Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mixed""
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Fixed points of single-valued and multi-valued mappings with applicationsStofile, Simfumene January 2013 (has links)
The relationship between the convergence of a sequence of self mappings of a metric space and their fixed points, known as the stability (or continuity) of fixed points has been of continuing interest and widely studied in fixed point theory. In this thesis we study the stability of common fixed points in a Hausdorff uniform space whose uniformity is generated by a family of pseudometrics, by using some general notations of convergence. These results are then extended to 2-metric spaces due to S. Gähler. In addition, a well-known theorem of T. Suzuki that generalized the Banach Contraction Principle is also extended to 2-metric spaces and applied to obtain a coincidence theorem for a pair of mappings on an arbitrary set with values in a 2-metric space. Further, we prove the existence of coincidence and fixed points of Ćirić type weakly generalized contractions in metric spaces. Subsequently, the above result is utilized to discuss applications to the convergence of modified Mann and Ishikawa iterations in a convex metric space. Finally, we obtain coincidence, fixed and stationary point results for multi-valued and hybrid pairs of mappings on a metric space.
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The analysis of enumerative source codes and their use in Burrows‑Wheeler compression algorithmsMcDonald, Andre Martin 10 September 2010 (has links)
In the late 20th century the reliable and efficient transmission, reception and storage of information proved to be central to the most successful economies all over the world. The Internet, once a classified project accessible to a selected few, is now part of the everyday lives of a large part of the human population, and as such the efficient storage of information is an important part of the information economy. The improvement of the information storage density of optical and electronic media has been remarkable, but the elimination of redundancy in stored data and the reliable reconstruction of the original data is still a desired goal. The field of source coding is concerned with the compression of redundant data and its reliable decompression. The arithmetic source code, which was independently proposed by J. J. Rissanen and R. Pasco in 1976, revolutionized the field of source coding. Compression algorithms that use an arithmetic code to encode redundant data are typically more effective and computationally more efficient than compression algorithms that use earlier source codes such as extended Huffman codes. The arithmetic source code is also more flexible than earlier source codes, and is frequently used in adaptive compression algorithms. The arithmetic code remains the source code of choice, despite having been introduced more than 30 years ago. The problem of effectively encoding data from sources with known statistics (i.e. where the probability distribution of the source data is known) was solved with the introduction of the arithmetic code. The probability distribution of practical data is seldomly available to the source encoder, however. The source coding of data from sources with unknown statistics is a more challenging problem, and remains an active research topic. Enumerative source codes were introduced by T. J. Lynch and L. D. Davisson in the 1960s. These lossless source codes have the remarkable property that they may be used to effectively encode source sequences from certain sources without requiring any prior knowledge of the source statistics. One drawback of these source codes is the computationally complex nature of their implementations. Several years after the introduction of enumerative source codes, J. G. Cleary and I. H. Witten proved that approximate enumerative source codes may be realized by using an arithmetic code. Approximate enumerative source codes are significantly less complex than the original enumerative source codes, but are less effective than the original codes. Researchers have become more interested in arithmetic source codes than enumerative source codes since the publication of the work by Cleary and Witten. This thesis concerns the original enumerative source codes and their use in Burrows–Wheeler compression algorithms. A novel implementation of the original enumerative source code is proposed. This implementation has a significantly lower computational complexity than the direct implementation of the original enumerative source code. Several novel enumerative source codes are introduced in this thesis. These codes include optimal fixed–to–fixed length source codes with manageable computational complexity. A generalization of the original enumerative source code, which includes more complex data sources, is proposed in this thesis. The generalized source code uses the Burrows–Wheeler transform, which is a low–complexity algorithm for converting the redundancy of sequences from complex data sources to a more accessible form. The generalized source code effectively encodes the transformed sequences using the original enumerative source code. It is demonstrated and proved mathematically that this source code is universal (i.e. the code has an asymptotic normalized average redundancy of zero bits). AFRIKAANS : Die betroubare en doeltreffende versending, ontvangs en berging van inligting vorm teen die einde van die twintigste eeu die kern van die mees suksesvolle ekonomie¨e in die wˆereld. Die Internet, eens op ’n tyd ’n geheime projek en toeganklik vir slegs ’n klein groep verbruikers, is vandag deel van die alledaagse lewe van ’n groot persentasie van die mensdom, en derhalwe is die doeltreffende berging van inligting ’n belangrike deel van die inligtingsekonomie. Die verbetering van die bergingsdigteid van optiese en elektroniese media is merkwaardig, maar die uitwissing van oortolligheid in gebergde data, asook die betroubare herwinning van oorspronklike data, bly ’n doel om na te streef. Bronkodering is gemoeid met die kompressie van oortollige data, asook die betroubare dekompressie van die data. Die rekenkundige bronkode, wat onafhanklik voorgestel is deur J. J. Rissanen en R. Pasco in 1976, het ’n revolusie veroorsaak in die bronkoderingsveld. Kompressiealgoritmes wat rekenkundige bronkodes gebruik vir die kodering van oortollige data is tipies meer doeltreffend en rekenkundig meer effektief as kompressiealgoritmes wat vroe¨ere bronkodes, soos verlengde Huffman kodes, gebruik. Rekenkundige bronkodes, wat gereeld in aanpasbare kompressiealgoritmes gebruik word, is ook meer buigbaar as vroe¨ere bronkodes. Die rekenkundige bronkode bly na 30 jaar steeds die bronkode van eerste keuse. Die probleem om data wat afkomstig is van bronne met bekende statistieke (d.w.s. waar die waarskynlikheidsverspreiding van die brondata bekend is) doeltreffend te enkodeer is opgelos deur die instelling van rekenkundige bronkodes. Die bronenkodeerder het egter selde toegang tot die waarskynlikheidsverspreiding van praktiese data. Die bronkodering van data wat afkomstig is van bronne met onbekende statistieke is ’n groter uitdaging, en bly steeds ’n aktiewe navorsingsveld. T. J. Lynch and L. D. Davisson het tel–bronkodes in die 1960s voorgestel. Tel– bronkodes het die merkwaardige eienskap dat bronsekwensies van sekere bronne effektief met hierdie foutlose kodes ge¨enkodeer kan word, sonder dat die bronenkodeerder enige vooraf kennis omtrent die statistieke van die bron hoef te besit. Een nadeel van tel–bronkodes is die ho¨e rekenkompleksiteit van hul implementasies. J. G. Cleary en I. H. Witten het verskeie jare na die instelling van tel–bronkodes bewys dat benaderde tel–bronkodes gerealiseer kan word deur die gebruik van rekenkundige bronkodes. Benaderde tel–bronkodes het ’n laer rekenkompleksiteit as tel–bronkodes, maar benaderde tel–bronkodes is minder doeltreffend as die oorspronklike tel–bronkodes. Navorsers het sedert die werk van Cleary en Witten meer belangstelling getoon in rekenkundige bronkodes as tel–bronkodes. Hierdie tesis is gemoeid met die oorspronklike tel–bronkodes en die gebruik daarvan in Burrows–Wheeler kompressiealgoritmes. ’n Nuwe implementasie van die oorspronklike tel–bronkode word voorgestel. Die voorgestelde implementasie het ’n beduidende laer rekenkompleksiteit as die direkte implementasie van die oorspronklike tel–bronkode. Verskeie nuwe tel–bronkodes, insluitende optimale vaste–tot–vaste lengte tel–bronkodes met beheerbare rekenkompleksiteit, word voorgestel. ’n Veralgemening van die oorspronklike tel–bronkode, wat meer komplekse databronne insluit as die oorspronklike tel–bronkode, word voorgestel in hierdie tesis. The veralgemeende tel–bronkode maak gebruik van die Burrows–Wheeler omskakeling. Die Burrows–Wheeler omskakeling is ’n lae–kompleksiteit algoritme wat die oortolligheid van bronsekwensies wat afkomstig is van komplekse databronne omskakel na ’n meer toeganklike vorm. Die veralgemeende bronkode enkodeer die omgeskakelde sekwensies effektief deur die oorspronklike tel–bronkode te gebruik. Die universele aard van hierdie bronkode word gedemonstreer en wiskundig bewys (d.w.s. dit word bewys dat die kode ’n asimptotiese genormaliseerde gemiddelde oortolligheid van nul bisse het). Copyright / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted
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Sveriges väg till att försöka förhindra missbruk av visstidsanställningar : Ur ett europarättsligt perspektivGustafsson, Jessica January 2017 (has links)
This essay aims to study the new regulation of the Swedish legislation regarding fixed-term work with a comparison to the EU directive 99/70/EC[1]. The essay also aims to study if the new legislation makes any difference for the individuals that has a fixed-term employment. The EU directive 99/70/EC is the legislation which shows how the member states in the EU are supposed to prevent employers from abusing frequent temporary employment and aims to protect the employees. Previously, an employer in Sweden could use the fixed-term contracts for temporary employments and just keep on giving the employee a temporary position in a spiral. In this way, the employer could avoid to give an employee a permanent employment and this makes for an unsafe future for the affected individual. In may 2016 Sweden, after criticism from the EU-commission, changed the Swedish legislation and aimed to stop the abusing of fixed-term contracts. Sweden wanted to try to keep the balance between the employer’s flexibility and the employee’s safety and this essay aims to investigate to what extent the change fulfills the purpose. [1] Council Directive 1999/70/EC of 28 June 1999 concerning the framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by ETUC, UNICE and CEEP. Later know as the EU directive 99/70/EC.
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Non-renewal of a fixed-term employment contractTimothy, Lester Clement January 2006 (has links)
In terms of the common law contract of employment an employee who is a party to a fixed term contract, unlike an indefinite period contract, cannot be dismissed. The contract terminates upon an agreed or ascertainable date determined by the parties and the conclusion of the contract. Section 186(1)(b) of the Labour Relations Act 1995, however, defines the failure to renew a fixed term contract on the same or similar terms where the employee reasonably expected the contract to be renewed, as a dismissal. In this treatise the scope and content of this provision is considered with reference to relevant case law. The factors and considerations that establish a reasonable expectation are highlighted and considered. The question as to whether or not this provision also provides for the situation where an employee expects indefinite employment is also considered and critically discussed. The author concludes that the provision should not be interpreted in such a manner that an expectation of permanent employment is created.
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Specifika evidence dlouhodobého majetku v konkrétních podmínkách příspěvkové organizace / Fixed Assets Accounting in Semi-budgetary OrganizationsStraka, Michal January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis handles with specialities in accounting of fiwed assets in semi-budgetary organizations. Furthermore it is focused on possibilities of financing by short-term bank loans.
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Plánování a analýza velkých projektů za pevnou cenu / Large fixed price projects planning and analysisKrál, Miroslav January 2009 (has links)
A large number of different methods in the field of estimation of IS/IT projects have been developed in past years. Those methods should be used with regard to several factors. The choice and the application of an estimation method should take into consideration the current phase of each project and the wide variety of external factors, whose composition and intensity are very diverse and individual. The accuracy of the estimation considerably influences the success of the whole project. Therefore it is crucial to pay special attention to the mentioned phenomenon. The aim of this diploma thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of the issue of the estimation of large projects for fixed price. The objective is particularly fulfilled by the provided overview and definitions of the chosen methods, the list of the most common mistakes and the interpretation of the results of an analysis concerning the portfolio of projects that were realised in an international company. The expected outcome of the diploma thesis is represented by the definition of the procedurally correct and comprehensive description of the creation of the price for a project with the fixed extent of work, which can be guaranteed with a reasonable rate of risk by a supplier. Another outcome of the thesis is the interpreted outputs of the analysis concerning the portfolio of projects realised by the international supplier of IS/IT products and services, which can be exploited for more effective estimations and project portfolio management.
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Vícekriteriální hodnocení variant financování nemovitosti získané z výběrového řízení / Multicriterial variants evaluation of financing the property obtained from the tenderSosnovcová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The most important aspect in the financial decsion making in buying the property is the financing method, price of the property and how much you need to borrow. The goal of this thesis is to show to the reader at least a basics theories of entering and process of the public procurement and formulate complex process from the assign of procurement through the realization to methods of financing. The goal is the utilization of the methods of multicriterial variants evaluation when evaluating particular products, financing options for the specific property won in the public procurement and researching suitability of individual multicriterial methods. The goal is theoretical description and practical analysis of fundamental mortgage loans with fixed rate and also description of today's mortgage market. The core of this thesis is the chapter with results of the multicriterial optimalization used to the organization and evaluation of individual variants for selected type of loan. In the onclusion is chosen generally the best product.
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Nemovitosti z pohledu účetnictví, daní a financování / Real estate business from the point of view of accountancy, tax and financingŽďánská, Petra January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the real estate business from the point of view of accountancy, tax and financing. The topic is elaborated in accordance with the current Czech legislation. This thesis addresses several issues inthe real estate business - from acquisition, through regular operation to its discarding. The dissertation also puts emphasis on the decision-making process when it comes to investing into real estate and the possibilities of its financing. Theoretical findings are applied in the practical part of this work with the utilization of own experience in a specific company.
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Účetní a daňová specifika dlouhodobého hmotného majetku / Accounting and tax specifics of tangible fixed assetsKačírková, Adéla January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on tangible fixed assets, not only from the perspective of Czech accounting and tax standards but also International financial reporting standards. Definition of tangible fixed assets is the first chapter of the thesis followed by definition of valuation and depreciation. The difference between accounting depreciation and tax depreciation creates deffered tax which makes it next notion specified in the thesis. The last part of the thesis is model case with calculation of accounting depreciation, tax depreciation and deffered tax using specific accounting methods.
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Analýza investičnej náročnosti vybraných odvetví českého hospodárstva / Capital intensity of the selected economic activities in the Czech RepublicLoy, Dalibor January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the long-term relationship between the value of the fixed assets and the output of the selected economic activities for the period of the years 1995 and 2009. All economic activities except the industrial ones were selected for the analysis. The thesis contains also evaluation of the assumption of the parametric and Gordon formula for the calculation of the residual value. The output of the thesis is the recommendation of the estimating the investments and alternative practice for the calculation of the residual value. The thesis is also focused on evaluation of the sensitivity of the selected economic activities on the economic conjuncture taking into consideration that economic growth is considered as decisive when planning the future growth rate g of businesses and economic activities.
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