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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationships between Fish Assemblages and Water Quality in Oxbow Lakes of the Yazoo River Basin

Goetz, Daniel Blaine 17 August 2013 (has links)
Thirteen oxbow lakes, 7 deep (>3.0 m) and 6 shallow (< 1.5m), were studied in the Yazoo River basin (YRB) to identify if divergent water quality characteristics and fish communities were common occurrences. Shallow lakes repeatedly experienced wide diel fluctuations in temperature and oxygen, reduced Secchi depth, and greater levels of suspended solids, turbidity, and chlorophyll-a. Fish communities were mostly comprised of orangespotted sunfish, juvenile crappies, gars, and various backwater fishes. Deep lakes exhibited improved conditions among all water quality variables and harbored fish communities comprised mostly of large-bodied and long-lived individuals, and piscivorous species. Furthermore, effects of smallmouth buffalo on water quality were examined at three different biomass levels in experimental ponds. Ponds with biomasses at 220 and 65 kg ha-1 responded with reduced visibility, elevated turbidity and suspended solids, and lower oxygen levels. These two studies combined provide valuable insight into shallow lake management in the YRB.

Mangrove Shoreline Fish Assemblages of Oleta River State Park: Baseline Conditions in an Urban System

De Angelo, Jacquelyn Alexis 01 January 2010 (has links)
Oleta River State Park (ORSP), located in North Miami-Dade County is known as the most highly urbanized State Park in all of Florida. The present study was conducted as part of an ongoing seasonally-resolved survey of fish utilization of the mangrove shorelines of Biscayne Bay. Previous Unit Management Plans published by the Division of Recreation and Parks have lacked information concerning the park?s prominent mangrove forests along with its icthyofauna. The main purpose of this thesis was to provide a baseline characterization of the mangrove-fish assemblages and microhabitat trends of ORSP, against which future changes in and around the Park can be gauged. Fish assemblages inhabiting the mangrove shorelines were examined using a visual ?belt-transect? census method over 11 consecutive seasons. Microhabitat variables including salinity, water temperature, water depth, water clarity and distance from Baker?s Haulover Inlet were examined for possible correlations with fish metrics. Several significant differences were evident in the taxonomic richness (number of taxa per unit area) and densities of the five most abundant taxa within the shoreline habitats in terms of seasonal variation and microhabitat variable distribution along the river. Taxonomic richness was typically greater in survey sites located closer to Baker?s Haulover Inlet. Oleta River?s mangrove shoreline fish assemblages appear to reflect (1) proximity of the mangroves that they occupy to Baker?s Haulover Inlet; (2) temperature regime along the shoreline; and (3) the salinity gradient found within the river. Fish assemblage and microhabitat information collected here could serve as a ?baseline? in future investigations of the effects of further urbanization or the effects of other anthropogenic changes to Oleta River and its mangrove habitat, including possible changes to freshwater flow associated with the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan.

Ecological and Genetic Consequences of Seasonal Drought on Stream Communities Inhabiting Pool Refugia

Love, Joseph William 11 December 2004 (has links)
In intermittent streams, hydrological variation is probably the single-most important factor affecting fish assemblage structure. While the response of aquatic assemblages to seasonal or annual variation in hydrology is well-known, less attention has been devoted to how assemblages respond to natural, intraseasonal drought. To explore this question, I conducted summer surveys of fish and aquatic insect assemblages occupying pool refugia in first to third order, intermittent streams in the Saline river drainage in the Ouachita highlands (central Arkansas, U.S.A.)(2001?2003). The goals of this project were: 1) to relate assemblage variability of fishes and aquatic insects to environmental gradients during summer drying of streams; 2) to characterize the variability of fish assemblages occupying pool refugia, which differed in quality along a spatial gradient; and, 3) to determine the population genetic structure of five fish species across the intermittent landscape. Hydrological variables explained significant variation in assemblage variability for fishes. In contrast, variability in aquatic insect assemblages was related to water quality variables. These patterns are similar to those observed at larger scales of space and time. As pools dried, neither fish species richness nor the slope of the species-area relationship changed. However, the structure of many assemblages was variable over time. Pools with a relatively stable hydrology were sources of reproduction and high population growth, low extinction and high immigration. Sites that exhibited a more variable hydrology (drying completely or nearly-so) were sinks characterized by population declines. The majority of sites had minimal population growth, and intermediate immigration and extinction rates, and were dubbed metapopulations. Immigration and extinction dynamics had important effects on population genetics for common fish species. Two common species had relatively high immigration rates and showed no population differentiation. Populations of three species showed differentiation that was not related to geographic distance among sites. Instead, local extinction of rare haplotypes and evidence of recent bottlenecks suggested that ecological attributes associated with summer drought affected population differentiation. It is clear that retaining the natural hydrology of stream systems contributes to the maintenance of biodiversity, and the conservation of complex demographic processes and genetic patterns.

Habitat Characteristics and Fish Assemblage Structure of Deep Pools in the Upper Tombigbee River, Mississippi

Spencer, Amy B 05 May 2007 (has links)
Fish assemblage structure in lotic environments is a product of interactions between the habitat and the biota, but little is known about how deep pool habitat conditions affect distributional patterns of fish occupying them in larger warmwater streams. This study describes relationships between the habitat and the fish assemblages in deep pools of the Upper Tombigbee River, Mississippi. Pools exhibited an increase in size from headwaters to mouth. The change in the structure of fish assemblages was related significantly to increases in pool size while independent of time or other environmental conditions. A small amount of the variation in structure of fish assemblages in deep pools was accounted for by the measured environmental variables. This suggests other factors such as biotic interactions play an additional role in the forming the observed distributional patterns in fishes occupying deep pools.

A ictiofauna do estuário do rio Itanhaém, SP, Brasil: dinâmica espaço-temporal e aspectos biológicos das espécies principais / Itanhaém River Estuary, SP, Brazil: Spatial and seasonal changes in fish assemblages and biological aspects of the principal species

Louro, Monica Ponz 03 September 2007 (has links)
O Rio Itanhaém, localizado na planície costeira de Itanhaém faz parte de importante bacia hidrográfica do sul do Estado de São Paulo. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: identificar a composição e abundância da fauna de peixes deste estuário, verificando suas variações espaço-temporais em relação às variáveis ambientais, bem como caracterizar os estratos populacionais das principais espécies ali presentes quanto a sua estrutura e alimentação. Entre maio/2002 e abril/2003 foram realizados doze arrastos mensais, de 10 minutos de duração, com a utilização de rede de pesca de portas para arrastos de fundo em três diferentes áreas no interior do estuário de Rio Itanhaém (A3, A2, A1) e um arrasto na região marinha adjacente à boca do rio (EXT). Nas áreas internas do rio, foram obtidos dados ambientais sobre profundidade, temperatura, transparência e salinidade da água e colhidas amostras d?água e de sedimento para obtenção de dados sobre oxigênio dissolvido, pH, matéria orgânica e composição do sedimento. Após a identificação das espécies, de cada exemplar de peixe foram obtidos dados sobre comprimento, massa corpórea, sexo e estádio de maturidade gonadal, e reservado seu estômago para estudos sobre alimentação. A fauna foi estudada através das variações espaço-temporais da abundância em número e em massa, de índices ecológicos de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener (H?), eqüitatividade de Pielou (J?), riqueza de espécies (S) e riqueza de Margalef (d) e análises de classificação (TWINSPAN) e de ordenação (MDS). Para evidenciar quais dados ambientais explicariam as variações espaço-temporais da fauna, foi aplicado o método estatístico BIO-ENV. As espécies principais do estuário foram identificadas através de um indicador de importância relativa baseado nos valores de freqüências de ocorrência, numérica e em massa. Cinco espécies foram analisadas com relação à distribuição de comprimento, proporção sexual e entre indivíduos em diferentes estádios de maturidade gonadal, e com relação à composição de suas dietas. O estuário sofre influência da ação da maré durante os meses de inverno e primavera, com salinidade alta e temperaturas variáveis, e é regido pelo fluxo de água doce do rio durante verão/outono, com o aumento das chuvas. Foram coletadas 53 espécies de peixes caracteristicamente marinhas, totalizando 13.802 exemplares e uma massa total de 210.662,2g. Nenhuma espécie de água doce foi registrada. Oito espécies compuseram 86% da captura em número e 87,4% em massa, porém a dominância do bagre Genidens genidens foi evidente. Com relação aos índices ecológicos, diferenças significativas foram encontradas apenas para os valores de riqueza e riqueza de Margalef, com maiores valores obtidos para a área EXT e A2. A análise de classificação TWINSPAN identificou dois grupos de amostras e dois de espécies que se formaram pelas diferenças espaciais entre a fauna da área marinha externa ao estuário (EXT) e as áreas internas (A1, A2 e A3). A análise sobre ordenação MDS evidenciou três grupos de amostras diferentes: G1 ? amostras da área mais interna (A3) e da intermedária (A2) na época de verão/outono; G2 ? amostras da área mais próxima ao mar (A1) e as de inverno/primavera da área intermediária A2; e G3 ? poucas amostras marcadas pela dominância do linguado Achirus linaetus na proximidade do mar. Os valores de correlações entre variáveis ambientais e a fauna foram baixos, porém o conjunto de variáveis: temperatura e pH de superfície, porcentagem de areia no sedimento, foi aquele que melhor explicou as variações na fauna. As espécies principais no estuário foram Genidens genidens, G. barbus, Bairdiella ronchus, Achirus lineatus e Trinectes paulistanus. Enquanto Bairdiella ronchus e Achirus lineatus mostraram formas adultas no interior do estuário, os bagres Genidens genidens, G. barbus, mais abundantes, e Trinectes paulistanus foram representados por formas juvenis que utilizam o local como área de crescimento/alimentação. Com relação à alimentação, as espécies se alimentam de organismos bentônicos predominantemente. Os linguados Achirus lineatus e Trinectes paulistanus se caracterizaram como consumidores de poliquetos, Genidens barbus e Bairdiella ronchus foram agrupados por similaridade de suas dietas baseadas no consumo de camarões e teleósteos e o bagre dominante Genidens genidens mostrou se alimentar de uma variedade maior de invertebrados bentônicos, principalmente Tanaidacea. As espécies que competiriam pelos mesmos recursos se distribuem em áreas diferentes do estuário, mostrando que a alimentação pode explicar as diferenças espaciais evidenciadas nas análises sobre a fauna. / The changes of the composition and the distribution of the fishes along the Itanhaém River Estuary were investigated, between May 2002 and April 2003. Biologic aspects of principal species were also included. The month sampling of the fishes was performed using otter trawls in three different areas in the estuary (A1, A2 and A3). Samples were also collected from another location in adjacent marine area (EXT area). The duration of the fishing trawls was of 10 minutes. Temperature data, salinity, pH, water transparency, dissolved oxygen were obtained. Simultaneously, surface sediment sample was taken for evaluation of organic matter, and the grain size. All fish collected were identified to species, counted and measured for total length and wet mass (g). The analyses of the structure of the fauna involved the occurrence of species, the abundance in number and capture weight. The following indexes of community structure were also obtained: the species richness, the species richness of Margalef, diversity of Shannon-Wiener, and the evenness of Pielou. The TWINSPAN analysis (Two Way Indicator Species Analysis) and nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS) were used to identify species groups and/or sampling groups. The BIO-ENV routine was used to relate the biological patterns to the environmental pattern. Values of salinity were higher in winter and spring, and were lower in summer and autumn, because the estuary receives relatively high inputs of freshwater of the rain. A total of 13802 specimens of teleostean fishes were collected, weighing 210.662,2g, belonging to 53 species. The ichthyofauna was composed of marine and estuarine-related species. Eight species constituted 86% of the capture in number and 87,4% in weight. The results showed that only the species richness and species richness of margalef differed significantly among seasonal samples. The TWINSPAN analysis separated two samples groups and two species groups those were formed because the distinct pattern of EXT area. The MDS ordination plot three spatial groups of samples: G1- was formed by samples from the internal area (A3) with the summer/autumn samples from A2 area; G2 ? was formed by the samples from A1 area with the winter/spring samples from A2 area. The third group (G3) was formed by samples with the dominance of Achirus lineatus. The factors, environmental pH, temperature and sand, seem to have an influence in the structure of the fauna patterns. The most important species were Genidens genidens, G. barbus, Bairdiella ronchus, Achirus lineatus e Trinectes paulistanus. Among them, only Bairdiella ronchus and Achirus lineatus were represented by adult specimens. Genidens Genidens, G. barbus and Trinectes paulistanus were represented by high proportions of juvenile individuals in the estuary. Diets of those five species were investigated based on the stomach contents. Achirus lineatus and Trinectes paulistanus fed mainly on Polychaeta; Genidens barbus and Bairdiella ronchus ingested Dendrobranchiata and Teleostei, and a great number of benthic invertebrates composed the diet of Genidens genidens. They presented partial diet overlap, and to avoid this, they occupied different areas.

A ictiofauna do estuário do rio Itanhaém, SP, Brasil: dinâmica espaço-temporal e aspectos biológicos das espécies principais / Itanhaém River Estuary, SP, Brazil: Spatial and seasonal changes in fish assemblages and biological aspects of the principal species

Monica Ponz Louro 03 September 2007 (has links)
O Rio Itanhaém, localizado na planície costeira de Itanhaém faz parte de importante bacia hidrográfica do sul do Estado de São Paulo. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: identificar a composição e abundância da fauna de peixes deste estuário, verificando suas variações espaço-temporais em relação às variáveis ambientais, bem como caracterizar os estratos populacionais das principais espécies ali presentes quanto a sua estrutura e alimentação. Entre maio/2002 e abril/2003 foram realizados doze arrastos mensais, de 10 minutos de duração, com a utilização de rede de pesca de portas para arrastos de fundo em três diferentes áreas no interior do estuário de Rio Itanhaém (A3, A2, A1) e um arrasto na região marinha adjacente à boca do rio (EXT). Nas áreas internas do rio, foram obtidos dados ambientais sobre profundidade, temperatura, transparência e salinidade da água e colhidas amostras d?água e de sedimento para obtenção de dados sobre oxigênio dissolvido, pH, matéria orgânica e composição do sedimento. Após a identificação das espécies, de cada exemplar de peixe foram obtidos dados sobre comprimento, massa corpórea, sexo e estádio de maturidade gonadal, e reservado seu estômago para estudos sobre alimentação. A fauna foi estudada através das variações espaço-temporais da abundância em número e em massa, de índices ecológicos de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener (H?), eqüitatividade de Pielou (J?), riqueza de espécies (S) e riqueza de Margalef (d) e análises de classificação (TWINSPAN) e de ordenação (MDS). Para evidenciar quais dados ambientais explicariam as variações espaço-temporais da fauna, foi aplicado o método estatístico BIO-ENV. As espécies principais do estuário foram identificadas através de um indicador de importância relativa baseado nos valores de freqüências de ocorrência, numérica e em massa. Cinco espécies foram analisadas com relação à distribuição de comprimento, proporção sexual e entre indivíduos em diferentes estádios de maturidade gonadal, e com relação à composição de suas dietas. O estuário sofre influência da ação da maré durante os meses de inverno e primavera, com salinidade alta e temperaturas variáveis, e é regido pelo fluxo de água doce do rio durante verão/outono, com o aumento das chuvas. Foram coletadas 53 espécies de peixes caracteristicamente marinhas, totalizando 13.802 exemplares e uma massa total de 210.662,2g. Nenhuma espécie de água doce foi registrada. Oito espécies compuseram 86% da captura em número e 87,4% em massa, porém a dominância do bagre Genidens genidens foi evidente. Com relação aos índices ecológicos, diferenças significativas foram encontradas apenas para os valores de riqueza e riqueza de Margalef, com maiores valores obtidos para a área EXT e A2. A análise de classificação TWINSPAN identificou dois grupos de amostras e dois de espécies que se formaram pelas diferenças espaciais entre a fauna da área marinha externa ao estuário (EXT) e as áreas internas (A1, A2 e A3). A análise sobre ordenação MDS evidenciou três grupos de amostras diferentes: G1 ? amostras da área mais interna (A3) e da intermedária (A2) na época de verão/outono; G2 ? amostras da área mais próxima ao mar (A1) e as de inverno/primavera da área intermediária A2; e G3 ? poucas amostras marcadas pela dominância do linguado Achirus linaetus na proximidade do mar. Os valores de correlações entre variáveis ambientais e a fauna foram baixos, porém o conjunto de variáveis: temperatura e pH de superfície, porcentagem de areia no sedimento, foi aquele que melhor explicou as variações na fauna. As espécies principais no estuário foram Genidens genidens, G. barbus, Bairdiella ronchus, Achirus lineatus e Trinectes paulistanus. Enquanto Bairdiella ronchus e Achirus lineatus mostraram formas adultas no interior do estuário, os bagres Genidens genidens, G. barbus, mais abundantes, e Trinectes paulistanus foram representados por formas juvenis que utilizam o local como área de crescimento/alimentação. Com relação à alimentação, as espécies se alimentam de organismos bentônicos predominantemente. Os linguados Achirus lineatus e Trinectes paulistanus se caracterizaram como consumidores de poliquetos, Genidens barbus e Bairdiella ronchus foram agrupados por similaridade de suas dietas baseadas no consumo de camarões e teleósteos e o bagre dominante Genidens genidens mostrou se alimentar de uma variedade maior de invertebrados bentônicos, principalmente Tanaidacea. As espécies que competiriam pelos mesmos recursos se distribuem em áreas diferentes do estuário, mostrando que a alimentação pode explicar as diferenças espaciais evidenciadas nas análises sobre a fauna. / The changes of the composition and the distribution of the fishes along the Itanhaém River Estuary were investigated, between May 2002 and April 2003. Biologic aspects of principal species were also included. The month sampling of the fishes was performed using otter trawls in three different areas in the estuary (A1, A2 and A3). Samples were also collected from another location in adjacent marine area (EXT area). The duration of the fishing trawls was of 10 minutes. Temperature data, salinity, pH, water transparency, dissolved oxygen were obtained. Simultaneously, surface sediment sample was taken for evaluation of organic matter, and the grain size. All fish collected were identified to species, counted and measured for total length and wet mass (g). The analyses of the structure of the fauna involved the occurrence of species, the abundance in number and capture weight. The following indexes of community structure were also obtained: the species richness, the species richness of Margalef, diversity of Shannon-Wiener, and the evenness of Pielou. The TWINSPAN analysis (Two Way Indicator Species Analysis) and nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS) were used to identify species groups and/or sampling groups. The BIO-ENV routine was used to relate the biological patterns to the environmental pattern. Values of salinity were higher in winter and spring, and were lower in summer and autumn, because the estuary receives relatively high inputs of freshwater of the rain. A total of 13802 specimens of teleostean fishes were collected, weighing 210.662,2g, belonging to 53 species. The ichthyofauna was composed of marine and estuarine-related species. Eight species constituted 86% of the capture in number and 87,4% in weight. The results showed that only the species richness and species richness of margalef differed significantly among seasonal samples. The TWINSPAN analysis separated two samples groups and two species groups those were formed because the distinct pattern of EXT area. The MDS ordination plot three spatial groups of samples: G1- was formed by samples from the internal area (A3) with the summer/autumn samples from A2 area; G2 ? was formed by the samples from A1 area with the winter/spring samples from A2 area. The third group (G3) was formed by samples with the dominance of Achirus lineatus. The factors, environmental pH, temperature and sand, seem to have an influence in the structure of the fauna patterns. The most important species were Genidens genidens, G. barbus, Bairdiella ronchus, Achirus lineatus e Trinectes paulistanus. Among them, only Bairdiella ronchus and Achirus lineatus were represented by adult specimens. Genidens Genidens, G. barbus and Trinectes paulistanus were represented by high proportions of juvenile individuals in the estuary. Diets of those five species were investigated based on the stomach contents. Achirus lineatus and Trinectes paulistanus fed mainly on Polychaeta; Genidens barbus and Bairdiella ronchus ingested Dendrobranchiata and Teleostei, and a great number of benthic invertebrates composed the diet of Genidens genidens. They presented partial diet overlap, and to avoid this, they occupied different areas.

Dinâmica das assembléias de peixes em bancos de macrofitas flutuantes do sistema flúvio lacustre da área do Catalão, Amazonas, Brasil

Avila, Leandro Cortes 30 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-22T22:12:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Capa.pdf: 253467 bytes, checksum: e1a8815f49e0c5626fdbdc25f0059a49 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-30 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the Amazon floodplain a large proportion of fish assemblages use aquatic macrophytes as an area for feeding, reproduction, refuge, breeding and as a mean of dispersion. The intensity and variation of the water level considerably influenced the composition, richness and abundance of the species at certain localities. Analyzed data show the dynamic of the macrophyte fish assemblages from the Xiborena island during the years of 2003-2007, with the aim of comprehending how the fish assemblages respond to the hydrological variations in temporal scales, within and between years. During these five years 40,302 fish were captured of 197 species, with the Characiformes accounting for 51.77% of the individuals with 102 species. Total biomass was of 58.37 kg, being the Characiformes responsible for 61.89% of this amount. The most common species was Moenkhausia lepidura with 8,735 individuals and the species with higher biomass was Schizodon fasciatus (6.26 kg). There was significant difference between species richness between the high water (179 spp.) and the low water periods (131 spp.), however the composition as not significantly different (p= 0.16). The total abundance values between high and low water periods indicated significant differences (15,740 and 24,562 individuals respectively) (p= 0.0049) (within year variation). The total biomass values in the low water period were higher (29.6 kg) when compared with the high water period (28.7 kg). Species turnover was high, species composition changed especially between 2004 and 2005. Related to stability the fish assemblages were highly variable in the Xiborena island (coefficient of variation = 78.01%). The assemblage persistence during the five years of study (measured by Kendall's W) corroborates this observation – the assemblage experienced variations among the years. Xiborena island fish assemblages are highly influenced by the flood pulse, which despite being a periodic event is also under influence of stochastic events (such as more pronounced dry or wet periods), affecting the fish assemblages in an unpredictable way. / Nas planícies de inundação da região amazônica, uma grande porção das assembléias de peixes utiliza os bancos de macrófitas aquáticas como área de alimentação, reprodução, refúgio, berçário, e como meio dispersor. A intensidade e a variação do nível das águas influenciam consideravelmente na composição, riqueza e abundância das espécies em certas localidades. Foram analisados dados das assembléias de peixes de bancos de macrófitas da ilha do Xiborena durante os anos 2003-2007 com o intuito de compreender como as assembléias respondem às variações hidrológicas em escalas temporais inter e intra-anuais. Durante estes cinco anos foram capturados 40.302 exemplares de peixes de 197 espécies, sendo que os Characiformes compreenderam 51,77% dos indivíduos com 102 espécies. A biomassa total foi 58,37 kg, com os Characiformes representando 61,89% deste total. A espécie mais abundante foi Moenkhausia lepidura com 8.735 indivíduos e a espécie com maior biomassa foi Schizodon fasciatus (6,26 kg). Houve diferença significativa quanto à riqueza de espécies entre os períodos de águas altas (179 spp.) e águas baixas (131 spp.), porém as composições não foram significativamente diferentes (p= 0,16). Os valores de abundância total entre águas altas e baixas indicaram diferenças significativas (15.740 e 24.562 indivíduos respectivamente) (p= 0,0049) (variação intra-anual). Os valores de biomassa total no período de águas baixas foram maiores (29,6 kg) do que no período de águas altas (28,7 kg). A taxa de substituição de espécies (Turnover) foi alta, a composição das assembléias de peixes mudou especialmente entre os anos 2004 e 2005. Quanto à estabilidade, as assembléias de peixes na ilha do Xiborena foram altamente variáveis (coeficiente de variação= 78,01 %). A persistência das assembléias durante os cinco anos de estudos, medida pelo valor W de Kendall, corrobora esta observação as assembléias sofreram variações ao longo dos anos. As assembléias de peixes da ilha do Xiborena são fortemente influenciadas pelo pulso de inundação, que apesar de ser um evento cíclico também está sob efeito de eventos estocásticos, tais como secas e/ou cheias mais pronunciadas, influenciando-as de maneira não previsível.

Patterns in Functional Structure and Diversity of Stream Fish Assemblages Related to Environmental Factors at Multiple Scales

Pease, Allison Ann 2010 December 1900 (has links)
The distribution and abundance of stream fishes are influenced by many factors operating at multiple scales. Understanding how environmental variables influence the structure of stream fish assemblages is important for habitat assessment, stream restoration, and for predicting responses to environmental change. An emerging view in community ecology is that a focus on the functional structure of species assemblages in relation to environmental gradients may reveal more general patterns applicable across geographic regions. In this study, I used functional traits related to the trophic ecology, habitat use, and life-history strategies of fishes to examine the influences of environmental factors on stream fish assemblages. The research was carried out in two large regions: the Río Grijalva basin in southern Mexico and the Brazos and Trinity basins in Central Texas. In both regions, relationships between functional structure of stream fish assemblages and environmental factors at local, landscape, and regional scales were examined. Environmental characteristics at all three scales influenced the functional attributes of assemblages studied here. At the local reach scale, stream size, substrate characteristics, the availability of riffle and pool habitats, and abundance of in-stream cover structures were related to the functional trait composition of fish assemblages in the Río Grijalva Basin and in Central Texas streams. Landscape features most strongly related to functional structure in both regions were the extent of forested area in the watershed and the amount of land developed for urban and agricultural uses. At the regional scale, broad physiographic differences between ecoregions had a large influence on the taxonomic and functional composition of stream fish assemblages in Central Texas. Along the broad-scale longitudinal fluvial gradient of the Grijalva region, pronounced changes in the species composition, functional trait diversity, and trophic structure of fish assemblages were observed.

Habitat structure, degradation and management effects on coral reef fish communities

Yahya, Saleh A.S. January 2011 (has links)
Coral reefs are among the most diverse and productive ecosystems on earth, and are critical to the survival of tropical marine ecosystems and sustenance of local human populations. However, coral reefs are quite vulnerable to disturbances, both natural and anthropogenic. This thesis looks at how coral reef communities have responded to climactic disturbances, particularly the 1997-98 El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and subsequent coral bleaching and mortality that affected much of the Indian Ocean, including the coastal waters of Tanzania, where the study was conducted. In particular, it investigates the effects of coral bleaching, habitat degradation and reef spatial arrangement on reef fish assemblages. Habitat structural complexity and spatial arrangement of reefs had an effect on reef fish communities. Fish communities showed patterns in distribution among habitats and between patch and continuous reefs. Fishes preferred live to bleached/dead or eroded coral, but trophic groups reacted differently to patch and continuous reefs. There were slight changes in fish abundance and significant changes in fish diversity on experimental, bleached branching Acropora coral plots over a period of one year. While fish abundance on one site increased shortly after a bleaching event, 6 years later fish abundance had decreased significantly. Conversely, coral reef communities in northern Tanzania had changed little over an 8-year period, with minor changes associated with the 1997-98 ENSO and the presence or absence of fisheries management. The coral reefs in the region were found to show high variability in community structure and responses of associated fish and invertebrate communities. The findings of this thesis indicate the importance of habitat structure and spatial arrangement of reefs, the detrimental effects of coral bleaching, and the possibility that some reefs and some (generalist) reef fish taxa may exhibit resilience to climate change. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.

As assembléias de peixes da represa de Jurumirim (alto rio Paranapanema, SP) : status atual e mudanças históricas /

Kurchevski, Gregório. January 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Edmir Daniel Carvalho / Coorientador: Ana Paula Vidotto-Magnoni / Banca: Ângelo Antonio Agostinho / Banca: Sandro Brito / Resumo: Diversos fatores são responsáveis pela estruturação das assembléias de peixes em ecossistemas aquáticos artificiais. As relações entre o ambiente e os padrões de abundância e composição são provenientes das escalas temporais e espaciais avaliadas. Nesse sentido, as construções de reservatórios modificam o ambiente de tal forma que ocorre uma reorganização das assembleias de peixes. Com esse enfoque, o presente estudo objetivou caracterizar a distribuição espaço-temporal da fauna de peixes do reservatório de Jurumirim, avaliar o status de conservação e as interferências da represa nos atributos dessas assembleias. Três compartimentos do reservatório foram amostrados (lótico, transição e lêntico), além de duas lagoas na região de desembocadura do rio Paranapanema na represa. Foram registrados 52 táxons, sendo 14 deles considerados novos registros para a área de influência do reservatório. Desses novos registros, quatro espécies são de origem não nativa (alóctone): Triphorteus nematurus, Hyphessobrycon eques, Metynnis maculatus, e Cichla monoculus e uma exótica: Tilapia rendalli. As análises dos atributos ecológicos demonstraram, mesmo que incipiente, existe influência das condições impostas pelo barramento nas estruturas das assembléias. Dos atributos analisado, apenas o comprimento padrão médios e riqueza de espécies apresentaram diferenças estatísticas entre os trechos e os meses estudados. O padrão de distribuição longitudinal de riqueza específica parece ser atribuído às características peculiares desse sistema: baixa frequência de espécies introduzidas, presença de importantes tributários e condição trófica. O reservatório de Jurumirim apresenta filtros ecológicos que promovem certa resistência à invasões biológicas. Ainda, pela idade... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Many factors are responsable for the structure of fish assemblages in artificial aquatic ecosystems. The relation between the environment and the patterns of abundance and composition come from temporal and spatial scales evaluated. Therefore, the constructions of reservoirs modify the environment leading to a reorganization of fish communities. The present study aimed to characterize the spatial-temporal distribution of fish fauna in Jurumirim Reservoir, determining the interferences of the dam in the fish community attributes, as well as evaluating the conservation status of fish assemblages in this artificial system. Three compartments of the reservoir were sampled (lotic, transition, lentic), as well as two lagoons in the mouth zone of Paranapanema River into the reservoir. 52 taxons were found, 14 of which considered new records. Of the new records, 4 species are alloctone species: Triphorteus nematurus, Hyphessobrycon eques, Metynnis maculatus and Cichla monoculus. The analysis of ecological attributes showed low influence of the conditions imposed by the dam in the fish assemblages. Only the average standard length and the species richness presented statistical differences between stretches and months. The pattern of longitudinal distribution of specific richness seems to happen due to the peculiar characteristics of that system: low frequency of introduced species, presence of the important tributaries and trophic condition. Jurumirim Reservoir presents ecological filters that promote some resistance to the progress of operational aspects of the invasions. Furthermore, because of reservoir's age... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

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