Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mixed""
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Det flexibla anställningsskyddet : Om hur kollektivavtal reglerar visstidsanställningar i olika branscherEkelund, Emma January 2019 (has links)
This essay is about flexibility in relation to employment protection through a gender perspective. It handles the regulations of fixed term employments and how they are regulated in collective agreements in different sectors. The sectors studied are chosen by statistics on male- and female dominated sectors to apply a gender perspective. 90 percent of Swedish workers are covered by collective agreements and many of the studied agreements differ markedly from both the regulation in the Swedish law and from each other. The study shows that depending on which sector you are working in your employment protection will differ. Especially in female dominated sectors the regulations of fixed term employments are even more flexible than the law and the regulations in male dominated sectors. According to the gender structure of the labor market, women have lower status, which could be an explanation to why the regulations tend to be less favorable for women. The result of the study shows that collective agreements in female dominated sectors tend to have regulations according to the Swedish law or less favorable than the law. The male dominated sectors on the other hand tend to have collective agreements that are stricter regulated than the law when it comes to the area of fixed term employments. By that said the regulations of fixed term employments seem through a gender perspective be better for men than for women.
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So, You Want to Do a Piece with Electronics? A Layperson’s Guide to Works for Wind Band and ElectronicsJanuary 2020 (has links)
abstract: The number of compositions that use electronics alongside the wind ensemble has gradually increased in the 21st century, yet these compositions are infrequently programmed past their premieres. Explanations include lack of access to necessary resources, unfamiliarity with the repertoire, and inexperience with the technology they require. While there are other barriers to performance, this document focuses on familiarizing the repertoire and providing foundational knowledge necessary to overcome inexperience.
As the number of technology-native composers, audience members, and performers continues to increase, electronics in the ensemble are likely to become more standard. Without knowledge of the technology electronics require, these works will remain inaccessible. Composers attempt to bridge the technological knowledge gap by providing technical instructions for individual pieces, but this does not help people recognize the broader concepts that make all of these works more accessible. This document guides ensemble directors and performers to an understanding of these base concepts by developing a grading system for technology difficulty, assessing pedagogical and performance issues, and providing an annotated list of works currently available for electronics and winds. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Music 2020
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A population approach to systems of Izhikevich neurons: can neuron interaction cause bursting?Xie, Rongzheng 29 April 2020 (has links)
In 2007, Modolo and colleagues derived a population density equation for a population
of Izhekevich neurons. This population density equation can describe oscillations in
the brain that occur in Parkinson’s disease. Numerical simulations of the population
density equation showed bursting behaviour even though the individual neurons had
parameters that put them in the tonic firing regime. The bursting comes from neuron
interactions but the mechanism producing this behaviour was not clear. In this thesis
we study numerical behaviour of the population density equation and then use a
combination of analysis and numerical simulation to analyze the basic qualitative
behaviour of the population model by means of a simplifying assumption: that the
initial density is a Dirac function and all neurons are identical, including the number
of inputs they receive, so they remain as a point mass over time. This leads to a new
ODE model for the population. For the new ODE system, we define a Poincaré map
and then to describe and analyze it under conditions on model parameters that are
met by the typical values adopted by Modolo and colleagues. We show that there is a
unique fixed point for this map and that under changes in a bifurcation parameter, the
system transitions from fast tonic firing, through an interval where bursting occurs,
the number of spikes decreasing as the bifurcation parameter increases, and finally to
slow tonic firing. / Graduate
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Using fixed-term contracts of employment subsequent to the introduction of section 198 in the labour relations act 66 of 1995: A study of the technical and vocational education and training sector in South Africa.Mathe, Muziwakhe January 2020 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / This study is encouraged by the fact that the field of labour law has drastically changed after enactment of
amendments in various labour legislation such as Employment Equity Act, Basic Conditions of Employment
Act and Labour Relations Act during 2013 and 2014. These changes have compelled employers to review
their policies in line with the amendments of these Acts. This study will however focus on the impact of the
newly introduced section 198 to the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995. The study will specifically focus on the
continued use of fixed-term contracts of employment within the Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) Sector of South Africa.
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Pracovní poměr na dobu určitou / Fixed-term employmentMarejka, František January 2020 (has links)
Fixed-term employment Abstract The topic of this master thesis is, as its name indicates, legislation of fixed-term employment in the Czech Labour Code. This thesis further develops and in some parts modifies my student work named "Reflection on fixed-term employment not only in perspective of conflict of opinions between the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court". This topic became relevant again with the ongoing judicial dispute between the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court, as neither of the courts decided to withdraw of its way of interpretation of section 39 subsection 5 of the Czech Labour Code. The aim of this thesis is to briefly introduce the current legislation and its historical sources, analyse it critically and propose a regulation de lege ferenda. The thesis is divided into five chapters, while subchapters 2., 3. and 4. are further divided into thematically different subchapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the current legislation in the Czech Labour Code. The second chapter contains a summary of the history of fixed-term employment and the position of labour law within the legal system in general with the purpose of presenting historical background. The third chapter focuses on an analysis of the institute of fixed-term employment in terms of elements of...
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Sociologins ställning i las-utredningen -Sociologisk forskning om visstidsanställningar och en kritisk granskning av utredningen En moderniserad arbetsrättHenningsson, Erik, Pettersson, Philip January 2020 (has links)
Since the employment protection legislation inquiry En modern arbetsrätt was published, thedebate on employment protection has gained momentum. The inquiry has had to resistcriticism, among other things for not strengthening the balance between employers andemployees. A general review of the research used in the inquiry shows that sociologicalresearch has been used to a relatively small extent, in favor of research of a more economicnature. This entails a risk that valuable sociological aspects linked to employment may havebeen overlooked or underestimated. With the study, we intend to highlight the sociologicalaspect of the issue of temporary employment and employment protection to broaden thediscussion. In our study, we examine the research that the inquiry is based on regarding thesociological part of temporary employment and compare it with a literature review weproduce about temporary employment. This study shows that the sociological aspect of theEPL inquiry is underemphasized and that there are other studies that highlight valuablesociological points that are not included in the inquiry. In the comparison between theinquiry's research and our literature review, it is in particular the employee perspective andthe connection between temporary employment and health that differ where our sourceshighlight these aspects in a significantly clearer way. / Sedan utredningen En modern arbetsrätt publicerades har debatten om anställningsskydd tagit fart. Utredningen har fått motstå kritik, bland annat för att inte stärka balansen mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare. En översiktlig genomgång av den forskning som använts i utredningen visar att sociologisk forskning använts i relativt liten utsträckning, till förmån för forskning av mer ekonomisk karaktär, såsom nationalekonomisk forskning. Detta innebär en risk för att värdefulla sociologiska aspekter kopplat till anställningar kan ha förbisetts eller underskattats. Med studien avser vi att lyfta den sociologiska aspekten i frågan om visstidsanställningar och anställningsskydd för att bredda diskussionen. I vår studie undersöker vi forskningen som utredningen utgått från gällande den sociologiska delen om visstidsanställningar och jämför med en litteraturöversikt vi tar fram. Denna studie visar att den sociologiska aspekten i las-utredningen är underbetonad och att det finns andra studier som lyfter värdefulla sociologiska poänger som inte finns med i utredningen. I jämförelsen mellan utredningens forskning och vår litteraturöversikt är det i synnerhet arbetstagarperspektivet och kopplingen mellan visstidsanställningar och hälsa som skiljer sig där våra källor lyfter dessa aspekter på ett klart tydligare sätt.
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Adapting to Democracy: Voter Turnout Among Immigrants from Authoritarian RegimesHaugen, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Voting in an election is the most basic and fundamental form of political participation in a democracy. Citizens are given the opportunity to elect legislators that take political decisions on their behalf. As immigration is increasing globally, many immigrants find themselves with this opportunity for the very first time immigrating from authoritarian regimes. Are immigrants from authoritarian regime able to adapt to their new political setting, or is there an observable difference in voter turnout based on the regime-type of the immigrant’s native country? There exist three branches of theories within the theoretical framework of political resocializa-tion: the theory of exposure, the theory of transferability and the theory of resistance. Previous research on the adaptability of immigrants from authoritarian regimes is often single case stud-ies that only analyse one of the three branches or analyse different forms of political participa-tion and have produced somewhat contradicting results. With empirical evidence remaining the relationship between voter turnout and regime-type is yet to be fully comprehended. By using data from the European Value Survey, this study tests all three theories of political resocializa-tion in 34 countries, to further generate insight into this matter. The results show that immigrants from authoritarian regimes are not less likely to vote in the national election of their new host country. The amount of exposure to the new host country, or whether the immigrant spent his “formative years” in the authoritarian regime are not statisti-cally significant to voting. Age, marital status, education and income are shown to be more statistically significant predictors to voter turnout, compared to regime-type.
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Developing fixed-point photography methodologies for assessing post-fire mountain fynbos vegetation succession as a tool for biodiversity managementAlkalei, Osama January 2020 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Biodiversity and Conservation Biology) - MSc (Biodiv and Cons Biol) / Areas of high biodiversity and complex species assemblages are often difficult to manage and to set up meaningful monitoring and evaluations programmes. Mountain Fynbos is such an ecosystem and in the Cape of Good Hope (part of the Table Mountain National Park) plant biodiversity over the last five decades has been in decline. The reasons are difficult to speculate since large herbivores, altered fire regimes and even climate change could be contributors to this decline which has been quantified using fixed quadrats and standard cover-abundance estimates based on a Braun-Blanquet methodology. To provide more detailed data that has more resolution in terms of identifying ecological processes, Fixed-Point Repeat Photography has been presented as a management “solution”. However, photography remains a difficult method to standardize subjects and has certain operational limitations.
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Effect of Catalyst Preparation Conditions on the Performance of Eggshell Cobalt/SiO<sub>2</sub> Catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch SynthesisGardezi, Syed Ali Z. H 28 June 2010 (has links)
A highly selective eggshell Fischer-Tropsch catalyst has been fabricated via interaction of hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules on thermally treated silica gel. The physical interactions of the mesoporous silica support and the effect of catalyst preparation conditions on the performance of the cobalt/SiO2 were explored. It was found that dispersion and performance of the FT cobalt/SiO2 catalyst were significantly affected by the preparation technique used. In this study we focus on two key variables: the solvent used during the precursor loading and the calcination atmosphere. Silanol groups on the silica surface and near-surface regions can alter morphology and dispersion of the supported active metals. Solvents used for precursor such as water or alcohol attach to these silanol sites in specific configurations and compete with metal salts during ion exchange and adsorption. By fine tuning the solvent attachments on heat treated silica we have fabricated a cobalt/silica catalyst with high dispersion and low metal loads. Additionally, since silica has affinity for both polar and non-polar molecule depending on the surface conditions; this property has been exploited in preparing an engineered eggshell profile. This together with simultaneous calcination/ reduction in a dynamic hydrogen environment has been shown to further enhance dispersion and reducibility. Characterization techniques including BET, XPS, XRD, H-chemisorption and FTIR were employed. Catalyst activity, product selectivity, distribution and conversion were studied using a bench scale fixed bed reactor fitted with a GC/MS instrument.
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A multiobjective optimization model for optimal placement of solar collectorsEssien, Mmekutmfon Sunday 21 June 2013 (has links)
The aim and objective of this research is to formulate and solve a multi-objective optimization problem
for the optimal placement of multiple rows and multiple columns of fixed flat-plate solar collectors
in a field. This is to maximize energy collected from the solar collectors and minimize the
investment in terms of the field and collector cost. The resulting multi-objective optimization problem
will be solved using genetic algorithm techniques.
It is necessary to consider multiple columns of collectors as this can result in obtaining higher amounts
of energy from these collectors when costs and maintenance or replacement of damaged parts are
concerned. The formulation of such a problem is dependent on several factors, which include shading
of collectors, inclination of collectors, distance between the collectors, latitude of location and the
global solar radiation (direct beam and diffuse components). This leads to a multi-objective optimization
problem. These kind of problems arise often in nature and can be difficult to solve. However
the use of evolutionary algorithm techniques has proven effective in solving these kind of problems.
Optimizing the distance between the collector rows, the distance between the collector columns and
the collector inclination angle, can increase the amount of energy collected from a field of solar collectors
thereby maximizing profit and improving return on investment.
In this research, the multi-objective optimization problem is solved using two optimization approaches
based on genetic algorithms. The first approach is the weighted sum approach where the
multi-objective problem is simplified into a single objective optimization problem while the second
approach is finding the Pareto front. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / MEng / Unrestricted
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