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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diferenças de expectativas em auditorias independentes: estudo comparativo sobre expectation gap, em cenário globalizado / Diferenças de expectativas em auditorias independentes: estudo comparativo sobre expectation gap, em cenário globalizado / Expectation gap of independent audits: a comparative study in global scenario / Expectation gap of independent audits: a comparative study in global scenario

Ian Monteiro de Moraes 07 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente estudo objetiva analisar as características das diferenças de expectativas entre o público geral e os auditores independentes, no que diz respeito às demonstrações contábeis. Para isso, incorreu-se em uma pesquisa de artigos científicos em que os autores investigam o problema, cada um em determinado país, e as causas de sua ocorrência. Essa análise da literatura permitiu verificar as similaridades e sugestões para reduzir o fenômeno, em cenário globalizado, e compará-las. Os principais achados demonstram que, de maneira geral, os problemas são globalmente relacionados, assim como as sugestões, e que se torna essencial medidas para amenizar o problema. Tanto os auditores independentes quanto os usuários das demonstrações contábeis tem conhecimento da existência dessa diferença de expectativa, sendo uma ameaça para o bom andamento de uma economia capitalista o desconforto dos usuários caso ocorra à manutenção dessa diferença de expectativa. Dessa maneira, uma mudança na estrutura do cenário atual das empresas de auditoria independente torna-se fundamental. / The purpose of this study is to analyze fairness of expectations gap between the public and independent auditors regarding the financial statements. A articles survey was provided to support this study, which the authors investigate the matters, each in a given country, and the causes of its occurrence. This literature review has shown the similarities and suggestions to reduce the phenomenon. The main results show that, in general matter, the expectation gap really exist globally, as well as suggestions and measures to mitigate such issues become essential. The existence of the differences in expectation is already known by independent auditors and public users of financial statements. For this fact, the discomfort for the users caused by the maintenance of these differences may be a threat to the capitalist economy ongoing. Therefore, a change in the actual scenario of the independent audit firms and auditors behavior is fundamental.

Analýza identifikačních metod v oblasti účetních podvodů / Analysis identification methods of accounting fraud

JAROLÍMKOVÁ, Kamila January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of creative accounting and subsequent manipulation of financial statements. This is the current topic in our country and in the world. After several world scandals in the area of deliberate misrepresentation of accounting, an increasing emphasis is placed on the reporting ability of financial statements and, in particular, their true and fair value. Financial statements are often the basis for making economic decisions by external users of financial statements. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize other possible methods leading to the detection of the misstatements in them. The diploma thesis is divided into literary and practical part. In the literary part the reader is acquainted with basic concepts, definition of creative accounting and accounting fraud. There is also a set of selected identification methods used both to prevent the creation and to detect accounting frauds. The practical part of the thesis applies four selected models to the financial statements of the selected entity. It is a small entity without an audit obligation where the main activity is the provision of IT services. Applied and further compared are the Beneish M-Score, Jones Nondiscretionary accruals, CFEBT and Piotroski F-Score models. An add-on is a bankrupt Altman model that evaluates the financial health of the entity, but it does not indicate anything about the possibility of disturbing the true and fair value. Risk periods are analyzed in detail using basic financial analysis techniques. The conclusion of the thesis provides an evaluation of the applicability and suitability of the used methods for the given type of business.

An Empirical Investigation of the Potential Use of Data Required by FASB Statement No. 33 by Financial Analysts in the Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston Regions

Tondkar, Rasoul H. 12 1900 (has links)
In September, 1979, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued FASB Statement No. 33, which required certain corporations to issue specified supplementary information based on constant dollars and current costs. This information is intended to show the impact of inflation on the reported earnings and capital of business enterprises. Opponents of Statement No. 33 claim that the required supplementary information is difficult to interpret and, therefore, will not be used. Proponents contend that the information is self-explanatory and would highlight the impact of inflation on the performance of business enterprises. Thus, they conclude the supplementary data will be useful to various user groups and will be used. This dissertation's primary objective was to determine whether the supplementary data will be used by financial analysts in the Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston regions in evaluating an enterprise's operating performance and its ability to maintain physical operating capability and the general purchasing power of financial capital.

Diferenças de expectativas em auditorias independentes: estudo comparativo sobre expectation gap, em cenário globalizado / Diferenças de expectativas em auditorias independentes: estudo comparativo sobre expectation gap, em cenário globalizado / Expectation gap of independent audits: a comparative study in global scenario / Expectation gap of independent audits: a comparative study in global scenario

Ian Monteiro de Moraes 07 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente estudo objetiva analisar as características das diferenças de expectativas entre o público geral e os auditores independentes, no que diz respeito às demonstrações contábeis. Para isso, incorreu-se em uma pesquisa de artigos científicos em que os autores investigam o problema, cada um em determinado país, e as causas de sua ocorrência. Essa análise da literatura permitiu verificar as similaridades e sugestões para reduzir o fenômeno, em cenário globalizado, e compará-las. Os principais achados demonstram que, de maneira geral, os problemas são globalmente relacionados, assim como as sugestões, e que se torna essencial medidas para amenizar o problema. Tanto os auditores independentes quanto os usuários das demonstrações contábeis tem conhecimento da existência dessa diferença de expectativa, sendo uma ameaça para o bom andamento de uma economia capitalista o desconforto dos usuários caso ocorra à manutenção dessa diferença de expectativa. Dessa maneira, uma mudança na estrutura do cenário atual das empresas de auditoria independente torna-se fundamental. / The purpose of this study is to analyze fairness of expectations gap between the public and independent auditors regarding the financial statements. A articles survey was provided to support this study, which the authors investigate the matters, each in a given country, and the causes of its occurrence. This literature review has shown the similarities and suggestions to reduce the phenomenon. The main results show that, in general matter, the expectation gap really exist globally, as well as suggestions and measures to mitigate such issues become essential. The existence of the differences in expectation is already known by independent auditors and public users of financial statements. For this fact, the discomfort for the users caused by the maintenance of these differences may be a threat to the capitalist economy ongoing. Therefore, a change in the actual scenario of the independent audit firms and auditors behavior is fundamental.

Eliminação do método de consolidação proporcional para reconhecimento dos investimentos em joint ventures: quais os impactos para as empresas do mercado brasileiro? / Eliminating the proportionate consolidation method for recognizing interests in Joint Ventures: what are the impacts for companies from brazilian capital market?

Raquel Wille Sarquis 22 January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar os impactos da eliminação do método de consolidação proporcional, com a adoção da IFRS 11, para as empresas do mercado brasileiro com investimentos em joint ventures. A aplicação da IFRS 11 trouxe impactos tanto em termos conceituais quanto práticos. Entretanto, a principal alteração foi a eliminação da consolidação proporcional como uma alternativa para o reconhecimento dos investimentos em joint ventures, considerando que esse era o método utilizado por muitos países e que, conforme alguns autores, produzia informações de maior relevância. Para tanto, primeiramente analisaram-se as 111 comment letters enviadas em resposta ao Exposure Draft 09, sendo que esta análise demonstrou que a maior parte dos respondentes não concordavam com a emissão da IFRS 11 como proposta no ED 09, principalmente em relação à eliminação do método de consolidação proporcional. Na sequência, avaliaram-se os impactos da transição da consolidação proporcional para o MEP nos valores reportados pelas empresas do mercado brasileiro com investimentos joint ventures, com a finalidade de verificar se essas diferenças são estatisticamente significantes. A população construída nesta pesquisa é formada por 79 empresas do mercado brasileiro que apresentavam as características necessárias. Utilizando Testes de Média, os resultados indicam que, exceto para as variáveis Fluxo de Caixa das Atividades de Financiamento, Indicadores de Liquidez e Composição do Endividamento, todas as demais 16 variáveis analisadas apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes quando da transição da consolidação proporcional para o MEP. Ademais, esse impacto é mais evidente em alguns setores como Bens Industriais, Construção e Transporte, Utilidade Pública. Esses resultados levam à aceitação da hipótese proposta, de que os valores reportados pelas empresas do mercado brasileiro com investimentos em joint ventures após a adoção da IFRS 11 são significativamente diferentes dos valores que vinham sendo reportados até então. Esses achados são importantes considerando que essa alteração impacta não apenas os indicadores contábeis em si, mas outras variáveis que estão atreladas a esses indicadores, como a necessidade de renegociação de covenants, além de evidenciar uma das principais críticas ao MEP: a possibilidade de as empresas utilizarem desses investimentos para retirar dívidas do balanço. Por fim, este trabalho propôs um modelo de conciliação entre as demonstrações contábeis elaboradas pela consolidação proporcional e pelo MEP, com a finalidade de verificar se os usuários da informação contábil poderiam estimar, utilizando as informações divulgadas em notas explicativas, quais seriam os valores reportados pelas empresas pela consolidação proporcional. Utilizando uma amostra de 45 empresas e considerando aceitável uma diferença de até 2%, os ajustes identificados no modelo proposto explicam as diferenças nos valores reportados por aproximadamente 82% das empresas analisadas. Os resultados em conjunto indicam que a eliminação da consolidação proporcional com a adoção da IFRS 11 produziu impacto significativo nos valores reportados pelas empresas do mercado brasileiro, porém, esse impacto pode ser amenizado pelo volume maior de informações sobre as joint ventures, exigidas pela IFRS 12, já que os usuários conseguem estimar quais seriam os valores reportados pelos dois métodos e utilizar o tipo de informação que considerem de maior relevância. / The purpose of this research is to assess the impacts of eliminating the proportionate consolidation method, as a consequence of the adoption of IFRS 11, for companies from Brazilian capital market with joint ventures investments. IFRS 11 adoption brought both conceptual and practical impacts. However, the main change was eliminating the proportionate consolidation as an alternative to recognize joint ventures investments, considering that this was the method used by many countries; which, according to some authors, produces more relevant information. Firstly, the 111 comment letters in response to the Exposure Draft 09 were analyzed, and it demonstrated that the majority of the respondents disagreed with the issuance of IFRS 11 as proposed in the ED 09, especially about the elimination of the proportionate consolidation. Subsequently, it was analyzed the impact of the transition from the proportionate consolidation to the equity method on the accounting amounts reported by companies in the Brazilian capital market with joint venture investments, through statistical analysis. The constructed population for this research is composed by 79 companies which presented the necessary characteristics. Using Mean Tests, the results show that, except for Cash Flow from Financial Activities, Liquidity Indicators and Composition of Debt, all other 16 variables analyzed had statistically significant differences between the proportionate consolidation and the equity method. Moreover, this impact is greater in some sectors, such as Industrial Goods, Construction and Transportation and Public Utilities. These results confirm the hypotheses proposed by this research, that the accounting amounts reported by Brazilian companies with joint ventures investments after IFRS 11 adoption are significantly different from the accounting amounts that had been reported so far. These findings are important because this change impacts not only the financial indicators but also other variables that are tied to these indicators, such as the need of renegotiating covenants, and also highlights one of the main critics of the equity method: the possibility that companies use these investments to remove debts of their own statements of financial position. Finally, this research proposed a conciliation model between the financial statements prepared applying the proportionate consolidation and applying the equity method, in order to verify if the stakeholders could estimate, using only the information disclosed in notes, the accounting amounts reported by companies applying the proportionate consolidation method. Using a sample of 45 companies and considering as acceptable a difference of 2%, the adjustments identified in the model proposed explain the differences in the accounting amounts reported by approximately 82% of the companies analyzed. All these results indicate that the elimination of proportionate consolidation, as a consequence of IFRS 11 adoption, has a significant impact on the accounting amounts reported by Brazilian companies, however, this impact can be mitigated by the greater volume of information about the joint ventures required by IFRS 12, considering that the stakeholders can estimate the accounting amounts reported by the two methods and use the information that they consider most relevant.

A content analysis of defined benefit plans in the financial statements of South African listed companies

Padayachee, Visvanathan 10 June 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (International Accounting) / Post-employment benefits under IAS 19 include defined benefit plans (DBP’s) and defined contribution plans. The accounting for defined contribution plans is fairly straightforward, since accrual accounting is applied and the employer entity’s legal or constructive obligation is limited to the amount the employer entity agrees to contribute to the defined contribution plan. In contrast, the accounting for DBP’s is complicated and provides a promise/guarantee of future benefits and the investment and actuarial risk of the plan lies with the employer entity. The literature review indicated that accounting and presentation of DBP’s is complicated because of the long-term nature of the liability/asset that is raised for the plan. There are many uncertainties involved in estimating the liability as this involves looking into the future and making estimates and assumptions about the future. The literature also indicated factors such as the market performance of assets, and inaccurate or unrealistic assumptions and decisions that delay making payments to DBP’s affects the funding status. Actuaries and accountants differ somewhat in the roles they play in determining the amount for DBP’s, with accountants choosing the accrued benefit method. The problem with DBP’s is that they are of a long-term nature and require estimates and assumptions to be made in calculating the DBP liability/asset. The long-term nature affects the adequacy of the liability/asset recognised for DBP’s and the related disclosure in the financial statements of large listed companies. The objective of the minor dissertation is to perform a content analysis on the presentation and disclosure of DBPs in the financial statements of a sample of Johannesburg Stock Exchange listed companies in South Africa. The research approach applied includes a broad assessment of the current status of DBP’s and defined contribution plans operated by the top 40 Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) listed companies, followed by a quantitative and qualitative assessment on the disclosures provided by these companies’ financial statements.

Gedifferensieerde verslagdoening in Suid-Afrika (Afrikaans)

Koppeschaar, Zanne Ronelle 25 October 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Die doel van rekeningkundige verslagdoening is om inligting te verskaf oor die finansiële stand, prestasie en veranderinge in die finansiële stand van ’n onderneming wat nuttig is vir ’n verskeidenheid van gebruikers om rasionele ekonomiese besluite te kan neem. Die probleem wat in hierdie studie aangespreek word, is die onvermoë van rekeningkundige inligting in finansiële state om aan die spesifieke behoeftes van die gebruikers van klein maatskappy finansiële state in Suid-Afrika te voldoen. Die studie behels ’n omvattende meningsopname van die behoeftes van gebruikers van klein maatskappy finansiële state in Suid-Afrika, ten einde aanbevelings vir die verbetering van die huidige rekeningkundige verslagdoeningstelsel ten opsigte van klein maatskappye te maak. Die empiriese ondersoek wat uitgevoer is, het die spesifieke inligtingsbehoeftes van die verskillende gebruikersgroepe van klein maatskappy finansiële state in Suid-Afrika bepaal deur gebruik te maak van vraelyste. Die data wat ingesamel is, vir doeleindes van die studie, het bestaan uit 434 voltooide vraelyste deur geregistreerde klein praktisyns, 212 voltooide vraelyste deur eienaars/bestuur van privaatmaatskappye, 5 voltooide vraelyste deur finansiële instellings, asook ’n onderhoud wat met die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (SAID) gevoer is. Hierdie studie het getoon dat huidige rekeningkundige verslagdoeningsvereistes vir privaatmaatskappye nie aan die behoeftes van die gebruikers van hierdie maatskappye se finansiële state in Suid-Afrika voldoen nie. Die vereistes van die rekeningkundige standaard, IFRS for SMEs, wat gedurende 2007 in Suid-Afrika aanvaar is en op klein maatskappye van toepassing is, voldoen nie aan die inligtingsbehoeftes van Suid-Afrikaanse gebruikers nie. Gesien in die lig van die belangrike bydrae wat klein maatskappye tot die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie lewer, is die rekeningkundige verslagdoening van hierdie maatskappye noodwendig belangrik. Gebruikers van klein maatskappy finansiële state vereis dat huidige rekeningkundige verslagdoeningsvereistes verminder en vereenvoudig word, ten einde aan hulle spesifieke inligtingsbehoeftes te voldoen en om te verseker dat finansiële state betekenisvolle, relevante en betroubare inligting vir die gebruikers daarvan voorsien. ENGLISH: The objective of financial reporting is to provide information in regards with the financial position, performance and changes in the financial position of an entity that is useful for various users, enabling the users to form rational economical decisions. The problem that has been addressed in this study pertains to the inability of accounting information, produced in financial statements, to address specific needs of users of small company’s financial statements in South Africa. The study includes a comprehensive opinion survey of needs for users of small company’s financial statements in South Africa, in order to make recommendations for the improvement of the current accounting reporting standards for small companies. The empirical research performed within this study included the assessment of specific information needs for various user groups of small company’s financial statements in South Africa, by use of questionnaires. The data gathered for the purpose of this study consisted of 434 completed questionnaires by registered small practitioners, 212 completed questionnaires by owners of private companies, 5 completed questionnaires by financial institutions, as well as an interview with the South-African Revenue Services (SARS). The results of the study showed that the current reporting standards for private companies do not satisfy the needs of the users of these small company’s financial statements in South Africa. The requirements of the accounting standard, IFRS for SMEs, that was accepted in South Africa during 2007, applicable on small companies, does not satisfy the information needs of the South-African users. In the light that small companies make up an integral part of the South-African economy, the accounting reporting for these small companies is inevitably important. Users of small company’s financial statements require that the current reporting standards be reduced and simplified in order to address the users’ specific information needs and to ensure that the information in financial statements is meaningful, relevant and reliable for the users. / Thesis (DCom)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Accounting / unrestricted

Sestavení konsolidované účetní závěrky podle US GAAP / Preparation of consolidated financial statements in accordance with US GAAP

Polaková, Dorota January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the preparation of consolidated financial statements in accordance with the US GAAP. It briefly describes the development of the US GAAP and organizations working with the FASB. Afterward, it mentions the US GAAP and the IFRS key standards concerned with the consolidated financial statements. For appropriate recognition of the investment, it is necessary to determine conditions under which the entity controls another entity. This thesis focuses on full consolidation method and equity method. For better understanding of the area, practical examples are included. This thesis aims to define the general principles and rules applicable to the preparation of consolidated financial statements in accordance with the US GAAP and also to compare specific areas to the IFRS.

Finanční analýza společnosti Sitronics TS, Czech Republic a.s. / Financial analysis of Sitronics TS, Czech Republic a.s.

Brabec, Jan January 2007 (has links)
This graduation thesis is concerned with financial analysis of company that operates in the telecomunication industry. We can find there analysis of financial statements and financial indicators, in this context, activities of company and influence of alliance with russian holding were described. There were evaluated financial situation and strong and weak points of the company. We can also find there swot analysis, targets and strategies and their fullfilment.

Srovnání účetní závěrky podle českých účetních předpisů vzhledem k IFRS / Financial statements in compliance with the Czech accounting regulations as compared with the IFRS

Brejchová, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
This thesis engages in financial statements in comliance with the Czech accounting regulations as compared with the IFRS. In the first part there is information about financial statements set in comliance with the Czech accounting regulations and about the events after the reporting period. Second part engages in financial statements set up in comliance with IFRS and also the events after the reporting period. In the third part are the preparatory working for the compilation of financial statements described.

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