201 |
'n Konsepsuele evaluasie van kontantvloeistateHauman, Louis 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch Universiteit, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The important changes in real interest rates, deregulation, amalgamation and the change
of enterprise form from co-operatives to companies, require a new approach towards the
utilisation and management of capital in the agricultural business. The economic
environment has changed from a situation where management used nearly uncontrolled
amounts of capital to get turnover, towards a capital scarce situation where capital is
applied with caution and where profits are required. This new approach calls for focus on
working capital. This study proposes a conceptual approach to the evaluation of the
management of cash.
The concept of a STREAM / WELL of cash, as used by Hamman (1999) at the Business
School of the University of Stellenbosch, is described. The cash flow statements of some
co-operatives have been standardised to produce comparable figures for income from
operating -, investment- and financing activities. The STREAM / WELL approach with a
graphic presentation of income from operating -, investment - and financing activities are
used to demonstrate the usefulness thereof.
The conclusion is made that profit margins are too low in this kind of business because of
a lower than needed mark-up. The working capital cycle is too long in most of the
businesses, which indicates that too much working capital is used to generate the income.
Lastly, the growth in turnover is as a determinant factor for working capital, too
unpredictable and uncontrolled because of inherent qualities of this business
environment. The risk in this market, because of climate and uncontrollable factors, is not
calculated but indications are that this risk is high. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ingrypende verandering van reële rentekoerse, deregulering, amalgamasies en
omskakeling van koöperasies na maatskappye, verg nuwe benaderings tot die bestuur en
aanwending van kapitaal in die landbou. Vanuit 'n omgewing waar omsette nagejaag is
met feitlik onbeperkte toegang tot fondse, het die landbouondernemings se benadering
verander na ondernemings met beperkte kapitaal wat oordeelkundig aangewend moet
word en bevredigende opbrengste moet lewer. Hierdie tendens noodsaak 'n gefokusde
benadering tot die bestuur van bedryfskapitaal. Die studie stel 'n konsepsuele benadering
voor om ondernemings se bestuur van kontant, soos gerapporteer in kontantvloeistate, te
Die konsep van 'n STROOM / PUT benadering, soos jare lank deur Hamman (1999)
gebruik om die begrippe te verduidelik aan die Bestuurskool van die Universiteit van
Stellenbosch, word omskryf. Die kontantvloeistate van 'n aantal landbouondernemings is
gestandaardiseer om vergelykende opbrengste uit bedryfs-, investerings- en
finansieringsaktiwiteite te bereken. Die STROOM / PUT benadering word saam met 'n
grafiese voorstelling van die bydraes uit bedryfs-, investerings- en
finansieringsaktiwiteite gebruik om die aanwending daarvan te demonstreer.
Daar word tot die slotsom gekom dat winsgewendheid te laag is in ondernemings van dié
aard hoofsaaklik omdat winsgrense te laag is. Oor die algemeen is die bedryfskapitaalsiklus
te lank, wat daarop dui dat te veel bedryfskapitaal aangewend word om die
opbrengs te genereer. Laastens is die groei in omset, as bepaler van die vraag na
bedryfskapitaal, ongekontroleerd en wisselvallig as gevolg van die inherente eienskappe
van die landbou sakeomgewing. Die risiko opgesluit in dié markomgewing wat grootliks
deur klimaat en ander onbeheerbare faktore beïnvloed word, word nie bereken nie, maar
die studie dui op besondere hoë risiko's van dié aard.
202 |
An analysis of the construction and comparability of the value added statements published by companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock ExchangeDe Jong, Anton J. S. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines the construction and comparability of Value Added
Statements published by listed industrial companies on the Johannesburg
Stock Exchange during a two-year period starting in 1999. No Accounting
Standard is presently available for preparing the Value Added Statement.
Therefore, this study has as its aim the encapsulation of the various faulty
recordings of different items in the statement.
The published financial statements for 1999 and 2000 of more than 200
companies were analysed and compared to a previously developed
standardised statement to ascertain items incorrectly included or omitted. The
inclusion or extraction of these items in the standardised statement determines
the actual value added by a company. The study also accurately identifies
those items that are mostly recorded incorrectly and which contribute to the
inadequacies of the Value Added Statement.
For the Value Added Statement to put the wealth created by an organisation in
a proper perspective, the comparability thereof will have to be enhanced by the
constant application of a methodical and uniform model that incorporates
clearly defined entries. Users of Value Added Statements should thus be able
to compare the results in a statement of an entity over a given period of time to
evaluate trends and cycles and should furthermore, be able to compare the
statements of various companies in order to determine the relative performance
of a company in the creation of wealth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die konstruksie en vergelykbaarheid van
Toegevoegdewaardestate wat gepubliseer is oor 'n tydperk van twee jaar,
beginnende 1999, deur industriële maatskappye wat op die Johannesburgse
Effektebeurs genoteer is. Geen Rekeningkundige Standpunt is tans beskikbaar
vir die opstel van Toegevoegdewaardestate nie. Gevolglik het hierdie studie dit
ten doel om die foutiewe inskrywings van verskeie items te identifiseer.
Die gepubliseerde finansiële state vir 1999 en 2000 van meer as 200
maatskappye is geanaliseer en vergelyk met 'n gestandaardiseerde staat wat
vooraf ontwikkel is. Die doel van hierdie analise was om items te identifiseer
wat verkeerdelik ingesluit is of weggelaat is in die betrokke state. Die werklike
waarde wat toegevoeg is, word gevolglik bepaal deur die insluiting of weglating
van die items in die gestandaardiseerde staat. Die studie identifiseer ook
daardie items wat die meeste verkeerdelik gerapporteer word en wat die
grootste bydrae lewer tot die vermindering in die aanwending en waarde van
die Toegevoegdewaardestaat.
Om werklik perspektief te plaas op die rykdom wat geskep word deur 'n
organisasie, sal die vergelykbaarheid van die Toegevoegdewaardestaat
verbeter moet word deur die deurlopende toepassing van 'n sistematiese en
konstante model wat duidelik omskryfde inskrywings inkorporeer. Die
gebruikers van Toegevoegdewaardestate moet dus in staat gestel word om 'n
vergelyking te tref tussen die resultate van 'n entiteit oor 'n gegewe tydperk ten
einde tendense en siklusse te evalueer, asook om die resultate van
verskillende maatskappye te vergelyk ten einde 'n maatskappy se relatiewe
werksverrigting te bepaal aangaande waardetoevoeging.
203 |
Die indeks-verskil tussen die netto wins na belasting en kontantvloei uit bedryfsaktiwiteite as aanduiding van finansiele probleme by genoteerde industriele maatskappyeSteyn, Barbara Wilhelmina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Both the income statement and the cash flow statement of a company provide useful
information to the user of financial statements. The net profit after tax in the income
statement and the cash from operating activities in the cash flow statement have
basically the same transactions as source, however they still differ, because of timing
differences between the accrual of income and expenses and the cash receipts or
payments thereof, as well as the inclusion of items in the net profit after tax that
rather forms part of cash flow from investment activities.
A growth in turnover usually coincides with an increase in non-cash working capital.
When the company is expanding at too high a rate, too much of his cash resources
are taken up by the increase in non-cash working capital and that could lead to cash
flow problems. This trend can be plotted on a graph, with a growing net profit after tax
and a decline in the cash flow from operating activities. The two lines move away
from each other when there is a significant difference between the net profit after tax
and the cash flow from operating activities.
This study tries to measure the angle between the two lines where they reach the
danger zone. Users of financial statements will be able to use this as an indicator of
companies that are going to be in cash flow trouble over the next period.
In order to measure this angle when the company reaches the danger zone, 365
listed industrial companies were studied. The net profit after tax and the cash flow
from operating activities were both transformed into an index, with cash flow relative
to net profit. The difference between the index strings was calculated. This study only
focuses on companies with an index-difference where the cash flow from operating
activities is smaller than the net profit after tax.
An index-difference of -2 was identified as the possible danger zone. In order to
substantiate this figure, companies with an index-difference of -2 or larger negative
that still were listed at the time of the study were examined to find the reason for the
difference. Items that do not form part of the cash flow from operating activities
cannot be used in the calculation of the index-difference, because it will generate a permanent difference between the net profit after tax and the cash from operating
activities. Companies that have a huge negative index-difference only because of
such items are not in the danger zone.
33 companies with an index-difference of -2 or more negative were identified. Focus
was placed on the thirteen companies that did not have losses and that were still
listed at the time of the study. Six of these companies were removed from the danger
list after the individual examination, because of other reasons for the difference rather
than an increase in non-cash working capital. That leaves seven companies that are
shown by this study to be in danger to get into serious cash flow trouble in the
foreseeable future. A few additional companies were examined which led to another
six companies being placed on the danger list.
Only time will tell whether these companies do get into serious financial difficulty. If
so, the index-difference can be calculated as an indicator of the point when a
company, regardless of a strong growth in turnover, and sometimes because thereof,
does not generate enough cash from operating activities to finance the growth in
non-cash working capital. Unless the company has a holding company that is willing
to pour more cash into the company, or unless the company can do a successful
rights issue, it will find itself in the position where it cannot finance the expansion and
also cannot obtain more additional funding. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Beide die inkomstestaat en kontantvloeistaat van 'n maatskappy verskaf nuttige
inligting aan gebruikers van finansiële state. Die netto wins na belasting uit die
inkomstestaat en die kontantvloei uit bedryfsaktiwiteite uit die kontantvloeistaat het
basies dieselfde transaksies as bron, maar verskil tog, hoofsaaklik vanweë tydverskil
in die erkenning van die toevalling van inkomste en uitgawes en die
kontantontvangstes en -betalings daarvan, asook vanweë die insluiting van items in
die netto wins na belasting wat eerder deel vorm van die kontantvloei uit
Wanneer die maatskappy 'n groei in omset toon, gaan dit gewoonlik gepaard met 'n
toename in nie-kontant bedryfskapitaal. Wanneer die maatskappy te vinnig groei,
word te veel van sy kontantbronne vasgevang in die verhoogde nie-kontant
bedryfskapitaal en dit kan lei tot kontantvloeiprobleme. Hierdie tendens kan op 'n
grafiek uitgebeeld word met 'n stygende netto wins na belasting, terwyl die
kontantvloei uit bedryfsaktiwiteite daal. Wanneer daar 'n aansienlike verskil tussen
die netto wins na belasting en die kontantvloei uit bedryfsaktiwiteite is, beweeg die
twee lyne uit mekaar.
Dié studie poog om die grootte van die hoek tussen die twee lyne wanneer die
gevaarsone bereik word, te bepaal. Dit kan dan deur gebruikers van die finansiële
state as 'n aanduiding gebruik word om te voorspel watter maatskappye oor die
volgende tydperk kontantvloeiprobleme sal hê.
Ten einde die grootte van die hoek te meet waar die maatskappy die gevaarsone
binne beweeg is 365 genoteerde industriële maatskappye se data bestudeer. Die
netto wins na belasting en die kontantvloei uit bedryfsaktiwiteite is beide as 'n indeks
uitgedruk, laasgenoemde relatief tot eersgenoemde. Die verskil tussen die twee
indeks-reekse is bereken, naamlik die indeks-verskil. Die studie is slegs gefokus op
maatskappye met 'n indeks-verskil waar die kontantvloei uit bedryfsaktiwitete kleiner
is as die netto wins na belasting. 'n Indeks-verskil van -2 is geïdentifiseer as die moontlike gevaarsone. Ten einde
hierdie syfer te steun is die maatskappye wat ten tye van die navorsing steeds
genoteer is en 'n indeks-verskil van -2 of groter negatief het, individueel ondersoek
om die rede vir die indeks-verskil vas te stel. Items wat op 'n ander plek in die
kontantvloeistaat as in die bedryfsaktiwiteite hanteer word, kan nie in ag geneem
word in die berekening van die indeks-verskil nie, aangesien dit 'n permanente
afwyking tussen die netto wins na belasting en kontant uit bedryfsaktiwiteite sal
veroorsaak. Maatskappye wat dus bloot as gevolg van sodanige items 'n groot
negatiewe indeks-verskil het, val nie in die gevaarsone nie.
33 maatskappye is geïdentifiseer met 'n indeks-verskilvan -2 of groter negatief. Daar
is gefokus op die dertien maatskappye wat nie verliese gely het nie en steeds ten tye
van die afhandeling van die studie genoteer was. Ses van hierdie maatskappye is
tydens die individuele ondersoek van die gevaarlys gehaal aangesien daar ander
redes vir die groot indeks-verskil was as 'n toename in nie-kontant bedryfskapitaal.
Dit laat dan sewe maatskappye wat deur dié studie aangedui word as om moontlik
finansiële probleme op te tel binne die afsienbare toekoms. 'n Paar addisionele
maatskappye is ondersoek, waarna 'n verdere ses op die gevaarlys geplaas is.
Slegs die tyd sal leer of die betrokke maatskappye wel in 'n finansiële verknorsing
beland. Indien wel, kan hierdie indeks-verskil bereken word en as 'n aanduiding
gebruik word van die punt wanneer 'n maatskappy, in baie gevalle ten spyte van
goeie groei in omset, maar dan ook juis as gevolg daarvan, nie genoeg kontant uit
bedryfsaktiwiteite genereer om die groei in nie-kontant bedryfskapitaal te finansier
nie. Tensy die maatskappy 'n houermaatskappy het wat bereid is om nog kontant te
stort in die maatskappy, of tensy die maatskappy 'n suksesvolle regte-uitgifte kan
maak, vind hy homself in die posisie dat hy nie die uitbreiding kan finansier nie en dat
hy ook nie meer addisionele finansiering kan bekom nie.
204 |
Die argumente ten gunste van die standaardstelling van handhaafbare verdienste en riglyne daarvoorSteenkamp, L. P 03 1900 (has links)
Study project (MAcc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Earnings per share and headline earnings per share are two popular performance measures, in
spite of a number of shortcomings. This assignment argues that an additional performance
measure ought to be disclosed in the financial statements, namely maintainable earnings. The
objective of maintainable earnings is to give an indication of the core earnings of the company,
excluding the effect of non-recurring items that are not expected to influence the financial results in
future years.
The reason for this performance measure is mainly based on the needs of the users of financial
statements and the application that it finds in their analises. There is circumstancial evidence that
shows that users want an indication of maintainable earnings per share. It is also argued that the
disclosure of maintainable earnings is in the interest of the users of financial statements, as they
do not necessarily have the knowledge or time to make the necessary calculations for themselves.
The recommendations made are, among others, that non-recurring items be excluded from the
calculation of headline earnings and that changes in accounting estimates be done retrospectively.
Recommendations for comprehensive disclosure are also made to be of help in the evaluation of
earnings. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verdienste per aandeel en wesensverdienste per aandeel is twee gewilde prestasiemaatstawwe,
ten spyte van 'n aantal tekortkominge. Hierdie werkstuk lewer 'n betoog dat 'n addisionele
maatstaf in die finansiële state geopenbaar behoort te word, naamlik handhaafbare verdienste.
Die doelstelling van handhaafbare verdienste is om 'n aanduiding te gee van die kernverdienste
van 'n maatskappy, geskei van die effek van eenmalige items wat na verwagting nie die resultate
in toekomstige jare sal beïnvloed nie.
Die beweegrede vir so 'n maatstaf word in hoofsaak gebaseer op die behoeftes van gebruikers van
finansiële state en die aanwending wat dit in hul analises kan vind. Daar is
omstandigheidsgetuienis wat daarop dui dat gebruikers In aanduiding verlang van die
handhaafbare verdienste per aandeel. Daar word ook In betoog gelewer dat die openbaarmaking
van handhaafbare verdienste in die belang van gebruikers is, aangesien die moontlikheid bestaan
dat gebruikers nie noodwendig die kennis of tyd het om self so In berekening te maak nie.
Die voorstelle wat gemaak word, behels onder andere die uitsluiting van eenmalige items uit die
berekening van handhaafbare verdienste en dat veranderinge in rekeningkundige ramings
terugwerkend aangepas behoort te word. Daar word ook voorstelle gemaak vir omvattende
openbaarmaking ten einde die oorweging van verdienste te vergemaklik.
205 |
Ontleding van die intertemporale en kruissektorale verdelingseienskappe van kontantvloeiverhoudings vir nywerheidsmaatskappye : resultate van die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs (1975-1993)Groenewald, Jakobus Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1995. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Traditional financial ratios are used by different analysts to predict and
evaluate various elements of a company. However, such ratios all suffer from
the basic limitation of accrual-based accounting, hence the perception that
cash flow ratios may be more suitable and possibly even more appropriate to
evaluate companies. Most of these applications employ parametric statistical
procedures of which the validity partly depends on the underlying
distributional properties of the ratio involved.
This study project is an evaluation of the underlying distributional
properties of forty seven cash flow ratios based on the published annual
results of 350 industrial companies, listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange
for the period 1975 to 1993. As an initial test, the results of the ratios
were subject to the null-hypothesis of normality as reflected by the p-values
of the chi - square and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests respectively . Secondly, the
study project attempted to give an indication of the underlying distributional
properties by comparing the average with the median of the various cash flow
The first evaluation was done for each ratio. after the data was aggregated,
for both the various divisions and over all the financial periods to evaluate
what is referred to as the sector as a whole. The results of this evaluation
clearly indicate that the underlying distributional properties are definitely
not normally distributed. However, the lack of normality may be founded in
either the lack of homogeneity between the various divisions. or due to the
aggregation of the various financial periods .
A second evaluation was done on the individual ratios for each financial
period. Although the different years lead to slightly different results it
is still apparent that the null-hypothesis of normality for the majority of
ratios are being rejected, especially consistent results to this effect were
found for the period 1988 to 1993.
A third and final evaluation was done on all the different ratios for the
individual divisions. Again the results for the different divisions vary,
but once again it ;s apparent that the null-hypothesis of normality is being
rejected for the vast majority of the ratios . In this regard the results of
specifically divisions industrial holding (15), food (25), engineering (28)
and electronics (29) are particularly consistent.
The lack of normality in the sector analysis may indicate the presence of
specific division relevant characteristics, while the results of the intertemporal
evaluation indicate that the distributional properties approximate
normality by aggregation over time . The analysis also proves beyond any doubt
that irrespective of whether disaggregation is done over either financial
periods or between the different divisions, ratios 02, 03, 06, 15, 16 and 17
are positive skewely distributed . Accordingly, ratios 13 and 27 are negative
skewely distributed .
If one has to advise a researcher or practitioner to whom an underlying normal
distribution of a cash flow ratio is important, one would probably advise in
the first instance to disaggregate over time, as a second app roach to
disaggregate over divisions, but never to treat the industrial sector as a
pooled sample. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tradisionele finansiele verhoudings word deur verskeie markontleders vir
verskillende voorspellings aangewend . Aangesien die verhoudings almal
onderworpe is aan die beperking van opgelope rekeningkundige waarde word
kontantvloeiverhoudings voorgehou as 'n nuttiger en moontlik selfs
doeltreffender metode om ondernemings te evalueer. In die meeste van die
toepassings word parametriese statistiese prosedures gebruik, waarvan die
geldigheid gedeeltelik berus op die onderliggende verdelingseienskappe van die
Die werkstuk is 'n studie van die onderliggende verde' ingseienskappe van
sewe-en-veertig kontantvloeiverhoudings S005 jaarliks vir die tydperke 1975
tot 1993 gepubliseer is in die finansie1e verslae van 350 maatskappye wat
genoteer is in die nywerheidsektor van die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs. In
die verband is die resultate van die verhoudings eerstens onderwerp aan die
nulhipotese van normaliteit deur dit te evalueer aan die hand van die p-waarde
van sowel die chi-kwadraat- as Kolmogorov-Smirnovtoetse. Vervolgens dui die
werkstuk die onderliggende verdeling aan, deur die gemiddeld en mediaan van
die kontantvloeiverhoudings te vergelyk.
Vir die eerste evaluasie is alle verhoudings oar jie verskillende finansiele
tydperke en van die verskillende afdelings saamgevoeg am die sektor in die
geheel te eva1ueer. Vol gens die evaluasie is die onderliggende verde1ing van
die verhoudings nie normaal nie. Oit mag moontlik logies verklaar word deur
die heterogeniteit van die verskil1ende afde1ings, of weens die samevoeging
van die resultate oar verskillende finansiele tydperke.
Tweedens is die onderskeie finans;ele tydperke afsonder1ik ont1eed . A1 het
die resultate van die onderskeie termyne effens verskil, is dit duidelik dat
die nulhipotese van normaliteit by die oorgrotte meerderheid van verhoud ings
beslis verwerp moet word. Dit is interessant dat in die resu1tate van
spesifiek 1988 tot 1993 die hipotese absoluut konsekwent verwerp word.
laastens is die verhoudings afsonderlik vir elk van die onderskeie afdelings
ontleed. Weereens het die resultate van die onderskeie afdelings verskil,
maar dit was oak weer duidelik dat die oor9rote meerderheid van verhoudings
die nulhipotese van normaliteit verwerp . In die verband was veral die
resultate van die afdelings nywerheids beherend (15), voedsel (25).
ingenieurswese (28) en elektronika (29) merkwaardig konsekwent.
Die gebrek aan normaliteit tussen die verskillende afdelings mag maontlik
aantoon dat sekere eienskappe, eie aan die afdeling, die verdelingseienskappe
beinvloed . Die resultate van die intertemporale studie toon beslis dat
normaliteit benaderd word indien verhoudings oar tyd saamgevaeg word. Wat die
ontleding ook bo alle twyfel bewys is dat die verhoudings 02, 03, 06, 15, 16
en 17 vir die sektor as 'n geheel, die intertemporale- en die
kruissektorale-ontledings konsekwent onderliggend positief skeef verdee1 is.
Verhoudings 13 en 27 is egter onderliggend negatief skeef verdeel.
Aanbevelings rakende die onderliggende verdeling van kontantvloeiverhoudings
is beslis om eerstens verskillende finansiele tydperke te onderskei en
tweedens die verskillende afdelings. maar beslis om nie die nywerheidsektor
as 'n geheel te evalueer nie.
206 |
What shareholder information on the shareholder spread is disclosed in the financial statements of JSE listed entities in accordance with listing requirements of the JSE?Madubela, Albert Dingalethu 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / The study was undertaken to determine whether companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange disclose shareholder spread in line with the available statutes such as the JSE Listing Requirements. Further, the study explored the closing balances for group, company, trusts, subsidiaries, and treasuries of all the 50 companies studied to ascertain whether there were differences with the ex WDH share program. Various sources to answering the question were used including the Internet, McGregor BFA, Annual Reports of the companies, and material from University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB).
There were varying findings with regards to the study as it was found that some companies had differences in group, company, trusts, subsidiaries, and treasuries. Most of the differences were due to company mistakes, non-consolidation of trusts, and use of different methods. It was found that certain companies tend to omit certain information in disclosing the shareholder spread and this has resulted in many companies with differences in their closing balances for the company, group, trusts, subsidiaries, and treasuries.
In addition, it was also discovered that certain companies disclosed major shareholders of less than the prescribed five percent which proved to be very helpful in this study.
207 |
An investigation of the number of shares reported by JSE-listed companies and the effect on the net asset value or tangible net asset value ratio disclosed in annual reports for the 2000-2009 financial yearsJaffar, Yacoob 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / In the absence of clear accounting guidelines, the closing number of shares reported in the company annual report is not always equivalent to the closing balance of the group shares.
The closing balance of the number of shares of 111 companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, for the period 2000 to 2009, was analysed and compared to an electronic database, managed and maintained by the Graduate School of Business of the University of Stellenbosch, on which a reconciliation of the closing number of group shares was recorded for the companies selected.
In addition, the effect of the incorrect number of shares reported in the annual report was compared to the net asset value and/or tangible net asset value ratio, to the extent that the information was available.
For the purposes of this empirical study, the mining, most of the financials, development capital and alternative exchange sectors were excluded.
208 |
Using shareholder analysis as a control measure to verify treasury transactionsBasson, Shawn 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Market capitalisation is a measure of size and prestige for various JSE listed companies. Changes in the Companies Act in relation to the capital maintenance provided companies the opportunity to repurchase their own shares. South Africa’s legislation is different to those of its international peers which resulted in a different interpretation of how to deal with treasury shares and resultantly impacted on the valuation of market capitalisation. This study was undertaken with the aim of establishing if there are differences in the reporting of closing balances of the number of shares of the company and group as provided by the share analysis section of the annual financial reports which is required by the JSE Listing Requirements.
Thirty-four companies were selected specifically, analysed and compared to information as per the University of Stellenbosch Business School share program to determine whether differences arise and to determine the impact that this has on the market capitalisation valuation and explanations for deviations. The results reflected that the non reconciliation of closing balances of the group was primarily due to the non consolidation of trusts, subsidiaries and treasury shares and companies not adhering to the listing requirements as per section 3.3 of the shareholders’ spread to adequately disclose treasury related transactions. The study also found ambiguity in accounting standards IAS 1 in that they did not provide conclusive guidance in terms of the disclosure of share movements in rand value and units to reconcile between opening and closing balances of all treasury shares.
Changes in the tax legislation will in future negate the reason for share repurchases through the subsidiaries or trusts which will have an impact on the reconciliation process going forward. Ultimately the accounting profession and JSE will have to implement standardised guidelines to ensure that the reporting of treasury shares is simplified to ensure that market users’ understanding of treasury activities and market capitalisation valuation can be improved.
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Additions to the present USB database : income statements (1990-2000) : an exploratory studyGasnolar, Jasmina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study involves an examination of the current situation of the responsibility of
companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange on the disclosure requirements of
the accounting standards. In 1995, Statement AC 108 'Inventories' was introduced and it
deals with the definition and disclosure of cost of sales. In 1997, Statement AC 306 was
introduced and deals with the scope, calculation and disclosure of headline earnings per
share (HEPS).
The research shows that since the disclosing requirements of Statements 108 and 306
(cost of sales and HEPS) were published, there has been a significant effect on the nature
of disclosure of these items by listed South African companies.
In addition, income statement items (not yet part of the USB database) were identified and
will be loaded onto the USB database of income statements of industrial companies listed
on the JSE. These items are:
~ Cost of sales,
~ Gross profit,
~ Gross profit percentage, and
A large sample of four hundred companies' financial statements over an eleven year
period (1990 - 2000) was reviewed, and the data regarding sales, cost of sales, EPS,
HEPS, exceptional items, abnormal items and extraordinary items were recorded on a
spreadsheet model. Regarding cost of sales, the gross profit and gross profit percentage were calculated, and
the arithmetic and weighted means were calculated.
The data was analysed against the disclosure requirements and it was found that thirty
percent of the companies on the USB's database reports cost of sales as an item on the
income statement (without disclosing the item as specified above in "notes to the income
statement)". Seventy percent reports cost of sales as a note underoperating profit in the
income statement. First in, first out (FIFO) is the method of inventory valuation that is
clearly the dominant method used by listed companies in South Africa.
An analysis of the HEPS of the listed companies revealed a similar trend and the majority
of companies disclosing HEPS do so as per the requirements set out in Statement AC
306. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie behels 'n ondersoek na die huidige situasie van maatskappye wat genoteer
is op die Johanneburg Effektebeurs se verantwoordelikheid ten opsigte van bekendmaking
van rekeningkundige standaarde. Gedurende 1995 is Standpunt RE 108 gepubliseer en
dit handel oor die defineëring en openbaarmaking van koste van verkope. Gedurende
1997, is Standpunt RE 306 bekendgestel en handel oor die omvang, berekening en
bekendmaking van wesensverdienste per aandeel.
Die navorsing toon dat sedert Standpunte 108 en 306 (koste van verkope en wesensverdienste
per aandeel) gepubliseer is, daar 'n aansienlike effek op die aard van
bekendmaking van hierdie items deur genoteerde Suid Afrikaanse maatskappye is.
Verder is inkomstestaat items (wat nog nie deel van die USB databasis is nie)
geidentifiseer en sal op die USB databasis van inkomstestate van industriële maatskappye
genoteer op JEB geplaas word. Hierdie items is:
~ Koste van verkope,
~ Bruto wins,
~ Bruto wins persentasie, en
~ Wesensverdienste per aandeel.
'n Groot steekproef van 400 maatskappye se finansiële state oor 'n 11 jaar tydperk
(1990 - 2000) is nagegaan, en die inligting aangaande verkope, koste van verkope,
verdienste per aandeel, wesensverdienste per aandeel, abnormale en uitsonderlike items
is opgeneem in 'n sigblad model.
Wat die koste van verkope betref, is die bruto wins en bruto wins persentasie bereken, en
die gewone sowel as die geweegde gemiddeldes is bereken.
Die data is geanaliseer teen die bekendmaking vereistes en daar is gevind dat ongeveer
dertig persent van die maatskappye op die USB se databasis rapporteer koste van
verkope as 'n item op die inkomstestaat. Sewentig persent rapporteer koste van verkope
as 'n nota onder bedryfswins in die inkomstestaat. Eerste in, eerste uit (EIEU) is duidelik
die vooraadwaardasie wat die meeste gebruik word deur genoteerde maatskappye in
Suid Afrika.
'n Analise van die wesensverdienste per aandeel van die genoteerde maatskappye dui 'n
soortgelyke tendens en die meerderheid van maatskappye wat wesensverdienste per
aandeel verklaar, doen so volgens die vereistes soos neergelê in Standpunt RE 306.
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An empirical analysis of the value added statements of 65 companies for the period 1977-2000Geldenhuys, Barend Petrus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Value added is the wealth that a reporting entity has been able to create by its own and
its employees' efforts. A Value Added Statement (VAS) reports on how this value added
is shared between employees, providers of capital, the state and reinvestment. In order
to put wealth created by an organization in proper perspective, the users of VAS should
be able to compare the results in a statement of an entity over a given period of time to
evaluate trends and should furthermore be able to compare the statements of various
companies in order to determine the relative performance of a company in the creation
of wealth.
Little empirical work has been done on Value Added Statements in South Africa
resulting in a lack of standards or benchmarks against which to judge/compare the
value-added data and ratios of different entities. The aim of this study was to contribute
towards creating a data bank, which ultimately will be used in setting industry standards.
This study was limited to 65 companies, which published Value Added Statements for
five or more consecutive years and disclosed the number of employees during the
period 1977 to 2000.
The research is of an exploratory nature and it was decided to focus on the following
aspects of a Value Added Statement in order to calculate standards or benchmarks:
(a) Common size Value Added Statements.
(b) Compound growth rates for the different elements of a Value Added Statement.
(c) Annual growth rates of sales/employee, salaries and wages/employee and valueadded/
Certain trends were identified. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Toegevoegde waarde is die rykdom wat 'n verslaggewende eenheid skep deur eie en
werknemers se pogings. Toegevoegdewaardestate (TWS) doen verslag oor hoe hierdie
toegevoegde waarde gedeel word tussen die werknemers, kapitaalvoorsieners, die staat
en herinvestering. Ten einde die rykdom wat deur 'n organisasie geskep is in toepaslike
perspektief te sien, moet die gebruikers van TWS hierdie resultate, kan vergelyk oor 'n
gegewe tydperk ten einde tendensie-ontledings te kan doen. Verder moet die
gebruikers van TWS 'n vergelyking kan maak tussen die state van verskillende
maatskappye om sodoende die relatiewe prestasie in die skepping van rykdom te
In Suid-Afrika is min proefondervindelike navorsing gedoen oor TWS, met die gevolg dat
daar 'n gebrek aan standaarde of beginpunte is waarteen die toegevoegde waarde data
en verhoudings van verskillende maatskappye gemeet kan word. Die doel van
hierdie studie is om by te dra tot die databank wat uiteindelik gebruik sal word in die
daarstelling van bedryfstandaarde.
Die studie is beperk tot 65 maatskappye wat TWS vir 'n tydperk van vyf of meer
opeenvolgende jare gepubliseer het asook die hoeveelheid werknemers vir die tydperk
1977 tot 2000 bekend gemaak het.
Die navorsing is ondersoekend van aard en daar is gefokus op die volgende aspekte in
die daarstelling van standaarde en beginpunte in 'n Toegevoegdewaardestaat:
(a) Gemene grootte Toegevoegdewaardestate.
(b) Saamgestelde groeikoers vir die verskillende komponente van TWS.
(c) Jaarlikse groeikoers in toegevoegde waarde, verkope/werknemers, toegevoegde
waarde/werknemers en salarisse en lone/werknemers.
Sekere tendensies is geidentifiseer.
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