waarde 'n noemenswaardige beskrywende veranderlike is, meer so as opbrengste. Die resultate van hierdie studie projek toon dat in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, verdienste die mees beduidendste statistiese veranderlike is. Dit is teenstrydig met die bevindinge van ander navorsers, waar toegevoegde waarde statisties meer beduidend is. Dit wil wel voorkom asof toegevoegde waarde se statistiese informasie-inhoud toegeneem het oor die relevante periode. Dit kan moontlik toegeskryf word aan die relatiewe onlangse bekendstelling in toegevoegde waarde in Suid-Afrika in teenstelling met Europa en die VSA.

The auditing implications of the going concern assumption underlying the preparation of financial statements

De Villiers, Susanna Salomina 06 1900 (has links)
The overall purpose of this study is to establish whether auditors in South Africa also fail to issue the appropriate audit opinion on the going concern assumption underlying financial statements the reasons for auditors' failure to issue the appropriate audit opinion on the going concern assumption The hypotheses of this study are tested by examining professional auditing standards and secondary data on the going concern assumption conducting an empirical study of listed industrial compames whose listings were terminated because of financial failure This study provides evidence that auditors in South Africa fail to Issue the appropriate audit opinion on the going concern assumption advances specific reasons for this failure / Auditing / M. Comm. (Auditing)

An investigation of South African economic themes based on data obtained from the annual reports of industrial companies listed on the JSE Securities Exchange

Van Aswegen, Ninette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study consists of three independent papers which all broadly examine South African economic issues using accounting data obtained from the annual reports of industrial The first paper reports on employment trends amongst listed industrial companies in South Africa over the period 1996 to 2002. The results obtained showed that overall employment decreased 1,26% per annum for the companies under review. This negative trend in the largest companies in the sample. By contrast, smaller companies showed excellent growth in employment numbers. Hence appeared that smaller companies might be the most important vehicle for employment growth in the formal sector of the South African economy. It was therefore recommended that greater emphasis be placed on encouraging small business development in order to reverse the declining rates of employment in South Africa. The of ratios calculated from value added statement data in South Africa. The sample used for this purpose included all listed industrial companies which published value added statements or cash value added statements over the period 1990 to 2002. The ratio V A x 100/sales and the various components of value added as a percentage of total value added were considered in studies, it was not wholly apparent why the central location of the ratio V A x 100/sales remained stable, while the central location of the value added component ratios varied over time. The paper examines the changes which took place in the formal sector of the South African economy vis-a-vis economic growth, employment, labour productivity and from the annual financial statements of 62 industrial companies listed on the JSE Securities by companies listed on the JSE Securities Exchange. by employment growth appeared to be driven mainly by decreased rates of employment amongst it second paper expands on existing knowledge concerning the trends and characteristics VA I detail. Although these ratios were shown to have values similar to those reported in previous I third growth. remuneration and also compares these changes with projections put forward in the Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) policy. The data used in the study was gathered Exchange over the period 1994 to 2000. income differential in South Africa. It thus appeared that in reality few of the projections put forward in GEAR were achieved by the companies representing the formal sector of the South The findings of this study demonstrated that value added could be used successfully as a proxy for economic growth. Although appeared as though labour productivity had increased, the increase was panly due to an overall decrease in employment, rather than a greater than expected increase in value added. emerged that the majority of companies which decreased employment in fact contributed negatively to economic growth. The companies which decreased employment were also shown to have increased salaries on a per employee basis, which meant that these companies did not reduce their overall salary expenses substantially. By decreasing employee numbers and increasing per capita remuneration, the companies in question only acted to further increase an already wide ronnal African economy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk bestaan uit drie onafhanklike artikels wat Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomiese aspekte behandel. Die bogenoemde ekonomiese temas word ondersoek deur middel van die gebruik van rekenkundige data wat verkry is uit die jaarverslae van industriële maatskappye wat op die JSE Effektebeurs genoteer is. Die eerste artikeI beskryf die patrone van indiensneming van werkers deur genoteerde industriele maatskappye in Suid-Afrika gedurende die tydperk 1996 tot 2002. Die bevindings van hierdie studie bewys dat indiensneming met 1,26% per jaar gedaal het. Hierdie negatiewe neiging in indiensneming is grootliks veroorsaak deur 'n vermindering in die aantal werknemers in kleiner maatskappye toegeneem. Dit blyk dus asof kleiner maatskappye 'n belangrike roI kan speel om te verseker dat indiensneming in Suid-Afrika styg. Daar word op die ontwikkeling van kleiner besighede geplaas moet stuit. Die tweede artikel bou voort op die bestaande kennis oor kenmerke en neigings in toegevoegde waarde staat-verhoudings in Suid-Afrika. Die steekproef wat in hierdie geval bestudeer is, sluit alle genoteerde industriele maatskappye wat oor die tydperk 1990 tot 2002 toegevoegde waarde state in hul jaarverslae gepubliseer het. in. Die verhouding van TW x 100/verkope, asook die verhoudings van die verskillende komponente van toegevoegde waarde as 'n persentasie van die totale toegevoegde waarde, is ondersoek. Daar is bevind dat die waardes van die verhoudings ooreenstem met waardes in vroeëre onderdoeke. Dit was egter nie heeltemal duidelik waarom die sentrale plasing van die verhouding TW x 100/verkope bestendig gebly het, terwyl die sentrale plasing van die toegevoegde waarde komponentverhoudings nie. Die derde artikel ondersoek die veranderinge wat plaasgevind het in die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomiese groei, indiensneming, arbeidsproduktiwiteit en vergoeding en vergelyk dit met die verandering wat in die Groei, werkskepping en herverdeling (GEAR) dokument voorspel is. Die data wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, is afkomstig van die jaarverslae van 62 industriële maatskappye wat vanaf 1994 to 2000 op die JSE Effectebeurs genoteer was. Die resultate van hierdie studie het gewys dat die verbetering in arbeidsproduktiwiteit deels as gevolg van 'n afname in indiensneming, eerder as 'n bo-gemiddelde toename in toegevoegde waarde, plaasgevind het. Daar is bevind dat die maatskappye wat indiensneming verminder het, 'n negatiewe bydrae gemaak het tot die ekonomie. Verder het hierdie maatskappye ook vergoeding per werknemer verhoog wat beteken dat hulle nie in geheel bespaar het op indiensnemingskoste nie. Die maatskappye wat hulle werknemers verminder en hulle salarisse per werknemer verhoog het, het net verder bygedra tot die groeiende inkomste differensiaal in Suid-Afrika. Dit blyk dus dat min van die beramings wat in GEAR uitgelê was deur maatskappye verteenwoordigend van die formele sektor van die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie, in hierdie studie bereik is.

The auditing implications of the going concern assumption underlying the preparation of financial statements

De Villiers, Susanna Salomina 06 1900 (has links)
The overall purpose of this study is to establish whether auditors in South Africa also fail to issue the appropriate audit opinion on the going concern assumption underlying financial statements the reasons for auditors' failure to issue the appropriate audit opinion on the going concern assumption The hypotheses of this study are tested by examining professional auditing standards and secondary data on the going concern assumption conducting an empirical study of listed industrial compames whose listings were terminated because of financial failure This study provides evidence that auditors in South Africa fail to Issue the appropriate audit opinion on the going concern assumption advances specific reasons for this failure / Auditing / M. Comm. (Auditing)

The impact of credit risk on financial performance of South African banks

Munangi, Ephias 02 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Xhosa / The banking sector is an important industry that needs to be safeguarded because its failure is bound to have a negative knock-on effect on the economy at large. The 2007-2009 financial crises were occasioned by banks assuming disproportionate levels of risk resulting in a high incidence of non-performing loans on their books. As such, this study examined the impact of credit risk on the financial performance of 18 South African banks for the period 2008 to 2018. Panel data techniques, namely the pooled ordinary least squares (pooled OLS), fixed effects and random effects estimators were employed to test the relationship between credit risk and financial performance proxied by non-performing loans (NPLs) and by return on assets (ROA) or return on equity (ROE) respectively. The results of the study documented that credit risk is negatively related to financial performance. Thus, the higher the incidence of non-performing loans, the lower the profitability of the bank. Secondly, the study documented that growth has a positive effect on financial performance. This indicates that productivity capacity is ameliorated through bank development. Thirdly, it was found that capital adequacy is positively related to financial performance. While a greater capital adequacy ratio may instil confidence of stakeholders in a bank, making it competitive, a high capital base may be perceived as a lack of initiative and tying up resources which could have yielded better returns in alternative investments. Fourthly, the study did not find any conclusive relationship between size and financial performance. Lastly, the study found that bank leverage and financial performance are negatively related. The implications of the findings are that at a micro level, banks should observe prudent and stringent credit policies in order to limit the incidence of non-performing loans. At a macro level, regulators must enforce supervision in order to ensure that banks manage their credit risk according to the regulations to minimise the risk of bank failure. / Umkhakha wezamabhanga kulibubulo eliqakathekileko eliding ukobana litjhejwe ngombana ukwehluleka kwalo kuqaleka kungaba nomthelela omumbi kezomnotho ngokubanzi bawo. Umraro wezomnotho weminyaka ephakathi kuka -2007-2009 yayikhambisana nesikhathi lapho amabhanga athoma ukuzifaka engozini ekulukazi, kanti lokho kwarholela ebujameni besehlakalo esikhulu seenkolodo ezingenzi inzuzo encwadini zamabhanga. Yeke-ke, leli rhubhululo belihlola umthintela wesikolodo mayelana nobujamo beemali bamabhanga weSewula Afrika ali-18 ukusukela ngomnyaka ka 2008 ukufika ku 2018. Amano wephanele yedatha, wona ngilawa pooled ordinary least squares (pooled OLS), fixed effects kanye namatshwayo ameda alinganisa imithintela kusetjenzisiwe ngehloso yokuhlola itjhebiswano eliphakathi kobungozi besikolodo kanye nobujamo beemali obukhambisana neenkolodo ezingananzuzo (non-performing loans )(NPLs) begodu lokhu kukhambisana nenzuzo elethwa msebenzi wepahla eligugu (return on assets) (ROA) nanyana inzuzo elethwa magugu womnotho anjengemali/matjhezi (return on equity) (ROE) ngaleyo ndlela.. Imiphumela yerhubhululo itlolwe bona ubungozi bokulodisa buhlobene ngendlela embi nobujamo beemali. Yeke-ke, kutjho bona lokha izinga lezehlakalo zeenkolodo ezingangenisi inzuzo naliya phezulu, kutjho bona izinga lokwenza inzuzo ezincani nalo liya phasi emabhangeni. Kwesibili, irhubhululo litlolwe bona ukuhluma komnotho kunomthelela omuhle ebujameni beemali. Lokhu kutjengisa bona amandla wokukhiqiza asekelwa kuthuthukiswa kwamabhanga. Kwesithathu, kuye kwatholakala bona iimali ezaneleko zikhambisana kuhle nobujamo beemali. Kanti godu, isilinganiso esikhulu seemali ezaneleko singaletha ukuzethemba kwabadlalindima ebhangeni, lokhu kwenze ibhanga bona ibe sezingeni lokuphalisana, isisekelo esiphezulu sezeemali singathathwa njengokutlhogeka komzamo wokuhlanganisa imithombo ebeyingaletha iinzuzo ezincono kwamanye amahlelo wokutjalwa kweemali. . Kwesine, irhubhululo akhange lithole nginanyana ngiliphi itjhebiswano phakathi kobukhulu kanye nobujamo beemali. Kokugcina, irhubhululo lithole bonyana ukuqiniswa kwebhanga ngeemali kanye nobujamo beemali kuzizinto ezingahlobani kuhle. Ilwazi elitholiweko lihlathulula bona ezingeni lamabhizinisi amancani, amabhanga kufanele aqale imigomo eqinileko yokukolodisa ukobana akwazi ukwehlisa izehlakalo zeenkolodo ezingangenisi inzuzo. Ezingeni lamabhizinisi amakhulu, iimbethamthetho kufanele ziqinise ilihlo ukobana aqinisekise ukuthi amabhanga alawula ubungozi bokukolodisa ngokwemithetho ukuphungula ubungozi bokwehluleka kwamabhanga. / Icandelo lezeebhanki lushishino olubalulekileyo olufuna ukukhuselwa kuba ukusilela kwalo ngokuqinisekileyo kunganesiphumo esigangqalanga esingasihlanga kuqoqosho ngokubanzi. Ixesha lobunzima kwezemali ngowe-2007-2009 labangelwa ziibhanki ngamazinga omngcipheko angalamananga athe agqibelela kwisehlo esiphezulu seemalimboleko ezingazaliyo kwiincwadi zazo. Kananjalo, olu phononongo luvavanye impembelelo yomngcipheko wonikezomatyala kwizinga lokuphuma nokungena kwemali kwiibhaki zaseMzantsi Afrika ezili-18 kwisithuba sowe-2008 ukuya kowe-2018. Uluhlu lweenkcukachalwazi zobugcisa, olubizwa ngokuba yi-pooled ordinary least squares (i-pooled OLS), iziqikeleli zeziphumo ezizinzileyo kunye nezeziphumo zebhaqo zasetyenziswa ukuvavanya unxulumano phakathi komngcipheko wonikezomatyala kunye nezinga lokuphuma nokungena kwemali okumelwe ngokwelungelo ziimalimboleko ezingazaliyo (ii-NPL) kunye nembuyekezo yeeasethi (i-ROA) okanye imbuyekezo yezabelo (i-ROE) ngokulandelelana. Iziphumo zophononongo zingqine ngamaxwebhu ukuba umngcipheko wonikezomatyala unonxulumano olungaluhlanga nezinga lokuphuma nokungena kwemali. Ngoko ke, okona isehlo seemalimboleko ezingazaliyo siphezulu, kokona inzuzo yebhanki iphantsi. Okwesibini, uphononongo lungqine ngamaxwebhu ukuba uhlumo lunesiphumo esihle kwizinga lokuphuma nokungena kwemali. Oku kudandalazisa ukuba isakhono sokuvelisa senziwa ngcono ngophuhliso lwebhanki. Okwesithathu, kufunyaniswe ukuba isilinganiso senkunzi sinxulumene ngokukuko nezinga lokuphuma nokungena kwemali. Ngelixa umlinganiselo wesilinganiso senkunzi omkhulu unganika ukuthembeka koqoqosho kwabachaphazelekayo kwibhanki leyo, kuyenze ukuba ibe kwizinga lokukhuphisana nezinye, isiseko senkunzi ephezulu singathathwa njengokusilela kokusungula kunye nokudibanisa imithombo engeyivelise iimbuyekezo ezingcono kutyalomali olulolunye. Okwesine, uphononongo alukhange lufumanise naluphi na unxibelelwano olubonakalayo phakathi kobungakanani nezinga lokuphuma nokungena kwemali. Okokugqibela, uphononongo lufumanise ukuba inkxasomali yebhanki kunye nezinga lokuphuma nokungena kwemali zinxulumene ngokungakuhlanga. Okubhekiselele kokufunyanisiweyo kukuba kwicandelo loshishino olunganeno, iibhanki kufuneka ziqwalasele imigaqonkqubo yamatyala enobulumko nengqongqo ngenjongo yokunciphisa isehlo seemalimboleko ezingazaliyo. Kwicandelo loshishino olubanzi, abalawuli kufuneka banyanzele ukubekwa kweliso ukuqinisekisa ukuba iibhanki zilawula umngcipheko wonikezomatyala lwazo ngokwayamene nemigaqo ukunciphisa umngcipheko wokusilela kwebhanki. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

The significance of Auditor-General in the control of public funds in local government with specific reference to Mopani District Municipality

Maake, Mapula Reginah 09 1900 (has links)
MPM / Oliver Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies / The aim of the study investigates the significance of Auditor General in the control of public funds in local government with specific reference to Mopani District Municipality in order to make recommendations that can assist in improving the control of public funds. The research identifies and assesses weaknesses in how Mopani District Municipality has been controlling its public funds by analyzing the Auditor General reports for the past three financial years and its implications to service delivery. The research further assesses the role played by Auditor General in influencing the internal financial control of the municipality and in auditing the performance of the municipality since in other municipalities money is paid to contractors for services not rendered. The study provides academic input into public administration, specifically in the area of improving service delivery performance, control and financial performance management in municipalities. The study could contribute to the establishment of effective ways of monitoring the control of public funds by municipalities. / NRF

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